2022叉车-8.5-10T 叉车参数表-英文
2022叉车-8.5-10T 叉车参数表-英文
2022叉车-8.5-10T 叉车参数表-英文
Operating Comfort
Adopted interactive ergonomic design to improve operating comfort. Equipped with wide field of view mast to improve driver's field of view.
Intelligent Reversing
Electro-hydraulic Reversing System. Easy to operate and labor-saving. Upgrade new intelligent shift system, prevent the second gear starting, ensure
reliability of gearbox.
Convenient Maintenance
Interior space of car body is more spacious Parts Positions are more reasonable. Opening angle of hood is increased to 80°. Maintainability of
machine is better.
High Reliability
Strength of the core structural parts of car body, mast and hood has been enhanced greatly to make whole vehicle more solid.
Model Height(mm)
2.08 Min.ground clearance (Frame/Mast) m1/m2 mm 300/245 300/245 LG85DTⅢ LG100DTⅢ LG85DTⅢ LG100DTⅢ LG85DTⅢ LG100DTⅢ LG85DTⅢ LG100DTⅢ
M230 2300 / 10000 / 2495 200 215 / 10/12
2.09 Overall width W1 mm 2165 2165
M250 2500 8500 / 2445 / 200 215 10/12 /
2.10 Adjusting range of fork (outside) mm 450-2090 450-209`0
M270 2700 8500 10000 2545 2695 200 215 10/12 10/12
2.11 STD Fork size (L5*W*T) mm 1520×170×70 1520×175×85 M300 3000 8500 10000 2695 2845 200 215 10/12 10/12
2.12 Front wheel tread S mm 1600 1600 M330 3300 8500 10000 2845 2995 200 215 10/12 10/12
2.13 Rear wheel tread P mm 1700 1700 M350 3500 8500 10000 2945 3095 200 215 10/12 10/12
2.14 Min.turning radius R1 mm 3650 3900 M375 3750 8500 10000 3070 3220 200 215 10/12 10/12
2.15 Min aisle width for pallet 1000×1200,crossways mm 5755 6020 M400 4000 8500 10000 3245 3395 200 215 10/12 10/12
M425 4250 8500 10000 3370 3520 200 215 6/6 6/6
2.16 Min aisle width for pallet 800×1200,lengthways mm 5755 6020
M450 4500 8500 10000 3495 3645 200 215 6/6 6/6
3.01 Wheels number, front/rear (X=driven wheels) X=4/2
M475 4750 8200 10000 3620 3770 200 215 6/6 6/6
3.02 Tires type Pneumatic M500 5000 8200 10000 3745 3895 200 215 6/6 6/6
3.03 Tires size, front 9.00-20-14PR M550 5500 7850 9000 4045 4195 200 215 6/6 6/6
3.04 Tires size, rear 9.00-20-14PR M600 6000 7400 8000 4295 4445 200 215 6/6 6/6
4.01 Max.traveling speed, loaded/unloaded km/h 24/28 24/28
4.02 Max.lifting speed, loaded/unloaded mm/s 390/420 330/350 2 Stage Free Mast-Super Free Lifting Height
h2 Lowered Mast h3 Free Lifting Height,
4.03 Lowering speed, loaded/unloaded mm/s 420/410 310/300 Mast h1 Max Lifting Load Capacity (J=600mm)(kg) Mast tilt α/β (°)
Height (mm) without backrest (mm)
4.04 Max.traction, loaded KN 60 60 Model Height(mm)
4.05 Max.gradient, loaded/unloaded % 23/20 21/20 ZM200 2000 8500 10000 2345 867 882 10/12 10/12
ZM225 2250 8500 10000 2470 992 1007 10/12 10/12
Other Details
4.06 STD operating weight (with oil & water) kg 12150 13250
4.07 Axles loading,front/rear (loaded) kg 18600/2250 21100/2150 ZM250 2500 8500 10000 2595 1117 1132 10/12 10/12
ZM270 2700 8500 10000 2695 1217 1232 10/12 10/12
4.08 Axles loading,front/rear (unloaded) kg 5500/6800 6050/7200
ZM300 3000 8500 10000 2845 1367 1382 10/12 10/12
4.09 Service brake Power brake-pedal
ZM330 3300 8500 10000 2995 1517 1532 10/12 10/12
4.10 Parking brake Mechanical-hand brake lever ZM350 3500 8500 10000 3095 1617 1632 10/12 10/12
4.11 Drive type Automatic ZM370 3700 8500 10000 3195 1717 1732 10/12 10/12
4.12 Number of gear (front/rear) 2/2 ZM400 4000 8500 10000 3395 1917 1932 10/12 10/12
4.13 Fuel tank capacity L 160 ZM425 4250 8500 10000 3520 2042 2057 6/6 6/6
ZM450 4500 8500 10000 3645 2167 2182 6/6 6/6
4.14 Battery votage/capacity V/Ah 2×12/90