Paper code: BL- 9005
Mr Rahul Dandotiya
3 Draft an Affidavit for loss of identity cards, or any other document issued
by the government bodies.
1 Sale Deed
2 Mortgage Deed
3 Lease Deed
4 Gift Deed
5 Promissory Note
8 Employment Agreement.
10 Rent Agreement.
1. Draft a Plaint and Written Statement of Matrimonial
2. Draft a Plaint and Written Statement on disputed Possession of
Mr. BBB_________
Mr. DDD__________
5. That the Defendant has neglected and failed to vacate the said
property and handed over possession thereof to the Plaintiff, despite
repeated protests by the Plaintiff.
9. That the valuation of the suit for the purposes of Court-Fees and
jurisdiction is ______ for the relief of ___________and accordingly,
Court fee of Rs. __________ has been affixed.
a) that the Suit be decreed in favour of the Plaintiff and against the
Defendant , and accordingly the Defendant be ordered to forthwith
remove himself and his belongings from the House No______ and
deliver to the Plaintiff quiet and vacant possession of the Suit
c) to grant any other relief, which the Hon'ble court deems fit, may
please be granted to the plaintiff in the interest of justice.
______________., Advocate
Place :
Date :
…………………. Plaintiff
4. Para 5.
5. Hence, it is prayed that his Hon’ble court may be pleased to dismiss the
Place: ………………..
(Signature of the Respondent)
Date: …………………..
GHJ Advocate
I ____________ do hereby verify that the contents from Para 1 to Para 5 are
correct and true to the best of my knowledge and personal belief and no part of
its is false and nothing material has been concealed therein. Affirmed at Noida
this day of ________ 2019.
3. Draft an Affidavit for loss of identity cards, or any other
document issued by the government bodies.
I have made a reasonable and diligent search for the lost passport, but failed in
that attempt. I am an Indian national and have not acquired nationality of any
other country. I have not lost, surrendered or been deprived of my Indian
citizenship. I have not obtained any other travel document. I have also filed a FIR
in Civil Lines Police Station on __________ (date). But till date I have not
obtained any response in this regard. I understand that the issuance of a fresh
passport voids the Original passport, and if I do manage to recover or find the
original passport, it must immediately be surrendered to passport authority.
The above mentioned facts are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
Signature of Deponent.
4. Draft a Writ petition under Article 226 of the Indian
1. …………………………..
2. Smt. …………………widow of Sri………………… r/o ……………District :……
The Hon'ble Chief Justice and his other companion Judges of the aforesaid Court.
1. That the Respondent No.2 filed a suit for arrears of Rent and ejectment against the
petitioner in the Court of Judge Small Causes, ……….
2. That the aforesaid Suit was filed on the ground that defendant has committed default in
payment of Rent and is liable to be ejected from the premises in dispute.
True copy of the plaint is being filed herewith are marked as Annexure I to this Writ Petition.
True copy of written statement is being filed herewith and marked as Annexure II to this Writ
4. That during the pendency of the aforesaid suit the Plaintiff Respondent sold a part of the
disputed house to a third person through a Registered Sale Deed. As a result of the said
sale-deed the vendee (Not impleaded as a party in the suit) became the part owner and
landlord of the disputed house.
5. That the sale-deed of the part of disputed house necessitated amendment in the written
statement and consequently dependent moved an amendment application.
7. That the trial Court, vide it's Order dated………… rejected the amendment application of
the petitioner.
True copy of the Order dated ……….is being filed herewith and marked as Annexure IV to
this Writ Petition.
8. That aggrieved by the Order of the trial Court the petitioner preferred Revision before the
Distt. Judge. The first Addl. Distt. Judge,…….vide its Order dated……… partly allowed
and partly dismissed the aforesaid revision.
9. That the opinion of the Court below that relationship of tenant and landlord, once admitted,
cannot be withdrawn or explained away, is erroneous in law.
10. That it is settled law that the admissions of the party can be withdrawn or explained away
by way of amendment of pleadings.
11. That the Court below erroneously refuse the third amendment sought by the petitioner. In
the 3rd Amendment again the relationship of landlord and tenant was denied and it was
also stated that since the plaintiff has splited tenancy and she cannot get possession over
remaining of the disputed property. Court Below acted illegally in allowing the later part
of the amendment while refusing the former.
12. That allowing the amendment relating to jurisdiction of the court while refusing the
amendment regarding denial of the relationship of tenant and landlord is erroneous
inasmuch as it does not give an opportunity to the petitioner to prove that the court has no
jurisdiction to try the suit.
13. That the Petitioner is lapse with no other alternative remedy except to approach the
Hon'ble Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India.
14. That there is no deliberate delay in filing the present writ petition. Since ……., 20……
Petitioner son was suffering from a chronic diseased and was being treated at ……… The
petitioner being only other male member in the family had to lookafter his son and had to
spend much of this time at ……. in connection with the treatment of his son. It was only
when the Petitioner's son could recover in the first week of …………, 20..….. that the
petitioner could apply for the certified copy of the order and could proceed to Allahabad
for filing the present writ petition. In the present circumstances the delay in filing the
present writ petition is liable to be condone.
15. That the present writ petition is being filed inter alia on the following
1. Because the Court below acted illegally in refusing the amendment regarding denial of
relationship of the tenant and landlord which was, though initially admitted, later was sought
to be withdrawn.
2. Because the Court below failed to appreciate that admissions made in the pleading can be
withdrawn or explained away through amendment.
3. Because the court below failed to appreciate that the merits of the amendment sought to be
made, are not to be looked into at the time of disposal of the amendment application.
4. Because the court below failed to consider that the present amendment was bona fide and
was necessitated on account of subsequent events during the proceedings of the case.
5. Because the order of the court below is otherwise erroneous in law and on facts.
It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that it is just and expedient in the interest of justice the
Hon'ble Court may be pleased to -
1. Issue a Writ, order or direction in the nature of certiorari quashing the order dated ………
and ………. (Annexures IV and V) to the Writ Petition).
3. Pass such other and further orders as it deems fit in the circumstances of the case.
Respectfully Sheweth:
1. That titled civil suit is pending for adjudication before this Learned Court for today i.e. ____.
2. That through the instant application, the applicant humbly seeks indulgence of this Learned Court
for seeking permission to amend Clause I of paragraph No. 4 of the plaint; proposed amendment is
as following:
“It is pertinent to mention here that the defendant at various occasions demanded huge amount of
money from the plaintiff. Because the plaintiff had always been earning much more than the
defendant as she was working in a higher scale, therefore, she had always fulfilled his demands and
gave him a huge amount of money when the marriage was intact and she is also entitled to file a
separate suit for recovery of said amount.”
3. That inadvertently, aforesaid fact i.e. proposed amendment could not be added in the plaint,
therefore, permission is sought from this Learned Court for amendment of plaint as stated above
inter-alia on the following:
i. That the aforesaid proposed amendment is not inconsistent with the original version of the
applicant taken in the plaint.
ii. That the omission to mention the sentence stated above as proposed amendment was
neither intentional nor deliberate rather it was inadvertently not mentioned.
iii. That the proposed amendment goes to the root of the case and in order to determine the real
question in controversy by this Learned Court, it is necessary that proposed amendment may be
v. That if the applicant is not allowed to amend her plaint as proposed above, irreparable loss
will be suffered by her.
vi. That applicant humbly seeks permission of this Learned Court to raise additional grounds at
the stage of arguments.
In aforementioned circumstances, it is humbly prayed that applicant in hand may kindly be accepted &
the applicant may graciously be allowed to amend her plaint as stated above.
Under Section: (Mention the sections under which the FIR has been
Accused under custody since: (Give the date on which accused has
been arrested)
2. That the police has falsely implicated the applicant and arrested
him in the present case, the applicant is a respectable citizen of the
society and is not involved any criminal case.
11. That the applicant is ready and willing to accept any other
conditions as may be imposed by the Court or the police in connection
with the case.
It is therefore prayed that the court may order for the release of the
applicant on bail in the interest of justice.
Any other order which the court may deem fit and proper in the facts
and circumstances of the case may be also passed in favor of the
7. Draft a Complaint for Rash and Negligent Driving
8. Draft a Criminal Miscellaneous petition under section 125 of CODE OF CRIMINAL
MRS. W_________
MR. H __________
4. That the respondent has never sent any money to the petitioner
to meet her expenses and expenses of the minor child.
9. That this Court has the jurisdiction to entertain and try this
petition as marriage between petitioner and the respondent was
solemnized here and the petitioners are living within the Jurisdiction
of this Court.
______________., Advocate
Place :
Date :
Format of affidavit to be filed in Support of Petition for
Maintenance under Section 125 of CrPC
MRS. W_________
MRS. H __________
9. Draft a Memorandum of Appeal
_________________________________________ Respondent
dated____, passed by the Small Causes Judge, _____, in Civil Suit No.
____________, the present appellant prefers this memo of appeal on the
following amongst other grounds of objections thereto:
1. That the Learned Lower Court has not followed the proper
procedure, and this has resulted into miscarriage of justice.
2. That the orders passed by the Learned Lower Court are violative
of the principles of justice, equity and good conscience.
3. That the orders passed by the Learned Lower Court are contrary
to the provisions of law and the principles of natural justice.
4. That the Learned Lower Court has failed to consider the evidence
on record in a judicious manner.
5. That the findings arrived by the Learned Lower Court are not
supported by the evidence on record.
6. That the necessary issues of law and fact have not been framed
and answered by the Learned Lower Court.
7. That the Learned Lower Court ought to have decided the matter
under appeal in favour of this appellant.
8. That the Learned Lower Court ought to have held that the
respondent had no right or authority to terminate the tenancy of
this appellant.
9. That the Learned Lower Court was at an error in holding that the
suit premises are required by the respondent for his personal
bonafide occupation.
10. That the Learned Lower Court was wrong in holding that this
appellant has acquired any other suitable accommodation.
11. That the Learned Lower Court has having answered the first
issue in the negative decided the rest of the issues against the
appellant, which itself is improper and illegal.
12. That the Learned Lower Court has in a very summary manner
and roundabout fashion tried to interpret the concept of
acquisition of other suitable accommodation.
13. That the Learned Lower Court, while deciding the application for
interim injunction, has, in fact, decided the suit itself, and this
is contrary to the provisions of law.
14. That the Learned Lower Court has misinterpreted all the relevant
provisions of law as laid down in the ____________
15. That the Learned Lower Court has not considered the very fact
that the balance of convenience was only in favour of this
16. That the order is dated____, while its certified copy was applied
for on_______, the same was delivered on______, and hence,
the appeal filed today is well within limitation.
17. That the necessary court fee is paid herewith.
18. That the appellant, therefore, prays that for the reasons stated
above and as may be argued at the time of hearing, the record
and proceedings be called for, this appeal be allowed, the orders
under appeal be set aside and quashed, and orders deemed just
and proper be kindly passed, for which act of grace and favour,
this appellant as bounden in duty shall ever pray.
Place _____________
Date _____________
10. Draft a Execution petition
_________________________________________Decree Holder
_________________________________________Judgment Debtor
1. No of Suit 12345/2021
5. Whether any payment has been received 10,000 has been received
towards satisfaction of
6. Whether any application was made No.
previous to this and if so their dates and
Decree Holder
Order :
11. Draft a Writ petition under Article 32 of the Indian Constitution
1. XYZ
Petitioner No. 1
Union of India
Respondent No. 1
(1) That Indian Parliament had passed ______ Act, 20__ and the
Ministry of Law and Justice had published it through Gazette
Notification on September __, __. The draft Act, which replaced an
earlier 18__ law, was debated over for almost two years. People's
movements and civil society organisations had analysed that while
the new law had several positive features like consent of landowners
or food Security related provisions, it had a few lacunae.
6. That the present petition will be beneficial for land owners and
farmers India is India as the amendments in Central Act, Central
Rules, State Acts and State Rules are adversely affecting their
fundamental rights.
8. That the Petitioners have not filed any other writ petition same
or similar to the present writ petition, neither in this Hon'ble Court
nor in any other Court or forum across the land.
9. The Petitioner declares that the issue raised was neither dealt
with nor decided by a Court of law at the instance of the petitioner or
to the best of his knowledge, at the instance of any other person.
10. The Petitioners have not approached any authority for relief for
the subject matter of this petition.
11. That the Petitioner is filing the instant Writ Petition inter alia on
the following amongst other grounds:-
B. Because the states cannot use concurrent list used to modify the
state Act, if the state Act conflict with Central Act.
Drawn By:
Drawn on:
Filed on:
New Delhi
1. Sale Deed
(1) The Vendor is absolutely seized and possessed of the land and premises bearing Plot No . …………Survey No . …………CST
No . …………situate, lying and being at………… and hereinafter called the said land, more particularly described in the First
Schedule hereunder written.
(2) The Vendor has constructed four buildings on the said land in accordance with the plan approved by Nagpur Municipal
Corporation, a copy of which is annexed hereto (at Annexure I) and thereon shown as building Nos. A, B, C and D.
(3) The buildings consists of 80 residential apartments and the Vendor has agreed to sell residential apartments in the said buildings
to different purchasers and proportionate undivided share and interest in the said land.
(4) The Vendor has agreed to sell and the Purchaser has agreed to purchase the proprietary rights in the apartment No . …………on
the floor of building No. A, more particularly described in the Second Schedule hereunder written along with an undivided 1/80th
share of interest in the said land, described in the First Schedule
hereunder written for a price of Rs . …………out of which the Purchaser has paid Rs . …………as earnest money and part payment
of the said purchase price.
(5) The Vendor has completed the construction of the buildings and obtained completion and occupation certificates in respect of
the buildings from the Nagpur Municipal Corporation.
(6) The Purchaser has paid all amounts payable to the Vendor In respect of the apartment and Vendor has handed over the
possession of the Apartment No …………on the …………floor of the building No. A to the Purchaser on ....................
(7) The Purchaser has satisfied himself about the title of the Vendor in respect of the said land and M/s …………Solicitors and
Advocates....................have certified the title of the Vendor vide Title Certificate dated …………a copy of which is annexed
hereto at Annexure II.
(8) The Purchaser declares that he has inspected the plans and specifications of the buildings and a copy of the floor plans of the
building filed under section 13(2) of the Maharashtra Apartment Ownership Act, 1970 and a Certificate of Architect as required
under section 7(1) of the said Act have been annexed hereto and marked C and D respectively.
(9) The Vendor has submitted the said buildings known as Apartment together with the said land to the Maharashtra Apartment
Ownership Act, 1970 vide the declaration dated as required under section 11 of the Maharashtra Apartment Ownership Act, 1970
and lodged the same for registration under SI. No . …………dated of Book No. 1 under the Indian Registration Act,1908 and
true copy of the same has been filed with the Registrar of Co-operative Societies being the competent Authority under the
Maharashtra Apartment Ownership Act, 1970 on …………
(10) This Deed of Apartment is being executed in terms of section 12 of the Maharashtra Apartment Ownership Act, 1970.
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of Rs . ………… (Rupees
…………only) paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor before the execution of these presents (the receipt whereof theVendor hereby
admits and acknowledges) the Vendor hereby grants, Grant transfers, conveys and assures unto the Purchaser ALL THAT the
undivided 1/80th shares or portion in the land bearing Plot No ………… Survey No . …………CST No . situate, being and lying
at…………Taluka…………District………… more particularly described in the First Schedule hereunder written and the proprietory
rights in Apartment No . …………on…………floor and delineated on the plans thereof annexed hereto at Annexure III and thereon
shown surrounded by red coloured boundary line, in the building No. A of the Apartments, which said apartment is more particularly
described in the Second Schedule and hereinafter referred to as the said Apartment TOGETHER WITH 1/80th undivided interest
appurtenant to the said Apartment in the common areas and facilities of the said land.
AND TOGETHER with all the courtyards, areas, compounds, sewers, drains, ditches, fences, trees, plants, ways, paths, passages,
common gullies, wells, waters, water courses, lights, liberties, privileges, easements, profits, advantages, rights, members and
appurtenances thereto or at any time heretofore usually held, used, occupied or enjoyed or reputed or known as part or members
thereof AND ALSO ALL the estate right, title, interest, benefit, claim and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity of the Vendor
into out of or upon the 1/80th undivided share in the said land and in the said Apartment and the other premises hereby granted as
aforesaid are hereinafter referred to as "the said premises".
AND TO HAVE AND HOLD the said premises hereby granted, conveyed, transferred and assured or intended so to be with their and
every of their rights, members and appurtenance unto and to the use and benefit of the Purchaser for ever to be held as heritable and
transferable, subject to the provisions of the Maharashtra Apartment Ownership Act, 1970, the said Declaration dated and the bye‑laws
of the condominium and rules and regulations and subject to the payment of all rents, rates, assessments, dues and duties now
chargeable upon the same or which may hereafter become payable in respect thereof to the Government of Maharashtra, Municipal
Corporation of Nagpur, and any other public or statutory authority ANDTHE VENDOR hereby for himself, his executor, and
administrators covenant with the Purchaser that he has in himself good right, power and absolute authority to grant, transfer, release
and assure the 1/80th share in the said land and the said Apartment No . …………in Building No. A unto and to the use of the Purchaser
free from all encumbrances AND that the Purchaser shall and may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly enter upon, hold,
occupy, possess and enjoy the said premises hereby granted, conveyed, transferred and assured and enjoy exclusively the said premises
hereby granted, transferred, conveyed and assured so to be with the said appurtenances and receive the rents, income and profits
thereof and of every part thereof for his own use and benefit without any suit, eviction, interruption, obstruction, claim and demand
whatsoever from or by the Vendor, his heirs, or any of them or any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming under or in trust
for him or them or any of them AND the said premises are free from encumbrances and the Vendor shall keep harmless and indemnify
the Purchaser of, from and against all former and other estates, titles, charges and encumbrances whatsoever, made, executed,
occasioned or suffered by the Vendor or any other person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by, from, under or in
trust for the Vendor AND FURTHER THE Vendor, his heirs, executors and administrators shall and will from time to time and all
times hereafter at the request and costs of the Purchaser do and execute or cause to be done and executed all such further and other
lawful and reasonable acts, deeds, things, matters conveyances and assurances in law whatsoever for the better and more perfectly
assuring the said apartment and every part thereof unto the use of the Purchaser in the manner aforesaid as by the Purchaser, his heirs,
executors, assigns or his counsel shall be reasonably required AND FURTHER the Vendor doth hereby covenant with the Purchaser
that unless prevented by fire or inevitable accident, the Vendor will upon every reasonable request and at the costs of the Purchaser
shall produce or cause to be produced from time to time or at all times hereafter to the Purchaser or his Advocate or at any trial,
commission, examination or otherwise as occasion shall require all or any documents mentioned in the Third Schedule hereunder
written for the purpose of showing his title to the said land described in the First Schedule hereunder written and will furnish to the
Purchaser and every such other party or parties as aforesaid such true copies or extracts of and from the said documents or any of
them as the Purchaser or such other party or parties may require and will in the meantime keep the said documents safe, uncancelled
and undefaced AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND AGREED that if the Vendor delivers the documents of title hereinbefore
covenant to be produced or any of them to any person or persons lawfully entitled to the custody thereof, the Vendor shall thereupon
enter into with and to deliver to the person or persons for the time being entitled to the benefit of the covenant for production
hereinbefore contained and furnishing copies of the said documents which shall have been so delivered up, similar to the covenant
hereinbefore contained and thenceforth the covenant hereinbefore contained shall become void so far as relates to the documents
covenanted with the Vendor.
AND THE PURCHASER for himself, his executor and administrators doth hereby covenant with the Vendor and other co‑owners of
the other units in the said buildings that the Purchaser shall abide by the bye‑laws of the said condominium and shall pay his
proportionate share of expenses and shall use the said apartment for residential purpose only and he the Purchaser shall not ask for a
partition by metes and bounds of the said land and shall not do any act which would jeopardise the safety or soundness of the property
or reduce the value thereof and shall riot make any alteration, change or make addition in or to the apartment without the previous
consent of all other apartment owners in the said condominium in writing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set and subscribed their respective hands on the day and year hereinabove
1 Signed and delivered by the within named Vendor
WHEREAS the mortgagor is absolutely seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the house bearing
municipal no …………..situated on…………..Road…………..more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written;
AND WHEREAS the mortgagor has requested the mortgagee to lend him a sum of Rs . …………..which the mortgagee has agreed
on the mortgagor mortgaging his property.
NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH THAT in pursuance to the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of Rs …………..at or
before the execution of these presents paid by the mortgagee to the mortgagor (the receipt whereof, the mortgagor doth hereby admit
and acknowledge and of and from the same hereby release and discharge the mortgagee), the mortgagor hereby covenants with the
mortgagee that he will pay on the …………..day of …………..(hereinafter called "the said date"), the said sum of Rs …………..with
interest@………….. % per annum from the date of these presents till the repayment of the said sum in full, every quarter the first
instalment of interest to be paid on the…………..day of…………..20…………..and each subsequent instalment on the …………..day
of July, October, January and April of each succeeding year until the said sum is repaid in full.
In consideration aforesaid, the mortgagor doth hereby transfer by way of mortgage his house bearing municipal no …………..situated
on…………..Road…………..and more particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written as a security for repayment of the
said sum with interest @………….. per annum with the condition that the mortgagor, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns
shall on the said the pay to the mortgagee, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns the said sum of Rs…………..together with
interest thereon at the rate mentioned above, the said mortgagee, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns shall at any time
thereafter upon the request and at the cost of the mortgagor, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns reconvey the said house,
hereinbefore expressed to be mortgaged unto or to the use of the mortgagor, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns or as he or
they shall direct.
AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED that if the mortgagor does not pay the said mortgage amount with interest when
shall become due and payable under these presents, the mortgagee shall be entitled to sell the said house through any competent court
and to realise and receive the said mortgage amount and interest, out of the sale proceeds of the house.
AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED AND DECLARED by the mortgagor that during the period, the mortgage amount is not paid and
the said house remains as a security for the mortgage amount, the mortgagor shall insure the said house and take out an insurance
policy in the joint names of the mortgagor and mortgagee and continue the said policy in Insurance of full force and effect by paying
premium and in case of default by the Property by mortgagor to insure or to keep the insurance policy in full force and mortgager
effect, the mortgagee can insure the said house and the premium paid by the mortgagee will be added to the mortgage amount, if not
paid by the mortgagor on demand.
AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED THAT the mortgagor can grant lease of the said house with the consent of the mortgagee in writing.
AND IT IS FURTHER AGREED BY THE MORTGAGOR that he shall bear stamp duty, registration charges and other out of pocket
expenses for the execution and registration of this deed and reconveyance deed but however each party will bear cost and professional
charges of his Solicitor/Advocate.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have put their hands the day and year first hereunder written.
3. Lease Deed
(1) The Lessor is the exclusive owner of piece of land bearing Plot No ……………...Survey No . ……………... situate, lying and
bearing at Village……………...Taluka……………...District ……………...more particularly described in the Schedule A
hereunder written, hereinafter referred to as the dernised premises.
(2) The Lessor has agreed to grant to the Lessee a lease in respect of the said premises for a period of……………...years, vide
Agreement of Lease dated……………...hereinafter referred to as "the said agreement" subject to terms and conditions laid down
in the said agreement.
(3) The Lessor has made out his marketable title to the demised premises free from all encumbrances, claims or reasonable doubts.
(1) In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of-the rent hereby granted and the Lessee's covenants hereinafter
mentioned, the Lessor hereby demise unto the Lessee the demised premises, to hold the dernised premises unto the Lessee (and
his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns) for a period of……………...years commencing from the……………...day of
……………...20……………...at a yearly rent of the year for which it is due, the first of such yearly rent shall be paid
on……………...and the subsequent rent to be paid on or before the day of every succeeding year regularly.
(2) The Lessee shall construct a suitable house and other structures on the demised premises hereby demised according to and in
conformity with the map or plans hereto annexed, which has already on been sanctioned by the Municipal Corporation
of……………...within a period of one year from the date hereof.
(a)To pay rent hereby reserved on the day and in the manner aforesaid to the lessor.
(b) To pay all taxes, cess, impositions, assessments, dues and duties payable in respect of the demised premises and the building to be
constructed thereon to the Government of……………... or the Municipal Corporation or any other local authority or public body.
(c) Not to sub-let, sell, dispose of or assign the demised premises or the house constructed on the demised premises without theconsent
of the lessor in writing.
(d) To keep the building constructed on the demised premises in good and tenantable condition.
(e) To permit the lessor or his duly authorised agent or agents to enter the demised premises at all convenient times for inspection of
the building.
(f) To insure and to keep insured the building that may be constructed on the demised premises against the loss or fire, earthquake,
riot or affray with an insurance company approved in damages by writing by the lessor in the joint names of lessor and lessee for
an amount which shall not be less than Rs……………...
(g) To use the demised premises for construction of house which will be used for residential purpose only any part thereof for any
illegal purpose.
(a)The lessor is absolutely seized and possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the demised premises and is having
full power and absolute authority to demise unto the lessee the demised premises.
(b)The lessee shall peacefully and quietly hold, possess and enjoy the demised premises, during the term of lease without any
interruption, disturbance, claims or demand whatsoever by the lessor or any person or persons claiming under him, subject however,
the lessee paying the said yearly rent on the due dates thereof and in the manner herein provided and observing and performing the
covenants, conditions and stipulations herein contained and on his part to be observed and performed.
(c) Not to unreasonably withhold his consent to any sub-lease, transfer or assignment of the demised premises, if intended to be made
by the lessee
(5) It is hereby agreed that if default is made by the lessee in payment of the rent for any three years, or in observance and performance
of any of the covenants and stipulations hereby contained and on the part to be observed and performed by the lessee, then on each
such default, the lessor shall be entitled in addition to or in the alternative to any other remedy that may be available to him at his
discretion, to terminate the lease and eject the lessee from the premises demised and from the building, that may have been
constructed thereon; and to take possession thereof as full and absolute owner thereof, provided that a notice in writing shall be given
by the lessor to the lessee of his intention to terminate the lease and to take possession of the demised premises but if the arrears of
rent are paid or the lessee comply with or carry out the covenants and conditions or stipulations, within fifteen days from the service
of such notice, then the lessor shall not be entitled to take possession of the said premises and building.
(a) On the expiry of the term hereby created and subject to the observance and performance of the covenants, conditions and
stipulations herein contained and on his part to be observed and performed, the lessee will have the option to renew the lease of the
demised premises for a further period of……………... years, provided he gives a notice to the effect in writing by registered post to
the Lessor of his intention to do so at least three calendar months before the termination of the present lease; provided that the rent
payable by the lessee to the Lessor during the extended time of the lease shall be Rs ……………...per annum, which will include the
rent of the demised premises and of the building constructed thereon, which on the expiry of term of the lease, shall vest in and be the
absolute property of the Lessor as hereinabove mentioned. After the expiry of the said period of ................. years, the Lessee shall not
be entitled to exercise further option of renewal of the lease and shall deliver the dernised premises and the building constructed
thereon to the lessor in good condition as hereinbefore provided.
(b) The Lessee shall be entitled to purchase the reversion during the subsistance of this demise, in respect of the demised
premises on the payment to the Lessor, a consideration to be agreed upon between the Lessor and Lessee and the Lessor shall execute
conveyance in respect of the reversion of demised premises purchased by the Lessee in favour of the Lessee or his nominee or
nominees; provided that the Lessee may be entitled to purchase a portion or portion of the eversion in respect of any
portion of the demised premises, the rent hereby agreed to be paid by the Lessee to the Lessor shall be proportionately
(c) On the expiry of the term hereby created or earlier determination under the provisions hereof, the Lessee will hand over
thepeaceful and vacant possession of the demised premises and building constructed thereon to the Lessor in a good condition.
(7) This Lease Deed shall be executed in duplicate. The original shall be retained by the Lessor and the duplicate by the Lessee.
(8) The stamp duty and all other expenses in respect of this Lease Deed and duplicate thereof shall be borne and paid by the Lessee.
(9) The marginal notes and the catch lines hereto are meant only for convenience of reference and shall not in any way be taken
intoaccount in the interpretation of these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor and the Lessee have put their first hereinabove written.
1 Signed and delivered by the within named Lessor ......
2 Signed and delivered by the within named Lessee ......
4.Gift Deed
This deed of gift made this ______ Day of __________(month) ____________ (year) between;
Resident of _____________________
Resident of __________________
1. In consideration of natural love and affection being the son/daughter of Donor, the
donor hereby assigns to the donee a sum of Rs._____________ (amount) to be held
by the donee absolutely.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have put their respective signatures on this deed of gift in
presence of witnesses.
______________________ (______________________)
5. Promissory Note
(this "Note")
2. FOR VALUE RECEIVED, The Borrower promises to pay to the Lender at such
address as may be provided in writing to the Borrower, the principal sum of
₹_____________ USD, without interest payable on the unpaid principal, beginning on
12 December 2021.
4. The Borrower shall be liable for all costs, expenses and expenditures incurred
including, without limitation, the complete legal costs of the Lender incurred by
enforcing this Note as a result of any default by the Borrower and such costs will be
added to the principal then outstanding and shall be due and payable by the Borrower
to the Lender immediately upon demand of the Lender.
6. This Note will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State
of Uttar Pradesh.
7. This Note will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Borrower and the Lender.
The Borrower waives presentment for payment, notice of non-payment, protest
and notice of protest.
8. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly affixed their signatures under seal
WHEREAS, I am desirous of appointing some fit and proper person to look after all my
immovable properties, business and other affairs and requested Mr. ...... of ........
(hereinafter called 'the Attorney') to act for me and manage and look after my affairs which
NOW KNOW YOU ALL AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that I, the said ... do hereby appoint
the said ..... as my true and lawful Attorney with full power and authority to do and execute
1. To ask, receive and recover from all receivers, farmers, tenants and all other
my lands and buildings, all rents, arrears of rent, services. issues, profits, emoluments and
sums of money now due owing and payable or at any time hereafter to become due, owing
and payable in respect of the same in any manner whatsoever and also on non- payment
thereof to take summary proceedings to distrain or distress according to law and to give
notices to quit, and vacate and file suits and proceedings in ejectment and to recover rents
and compensation for use and occupation and to make like and appropriate demands and
managementof my lands and premises and to recover rents thereof and the same or any of
such stewards, bailiffs, receivers or servants at pleasure to remove and displace as the
3. To contract with any person for leasing for such period at such rent subject to
suchconditions as the attorney shall see fit, all or any of the said premises and any such
person, to let into possession thereof and to accept surrenders of leases and for that
purpose to make and execute any lease or grant or other lawful deed or instrument
4. To pay or allow all taxes, rates, assessments, charges. deductions, expenses and
allother payments and outgoings whatsoever due and payable or to become due and
5. To enter into and upon my lands and buildings and structures whatsoever and to
viewthe state and defects for the reparation thereof and forthwith to give proper notices
and directions for repairing the same and to let manage and Improve the same to the best
6. To sell (either by public auction or private treaty) or exchange and convey transfer
andassign any of my lands and buildings and other property for such consideration and
subject to such covenants as the Attorney may think fit and to give receipts for all or any
part of the purchase or other consideration money And the same or any of them with like
power, to mortgage charge or encumber and also to deal with my immovable personal
property or any part thereof as the Attorney may think fit for the purpose of paying off
reducing consolidating, or making substitution for any existing or future mortgage. charge,
encumbrance. hypothecation or pledge of the same or any part thereof as the Attorney
shall think fit and in general to sanction any scheme for dealing with mortgages, charges
hypothecations or pledges of any property or any part thereof as fully and effectually as I
8. To prepare a layout by sub-dividing any land into plots and obtain necessary
9. To develop any land or plot of land vacant or with any building or structure thereon
byconstructing new building or buildings thereon and on Flat ownership basis, to sell the
flats and other premises therein on such terms as the Attorney may think fit and to transfer
the land with such building to any co-operative housing society or company or on
10. To enter into any development agreement with any developer or builder
11. To sell or to concur in selling in private sale or In any other manner any of my
stock,merchandise, goods, chattels and other effects, articles and things for such
consideration and subject to such conditions as the Attorney may think fit and to receive
the proceeds thereof and to give receipt for all, or any part of the sale proceeds or other
with,to or in favour of a Bank or Banks or any other financier body or Individual any
things for such considerations and subject to such conditions as the Attorney may think fit
and for that purpose to sign, execute and deliver all necessary instruments and deeds of
mortgage, charge, hypothecation, pawn, pledge, lien and trust receipts and to receive the
13. Also to draw, make, sign, accept or endorse pledge, hypothecate or otherwise
negotiateall or any foreign or Inland bills of exchange, hundi, cheques, orders for payment
of money and promissory notes and to sign, seal, execute, deliver, endorse, accept, assign
or transfer all mortgage deeds, bills of lading, delivery orders or other symbols or Andicia of
parties, ships certificates, bills of sale, securities of any Government, municipality or local
otherwise and all and every other public or other securities, stocks or shares, foreign or
otherwise and to deal with the same and to receive the proceeds thereof respectively.
14. To purchase, take on hire, borrow or otherwise acquire machinery, tools, spare
parts,raw materials, merchandise commodities, goods, wares, articles, effects and things
and to deal in and with the same and to dispose of the same in such manner and for such
15. To borrow any sum of money on such terms and with or without security as
theAttorney may think fit for any of the purposes of these presents.
16. To deposit any money which may come to his hands as such attorney with
anybanker,broker or other person and any of such money or any other money to which i am
entitled which now or hereafter is or shall be deposited with any banker, broker or other
person to withdraw and either employ as the Attorney shall think fit in the payment of any
debts or the keeping down of interest payable by me or the creation of sinking fund for the
property or any part thereof or in or about any of the purpose mentioned in these presents
or otherwise for my use and benefit or to invest in any such stocks, funds, shares or
securities as the Attorney may think proper and to receive and give receipts for any Income
or dividends arising from such investments and the same investments to vary or dispose of
17. To continue and or to open new, current and or overdraft accounts in my name with
anyBanks or Bankers and also to draw cheques and otherwise to operate upon any such
18. To engage, employ and dismiss any agents, clerks, servants or other persons in
andabout the performance of the purposes of these presents as the Attorney shall think fit.
19. To sell any of my present or future investments and for that purpose to employ and
paybrokers and other agents in that behalf and to receive and give receipts for the purchase
money payable in respect of such sales and to transfer any of my investments so sold to the
purchaser or purchasers thereof or as he or they may direct and for these purposes to sign
and execute all such contracts transfer deeds and other writings and do all such other acts
20. To accept the transfer of any share, stocks, debentures stocks, annuities,
transferred to me.
21. To attend, vote at and otherwise take part in all meetings held in connection with
otherwise or In relation to any of my investments and to sign proxies for the purpose of
voting thereat or for any other purpose connected therewith as freely as I myself could do.
22. Out of any of my moneys in his hands or under his control to pay all calls that may
belawfully made upon me or other expenses that may be Incurred in relation to any of my
company or corporation.
24. To ask, demand, sue for. recover and receive from every person every body politic
orcorporate whom it shall or may concern all sums of money, rents, issues, profits, debts,
dues, goods, wares,merchandise, chattels, effects and things of any nature or description
whatsoever which now are or which at any time or times during the subsistence of these
right, title, ways or means howsoever and upon receipt thereof or of any part thereof to
make sign execute and deliver such receipts releases or other discharges for the same
and to pay or receive the balance thereof as the case may require.
26. To receive every sum of money whatsoever which now is or at any time hereafter
maybe due arising or belonging to me upon or by virtue of any mortgage, charge, pledge
hypothecation or other security whatsoever and on receipt thereof to make, sign. execute
and give good and sufficient release or other discharges for the same and also to sign,
execute, make and deliver all proper and sufficient reconveyances, releases and other
assurances of the lands and premises which shall have been mortgaged or charged as
security therefor and also to consent to any such alteration or modification of the nature or
aforesaiddebts or any other debt or demand whatsoever which now is or shall or may at
any time hereafter become due or payable to me and to make or receive any composition,
dividend thereof or thereupon and to give receipts, releases or other discharges for the
whole of the same debts, sums or demands or to settle compromise or submit to arbitration
every such debt or demand and every other claim. right, matter or thing due to or
concerning me as the Attorney shall think most advisable for my benefit and for that
purpose enter into. make, sign, execute and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other
28. To commence any suit, action or other proceedings In any Court of justice and
beforeany public officer or Tribunal for the recovery or enforcement of any debt, sum of
money, right, title, Interest, property matter or thing whatsoever now due or payable or to
become non-suit therein If the Attorney shall see cause and also to take such other lawful
ways and means including proceedings in execution. distress, distrain and the like for
recovering or getting in any such sum of money or other thing whatsoever which shall by
whosoever and also to appoint any advocates, solicitors and legal advisers to prosecute or
defend In the premises aforesaid or any of them as occasion may require And from time to
time, them or any of them to remove and other or others to appoint In their place and to
pay them such fees and remuneration as the Attorney shall think fit or be advised and for all
or any of the purposes aforesaid to sign, execute, deliver. file all necessary vakalatnamas,
war- rants to act, plaints, petitions, applications, defences, statements, ac- counts,
29. To defend any suit or legal proceedings taken against me in any court of law and to
30. To accept service of any writ of summons or other legal processes or notice in any
suitor legal proceedings and any person to represent in such court civil or criminal, or
31. To make any declaration or affidavit in proof of any debt or debts due or claimed to
firm or company under any Act or Ordinance for the time being in force for the relief or
otherwise of insolvent debtors or the winding up of companies and to attend all meetings of
creditors under any such proceedings and to propose, second or vote for or against any
resolution at any such meeting and generally to act for me in all proceedings whether by
against or for the relief of any debtor as the Attorney shall think fit.
32. To exercise any power and any duty vested in me whether solely or jointly with
(including powers and trusts to sell or lease land or to receive and give good receipts for
Districtappointed or to be appointed under any Act or law for the time being in force or
otherwise for the registration of deeds, assurances, contracts or other Instruments and then
and there or at any time thereafter to present and register or cause to be registered any
deemed to be Interested and to pay such fees as shall be necessary for the registration.
34. To enter into, make, sign, seal, execute, deliver, acknowledge, perform all
documents, papers, writings and things that may be necessary or proper to be entered into,
made signed, executed, delivered, acknowledged and performed for any of the purposes of
35. To appear on my behalf and to represent my interest before the Income tax, Wealth-
taxand Gift-tax and/or other Taxing Authorities in respect of my Income tax. Wealth-tax,
36. To sign on my behalf Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax returns and to submit
37. To sign, declare and affirm on my behalf all the applications, documents.
declarationsand affidavits as may be necessary for the purposes of the Income-tax, Wealth-
tax and Gift -tax affairs and to submit and file the same with the respective Taxing
Authorities, to file appeals and references as the Attorney may be advised and as he may
deem fit and proper against the orders and decisions of the Income-tax, Wealth-tax and
Gift-tax Authorities in respect of my assessment proceedings. to appoint on my behalf such
Auditors, Accountants and Advocates as the said Attorney shall deem fit and proper for
representing me before the Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax and/or Taxing Authorities
or any other Tribunal or Court in respect of the Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax
Assessments and to discharge them and appoint new Auditors, Accounts and Advocates as
the case may be An their place, to compound, compromise and settle with the Income-tax,
Wealth-tax and Gift-tax Authorities the orders and assessments made by them, to apply for
time for payment and to apply for instalments for the payment of the amount assessed and
to be paid by me to the Income-tax, Wealth-tax and Gift-tax or other Taxing Authorities, and
38. And also for the better and more effectually doing, effecting and performing the
severalmatters and things aforesaid to appoint from time to time or generally such person
or persons as the Attorney may think fit as his substitute or substitutes to do, execute and
perform all or any such matters and things as aforesaid and any such substitute or
substitutes at pleasure to remove and to appoint another or other in his or their place.
39. In general to do all other acts, deeds. Matters and things whatsoever in or about
myestate, property and affairs or concur with persons jointly Interested with myself therein
in doing all acts, deeds, matters and things herein either particularly or generally described
as amply and effectually to all Intents and purpose as I could do in my own proper person if
substitute or agent appointed by him under the power In that behalf hereinbefore
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the abovenamed ........... have hereunto set my hand this ...........
I declare that I am in good health and possess a sound mind. This Will is made by me without any
persuasion or coercion and out of my own independent decision only.
4. Any other asset not mentioned in this Will but of which I am the owner.
All the above assets are owned by me. No one else has rights on these properties.
Signature of Testator
We hereby attest that this Will has been signed by Shri………….as his last Will at
………(Place)……… in the joint presence of himself and us. The testator is in sound mind and made
this Will without any coercion.
________________ a Company incorporated under the laws of the _______________ and having
its Registered Office at __________________________(hereinafter referred to as the Company)
It is agreed that the Company will employ Mr. ____________as [designation] of the Company on
the terms and conditions as laid down in the Annexure to this Agreement appended hereto, and on
terms and conditions as enumerated hereinafter in this Agreement:
In this Agreement:
1.1 "Associate Company" means a subsidiary and any other Company which is for the time being a
holding Company of the Company.
1.2 "Calendar Year" means the Calendar year which shall run from the 1st day of January to the
31st day of December every year.
1.3 "Probation Period" means the initial period of three months extendible by a further period of
three months on the commencement of the Employment of the Employee.
1.4 Words importing one gender include all other genders and words importing the singular include
the plural and vice versa.
1.5 Any reference to a Statutory provision shall be deemed to include a reference to any Statutory
amendment, modification or re-enactment of it.
1.6 Any reference to the Company shall if appropriate include his authorized representatives.
1.7 References in this Agreement to any clause, sub-clause, schedule or paragraph without further
designation shall be construed as references to the clause, sub clause, schedule or paragraph of
this Agreement.
2.1 The employment of the Employee shall be deemed to have commenced on the date of actual
reporting in the premises of the Company pursuant to the execution of this Agreement.
2.2 The Employee shall be under the period of probation on commencement of his employment.
Period of probation shall be for three months. The Company shall have the option to extend the
period of probation by a further period of three months, without assigning any reason to the
The Employee shall during his employment with the Company under this Agreement:
3.1 Perform the duties and exercise the powers which the Company may from time to time
properly assign to him in his capacity as [title] or in connection with the business of any of its
Associated Company.
3.2 The Company shall be at liberty to appoint any other person to be [job title] of the Company
jointly with the Employee and to assign to him duties and responsibilities identical or similar to
those assigned to the Employee under this Agreement.
4.1 The Employee shall carry out his duties between 9.00 A M to 6.30 P M and during such hours
as the Company may from time to time reasonably require him to work. Employee shall be
required to work for a minimum of 45 hours per week, Monday to Friday.
5.1 The Employee’s place of employment shall be [specify place], but the Company shall be
entitled to require the Employee to work at any other place of business of the Company, whether
on a temporary or permanent basis as the Company shall from time to time direct .
5.2 The Company shall be entitled to change the place of employment of the Employee or place
him with any of the Associate Company whether on a temporary or permanent basis. Irrespective
of his place of employment, the Employee shall be governed by the terms and conditions as
enumerated under this Agreement.
5.3 The Employee shall, in the performance of his duties, be required to travel from his place of
employment anywhere within the country or abroad.
6.1 The Employee shall be entitled to be paid by the Company monthly salary as arrears on or
before the last working day of each month, by direct credit to his bank account.
6.2 The Company shall review the Employee’s salary on or around the anniversary of this
employment and the salary rate may be increased, based on his performance and/or any other
yardstick which Company may use as a matter of its policy, with effect from any such review date.
7.1 For the purposes of leaves the year shall run from 1st January to 31st December.
7.2 The Employee shall be entitled to Privilege leaves of three weeks each year and payment
during such leaves shall continue at the rate set out above. In addition, the Employee shall be
entitled to leaves as may be provided in the Gazette of India. The dates of all leaves are subject to
approval by the Company.
7.2.1 Privilege leave if not availed can be accumulated upto three years, i.e., three times the
period of leave to which the Employee is entitled after one year.
7.3 Employee shall be entitled to one extra day leave, up to a maximum of five days for
continuous service. The extra day is first granted in the calendar year during which the Employee
will reach his/her first anniversary of joining the Company. The only exception to this rule will be,
if the Employee joined on the first available working day of the Calendar year, in which case this
will be counted as a whole year.
7.4 The Company may refuse extra days leave in case of exceptional pressure of work,
necessarily requiring the Employee’s presence. However, the Company shall not deny leave in case
of personal injury or sickness as enumerated in Clause 8 of this Agreement.
7.5 Employees who join or leave the Company part way through a year will normally be entitled to
leave on a pro-rata basis relating to completed months and rounded down to the nearest half day.
8.1 If the Employee is unable to attend for work, the Employee must advise the Director or
Manager of the Company of the reason by 10.00 a.m. on the first day of his absence. Employee
must continue to keep the Director or Manager informed on a regular basis.
8.2 The entitlement of the Employee for the absence due to personal sickness or injury shall be
one day after every month of continuos service or total of twelve days leave with pay after one
8.3 It is a condition of employment that the Company may require the Employee to be medically
examined by one of the Company Medical Advisers at any time in connection with the sickness
causing the Employee’s absence.
9.1 The Company shall on its own discretion grant leaves on prior notice by the Employee. In an
emergency where prior approval cannot be sought the Employee must contact the Director or
Manager at the earliest possible opportunity.
9.2 Absence from work of the Company for reasons other than personal sickness or injury needs
the agreement of the Director or Manager of the Company.
9.3 Company shall automatically suspend payment of salary and related allowances of the
Employee after his absence for three working days without reasonable explanation. If the
Employee’s absence continues beyond 10 working days it will be assumed that the Employee have
terminated the Contract of Employment without giving the required period of notice.
10.1 The Company shall be entitled to terminate the services of the Employee after serving a
Notice of one week during the period of probation.
10.2 The Company shall be further entitled to terminate the services of the Employee after his
confirmation. However, the period of Notice of termination in such a case shall be one month or
salary in lieu of the Notice.
10.3 The Employee shall be entitled to terminate his services with the Company during the period
of probation after serving on the Company a Notice of one week and after his confirmation a
Notice of three months.
11.1 The Employee shall be required to accept variation in the content of their job or transfer to a
similar job subject to:
11.1.1 Any such variation of change in job content or transfer being consistent with the type of
work normally undertaken by the Employee.
11.1.2 On terms no less favorable than currently apply to the Employee.
12.1 The Employee shall not during the employment by the Company undertake any other work
with or without payment in cash or in kind, either as an employee or as a self-employed person.
13.1 The Employee shall during the course of his employment under this Agreement keep all the
information in respect of the business and financing of the Company and its dealing transactions
and affairs and like wise in relation to its Associated Companies all of which information is or may
be confidential.
13.2 The Employee shall not during or after the period of his employment under this Agreement
divulge to any person whatever or otherwise make use of any trade secret or any confidential
information concerning the business or finances of the Company or any such information
concerning its Associated Companies.
13.3 All notes and memoranda of any trade secrets or confidential information concerning the
business of the Company and Associated Companies or any of its suppliers, agents, distributors or
customers which shall be acquired, received or made by the Employee during the course of his
employment shall be the property of the Company and shall be surrendered by the Employee to
the Company on the termination of his employment or at any time when required by the Company
during the course of his employment.
14.1 The Parties agree that in case of any discovery or creation of Intellectual Property by the
Employee during the course of his employment under this Agreement then in that case the
Employee has a special obligation to further the interests of the Company.
14.2 The Employee if at any time during his employment under this Agreement makes or discovers
or participates in the making or discovery of any Intellectual Properly relating to or capable of
being used in the business for the time being carried on by the Company or any of its Associated
Companies full details of the Intellectual Property shall immediately be communicated to the
Company by the Employee and shall be the absolute property of the Company.
14.3 The Employee shall, at the expense of the Company, supply all such information, data,
drawings, programs, and any other novel software as may be requisite to enable the Company to
exploit the Intellectual Property to the best advantage and shall execute all documents and do all
things which may be necessary or desirable for obtaining patent, copy right or any other
protection for the Intellectual Property in such parts of the world as may be specified by the
Company and for vesting the same in the Company or as it may direct.
14.4 Rights and obligations under this clause shall continue in force after termination of this
Agreement in respect of Intellectual Property made during the employment of the Employee under
this Agreement and shall be binding upon his representatives.
15.1 The Employee covenants with the Company that he will not, for the period of two years after
ceasing to be employed under this Agreement, without the written permission of the Company in
connection with, or for carrying on of any business similar to or in competition with the business of
the Company on his own behalf or on behalf of any person firm or company directly or indirectly:
15.1.1 seek to procure orders from or do business with any person, firm or company who has at
any time during the two years immediately preceding such cessation, done business with the
Company, or Associated Companies; or
15.1.2 endeavor to entice away from the Company any person who has at any time during the two
years immediately preceding such cessation been employed or engaged by the Company or
Associated Companies.
The Employee covenants with the Company that he will not for the period of two years after
ceasing to be employed under this Agreement either on his own account or for any other person,
firm or company solicit or entice away, or endeavor to solicit or entice away, from the Company or
any of its subsidiaries any of their respective employees. The Employee further covenants with the
Company that he will not after ceasing to be employed under this Agreement, directly or indirectly,
alone or jointly or as agent or employee of any person, firm or Company carry on or engage in any
activity or business which shall be in competition with the business of the Company, Associated or
Subsidiary Company.
17.1 Where any controversy, dispute or disagreement arises between the Employee and the
Company as to the interpretation or application of any of the terms, conditions, requirements or
obligation under this Agreement or the performance hereof which the Parties are unable to resolve
by agreement, the Parties hereby agree to refer the controversy, dispute or disagreement to
arbitration of __________(name of the arbitrator).
17.2 All arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and the venue for conducting such
proceedings shall be ________ (specify place of arbitration). Judgment upon any arbitral award so
rendered may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction, or application may be made to such
Court for a judicial acceptance of the award and an order to enforcement, as the case may be.
17.3 The Parties hereby agree that a matter may be referred to arbitration as provided herein, the
Parties shall nevertheless, pending the resolution of the controversy, dispute or disagreement,
continue to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, so far as they are reasonably able to do
18.1 This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of
The Company
Place: ___________
By the Employee: I hereby acknowledge receipt of the statement of the Main Terms and
Conditions of Employment, and having read and understood them, agree that they apply to my
employment with ________________ (name of the Company) and are a complete replacement of
any terms and conditions applying before the date set out below.
Date ......................................
9. Power of Attorney - Specific
This Power of Attorney is made at _____ this ______ day of _______ 201__ by
(1) The Donor and the Co- Obligant had approached and Axis Bank _______ branch
with a request for a loan of Rs. ___________ under __________ scheme of the Bank.
(2) Axis Bank has pursuant to the above request sanctioned a loan of Rs. __________
(hereinafter referred to as the said loan) vide its sanction letter no.
(3) In accordance with the agreed terms and conditions of sanction, the said loan has
been repaid. In view of the same, it has become necessary to get released the
out of India in which case I will not be available to collect the documents from the Bank.
NOW KNOW YOU ALL AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that I, __________________ hereby
my Lawful Attorney by virtue of this Specific Power of Attorney to perform and to carry out
1. To collect the title deeds deposited with the Bank with respect to the said property.
2. To sign, execute the necessary documents / letters as per the procedure laid down
3. To do all such acts as required for releasing the documents mortgaged with the Bank.4.
And generally to do and execute all acts and deeds and thing as are necessary to be
done or executed and also to do or cause to be done all the acts, deeds, matters and
things as the said Attorney shall think for the purpose for which this Power of Attorney
is executed.
5. And I hereby for myself my respective heirs, executors and administrators, agree to ratifyall
such lawful acts, deeds and things done and executed by the said attorney pursuant to these
__________________________________________________________________________has set my
respective hand this ___ day of ___ 201 in the presence of __________________________
in the presence of
This Rent Agreement is made on this __________ (date of rent agreement) by
________________ (name of the landlord) S/o _______________ (father’s name of the
landlord), Add: ___________________________________________________ (residential
address of the landlord). Herein after called the Lessor / Owner, Party Of the first part
That the expression of the term , Lessor/Owner and the Lessee/Tenant Shall mean and include
their legal heirs successors , assigns , representative etc. Whereas the
Lessor /Owner is the owner and in possession of the property No: ______________
______ (registered address of the company) and has agreed to let out the one office Room, one
Toilet & Bathroom Set on said property, to the Lessee/Tenant and the Lessee/Tenant has agreed
to take the same on rent of Rs. ______/- (In words) per month.
1. That the Tenant/Lessee shall pay as the monthly rent of RS. _________/- (In
words) per month, excluding electricity and water charge.
2. That the Tenant /Lessee shall not sub–let any part of the above said demised
premised premises to anyone else under any circumstances without the consent
of Owner.
3. That the Tenant / Lessee shall abide by all the bye - laws , rules and regulation,
of the local authorities in respect of the demised premises and shall not do any
illegal activities in the said demised premises.
4. That this Lease is granted for a period of Eleven (11) months only commencing
from ___________ (date of rent commencing from) and this lease can be
extended further by both the parties with their mutual consent on the basis of
prevailing rental value in the market .
5. That the Lessee shall pay Electricity & Water charge as per the proportionate
consumption of the meter to the Lessor /Owner.
6. That the Tenant/Lessee shall not be entitled to make structure in the rented
premises except the installation of temporary decoration, wooden partition/
cabin, air – conditioners etc. without the prior consent of the owner.
7. That the Tenant/lessee can neither make addition/alteration in the said premises
without the written consent of the owner, nor the lessee can sublet part or entire
premises to any person(s)/firm(s)/company(s).
Contd: 2/-
8. That the Tenant/Lessee shall permit the Lessor/Owner or his Authorized agent
to enter in to the said tenanted premises for inspection/general checking or to
carry out the repair work, at any reasonable time.
9. That the Tenant/Lessee shall keep the said premises in clean & hygienic
condition and shall not do or causes to be done any act which may be a nuisance
to other.
10. That the Tenant/Lessees shall carry on all day to day minor repairs at his/her
own cost.
11. That this Agreement may be terminated before the expiry of this tenancy period
by serving One month prior notice by either party for this intention .
12. That the Lessee shall use the above said premises for Official Purpose Only.
13. That the Lessee/Tenant Shall not store/Keep any offensive, dangerous, explosive
or highly Inflammable articles in the said premises and shall not use the same
for any unlawful activities .
14. That the Lessee shall pay the one month’s advance rent to the Lessor the same shall be
adjusted in monthly rent.
15. That both the parties have read over and understood all the contents of this
agreement and have signed the same without any force or pressure from any
In WITNESS WHEREOF the lessor/Owner and the Tenant / Lessee have hereunto subscribed
their hand at ______ (place) on this the _____________ (date of rent
agreement) year first above Mentioned in presents of the following Witnesses
___________ (name of the landlord) _________________ (name of the proposed Company) Lessor