Comparenewvsoldworldwine 230508013012 f2bfc489
Comparenewvsoldworldwine 230508013012 f2bfc489
Comparenewvsoldworldwine 230508013012 f2bfc489
Lesson Overview
4.0 Introduction. 4.15 Israel
4.1 Argentina 4.16 Italy
4.2 Australia 4.17 Japan
4.3 Austria 4.18 Macedonia
4.4 Bulgaria 4.19 New Zealand
4.5 Canada 4.20 Portugal
4.6 Chile 4.21 Romania
4.7 China 4.22 South Africa
4.8 Czech Republic 4.23 Spain
4.9 England and Wales 4.24 Switzerland
4.10 France 4.25 United States of America
4.11 Germany
4.12 Greece Conclusions
4.13 Hungary
4.14 India References
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.0 Introduction
the world of wine is constantly changing and
evolving through investment, innovation, the
application of new scientific techniques higher quality
wines are being produced.
wine is a gift of nature and the earth’s geology but is
mother nature who is the ultimate boss in the end,
the countries explored in this lesson require so many
factors to fall into place to produce good wines
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.1 Argentina
Seventy percent of Argentina’s vineyards are located in the state of Mendoza, which lies under the Andes Mountains and is geographically
located on the same latitude as Morocco. A unique intricate system of irrigation, which is supplied from the melted snows of the Andes
Mountains by a network of canals begun by the native Indians a thousand years ago (which included a legal framework for equitably dividing
water rights, that subsequent generations have luckily inherited) coupled with balanced temperatures and little or no disease ensures that
crops are huge. The average crop produces an amazing 70 hectolitres.
the most widely planted grape variety is the Malbec once dominant in Bordeaux and flourishing as Auxerrois in Cahors, in Argentina it
produces top rich red wine
the best vineyards are located near the Andes due to the unique canal system and high altitudes between 600 to 950 metres
phylloxera is controlled in Argentina by flooding the vineyards with water from big dams located in the Andes Mountains
Torrontes: Argentina’s indigenous white variety, popular and very easy to drink, both for old-style brownish wines and fruiter modern ones.
Vineyards and grape varieties
Vineyards: The vineyards of Argentina lie above 500 metres above sea level with the exception of Salta (in the sub tropical north), which is close
to the town of Cafayate those vineyards reach a height to 2,000 metres. The majority of the vineyards are planted in the parral, or pergola system
because of the heat, this helps keep the grapes away from the scorching ground heat.
Grape varieties and regions grown: Malbec (Mendoza, Rio Negro) produces full-bodied, bramley red wines with the dark purple colour, rich
tannins, peppery and spicy flavours.
Torrontes (Cafayate) produces full-bodied, dry white wines with Muscat-like aromas.
Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot (Cafayate, Mendoza) planted widely for red wines.
Chardonnay and Viognier (Mendoza) for white wines.
Criolla and Cereza used for basic, local market table wine or in some cases grape concentrates.
Major regions and wines of Argentina:
Argentina was the first South American country to introduce a DOC system in 1992. Mendoza: only region with a hierarchy of appellations,
divided into five regions and a larger number of departments and then subdivisions. San Juan: warmer climates produces light wines, lots of
vermouths and grape concentrate. Famatina: far north, very hot contains co-operative cellars, the La Rioja province wines although popular are
labelled Famatina Valley because of Spain. Cafayate: the Torrontes (white) grape reins here in this Salta province. High growing altitudes help
develop aromas and flavours. Cabernet Sauvignon also grows well here.
Rio Negro: located in the far south, this cool region produces a lot of Malbec
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.2 Australia
[ Wine map of Australia ]
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
The best vineyards are to the south and close to the sea. Australia’s red and white wines display a delicate fruity
softness, which is ideal for immediate consumption.
Climate and weather: Mediterranean, the cooler areas at found at altitude or close to the coast. Drought can be the
biggest problem. Weather can also cause vintage variation.
Soils: Very mixed for separate regions, some special soils include the Terra Rossa of Connawarra.
Grape Varieties: Although there are about 90 different grape varieties planted commercially in Australia the main grape
varieties grown are White: Semillion, Riesling, Chardonnay, Muscat Gordo Blanco, Sauvignon Blanc, Colombard,
Verdelho. Black: Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Ruby Cabernet, Grenache, Mataro (Mourvedre),
Cabernet Franc.
Geographical Indications (GI): created in 1993 ‘to determine geographical indications for wine in relation to regions
and localities in Australia’. The GI is part of Label Integrity Program to ensure the validity of the information on the bottle
Local labelling and legal requirements: If regions, varieties or vintages are stated, then 85 per cent of the wine in the
bottle must come from those regions, varieties or vintages.
Major Australian Regions
New South Wales (Hunter Valley, Central Ranges Zone, Big Rivers Zone)
Victoria (Western Victoria Zone, North-West Victoria Zone, North-East Victoria, Port Phillip Zone)
South Australia (Limestone Coast Zone, Mount Lofty Ranges Zone, Lower Murray Zone, Barossa Zone, Eden Valley
region, Fleurieu Peninsular Zone,
Western Australia (Greater Perth Zone, South-West Australia Zone), Tasmania.
Major Wines
Hunter Valley Semillon, Barossa Shiraz, Connawarra Cabernet Sauvignon, Clare and Eden Valley Rieslings,
Adelaide Hills Chardonnay, Yarra Valley Pinot Noir, Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon, Margaret River Chardonnay,
Rutherglen Liqueur Muscat.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.3 Austria
Much of the Austrian wine is consumed locally while Germany is it’s biggest export market. Nno country in Europe has
changed its attitudes and upgraded its standards so much in the past decade as Austria.
Austrian Wine Laws
Completely revamped and introduced in 1993, the classification system for the Austrian wine is similar to that of Germany,
for example chaptalisation is forbidden for quality wines and the wine label information is also similar for both countries.
Classification system for Austrian quality wines.
Trockenbeernaulese (top level)
Strohwein or Shilfwein.
Austrian Vineyards and Grape Varieties
The vineyards are mainly concentrated to the east of Austria, 85% of the wines are white and dry made from the
indigenous ‘Gruner Veltliner’ (broad variety of flavours) and other varieties, including the noble Riesling (grown for the
quality wines giving dry full bodied wines with ripe peachy fruits), Welschriesling (susceptible to noble rot, produces
excellent sweet wines in southern Austria),
Major Austrian Regions and Wines
Austria is split into four regions, these regions are the most important for the international markets (listed below),
which are called Weinbauregion, which in turn are split into Weinbaugebiete and districts Grosslage.
Niederosterreich Lower Austria: Key wines: Wachau, Kamptal, Kremstal using Gruner Veltliner or Riesling and
Weinvieretel DAC using Gruner Vertliner.
Burgenland: Key wines: BA, TBA, Eisewein using various GV and Burgenland reds using Blaufrankisch, cuvees.
Burgenland lies to the east of Austria on the Hungarian border and produces outstanding sweet wines.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.4 Bulgaria
Large amount of money invested in recent years Bulgaria’s winemakers are now producing quality wines. Wine Act of 1978
classified its wines as follows;
Standard wines: bottom level, light wines drank locally, Special wines: covers sparkling, liqueur and fruit wines.
High quality wines geographical origin: wines from unspecified region sold under a brand name, the lowest export
High quality wines with declared geographical origin (DGO): states the grape variety and region for example
‘Russe Welschriesling’ Russe being the producing region. Two varieties are blended to make an original taste.
Controliran: similar to AC in France, limited mainly to single varieties, the word Controliran will appear on the label,
label will state the specified region and specified grape variety, this wine will be tasted by a professional panel.
Reserve: this word which only appears on the label on a DGO or Controliran wine and indicates that these wines have
been aged in oak for 3-4 years. Special Reserve: limited lots, these wines are the countries best.
4.5 Canada
Canada: 7,821km from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, numerous microclimates produced by mountain ranges and bodies of water.
Wine Regions: Southern Ontario around the Great Lakes, most notably Niagara Peninsula and the Okanagen Valley of
British Columbia. Ontario in Lake Erie North Shore and Prince Edward County. British Columbia, Naramata Beach,
Simikameen Valley, Vancouver Island and Kootenay’s. Quebec, Monteregie, Eastern Townships wineries Les Contans de
L’est, Lower Laurentials wineries – basses Laurential, Laurentials wineries and Quebec City. Nova Scotia Annapolis
Valley, Malaagash Peninsula, La Have River Valley and Bear river valley.
Grape varieties: (a) European vinifera – Chardonnay, Riesling, Pinot Noir, (b) Amercian or labruscana – Concord and
Niagara (not good grapes), (c ) Hybrids – Baco noir, Marechal Foch, l’Acadie, Leon Millot.
Ice wine: began in Germany, Canada now biggest producer, regions most famous are Niagara Peninsula of Ontario,
Okangen Valley of British Columbia. Grapes are picked at the coldest moment of a winter’s night, as the grape freezes new
sensations of sweet juice are created.
Quality Control: VQA Ontario – designated wine authority for Ontario. Originally 3 primary Viticultural Areas or
appellations of origin: Niagara Peninsula, lake Erie North Shore and Price Edward County. Now they are 8 Viticultural Areas
(15,000 acres of vineyards) recognised located in southern Ontario and British Columbia they account for 98% of Canada’s
premium wine.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.6 Chile
[ Wine map of Chile ]
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Chile’s wealth from wine was invested in French style chateaux, vineyards, French grape varieties are popular Cabernet Sauvignon and
Merlot varietal production sold entirely internationally), Chardonnay (good with greta fruit), Muscat of Alexandria (widely planted northerly
vineyards for distillation into Pisco brandy) Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc (flabby here). Carmenere (rare Bordeaux variety produces a specail
red elegant), Viognier (to suit US Californian tastes), Foreign investment into vineyard planting and modern wineries.
Only country in world which is Phylloxera free (no grafting needed) geographical layout, Chile also has very strict quarantine conditions
Chiles unique geographical layout: to the North Aatcama Desert which only sees rain every few years, to the east the cold Andes Mountains
(which stops phylloxera from Argentina), to the west the cold Pacific, to the south the rain never stops
Natural irrigation: natural water comes down from the Andes Mountains (snow capped) in old Indian canal system (canals and gullies which
flood the land) built by the Incas, this is water creates a true Garden of Eden setting
Vineyards are close to these rivers and the valleys are called after the rivers.
4.7 China
Incredible mix of terriors and terrains spanning over 3 million square miles. Sincere 1994 China has put an emphasis
on developing its wine market. 1995 there are over 240 wineries in China majority located in the north Shandong
province and Shanxi Province (well known ones include Great Wall, Dynasty, Grace and Dragon Seal) .
Wine regions
Ningxia: largest wine production and good quality beating French wines in competition (2011).
North east
Bohai Bar and the Shandong wine region
Yellow River area
Most Notable wine producing regions: Beijing, Yantai, Zhangiakou in Hebei, Yibin in Sichuan, tonghua in Jilin, Taiyuan in Shanxi and
Ningxia. Largest producing region: Yantai Penglai (140 wineries producing 40% of China’s wine).
Grape varieties: Chinese Government set up 2 national grape germplasm respositories (Zhengzhou fruit Research Institute of the China
academy of Agricultural sciences – located at Zhengzhou, Henan province) and Institute of Fruit research of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural
Sciences located at Taigu, shanxi province). Both house 1,300 grape varieites for possible cultivation.
Popular Varieties cultivated include: Table grapes: Zaomeigui, Zhengzhuo, Zaohong, Fenghuang No 51, Jing Zaojing, Shangdong Zaohong,
Jingxiu, Jingya, Zizhenxiang, Shengxiu, Jingyu, Fenghou. Wine grapes: Beichun, Gonliang No 1, Shuangyou, zuoshan No 1. International
varieties: Chardonnay, Irtalian Risling, Chenin Blanc, cabernet Franc, cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Gamay Noir, Gewurztraminer, Sauvignon
Blanc, Pinot Noir.
High quality Chinese wines: (just a few samples) Huadong’s - Chardonnay, Huaxia - Dry Red, Changyu’s - Cabernet, Beijing’s - Dragon
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Wineries breakdown: East Anglia (66), South East (145), central South (96), Midlands (91), North (18), South West
(120), Wales (22), Scotland (4), Channel Islands (5).
Grape Varieties:
Chardonnay (20.6%), Pinot Noir (18.6%), Bacchus (9.6%). Other varieties: (White) Auxerrois, Faberrebe, Huxelrebe,
Kerner, Madeleine, Angevine, Muller Thurgau, optima, Orion, Ortega, Pheonix, Regner, Reichsteiner, Rwagier,
Schonburger, Seyval Blanc, siegerrebe, Wurzer. (Red) Dornfelder, dunkelfeder, Pinot Meunier, regent, rondo, Trimphe.
4.10 France
[ Wine map of France ]
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
[ Bordeaux Region ]
Estates and Châteaux the break-up: Bordeaux is the only region of France where the wine estates are
still the same size and shape as they were before the Revolution (leaders confiscated them for themselves).
Bordeaux 3s (3 rivers, 3 main areas, 3 main soil types, 3 main red grapes, 3 main white grapes). Very
aristocratic with big Chateau: Bordeaux is probable the finest vineyard in the world, famous for it’s dry and
full bodied clarets, the subtlest of all red wines. The best clarets should be allowed to age in the bottle for at
least four or five years, and preferable for far longer. Bordeaux also produces distinguished sweet white
wines and crisp, dry wines.
Dry wines: Bordeaux, Entre-deux-Mers, Graves.
Medium Dry White: Bordeaux Blanc, Cotes de Blaye.
Sweet White: Barsac, Cerons, Loupiac, Premieres Cotes de Bordeaux, Sauternes, Ste-Croix du Mont.
Red: Bordeaux, Cotes de Blaye, Cotes de Bourg, Graves, Margaux, Medoc, Pauillac, Pomerol, St. Emilion,
St. Estephe, St. Julien.
Location: Bordeaux is South West France, it lies at 45 degrees latitude and therefore is quite northerly in
the winemaking context. Climate: Bordeaux’s climate is Temperate Maritime (mild & humid – warm
summers and mild winters, like Southwest England). Lies in the same latitude as the Cote du Rhone.
Wine growing in Bordeaux (chapter 4 – p.92)
1855 Classification of the Medoc - still in use today (chapter 4 – p. 93).
Left Bank of river Gironde Appellations (chapter 4 – p. 93)
Right Bank of river Gironde Appellations (chapter 4 – p. 94)
Between Garonne and the Dordogne Appellations (chapter 4 – p. 94)
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
[ Burgundy Region ]
Burgundy’s famous white wines: Chablis, Macon Blanc, Meursault, Montrachet, Pouilly Fuisse.
Burgundy’s famous red wines: Beaune, Bourgogne, Gevrey Chambertin, Macon, Nuits Saint Georges, Pommard, Vosne-Romanee.
Location and Climate: Burgundy is to the Northeast of France, its landlocked. Its climate is continental, no sea influence, severe winters, hot
summers – unreliable rain. Weather: Frost and hail are major hazards. Frequent summer rains make area prone to grey rot
Burgundy main wine growing areas are; Chablis / Cote de Nuits / Cote de Beaune / Cote Chalonnais / Maconnais / Beaujolais.
Main Soils: Chablis: limestone overlaid with Kimmeridgian clay, Core d’Or: limestone mixed with marl, Beaujolais: granite.
Grape varieties: North Burgundy: Black - Pinot Noir, White - Chardonnay, Aligote. South Burgundy: Black - Gamay, White -
INAO regulations for the top wines of Burgundy state that the grapes used are Pinot Noir for red wine, Chardonnay for white wine
Yield: is set at 40 hectolitres per hectares for the best, 60 for ordinary (this can change).
Strength of wine: must achieve 12% for best, 10% for ordinary.
Grape growing: North: high-density planting, Guyot trained. The best vineyards are on the east – or southeast – facing slopes
South (Beaujolais): Gobelet-pruned, freestanding vines. The best vineyards are on the hillsides in north.
Red: Traditional fermentation with very little use of new oak maturation for Pinot Noir. Carbonic maceration for Beaujolais.
White: Stainless steel with very little oak used for Chablis. Barrel fermentation and new oak used for Cote de Beaune Chardonnay.
Overall Classification for Burgundy Wines:
Generic: for wines that do not quality for higher AC, must have Bourgogne in title.
District: used for wines from a single district or group of better villages within a district (Cote de Beaume, Macon, Beaujolais).
Commune: used for wines from single communes (villages) allowed own AC (i.e. Gevrey Chambertin, Pommard, Aloxe Corton, Meursault).
Premier Cru: village name followed by vineyard name, used for better vineyards (i.e. Beaume(commune) Bressandeo(vineyard)’.
Grand Cru: vineyard name only, highest level for best vineyards (i.e. Le Clos, Le Corton, Le Montrachet (finest Grand Cru vineyard in the
Burgundy – three major levels: (1) Domaines – family dynasties, (2) Negociants – shippers, most important they decide on the wines grade,
they buy the fruit, wine, mature it and sell it, (3) Co-ops – lower areas, no middle manthey make and sell the wine and share the profits, basic
wines. AC is granted to demarcated areas – knowldege is crucial. Bourgogne AC (reds: PN, Gamay, Cesar, Tressot), (whites: Chardonnay.
Bourgogne Grand Ordinaire AC (ordinary wine)
Main Areas of Burgundy: Chablis / Core d’Or / Cote Nuit / Cote de Beaune / Cote Chalonnaise / Cote Maconnais – Macon / Cote Beaujolais.
Further detailed information: (Chapter 4 – pp. 96-100)
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
[ Champagne Region ]
68,000 acres (27,500 hectares) in Champagne, with 19,000 proprietors; it is split up among 8,000 holdings of a
hectare or less. Only 10% belongs to the great exporting firms.
Soils: Belemnita (rich in rare fossil): magic chalk on the hills and slopes, Micraster: magic chalk on the plains or flat land.
These unique chalky thin sub soils (often only 60cm) are excellent for drainage, they reflect heat and are excellent for
storage (cellars are complete cities underground). The chalk also helps the Ph balance. The chalky subsoil absorbs the rain
and also helps to reflect the heat of the sun. The topsoil is gravely which helps to aerate the roots.
Main grape varieties: Pinot Noir (gives backbone and structure), Pinot Meunier (gives fruit and aroma, its late budding
and early ripening makes it better suited to this northern climate,), Chardonnay (gives finesse and elegance) are the main
grapes with the Arbanne, Petit Meslier, Pinot Blanc (used as salt and pepper). The Pinot Meunier is especially used in bad
weather to add fruit and aroma.
Main Areas: Montagne de Reims, Vallee de la Marne, Cote de Blancs
Training systems: 2 high training systems (AC regulations) these are; Cordon de Royat (high) , Guyot:
(single and double systems)
Champagne making – the process: Methode Champenois: This unique method can only be used with
Champagne. For all other sparkling wines using this method they use the term methode traditionale. (chapter 4 – pp. 101-104).
Styles of Champagne: NV: Non-Vintage, V: Vintage, Blanc de Blancs: Champagne made entirely from
white grapes (Chardonnay),Blanc de Noir: Champagne made entirely from black grapes, AC Coteaux
Champenois: Created in 1974, this AC covers still wines from the Champagne area.
Champagne: Cuvee Prestige: usually named after someone special in the company (i.e. Louise Pommery). Cremant Method: not allowed to be
used in the Champagne region, must be 9 months in contact with the lees. Cremant: half sparkling, or creaming.
Champagne bottle sizes: (quarter bottle, half bottle, bottle), Magnum: 2 bottles in one, Jeroboam: 4 bottles in one, Rehoboam: 6 bottles
in one, Methuselah: 8 bottles in one, Nebuchadnezzar: 20 bottles in one.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
The valley of Loire is spread into four main vineyard areas or (sub regions) which stretch across northern France from West to East Nantais,
Anjou, Saumur, Touraine, Central Vineyards. The Loire valley is famous for light summery, dry and medium dry white wines,
Including Muscadet, Sancerre and sparkling Saumur. Anjou is best known for its Rose and its medium dry and sweet white wines.
Touraine produces light, crisp white and red wines as well as white Vouvray, which can be still or sparkling.
Location: Northwest France.
Climate: because of the length of the river, there are considerable climatic differences between the regions. Nantais and Anjou:
maritime influenced by the Atlantic ocean, Touraine and Central Vineyards: increasing continental influence. The Loire valley and its
many tributaries play a moderating role.
Soils overall: Varied, tuffeau in parts of Anjou-Saumur and Touraine.
Location: southeast France , Climate: North: Southern continental, South: Mediterranean. The real danger here is the Mistral wind (comes for 6-9 days) a major
wind that comes down the whole Rhone Valley and has the ability to do real damage. Soils: North: granite, decomposing schist soil, South: various (quartz pebbles,
clay and alluvial) and ‘pudding-stone’ pebbles in Chateauneuf-du-Pape. Grape growing: North: steep, sloped vineyards with vines staked to aid wind protection.
South: flatter vineyards, windbreaks used to aid wind protection.
Winemaking: Lighter: carbonic maceration, fuller styles: traditional fermentation and oak maturation.
The Rhone Valley produces 95% red wine, some Vins Deux Naturals
Rhone Valley sub divides into 2: Northern Rhone and Southern Rhone are they split by the nugget, which splits the valley naturally into two parts
Northern Rhone vineyard areas are on steep narrow gauges most of the wine is produced on the right side of river
Southern Rhone vineyards are spread out on both sides of the river
Northern Rhone produces the best wines (5% of total Rhone production) and the south produces the most wines (95%. of total Rhone production)
More than a third of all French wine is grown in the area (Roussillon, Corbieres, Minervois and Languedoc known as the Midi.
With over 865,000 acres (350,000 hectares) it is the biggest vineyard region in the world. Location: Southern Mediterranean France.
Provence: east of Rhone to Italian border. Languedoc-Roussillon: west of Rhone to Spanish border. Climate: Mediterranean.
Languedoc – Roussillon (also called the Midi): location, soils and appellations
Huge viticultural area,together provides one-third of France’s vineyard acreage and an average yearly production of 18 million
hectolitres of wine.
Grape varieties: AC Black: Carignan, Cinsualt, Grenache, Mourvedre, Syrah (for AC red and rose). VDP Black: Merlot,
cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Mourvedre (for VDP red and rose). VDP White: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier.
Main appellations : Languedoc ACs: Clairette de Bellegarde, Costieres de Nimes, Coteaux du Languedoc, Clairette du
Languedoc, Faugeres, St. Chinan, Minervois, Cabardes, Cotes de la Malapere VDQS, Limoux, Cremant de Limoux, Blanquette
de Limoux, Corbieres, Fitou. Pic St-Loup = Coteaux du Languedoc Cru.
Roussillon ACs: Cotes du Roussillon-Villages, Cotes du Roussillon, Collioure.
Fortified wines or Vins Doux Naturels : Languedoc: Muscat de Lunel, Muscat de Mireval, Muscat de Frontignan, Muscat de St-
Jean de Minervois. Roussillon: Maury, Riversaltes and Muscat de Riversaltes, Banyuls.
Key ACs to look for are; Fitou, Corbieres, Costieres de Nimes, Cotes du Roussillon, Faugeres, Minervois, St Chinian and Coteaux
du Languedoc.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
The wines of the south west don’t fall into any single category. They range from the
dry reds and whites of Galliac to sweet Jurancon whites, full red Buzet and the
powerful wines of Cahors. The area also produces a large amount of Vin de Pays.
Location : South West of France, Climate: continental, with some maritime influence
in the west.
SW France Black grape varieties: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc.
SW France White grape varieties: Semillon, Sauvignon Blanc.
South West – key wines: Dry wine: Vin de Pays, Sweet White: Jurancon
Red: AC Cahors, AC Cotes de Buzet, AC Gaillac.
The Micro Technique: Micro-oxygenation (called microbullage) developed by Patrick
Ducournau of la Chapelle Lenclos, this process introduces O2 (a timbel per litre, this
slows oxygenation in the wine and microfuses the wine, helps reduce painful tannin levels
achieved in this region.
SW France (sometimes referred to Bordeaux look-alikes) : main appellations: AC
Bergerac: Red, rose and white, AC Cotes de Duras, AC Buzet, AC Cahors, AC Madiran,
Vin de Pays des Cotes de Gascogne, AC Gaillac.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.11 Germany
[ Wine Map of Germany ]
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Background: German wines are full of character and interest unlike most wines they were made not for drinking with
food, but for social occasions. Germany’s vineyards lay along the river Rhine and its tributaries. They are scant in the
extreme south and thickest in Rheinland-Pfalz near the French border. German wines are all about sweetness.
Climate and weather: Germany has a Northern continental climate, this variable weather (for example spring frosts,
heavy rains in July and August) gives rise to vintage variations but the long autumns encourage noble rot.
Grape varieties: black Spatburgunder, Dornfelder , white Riesling (accounts for a quarter of all plantings, Muller
Thurgau, Kerner, Scheurebe.
Vinification: Chaptalisation allowed with the exception of QmP wines, Sussreserve (sterile grape juice) could be used for
sweetening wines at bottling.
Key Areas and Wines: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer: Bernkastel, Piesport, Saar, Ruwer, Nahe: Schlossbockelheim, Rheingau:
Rudesheim, Hochheim, Johannesburg, Rheinhessen: Theinterrace, Nierstein, Pfalz: Forst, Deidesheim, Baden:
Kaiserstuhl-Tuniberg. (Further information: Chapter 4 – pp. 118)
Riesling: Germanys most famous noble variety was first discovered in the Johannesburg region, other versions of this
famous grape which should not be confused as they are poor imitations include the Welsh Riesling (Austrian), Laski
Rizling (Slovenia), and the Olaszrizling (Austrian).
German wine classification: Quality wines – 2 top levels: Qualitatswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete (QbA),
Qualitatswein mit Pradikat (QmP) (Further information: Chapter 4 – pp. 115). 2 bottom levels: Deutscher Tafelwein, Landwein
(simliar to Vin de Pays in France, can come from one of 17 designated regions).
IP number: all German wines must have an IP number for total traceability and quality indication.
QmP Level: at this quality level only natural sugar is allowed not Chaptalisation.
Liebfraumilch: this famous QbA wine from Germany, actually got it’s name from medieval times and is always made from a blend of four
grape varieties (Silvaner, Kerner, Muller-Thurgau and Riesling-only a sprinkle of this one). Liebfruammilch can come from 1 of these four areas
Rheinhessen, Rheinpflatz, Nahe, or Rheingau. The top producers are single vineyard using more Riesling and Gerwurtztraminer in the mix.
Oechsle: this is the scale used to indicate the sugar content of grape juice.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.12 Greece
Local indigenous varieties are blended with international ones to produce some superlative wines in a number
of areas. The best appellations to look out for are Naoussa, Nemea and Thira (Santorini).
Greek Wine Laws
The wine laws in Greece follow the EU regime, there are two terms for quality wines;
Appellation d’Origine de Qualite Superieure (AOQS): applies to light wines, currently there are 20 classified
Appellation d’Origine Controlee (AOC): applies to liqueur wines, eight regions hold this classified, these
wines are primarily made from dried Muscat grapes, or the red Mavrodaphne.
A Vin de Pays category covers the international varieties and non-traditional style of wine. The overall majority
of Greek is table wine.
Major Greek Regions and Wines
Major wines: Naoussa Macedonia (red: Xinomavro), Nemea – Peloponnese (red: Agiorgitiko), Santorini –
Island (white: Assyrtiko), Major Vin de Pays (reds: various local & international GV, whites: various local &
international GV).
Northern Greece: the home of Naoussa appellation red wines, which lies in these Macedonian regions
planted at altitude due to the cool climate here.
The Peloponnese Peninsular: the major area here is Nemea which produces red wine exclusively from the
Agiorgitiko grape from vineyards above 250 metres because of the regions mild winters and hot summers.
The Islands: the Santorini island holds the reputation for strong dry whites made from the Assyrtiko grape,
which holds its acidity well produces wines of Viognier like flavours, yields are low,
Crete produces the greater volume of wine for Greece. Cephalonia produces good medium bodied, crisp
wines with citrus fruit from the Robola variety.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.13 Hungary
Hungary’s vast country is dominated by the largest lake in Europe, Lake Balaton. The soil is ideal for cultivation of red variety Kadarka and white
Olaz Riesling. Tokaj with its volcanic soil, river mist and the long dry warm autumn create excellent conditions for ripening of the strong acidic
Furmint and the softer perfumed Harslevelu grapes which help to crate Tokaj the famous dessert wine which should always be slightly chilled.
Many regard it as an excellent tonic.
Hungarian Wine Laws
Hungarian wine laws are based on the French appellation controlee system called Minosegi Bor, which ensures quality through geographical
origin and quality status. Hungary’s 22 wine districts were classified under this system and divided into three regions. All Hungarian wines are
classified under one of the following three headings;
Asztali Bor (Table Wine)
Minosegi Bor (Quality Wine) this category is similar to QWPSR
Special Quality Wine: applies to Noble rot wines, bottles must bear the state wine seal.
4.14 India
Winemaking has existed throughout most of India’s history but was particularly encouraged during the
time of the Portuguese and British colonization.
Wine Regions: Six main wine regions (listed below), high heat and humidity of the far east half of the country limits
viticultural activitiy.
Champai: located in Mizoram, most Southernly of the seven sister states of eastern India, mountainous region, semi-tropical to temperate
climate, cooler area on highest elevation areas. Grape growing most prevalent eastern part of state, centred around towns Champhai and
Deccan Plateau: powerhouse of current Indian wine production, three sub-regions (northern part centred on town of Nashik (or Nasik) – new
wineries and Nasik wine park (offers small producers ability to share facilities plus tax reliefs, Sula wines (major producer here), central sub-
region from Narayangaon through Pune to Baramati (home to teo important wine producers Chateau Indage and Four Seasons wines.
Southern sub-region from Maharashtra and Karnataka with wine production around Sangli and Bijapur, the Krishna valley wine park near
Sangli is run simliar to Nasik wine park.
Goa: west of Deccan Plateau, low altitude coastal state, towards the east it climbs in western Ghats to maximum of 1,167m. Specialised in
port-like fortified wines using Vitis labrusa varieties like Bangalore Blue.
Nandi Hills: 45km north of Bangalore, growers working with French varietals to produce some of India’s best wines.
Grape production: India is home to several indigenous table grape varieites (most common are the Anabeshahi,
Arkavati and Arkashyam), non-native grapes include Bangalore Blue (isabella) and Gulabi (Black Muscat). Turkish grape
Sultana (most widely planted grape in India covers over half of the 148,000 acres planted. Imported French varieties
(Sauvignon Blanc, Zinfandel, Chenin Blanc, Clairette Blanche).
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.14 Israel
Viticulture has existed in Israel since biblical times, the book of Deuteronomy the fruit of the vine was listed as one of
the seven blessed species of fruit found in Israel (Robinson, 2006).
Presently there are 35 commercial wineries in Israel and over 250 boutique wineries.
Wine regions: Five vine-growing regions, 50,000 dunams of vineyards, 80% of these located in Shomron, Samson and
Galilee regions.
Galil: Galilee, includes the Golan Heights (high elevation, cool breezes, well-drained soils).
Judean Hills: surrounding the city of Jerusalem.
Shimshon (Samson): located between the Judean Hills and the Coastal Plain.
The Negev: a semi-arid desert region where drip irrigation has made grape growing possible.
The Sharon plain: near Mediterranean coast, just south of Haifa around towns of Zichron Ya’akov and Binyamina
(largest grape growing area in Israel).
Grape varieties:
Most widely planted: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot and Sauvignon Blanc.
Emerging varieties: Cabernet Franc, Gewurztraminer, Muscat Canelli, Riesling and Syrah
Other varieties: Emerald Riesling, Muscat of Alexandria, Argaman.
4.16 Italy
[ Wine map of Italy includes DOC, DOCG regions ]
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Quality levels: North of Italy holds 52% of the quantity and the majority of the DOC and DOCGs quality wines, the south holds
48% of the quantity and the wine lake.
Soils: variable ranging from volcanic soils to moraines in the north.
Grape varieties: the biggest grape variety throughout Italy is Trebbiano (like a weed similar to Ugni Blanc in France, which is
principally used for distilling. The major Black: Local varieties Nebbiolo, Sangiovese, Barbera, Dolcetto, Corvina,
Montepulciano, Aglianico, Primitivo. International varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Pinot Noir. White:
Local varieties Trebbiano, Malvasia, Verdicchio. International varieties Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio (Pinot Gris).
Viticulture, training systems: high-trained vines in the north, low-trained, high density planting in the south.
Vinification practices: Traditional fermentation and the use of old wood. Modern fermentation with temperature control
stainless steel and the use of new oak barriques.
Regions: Politically Italy is divided into 20 regions or wine departments, each of which enjoys a certain degree of autonomy.
In every region wine is produced at least of DOC quality. Major wine regions are North West, North East, Central and
Southern Italy. Regional identification is very important.
Italian Wine Laws: Italian wine laws is set on four different quality levels starting at the top level with;
Denominazoine di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) 1992 introduced: a DOC with a guarantee, the highest
level for Italian wine, mainly all in Northern Italy, southern Italy is too hot to produce DOCG. Listed among these wines are
Chianti, Asti and Moscato d’Asti, Barolo, Barbaresco, Brunello di Montalcino.
Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) 1963 introduced: demarked region based on soil, certain viticulture and
vinification practices, maximum yields allowed laid down by authorities and minimum alcohol achieved. (Chianti, Orvieto or
maybe Valpolicella) have this delimited DOC area extended beyond the original vineyard due to for example historical
significance, these are usually the best sites and carry the word Classico.
Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT): introduced in 1992 it was designed to absorb those Vini da Travola allowed to
specify their region or district of origin IGT is similar to France’s Vin de Pays.
Vino de Tavola: bottom level these are basic wines but on the decline. The majority of these wines are produced in the south
of Italy and Sicily.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
North West Italy produces red, white and sparkling wines, it divides into 4 regions (Liguria, Valle d’Aosta, Lombardia,
Piemonte) in terms of quality and the wines are always named after the Commune or area where the vine grows.
Main wine areas: Barolo, Barbaresco, Barbera d’Asti, Dolcetto d’Alba, Gavi
Grape varieties: Nebbiolo grown in this North West Italian region is the finest red grape variety in Italy. The Nebbiolo
(meaning fog) is a late ripening grape. The best comes from around the town of Alba (for example Barolo and
Barbersco). Flavours of violets and raspberries, prunes and chocolates, truffles and liquorice with good acidity and
tannin always present. Pinot Grigio this is the biggest grape variety in the North West Italy.
North East Italy this region relies less on tradition and embraces modern ideas. It consists of 3 major zones;
Trentino Alto Adige: Key DOC wines: Alto Adige (Schiava, Lagrein, Riesling, Gewurtraminer, others) and Trentino
(Pinot Grigio, Teroldego).
Veneto: Valpolicella DOC (Corvina, Rondinella, Molinara and others), can range in style from light, cherry red to the
rich Port like Recioto and Amarone. Valpolicella DOC structure (chapter 4 – p. 127)
Fruili-Venezia Giulia: Key Wines: Fuili Grave DOC (Reds: Refosco, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon,
white: Tocai Friulano, Pinot Gris).
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Central Italy
Emilia-Romagna: (Bolognese sauces, Parma ham, Parmesan cheese and balsamic vinegar). Key wines Lambrusco di Sorbara DOC, and
Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro DOC. Both are trained on high trellis to maintain acidity, around Modena.
Tuscany (Tosana) : Six DOCG areas, home of the famous ‘Super Tuscans’ and Chianti wines. Key Wines: Chianti Classico / Ruffina / Colli
Senesi DOCG (Sangiovese), Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino DOCG, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG most expensive wine in Northern
Italy, Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG, Toscana IGT.
Marche: sold in green, amphora elongated curved bottles. Key wines: Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi (white:Verdicchio),Rosso Conero (red:
Montepulciano and Sangiovese), a good red wine, full bodied, deep coloured and low in tannins.
Umbria: known for its white wines of Orvieto, tuffeau soils here,. Key wines: Orvieto DOC (Trebbiano, Grechetto, Malvasia, Verdello),
Latium (Lazio): mainly white wines here, Frascati DOC is the best known (Trebbiano Toscano, Malvasis di Candia, Malvasia del Lazio,
Abruzzo: on the east coast behind the knee of Italy,two major DOC Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC for red wines, Trebbiano d’Abruzzo DOC
for white wines.
4.17 Japan
Japan has a long history of vine cultivation, Yamanashi is the most important 100km west of Tokyo surrounded by
mountains (including Mount Fuji). 40% of Japan’s domestic wine production comes from this region’s 80 wineries.
Main regions for wine production: Hokkaido and Yamanashi, both fostered strong production with the ‘one
village one speciality movement’.
Grape varieties / wines: Muscat Bailey A – widely used red grape developed in Japan by Zenbei Kawakami (mix
of Bailey and Muscat Hamburg types. Koshu (Japan’s signature grape variety) yields delicate dry white wines, Yamanshi
region accounts for 95% of Koshu plantings (480 hectares).
Quality control: ‘Mark of origin’ legal designation for wine produced in Japan similar to AOC. No nationwide
organization of legal designation, anything domestically fermented or imported can be labelled ‘Japanese wine’ .
Independent self-governing municipal bodies have begun systems of regional appellation (i.e. Nagano Prefecture’s ‘
Appellation Control System’ and Koshu’s ‘ ‘Wine Domain of Origin certificate Regulation’ .
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.18 Macedonia
Pearl of the Balkans, contains diverse terrain, while part of former Yugoslavia it was a major wine producer. 1980s
accounted for two thirds of Yugoslav wine production. After the breakup wine production decreased from 1.8mil
hectolires to 447,000 in 2002.
Currently produces 22,400 hectares of vineyards. 30,000 hectares of vineyards for table grapes.
Red wine production dominates (80%) Macedonian wine production.
In European Union ‘Macedonian wine’ is a protected geographical indiciation (PGI)
Grape varieties (common in cultivation includes a large proportion of indigenous varieties, and common Central Europe and the Balkans
Red varieties: Vranec (Vranac) – most common variety of Macedonia, Kratosija, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.
White varieties: Smederevka, Welschriesling (Laski Rizling), Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc and Zilavka.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
New Zealand (NZ) consists of two long narrow islands with the Pacific ocean to their right and the Tasman Sea to their left
therefore the climate is maritime with the exception of the northern vineyards around Auckland which is subtropical. The climate
differs for the other regions as follows Marlborough - north-east of South Island (sunny), Central Otago most southernly vineyard
area in world (dry and continental). Most vineyards in NZ are located on the eastern seaboard, heavy rainfall is the biggest
Wine Regions of NZ
South Island: Marlborough big SB area (north east corner around the town of Blenheim, sunny climate, excellent vineyards on the
Wairau Valley (stony soils). Chardonnay and Pinot Noir also planted here used for sparkling wines.
Nelson (north west corner of the island, fruit orchards), late harvest wines. Canterbury is developing, Most of the vineyards
around Waipara and outside Christchursh.
Central Otago (south, continental climate warm days and cool nights). Irrigation is good, Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Riesling planted.
North Island: Auckland region: mainly red wines (heavy clay soils).
Poverty Bay – Gisborne (east coast) fertile soils good Chardonnay.
Hawkes Bay (south on east coast) across towens of Hastings and Napier, Chardonnay and Cabernet Suavignon, Merlot
(especially Gimblett Road).
Wairarapa (north Wellington) – Martinborough, good Pinot Noir and small good wineries.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.20 Portugal
[ Wine map of Portugal ]
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Location and size: south west Europe, As a land mass Portugal is 1/7 the size of the whole Iberian Peninsula.
Climate , weather and major rivers: south (Mediterranean), inland (continental), near the coast (maritime), because no place in
Portugal is further than 150 km from the sea, rain can be a problem near this coast. The major rivers Minho, Douro, Mondego, Tejo
and the Guadiana help temper these various climatic conditions throughout the country.
Soils: Bairrada (limestone and clay), Douro Valley and Dao (granite and schist), the coast (sandy Colores soil).
Grape varieties: Black (Baga, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira, Periquita), White (Loureiro, Alvarinho, Encruzado).
Viticulture and vinification: the unqiue vine training used is called Ramisco (this involves bending the branch into the sandy soil
where it grows up as a vine so there is no need for grafting and no phylloxera). Tradtional fermentation and use of old casks, modern
fermentation with temperature control, use of stainless steel and new oak.
4.21 Romania
This country is geographically spilt by the L shaped Carpathian Mountains, which occupy
almost half of the country. The most widely known wines come from the vineyards of
Dealul Mare, which lie on the south-facing slopes of the Carpathian foothills, these red
wines are made from Pinot Noir, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and local varieties. The area
of Murfatlar with its limestone soils also produce quality white wines from Chardonnay and
Pinot Gris and soft reds from Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Most Romanian wines are
sold as varietals.
4.23 Spain
[ Wine map of Spain ]
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Location and size: southwest Europe, the country is 650 miles across and 500 miles deep, a big
land area.
Soils: North, granite, South, limestone.
Grape varieties: Black: local – Tempranillo (a class act, the best grape variety of Spain, the more
Tempranillo used in the wine the better, its strawberry- scented wines are quite low in acidity, and its
shows its best when blended with other varieties. Grapes ripen early at the end of September
approximately 2 weeks earlier than Garnacha. Garnacha is the Grenache of southern France (widely
planted in Spain, not a great ager, capable of high alcohol), Monastrell is the Mourvedre of southern
France, Bobal, Mazeula and Carinena is the French Carignan, international – Cabernet Sauvignon,
Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir. White: local – Airen (Garnacha Blanca), Viura this is the main
white grape of Rioja. Wines are fresh and fruity, excellent acidity, and can resist oxidation, this is the
Macabeo of southern France, Malvasia originated in Greece it makes full bodied heavy whites,
Parallada suits the altitude of Pendes. Used for fine wine, Xarel-Lo well suited to the sparkling
wines, Albaria is light, crisp and aromatic, Moscatel International: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc,
Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Chenin Blanc.
Viticulture: Spain contains largest area under vine in the world but small yields make it the third
in volume. Vines trained on wires in better regions. Low, bush-trained, widely spaced vines in arid
areas. Many smallholders selling grapes to merchants or co-operatives.
Vinification: traditional fermentation and use of old wood. Modern fermentation with temperature
control and use of stainless steel and new oak.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
4.24 Switzerland
The vineyards of Switzerland are all concentrated and divided into tiny holdings around the country’s lakes and rivers
and are often steep and terraced – unfortunately the high cost of production makes them expensive in relation to their
relative value. Nearly half the wines produced are red, both reds and whites tend to be delicate and fresh .
Wine is one of the oldest beverages known to mankind, so many people have a
deep passionate love for this beverage around the world it means so much to
so many people.
Wine can convey history, love and hospitality in a glass, its flavours can
stimulate memories, you could compare it to life, when every single little
decision made on its development has a direct impact on its outcome and
No other beverage can uniquely reflect the land, people, soil and climate of its
origin better than wine (the hillsides, flatlands, sunlight and rain), it’s the perfect
artisan produced beverage.
Wine delivers so many sensory characteristics which include over a thousand
aromas its flavours and aromas can transport us back to good times in our lives
(special holiday, mother’s kitchen).
Wine pairs so well with food they compliment each other perfectly.
Ultimately wine helps you to enjoy the world in your local bar or restaurant in a
bottle and as you travel to these far flung destinations it also deliver some
health benefits.
Lesson 4: Principle Wine Regions of the World
Boulton, R.B. Singleton, V.L, Bisson, L.F and Kunkee, R.E .(1996) ‘Principles and Practices of Winemaking’, Thomson
Publishing: UK.
Brown, S, C. (1978) ‘ Wines and Beers of old New England’ UPNE [accessed 29/07/2011].
Clarke, O. (2003) Encyclopedia of Wine, Websters, Time Warner Books, UK.
Fielden, C. (2004) Exploring the World of Wines and Spirits, Wine & Spirit Education Trust, London.
Johnson, H. (2003) World Atlas of Wine, Chancellor Press, Octopus Publishing Ltd, London.
Murphy, J. (2013) Principles and Practices of Bar and Beverage Management – The Drinks Handbook, Goodfellow
Publishing Ltd, Oxford: England.
Robinson, J. (1986) ‘Vines, Grapes and Wines’, Alfred A. Knopf: New York.
Robinson, J.(2006) The Oxford Companion to Wine, 3rd ed, oxford University Press: Oxford.
Robinson. J and Johnson, H. (2007) The World Atlas of Wine, 6th ed, Mitchell Beazley: UK.
Sequin, G. (1986) ‘Terroirs and pedology of vine growing’. Experientia 42, 861-873.
Schreiner, J. (2005) The Wines of Canada, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd: US.
Web Resources Wine resources. 130,000 tasting notes, from the wine advocate. Berry Brothers & Rudd wine school. Wine TV. Wine resource site. Wines of the Balkans. Wines of the Czech Republic. English and Welsh Wine Producers. Wines of Canada. Decanter Magazine. Institute of Masters of Wine.