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Methods of Multivariate Analysis

There are three categories of analysis:

• Univariate analysis, which looks at just one variable

• Bivariate analysis, which analyzes two variables simultaneously
• Multivariate analysis, which looks at more than two variables

Univariate and Bivariate analyses can be treated as a particular case of

Multivariate analysis.

Multivariate analysis techniques can be divided into two categories:

• Dependence techniques: A dependence technique may be defined

as one in which a variable or set of variables is identified as the
dependent variable to be predicted or explained by other variables
known as independent variables.
Examples: Generalized Linear Model (includes Simple Linear
Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression,
Poisson Regression, Negative Binomial Regression), Principal
Component Analysis, Canonical correlation analysis, Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA), Multivariate Analysis of Variance
(MANOVA), Log-linear model for contingency table, etc.

• Interdependence techniques: An interdependence technique is one

in which no single variable or group of variables is defined as
independent or dependent. Instead, the procedure involves the
simultaneous analysis of all variables in the set.

Examples: Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multidimensional

Scaling (MDS), Correspondence Analysis, etc.


Regression analysis measures the probable movement of the Dependent

(Response or Endogenous) variable for a unit increase of the
independent variable.
Regression analysis is used for one of two purposes:
• predicting the value of the dependent variable when
information about the independent variables is known
• predicting the effect of an independent variable on the
dependent variable.

Dependent variable: the variable we wish to explain or predict.
Independent/exogenous/explanatory variable: the variable
we use to explain or predict the dependent variable.

Types of Regression Models

There are numerous regression analysis approaches available
for making predictions. Various parameters, including the
number of independent variables, the form of the regression line,
and the type of dependent variable, determine the choice of
technique for regression analysis.

1. Simple Linear Regression (Linear relationship exists between

dependent and independent variables)
2. Multiple Linear Regression (linear relationship exists
between dependent and more than one independent
3. Binary Logistic Regression (dependent variable is binary)


4. Multicategory Logistic regression (dependent variable is

5. Polynomial Regression: (nonlinear relationship between
dependent and independent variables)
6. Ridge Regression: (independent variables are highly
7. Quantile Regression (when outliers, high skewness and
heteroscedasticity exist in the data.).
8. Bayesian Linear Regression
9. Principal Components Regression (for many
independent variables or multicollinearity exist in data).

10. Partial Least Squares Regression (many independent

variables with a high probability of multicollinearity between
the variables).

10. Elastic Net Regression (suitable for strongly correlated

11. Support Vector Regression (suitable for linear and
nonlinear models).
12. Ordinal Regression (for ordinal dependent variable)
13. Poisson Regression (when the dependent variable has count data)
14. Negative Binomial Regression (used for overdispersed count
dependent data)
15. Quasi-Poisson Regression (used for overdispersed count-
dependent data)
16. Tobit Regression (when censoring exists in the dependent variable)


17. Jackknife regression (a resampling procedure)

18. Ecological Regression (used to study predicted human behaviour
within a population data set), etc.


1. Simple linear regression model:

(Simple – the model contains only one independent variable, linear – the
power of the regression coefficient is 1).
The population Simple Linear Regression Model can be stated
α + β X + ε , ε (the random error) ~ N 0,σ 2
y= ( )
Thus, y ~ N X β ,σ
) and X is fixed for a particular analysis.
Before estimating the model, we must visualize the data to check
• the linear relationship between X and Y,
• normality of Y
• presence of an outlier.
If Y is not normally distributed, we can use Box-cox
transformation to transform Y to normal.
Using the Method of least square principle, we can estimate the
model as

yˆ =
a + bX , where a =

y − bx , and b =
( x − x )( y − y ) i i

∑(x − x ) i

[Least square principle: Minimize the sum of squares of errors

n n

∑ ( yi − yˆi=
) ∑ i
( )
2 2
(SSE), y − ( a + bx ) with respect to a and
=i 1 =i 1
b, where ŷ is an estimate of E ( y / X= x )= α + β x , the conditional
mean of y given X=x (fixed).]
The accuracy of the estimated model can be evaluated by the adjusted
coefficient of determination ( ) , which varies from 0 to 1.
R2 R 2
(When should we use a multiple linear regression model?)
If the coefficient of determination is unsatisfactory (low), we
incorporate/add meaningful and relevant independent variables
into the model to create the Multiple Linear Regression Model


2. Multiple Linear Regression Model (MLRM)

The population multiple regression model with k independent
variables can be written as
y= β 0 + β1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + + β3 X 3 +  + β k X k + ε , where ε ~ N 0,σ 2 )
In matrix form,
y Xβ +ε ,
= [ yn×1 = X n×k β k×1 ] , n is the sample size or
number of observations.

Using the Method of least square, the estimated regression

model can be written as
yˆ= b0 + b1 X 1 + b2 X 2 + +b3 X 3 +  + bk X k
In matrix form, yˆ X= βˆ (or, yˆ Xb)
where, b= βˆ= ( X ′X ) X ′y

The total variation of y can be expressed in terms of variation

due to Regression and Error. Mathematically,
n n n

∑ ( yi − y ) ∑ ( yˆi − y ) ∑ i i
( )
2 2 2
= + y − ˆ
i 1 =i 1 =i 1
Total SS (TSS) = Regression SS (RSS) + Error SS (ESS)
The above expression is beneficial in constructing the ANOVA
table and Testing hypotheses.

Steps testing the validity or accuracy of the estimated

Test whether all independent variables have a simultaneous
influence on the target variable or not (Global Test).
We require the following ANOVA table to test
H 0 : β=
1 β=
2 β=
3  = β= k 0 against
H1 : At least one regression coefficient (βi )is non-zero


Under H 0 the test statistic is

MSSR / k
F ~ F (k , n − k − 1)
MSSE / (n − k − 1)

ANOVA table
SV df SS F
Regr k RSS= MSSR=R F =
essio n SS/k
∑ ( ) MSSR / k
n ˆ
y i − y
i =1 MSSE / (n − k − 1)
Error n-(k+1) ESS= MSSE=E
n SS/(n-k-
∑ ( ) 2
yi − ˆ
y i 1)
i =1
Total n-1 TSS=

∑ i
( ) 2
y − y
i =1
Abbreviation: SV – Source of variation, df – degrees of freedom, SS – Sum
of Squares, MSS – Mean Sum of Squares, RSS – Regression Sum of
Squares, ESS – Error Sum of Squares, TSS – Total Sum of squares.

We will not proceed anymore if H 0 is accepted. We continue the

investigation/analysis if at least one regression coefficient is non-zero,
i.e., at least one independent variable has a linear influence on the
dependent variable. (use the p-value of the ANOVA table to make a
The dependent variable is continuous in Multiple Linear Regression
because of the normality of the error term.


Note that a scientific calculator can estimate a simple linear regression

model and correlation coefficient, whereas multiple regression and
logistics regression require a computer.
We test each regression coefficient or a subset of the coefficients if the
above global Test is rejected.
To test
H 0 : βi = 0 ( X i has no linear influence on y) against
H a : βi ≠ 0 ( X i has a linear influence on y),
Under H 0 the test statistic is
bi − 0
=t ~ t (n − k − 1)
se(bi )
We do not reject H 0 if p-value>significance level. (p-value can be
obtained directly from computer output but not from a statistical table).


Please study the file SimpleLinearRegEx1.pptx for a better

Example 1 (Simple Linear Regression Analysis):

A real estate agent wishes to examine the relationship between a home's

selling price (measured in $) and its size (measured in square feet).

House Price in $1000s Square Feet

(X) (Y)
245 1400
312 1600
279 1700
308 1875
199 1100
219 1550
405 2350
324 2450
319 1425
255 1700


a) Identify the dependent and independent variables.

b) Construct a scatter diagram and comment on it.
c) Determine and interpret the correlation coefficient and coefficient
of determination.
d) Estimate the regression equation of the selling price of a home on
its size.
e) Predict the price for a house with 2000 square feet.
f) Test the significance of the linear relationship between price and
size at a 5% significance level.
g) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population correlation
h) Test the linear influence of size on price at a 5% significance level.


Solution: (A scientific calculator can be used for this simple linear

regression problem)

The majority of the above questions can be answered from the following
computer output:


Please study the file MultipleLinearRegEx2.pptx for a better


Example 2 (Multiple Linear Regression Analysis):

A distributor of frozen desert pies wants to evaluate factors thought to

influence demand. Data are collected for 15 weeks on Pie sales (units per
week), price (in $) and Advertising cost($100’s)
Pie Sales ($) Advertising ($100s)
Week (Y) (X1) (X2)
1 350 5.5 3.3
2 460 7.5 3.3
3 350 8 3
4 430 8 4.5
5 350 6.8 3
6 380 7.5 4
7 430 4.5 3
8 470 6.4 3.7
9 450 7 3.5
10 490 5 4
11 340 7.2 3.5
12 300 7.9 3.2
13 440 5.9 4
14 450 5 3.5
15 300 7 2.7

a) Identify the dependent and independent variables.

b) Construct scatter diagrams to check linearity and the presence of
c) Estimate the regression equation of pie sales on price and
advertisement cost. Interpret the estimated coefficients.
d) Predict the pie sales when the price per unit is $6.35, and the
advertisement cost is $4100.


e) Test the significance of the linear relationship between price and

size at a 5% significance level.
f) Test the joint influence of price and advertisement on pie sales.
g) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population regression
coefficient of pie sales on price per unit.

The majority of the above questions can be answered from the following
computer output:

The basic framework of the above regression analyses (SLRM and

MLRM) is the Classical Regression Model (CLRM). The CLRM is based on
a set of assumptions. Gujarati (2008) outlined about ten different
assumptions. One of the assumptions is that each error term ε i is
independently and normally distributed with mean 0 and constant
variance σ 2 (identical). That is,
ε i ~ NIID 0,σ 2 )
(NIID means normal, independent and identical distribution)
The above assumption implied that the dependent variable is also
normally distributed as follows
y ~ NIID( X β ,σ 2 ) ,


where, X β = β 0 + β1 x1 + β 2 x2 +  + β k xk .
In case of violating at least one assumption of normality, independence,
and constant variance, we use a Generalized linear model (GLM)
(Agresti, 2019, chapter 3). Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Linear
Regression are particular cases of GLM.

We use a generalized linear model for different choices of the dependent

variable. A short list is given below:
Types of Generalized Linear Models
Type/distribution of Independent Model
dependent variable/Systematic
variable/Random Component
Continuous/Normal Continuous (one Simple Linnear
independent var) Regression
Continuous/Normal Continuous (more Multiple Linnear
than one Regression
independent var)
Continuous/Normal Categorical Analysis of Variance
Continuous/Normal Mixed Analysis of
Binary/Binomial Mixed

Mixed Multinomial logistic

Multicategory/Multinomial Regression
Count/Poisson Mixed Loglinear
Count with overdispersion Mixed Negative Binomial
/Negative Binomial Regression
Ordinal/cumulative normal Mixed Cumulative Logistic
The Simple, Multiple Linear Regression, and binary Logistic Regression models are
particular cases of GLM.



Binary dependent outcomes violets the assumption of normality. In this
situation, we use binary logistic Regression, as per the above
Despite its name, logistic Regression is a method of classification. It is
conceptually similar to linear Regression.
Examples of binary dependent outcomes:
• The patient survives the operation or does not.
• The accused is convicted or is not.
• The customer makes a purchase or does not.
• The marriage lasts at least five years or does not.
Using the technique of GLM, the logistic regression model with k
explanatory variables can be expressed in the following form:

 p 
ln   = β 0 + β1 x1 + β 2 x2 +  + β k xk = X β .
 1− p  .

eX β 1
Thus,=p P=
(Y 1/=
x) E=
(Y 1/=
x) = Xβ −Xβ
1+ e 1+ e
Note that, Logistic Regression is nonlinear in regression coefficients.
Odds= = exp( β 0 + β1 x1 + β 2 x2 +  + β k xk )
1− p
= exp ( β 0 ) × exp ( β1 x1 ) × exp ( β 2 x2 ) ×  × exp ( β k xk )
where, = 1/ x) and
p Pr(Y (1-=
p) =
Pr(Y 0 / x)


Defn: Odds is the ratio of the probability of happening to the

probability of not happening of an event.

The higher the probability, the greater the odds.

The sigmoid function y = (so named because it looks
1 + e− X β
like an s) is also called the logistic function. It takes a real value
and maps it to the range [0, 1]. It is nearly linear around 0, but
outlier values get squashed toward 0 or 1.

For given values of x's, we can predict p. If p>0.5, the

observation(s) belongs to group 1; otherwise, it belongs to group

Note that the Method of least squares is used in MLR and Maximum
Likelihood in Logistic Regression. We require a Computer to estimate
each model listed in the GLM table.
In terms of log odds, Logistic Regression is like regular Regression


• The exponential function of the logistic regression coefficients are

odds ratios
• When xk is increased by one unit and all other independent
variables are held constant, the odds of Y=1 are multiplied by e .
• Another way of writing ea+bX is ea(eb)X. That means that a one-unit
increase in X multiplies the odds by eb.

The goodness of fit and accuracy of the Binary Logistic Regression


In Linear Regression, we check adjusted R², F Statistics, MAE, and

RMSE to evaluate model fit and accuracy.
Logistic Regression employs different sets of metrics. In this case, we
deal with probabilities and categorical values. The following are the
evaluation metrics used for Logistic Regression:
1. Akaike Information Criteria (AIC): The model with the lowest AIC
will be relatively better.
2. Null Deviance and Residual Deviance: The deviance of an
observation is computed as -2 times the log-likelihood of that
observation. The larger the difference between null and residual
deviance, the better the model. ( Also, whichever model has a lower
null deviance, the model explains deviance pretty well and is better.
The lower the residual deviance, the better the model.
Practically, AIC is always given preference above deviance to evaluate
model fit.

3. Confusion Matrix

Confusion matrix is the most crucial metric commonly used to evaluate

classification models. The skeleton of a confusion matrix looks like this:


The confusion matrix avoids "confusion" by measuring the actual and

predicted values in a tabular format. The table above shows the Positive
class = 1 and the Negative class = 0. Following are the metrics we can
derive from a confusion matrix:
Accuracy =
TP + TN + FP + FN (It determines the overall predicted
accuracy of the model)
True Positive Rate, TP + FN
. ( It indicates how many positive
values, out of all the positive values, have been correctly predicted.
TPR = 1 - False Negative Rate. It is also known as Sensitivity
or Recall.
False Positive Rate: TP + TN , It indicates how many negative
values, out of all the Negative values, have been incorrectly predicted.
FPR = 1 - True Negative Rate.


True Negative Rate, TN + FP , It indicates how many
negative values, out of all the negative values, have been correctly
predicted. It is also known as Specificity.
False Negative Rate, FN + TP , It indicates how many
positive values, out of all the positive values, have been incorrectly

Precision = TP TP+ FP , It indicates how many values, out of all the

predicted positive values, are positive.
F-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It lies between 0
and 1. The higher the value, the better the model. It is formulated as
F − score = 2 ( precision*recall ) / ( precision+recall ) .
1 1
Precision Recall


Example ( Daniel: pp.573, EXAMPLE 11.4.2):

Cardiac rehabilitation programs offer "information, support, and
monitoring for return to activities, symptom management, and risk
factor modification."

The researchers conducted a study to identify factors associated with

participation in such programs among women.

The following data (Table 11.4.3 in the text) are the ages of 185 women
discharged from a hospital in Australia who met eligibility criteria
involving discharge for myocardial infarction, artery bypass surgery,
angioplasty, or stent.

We wish to use these data to develop a model (Binary Logistic

Regression Model) regarding the relationship between age in years
(independent variable,
X) and participation in a cardiac rehabilitation program (dependent
Y) (ATT=1 if participated, and ATT=0 if not).
We also wish to know if we may use the results of our analysis to
predict the likelihood of participation by a woman if we know her age:

TABLE 11.4.3 Ages of Women Participating and Not Participating

in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
age att age att age att age att age att age att
50 0 71 0 73 0 75 0 41 1 69 1
59 0 69 0 68 0 68 0 64 1 66 1
42 0 78 0 72 0 81 0 46 1 57 1
50 0 69 0 59 0 74 0 65 1 60 1
34 0 74 0 64 0 65 0 50 1 63 1
49 0 86 0 78 0 81 0 61 1 63 1
67 0 49 0 68 0 62 0 64 1 56 1


44 0 63 0 67 0 85 0 59 1 70 1
53 0 63 0 55 0 84 0 73 1 70 1
45 0 72 0 71 0 39 0 73 1 63 1
79 0 64 0 80 0 52 0 65 1 63 1
46 0 72 0 75 0 67 0 67 1 65 1
62 0 79 0 69 0 82 0 60 1 67 1
58 0 75 0 80 0 84 0 69 1 68 1
70 0 70 0 79 0 79 0 61 1 84 1
60 0 73 0 71 0 81 0 79 1 69 1
67 0 66 0 69 0 74 0 66 1 78 1
64 0 75 0 78 0 85 0 68 1 69 1
62 0 73 0 75 0 92 0 61 1 79 1
50 0 71 0 71 0 69 0 63 1 83 1
61 0 72 0 69 0 83 0 70 1 67 1
69 0 69 0 77 0 82 0 68 1 47 1
74 0 76 0 81 0 85 0 59 1 57 1
65 0 60 0 78 0 82 0 64 1 66 1
80 0 79 0 76 0 80 0 62 1
69 0 78 0 84 0 74 1 74 1
77 0 62 0 74 0 50 1 61 1
61 0 73 0 59 0 55 1 69 1
72 0 46 0 81 0 66 1 76 1
67 0 57 0 74 0 49 1 71 1
73 0 53 0 77 0 55 1 61 1
75 0 40 0 59 0 73 1 46 1
(Data file: Logisticdata1.xlsx)
Partial SPSS output
Model Summary

-2 Log Cox & Snell Nagelkerke

Step likelihood R Square R Square

1 229.520a .037 .051

a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 4

because parameter estimates changed by less
than .001.

Confusion/Classification Tablea
ATT Percentage
Observed 0 1 Correct


Step 1 ATT 0 111 10 91.7

1 58 5 7.9
Overall 63.0
a. The cut value is .500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
Step 1a AGE -.038 .015 6.710 1 .010 .963
Constant 1.875 .981 3.653 1 .056 6.519

From the above SPSS output, we can write the estimated Binary Logistic
Regression Model as
 pˆ 
yˆi =ln  i =αˆ + βˆ xi =1.875 − 0.038 xi
 1 − pˆ i 
The predicted probability of attending cardiac rehabilitation for a
woman aged xi is
pˆ i =
1 + e − (1.875−0.038 xi )
For x = 57, pˆ = 0.427759
1 + e − (1.875−0.038×57)

=pˆ 57 0.427759 < 0.50 , Thus, a 57-year-old woman did not participate
in the program.
For x = 37, pˆ = − (1.875 − 0.038×37)
1+ e
=pˆ 37 0.615147 > 0.50 , Thus, a 37-year-old woman participated in the


Test: We can check the adequacy of the logistic model by testing the null
hypothesis that the slope of the regression line/coefficient of age (x) is
zero. That is, we test the null hypothesis
H 0 : β = 0 versus the two-sided alternative H a : β ≠ 0 .
Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic is
 βˆ 
W =   χ12 (distributed as Chi-square with 1 degree of freedom)
 se( β ) 
From computer output, W = 6.710 with p-value 0.01<0.05.
Thus, we reject the null hypothesis at a 5% significance level.
The logistic regression coefficient is significant, and hence, the logistic
regression model is adequate. That is, the age of a woman influences her
participation in the program.

Accuracy can be observed from the Confusion matrix, and various

accuracy measures can be obtained from this confusion matrix.
It is observed from the Confusion/Classification table that only 63% of
the data were correctly reclassified, with those participating in the
rehabilitation program much more poorly classified than those who did
not attend the program. The frequency distribution shows the large
number of ATT=1 subjects who were misclassified as ATT=0 based on
the model.

Agresti, A. (2019) An Introduction to categorical Analysis (Chapter 4),
Wiley & Sons.
ANALYSIS, chapter 3, Wiley.


Daniel, W. W. (2013). BIOSTATISTICS: A Foundation for Analysis in the

Health Sciences, (Chapter 9-11).

Gujarati, D. (2014). Econometrics by Example. Chapter 1, Palgrave.

Hair, F. F. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis, (Chapter 1), Cengage


Newbold, P. (2023). Statistics for Business and Economics, Pearson (


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