Article Rajaram
Article Rajaram
Article Rajaram
4 authors, including:
Rajaram Subbiah
St.Joseph University Dimapur Nagaland
All content following this page was uploaded by Rajaram Subbiah on 10 December 2023.
Micro insurance is one of the innovative products for rural people because it covers
the risk. Rural population has to face many risks and hardships. Therefore, there is a need
of understanding the significance and impact of micro insurance towards empowering
rural population in the study area. In this regard, the presented studies discuss the trend
and progress of the micro insurance in south zone, with respect to Jeevan Madhur, Jeevan
Mangal and Bhakaya Lakshmi of Life Insurance Corporation of India.
Keywords: Micro Insurance, Trend and progress, South zone, Poor people, Public and private micro
insurance policy holders. Stratified random analysed with the advanced and appropriate
sampling techniques were applied to select the statistical tools.
sample respondents. Collected data were
Result and Discussion
Table -1: Mean differences in selected variables between private and public sector companies
Std. Std. Error
company N Mean
Deviation Mean
private 5 897.3840 111.60352 49.91061
Individual Live Insurance premium (in lakhs)
public 5 11295.3240 2448.50555 1095.00497
private 5 749889.00 161909.059 72407.933
Number of policy holders(in lakhs)
public 5 3061843.60 1015345.680 454076.392
Individual Policy Holders Death claim paid (in private 5 1038.6940 1430.72088 639.83783
lakhs) public 5 3470.9240 4819.15139 2155.19002
private 5 93.40 69.716 31.178
Number of schemes
public 5 5342.80 112.768 50.432
Number of individual Policy holders' live private 5 1335685.20 594005.340 265647.264
Insurance covered public 5 12555583.00 2049984.154 916780.784
private 5 1251.80 491.620 219.859
Number of Micro insurance Agents
public 5 12561.00 4241.648 1896.923
Group policy holders' Death Insurance Claim private 5 1533.2820 1434.60689 641.57571
Paid (in lakhs) public 5 51644.7620 49700.32889 22226.66278
Number of Group Policy Holders live private 5 3388.80 1868.558 835.645
Insurance Covered public 5 78928.60 48606.604 21737.534
Group Live insurance premium Covered(in private 5 1338.8600 388.07418 173.55205
lakhs) public 5 16026.4460 5639.33480 2521.98719
private 5 95.3660 32.25110 14.42313
Number of New Policies Issued(in lakhs)
public 5 365.8920 16.14474 7.22015
private 5 1200.80 884.659 395.631
Number of Corporate Agents
public 5 280.20 138.938 62.135
private 5 1152726.20 222617.563 99557.601
Number of Individual Agents
public 5 1277400.80 95955.662 42912.677
private 5 81491.5640 4557.26543 2038.07106
Group Life Insurance Premium(in Crore)
public 5 207637.1740 18471.99339 8260.92658
private 5 7521.40 1044.442 467.088
State wise Distribution of Life Insurers
public 5 3688.20 651.473 291.347
Number of
Policy holders' .971 11.50 .000 .001 .001 .971 .971 .971 1.000 1.000
live Insurance
a.Dependent Variable: Individual Life Insurance Premium (in lakhs),Coefficientsa
In order to study the effects of micro (progress) in the individual life insurance
insurance, a regression model has been premium (see table-5).
applied. The analysis shows that from among Table-6: Model Summary-Group LI Premium
the 10 variables entered in to the model, only Std. Error
R Adjusted R
one variable is found to be having statistically Model R of the
Square Square
significant effect on the dependent variable. Estimate
The remaining 9 variables are removed due to 2 .989a .979 .973 11196.93
a. Predictors: : (Constant), Number of Micro
multi-collinearity problem from the model.
insurance Agents, Number of individual Policy
According to this study, individual life holders' live Insurance covered
insurance premium (company premium) is Table-6 shows that 97.3% of the
highly dictated by number of individual policy dependent variable(group life insurance
holders’ life insurance coverage. This study premium) is explained by two independent
indicates that there is positive and statistically variables, namely number of micro insurance
significant association between premium and agents and number of individual policy
number of individual life insurance coverage holders’ life insurance coverage. Besides,
since the P-value=0.000 is less than ∂=0.05. table-7 indicates that the goodness of fit of the
Besides, the study shows that a unit increase in model is statistically significant at P-value of
the number of individual life insurance 0.000.
coverage results in 97.1 per cent rise
Table-7: Analysis of Variance (ANOVAa)-Group LI Premium
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 40352121379.79 2 20176060689.89 160.93 .000b
2 Residual 877598758.61 7 125371251.23
Total 41229720138.40 9
a. Dependent Variable: Group Life Insurance Premium(in Crore)
b. Predictors: (Constant), Number of Micro insurance Agents, Number of individual Policy holders'
live Insurance covered
increase in group life insurance premium by over the period of 2009/10 through 2012/13
56.9 per cent. On the other hand, a unit and raised at a faster rate after 2012/13 till
increase in number of individual policy 2013/14(see fig.9). However, the average
holders’ life insurance coverage increases number of policy issued has eventually
group life insurance premium by 46.1 per cent. declined all over the five years period (see
In general, the study shows that that the fig.10). On top of that, the average number of
progress of micro insurance is dependent on individual agents has declined at slower rate
premium paid by groups and individuals which over the last five years periods (see fig. 11).
in turn is highly dictated by the However, the analysis shows that the average
aforementioned two explanatory variables. number of corporate agents has drastically
The average individual policy holders’ declined over the subsequent five years (see
life insurance premium is declining over time fig.12).
for both public and privates insurance Conclusion
companies (See fig.1). Moreover, figure-2 The micro insurance scheme is helpful to rural
shows that the average group policy holders’ poor people and unorganized sectors labours
life insurance premium is drastically declining so Indian government takes incentive for these
from 12,100.91lahks in the year 2009/10 to micro insurance schemes to promote for
rupees of 5,490.15lakhs in 2011/12. It development of our nation.
eventually increased to 10,901.33 lakhs from
year 2011/12 to 2012/13. Finally it declined
again to 7088.34lakhs from year 2012/13 to
2013/14. The average number of policy
holders has increased to 2,518,070 lakhs from
1,491,977 between the period of 2009/10 and
2012and13. Then this figure has drastically
fallen down to 1,383,580 lakhs from 2012/13
to 2013/14(see fig.3). The present study also
shows that the average individual policy
holders’ death claim payment has slightly
increased from 412.74 lakhs to 1,140.85 lakhs
in the period 2009/10 and 2012/13. However,
it has drastically raised to 7,815.50 lakhs with
in the period of 2012/13 to 2013/14 (see fig.4).
The analysis so far made also highlights that
the average state wise distribution of life
insurers has declined from the period 2009/10
to 2012/13 and then slightly raised between
the period 2012/2013 and 2013/14(see fig.5).
Similar analysis shows that the mean number
of schemes has slightly increased between the
period 2009/10 and 2011/12 and then declined
between the period 2011/12 to 2013/14 (see
The study also shows that the average
number of individual policy holders’ life
insurance coverage has declined from the
period 2009/10 to 2011/12, then it has
increased between 2011/12 and 2012/13 and
finally came down from 2012/13 to
2013/14(see fig.7).But, the average number of
micro insurance agents has progressively
increasing from 2009/10 through 2013/14 all
over the five years(see fig.8).Similarly, the
study shows that group policy holders’ death
insurance claim payment has slightly increased