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Connect 4 First Term Revision - MR Abdelbary

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Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term

Final Revision – Connect 4 - First Term

Writing: : ‫مهارة الكتابة‬

learners are asked to write not less than 18 words on related to a specific
topic using two giving guide elements that can phrases , questions, fact
file, tables ........etc. in one of the following writing forms:

‫ كلمة تتعلق بموضوع معين باستخدام عنصري‬18 ‫يُطلب من المتعلمين كتابة ما ال يقل عن‬
‫إلخ في أحد أشكال‬........ ‫ جداول‬،‫ ملف حقائق‬،‫ أسئلة‬،‫دليل يمكنهما ان يكونا عبارات‬
:‫الكتابة التالية‬

‫ تأكد من أنك تبدأ‬.‫ كلمة‬18 ‫عبارة عن عنوان ومجموعة من الجمل البسيطة ال تقل عن‬
‫ واليك اهم البراجرافات الواردة‬.‫جملتك بأحرف كبيرة وتنتهي بعالمات الترقيم الصحيحة‬

Food in Egypt
Food in Egypt is delicious. Egyptian farmers produce many
things. They grow rice, vegetables and fruits. They raise
chickens to get eggs and meat. I love Egyptian food.

Being healthy
To be healthy you should eat fruit and vegetables. You should
drink plenty of water. You should do sports. You should stay
away from smoke.

Damietta governorate
The land in Damietta governorate is rich in nutrients. The
farmers grow fruits like grapes and guavas. They raise cows,
goats, and sheep. Fishermen catch thousands of fish in the
sea. Domiati cheese is very famous.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 1 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Animals in our country
There are different kinds of animals that live in our country. I
like crocodile and spiders. The crocodile is huge and scary.
But the spider is scarier.

The fennec fox

The fennec fox lives in the deserts. It is about 1 kilogram. It has
big ears. It eats insects, small lizards and mice.

Camels are amazing. They live in the desert. They are strong
animals. They can live without water for a long time.

Growing tomatoes
First, we plant the tomato seed in soil. We put it in sunlight and
water it. Next, the seed grows and becomes a shoot. Finally, it
becomes a flower then a tomato fruit.

The sunflower
The sunflower is very beautiful. It needs air, water and sunlight
to grow. Farmers grow it. The sunflower is taller than the rose.

Different plant habitats

There are many plant habitats. In agricultural habitat,
farmers grow food for us to eat. There are plants that grow
near rivers and lakes, like lotus flower and reed.

I live in Hurghada. It's in the east of Egypt. There are
beautiful beaches in Hurghada. Tourists come to Hurghada.
They go swimming and do many water sports.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 2 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term

Places in my city
I live in a city. There is a supermarket where I can buy food
to eat. My school is near my house. It's a place where I
learn. There is a hospital. I go there when I am sick.

My favorite room
My favorite room is the living room with the balcony. It’s very
big. I can see the whole street from the balcony. I talk to my
family and watch television in the living room

All the jobs are important. A plumber fixes pipes and faucets.
A builder makes walls strong and safe. A garbage collector
takes garbage. Workers in our community are important.

Mail carrier’s job

The mail carrier’s job is not easy. He gets a lot of exercise. He
speaks to a lot of people. He wakes up very early. The mail bag
is heavy.

It's not easy to become an electrician. Electricity is very
dangerous. If we get an electric shock, we can't control our
bodies. Electricity travels easily throw water.

A job you want to do

A teacher can change their students’ lives so teachers need to
be very patient. They work for many hours every day. It’s hard
work, but it’s exciting. A good teacher is always ready to learn.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 3 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Unit 1 – We plant our food
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
breakfast ‫االفطار‬ lunch ‫الغداء‬ dinner ‫العشاء‬
Chicken ‫دجاج‬ rice ‫أرز‬ grapes ‫عنب‬
bananas ‫موز‬ milk ‫لبن‬ mangoes ‫مانجو‬
onions ‫بصل‬ sugar cane ‫قصب سكر‬ potatoes ‫بطاطس‬
watermelon ‫بطيخ‬ country ‫دولة‬ delicious ‫لذيذ‬
ready ‫جاهز‬ Farmers ‫فالحون‬ table ‫منضدة‬
special food ‫طعام خاص‬ produce ‫ينتج‬ think ‫يعتقد‬
exercise ‫تمرين تدريب‬ but ‫لكن‬ hurts ‫يجرح – يؤذي‬
vegetables ‫خضروات‬ and ‫و‬ healthy ‫صحي‬
together ‫معا‬ because ‫الن‬ ideas ‫أفكار‬
favourite ‫مفضل‬ milkshake ‫مخفوق اللبن‬ different ‫مختلف‬
practice ‫ يتدرب‬- ‫يتمرن‬ wheelchair ‫كرسي بعجل‬ busy ‫مشغول – مزدحم‬
scientist ‫عالم‬ interesting ‫ مثير‬- ‫شيق‬ yummy ‫لذيذ‬
emperor ‫امبراطور‬ China ‫الصين‬ Folktale ‫قصة شعبية‬
palace ‫قصر‬ look after ‫يعتني ب‬ bring ‫يحضر‬
competition ‫منافسة او بطولة‬ nothing ‫ال شيء‬ important ‫مهم‬
gardener ‫جنايني‬ happened ‫حدث‬ win ‫يفوز‬
beautiful ‫جميل‬ honest ‫امين‬ grow ‫يزرع‬
plant ‫نبات او يزرع‬ seed ‫بذرة‬ try ‫يحاول‬
governorate ‫محافظة‬ Full of ‫ممتأل بـ‬ nutrients ‫عناصر غذائية‬
Food ‫طعام‬ grapes ‫عنب‬ wheat ‫قمح‬
guavas ‫جوافة‬ lemon ‫ليمون‬ thousand ‫الف‬
Fishermen ‫صياد‬ sheep ‫اغنام‬ goats ‫ماعز‬
cheese ‫جبنة‬ famous ‫مشهور‬ half ‫نصف‬
About ‫ عن‬- ‫حوالي‬ million ‫مليون‬ people ‫ناس او شعب‬
part ‫جزأ‬ Life ‫حياة‬ live ‫يعيش‬

Exercise on Vocabulary:

1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- We have ……………………… in the afternoon.
a-breakfast b – lunch c – dinner d-country
2- I …………………we raise chicken in Egypt.
a-think b– eat c– come d-grow
3- Let's ………………… some chicken.
a-eat b- – eating c – eats d-eaten

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 4 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
4- We have breakfast on the ……………….. .
a-Chair b – floor c– table d-stairs
5- Lunch is …………………… .
a-ready b – read c– country d-write
1- An emperor is someone who is like a……………………..
a king b farmer c– fisherman d-teacher
2- A palace is where an emperor………………………
a travels b lives c– play d-watch
3- Someone who is honest………………………
a does not lie b lies c– cheats d-hides
4- In a competition someone tries to……………….
a win b lose c– raed d-write
1- Domiati cheese is very ………………………………….
a-bad b– bitter c– unhealthy d- famous
2-……………………… you like flapjack?
a-will b– Would c – Does d-is
3- The land in Damietta governorate is full ………………..nutrients
a-on b– of c– if d-in
4- farmers can …………………….. rice
a-grow b– grows c– grew d-growing
5- Fishermen ………………….. thousands of fish in the sea
a-match b – play c – catch d-grow

Language focus
but ‫لكن‬
We use “ but “ to contrast to ideas.

) ‫أداة ربط تستخدم للتناقض وتربط بين جملتين متناقضتين ( عكس بعض‬

I like playing football, but I don’t like playing basketball.

I love burgers, but I only eat one a week.

and ‫و‬
We use “ and “ to add two ideas together.
.‫أداة ربط تستخدم لالضافة او لعطف جملة علي جمل او عطف شئ علي شئ‬

I play football and I play basketball in the park.

Dad is a scientist and he likes looks in at animals and plants

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 5 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
The suffix “ re “ ‫البادئة تسخدم بمعني يعيد‬
Verb Meaning Re +verb meaning
do ‫ يفعل‬Redo ‫يعيد فعل‬
Write ‫ يكتب‬Rewrite ‫يعيد كتابة‬
read ‫ يقرا‬Reread ‫يعيد قراءة‬

Exercise on Grammar :

1-Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1. My brother is Egyptian,………………… (so) his wife is French.
2. After doing my H.W, I watch TV,………………… (because) play games.
3. We wash the potatoes, ,………………… (or) cut them into pieces.
4. Faten loves ice cream,………………… (but) Chocolate.
5- I don’t eat candy, …………..(because) I eat fruit when I want something sweet.
6- I don’t drink cola ………………….(but) other unhealthy drinks.
7- I play basketball …………………..(or) I play football in the park.
8- Dad is a scientist, ………………….(but) he likes looking at animals and plants.
9- It’s a very interesting place,…………………..(so) it’s very hot sometimes!
10- I love burgers, ……………… (and) I only eat one a week.
11- I don't eat candy, ………………… (because) I eat it with my sister.
12- I practice basketball twice a week, ……………… (but) I walk home from
school every day.
13- I want to play with my brother, ………………… (and) I'm sick.
14- I like drawing pictures ………………… (because) taking photos.

15- Faten loves ice cream……………….. (but ) chocolate.

16- My brother is Egyptian, …………………..(and) his wife is French.

17- Waleed speaks English, ………………(and) he can’t speak Chinese.

18- We wash the potatoes………………… (but) cut them into pieces .

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 6 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Unit 2 - Desert Animals
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
crocodile ‫ تمساح‬pelican ‫ بجعـــــة‬huge ‫كبير – ضخم‬
spider ‫عنكبوت‬ camel ‫جمل‬ scary ‫مخيف‬
birds ‫طيور‬ Fennec fox ‫ثعلب الفنك‬ helpful ‫متعاون‬
insects ‫حشرات‬ fur ‫فرو‬ important ‫مهم‬
snake ‫ثعبان‬ feather ‫ريش‬ sometimes ‫احيانا‬
dangerous ‫خطير‬ cute ‫لطيف‬ ugly ‫قبيح‬
lizard ‫سحلية‬ beak ‫منقار‬ control ‫يتحكم‬
amazing ‫مذهل‬ cross ‫يعبر‬ sand ‫رمال‬
beautiful ‫جميل‬ delicious ‫لذيذ‬ special ‫مميز‬
strong ‫قوي‬ perfect ‫مثالي‬ noisy ‫ضوضائي‬
carry ‫يحمل‬ flat ‫مسطح مفلطح‬ careful ‫حريص‬
pelican ‫بجعـــــة‬ surprised ‫مندهش‬ kinder ‫أطيب‬
Bear ‫دب‬ angry ‫غاضب‬ scared ‫خائف‬
river ‫نهر‬ claws ‫مخلب‬ sadly ‫بحزن‬
hungry ‫جائع‬ teeth ‫اسنان‬ beak ‫منقار‬
juicy ‫كثير العصارة‬ paw ‫كف او قدم حيوان‬ ready ‫جاهز مستعد‬
Sahara Desert ‫ الصحراء الكبرى‬horns ‫قرون‬ need ‫يحتاج‬
leaves ‫ أوراق الشجر‬protect ‫يحمي‬ drink ‫يشرب‬
beautiful ‫ جميـــــل‬coats ‫معطف جلد‬ fact ‫حقيقة‬

Exercise on Vocabulary:

1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-I like to eat ………………………… food and exercise every day to keep fit.
a) healthy b) bad c) unhealthy d) ugly
2- Fennec foxes and camels are ………………………… animals.
a) farm b) home c) pet d) desert
3-…………………………are perfect for the desert.
a) Penguins b) Hippos c) Giraffes d) Camels
4-Farmers like. …………………………
a) crocodiles b) snakes c) spiders d) lizards

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 7 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
5- -Spiders are very …………………………They eat insects.
a) bad b) harmful c) helpful d) scary
6- -The …………………………is a large bird.
a) bee b) eagle c) baby d) fox
7- -Horses like to drink …………………………water.
a) sweet b) dirty c) fresh d) salt
8- -The bear is …………………………than the pelican.
a) strong b) strongest c) stronger d) the strong

2-Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
eat - like – scared - important - scary

We sometimes think some animals are ………………..or ugly, but they are

all………………... spiders are very helpful. They……………. insects. Farmers


without - large - fresh – weak - strong

Camels are amazing! They’re beautiful,……………………. animals. Camels can

live……………. water for a long time. Horses have……………….., beautiful
eyes. Horses eat grass and drink………………. water.

wing – paw – beak - looking - river

A pelican and a bear are in the……………….. They are very hungry. They
are both……………… at a big, juicy fish. The bear reaches for the fish. It lifts
its…………. The pelican opens its…….. It is ready to take the fish out of the

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 8 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term

Language focus
Short Adjectives:
To make a comparative adjective, we add -er to the short adjective.
:‫ ) في نهاية الصفة‬er ( ‫لعمل المقارنة في الصفات القصيرة نضيف‬
strong - stronger old – older tall - taller
A mouse is smaller than an elephant.
Some adjectives have special rules:
Adjectives with 1 vowel and 1 consonant at the end:
.)‫أذا انتهت الصفة القصيرة بحرف ساكن يسبقه حرف متحرك نضاعف ( نكرر) الحرف األخير ( الساكن‬
thin – thinner
Dogs are thinner than elephants.
Adjectives that end in -y:: :I ‫ ال‬Y ‫ يسبقه حرف ساكن تحول‬Y ‫أذا انتهت الصفة بحرف‬
noisy - noisier
Parrots are noisier than spiders.
Adjectives that end in -e:
nice - nicer
I think cats are nicer than dogs.
Long Adjectives:
We add the word more / less before the long adjectives:
‫ الصفات الطويلة نضيف كلمة‬more ‫بمعني اكثر او كلمة‬less:‫بمعني اقل‬
Crocodiles are more dangerous than fish.
Fish is less dangerous than crocodiles.

Exercise on Grammar :
1-Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1-Elephants are ……………………… (big) than dogs.
2- The fennec fox is ……………………… (as small) than the camel.
3- I have ……………………… (fewest) pencils than my brother.
4- Crocodiles are……………………… (most) dangerous than fish.
5- A plane is faster ……………………… (that) a train.
6- How……………………… (long) is this horse? It's 88 kph.
7- My suitcase is……………………… (heavy) than my pencil case.
8- How……………………… (old) is a camel? It's about 1.9 m tall.
9- How ……………………… (tall) is a horse? It's 450 kg.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 9 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Unit 3 -Why do we grow plants?

Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning

balcony ‫ بلكونة‬-‫شرفة‬ roots ‫جذور‬ inside ‫داخل‬
leaves ‫أوراق شجر‬ soil ‫تربة‬ fruits ‫فاكهة‬
germination ‫عملية االنبات‬ awesome ‫رائع‬ seed ‫بذرة‬
habitat ‫موطن‬ near ‫بالقرب من‬ place ‫مكان‬
agricultural ‫زراعي‬ Desert ‫صحراء‬ tamarisk ‫شجرة الطرفاء‬
Rivers ‫انهار‬ reed ‫قصب الجريد‬ work ‫يعمل‬
lakes ‫بحيرات‬ rain ‫ امطار‬- ‫تمطر‬ acacia ‫شجرة السنط‬
special ‫ مميز‬-‫خاص‬ billion ‫مليار‬ decided ‫يقرر‬
dry ‫جاف‬ proud ‫فخور‬ difficult ‫صعب‬
polluted air ‫هواء ملوث‬ United States ‫الواليات المتحدة‬ lemons ‫ليمون‬
rainwater ‫مياه امطار‬ noise ‫ضوضاء‬ land ‫أرض‬
sunflower ‫زهرة دوار الشمس‬ face ‫ يواجه‬- ‫وجه‬ First ‫أوال‬
sunlight ‫ضوء الشمس‬ drop ‫نقطة – ينقط‬ Next ‫التالي‬
germinates ‫االنبات‬ process ‫عملية‬ After ‫بعد‬
shoot ‫نبتة‬ begin ‫يبدأ‬ Finally ‫اخيرا‬
Papyrus ‫بردي‬ Ancient ‫القدماء المصريين‬ quickly ‫بسرعة‬
special ‫ مميز – خاص‬sandals ‫ صندل‬Nile Delta ‫دلتا النيل‬
famous ‫ مشهور‬weather ‫ جو – طقس‬suggestion ‫اقتراح‬
exhibition ‫ معرض‬report ‫ تقرير‬important ‫مهم‬

Exercise on Vocabulary:

1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Tomatoes are ………………… before they are red.
a) blue b) green c) brown d) black
2- The elephant is ………………… fattest animal.
a) than b) then c) the d) that
3- The roots grow ………………… the soil.
a) on b) above c) under d) behind
4- Ali always helps people. He is very…………………
a) help b) helpless c) helpfully d) helpful
5-Bean and orange trees grow in the ………………… habitat.
a) desert b) river c) lake d) agriculture

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 10 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
6-Tomatoes have ………………… inside. We can use them to grow more plants.
a) leaves b) seeds c) shoots d) roots
7-The ………………………… grow under the soil.
a) leaves b) flowers c) shoots d) roots

2-Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
under - become – roots - seed - germination

We plant a………………… and the plant grows. That is called……………………..

We water the plant every day, and the roots grow…………………… the soil. The
plant grows flowers and the flowers ………………….tomato fruits.

than - then - lives - tallest - taller

The rose is………………… than the daisy. The sunflower is taller than the
rose. The sunflower is ……………….the flower.The rose lives
longer…………….… the daisy. The sunflower ………………………. the

in – good - proud - and - on

Today, Lucas lives…………… the farm with his mom………………… dad. They are
very happy and they have a………………. life. They are very……………………….
of Lucas’s grandparents.

faces – grow – above - under - sunlight {

First, you plant the sunflower seed in soil. You put it in…………….……… and water
it. Next, the seed germinates and it starts to ……………………..…….roots under the
soil . After that, the shoot grows………………………….. the soil. It grows leaves. It
gets taller . After about 4 months, the sunflower opens and ……………….…………..
the sun.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 11 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term

Language focus
To make a superlative adjective we add –est to the adjective.
‫ ) للصفات القصيرة‬est ( ‫لعمل التفضيل نضيف المقطع‬
tall – taller – the tallest
Some adjectives have special rules:
) est (‫بعض الصفات لها قواعد خاصة عند إضافة‬
Adjectives with 1 vowel and 1 consonant at the end
big – bigger – the biggest
My cat is the biggest on our street.

Adjectives that end in –y

heavy – heavier – the heaviest
I have the heaviest suitcase.

Exercise on Grammar :
5-Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1-My cat is the ………………………… (big) on our street.

2-The ant is………………………… (small) than the bee.

3-The elephant is the ………………………… (big) animal.

4-My city is ………………………… (that) nicest place to live in.

5- The sun flower lives the ………………………… (long).

6- A daisy is ………………………… (tall) than a lotus.

7-The rose is ………………………… (small) than the daisy.

8-The sunflower is the …………………………( big) flower.

9-The rose lives the ………………………… (longer)

10-Crocodiles are ………………………… (most) dangerous than monkeys.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 12 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Unit 4 -Where do you live?

Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning

apartment ‫ شقـــــة‬fantastic ‫رائع‬ sounds ‫يبدو‬
relax ‫ هادئ‬favorite ‫مفضل‬ dining room ‫حجرة طعام‬
balcony ‫ شرفة – بلكونة‬quietly ‫بهدوء‬ kitchen ‫مطبخ‬
organize ‫ينظم‬ whole ‫ جميع‬- ‫كل‬ outside ‫خارج‬
village ‫قريـــــــة‬ behind ‫خلف‬ In front of ‫امام‬
next to ‫بجوار‬ under ‫تحت‬ couch ‫أريكة – كنبة‬
between ‫بين‬ above ‫فوق‬ Museum ‫متحف‬
today ‫اليوم‬ straight ahead ‫مباشرة لالمام‬ between ‫بين‬
directions ‫أتجاهات‬ corner ‫ركن – زاوية‬ second ‫الثاني‬
Turn ‫يستدير‬ left ‫يسار‬ right ‫يمين‬
parents ‫الوالدين‬ interesting ‫شيق – مثير‬ smile ‫يبتسم‬
travel ‫يسافر‬ Suddenly ‫فجأة‬ decide ‫يقرر‬
town ‫مدينة صغيرة‬ east ‫شرق‬ interesting ‫شيق – مثير‬
city ‫مدينة كبيرة‬ west ‫غرب‬ tourist ‫سائح‬
called ‫يسمي‬ North ‫شمال‬ bazaar ‫سوق سياحي‬
Red Sea ‫البحر االحمر‬ south ‫جنوب‬ safaris ‫رحالت السفاري‬
people ‫ناس‬ Map ‫خريطة‬ checks ‫يراجع‬-‫يفحص‬
poster ‫ملصق‬ Bold text ‫نص سميك‬ fresh ‫طازج‬
diagram ‫رسم بياني‬ near ‫قريب من‬ something ‫شيء ما‬

Exercise on Vocabulary:

1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 .We can buy food at the. .……………………
a) bank b) school c) supermarket d) hospital
2 .Our house is ……………………. the tall house and the tree.
a) next b) in front c) between d) under
3 …………………… - .is the hospital? = It’s next to the park.
a) Who b) When c) Where d) How
4 .In the desert, some people live in a ……………………. . It’s made of cloth.
a) tent b) house c) apartment d) houseboat
5 -My friend loves to live on water. He lives on a …………………….
a) house b) cave c) houseboat d) tent

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 13 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
6 -The shopping mall is ……………………. to the school.
a) between b) next c) behind d) on
7 -We have lunch in the …………………….
a) bathroom b) bedroom c) dining room d) street
8 -Go straight ahead and then ……………………. right
a) turn b) take c) run d) play

2-Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
building - outside - living - live - build

I love ………………………….in a house because it is a big………………….. My

grandparents……………………… with us. I can play………………………. with my

brother and sister.

between – office – front – big - park

I live in a ………………………… city. There is a post……………….. behind my

school. My house is ………………………. A bank and a museum. There is a
big tree in …………… of my house.

travel - speaks – travels – tourist - boat {

My friend Sherif lives on a…………………….. in the summer. His parents work on

……………………boats so he goes with them. They……………………… up and

down the Nile. He…………………… English and Chinese with the tourists.

Desert - of - safaris - beach - in

In Hurghada, there’s a……………………….. and there are lots ………………….…

interesting things to do. There is the Sahara …………………………. where lots of
tourists go on…………………...

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 14 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Language focus
We use prepositions of place to say where something is:
:‫نستخدم حروف الجر الخاصة بالمكان لنقول اين يوجد الشيء‬
The kitchen is next to the living room.
The couch is in the living room.
My house is between the tall house and the tree.

1-Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1-The kitchen is ………………………(front) to the living room.

2-The couch is………………………( on )the living room.

3-My house is………………………( front )the tall house and the tree.

4- My house is next ………………………(on) the supermarket.

5- The trees are in front ………………………(to) the apartment.

6- The kids are playing ………………………(of) the park.

7- The red box is ………………………(on) the two chairs.

8-My mom is……………..(next)the kitchen.

9-There are tall trees in ………………………(front) of the house.

10-It’s………………(at)the corner

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 15 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Unit 5 - Where do you work?
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
faucets ‫ حنفية‬-‫صنبور‬ different ‫مختلف‬ wet ‫مبتل – رطب‬
Sometimes ‫أحيانا‬ job ‫وظيفة‬ really ‫حقا‬
pipes ‫مواسير‬ young ‫صغير السن‬ parcel ‫طرد‬
fix ‫يصلح‬ messy ‫فوضوي‬ trash ‫قمامة‬
Interviewer ‫محــــــــــــاور‬ enough ‫كاف‬ flash ‫وميض‬
socket ‫قابس‬ dangerous ‫خطير‬ lightning ‫برق‬
plugs ‫مقبس‬ safely ‫بامان‬ storm ‫عاصفة‬
experiment ‫تجربة علمية‬ blocks ‫مكعبات‬ explain ‫يشرح‬
different ‫مختلف‬ doll ‫عروسة لعبة‬ adults ‫ راشدين‬- ‫بالغين‬
curious ‫فضولي‬ architect ‫مهندس مدني‬ question ‫سؤال‬
favourite ‫مفضل‬ patient ‫صابر‬ anything ‫أي شئ‬
America ‫أمريكا‬ weather ‫ طقس‬- ‫جو‬ start ‫يبدا‬
points ‫نقاط‬ Another ‫ اخرى‬- ‫اخر‬ easy ‫سهل‬
Everybody ‫كل شخص‬ exercise ‫يتمرن‬ heavy ‫ثقيل‬
outside ‫الخارج‬ also ‫ايضا‬ early ‫مبكرا‬
Workers ‫عمــــــــال‬ garbage ‫قمـــــــــــامة‬ children ‫أطفال‬
connect ‫يوصــــــل‬ electricity ‫كهرباء‬ lights ‫ انوار‬- ‫أضواء‬

Exercise on Vocabulary:

1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-A …………………………connects pipes and faucets.
a) builder b) plumber c) teacher d) doctor
2-I call an………………when the fan doesn’t work.
a) teacher b) architect c) electrician d) dentist
3-He starts work……………….7 o’clock.
a) in b) on c) at d) up
4-When I was little, I ………………with dolls
a) played b) play c) playing d) plays
5-The cleaners keep the school…………………
a) dirty b) clean c) bad d) noisy

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 16 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
6-In a storm, we sometimes see a flash of………………………
a) camera b) rain c) lightning d) Tv
7-……………………build the school.
a) Builders b) Electrician c) Plumber d) Mechanic
8-The……………………takes you to school.
a) doctor b) builder c) plumber d) bus driver
9-The……………………works in hospital.
a) teacher b) doctor c) builder d) plumber
10-The…………………….delivers letters.
a) teacher b) builder c) mail carrier d) plumber

3-Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
electricity – bring – take – clean –take

The cleaners keep the school………………….. The bus drivers ………………….. the
children to school. The garbage collectors …………………..away our garbage.
The electricians connect…………………….. so that we can use lights.

inside – weather - hot - a lot of - outside

On the one hand, mail carriers are ……………………. all day. This is great when
the………………. is good, but it’s not fun when the weather is very……………………
or cold. Mail carriers walk all day and get………………….. exercise.

get – explained – patient – help - helping

Amir was always very ………………………. and he liked………………….. people.

Sometimes, big brothers can…………………… angry at their little brothers, but
Amir was never angry. He played, he helped, and he……………………. things all
the time.

light – slow – fast – electricity - flash

Electricity travels very……………………., close to the speed of……………………….

In a storm we sometimes see a…………………….. of lightning. That flash has
enough …………………………..for 1,000 families for a year!

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 17 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Language focus
We use this, that, these, those to say how close an object is to the speaker.
When we choose between this, that, these, those we need to think about the noun.
.‫ لنقول مدى قرب كائن ما من المتحدث‬، ‫ هؤالء‬، ‫ هؤالء‬، ‫نستخدم هذا‬
‫ أولئك الذين نحتاج إلى التفكير في االسم‬، ‫ هؤالء‬، ‫ هذا‬، ‫عندما نختار بين هذا‬

Is it singular or uncountable? ‫هل االسم مفرد او غير معدود؟‬

Is it plural? ‫هل هو جمع؟‬
Is it near or far from the speaker? ‫هل هو قريب ام بعيد من المتحدث؟‬

:‫تسخدم أسماء اإلشارة كما هو موضح بالجدول االتي‬

Near to the speaker ‫قريب‬ Far from the speaker ‫بعيد‬
singular nouns and this … that …
uncountable nouns This is the socket the That’s the water dripping from
‫ مفرد او غير معدود‬electrician is fixing. the faucet.
plural nouns these … those …
‫ األسماء الجمع‬These are the plumber’s tools. Those are the mail carrier’s

Exercise on Grammar :
1-Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1-……………………….(this) builders build the hospital.
2-………………………(those) is the socket.
3-……………………..(this) bird is flying in the sky.
4-…………………….(this) children are going to school.
5-……………………(These) is my aunt. She is a doctor .
5-…………………… (This) mechanics work in the repair shop .
6-……………….….. (That) cleaners are cleaning the street .
7-………………….. (Those) can is very expensive.
8-……………………(This) children are going to school .
9-…………………… (That) are my new English books .

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 18 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Unit 6 – What do you do?
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
fisherman ‫صياد‬ farmer ‫فالح‬ guide ‫مرشد – يرشد‬
boat ‫مركب‬ nutrients ‫عناصر غذائية‬ tourism industry ‫صناعة السياحة‬
market ‫سوق‬ pick ‫يلتقط – يقطف‬ explain ‫يشرح‬
restaurant ‫مطعم‬ factory ‫مصنع‬ interesting ‫مثير – شيق‬
librarian ‫امين مكتبة‬ need ‫يحتاج‬ information ‫معلومات‬
sister ‫أخت‬ cut down ‫يقطع‬ wood ‫خشب‬
beautiful ‫جميل‬ seed ‫بذرة‬ need ‫يحتاج‬
mango ‫مانجو‬ money ‫نقود‬ children ‫اطفال‬
Fresh ‫طازج – عذب‬ disappointed ‫محبط‬ engine ‫موتور – محرك‬
fisherman ‫صياد‬ mechanic ‫ميكانيكي‬ surprised ‫مندهش – متفاجئ‬
village ‫قرية‬ simple ‫بسيط‬ Then ‫ثم‬
around ‫حوالي‬ problem ‫مشكلة‬ sound ‫ يبدو‬- ‫صوت‬
people ‫ناس – شعب‬ patient ‫صابر – مريض‬ students ‫طالب‬
answer ‫يجيب‬ exciting ‫مثير – مدهش‬ encourage ‫يشجع‬
different ‫مختلف‬ change ‫يغير‬ hours ‫ساعات‬
questions ‫سؤال‬ quickly ‫بسرعة‬ ready ‫ مستعد‬- ‫جاهز‬
respect ‫يحترم‬ shelf ‫رف‬ Education ‫تعليم‬
carefully ‫بحرص‬ polite ‫مؤدب‬ Tourism ‫سياحة‬
get off ‫ينزل‬ listen ‫يستمع‬ Fishing ‫صيد السمك‬
librarian ‫امين مكتبة‬ Dentists ‫طبيب اسنان‬ Farming ‫زراعة‬

Exercise on Vocabulary:
1- A ………………….. tells tourists interesting information.
a) doctor b) farmer c) guide d) teacher
2- Tourism ……………….. is important.
a) air b) industry c) boat d) oil
3- A ………………………. looks after the books.
a) librarian b) doctor c) geologist d) engineer
4-I’m a………………….. I grow oranges.
a) librarian b) farmer c) geologist d) engineer
5-I’m a…………………. I work in the tourism industry.
a) librarian b) doctor c) geologist d) guide

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 19 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
6-I’m a……………………. I work in a school library.
a) librarian b) doctor c) geologist d) engineer
8-She cut the tree and she sold the……………………..
a) plastic b) metal c) wood d) glass
8- Students always ask surprising…………………….
a) answers b) questions c) jokes d) words
9-Teachers need to think………………………...
a) badly b) slowly c) quickly d) sadly
10-Things that grow again is……………………..
a) ended b) finished c) renewable d) non-renewable

3-Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
help - need – after - library - farm

I’m a librarian. I work in a schoo…….……………l. It’s my job to look………………

all the books. I buy lots of new books and I ……………………………….children find
the information they……………………….

happy – and – mango – out - sad

Malak looked……………………. of the window. There was no……………………

tree. She had no mangoes………………….. no more wood. She was very

drink – get – van – village - Fresh

There’s an old fisherman in my……………………. He drives around the village in

an old……………….. He likes his job. He has fun. He shouts, "Fish!.............................
fish! Come and ………………………..your lovely fresh fish."

slowly – quickly – ready – need - encourage

Teachers………………. to think……………….. They need to………………………..

their students. A good teacher is always……………………. to learn.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 20 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term

:‫هذه البادئة تعني ال وتنفي الصفة‬The prefix ‘dis’means ‘not’

The boy is She dislikes These friends I’m sorry because The rabbit
disappointed. He ice cream. disagree. I disobeyed my disappeared
didn’t pass the test. mom. from the hat.

Exercise on Grammar :
1-Read and write the correct form of the words between brackets:
1-She …………………… (likes) ice cream.She never eats it.
2- I'm sorry because I…………………… (obeyed) my mom.
3- The boy is …………………… (disappoints). He didn't pass the test.
4- The rabbit …………………… (appeared). I can't see it.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 21 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Test 1
1- Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 My Uncle is a. …………………………
a) farmer b) teacher c) vet d) nurse
2 He grows. …………………………
a) apples b) oranges c) mangoes d) bananas
3 He gives them water and. …………………………
a) vegetables b) nutrients c) meat d) coffee
4 He sends a lot of the mangoes to the. …………………………
a) factory b) shopping mall c) post office d) school
2 .Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 My uncle is a ………………………… . He fixes pipes and faucets.
a) plumber b) electrician c) mail carrier d) garbage collector
2 Tomatoes have ………………… inside. We can use them to grow more plants.
a) leaves b) seeds c) shoots d) roots
3 She lives on a small ………………………… that moves on water.
a) apartment b) tent c) houseboat d) house
4 Tamarisk and acacia grow in the ………………………… habitat.
a) agricultural b) desert c) sea d) rivers
3 .Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
unhealthy – scientist – weekend – healthy – water
My mom and I go walking in the desert with my dad. Dad is a
…………(1)………… and he likes looking at animals and plants. We go with him
every …………(2)………… . It’s very interesting, but it’s very hot sometimes! I only
drink …………(3)………… because I don’t like cola. I love
4 .Read the text and answer the questions:
Amira is an electrician. She studied and practiced for three years before she
became an electrician. Electricity is interesting; it can travel very fast, close to
the speed of light. We need to work safely with electricity because it can also be
dangerous. If we get an electric shock, we can’t control our water bodies. It can
also burn us. We should never touch electrical things with wet hands.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 22 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1 Amira practiced for …………………… years before she became an electrician.
a) two b) one c) three d) five
2 When something is “dangerous”, it’s not ………………………… to work with.
a) safe b) hard c) difficult d) a problem
B Answer the following questions:
3- What does Amira do‫؟‬
4- How can we work safely with electricity‫؟‬
5 .Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:
1-………………………… (These) is the school where I learn.
2 -………………………… (Are) the cat under the table‫؟‬
3- Crocodiles are………………………… (most) dangerous than monkeys.
4 I play football ………………………… (so) I eat vegetables.
6 .Punctuate the following:
1 which animal is the biggest
2 zain’s house is next to the nile
7 .Write a text of about EIGHTEEN (18) words using the following
guiding elements:
“Rhim gazelles“
How do they look? – How much do they need to drink?


Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 23 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Test 2
1 .Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Papyrus is a very special. …………………………
a) animal b) plant c) food d) vegetable
2 Ancient ………………………… used papyrus to make many things.
a) French b) Italians c) Egyptians d) British
3 They used papyrus to make. …………………………
a) juice b) paper c) dessert d) tea
4 Papyrus grows near the ………………………… Delta.
a) Nile b) lake c) sea d) river
2 .Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Mangoes and ………………………… are delicious fruits that we grow in Egypt.
a) potatoes b) chicken c) rice d) watermelons
2 This is the ………………………… the plumber is fixing.
a) pipe b) car c) package d) radio
3 Farmers like. …………………………
a) crocodiles b) snakes c) spiders d) lizards
4 ………………………… fix cars and buses that take us to school.
a) Plumbers b) Mechanics c) Drivers d) Teachers
3 .Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
corner – ahead – Take – between – Go
Here are some directions to reach my house. From the …………(1)………… of
South Street with Lateef Street, go straight ahead. …………(2)………… the second
right to Abdelwahab Street. Go straight ………(3)………… . Turn left at the
supermarket. My house is…………)4(………… the supermarket and the school.
4 .Read the text and answer the questions:
My name is Huda and I am an English teacher. I think teaching is the best job in
the world. For a teacher, every day is different. Students always ask surprising
questions. A teacher can change their students’ lives so teachers need to be
very patient. They work for many hours every day. It’s hard work, but it’s exciting.
Teachers need to think quickly. They need to encourage their students. A good
teacher is always ready to learn.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 24 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1 Huda thinks ………………………… is the best job in the world.
a) farming b) catching fish c) teaching d) writing
2 Students sometimes ask …………… questions so teachers need to think quickly.
a) expected b) easy c) surprising d) stupid
B Answer the following questions:
3 What does Huda do‫؟‬
4 What makes a good teacher‫؟‬
5 .Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:
1 She………………………… (live) in a village next to the Nile.
2 Camels are………………………… (more) dangerous than lions.
3 I want to make a cake, ………………………… (and) I don’t know how.
4 -………………………… (These) is the bus driver’s bus.
6 .Punctuate the following:
1 my aunt samira is a mail carrier.
2 which flower is the smallest
7 .Write a text of about EIGHTEEN (18) words using the following
guiding elements:
“Different energy resources“
oil and coal – wind energy


Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 25 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Test 3
1 .Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Camels are amazing ………………………… animals .
a) bad b) nice c) helpful d) ugly
2 Camels are perfect for the. …………………………
a) forest b) mountain c) river d) desert
3 Camels have large, flat. …………………………
a) hands b) ears c) arms d) feet
4 Camels can live without ………………………… for a long time.
a) coffee b) water c) juice d) milk
2 .Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 I like to eat ………………………… food and exercise every day to keep fit.
a) healthy b) bad c) unhealthy d) ugly
2 Fennec foxes and camels are ………………………… animals.
a) farm b) home c) pet d) desert
3 The ………………………… grow under the soil.
a) leaves b) flowers c) shoots d) roots
4 A ………………………… is where we can send letters.
a) hospital b) post office c) shopping mall d) supermarket
3 .Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
plant – farmers – mangoes – raise – potatoes
Many foods come from Egypt. Egypt is famous for growing rice and cotton.
Egyptian…………)1(………… produce vegetables like onions, …………(2)…………
, and tomatoes. They also grow fruits like …………(3)………… , bananas, and
watermelons. Farmers are very important. Farmers in Egypt…………(4)…………
animals, too.
4 .Read the text and answer the questions:
Hi, I’m Nader. I live in a city called Hurghada. It is in the east of Egypt on the
Red Sea. It’s a big city and about 190,000 people live here. In Hurghada, there is
a beach and there are lots of interesting things to do. There is the Sahara Desert
where lots of tourists go on safaris. We have Sahl Hasheesh in the south of
Hurghada. It has some beautiful houses and interesting bazaars

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 26 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1 Hurghada is a big Egyptian. …………………………
a) country b) village c) town d) city
2 It’s in the ………………………… of Egypt on the Red Sea.
a) east b) west c) north d) south
B Answer the following questions:
3 How many people live in Hurghada‫؟‬
4 What things can you do in Hurghada‫؟‬
5 .Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:
1 -………………………… (That) are the electrician’s tools.
2 The elephant is the………………………… (big) animal.
3-………………………… (Goes) straight and turn right.
4 The ant is………………………… (small) than the bee.
6 .Punctuate the following:
1 The land in damietta is rich in nutrients
2 where is the post office
7 .Write a text of about EIGHTEEN (18) words using the following
guiding elements:
“Plant habitats“
agriculture habitat – not much rain


Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 27 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Test 4
1 .Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 There is an old fisherman who lives in my . …………………………
a) country b) village c) city d) town
2 He drives around an old. …………………………
a) bus b) boat c) van d) bike
3 My ………………………… helped him fix the engine.
a) brother b) uncle c) mom d) dad
4 The fisherman gave my mom ten fresh. …………………………
a) fish b) chickens c) apples d) potatoes
2 .Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 We can buy food at the. …………………………
a) hospital b) supermarket c) school d) office
2 Bean and orange trees grow in the ………………………… habitat.
a) desert b) river c) lake d) agriculture
3 I’m a ………………………… . I work in the tourism industry.
a) librarian b) farmer c) guide d) teacher
4 We grow ………………………… in Egypt.
a) milk b) chickens c) grape d) rice
3 .Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
animals – important – control – grow – crocodiles
Our teacher always says there are lots of animals in Egypt. Sometimes we think
some…)1(………… are dangerous or scary, but they are all …………(2)………… .
Big scary animals like snakes or …………(3)………… have an important job to do.
They …………(4)………… the number of small animals, birds, and insects.
4 .Read the text and answer the questions:
Lara and Talia are cousins. When Lara was a child, she loved to experiment.
She was very curious. She always carried a screwdriver and she opened old
radios, cell phones, and anything that had electricity. Her favourite question was
“How does it work?” She learned about safety with electricity. When Talia was
young, she played with blocks. She liked making things like a little house for her

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 28 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1 Lara and Talia are. …………………………
a) friends b) cousins c) sisters d) roommates
2 When you love to “experiment”, you want to ………………………… new things.
a) eat b) break c) try d) throw
B Answer the following questions:
3 How did Lara use the screwdriver‫؟‬
4 What did Talia like to do when she was young‫؟‬
5 .Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:
1 The giraffe is ………………………… (tall) than the hippo.
2 -………………………… (This) are the cars the mechanic is fixing.
3 I………………………… (living) in a village next to the Nile.
4 Those ………………………… (is) the mail carrier’s packages.
6 .Punctuate the following:
1 Amira s father is an electrician
2 how can we use electricity safely
7 .Write a text of about EIGHTEEN (18) words using the following
guiding elements:
“Germination process“
seed – water


Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 29 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Test 5
1 .Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 He lives on a ………………………… in the United States.
a) farm b) boat c) tent d) apartment
2 Lucas’s ………………………… bought the land.
a) cousins b) parents c) uncle d) grandparents
3 The land was ………………………… and no one wanted to live there.
a) dry b) fine c) good d) great
4 They planted millions of. …………………………
a) flowers b) seeds c) grass d) leaves
2 .Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Farmers in Damietta ………………………… animals like goats, sheep and cows.
a) grow b) raise c) plant d) make
2 We planted the ………………………… in the soil.
a) leaf b) flower c) seed d) root
3 ………………………… are perfect for the desert.
a) Penguins b) Hippos c) Giraffes d) Camels
4 ………………………… are people who keep the school clean.
a) Bus drivers b) Cleaners c) Mechanics d) Plumbers
3 .Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
under – house – next – behind – between
My name’s Zain. I live in a village …………(1)………… to the Nile. I live in a
house with my family. Our house is not the biggest in the village. It is
…………(2)………… a yellow house and a brown house. There are tall trees
………(3)………… the house. I love my. …………)4(…………
4 .Read the text and answer the questions:
There are some good and bad points about being a mail carrier. On one hand,
mail carriers are outside all day. This is great when the weather is good, but it’s
not fun when the weather is very hot or cold. Mail carriers walk all day and get a
lot of exercise. Everybody likes getting mail, so everyone likes meeting the mail
carrier. On the other hand, mail bags are sometimes heavy and mail carriers
have to wake up very early for their work.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 30 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1 The main idea of the passage is about. …………………………
a) mail carriers b) good weather c) heavy mail bags d) waking up early
2 Heavy mail bags are a ………………………… point about being a mail carrier.
a) nice b) good c) bad d) excellent
B Answer the following questions:
3 What are the good things about being a mail carrier‫؟‬
4 What does everybody like‫؟‬
5 .Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:
1 Are………………………… (that) the electrician’s screwdrivers‫؟‬
2 The spider is ………………………… (scary) than the ant.
3 The hospital is………………………… (on) the office and the supermarket.
4 -………………………… (When) is the supermarket‫؟‬
6 .Punctuate the following:
1 Do egyptian farmers grow rice
2 my house is behind the park
7 .Write a text of about EIGHTEEN (18) words using the following
guiding elements:
“Fennec foxes“
Where do they live? – What do they eat?


Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 31 Mob/ 01145495338

Superior Connect 4 – 1st Term
Listening Texts
Test 1:
My Uncle is a farmer. He grows mangoes. He looks after the trees. He gives
them water and nutrients. When he picks the mangoes, he sends a lot of
them to the factory to make mango juice and some of them to the

Test 2:
Papyrus is a very special plant. Ancient Egyptians used papyrus to make
many things. They used papyrus to make paper, sandals, and baskets.
Papyrus grows in the Nile Delta near the river. Papyrus needs a lot of water
and warm weather to grow.
Test 3:
Camels are amazing helpful animals. They carry things and people to
cross the desert. Camels are perfect for the desert. They have large, flat
feet so they can walk on the sand and they can live without water for a
long time.
Test 4:
There is an old fisherman who lives in my village. He drives around an old van.
One day, he couldn’t start his van. My mom helped him fix the engine because
her dad was a mechanic. The fisherman thanked my mom and gave her ten
fresh fish.

Test 5:
Lucas lives in a special place. He lives on a farm in the United States. Forty years
ago, Lucas’s grandparents bought the land. It was dry and no one wanted to live
there. They worked very hard and they planted millions of seeds.

Mr/ Abdelbary Ali 32 Mob/ 01145495338


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