November 2011 a special supplement to Buyers Guide CREDIT CRUNCH How to Manage CREDIT Cards, When Holiday Shopping OFFICE ETIQUETTE Dos and Dont's' of Office Gifting SEASON FOR SECURITY Avoid Scams When Holiday Shopping Go Online to view this section!
November 2011 a special supplement to Buyers Guide CREDIT CRUNCH How to Manage CREDIT Cards, When Holiday Shopping OFFICE ETIQUETTE Dos and Dont's' of Office Gifting SEASON FOR SECURITY Avoid Scams When Holiday Shopping Go Online to view this section!
November 2011 a special supplement to Buyers Guide CREDIT CRUNCH How to Manage CREDIT Cards, When Holiday Shopping OFFICE ETIQUETTE Dos and Dont's' of Office Gifting SEASON FOR SECURITY Avoid Scams When Holiday Shopping Go Online to view this section!
November 2011 a special supplement to Buyers Guide CREDIT CRUNCH How to Manage CREDIT Cards, When Holiday Shopping OFFICE ETIQUETTE Dos and Dont's' of Office Gifting SEASON FOR SECURITY Avoid Scams When Holiday Shopping Go Online to view this section!
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November 2011
a special supplement to Buyers Guide
CREDIT CRUNCH How to Manage Credit Cards, When Holiday Shopping OFFICE ETIQUETTE Dos and Donts of Office Gifting SEASON FOR SECURITY Avoid Scams When Holiday Shopping Go Online to view this section! Buyers Guide 2 Gold & Silver Coins Jewelry Large Selection of Gold and Silver Jewelry! Diamonds, Bracelets, Rings, Pendants, Earrings & Necklaces GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE In Any Amount! Come See Us Thursday, Dec. 1st 11am-7pm ONE DAY ONLY! Gold, Silver & Diamond Buyout Bring your Rings, Necklaces, Bracelets, etc. Professional Jeweler On Site 2137 Williamsport Pike Martinsburg, WV 2137 Williamsport Pike Martinsburg, WV 304-262-8500 304-262-8500 Longaberger Baskets In Stock DVDs Over 10,000 Titles In Stock $ 2 ea. (Blu-Ray $6 ea.) Guns New & Used Long Guns and Handguns We Stock Left & Right Hand Leather Holsters Accessories, Ammo, Knives And More With a special selection of unique coins for the Holidays holiday gift guide November 2011 a special supplement to Buyers Guide CREDIT CRUNCH How to Manage Credit Cards, When Holiday Shopping OFFICE ETIQUETTE Dos and Donts of Office Gifting SEASON FOR SECURITY Avoid Scams When Holiday Shopping Go Online to view this section! TABLE OF CONTENTS 04 | Kids and gifts: HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? 05 | Sensible Planning MAKES FOR SMART HOLIDAY SHOPPING 06 | A quick guide to: GIFT-GIVING ETIQUETTE 07 | DOS & DONTS FOR exchanging gifts with coworkers 08 | Credit Crunch MANAGING CREDIT CARDS DURING THE HOLIDAYS 10 | Layaway plans make a comeback 11 | Daily Deals MAKE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS 12 | GIVING ON A TIGHT BUDGET 13 | Its a wrap GREEN ALTERNATIVES FOR GIFT PACKAGING 14 | Shipping Gifts MORE THAN JUST TIMING 15 | Last minute HOLIDAY SHOPPING TIPS 16 | Popularity of conventional shopping malls on the decline 17 | Holiday Shopping MINUS THE CROWDS 18 | Ways to create NEW HOLIDAY TRADITIONS 19 | Six strategies for TRANQUIL HOLIDAY TRAVEL 20 | Tis the season for ONLINE HOLIDAY SCAMS 21 | PROTECT AGAINST MAIL THEFT 22 | Tipping point WHO TO TIP DURING THE HOLIDAYS 24 | GIFT from bad to worst 25 | Survive Holiday Shopping with Kids in Tow 27 | Secure your identity while shopping online Surgeon Generals Warning: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health Prices Subject To Change Without Notice 1-877-847-6653 Kingdom Farm Shopping Center I-81 South, Exit 321 VA HOURS: Mon-Sat 9:30 - 5:30 Sun 10-5 All Popular & Bargain Brands starting at Customer Service Is Our Business! Zippos 10% OFF! Voted # 1 Cigarette Dealer 3 Years in A Row! Odor Eliminating Candles $ 7.99 Closed: Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day New Years Day Closing at 3pm on: Christmas Eve New Years Eve $ 23 99 Discount Cigarettes of Clear Brook Not For Re-Sale! 00 OFF $ 1 #002 Nov. 21-27 ONLY! PER CARTON WARNING: Cigarettes Are Addictive. 3 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Buyers Guide 4 holiday gift guide Kids and gifts: HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? Despite the many messages from all corners promoting a more is better philosophy when it comes to holiday gifts, the truth is far more complex especially for children. While most parents work hard to give their kids everything they need and much of what they want, it is often hard to draw the line, prompting many well intentioned moms and dads to ask, How much is too much? In general, the answer lies within each family. Parents should purchase what makes sense to them and what they believe their children will use and appreciate. However, in recent years, child psychologists and experts in child development have returned to these questions as economic conditions have forced many families to scale back, both throughout the year and during the holiday season. Books such as The Pampered Child Syndrome (Jessica Kingsley, 2006) by Maggie Mamen and Give Me, Get Me, Buy Me (HCI, 2010) by Donna Corwin and several others on the same topic offer similar conclusions: When children are given too much over the course of their childhoods, they can develop a serious case of entitlement, become unappreciative of what they have and begin to equate love with stuff. And for younger children, receiving a huge pile of gifts in one sitting can be both overwhelming and overstimulating. If you have been wondering about these issues, here are some general guidelines for having a fun-filled holiday with just enough stuff. Make a gift plan Before setting out on your first shopping expedition, devise a plan that makes sense for your family. If you have younger children, decide on the number of gifts for each. With older children, you might want to establish a dollar amount rather than a gift amount. Once youve made the plan, stick to it no matter what. Draw names Particularly in bigger families, gift-giving can become a financial and emotional burden if everyone buys for everyone. Drawing names not only reduces those burdens, but often results in more meaningful gifts all around. Opt for a shared experience Consider pooling the money you would have spent on individual gifts and putting it toward a special outing, vacation or shared item for your home. Long after the toys have broken and the electronics have stopped working, your children will cherish their memories of a holiday that focused on sharing time together. Communicate If Grandpa Mike or Aunt Emily has a reputation for heaping on the presents at Christmas or Chanukah, let them know ahead of time that one will do, then offer a suggestion that is sure to please your son or daughter. If they insist that they want to do more, consider asking them to make a donation in your childs name to a charitable organization or to purchase a gift for a local child in need. Collaborate Sometimes one big gift makes a lot more sense. If your child would love a new bike or a trampoline or horseback riding lessons, consider asking extended family members to contribute to that item or to items that go with it, such as a helmet or other gear. TRUCK LOAD MATTRESS SALE! 50%-60% OFF ALL BRANDS Dont Pay High Chain Store Prices! SYMBOL CLASSIC PREMIER PILLOW TOP Twin Set . . . . . . . . . $ 269 95 Full Set . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 319 95 Queen Set . . . . . . . $ 359 95 Twin Set . . . . . . . . . . $ 199 95 Full Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 239 95 Queen Set . . . . . . . . $ 259 95 SYMBOL - DYNASTY 336 Coil 5/5 year warranty 336 Coil 7/7 year warranty GREAT DEALS Compare Our Prices And Quality $ 75
OFF ANY RECLINER EVERY LA-Z-BOY WALLAWAYS or ROCKER RECLINERS with this coupon. Take $75 off our already low, low discounted price on any LA-Z- BOY or BEST CHAIRS in our huge inventory. Expires 12/31/11. $ 100 OFF CATNAPPER POWERLIFT CHAIRS Not valid with any other discounts or coupons. One coupon per purchase. Limited time offer. WITH COUPON ONLY Also available in Hickory or Cherry & Black M ake This the C hristm as Ever! B e s t 205 Eagle School Road Martinsburg, WV 304-263-6969 Next to Golds Gym Monday - Friday 9:30AM-6:00PM Saturday 9:30AM-5:00PM CLOSED SUNDAY Shop and Compare... Youll be glad you did! CREDIT AND LAYAWAYS ARE AVAILABLE All Furniture Discount Priced Every Day! D utch B rothers F urniture & M attress O utlet Use Your Credit - 90 Days Same As Cash Look for Special Clearance Tags on Selected Items EXAMPLE: ROCKER or WALLAWAY SHOWN $ 299 FULL PRICE AFTER DISCOUNT! $ 469 95 DINETTE with bench as shown Set Up And Removal Of Old Bedding Available 25 Different Sets To Choose From Immediate Delivery Trade In Your Old Mattress and Get $ 50 00
$ 100 00 (Regardless of Condition!) Thats Right! Buy Any Simmons Beautyrest & well give you $50 towards the purchase of any Classic or $100 when you buy a new Beauty Rest World Class! Bring in your old mattress set & save $50 or 100 immediately...or arrange delivery & well pick it up when we deliver your new set! 5 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Sensible Planning MAKES FOR SMART HOLIDAY SHOPPING The holiday season is among the most stressful times of year. With long lists of things to do, meals to prepare, family and friends to entertain, and gifts to buy, many people embark on the holiday season with more fear than cheer. And with so many people trying to spend less these days, preparing for the holidays has become that much more challenging. But by planning in advance and establishing a holiday shopping game plan, men and women can save money and maintain their peace of mind. Start at the bottom line. The best way to avoid overspending during the holidays is to establish a budget and then stick to it. Before making any holiday purchases, determine a holiday spending limit that is acceptable to you and your spouse or partner. The figure should include not only the cost of gifts, but expected expenditures for holiday entertainment and entertaining, decorations, travel, and items such as clothing and home improvements. Know as you go. Know what portion of a holiday budget is for gifts and keep a running total of expenditures as you shop. This way, you will have a sense of where you stand at any given point in the shopping season and can adjust accordingly. Be an informed shopper. There are deals galore in the run-up to the holidays and it pays to compare prices and offers before making any purchases. Check newspaper and online ads as well as retailers Web sites to determine both where and when you can get the best deal. Make a list and check it twice. Plan your purchases ahead of time to avoid impulse buying. By having a gift in mind for each person on your list, you will save time, money and headaches. Consider family gifts. If there are a number of families on your gift list, consider giving a single gift or gift basket that everyone can enjoy. A waffle iron or ice cream maker, for example, is a gift that foodie families will savor for years to come. Give the gift of your time. Some of the most cherished gifts have no price tag attached. Homemade gift certificates for things like car washing, dishwashing, babysitting, lawn mowing, and closet cleaning are always wonderful and welcome. As the giver, just make sure to make good on your promise. 325 W. Boscawen St. Winchester, VA 540-662-2263 Extended Holiday Hours: Mon-Sat 9:30-8 Sun 11-6 Buyers Guide 6 holiday gift guide Locally Owned and Operated by Terry D. Shepherd 1315 Old Courthouse Sq. (Next to Food Lion) Martinsburg, WV 304-596-2500 Sprint Store Express Android Mania! November 25 th , 26 th , 27 th & 28 th Only Android Phone FREE w/new activation. Samsung Replenish Samsung Nexus S Samsung Conquer HTC EVO Shift See Store for complete details Hurry! Limited Time Offer! We Pay More... GUARANTEED! NEED CASH? Great Gifts For Great Gifts For Great Gifts For Christmas Too!!! Christmas Too!!! Christmas Too!!! We Will Pay You More For UNWANTED GOLD Your UNWANTED GOLD ! We Buy - - - Sell - - - Pawn Fraziers Pawn Shop 922 N. Queen Street, Martinsburg, WV 304.263.8511 New & Used Handguns, Shotguns & Rifles TVs Stereos electronics Gold Silver & Diamond Jewelry Movies Video Games & Much More Review your gift list each year to determine if any relationships have changed and require a shift in your gift- giving plan. Dont ask non-family members on your gift list what they would like. This not only spoils the surprise, but puts pressure on recipients to gauge how much you want to spend and requires them to get you something in return. Dont feel obligated to match what others spend. Buying gifts based on what others spend is both unnecessary and can lead to excessive expenditures. For workplace gifts, adhere to the companys policies and make sure that gifts are given out of appreciation, not expectation. Including a gift receipt is a good idea and avoids potentially awkward situations when an item doesnt fit or doesnt work. Give holiday tips to those individuals whose service you count on throughout the year, such as hairstylists, babysitters, dog walkers, etc. An easy rule of thumb for holiday season tips is to double the usual tip. For household employees, give one weeks pay. If someone surprises you with a gift, the best bet is to respond honestly. Let the giver know that you are surprised, touched and appreciative as well as a bit embarrassed that you dont have a gift in return. Then let it go and add his/her name to your gift list for the following year. Dont arrive at holiday gatherings empty-handed. A small gift, bottle of wine or contribution to the evenings edibles is the right way to thank your hosts for their invitation. Acknowledging gift givers is a must, but formal, written thank you cards are optional. While handwritten notes are always preferable and greatly appreciated, e-mails are increasingly acceptable especially for young people. Regifting is now considered a (mostly) acceptable practice, as long as its done thoughtfully, tastefully and within the following guidelines: - The regifted item should not be homemade or made especially for you. - The item should be new, unused and in its original packaging, along with instructions. - Be sure to remove all previous wrapping and gift tags. - Dont regift to friends or family members who have a reputation for returning things they dont like.You dont want to be asked for a gift receipt. - Make certain that the original giver and the new recipient will never cross paths. Deciding on and paying for holiday gifts can be a challenge under the best circumstances. But then there are the inevitable sticky situations that can leave even the most experienced gift-givers scratching their heads. In the hopes of dodging major gift gaffes this holiday season, here are eight tips for gracious giving and receiving. gift-giving etiquette a quick guide to 7 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide STATE LINE DOLLARSAVER 1st Exit off I-81 in VA 4740 Martinsburg Pike, Clearbrook, VA Open 8AM - 9PM 7 Days a Week 540-545-8135 Virginia Lottery All Games Sold Here Thompson Candle Co. Wax Melts - 6oz. bags $ 5 99 Country Primitive Decor & Gifts - New Arrivals Every Week - Pictures - Rugs Crocks - Wax Melts/Warmers Candle Berry Picks/Vine - Lots More OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS CANDY Chocolate Peanut Clusters Orange/Cherry Slices Fruit/Spice Drops Coconut BonBons Double DippedPeanuts Peanut Brittle andMore! AMISH COUNTRY PRIMITIVE DECOR/GIFTS Pictures by Billy Jacobs Candles Wax Melts Warmers Crocks Home Dcor Rugs CHRISTMAS Decorations Ornaments Gift Bags Gift Wrap Artifical Trees Christmas Cards - Singles & Boxes AMISH STYLE FOODS Mrs. Millers and Jake & Amos Large Selection WE ALSO HAVE : Groceries Housewares Health and Beauty Automotive Pet Supplies School and Office Party Supplies NEWPORT $ 42 69 $ 31 99 NEWPORT (Non-Menthol) $ 30 29 MARLBORO 72S & MARLBORO SPECIAL BLEND $ 9 69 SKOAL X-TRA & COPENHAGEN LONGCUT WINTERGREEN LONGCUT STRAIGHT EXTRA LONGCUT 5 CAN ROLL DOS & DONTS FOR exchanging gifts with coworkers W hen among the masses shopping for holiday gifts, consumers might want to take a close look at the expressions on their fellow shoppers faces. Note the ones whose eyes are glazed over, who are anxiously biting their bottom lips or seem to be exhibiting recurring facial twitches. These are not individuals on the verge of a nervous breakdown. In fact, many are otherwise well adjusted people in the throes of choosing holiday gifts for their coworkers or bosses. While there is nothing inherently complicated about choosing tokens of appreciation for ones associates or superiors, the challenge is not just choosing the right token, but in choosing something without the potential to offend or confuse the recipient. To help make the process go smoothly from purchase to presentation, here are some of the chief dos and donts for office gift-giving. do Make sure that you know your companys policy on gift-giving. For example, are there specified or unstated spending limits? Be clear about who should be on your gift list. Do you get gifts for everyone in your department or just those individuals with whom you interact most frequently? Choose thoughtful and tasteful gifts, whether buying a different item for each person or the same item for all. Consider gifts that can be used in the office, such as distinctive office supplies, a photo frame, gadget, calendar, or pen. Go for gifts that can be shared either at home or work, such as gourmet food items, books or plants. Find out if colleagues have food or plant allergies before selecting gifts in those categories. Take the time to package and wrap gifts with care. dont Overspend, especially when purchasing a gift for your boss. Give presents to colleagues outside of your gift circle in order to make a good impression or curry favor. Choose joke or gag gifts, even for coworkers you think you know well. While the recipient might appreciate the gesture,it could be misinterpreted by others. Re-gift or give items that are used or in anything but pristine condition. Stray outside the limits of good taste. In other words, dont even think about gifts that could be considered too personal (including clothing, perfume or jewelry) or are in any way political, religious, racial, or sexual. And unless you are absolutely certain of the recipients tastes and habits, steer clear of alcoholic beverages of any kind. Give gifts that can be misconstrued as having a hidden meaning or agenda, such as flowers (especially roses), cash, lingerie, or personal hygiene products. Leave anyone out. Hurt feelings are hard to overcome and can strain otherwise productive working relationships. Buyers Guide 8 holiday gift guide Credit Crunch MANAGING CREDIT CARDS DURING THE HOLIDAYS The holiday season is synonymous with many things. Among those things is holiday shopping. Some people revel in holiday shopping, while others would just as soon never see a mall again the rest of their lives. Regardless of where men and women stand on holiday shopping, an essential element to a successful shopping season is managing money wisely. For most consumers, that means using credit cards in a way that wont leave them with a mountain of bills come January. This holiday season, consider the following suggestions to ensure your holiday shopping doesnt come back to haunt you when all those bills are due after the New Year. Dont start spending until you have devised a repayment plan. Particularly during the holidays, consumers tend to spend first and worry about payments later. However, this is a dangerous approach. Before spending a dime, have a plan to pay bills already in place. This helps shoppers avoid going over budget and finding themselves in a nightmare come January when the bills are due. When devising a plan, be as specific as possible, such as setting a February 1 deadline to pay off all credit cards. The more specific you can be, the more likely the plan is going to be successful. Beware of retailer credit cards. Retailer credit cards entice customers during the holiday season, typically offering 10 percent back on the first purchase after applying and receiving the card. While this entices many consumers to sign on the dotted line, shoppers should know retail credit cards often come with high interest rates. For shoppers who plan to carry a balance, these interest rates can add up, negating the benefit of that 10 percent discount at the register. If a retail credit card offers a reasonable interest rate or something like 18 months with no interest on more expensive purchases, then it might be worth considering. But for the most part consumers are better off simply paying full price and not signing up for a card they dont need just to save an extra 10 percent. Be careful when using multiple cards. Using several cards tends to give consumers a false sense of security. Consumers who use multiple credit cards during the holidays often feel this keeps them from piling up a massive balance on one card. However, the best strategy is to simply use the card that boasts the best interest rate. Know your balance and where you stand. A holiday shopping spree can quickly grow out of control, but shoppers must know their balances at all times. Exceeding the balance typically results in hefty penalties, and those penalties are something most shoppers simply cant afford during the often costly holiday season. If one card is maxed out, shoppers might want to cease their holiday spending altogether. A financial situation in which a person is carrying a maxed-out credit card is never ideal, and shoppers should not dig themselves a deeper hole by spending more on top of that. Instead, they can work toward paying down the balance and spending less on holiday gifts. Use credit cards when buying gifts online. One positive way to use credit cards when holiday shopping is to use them when buying gifts online. Credit cards offer consumers more protection against fraudulent purchases than debit cards, so consumers should always use credit cards when shopping online. The holiday season is a fun time of year, but consumers can quickly spoil their season if they arent responsible when using credit cards to make their holiday purchases. Indian Sun & Silver Tanni ng Sal on Pl us 1440 Winchester Ave. Mtsbg. 304-263-6565 Gift Certificates Available Make Monthly Payments.... INTEREST FREE! Electronic Funds Transfer For Memberships Available In All 5 Levels Of Tanning Red Light Therapy Bed Pay 1/2 o f Regular 30 Day Pricing (With 12 Month Committment) No Committment Prices Also Available $ 30 00 off HCG Weight Loss Diet Drops 43 Days Supply With Online Support Only $69 plus tax Mention This Ad a nd $ 29 00 Sign Up Fee Is Waived! We are a loyal hometown business that has earned our customers trust! 9 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Start the year off with a new career as a Cosmetologist, Esthetician, or Nail Tech! ~ 201 WEST KING STREET, MARTINSBURG ~ I N T E R N A T I O N A L I N T E R N A T I O N A L BEAUTY SCHOOL BEAUTY SCHOOL Full Service Salon! 304-263-4929 ~ WALK-INS WELCOME ~ DISCOUNT PRICES Financial aid is available to those who qualify. Classes Starting Now. Call: 301-717-7668 Manicure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 Pedicure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 Facials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 Perming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00 We Also Offer: Cellulite Treatments Body Wraps Waxing Extensions Birthday Parties WANT TO EARN MORE MONEY? Holiday Gift Certificates Available $ 1 00 OFF ANY HAIRCUT ANY HAIRCUT Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers Expires 1/31/12 $ 2 00 OFF a Spa Pedicure a Spa Pedicure Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers Expires 1/31/12 with any chemical service with any chemical service FREE Basic Manicure Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers Expires 1/31/12 CUT, STYLE & COLOR SUPERSTYLE $ 30 00 Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers Expires 1/31/12 All Services Performed Under The Supervision Of A Licensed Instructor Buyers Guide 10 holiday gift guide S tart H ere! FREE Installation * After Mail In Rebate 2 Great Locations to Serve You 304-267-7251 304-724-7251 Martinsburg Charles Town Visit us online at 12 Months Same As Cash with approved credit O n A ll *Free Installation offer ends 11/30/11 Stainless Steel Dishwashers Gift Certificates Buy One, Get One Free www.thehairfix 186 Talbott Ave. Mtsbg, WV (off Paynes Ford Road in Pikeside) 304-267-KUTZ 304-261-3902 304-267-KUTZ 304-261-3902 304-267-KUTZ 304-261-3902 *cannot be combined w/any other offers FREE COFFEE Free WiFi Handicap Accessible Watch Next Weeks Ad For Our Watch Next Weeks Ad For Our Watch Next Weeks Ad For Our Christmas Open House Christmas Open House Christmas Open House Layaway plans MAKE A COME BACK If you thought layaway plans had gone the way of eight-track players and floppy disks, think again. The deferred payment or installment plan, once popular with budget-conscious consumers especially during the holiday season is making a big comeback. For people who are unfamiliar with the concept or were born after the 1980s (when installment plans gave way to credit card purchases and other types of financing), layaway is a simple way to purchase merchandise interest-free over time. Consumers select the items they want to buy from a retailer offering the plan, make a deposit, which often includes a modest service charge, and pay for the merchandise over a specified period. Once the item has been paid in full, the retailer releases the goods to the consumer. The only potential glitch is if the consumer fails to make payments in full or on time. In that event, the retailer has the option of returning the customers payments (less service charges) and reselling the items. While theres no doubt that todays shaky economy has contributed to the revival of layaway plans, economists and representatives of several of the nations leading retailers and layaway providers Sears, K-Mart, Burlington Coat Factory, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Toys R Us, and Hallmark insist that the recession is only part of the story. For retailers, layaway plans open the doors to millions of new customers who would not be able to make purchases without them. For consumers, paying in installments is increasingly viewed as a sound financial tool for purchasing necessities and managing expenses, particularly during the holiday season. Overall, layaway plans are heavy on benefits, including: No fine print: For the most part, retailers layaway plans are straightforward and easy to understand. No credit checks: Credit checks are not required to enter into a layaway contract, making it a great option for people who are trying to rebuild their credit due to foreclosure or past credit card problems. No need to leave home: Some retailers have launched e-layaway programs, making it possible for consumers to purchase online over time. There are only a few drawbacks to layaway plans, but they are worth noting: Missed payments: Making payments and making them on time is the key to a successful layaway purchase. The penalty for missing payments is the cancellation of the layaway contract. However, most plans offer a seven-day grace period for missed payments. It is important to know the details of each retailers plan before signing a contract. Missed sale prices: For shoppers who count on cashing in on Black Friday sales, layaway might not be an option. Some retailers dont offer Black Friday prices to layaway customers, so it pays to check with the stores you plan to patronize before the holiday shopping season begins. Buying items on layaway gives shoppers the ability to pay in installments without any interest. The concept is once again gaining popularity in many stores. 11 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Over the last few years, daily deal sites have grown enormously in both popularity and membership. The largest of these sites Groupon, Living Social, Woot and Eversave are all expected to draw large crowds of virtual shoppers on the hunt for gift deals this holiday season. These deal-of-the-day Web sites and the many others that have sprung up recently offer consumers opportunities to purchase deeply discounted gift certificates that can be redeemed at both local or national companies. And with so many consumers still on the lookout for savings this holiday season, daily deal sites are an attractive source for great gifts on a tight budget. Typical deals offer 50 percent off the retail price of the goods or services and become valid once the number of deals purchased reaches a predetermined threshold. Registration is free and the daily deal offers for everything from food, fitness and fashion items to salon services, sporting events and weekend getaways are delivered via e-mail and localized to each users market area. For those consumers who want the best shot at deals offered on multiple sites, but dont want to spend hours reading multiple e-mail offers, PriceGrabber has launched, a one- stop shopping site that allows users to look through hundreds of deals offered by more than 20 daily deal Web sites via a single e-mail each day. Other deal aggregators sites that gather information on deals offered by multiple companiesinclude Dealery, Dealnews and Yipit. Giving daily deals as gifts generally works two ways. The purchaser either presents the gift certificate itself or uses the deal to purchase the actual gift item. Either way, there are few, if any, drawbacks to daily deal shopping, particularly if you have access to multiple sites in one daily e-mail. There are only two things to keep in mind when purchasing daily deal vouchers as gifts: Note the expiration date. Most daily deal certificates have an expiration date, which is often one year from the date of purchase. Especially when purchasing activities, accommodations or services, make sure that the person receiving the gift will be able to use it within the specified timeframe. Read the offer carefully, including the fine print. Some offers come with conditions. For example, a yoga studio or hair salon might limit the use of the vouchers to new customers or specify that the deal can only be used for particular classes or stylists. In most cases, however, daily deals are straightforward and dont require more than one read to decipher. MAKE GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS Daily Deals 5054 Cerrardstown Rd, Inwood - 304.229.2400 . . .has begun at South Berkeley Pharmacy & Gift! ADORABLE SNOWMEN in all sizes & special ornaments to match! ENGRAVED BASKETS for all local schools & a wide assortment of YANKEE CANDLES! Lots of WVU ITEMSUISPXTtPSOBNFOUT tMJDFOTFQMBUFTtNVHTKFXFMSZtIBOECBHTtNPSF
CRYSTAL BEADS in birthday & team colors! STERLING SILVER necklaces & bracelets!
Special Engraved POTTERY! TONS OF UNIQUE GIFTS for everyone on your list! Buyers Guide 12 holiday gift guide Get creative. Holiday gifts dont have to be bought at the local mall or from an online retailer. Gift-givers with unique talents can create their own gifts and save some money along the way. For example, shoppers skilled at woodworking can create a personalized wood carving for a friend or family member. Good at knitting? Knit a scarf, mittens or even a blanket for a loved one who lives in a cold weather region. Such personalized gifts are often especially meaningful to their recipients, who appreciate the time and effort such keepsakes take to create. Be patient. Nowadays, many families are so spread out geographically that they dont always get together on Christmas Day. If thats the case and you wont be seeing your family until a few days after Christmas, take advantage of the special sales offered in the days after the actual holiday. Items are often heavily discounted, and if you can stay patient, your patience might just pay off with substantial savings. Establish spending rules with family members before the shopping season begins. In an effort to reduce some of the financial burden of the holiday season, many families have begun to place spending limits on holiday shopping. This saves everyone money and ensures no one finds themselves with substantial debt come the new year. Do a gift exchange with family and friends. Many larger families have also begun to do a gift exchange rather than asking members of the family to buy gifts for each and every member of the family. In a gift exchange, each member of the family draws a name out of a hat and then only buys a gift for that specific person. This even has the added benefit of allowing shoppers to buy something a little more expensive for a family member since they arent obligated to buy gifts for anyone else. Start early. The earlier you begin your holiday shopping, the more you can spread out your spending. This reduces the financial stress of the season while still allowing shoppers to get something special for everyone on their shopping list. Holiday spending may or may not increase this holiday season. But savvy shoppers can still make the most of their spending without breaking the bank. As global economic woes continue, holiday spending remains difficult to predict. In 2010, holiday spending rose more than five percent from the year before, according to MasterCard Advisors TM SpendingPulse TM . That increase surprised forecasters, many of whom predicted holiday spending would decline for the fifth straight year. With the holiday season on the horizon once again, no one truly knows what consumer response will be. But many consumers figure to exercise some restraint this holiday season, sticking to a budget when buying gifts for family and friends. While budgets are good ways to limit spending, a holiday spending budget doesnt mean shoppers cant still put a smile on their loved ones faces. In fact, with a few tips, holiday shoppers can stick to their budgets and still enjoy a happy holiday season. Merry Christmas Merry Christmas f r o m
Over 20 Years Experience Licensed & Insured Master Electrician WV026307 304-229-8816 Scotts Electric Giving ON A TIGHT BUDGET 13 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide If your holiday halls are decked with stacks of paper bags, mounds of crumpled wrapping paper, an array of random ribbons, and a gaggle of gift tags that are destined for the local landfill, its time to add a little green to your gift-wrapping regimen. Given that the average households waste jumps by more than 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Years Day and that holiday debris adds an additional one million tons per week to landfills, there is a lot that everyone can do to recycle, reuse and reduce during the holidays. According to Eco-, If every family reused just two feet of holiday ribbon, the 38,000 miles of ribbon saved could tie a bow around the entire planet. If every American family wrapped just 3 presents in re-used materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields. The 2.65 billion Christmas cards sold each year in the U.S. could fill a football field 10 stories high. If we each sent one card less, wed save 50,000 cubic yards of paper. Here are some ways to go green and even save green on gift packaging this year: Recycle: Conventional wrapping paper typically cannot be recycled since it is often coated in metal foil or is plastic laminated. But if the paper rips and doesnt glitter or shine, it can and should be placed in the recycle bin along with other paper products. Check with your local recycling provider to find out which types of wrapping paper they accept. The good news is that recyclable wrapping paper is increasingly available from both online and brick-and-mortar retailers such as, Office Depot and Reuse: Before the opening of the gifts begins, set aside a box for collecting reusable boxes, wrapping paper, gift bags, bows, ribbons, and other decorative items. Even if wrapping paper is torn, it can be used for craft projects, packaging filler or to enclose smaller gifts the following year. Gift bags are also great candidates for reuse. If the surface of the bag is marred from removing ribbon or a bow, the spot can be covered with other decorative items or scraps of used wrapping paper. Reduce: Recycling and reusing boxes, wrapping paper, ribbon and gift bags is a big step in the right direction. But the best way to avoid waste is to reduce the use of these items in the first place. Rather than wrapping gifts in paper, consider using scarves, old tea towels, cloth napkins, or leftover fabric. If youre crafty, consider creating your own simple fabric sacks that can be easily sewn by hand or machine. If youre not, try painting an old pillowcase and tying it up with fabric ribbon, string or even shoelaces. And dont forget newspaper! The comics make colorful giftwrap any time of year, particularly for kids. Now Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary! With a very special thanks to all our customers this holiday we are offering a very special discount to you because youre so-so-so special. MERRY CHRISTMAS From your Loyal Auto Friends at 201 Wilson St. Martinsburg, WV OPEN 8 am - 6pm Mon. -Fri. 8 am - 4pm Sat. For Your Convenience 304.267.2280 Automatic Transmission Flush $ 99 95 Includes Parts, Labor & Complete Flush Car Wont Start 24 Hour + On Site Parts Store Lube, Oil, & Filter $ 24 95 Most U.S. & Import Cars & Trucks Excludes Any Other Offers. Up to 5 Qt. Filter & Lube Chassis Nights & Weekends On Call Service 261-2696 Call 304-267-2811 Ih EIIk BBN Spring Mills Wal-Mart New Beginnings Church hI5INk5 5khI Name brand instruments, shop adjusted, set up & ready to play at the best prices around! Check out our website 304-263-1847 574 Railroad Dr., Martinsburg, WV Electric Guitars Ampliers PA Systems Banjos Mandolins Rack Cases Violins Autoharps Microphones DJ Equipment Loudspeakers Lighting Bulk Cable Adapters Song Books Drum Heads Harmonicas Reeds Acoustic & Electric Guitar Starter Packages On Special Sale! hI5INk5 5khI hI5INk5 5khI HOLIDAY HOURS: (Beginning Nov. 25th) M & F: 10am-8pm Tu, W, & Th: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-5pm Its a wrap GREEN ALTERNATIVES FOR GIFT PACKAGING Buyers Guide 14 holiday gift guide Toys for Tots Safe, Secure Location Cell Phones for Soldiers (drop-off your old cell phones) American Flag exchange Program (receive a new flag when you turn in an old worn out flag) Free Pet Photo s w/Santa with a donation for the benefit the Berkeley County Humane Society Saturday, December 3rd from Noon to 4 pm (Please Call for a list of Items needed) All Occasion Greeting Cards Made In USA Delivering the Best of America! 78 2 Foxcroft Ave Martinsburg, WV (Directly Behind Outback Steakhouse) 304-262-9602 WE SELL BOXES! Dont Waste Time In Line Fast, Friendly Service Let Us Pack Your Shipment FedEx Ground FedEx Express DHL Notary All United States Postal Services Copy/Fax Stamps At Cost Packaging Supplies Professional Packing Services We Offer All We Offer All Postal Services Postal Services Priority Express 1st Class Media Mail Certified $ 2.00 OFF Any FedEx Shipment With Original Coupon. Expires 1/31/12 50% OFF Faxes & Copies 50% Fax & Copy Services. Must present Original Ad. No Limit. Expires 1/31/12 Candle Chip Special Buy 5, Get 1 FREE 1oz. packs With Original Coupon. Expires 1/31/12 For Your Holiday And Year-Round Shipping Needs, Stop In Today And See Why Won The Best Of The Best Mailing/Shipping Location In 2008, 2009, 2010 & 2011 - Journals Readers Choice Award Military/ International Shipping Specialists We Support The Following: Shipping Gifts MORE THAN JUST TIMING When shipping holiday gifts, much of the focus is on getting those gifts in the mail on time. While its important to avoid procrastinating when shipping holiday gifts, theres more to shipping gifts than just getting them sent out promptly. When shipping holiday gifts this season, consider the following tips. Ship and pack your gifts with professional packing services offered by many local shipping stores. They have the expertise to ensure your items are properly protected from damage in shipping, by having enough packing materials to protect your gifts, but not excessive amounts that will increase your dimensional weight and shipping costs. Protect the gift. For those who will be packing their own gifts for shipment, be sure to protect the gift, especially if its fragile. Use bubble cushioning and packing peanuts when sending fragile items thru the mail. If sending multiple items, wrap each item tightly in bubble cushioning but leave some space between the items for peanuts. Carefully pack perishables. When sending perishable items, always send them via next-day delivery and never ship them near the end of the week, such as a Friday or Saturday. Items shipped on Friday and Saturday should be able to withstand a few days of being in transit. When sending cheeses, fruits or any other perishable items, its best to do so early in the week and choose next day delivery. Insure more expensive gifts. Dont skimp on insurance when sending expensive gifts such as jewelry through the mail. Shipping companies only insure up to a certain base amount in their standard rates. So ask for additional insurance coverage so the gifts full value is covered. Having just one package lost or damaged can be very expensive if it is not insured properly. Comparison shop when shipping. Comparison shopping not only applies to holiday gifts, but shipping as well. Shipping companies including the post office compete for business during the holidays and you can likely find a good deal to reduce the cost of shipping holiday gifts. 15 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Nearly everyone has a last minute holiday shopping horror story to tell. Be it a late-season grab for a childs must- have gift or fighting fellow procrastinators for a parking spot come the waning days of the season, veteran shoppers have experienced it all. While those with more experience might know the tricks of the late season shopping trade, novice procrastinators might need a few of the following tips to make it through the season without a horror story of their own. Consider online retailers. Shopping online might not be for everyone, but those without much time might want to consider online retailers, many of which guarantee delivery of the item by Christmas Day for orders placed as late as December 20. In addition, some retailers even guarantee delivery if the order is placed by December 22, but such guarantees often require consumers to choose overnight delivery, which can be costly. When shopping online, if no gifts stand out, consider buying an electronic gift certificate instead. Such certificates can often be delivered directly to a loved ones e-mail inbox, and it only takes a matter of seconds for the delivery to be made. Though some find this impersonal, nowadays many people would prefer a gift card instead of another sweater. Go the food-and-beverage route. One of the worst things about last minute holiday shopping is dealing with fellow procrastinators at the local mall. Last minute shoppers tend to be as short on patience as they are on time. To avoid the malls, last minute shoppers can give the gift of food or drink for those friends or family members you will be seeing during the holiday season. A nice bottle of wine or a collection of gourmet cheeses make thoughtful gifts, and last minute shoppers dont need to visit the mall to get them. Consider a monthly gift. As a nice bottle of wine or a package of gourmet cheeses proves, not all great gifts need to be picked up at the mall. A monthly gift like a magazine subscription or a membership to a monthly club (i.e., Pastry of the Month) are gifts that keep on giving all-year. Late-season shoppers will find these options especially appealing as they can almost always be ordered in just a few minutes, whether its over the phone or via the Internet. Dont abandon the mall entirely. Though procrastinators are in no danger of becoming extinct, most people do get their holiday shopping done well in advance of Christmas Day. As a result, truly last minute shoppers might find the mall isnt so crowded on Christmas Eve. While the pickings might be slim for shoppers who wait until December 24, the lines may not be as long and the parking lot probably wont be as packed. But keep in mind it will be impossible for a gift purchased on Christmas Eve to find its way under a tree unless you personally bring it to a loved one. If you cant give the gift in person on Christmas, dont wait until Christmas Eve to buy it. Donate in a loved ones name. If a specific charity is near and dear to a loved ones heart, make a donation in their name. Charities are among the many organizations that are struggling to survive in the current economy, and your donation might go a long way to helping a cause your loved one truly supports. Last minute HOLIDAY SHOPPING TIPS Call Eddie 304-279-1949 Handyman & Labor Services is a full-service handyman company with a wide range of experience in residential & commercial. Our services also include: Flooring Decks Kitchen Remodel Interior Painting Exterior Painting Landscaping Lawn Care Tile Work Concrete Work Snow Removal Bathroom Remodel Roofing Additions Paver Stones Bobcat Services Hauling Junk Removal Custom Interior Design Crown Molding Basement Finishing Retaining Walls As well as Laborers by the Hour! AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!!! No Job Is Too Small! Seasons Greetings from Give the Gift of Quality Handyman Services! 20% OFF LABOR IF YOU MENTION THIS AD! Our excellent reputation and long list of satisfied clients attest to our superior craftsmanship, attention to detail, clear communications, honesty and integrity. Buyers Guide 16 holiday gift guide Number One Worldwide! $ 5 95 TRI-COUNTY RENTALS TRI-COUNTY RENTALS 1730 WINCHESTER AVE., MARTINSBURG, WV MON.-FRI. 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM SAT. 7:30 AM-2:00 PM 267-2974 Check out our Chain & Carrying Cash Specials! * While Supplies Last Simply The Best! Prove Your High IQ - Buy Quality! Full Service Dealer Sales - Service - Parts Best Chain Sharpening in Town! * *Limitations Apply TRI-COUNTY RENTALS TRI-COUNTY RENTALS 1730 WINCHESTER AVE., MARTINSBURG, WV MON.-SAT. 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM SAT. 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM 267-2974 Need More Seating And Table Space for the Holidays? Tents Linens Tables Chairs Place Settings Silverware and Lots More We Are Your Holiday Party Source! Shopping malls as we know them may soon be a thing of the past. While these shopping complexes, typically with interconnecting walkways and large parking areas, have been symbols of suburban success since the mid-1950s, todays conventional malls are facing daunting challenges. In some cases, a malls decline is directly related to the state of its physical plant. Those that have not been refurbished or remodeled in recent years look and feel dated. Whats more, customer base has dwindled in many areas, especially those where alternatives to malls abound. Other malls have suffered as a result of the economy, which has driven cash-strapped consumers to search out discounts and deals at power or mega centers, which bring together several big box retailers that offer easy access by car and, in many cases, public transportation. And as consumers have become more comfortable with online shopping and more aware of the benefits of shopping locally, the appeal of conventional malls has continued to dwindle. Finally, the last 15 years has seen a sea change among consumers, who now tend to seek out shopping experiences rather than a simple trip to the mall. Newer suburban commercial developments tend to be designed as lifestyle centers that take their inspiration from urban environments and feature higher-end retailers. These new retail complexes, which tend to be outdoors and feature high-quality design and a sophisticated, urban feel, typically include a mix of merchandise and food/drink purveyors where visitors can shop, dine, socialize, and be entertained while feeling like a part of the community. In many areas, these newer shopping destinations are directly competing with and winning out over older conventional malls. In response, these age-worn indoor shopping meccas are increasingly being redesigned and retrofitted to bring them back to life and bring shoppers back inside. But insiders say that converting conventional malls into exciting new shopping destinations is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Each conversion offers its own set of challenges and requires a unique vision that is in synch with local residents desires and connects the site with its environment and locality. In Santa Monica, California, for example, the Frank Gehry-designed Santa Monica Place mall a three-level, enclosed shopping complex that, like its conventional siblings from coast to coast, was anchored by two major retailers that were connected by long walkways featuring individual stores, a central courtyard and food court was deconstructed and thoroughly reconfigured. After an eight-year- long retrofit, the center reopened a retail destination that includes large public spaces for exhibits, performances and events and, in place of the generic food court, a rooftop dining deck that serves up good food and great views. The years-long retrofit clearly paid off: On the day that the new Santa Monica Place opened to the public in 2010, thousands of people waited in line some for hours for a chance to step inside. POPULARITY OF CONVENTIONAL SHOPPING MALLS ON THE DECLINE The traditional mall is being replaced by higher-end, lifestyle-focused shopping centers. 17 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Friday, November 25th 9 AM -6 PM Saturday, November 26th 9 AM -3 PM Check out our Annual Black Friday Garage Sale... Prices on apparel and accessories you wont believe! Savings on select items up to 80% off! More savings throughout the store on all the latest gear for your winter-riding adventures CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SEASON BEGINS Lowest Prices of the Year on all Motorcycles and ATVs - OR - check out on November 28 th for Cyber Monday Savings. Take advantage of the deals without leaving home 1886 Winchester Avenue, Martinsburg, WV Mon. - Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-3 304-262-3500 For serious shoppers and hardcore bargain hunters, battling the crowds and enduring the endless lines on Black Friday are simply traditions that usher in the holiday shopping season. For the rest of us, the idea of rising at 3 a.m. on the morning after Thanksgiving and heading out into the night to compete for gifts and assorted holiday goods with thousands of zealous consumers is nothing short of a nightmare. But for the truly squeamish, whose goal is to avoid even the hint of a crowd, there are indeed ways to purchase every gift on your list without encountering hordes of holiday shoppers. The most obvious strategy for avoiding the masses is to shop online. According to surveys conducted by public opinion pollsters Rasmussen Reports and BIGresearch, in 2010 nearly 64 percent of American adults did at least a portion of their shopping on the Web. Increasingly, people of all ages are opting to shop online not only to find better prices, but because purchasing via the Internet is convenient, fast and enables consumers to perform quick and accurate product and price comparisons. And with so many online retailers offering free shipping during the holiday season, many consumers see little reason to step inside a brick-and-mortar establishment. However, even diehard e-shoppers recognize that there is something to be said for choosing a gift on site and in person; for taking the time to see and touch an object to determine its suitability. Whether youre heading out in search of a dazzling diamond or a set of new dishtowels, here are some tips for avoiding shopping crowds: Shop all year round. Its harder to sidestep the throngs of holiday shoppers during the peak season between October and late December. By picking up gifts throughout the year, you can take advantage of sales and avoid full parking lots and long lines. Whats more, year- round holiday shopping means that your gift budget gets spread out over the course of an entire year rather than a few short months. Shop when the crowds are elsewhere. The busiest holiday shopping periods are in the late afternoon or early evening and, of course, on weekends. If you can shop at lunchtime or take a few hours off during the workday, chances are good that stores will be far less crowded. Other good times to shop are during popular televised sporting events or television shows. Shop with purpose. If you know what youre shopping for and have a good idea where to get it, theres a greater likelihood that you can get in and out of the store quickly and without blowing your budget on unnecessary items that catch your eye. Holiday Shopping MINUS THE CROWDS Best Upscale Salon in the Eastern Panhandle Stop By & See Our Master Hair Stylist Ted & See What He Can Do For You! with Ted Only! $ 5 00 OFF First New Clients Only! Wishing You Happy Holidays from Ted COUPON COUPON 183 Monroe St. Berkeley Plaza, Martinsburg Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 10am-6pm Saturday: 10am-2pm 304-263-5966 2330 WINCHESTER AVE. MARTINSBURG, WV 25405 Let Carpet World Help You Spruce Up Your Home For The Holidays! 304-263-6957 12 Months Interest Free Financing Available - FREE ESTIMATES - In 2010 nearly 64% OF AMERICAN ADULTS DID AT LEAST A PORTION OF THEIR SHOPPING ON THE WEB Buyers Guide 18 holiday gift guide Ways to create NEW HOLIDAY TRADITIONS Dont Forget, Dorsey Brothers Has Been Sanding & Refinishing Hardwood Floors For Over 46 Years. 6 Months No Interest Financing* Other Options Available. *See store for details. *with approved credit LAMINATE Legacy Laminate Floor 27 Yr. Warranty $ 1.99/sq.ft. WOOD Pre-Finished Wood 3/4 x 2-1/4 $ 4.79/sq.ft. 15 Yr. Warranty CERAMIC TILE Glazed Porcelain 12x12 - $ 1.89/sq.ft. 18x18 - $ 1.99/sq.ft. CARPET Stain Proof Berber 10 Colors - $1.39/sq.ft. $ 2 00 OFF Any Purchase of $ 25 or More! With coupon only One coupon per purchase Not Valid with any other offer 617 West King Street Martinsburg 304.262.4300 Open 7 Days A Week Hours: Mon-Thurs 10-5 Fri & Sat 10-5:30, Sun 10-5 Sportswear & Accessories - WVU, Redskins, Steelers - Country Dcor Civil War Prints and Collectors Items 5000 Sq. Feet of treasures Art: Largest Selection of Framed Art in the area Father Time Clocks & Repairs WV Gifts Boyds Bears Gourmet Jellies, Jams & Dips Solid Oak Furniture and much more! Much of what makes the holiday season so special is the traditions that people hold dear. While families have traditions that stretch back decades, there is plenty of opportunity to embrace new means of celebration to breathe new life into Christmas, Chanukkah or the season's other holidays. Chances are you're already hanging stockings or going caroling this year. You can add some of these and modify as they fit for your family. Feed the wildlife. During the cold days of winter, birds and small animals that don't hibernate may find it difficult to forage for food. By trimming an outdoor pine tree in edible snacks you'll have a beautiful tree and one that benefits the wildlife as well. String peanuts and other nuts for the squirrels. Make little ornaments out of suet and string for the birds. Berries and corn can be enjoyed by all. Be sure to choose a tree that is far enough away from the home, so you don't have too many scavengers hunting and pecking around the house. "Adopt" a child for holiday gifts. Each year you can bring a smile to a child in need by purchasing a present for an underprivileged kid. Some post offices sponsor "Letters from Santa" events where participants can respond to one of the thousands of letters mailed to The North Pole. Or work with a local charity that organizes events to bring gifts to children in hospitals or in foster care. Bring some joy to a public servant. Police officers, firefighters, military personnel ... many of these workers do not get off for the holidays. There are a certain number of public servants who must remain on call in the event of an emergency. Treat these people to something enjoyable when they may be missing their own festivities. Cook or cater a meal for a fire house, deliver cookies to the police station or put together care packages for people living on a military base. 19 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide 304-820-1023 9405 Williamsport Pike Falling Waters (Next to Special Moments Florist) FREE GIFT CARD with purchase of any service Call or Stop In For Details Offer good til Dec. 31, 2011 L.A. R OBERTS J EWELERS 146 N. Queen Street Martinsburg, WV 304-267-8061 COLLEGIATE BEADS Solid Sterling Silver Officially Licensed Fits All Major Bracelet Lines
$ 49 to $ 59 * Many are also available in enameled colors Also Sorority Beads and Military Beads Place Your Order Today For Holiday Delivery Traveling during the holiday season is a mixed blessing. School vacations and time off from work provide great opportunities to spend a White Christmas with faraway family and friends or sneak in an end-of-year getaway via The Polar Express. At the same time, holiday travel can be both expensive and stressful. While its all but impossible to avoid the costs and crowds completely, with these time-honored travel strategies, travelers can prevent The Nightmare Before Christmas and find yourself uttering, Its a Wonderful Life. Book now, go later. The first rule of thumb for holiday travel is to make travel plans as far in advance as possible. By booking months ahead of your departure date, you can lock in lower airfares and seat assignments. For Christmas travel, make every effort to purchase tickets by early October. Go off-peak. Weekend travel, which often includes Fridays and Mondays, is almost always more expensive than travel during the week. If possible, schedule both departing and returning flights for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Timing is everything. Typically, there is less demand for the first and last flights of the day, which means less competition for seats and the possibility of lower fares. If you can fly on the big day itself, even better. While you may be able to snag great deals on Thanksgiving or Christmas day flights, January 1st tends to be a more popular travel day. Another option? Plan your trip for the week between Christmas and New Years, when many travelers have already settled in their destinations. Be flexible. If you know you want to get away, but arent sure where to go, let availability and price be your guide. And dont forget to check flights to and from alternate airports. For example, you may be able to save on a flight to San Francisco by flying into San Jose. And when heading to the New York City area, flights to LaGuardia and JFK might be less expensive than those bound for Newark. Mix and match. Great deals can be had by using different carriers for incoming and outgoing flights or by booking two one-way flights rather than a round-trip. By checking a variety of sites including both individual airlines and aggregator sites such as and, which search several different travel sites simultaneously you can rest assured that you got the best available prices and flights. In addition, by booking flights, hotels and rental cars through the same travel site, be it a single site or a travel aggregator, you may be able to score even better deals. Dont dodge the details. These days, airlines are once again charging passengers for a variety of items that were once included in their posted airfares. Be sure to note whether a published airfare includes all taxes and fees and check each carriers baggage policy. And when reviewing airfares, make sure that you are comparing apples to apples. In other words, be certain that the two airfares both include or exclude taxes, fees and baggage charges, snacks, and things like upgrade fees for additional legroom. Do delay! Sometimes waiting until the eleventh hour isnt such a bad idea, especially when last-minute fares can save you money or open the door to a spur-of-the-moment vacation. Flying late evening or during the week are strategies for saving money and preventing holiday travel stress. Six strategies for TRANQUIL HOLIDAY TRAVEL Tis the season for ONLINE HOLIDAY SCAMS AND CONS It is sad but true: As the holiday season heats up, so do the number of scams and cons perpetrated on unsuspecting consumers. While swindlers, thieves and pickpockets operate year-round, the period from November to January offers criminals more opportunities for wrongdoing and a population of prospective targets who are feeling generous and preoccupied with the demands and doings of the holiday season. Consumers can avoid being victimized this season by being both wary and aware of the types of holiday scams that are out there. According to, some of the most common online cons include: Charity phishing scams. During the holiday season, computer hackers prey on peoples generosity by sending what appear to be legitimate e- mails seeking donations to legitimate charities. However, these cybercriminals use fake Web sites with the purpose of stealing not only donations, but donors identities and credit card information. What to do: Ignore and immediately delete e-mails asking for donations and personal information. Make charitable donations directly to organizations you know and trust. Fake delivery invoices. The rise of Internet shopping has opened the doors to scams involving fake invoices and delivery notices from services such as FedEx, UPS or even the U.S. Customs Service. Cybercriminals e-mail consumers requesting credit card information to credit the bank account or inform users that they have to open an online invoice or U.S. customs form in order to receive their package. This is actually a way for criminals to install malware software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems and steal personal information. What to do: Track online purchases carefully and know what items are en route at any given time. Internet retailers will inform you when an item has shipped, but delivery services and U.S. Customs do not issue online invoices. Social networking and holiday e-card scams. The holiday season is a social time of year when cybercriminals seize opportunities to steal personal information through social network friend requests and bogus holiday e-cards. What to do: If you receive a friend request or e-card from someone you dont know and have never heard of, dont click on the link. Identity theft from public computers and open networks. With millions of online holiday transactions speeding through cyberspace, cyberthieves are in hacker heaven. What to do: To ensure that your personal information is safe from the spying eyes of hackers, shop only on secure Web sites and never make financial transactions from a public computer or an open WI- Fi connection. The bottom line: The holiday season is when cybercriminals go into high gear, so be aware of any e-mail that looks fishy or requests personal information. If youre unsure, the best bet is to delete the e-mail and contact the Better Business Bureau online at or the U.S. Department of Justice at Buyers Guide 20 holiday gift guide CANDLELIGHT REMEMBRANCE SERVICE HEDGESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BAND HEDGESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BAND HEDGESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BAND and and and ROSEDALE FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY ROSEDALE FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY ROSEDALE FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY I would like to make a donation: In memory of or in tribute to:_________________________ General donation Donation Amount_________ Name:_____________________ Phone #:______________________ Address:_____________City:_____________ State:____ Zip:______ Garden and space, if known:_________________________________ Donations must be received by December 7, 2011 in time to prepare for the service Invite you to join your neighbors, family and friends for our Invite you to join your neighbors, family and friends for our Sixth Annual Christmas Luminary Service Saturday, December 10, 2011 Sixth Annual Christmas Luminary Service Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 5:30 P.M. (Rain date: Saturday, Dec 17, 2011) at 5:30 P.M. (Rain date: Saturday, Dec 17, 2011) Several thousand candles will be placed throughout the Cemetery at all entrances, features and drives. The candles will be lit at dusk and the Hedgesville High School Band will bring us the sounds of the season as we all enjoy their performances of delightful Christmas Carols. All are invited to witness the beautiful transformation of our Cemetery into a warm and glowing tribute to those who cannot be with us, and to those who are serving in our military. If you would like a luminary placed on your loved ones grave, please stop in at our funeral home office and make a donation. If you do not have a loved one at Rosedale, you may make a donation to have a candle provided in their memory in an area dedicated for them. We will have a special tribute section for families that have loved ones in military or overseas. Donations received will be given to the Hedgesville High School Band for their hard work. Please come in and make a donation to have the candle placed on your loved ones grave on December 10, 2011. Please make your checks payable to Hedgesville High School Band. Only graves marked with a donation flag will have a candle placed on them. Help us spread the joyful word of this service by sharing this information with your family, friends and neighbors. All applications will be submitted for a $100 gift card drawing! Help us spread the joyful word of this service by sharing this information with your family, friends and neighbors. Please mail or bring this information with your donation to: Rosedale Funeral Home & Cemetery 917 Cemetery Road, Martinsburg, WV 25404 (304) 263-4922 Joseph R. Spewock, Licensee-in-Charge 21 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide PROTECT AGAINST MAIL THEFT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON Todays families are more geographically diverse than ever before. When todays young adults leave the nest, their new nest is almost as likely to be across the country as it is down the street. That reality means getting holiday gifts in the right hands takes more than just a gift tag and a place under the tree. Many families rely on the mail when sending holiday gifts, especially if sending cards and/or money. But the holiday season requires more careful attention when sending mail. Thats because of mail theft, a crime of opportunity in which thieves steal incoming or outgoing mail. Because so many people use the mail to send cash, checks and gift cards to love ones during the holidays, thieves know this is an opportune time to steal the mail. But there are steps individuals can take to protect themselves from mail theft while ensuring their generous gifts end up in the right persons hands. Get a lock for your mailbox. Many people use their mailbox for both incoming and outgoing mail. While this is convenient, its also risky if the mailbox doesnt lock. An unlocked mailbox is an open invitation for thieves to thumb through your mail, looking for anything that might contain cash, a check or a gift card. An unlocked mailbox also allows criminals to get into your mailbox and steal mail such as bank statements, which can increase the risk of identity theft. Though a locked mailbox isnt guaranteed to keep thieves away, it does make their job more difficult, and most thieves prefer to be discreet and not fiddle with a locked mailbox. Be careful when writing checks. Most people are savvy enough to avoid writing checks in pencil. But even ink can be erased. Mail thieves who steal checks can rather easily wash these checks, using run-of-the-mill household cleaning products to erase all but the signature on the check. This leaves a signed, yet otherwise blank check for thieves. When buying pens, buy only those that say they come with check-safe ink. Thieves cant remove check-safe ink, which is used in most fountain pens. Also, when writing checks, never leave any lines blank. Be sure to include something in the memo. This means thieves wont be able to fill in their own memo and make it easier to perpetuate their fraud. Bring packages with checks or cash to the post office. Its never ideal to send cash through the mail, but if you must be sure to bring these packages directly to the post office instead of dropping them off at neighborhood mailboxes. This reduces the risk of mail theft significantly. Dont let the mail pile up. Thieves who see mail pouring out of a mailbox may find this as an open invitation to take the contents of that mailbox, and possibly even break into your home. An overstuffed mailbox indicates an empty to home to thieves, so theres little risk of being seen if they steal your mail. In addition, if thieves think you arent home, theyre more likely to break into your home. Pick up your mail on a daily basis, and if you need to leave town arrange for someone you trust be it a neighbor, friend or relative to pick up your mail for you. If no one is available, ask the post office to stop delivering your mail while youre away. The holidays are a season of generosity, but criminals prey on that generosity in a number of ways, including mail theft. A few simple steps can greatly reduce your risk of being victimized by this often overlooked crime. Only using a mailbox with a lock on it is one way men and women can protect themselves against mail theft. ~ Thousands of stock designs to choose from ~ Custom Designs Available It Not Too Late To Order Your Holiday Greeting Cards! 304.267.7327 68 Reliance Road, Martinsburg, WV 25403 fax: 304.267.8411 Tues-Thurs 11- 6 Fri 11-7 Sat 9: 30- 4 998 Arden-Nollville Road Inwood, WV 25428 (304) 229-7064 Authorized Dealer of: Mathews - Mission - Hoyt - Parker - Bear Non-Stocking Dealer of Martin and Elite ~ Layaway & Gift Certificates Are Available! Buyers Guide 22 holiday gift guide Holiday Homecooking! D&D MEATS D&D MEATS Inwood East Shopping Plaza Rt. 51 304.229.5164 304.229.5164 Holiday Hours: Sun., Dec. 18: 10am-2pm Wed., Dec. 21: 10am-6pm Sat., Dec 24: 8am-Noon Dec. 19 - Dec. 20 - Dec. 22 - Dec 23: 10am-6pm Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. Whole Sugar Cured Country Ham . . . . $2.69/lb. Whole Country Hams (Cooked & Sliced) . . . $3.99/lb. Country Ham (From Deli) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.99/lb. Spiral Cut Hams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.59/lb. Mashs Hams Half............$2.89/lb. Mashs Hams Whole............$2.79/lb. Crown Pork Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99/lb. Gift Certificates Available Hardware Store The 304.260.5744 159 Eagle School Rd. Mtsbg Beside Golds Gym 3 Year Manufacturers Warranty IR Remote Control Elec Thermo: Range 50 o to 90 o Push Button Controls IR Remote Heats up to 1000 sq. ft Caster Wheels Washable Lifetime Filter We Also Have Pellet Stoves & Lingnetics Pellet Fuel In Stock Now! The EdenPURE GEN3 1000 is a tremendous value for heating your home, covering up to 1000 sq. ft. with safe, efficient heating. Bob & Pat Davis P.O. Box 577 Falling Waters West Virginia 25419 B OB D AVIS H OME I MPROVEMENT C O . 304-274-0142 OR TOLL FREE 877-274-0150 From & Staff Come the holiday season, most people find themselves in a giving mood. Gifting friends, family and even coworkers is common, but there are many other people in our daily lives who societal norms suggest deserve a gift as well. Holiday tipping is more common in certain areas than others, but there are a few questions men and women can ask themselves when trying to decide if a person in their lives deserves a holiday tip or gift. How often do you see the person? How frequently you see a person can help determine if that person deserves a holiday gift or tip. For example, a childs babysitter or nanny deserves a little something extra come the holidays because you likely see that person on a regular basis. The same goes for the postman or a dog walker. Men and women you rarely see or rarely need do not warrant a tip or gift. Tipping point WHO TO TIP DURING THE HOLIDAYS 23 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Garages Farm Buildings Commercial Equine Excellence Since 1903 Call Us Today! 717-624-3331 For over 100 years, Morton Buildings has provided quality and service to people looking for an attractive, long-lasting building. 3368 York Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 GIFT IDEAS Honda: Snow Plows Clothing Winches Gloves Helmets Chrome Covers Etc..... Gift Certificates 304-258-2282 90 Good Times Drive (Just off Rt. 522), Berkeley Springs Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm Sat. 9am-3pm Ridersville Ridersville Honda Honda CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR SANTAS SPECIAL PRICE!! ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET, EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. NEVER RIDE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL, AND NEVER USE THE STREET AS A RACETRACK. OBEY THE LAWAND READ YOUR OWNERS MANUAL THOROUGHLY. 1.99% Fixed APR financing available for customers who qualify for super preferred credit tier for up to 36 months through Honda Financial Services. Payment example: 36 monthly payments of $28.64 for each $1,000 financed. Offer good on new and unregistered 2012 Gold Wing models. Not all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit r atings. Offer ends 12/31/11. Check with participating Honda Dealers for complete details. For rider training information or to locate a rider training course near you, call the Motorcycle Safety Foundation at 1-800-446-9227. Gold Wing is a trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2011 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. (11/11) 12-1182 UTILITY ATVs ARE RECOMMENDED ONLY FOR RIDERS 16 YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER. BE A RESPONSIBLE RIDER. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET, EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, AND PLEASE RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT. OBEY THE LAW AND READ YOUR OWNERS MANUAL THOROUGHLY. 1.99% Fixed APR financing available for customers who qualify for super preferred credit tier for up to 36 months through Honda Financial Services. Payment example: 36 monthly payments of $28.64 for each $1,000 financed. Offer good on all new and unregistered FourTrax Rancher AT models. Not all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings. Offer ends 12/31/11 . $300 Bonus Bucks valid on 2012 and prior TRX420FA/FPA models. Bonus Bucks redeemable only for purchases at dealer on purchase date. No cash value. Non-transferable. Redemption value is not to exceed $300. Offer ends 12/31/11. Check with participating Honda Dealers for complete details. FourTrax and Ranc her are trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2011 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. (11/11) 12-1102 THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL, AND NEVER USE THE STREET AS A RACETRACK. OBEY THE LAW AND READ YOUR OWNERS MANUAL THOROUGHLY. 2.99%Fixed APR financing available for customers who qualify for super preferred credit tier for up to 36 months through Honda Financial Services. Payment example: 36 monthly payments of $29.08 for each $1,000 financed. Offer good on all new and unregistered CBR600RR/RA models. Not all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings. Offer ends 12/31/11. Check with participating Honda Dealers fo r complete details. CBRis a trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2011 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. (11/11) 12-1120 Where do you live? Where a person lives also goes a long way toward determining a holiday tip or gift. People who live in apartments should show their appreciation to the doorman and building superintendent with a tip or gift. Homeowners need not tip their local handyman, however, even if he performs the same tasks as a building superintendent. Homeowners tend to do more of their own fix-ups around the house, while apartment dwellers often rely on the super to keep their apartment in tip- top shape. Is the person a professional? Men and women who provide professional services, such as accountants, lawyers and doctors, do not warrant a tip during the holidays. These professionals are already paid handsomely for their services, and many might even gift their customers. For those who have an especially strong relationship with their accountant, lawyer, etc., perhaps a gift such as a bottle of wine might be a nice gesture. But its certainly not mandatory. Did the person go above and beyond? Of course, there are no ironclad rules when it comes to tipping or gifting others during the holidays. For example, many people dont find it necessary to tip their auto mechanic come the holidays for the same reasons you wouldnt tip an attorney. Both are already well compensated, and an extra tip is not necessary. However, if your auto mechanic saved your car from the scrap heap or provided service that is above and beyond what you have a right to expect, then perhaps a tip or a thoughtful gift is in order. When the holiday season arrives, generosity often reigns. But men and women should not feel obligated to tip or gift every person in their lives. Buyers Guide 24 holiday gift guide Great gifts are great for a multitude of reasons, but bad gifts tend to have a lot in common. The worst gifts are not only a poor fit with the recipients personality, lifestyle or interests, but also send a negative or critical message. Just plain bad gifts tend to fall into three categories: The useless, the thoughtless and the tasteless. And while the lists of awful items for men and women may be different, they nevertheless fall into one of these diagnostic categories. If youre considering purchasing gifts in any of the following four categories for the man or men in your life, think again. Clothing: While this sounds innocent enough, when the clothes dont match a mans style, it can be construed as a suggestion that you dont like what he wears or want him to up his fashion game. If you dont have a clue about what the men in your life actually like and will wear, make another choice. Household bric-a-brac or decorative elements: Items in this category include everything from a new dish rack to artsy dcor items. Such items might send a negative message similar to new clothes, and many men are territorial about their homes and resist outside (i.e., female) advice on decorating. So unless you know exactly what he wants or needs, go back to the drawing board. Sentimental items: What a woman might call sweet, a man might want to store in the trash can. If youre tempted to get your husband or boyfriend that cute teddy bear that reminds you of him, or flannel pajamas printed with those same teddy bears, forget it. And forget the book of syrupy love poetry, romantic movies or T- shirts with sappy sayings. Hell be glad you did. Psychology or self-help materials in any form or format: This is perhaps the biggest no-no of them all and sends the biggest Youre not okay message. So if youre tempted to buy your guy a book about improving communication skills, finding a better job or making better use of time, dont. Enough said. When gifting women, we should also avoid certain gifts. Appliances: For most women, household appliances fall under the heading of need rather than want, unless it is a specialty item that youre certain she has been yearning for. Lingerie: The principle here is similar to why clothes are a bad idea for guys, but can lead to far more disastrous outcomes. Many men dont realize that a gift of lingerie is often accompanied by an unintended message. If its too small, she needs to lose weight. If its too big, you think shes fat. If its too racy, you dont think shes sexy. And if its too plain, you dont think shes sexy. Simply stated, unless you know the exact size and type of lingerie she favors or want to ruin any chances of peace on earth during your holiday season, move on. Jewelry: Here again, unless you know exactly what the woman in your life wants, skip it. Not only is jewelry something that women prefer to choose for themselves, it can send a message (i.e., overly romantic or not romantic enough) that men dont realize theyre sending. Gym membership/fitness equipment: The big no-no. Under no circumstances is it wise to present the woman in your life with a gift whose underlying message is Lose weight or Shape up. The all- time worst gift for women? A bathroom scale. Gifts from bad to worst 311 W. Washington St. Charles Town 304-725-7549 2013 S. Loudoun St. Winchester 540-665-0683 47 Catoctin Cir SE Leesburg 703-443-6888 We carry name brand clothing size newborn thru juniors, maternity, Including Christmas dresses and occasion wear Books, DVDs and... TOYS, TOYS, TOYS...for LESS! Why pay retail? Present this ad before checkout for 20% all reg. priced items A Little Something For Everyone! The Gift That Makes Good Things Happen! McDonalds
Gift Certificates and Gift Cards I-81/Apple Harvest Drive - Martinsburg Eagle School Road - Martinsburg WalMart of Martinsburg 25 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide Friends, the Advent and Christmas Season is a time for lifting up our voices in joyous songs of adoration and praise. Please come worship with us at Falling Waters Presbyterian Church this season and share the warmth of friends, family and Christmas fellowship. If you are looking for a friendly church, please consider worshipping with us at Falling Waters Presbyterian Church this Advent and Christmas Season. For more informatio n about any of our services or activities, please phone the church office at 304-754-8211. 2011 Advent & Christmas Worship & Activity Schedule 2011 Advent & Christmas Worship & Activity Schedule 2011 Advent & Christmas Worship & Activity Schedule Falling Waters Falling Waters Falling Waters Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church 2928 Hammonds Mill Road 2928 Hammonds Mill Road 2928 Hammonds Mill Road Hedgesville, WV 25427 Hedgesville, WV 25427 Hedgesville, WV 25427 304-754-8211 304-754-8211 304-754-8211 First Sunday of Advent November 27 - 9:00am - Church School 10:00am - Morning Worship, Lighting of theAdvent Candle 11:00am - Fellowship Dinner Second Sunday of Advent December 4 - 9:00am - Church School 10:00am - Morning Worship, Lighting of the Advent Candle Hanging of the Greens Service 11:00am - Fellowship Hour Third Sunday of Advent December 11 - 9:00am - Church School 10:00am - Morning Worship, Lighting of the Advent Candle, Childrens Christmas Pageant 11:00am - F ellowship Dinner Fourth Sunday of Advent December 18 - 9:00am - Church School 10:00am Morning Worship and Lighting of the Advent Candle 11:00am - Fellowship Hour 7:00pm - Christmas Cantata Lead Me Back to Bethlehem Words and Music by: Pepper Choplin Presented by: Falling Waters Presbyterian Church Adult Choir Consisting of Thirty Singers an d Accompanists A Nursery will be provided Reception to follow. Christmas Eve - December 24 -11:00pm - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, Communion Christmas - December 25 - 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Welcome Open Christmas Day at 5PM Lazer Bowling Sat. 11:30PM-2AM PIKESIDE BOWL 304-267-2042 3485 Winchester Ave. Martinsburg, WV WHERE THE FUN BEGINS. Happy Holidays from Pikeside Bowl! Give That Special Gift To The Bowler In Your Life... Gift Certificates For Bowling Equipment, Ten Pin or Duck Pin, Balls, Bags, Shoes, Accessories Gift Cards For Games of Bowling Give Them a Night Of Bowling Survive holiday shopping with KIDS IN TOW Tackling a holiday gift list particularly at the peak of the season can be stressful even for enthusiastic shoppers. But bringing kids along for the ride can be enough to inspire the most passionate purchasers to forsake shopping at least brick-and-mortar shopping forever. While leaving the kids behind may be optimal, here are some surefire strategies for surviving your next consumer outing with little ones in tow. Prepare in advance. When it comes to shopping with kids, a little preparation goes a long way. If at all possible, choose a destination that offers some form of childrens entertainment, such as a play area or interactive display. Before you leave home, let kids know what you will be doing and your expectations of them during the process. While you may need to repeat the information several times during the outing, take a few minutes before leaving to emphasize that gift shopping means buying things for others. Bring appropriate toys. Pack a bag with a variety of toys and books that will keep your children occupied whether they are walking or in a stroller. Leave toys that come apart, cant be carried or are intended for outdoor use at home. And dont forget your childs sleep time comfort item. A nap might be your best opportunity to cross a lot of gifts off your list. Have nutritious snacks and drinks at the ready. Take along some water or milk and snacks such as raisins, fruit and carrots that will both satisfy kids taste buds and keep them occupied. Play games. At the start of your shopping adventure, give your children a series of challenges that will keep them busy and engaged. Kids who love to count will enjoy tracking the number of a particular item they spy as you shop and emerging readers will have fun scouting letters and words. Older children can be given more sophisticated challenges, such as tracking and totaling the cost of purchases or figuring out how much items will cost when a discount has been applied. Let kids contribute. Take some of the sting out of being dragged from store to store by inviting your children to help make some of the days decisions. Would Aunt Nancy like the blue scarf or the red scarf? Should we have sandwiches or pizza for lunch? A note about safety: Safety is a big concern when shopping with children in crowded malls or stores. Make sure that older kids know what to do and where to meet if you become separated. If younger children will be walking with you, write your cell phone number on a small piece of paper to be placed in their pockets or attached to the insides of their jackets. And remember, always accompany children into restrooms and keep an eye on them while inside. Buyers Guide 26 holiday gift guide Throw a successful OFFICE PARTY Beauty Supply International Para Latinas y Latinos 1347 Edwin Miller Blvd Martinsburg, WV (304) 264-8147 (Old Courthouse Square Next to Main Post Office Exit 16E off 81) Don t Forget to Stock up on Stocking Stuffers Your Christmas Shopping Headquarters Come Shop Our HUGE Selection of: Hair & Wigs In ALL Colors & Lengths Hair Care Products Mens Wigs & Toupes Specializing in Wigs for Chemotherapy Patients Winter Boots, Hats & Scarves Jewelry Bags Shoes Give the Gift of Fitness Gift Certificates Available 24-Hour Security Access Convenient Parking Anywhere Club Access 24-Hour Tanning Personal Training Cardio TVs 24-Hour Fitness on Request Zumba Fitness Classes Private Restrooms & Showers Wellness Programs/Running Clubs Weights Anytime Fitness Running Club Treadmills/Cardio Equipment 24/7 CLASSES Stop By or Call for Details! Martinsburgs leading 24 hour gym has all the right stuff! We are proud to now offer you 24/7 classe s... Visit for a FREE 7 Day Trial Pass 776 Foxcroft Ave. Martinsburg WV 25401 (located directly behind the Outback Steakhouse) Phone (304)262-0555 Check Pattersons for That Special Gift! We Have Them! The Special Fragrance That Always says Merry Christmas also check our selection of: Wallets and Billfolds Curling Irons Hair Dryers FREE GIFT WRAPPING and DELIVERY CANDI ES
134 S Queen Street, Downtown Martinsburg 267-8903 Inwood Center 229-2929 PATTERSONS DRUG STORES We Have A Great Selection Of Christmas Cards! See our Selection of Books Written By Local Authors! They Make Great Gifts! Tresor CK Eternity Aramis Stetson Design Preferred Stock FOR HIM Vera Wang Giorgio Norell Obsession Tommy Girl White Diamonds Aqua di Gio Issey Mayake Aspen Ralph Lauren Betsy Johnson Pleasures Curve Nautica Tommy Halston Z-14 English Leather FOR HER Plus Plus Plus Many Many Many Others! Others! Others! Plus Plus Plus Many Many Many Others! Others! Others! * Throw the party off-premises. Most employees spend 8 to 10 hours a day at their places of employment. Hosting a party at the office, factory or place of business can seem like just an extension of the regular working day. * Invite employees' spouses and children. Opening up the invitation to the family members means employees won't need to feel torn about attending the party or spending time at home. * Leave little room for shop talk. Plan a host of activities, from dancing to fun trivia. * Treat it like your own party. Employers or the party planner can greet guests by the door so they feel immediately warm and welcomed. * Remember food often makes the bash. If money is an issue, make it a pot luck theme where everyone gets to bring one dish and then everyone enjoys it buffet-style. 27 Buyers Guide holiday gift guide There is no denying that shopping online is the quickest and easiest way to zip through a holiday shopping list. With a few clicks and keystrokes, its possible to have all of your Christmas shopping done in no time. But as many people have found out the hard way purchasing via the Internet can be risky business, especially during the holiday season when shoppers are pressed for time and make hasty decisions. While identity theft and fraud can occur at any time of the year, the holiday shopping season leaves consumers particularly vulnerable to hackers and identity thieves. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, a San Diego-based nonprofit, there are several important steps that consumers should take to ensure that their online transactions are conducted both safely and securely. First and foremost, the ITRC recommends that consumers shop only on sites that use technology that encrypts or encodes both your personal and financial information before sending it for payment processing. Encrypting sensitive information makes it inaccessible to anyone outside the system, and all of the Webs major retailers secure customer data in this manner. Nevertheless, its a good idea to ensure that a shopping site is secure, particularly if you have not made purchases there in the past. Any page on a site that asks for personal or financial information will have a URL or Web address beginning with https:// as opposed to the usual http://. Shopping only on the sites of merchants you know and trust is another critical means of ensuring your online safety. However, if you decide to order from a Web site you have never patronized before, its a good idea to spend a few minutes investigating the site. For starters, reliable Internet retailers always include a business address and contact telephone number on their sites, as well as information about site security, their return and refund policies, shipping practices and privacy policy. This information should be easily located on the Web site, often along the bottom of the companys home page. If you cant find this information or suspect that the business might not be legitimate, contact the Better Business Bureau or your states Attorney Generals office to determine if there are outstanding complaints against the company. Another critical step in securing your personal and financial data is to provide only the information necessary to complete the transaction and no more. Social Security numbers are not required to complete an online purchase and consumers should never provide this information. Being asked to reveal sensitive information, such as a Social Security number, on a retail Web site is an automatic red flag indicating that something is not right. Your best bet? Close your browser window and search for another, reputable source for the item you want. Finally, whenever you shop online, its best to pay with credit cards, which are protected by the federal Fair Credit Billing Act a law that entitles cardholders to dispute charges made to their accounts. Unfortunately, there is no other form of payment that provides this type or level of protection. The good news? Once you are assured that a site is secure and the retailer is reputable, shop away. Chances are good that youll not only save time, but money and energy as well. Even Santa needs to ensure the Web sites he uses for Christmas shopping are secure. Golf Toys for Big Boys! (Let him pick it out.) Clubs, Clothes or once around the Course. Mountain Lake Road Hedgesville, WV 304-754-7977
SHOTS REQUIRED M-F 8-5:30; Sat. 8-4:30; Sun. 9-10 AM 304-264-4647 202 Old Mill Rd., Martinsburg Walk-ins Welcome Mon. - Thurs. Before 11am Let Us Lather Up Your Pup! POSH PET KENNEL NOT HOME FOR NOT HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS? THE HOLIDAYS? 3 Groomers Available Make Your Appointment Today! Grooming Appointments Available Monday - Saturday Your furry friend will be at home with us! Make Boarding Accommodations Today for Christmas Secure your identity WHEN SHOPPING ONLINE Buyers Guide 28 holiday gift guide VISIT US ON THE WEB AT WWW.PARSONSKIAOFWINCHESTER.COM 540-667-8400 800-490-4447 2525 Valley Avenue, Winchester, Va. 22601 Bring This Ad For An Additional $ 500 00 OFF $ 500 00 OFF Any New or Used Car In Stock (present ad prior to test drive) We Are A Location 2012 Kia Sorento 2012 Kia Optima 2012 Kia Soul *On Select In Stock Models. Parsons Kia and the Buyers Guide are not responsible for typographical e rrors. Ad must be brought in prior to sale. Sale price not valid after purchase. See Dealer for Det ails. Prices include all rebates, owner loyalty or competitive rebates and KIA financial incentives for qualified buyers with KMF 506 program. Prices do not include taxes, tags, freight, a $199 processing fee. $ 18,639 $ 23,815 $ 19,625 N E W ! N E W ! N E W !