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Test Tip Remember

that you only hear the
sECTION1 Questions 1-10 recording once.
Check how many words
Questions 1-6 you can use for each
Complete the notes below.
Read through the notes
to get an overall idea of
their content.
for each answer.

Test Tip You can write

PREsTON PARκ RUN a time in figures or

狃扭 镢
words, but figures are
Details of run quicker and easier.

Day of Park Run: .?.a-tyfdAy.........

Start of run:
Time of start: ¤□ □ □
Length of run: Study Tip 3 The answer
is a distance. Make sure
At end of run:
you include the unit of
Best way to register: on the 5 measurement - you can
write this in an abbreviated
Cost of run: 6f ............
form, e.g. 'km'for
kilometres or'm' for miles.
Quesfions 7-10
Test Tip lf part of the
Complete the notes below.
answer is given (e g $,
Write IVO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for f. etc.) remember not to
each answer. repeat it in your answer.

Volunteering Test Tip Names are often spelled out on the recording.
Make sure you know how all the letters of the English
Contact name: Pete 7
alphabet are pronounced. Listen carefully and write down
Phone number: 8 the letters as vou hear them.

Test Tip Check.that you have

spelled all the answers correctly.


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SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Test Tip Look carefully

at the table before you
Quesfions 11-14 listen. Note the headings
af iho fnn - fharr ioll
Complete the table below. you what you need to
listen for. Use all the
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for information provided
each answer. in the table to help you
predict answers.
PACTONˉ oNˉ sEA BUs TOUR You hear the answers in
the same order as the
Bus stops Location Things to see quesflons.

Use the words that

Bus stop 1 train station start of tour you hear to answer the
Bus stop 2 the aquarium dolphins and
11 ..
Study Tip
11 'dolphins' is plural
Bus stop 3 19 yachts and power
so the answer to this
boats question is also likely to
be plural - don't forget
Bus stop 4 the's'.

Study Tip 14 You

may hear a synonym
of 'very old' on the
recording (e.9.'ancient').
Don't repeat it in your


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Test 1
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Quesfions 1*20
Test Tip Read the
Complete the sentences below. sentences through in the
preparation time and
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for think about what type of
each answer. information is missing.

15 You need to have a ..........................................:.to buy a ticket for €10.

16 The bus tour lasts in total. Study Tip 18 tf you
17 The cost of the bus ticket includes entrance to the do not know the phrase
'audio commentary', use
the context and other
words in the sentence
18 You can listen to an audio commentary which has been made by to help you decide
the ................. what it means, e.g. 'lt is
something you listen to
19 lf the weather is wet, it is a good idea to bring .............
on a tour bus'.
20 Don't forget to bring your.............. ... when you book
Study Tip Check that
all the sentences are
grammatically correct
and make sense, e.g.
don't repeat 'the' before
your answer to Question


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SECTf ON 3 Questions 21-30 Study Tip Read the

questions through and
Quesfions 21-26 underline important
words that tell you what
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
to listen for, e.g. 'main
21 Dave Hadley says that the computer system has problem' in Question 22.

A too many users.

B never worked well.
C become outdated.
22 The main problem with the computer system is that it
' A is too slow.
B stops working.
C displays incorrect data.
23 Timetabling has become an issue because
Study Tip 23 ln addition
A there is not enough time for anyone to do it. to noting important words in
B the system does not handle course options. the question ('Timetabling'.
C the courses are constantly changing. 'issue'), you need to pick out
the important words in the
24 To solve the timetabling issues, Randhir Suggests that options ('not enough time',
A students should create their own timetables. 'system','not handle','options',
B Dave should have someone to assist him. 'courses'.'changing').
C the number of courses should be reduced.
25 Randhir says that a new system may
Study Tip ZS Are any of the
A need to be trialled. options positive or negative?
B still have problems. Do the speakers'voices sound
C be more economical. positive or negative? This may
help you answer the question.
26 lmproving the existing system will take
A a few weeks.
B four or five months.
C nine months.


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Q〃 esf`or,s27=30
Test Tip Check the
number of words you
Comρ /efe rhe f/ol/y-charf be/o叱
can use. and read
through the flow-chart
W所 eⅣ 0″ oRE TJfn″ Two wORDs foreach a刀 sV/e∴
to understand the

What type of information

is missing in each gap?
Are the answers likely to
be plural or singular?

Study Tip 29 & 30

You can predict answers
before you listen, but
Set up a 30.............. .... with technologies team be careful! Why is
'appointment' incorrect
for Question 29? What
other answers are

Test Tip Read back through the flow-chart and

check your answers for both meaning and spelling


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sECTION4ˉ Q〃 esJo″ s3彳 -亻 o Test Tip There is no

break in this section.
Complete the sentences below. Read all ten sentences
carefully in the
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for preparation time.
each answer.
Study Tip 31 Think
31 Ceramics date back approximately.................. of the sentences as
questions, e.g. 'When
32 The first figurines were made in the area of
did ceramics start?' This
33 Early humans could not use their pots to store can help you think of
words and phrases to
34 rne cnle;e of ceramics by mixins
]-r:"fff ,ff;;;]'t listen for.

Chinese porcelain was also called


................ to clay to make

Study Tip 32-34 rhe
Bottger added quarlz and .
answer to Question 32
is a place. What type of
Glass information is missing in
the next two questions?
37 Glass production is similar to clay ceramics apart from the rate
38 The Romans introduced the use of glass to make Study Tip Use the
headings 'Ceramtcs',
'Glass' and'Concrete' to
Goncrete help you keep your place
as you listen.
39 The discovery of concrete is probably due to observing
reactions of water and ................
40 The ability to build large contributed Test T∶ p Make sure thatthe grammar

to the success of the Roman Empire. of the completed sentences is correct.

Check there are no unnecessary words

Check spellings and use of plural 's'.


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Test Tip Aim to complete the

questions in the recommended time.

There are usually two or three sets of

ouestions in each section.
Each correct answer scores one mark.

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading
Passage 1 below.

Ine Dover Bronxe.Age Boat

A beautifully preserved boat,'made around 3,000 years ago and discovered by chance in a
muddy hole, has had a profound impact on archaeological research.

It was 1992. In England, workmen were building a a wreck, but had been deliberately discarded,
new road through the heart of Dover, to connect dismantled and broken. Perhaps it had been
the ancient port and the Channel TUnnel, which, 'ritually killed' at the end of its life, like other
when it opened just two years later, was to be the Bronze-Age objects.
first land link between Britain and Europe for over With hindsight, it was signfficant that the
10,000 years. A small team from the Canterbury boat was found and studied by mainstream
Archaeological TFust (CAT) worked alongside the archaeologists who naturally focused on its
workmen, recording new discoveries brought to cultural context. At the time, ancient boats
light by the machines. were often considered only from a nalrower
At the base of a deep sha"ft six metres below the technological perspective, but news about the
modern streets a wooden structure was revealed. Dover boat reached a broad audience. In 2002, on
Cleaning away the waterlogged site overlying the the tenth anniversary of the discovery the Dover
timbers, archaeologists realised its true nature. Bronze-Age Boat TFust hosted a conference,
They had found a prehistoric boat, preserved by where this meeting of different traditions became
the type of sediment in which it was buried. It was apparent. Alongside technical papers about the
then named the Dover Bronze-Age Boat. boat, other speakers explored its social and
About nine metres of the boat's length was economic contexts, and the religious perceptions
recovered; one end lay beyond the excavation and of boats in Bronze-Age societies. Many speakers
had to be left. What survived consisted essentially came from overseas, and debate about cultural
of four intricately carved oak planks: two on connections was renewed.
the bottom, joined along a central seam by a Within seven years of excavation, the Dover
complicated system of wedges and timbers, and boat had been conserved and displayed, but it
two at the side, curved and stitched to the others. was apparent that there were issues that could
The seams had been made watertight by pads of not be resolved simply by studying the old
moss, fixed by wedges and yew stitches. wood. Experimental archaeology seemed to be
The timbers that closed the recovered end the solution: a boat reconstruction, half-scale
of the boat had been removed in antiquity when or full-sized, would permit assessment of the
it was abandoned, but much about its original different hypotheses regarding its build and the
shape could be deduced. There was also evidence missing end. The possibility of returning to Dover
for missing upper side planks. The boat was not to search for the boat's unexcavated northern


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end was explored, but practical and financial A small team began to make the boat at the start
difficulties were insurmountable - and there was of 2012 on the Roman Lawn outside Dover museum.
no guarantee that the timbers had survived the A firll-scale reconstruction of a mid-section had
previous decade in the changed environment. been made in 1996, primarily to see how Brorze-
Detailed proposals to reconstruct the boat Age replica tools performed. In 2012, however, the
were drawn up in 2004. Archaeological evidence hull shape was at the centre of the work, so modern
was beginning to suggest a Bronze-Age community power tools were used to carve the oak planks,
straddling the Channel, brought together by the before turning to prehistoric tools for finishing.
sea, rather than separated by it. hr a region today It was decided to make the replica half-scale for
divided by languages and borders, archaeologists reasons of cost and time, and synthetic materials
had a duty to inform the general public about their were used for the stitching, owing to doubts about
. common cultural heritage. the scaling and tight timetable.
The boat project began in England but it Meanwhile, the exhibition was being prepared
was conceived from the start as a European ready for opening in July 2012 at the Castle
collaboration. Reconstruction was only pari of Museum in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Entitled'Beyond
a scheme that would include a major exhibition the Horizon: Societies of the Channel & North
and an extensive educational and outreach Sea 3,500 yeaxs ago', it brought together for the
programme. Discussions began early in 2005 with first time a remarkable collection of Bronze-Age
archaeological bodies, universities and heritage objects, including many new discoveries for
organisations either side of the Channel. There commercial archaeology and some of the great
was much enthusiasm and support, and an official treasure ofthe past. The reconstructed boat, as a
launch of the project was held at an international s5rmbol of the maritime connections that bound
seminar in France in2007. Financial support was together the communities either side of the
conflrmed in 2008 and the project then named Channel, was the centrepiece.
BOAI 15508C got under way in June 2011.

Quesfions 7-5
Test Tip Quickly
read through
Complete the flow-chart below.
the flow-chart to
understand the
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.
process. Note that
in this task you
Write your answers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
can only write
one word for each
Key events
1992 - the boat was discovered during the construction of a 1

2002 - an international 2 was held to gather information Iiest Tip Dates are
easy to find in the
passage because
2004 - 3...................... for the reconstruction were produced they stand out. Use
them to help you
quickly find the
2007 - the 4...................... of BOAT 1550BC took place right part of the
passage for each
q uestron.'
2012 - the Bronze-Age 5 featured the boat and other objects
All the answers
must be words that
are in the passage.


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Test 1
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Quesfions 6-9 Test Tip The

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? questions are in
passage oroer,
ln boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet, write but the answers
may not be evenly
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information spread across the
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information passage.
NOT GIVEN if there is noinformation on this
The difference
6 Archaeologists realised that the boat had been damaged on purpose. between a FALSE
7 Initially, only the technological aspects of the boat were examined. and a NOT GIVEN
statement is that
.8 Archaeologists went back to the site to try and find the missing northern a FALSE statement
end of the boat. says the opposite

9 Evidence found in 2004 suggested that the Bronze-Age Boat had been
of what is stated
the passage.

used for trade.

Quesfions 1O-13
Study Tip Which
Answer the questions below. words in the statement
are important and help
A you find the answer?
the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheef. Test Tip You may
10 How far under the ground was the boat found? have to go back to
the beginning of
'11 What natural material had been secured to the boat to prevent the passage when
water entering? you start a new set
nf nrrocfinn<
12 What aspect of the boat was the focus of the 2012 reconstruction?
Note how many
13 Which two factors influenced the decision not to make a full-scale woros you can use
reconstruction of the boat?
in your answers.


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YOtJ s/,otJ`d spe/,d aboI/r2r,`” r,Q″ esf'o刀 s亻 仁 2G Wf,∫ c幻 are based o冖 Read`ng
Passage2be`o叱 `nLrres。

fl Test Tip Read the title and introduction of the passage and decide what the main topic is.

f Sor" passages are divided rnto paragraphs that have clear themes. You may have to match
I paragraphs to headings or find information in the paragraphs. Always do a quick read of
fix these questions first. Then quickly read the passage to get an overall idea of the content.

Airports continue to diversify their role in an effort to generate income.

Are business meeting facilities the next step? Nigel Halpern, Anne Graham
and Rob Davidson investigate.
In necent times developing commercial nevenues has become mone challenging fon ainponts
due to a combination of factor^s, such as incneased competition fnom Intennet shopping,
nestnictions on centain sales, such as tobacco, and new secunity pnocedunes that have had
an impact on the dwell time of passengens. Moneoven the global economic downtunn has
caused a neduction in passenger numbens while those that ane tnavelling genenally have less
money to spend. This has meant that the shane of revenue fnom non-aeronautical nevenues
actually peaked at 54%o at the tunn of the centuny and has subsequently declined slightly.
Meanwhile, the pnessunes to control the level of aenonautical nevenues ane as stnong as
even due to the poon financial health of manv airlines and the rapid rise of the low-cost
cannien sector .

Some of the mone obvious solutions to growing commercial revenues, such as extending
the menchandising space or expanding the vaniety of shopping oppontunities, have alneady
been tried to their' limit at many ainponts. A mone nadical solution is to find new sounces of
commencial revenue within the tenminal, and this has been exploned by many ainponts oven
the last decade on so. As a nesult, many tenminals ane now much mone than just shopping
malls and offen an arnay of ententainment, leisune, and beauty and wellness facilities. At this
stage of facilities pnovision, the ainpont also has the possibility of taking on the role of the
final destination rather than menelv a facilitaton of access.
At the same time, ainpor ts have been developing and expanding the nange of senvices that
they pnovide specifically for the business tnavellen in the tenminal. This includes offer ing
business centnes that supply support senvices, meeting or conference rooms and other
space for" special events. Within this contexb, Janach [2OO1] discusses how dedicated
meetings facilities located within the tenminal and managed dinectly by the airpont openaton
may be regar^ded as an expansion of the concept of ainline lounges on as a way to neconvent
abandoned on underused aneas of tenminal buildings. Pr eviously it was pnimanily airpont
hotels and othen facilities offered in the sunnounding anea of the ainpont that had the
potential to take on this nole and become active as a business space [McNeill, 2OO9].


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When an ainpont location can be promoted as a business venue, this may increase the
overall appeal of the airpont and help it become mone competitive in both attracting and
netaining airlines and their passengers. In panticulan, the pnesence of meeting facilities could
become one of the detenmining factors taken into considenation when business people ane
choosing airlines and where they change thein planes. This enhanced atbnactiveness itself
may help to impnove the ainpont operator's financial position and future prospects, but
clearly this will be dependent on the competrtive advantage that the airport is able to achieve
in comparison with other venues.
In 2O1 1, an online airpont survey was conducted and some of the aneas investigated
included the pnovision and use of meeting facilities at airports and the perceived role and
'impontance of these facilities in generating income and raising passengen numbers. In
total, thene wene responses fnom staff at 'l 54 airports and 69%io of these answened 'yes'
to the question: Does youn ainpont own and have meetings facilities available for hire?
The existence of meeting facilities thenefore seems high at ainponts. In addition, 2B%o of
nespondents that did not have meeting facilities stated that they were likely to invest in them
duning the nexb five years. The survey also asked to what extent nespondents agneed on
disagreed with a number of statements about the meeting facilities at thein ainpont. 49%
of nespondents agreed that they have put more investment into them during recent yeans;
41%o agreed that they would invest mone in the immediate future. These are fairly high
pnopontions considering the necent economic climate.
The survey also asked airponts with meeting facilities to estimate what propontion of usens
ane fnom the local anea, i.e. within a 9O-minute dnive fnom the ainpont, or fnom abroad.
Thein findings show that meeting facilities provided by the majonity of respondents tend to
serve local versus nonlocal or foreign needs. 630/o of nespondents estimated that oven
6OV" of users are fnom the local anea. Only 3% estimated that over' 8O% of usens are fnom
abroad. lt is thenefone not surprising that the facilities ane of limited impontance when it
comes to incneasing use of flights at the ainpont: 16% of nespondents estimated that none
of the users of thein meeting facilities use flights when travelling to on from them, while 56%
estimated that2O%o on fewer of the usens of their facilities use flights.
The survey asked respondents with meeting facilities to estimate how much nevenue their
ainpont eanned from its meeting facilities during the last financial year. Average revenue
pen airpont was just $12,959. Meeting facilities are effectively a non-aenonautical source
of ainpont nevenue. Only 1o% of respondents generated mone than 2Oo% non-aeronautical
nevenue from their meetings facilities; none generated mone than 4O%o. Given the focus on
Iocal demand, it is not surpnising that less than a thind of nespondents agneed that thein
meeting facilities suppont business and tounism development in thein home region
on countny.

The findings of this study suggest that few ainports provide meetings facilities as a senious
commercial ventune. lt may be that, as ownens of large proper"ty, space is available fon
meeting facilities at ainports and could play an impontant nole in senving the needs of the
airport, its pantnens, and stakeholdens such as government and the local community. Thus,
while the local onientation means that competition with othen airponts is likely to be minimal,
competition with local pnovider s of meetings facilities is likely to be much gneaten


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Quesfions 14-18

The text has eight paragraphs, A-H.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-H, in boxes 14-.18 on your answer sheet.

N.B. You may use any letter more than once.

Test TⅡ p There is on丨 y one correct answerfor each questiOn so some paragraphs
may not be tested.

lf you are told that 'you may use any letter more than once', it means that the
answer to two (occasionally three) questions may be found in the same paragrapn.

14 evidence that a significant number of airports provide meeting

Study Tip 14 In this
question, you are looking
15 a statement regarding the fact that no further developments are for'evidence', which is
possible in some areas of airport trade likely to be in the form of
data. Which paragraphs
16 reference to the low level of income that meeting facilities contain data? Which
produce for airports
of these paragraphs
17 mention of the impact of budget airlines on airport income provides data about the
number of airports with
18 examples of airport premises that might be used for business meeting facilities?

Quesfions 19-22 Study Tip 16 The

important word is
Complete the sentences below. 'income'. Which
paragraph discusses the
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the textfor each 'low level' generated by
answer. Write your answers in boxes 19-22 on your answer sheet. meeting facilities?

19 The length of time passengers spend shopping at airports has

been affected by updated
Study Tip 18 You
need to find examples so
think about the sorts of
20 Airports with a wide range of recreational facilities can become
things these might be.
a ...................... for people rather than a means to travel.

21 Both passengers and ................ . may feel encouraged to Test Tip Read through
each sentence and
use and develop a sense of loyalty towards airports that market underline words that will
their business services. help you find the right
place in the passage.
22 Airports that supply meeting facilities may need to develop a
over other venues.


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Quesfions 23-26
Test Tip Use the title
of the summary io find
Complete the summary below.
the right place in the
passage. The summary
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for
may cover one paragrapn
each answer.
or several paragraphs.
Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet. Read through the
summary, underlining
important words. The
Survey Findings answers may nor come
in the same order in the
passage as the questions.
Despite financial constraints due to the 23 .................. ,a

significant percentage of airports provide and wish to further support Study Tip 24 Find a
business meeting facilities. Also, just under 30% of the airports figure that is 'just under
thirty per cent'.
surveyed plan to provide these facilities within 24

However, the main users of the fbcilities are 25 ................. and Study Tip
as many as '16% of respondents to the survey stated that their users 25 Rephrase the first
part of the sentence:
did not take any 26 ................... at the airport. 'Who are the main users
of airport facilities?' Find
Test Tip Re-read the summary with the gaps completed. Check that the part of the passage
makes sense and is a true reflection of what is stated in the oassaoe. that discusses this.


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otJrd spencf aboL/r20m加 ufes on Q″ es〃 o刀 s27-彳 G which are based on Reading
YoLr s宀

This may seem a pointless question today. widely held view, shared by painters, some
Surrounded as we are by thousands of photographers, and some critics, was that
photographs, most of us take for granted photographs would be useful to art but should
that, in addition to supplying information not be considered equal in creativeness to
. and seducing customers, camera images drawing and painting. Lastly, by assuming
also serve as decoration, afford spiritual that the process was comparable to other
enrichment, and provide signiflcant insights techniques such as etching and lithography,
into the passing scene. But in the decades a fair number of individuals realized that
following the discovery of photography, this camera images were or could he as signiflcant
to question reflected the search for ways to flt as handmade works of art and that they might
the mechanical medium into the traditional have a positive influence on the arts and on
schemes of artistic expression. culture in general.
The much-publicized pronouncement Artists reacted to photography in various
by painter Paul Delaroche that the ways. Many portrait painters - miniaturists
daguerreotype* signalled the end of painting in particular - who realized that photography
is perplexing because this clever artist also represented the 'handwriting on the wall'
forecast the usefulness of the medium for became involved with daguerreotyping or 60
graphic artists in a letter written in 1839. paper photography in an effort to save their
Nevertheless, it is symptomatic of the careers; some incorporated it with painting,
zo swing between the outright rejection and while others renounced painting altogether.
qualified acceptance of the medium that was Still other painters, the most prominent
fairly typical of the artistic establishment. among them the French painter, Jean-
Discussion of the role of photography in art Auguste-Dominique Ingres, began almost
was especially spirited in France, where the immediately to use photography to make a
internal policies of the time had created a record of their own output and also to provide
Iarge pool of artists, but it was also taken themselves with source material for poses and
up by important voices in England. In both backgrounds, vigorously denying at the same 70
countries, public interest in this topic was a time its influence on their vision or its claims
reflection of the belief that national stature as art.
30 and achievement in the arts were related.
The view that photographs might be
From the maze of conflicting statements and worthwhile to artists was enunciated in
heated articles on the subject, three main considerable detail by Lacan and Francis
positions about the potential of camera art Wey. The latter, an art and literary critic, who
emerged. The simplest, entertained by many eventually recognised that camera images
painters and a section of the public, was that could be inspired as well as informative,
photographs should not be considered'art' suggested that they would lead to greater
because they were made with a mechanical naturalness in the graphic depiction of
device and by physical and chemical anatomy, clothing, likeness, expression,
phenomena instead of by human hand and and landscape. By studying photographs,
+o spirit; to some, camera images seemed to true artists, he claimed, would be relieved
have more in common with fabric produced of menial tasks and become free to devote
by machinery in a mill than with handmade themselves to the more important spiritual
creations fired by inspiration. The second aspects of their work.


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Wey left unstatbd what the incompetent artist also. The most important statement on this
might do as an alternative, but according matter was an unsigned article that concluded
to the influential French critic and poet that while photography had a role to play, it
so Charles Baudelaire, writing in response to should not be'constrained' into'competition' i2o
an exhibition of photography in 1859 ,lazy with art; a more stringent viewpoint led critic
and untalented painters would become Philip Gilbert Hamerton to dismiss camera
photographers. Fired by a belief in art as images as'narrow in range, emphatic in
an imaginative embodiment of cultivated assertion, telling one truth for ten falsehoods'.
ideas and dreams, Baudelaire regarded
photography as'a very humble servant of These writers reflected the opposition of a
section of the cultural elite in England and
art and science'; a medium largely unable to
France to the 'cheapening of art'which the
transcend'external reality'. For this critic,
.photography was linked with'the great growing acceptance and purchase of camera
pictures by the middle class represented.
too industrial madness' of the time, which in his
Technology made photographic images a 130
eyes exercised disastrous consequences on
the spiritual qualities of life and art. common sight in the shop windows of Regent
Street and Piccadilly in London and the
Eugene Delacroix was the most prominent of commercial boulevards of Paris. In London.
the French artists who welcomed photography for example, there were at the time some 130
as help-mate but recognized its limitations. commercial establishments where portraits,
Regretting that'such a wonde,rful invention' landscapes, and photographic reproductions
had arrived so late in his lifetime. he still of works of art could be bought. This appeal
took lessons in daguerreotyping, and both to the middle plass convinced the elite that
commissioned and collected photographs. photographs would foster a desire for realism
tt0 Delacroix's enthusiasm for the medium can instead of idealism, even though some critics 140
be sensed in a journal entry noting that if recognized that the work of individual
photographs were used as they should be, an photographers might display an uplifting style
artist might 'raise himself to heights that we and substance that was consistent with the
do not yet know'. defining characteristics of art.
The question of whether the photograph was * the name giuen to the
first commercially
document or art aroused interest in England suc c e s sful p hoto gr ap hic imag e s


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重庆赛维特雅思 http://www.swten.com Reading

Quesfions 27:30 Te$弋 T∶ p Read the questions

and underline words that will
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
help you find the right part
nf +ha n:<<:na
Write your answers in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.
27 What is the writer's main point in the first paragraph?
Study Tip 27 Read the
A Photography is used for many different purposes. first paragraph carefully
B Photographers and artists have the same principal aims. and underline the main
C Photography has not always been a readily accepted art form. idea. Which of the
D Photographers today are more creative than those of the past. options expresses this?
28 What public view about artists was shared by the French and the
Study Tip 29 The
A that only artists could reflect a culture's true values phrase in inverted
B that only artists were qualified to judge photography commas is in bold in the
C that artists could lose work as a result of photography passage. Read around
D that artistic success raised a country's international profile it to find out what it
29 What does the writer mean in line 59 by'the handwriting on the wall'?
A an example of poor talent
B a message that cannot be trusted
C an advertisement for something new
D a signal that something bad will happen
30 What was the result of the widespread availability of photographs to the
middle classes?

A The most educated worried about its impact on public taste.

B lt helped artists appreciate the merits of photography.
G lmprovements were made in photographic methods.
D lt led to a reduction in the price of photographs.


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Test 1 重庆赛维特雅思 http://www.swten.com

Quesfions 31:34
Test Tip Read the
Complete the summary of Paragraph 3 using the tist of words, i nstructions caref u I ly.

A-G, below. Sometimes you are told

which paragraph to read.
Write your answers in boxes 31-34 on your answersheef. You can also use the title
of the summary to find
the right place.
A inventive C beneficial E mixed G inferior
B similar D next F justified

Gamera art

In the early days of photography, opinions on its future were Study Tip
3'l'opinions' and'views'
31 ................... , but three clear views emerged. A large in the first sentence
number of artists and ordinary people saw photographs as have a similar meaning.
Which word at the starr
32 . .............. to paintings because of the way they were of Paragraph 3 also has
produced. Another popular view was that photographs could have this meaning? Which of
the options expresses the
a role to play in the art world, despite the photographer being views when photography
less 33 . Finally, a smaller number of people

suspected that the impact of photography on art and society could


Quesfions 3*40
Look at the following statements and the tist of people, A-E, below.

Match each statement with the correct person.

write the correct letter, A-.E, inboxes sF.40 on your answer sheet.
35 He claimed that photography would make paintings more realistic.
36 He highlighted the limitations and deceptions of the camera.
37 He documented his production of artwork by photographing his works.
38 He noted the potential for photography to enrich artistic talent. Test Tip lf there are
more statements than
39 He based some of the scenes in his paintings on photographs. names, you will have to
40 He felt photography was part of the trend towards greater use one of the names

A Jean-Auguste- Charles Baudelaire

Dominique Ingres Eugene Delacroix
B Francis Wey Philip Gilbert Hamerton


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YoI/sf,oLr/d spencf abot/f2Om`冖 ures on fh`s fask.

The chart below gives information on the percentage of

Study Tip ldentify
the main features of
British people giving money to charity by age range for the
the chart: Which age-
years 1990 and 2010.
group donated most
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the money to charity in each
main features and make comparisons where relevant. year? Which age-group
donated the least? How
does the generosity of
Write at least 150 words.
the age-groups compare
:rrn<< fho voer<7

Include an overview: How

does the overall pattern
in 2010 differ from the
pattern in 1990?

TQst Tip Begin w th an

Highlight and compare
the main features. Make
your overview clear.

Use a range of relevant

vocabulary and try to
vary your senrence rypes.
Link your ideas together
so that your answer
flows smoothly.

YOt/shou/d spe冖 Cf abotJf亻 r,m`ntrres on rfW。 rask

Some people work for the sarne Test Tip Task 2 is worth
twice as many marks as
organisation all their working life.
Task 1 so you are advised
Others think that it is better to work for
d iffere nt orga n isati ons.
to spend twice as long
writing your answer.
Discuss both these views and give your
Write 250 words or
own opinion.
more, and use your own

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


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Tesf彳 重庆赛维特雅思 http://www.swten.com


School days
. Tell me something about your secondary school.
. Which subject did you find most difficult at school? [Why?]
. Do you ever need that subject now? [Why? / Why not?]
. What did you enjoy about being a school student?

. Are there any famous buildings in your home town? [What are they?]
. In what type of building do most people in your home town live?
. Should buildings be attractive to look at? [Why? / Why not?]
. What is the most unusual building you have ever seen? twhy?l

PART 2 Test Tip In Part 2, the

Candidate task card: examiner will ask you some
more questions on familiar
Describe an interesting story that you heard or read
Listen carefully to the questions.
about in the news.
Use the correct tense for each
You should say: answer and include some
when you heard or read about the story relevant vocabulary.
what the story was about
why the story was in the news
and explain why you thought the story was interesting. Study Tip Use the one-
minute preoaration time to
think about your topic and
what you will say; make notes
on each point. (Choose a story
PART 3 that you can easily talk about.)

Reading newspapers
Test Tip In Part 3, introduce
. When do people like to read the newspaper? your topic, link your ideas and
. How important is it for people to have a choice of newspaper? aim to speak for two minutes.
. What does a 'good'newspaper contain?
Speak clearly and at a natural
speed so that the examiner
The future of newspapers
can understand you. Use stress
. Why do some people choose to read the news on the Internet and intonation to highlight
rather than in a newspaper? important information and
. How is Internet news different from the news you read in the feelings.
. Will Internet news ever replace newspapers? [Why? / Why not?]


赛维特微信号 cqielts 分享雅思预测 口语范例

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