Installation Guide Aris S
Installation Guide Aris S
Installation Guide Aris S
ARIS 7.0
October 2006
All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior consent from IDS Scheer AG. Subject to change. The use of registered names and trademarks in this publication does not imply that such names are free for general use. Copyright (C) 1997 - 2006 by IDS Scheer AG, Saarbrcken
1 Manual Conventions ................................................................................ 1 1.1 1.2 2 3 Writing Conventions and Formatting Features.......................................... 1 Icons Used ......................................................................................... 1
Installation Options ................................................................................ 2 Installations............................................................................................ 4 3.1 ARIS Platform CD 1 ............................................................................. 5 Client Installation ......................................................................... 5 Demo Version ARIS ...................................................................... 8 ARIS Business Server Installations.................................................. 9 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 Default (Recommended for up to 50 Users)............................... 9 Initial Installation .............................................................. 9 Step-by-Step Instructions ................................................... 9 Model - Default Server/Initial Installation .............................12 Subsequent Installation .....................................................14 Step-by-Step Instructions ..................................................14 Model - Default Server/Subsequent Installation.....................15 Update Installation............................................................16 Step-by-Step Instructions ..................................................16 Model - Default Server/Update Installation ...........................17 User-Defined (Advanced Installation) ......................................18 ARIS Site Administrator .....................................................18 Step-by-Step Instructions ..................................................18 Model - ARIS Site Administrator Installation .........................20 ARIS Site Manager ............................................................21 Step-by-Step Instructions ..................................................21 Model - ARIS Site Manager Installation ................................24 ARIS Business Server ...........................................................27 Step-by-Step Instructions ..................................................27 Model - ARIS Business Server Installation ............................29 ARIS Web Client Components ................................................31 Step-by-Step Instructions ..................................................33 Model - ARIS Web Client Components Installation .................35 3.2.2 ARIS Business Publisher Server Installation.....................................36 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 ARIS API ....................................................................................37 Acrobat Reader 6.0......................................................................38 Java Runtime Environment ...........................................................39
Contents 4 System Add-Ons .................................................................................... 40 4.1 4.2 5 ARIS Process Generator ...................................................................... 40 ARIS for INTERSHOP enfinity ............................................................... 42
Additional Installation Information and Principles ................................ 43 5.1 5.2 ARIS Platform - System Architecture .................................................... 43 Installation Scenarios ......................................................................... 44 Client Installations ...................................................................... 46 Default Server (Recommended for up to 50 Users) .......................... 46 ARIS Business Server - User-Defined (Advanced Installation)............ 47
Subsequent Hardware Key Driver Installation ........................................ 49 Automatic Backup .............................................................................. 50 Special Features - ARIS Client and ARIS Business Server on the Same Computer ......................................................................................... 51 Installation ................................................................................ 51 Uninstall .................................................................................... 52
5.5.1 5.5.2 6
Manual Conventions
Manual Conventions
Writing Conventions/ Formatting Features Menu items, shortcut keys, dialog boxes, file names, keyboard entries, etc. are written in bold. Sequences of menus and menu items are listed in order, separated by slashes. User-defined entries are highlighted in bold and enclosed in angle brackets.
Click on OK. Enter the path in the sample.txt file. Click on Help/Help Topics.
Icons Used
Special text sections are indicated by means of the following icons:
Meaning Exclamation marks indicate important information which, if disregarded, may cause loss of data or result in a security risk. Light bulbs point out useful tips. Pins indicate references to explanations in manuals or the online help.
Installation Options
Installation Options
When you place an ARIS CD in your CD drive, the start page opens automatically. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe. All ARIS product, add-on program and documentation installations are supplied on two ARIS CDs. Important documents are stored automatically upon installation of ARIS Platform products. You can access these documents via Start/Programs/ARIS Platform/Documents.
ARIS Platform CD 1 CD 1 contains ARIS Client installations and the documentation. Installation Program Install ARIS Platform Install Demo Version Installation Guide Opens the Installation Guide in PDF format. This requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Quick Start Guide Delta Paper Opens the Quick Start Guide. Opens the description of the differences between previous ARIS versions and the current version. IDS Scheer Academy Opens the IDS Scheer Academy catalog with the latest information on training, workshops and consulting services. IDS Scheer AG Home Page Browse CD Opens the IDS Scheer home page in your Web browser. Browse the ARIS installation CD. Install ARIS Business Architect as a demo version. 3.1.2 Install ARIS Platform products. 3.1.1 Content/Components Installed Chapter
Installation Options ARIS Platform CD 2 CD 2 contains ARIS Business Server installations and supplementary software. Installation Program Install ARIS Business Server DEFAULT Install on the same computer: ARIS Site (recommended for Administrator, ARIS Site Manager, up to 50 users) ARIS Business Server, standard database system, and ARIS Web Client Components USER-DEFINED Install any combination of ARIS Site (Advanced Administrator, ARIS Site Manager, ARIS Installation) Business Server and ARIS Web Client Components. Install ARIS Business Publisher Server Adobe Acrobat Reader Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Install the viewer that enables you to display PDF documents, such as the ARIS Methods Manual. Install SUN Java Runtime Environment (JRE) if you have not already done so if you want to use ARIS Platform Java-based products and want to start them via the Web browser. ARIS News Opens the ARIS News page on the IDS Scheer home page in your Web browser. Use ARIS Successfully IDS Scheer AG Home Page Browse CD Opens the Business Process Management page on the IDS Scheer home page in your Web browser. Opens the IDS Scheer home page in your Web browser. Browse the ARIS installation CD. 3.2.5 3.2.4 Install ARIS Business Publisher Server. 3.2.2 Provides access to server installation programs. 3.2.1 Content/Components Installed Chapter
This chapter describes the requirements for all available installations. Each installation is explained step-by-step. It is assumed that you perform the installations for the first time, using the ARIS_7.exe startup file. You may also start the individual installation programs via the corresponding Setup.exe file. If system files are changed due to the installation procedure, you will be prompted to reboot your computer after installation is complete. Please refer to the ARIS Administration Guide to obtain information on additional settings required for using ARIS products. If an installation is run for a second time for installed programs, the following options are provided: Modify Use this option to add other components and/or languages. Repair This option repeats an installation with the current settings. This is useful if a program file was deleted by accident, for example. Any subsequently installed hotfixes will be deleted! Remove This option uninstalls the component for which the installation program was launched. When you make an update, add a language (Modify option) or repeat an installation (Repair option), the system checks if a CFG file was changed manually. If so, a backup copy of that file is generated before the new CFG file is installed. For example, if you changed the arisserver.cfg file manually, it is backed up in the <ARIS installation directory>\server\backup\config directory (see also Chapter 5.3). The settings from the previous installation are retained, such as the installation path, the program group and languages you installed.
ARIS Platform CD 1
This chapter describes the installations on and contents of ARIS Platform CD 1.
Client Installation
This chapter describes the installation of ARIS Clients. The ARIS WITH LOCAL STANDARD DATABASE SYSTEM installation also installs the standard database system. This enables you to create and edit databases locally on your computer, and also to work with databases on other ARIS Business Servers. Please note that not all ARIS products can access the local standard database system. The ARIS WITHOUT LOCAL STANDARD DATABASE SYSTEM installation does not provide the standard database system. Thus, you can only create and edit databases if you connect to ARIS Business Server. To be able to work locally, select ARIS WITH LOCAL STANDARD DATABASE SYSTEM. 1. 2. Ensure that the system requirements for all products and functionalities are met (see Administration Guide). Insert ARIS Platform CD 1 into your CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on ARIS Platform. The installation program's Welcome page opens. Click on Next. Once you have read the license agreements and accept them, click on Yes. Select the installation directory. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the directory of the products that have already been installed is used. To use the installation directory suggested in the Target Folder box, click on Next. If the target folder does not exist, click on Yes to create the folder. The Select program folder page opens.
Installations a. To install the products in a different directory than the one suggested, click on Browse. b. Enter the desired path in the Path box or navigate to the relevant folder in the Directories box. The name of the installation directory may not contain any special characters. c. Click on OK and on Next. The Select program folder page opens. 7. Select the program directory in which to place the program shortcut. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the directory of the products that have already been installed is used. a. Click on Next. The ARIS Platform program directory is created. b. To use a different name, enter a name in the Program folder box or select a program folder in the Existing folders box and click on Next. The Automatic Product Selection by Means of License Key page opens. 8. To install all products that are enabled by your license key, enter the license key. All products licensed by the license key are listed automatically on the next page. If you do not enter a license key, all products available for installation are listed on the next page Select Products. In this case, you must enter the license key when you launch the products later. 9. If you entered a license key, the products that are enabled by the license key are listed. To keep the selection, click on Next and skip the next step. To select more products for installation that you want to activate later using the license key, enable the Change Automatic Product Selection option button. Click on Next. The Select Products dialog box opens. 10. Enable the check boxes for the products you want to install. To install all products of a platform, enable the check box for the relevant platform. The corresponding products are enabled. 11. Click on Next. The Local Standard Database System dialog box opens. 12. The following options are available:
ARIS Installation
Installations If you want to run ARIS with a local standard database system on your computer, click on Next. The corresponding option button ARIS WITH LOCAL STANDARD DATABASE SYSTEM is enabled by default. If you have previously selected ARIS products that cannot access local databases, the system notifies you accordingly. Click on OK and on Next. Continue with the next step. If you are running ARIS products exclusively in the server/client environment, i.e. you do not require a separate database system on your computer: enable the ARIS WITHOUT LOCAL STANDARD DATABASE SYSTEM option button and click on Next. The Select Language dialog box opens. 13. Enable the check boxes for the desired interface and method languages. Click on Next. 14. Check your settings in the Start Copy Operation dialog box. If they are correct, click on Next. The products are installed. The system notifies you when the installation is complete. 15. If you do not want to create a desktop shortcut to launch ARIS products, disable the Create desktop shortcut check box. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes. You can use ARIS Converter (see chapters ARIS Converter and Transferring Data from Earlier Versions of ARIS in the Administration Guide) to transfer databases that were created with previous ARIS versions. Subsequent or update installations are performed in the same way as a server installation (see chapters and
ARIS Platform CD 2
This chapter describes the installations and contents in ARIS Platform CD 2.
Initial Installation
This section describes the steps the installation program performs when you install ARIS Standard Server for the first time.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This procedure is illustrated as a model in chapter
Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide).
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
3. 4. 5.
Click on Install ARIS Business Server. The installation program's Welcome page opens. Click on Next. Once you have read the license agreements and accept them, click on Yes.
Installations 6. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the directory of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select Target Path dialog box opens. To use the suggested installation directory, click on Next and continue with the next step. The name of the installation directory may not contain any special characters. To install the program in a different directory than the one suggested, click on Browse. Enter the desired path in the Path box or navigate to the desired directory in the Directories box. Click on OK and on Next. 7. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the program group of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select program folder dialog box opens. Select the program folder in which to place the program shortcut. Click on Next. 8. Enable the check boxes for the languages in which you want to install the program. Ensure that all the languages that you want to provide in the ARIS Clients are installed. Click on Next. 9. Click on Default (recommended for up to 50 users). The License Key dialog box opens. 10. Enter your license key or enable the Dongle Version (Hardware Key) option button when using a hardware key instead of a license key. Click on Next. 11. You are prompted to specify the directory in which to install the ARIS Web Client Components files. To use the suggested installation directory, click on Next and continue with the next step. The name of the installation directory may not contain any special characters.
Installations To install the program in a different directory than the one suggested, e.g. on your active Web server, click on Browse. Enter the desired path in the Path box or navigate to the desired directory in the Directories box. Click on OK. Click on Next. 12. Decide whether or not the program is to be installed as a Windows service by enabling the relevant check box. If you install it as a Windows service, it will be launched automatically with the operating system. Otherwise, you need to click on the appropriate program icon to run the program. Click on Next. 13. Check your settings in the Start Copy Operation dialog box. If they are correct, click on Next. The products are installed. 14. If you enabled the License Key option button in the License Key dialog box, continue with the next step. If, instead, you enabled the Dongle Version (Hardware Key) option button, you are prompted to specify whether you want to install the hardware key driver. If you click on No, you have to install the hardware key driver later (see chapter 5.3) and change the parameter of the use_dongle entry in the arisserver.cfg file: use_dongle=on. Click on Yes, confirm the Welcome dialog, as well as the completion message once the driver is installed. 15. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
Subsequent Installation
This section describes the steps the installation program performs if you have already installed ARIS Business Server and run the same ARIS Business Server installation program again. Previously used databases and filters are not affected by the subsequent installation. If you want to use the demo database supplied instead of your current database, copy it to your server using the Restore functionality. Report scripts provided by default with ARIS are re-installed. If you have changed the previous reports but not renamed them, we recommend that you create backup copies and insert them with modified names once the installation is complete. If files are to be re-installed during the setup, the previous files are saved in a backup directory. Thus, they remain available. These files include the contents of the HTML directories, for example.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This procedure is illustrated as a model in chapter
Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide).
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
3. 4.
Click on Install ARIS Business Server. The Note dialog box requests that any running ARIS Business Server or the corresponding Windows service be terminated before you continue with the installation. Click on OK after having done so or if no ARIS Business Server is running.
5. 6.
The installation program's Welcome page opens. The Modify option button is already enabled. Click on Next. Enable the check boxes for the languages you want to add. Click on Next.
Installations Please ensure that all the languages that you have selected for the installed ARIS Platform products are installed. 7. Decide whether or not the program is to be installed as a Windows service by enabling the relevant check box. If you install it as a Windows service, it will be launched automatically with the operating system. Otherwise, you need to click on the appropriate program icon to run the program. 8. 9. Check your settings in the summary. If your settings are correct, click on Next. The components will now be installed. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
Update Installation
This section describes the steps the installation program performs if you have already installed the ARIS Business Server and you run the ARIS Business Server installation program with an ARIS CD of a higher version. Previously used databases and filters are not affected by the installation. If you want to use the demo database supplied instead of your current database, copy it to your server using the Restore functionality. Report scripts provided by default with ARIS are re-installed. If you have changed the previous reports but not renamed them, we recommend that you create backup copies and insert them with modified names once the installation is complete. If files are to be re-installed during the setup, the previous files are saved in a backup directory. Thus, they remain available. These files include the contents of the HTML directories, for example.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This procedure is illustrated as a model in chapter
Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide).
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
3. 4.
Click on Install ARIS Business Server. You will be informed that the currently installed ARIS Business Server version is older than that on the ARIS CD and it will be updated. Click on OK to confirm the message.
The Note dialog box requests that any running ARIS Business Server or the corresponding Windows service be terminated before you continue with the installation. Click on OK after having done so or if no ARIS Business Server is running.
Installations 6. 7. Check your settings in the summary. If your settings are correct, click on Next. The components will now be installed. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This procedure is illustrated as a model in chapter
Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide).
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
3. 4. 5.
Click on Install ARIS Business Server. The installation program's Welcome page opens. Click on Next. Once you have read the license agreements and accept them, click on Yes.
If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the directory of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select Target Path dialog box opens. To use the suggested installation directory, click on Next and continue with the next step.
The name of the installation directory may not contain any special characters. To install the program in a different directory than the one suggested, click on Browse. Enter the desired path in the Path box or navigate to the desired directory in the Directories box. Click on OK and on Next. 7. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the program group of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select program folder dialog box opens. Select the program folder in which to place the program shortcut. Click on Next. 8. Enable the check boxes for the languages in which you want to install the program. Ensure that all the languages that you want to provide are installed. Click on Next. 9. Click on USER-DEFINED (ADVANCED INSTALLATION). 10. Disable all check boxes except the ARIS Site Administrator check box. 11. Click on Next. 12. Check your settings in the Start Copy Operation dialog box. If they are correct, click on Next. The products are installed. 13. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This procedure is illustrated as a model in chapter
Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide).
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
3. 4. 5.
Click on Install ARIS Business Server. The installation program's Welcome page opens. Click on Next. Once you have read the license agreements and accept them, click on Yes.
If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the directory of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select Target Path dialog box opens. To use the suggested installation directory, click on Next and continue with the next step. The name of the installation directory may not contain any special characters. To install the program in a different directory than the one suggested, click on Browse. Enter the desired path in the Path box or navigate to the desired directory in the Directories box. Click on OK and on Next.
Installations 7. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the program group of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select program folder dialog box opens. Select the program folder in which to place the program shortcut. Click on Next. 8. Enable the check boxes for the languages in which you want to install the program. Ensure that all the languages that you want to provide in the ARIS Clients are installed. Click on Next. 9. Click on USER-DEFINED (ADVANCED INSTALLATION). 10. Disable all check boxes except the ARIS Site Manager check box. 11. Click on Next. 12. Enter your license key or enable the Dongle Version (Hardware Key) option button when using a hardware key instead of a license key. Click on Next. 13. Select a database system and click on Next. 14. Specify the computer on which the database system is installed and click on Next. 15. Decide whether or not the program is to be installed as a Windows service by enabling the relevant check box. If you install it as a Windows service, it will be launched automatically with the operating system. Otherwise, you need to click on the appropriate program icon to run the program. 16. Check your settings in the Start Copy Operation dialog box. If they are correct, click on Next. The products are installed.
Installations 17. If you enabled the License Key option button in the License Key dialog box, continue with the next step. If, instead, you enabled the Dongle Version (Hardware Key) option button, you are prompted to specify whether you want to install the hardware key driver. If you click on No, you have to install the hardware key driver later (see chapter 5.3) and change the parameter of the use_dongle entry in the arisserver.cfg file: use_dongle=on. Click on Yes, confirm the Welcome dialog, as well as the completion message once the driver is installed. 18. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This procedure is illustrated as a model in chapter
Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide).
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Click on Install ARIS Business Server. The installation program's Welcome page opens. Click on Next. Once you have read the license agreements and accept them, click on Yes. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the directory of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select Target Path dialog box opens. To use the suggested installation directory, click on Next and continue with the next step. The name of the installation directory may not contain any special characters. To install the program in a different directory than the one suggested, click on Browse. Enter the desired path in the Path box or navigate to the desired directory in the Directories box. Click on OK and on Next.
Installations 7. If other ARIS Platform products are already installed on the computer, this step is skipped and the program group of the products that have already been installed is used. Otherwise, the Select program folder dialog box opens. Select the program folder in which to place the program shortcut. Click on Next. 8. Enable the check boxes for the languages in which you want to install the program. Ensure that all the languages that you want to provide in the ARIS Clients are installed. Click on Next. 9. Click on USER-DEFINED (ADVANCED INSTALLATION). 10. Disable all check boxes except the ARIS Business Server check box. 11. Click on Next. 12. Enter the name of the computer on which the ARIS Site Manager has been installed. Click on Next. 13. Decide whether or not the program is to be installed as a Windows service by enabling the relevant check box. If you install it as a Windows service, it will be launched automatically with the operating system. Otherwise, you need to click on the appropriate program icon to run the program. 14. Check your settings in the summary. If your settings are correct, click on Next. The components will now be installed. 15. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
Installations The following directories are created: \lan This is the start directory commonly used. It runs the ARIS Platform Java-based products as an applet and enables direct access to the ARIS Business Server. \ssl If you select this directory for launching ARIS Platform Java-based products, the data exchange is encrypted (see chapter SSL Encryption of Data Transmission Using Secure Socket Layer in the Administration Guide). \app If you select this directory for launching ARIS Platform Java-based products, it is run as an application, not as an applet (see chapter Execution as Applet or Application in the Administration Guide). Please note that the output and backup paths must be modified accordingly in the <htmlgen> section of the arisserver.cfg file. If you are using several ARIS Business Servers, you have to adjust the paths on the computer on which ARIS Site Manager is installed. Example: <outputpath path="e:/inetpub/wwwroot/aris70"/> <backuppath path="e:/inetpub/wwwroot/aris70/backup"/> This section describes the steps the installation program performs when you install ARIS Web Client Components.
Step-by-Step Instructions
This procedure is illustrated as a model in chapter If you install ARIS Site Manager and ARIS Web Client Components in one step, the installation program enters the path to the HTML Generator in the arisserver.cfg file of the ARIS Site Manager computer.
Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide).
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Click on Install ARIS Business Server. The installation program's Welcome page opens. Click on Next. Once you have read the license agreements and accept them, click on Yes. Select the program directory. Click on Next. Select the language and click on Next. Click on USER-DEFINED (ADVANCED INSTALLATION). Disable all check boxes except the ARIS Web Client Components check box.
10. Click on Next. 11. You are prompted to specify the directory in which to install the ARIS Web Client Components files. To use the suggested installation directory, click on Next and continue with the next step. The name of the installation directory may not contain any special characters.
Installations To install the program in a different directory than the one suggested, e.g. on your active Web server, click on Browse. Enter the desired path in the Path box or navigate to the desired directory in the Directories box. Click on OK. Click on Next. 12. Check your settings in the summary. If your settings are correct, click on Next. The components will now be installed. The installation process generates the \html directory in the specified path. A path is relative within the directory so that you can change the name of the path specified during installation without any negative impact. For multilingual pages, the index_app.html, index_lan.html, and index_ssl.html start pages are located in the \html directory. For monolingual pages, they are located in the \html\<languageid> directory. These pages contain the database lists that are generated by the HTML Generator whenever ARIS 7 deletes or adds databases or changes their names. 13. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
Installations 10. Check your settings in the summary. If your settings are correct, click on Next. The components will now be installed. 11. Click on Finish. The installation is complete and the installation program closes.
The ARIS API files are stored in a password-protected zip file in the addons directory on ARIS Platform CD 2. If you purchased the API license key, proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. Obtain the password from Customer Inter@ction Center by calling +49 (0) 6 81-2 10 12 12. Create the API directory in the ARIS installation directory. Extract the files contained in the ZIP file into this directory. Now you can use ARIS API. Chapter ARIS API: Continued Use of Programs from Earlier ARIS Versions in the Administration Guide describes how to convert programs from previous ARIS API versions.
Insert ARIS Platform CD 2 into the CD drive. If the start page is not displayed automatically, click on the name of the CD drive in Windows Explorer and run ARIS_7.exe.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Click on Java Runtime Environment to run the JRE setup. Once you have read the license agreements and accept them, enable the relevant check box and click on Next. Enable the Default option and click on Next. The installation is performed and a message is displayed when it is complete. Click on Finish to exit the JRE installation program.
System Add-Ons
4 4.1
System Add-Ons 11. Click on the Settings button. The Settings dialog box is displayed. 12. In the Default export server box enter the name of the server to which the contents are to be exported using ARIS Process Generator. Example You want to transfer the contents to a local installation of ARIS (singleuser installation): Enter Local. From now on, ARIS Process Generator starts automatically when you open the saved Excel file.
System Add-Ons
5 5.1
Please note that ARIS Platform is not an update to ARIS versions 6.1x and 6.2x. The client and server versions can be installed and run in parallel.
Installation Scenarios
An overview of all possible installation modes is provided in chapter 2. Step-by-step instructions for each type of installation are provided in chapter 3. This section includes sample scenarios. They help you identify the correct configuration for your installation. In principle, you should determine your requirements based on the following questions: 1. Do you intend to work with ARIS Platform on one single computer? In this case, a local installation is sufficient (see chapter 3.1.1). If several users are to work with ARIS Platform simultaneously, consider the following questions: 2. How many users do you expect to be working with ARIS Platform at the same time? The answer to this question determines which database server you can use and how many ARIS Business Servers you need. If up to 50 users will be working with ARIS Platform, you can install a default server (see chapter The standard database system is also installed when you perform this installation. If more than 50 users will be working with ARIS Platform, you have to install ARIS Business Server and the database server on different computers, and you need to use a database system other than the standard database system. Decide how many ARIS Business Servers are to be used. 3. Will you be using ARIS Platform Java-based products (e.g. ARIS Business Architect) as an application or via a browser? ARIS Platform Java-based products can be installed or run via a browser. Launching the programs via a browser results in automatic software distribution. In this case, you need ARIS Web Client Components (see chapter If you install Java-based products (see chapter 3.1) on the client computers you do not need to install ARIS Web Client Components on the server. Furthermore, you can avoid possible JRE-related problems as the appropriate JRE is installed and used. Any previously installed JRE version that is used by your other programs will remain
Additional Installation Information and Principles unchanged. In the event of an update, you must perform a separate update for each client computer you installed if you do not use the auto update function. Using the auto-update function, you can automatically update installed clients from a central server (see the Administration Guide for more details). Of course, mixed application scenarios are possible in which ARIS Platform Java-based products are launched via a browser on some client computers and installed on other client computers. Regardless of whether ARIS Platform Java-based products are launched via a browser or installed, they can be operated in the WAN (for the definition of WAN, see the glossary in the Administration Guide). If you install the default server (see question 2), ARIS Web Client Components are also installed. In this case, for your Web server you only need to enter the path to ARIS Web Client Components (<ARIS installation directory>\Server\HTML) if you want to launch Java-based products via a browser. To install several ARIS Business Servers (see question 2), you can perform the user-defined installation (see chapter You can thus install individual components separately: You can install several ARIS Business Servers. You can install ARIS Web Client Components on any computer, e.g. in a directory on your Web server. You can install ARIS Site Manager with the standard database system or another database system on a separate computer. 4. Do you intend to use Java-based products for modeling on the Intranet or Internet? The answer to this question determines how your network is to be scaled or whether encryption measures are required for data exchange (see chapter SSL - Encryption of Data Transmission Using Secure Socket Layer in the Administration Guide), for example. 5. Do you want to transfer large quantities of data or complex model structures from ARIS to ARIS Business Optimizer?
Additional Installation Information and Principles In this case, perform a user-defined installation (see chapter If you intend to implement a scenario for more than 200 users, please contact our Customer Inter@ction Center. Relevant telephone numbers, Web access information and the e-mail address are provided in the Administration Guide.
Client Installations
Client installations of ARIS Platform products (ARIS WITH STANDARD LOCAL DATABASE SYSTEM option) are only suitable for users who work with local databases or who want to access local databases and databases on the network. The standard database system will also be installed with this installation. This means that with this installation, you can create and edit databases on your computer and also connect to ARIS Business Server to create and edit databases on it. Follow the installation steps described in chapter 3.1.
Figure 13: ARIS 7 Scenario - ARIS Business Server and ARIS Database System on Different Computers
Proceed as follows: 1. Ensure that the system requirements are met for all components (see chapter Hardware and Software Requirements in the Administration Guide). 2. 3. Install a database system or configure an existing database so that it can be used for working with ARIS. Install ARIS Site Manager with the appropriate option (see chapter on the server on which the database is installed. Continue with step 5. 4. Install ARIS Business Server on all computers you want to use as ARIS Business Servers.
ARIS Installation
Additional Installation Information and Principles 5. If you want to use ARIS Platform Java-based products via a browser, install ARIS Web Client Components and configure your Web server so that it can use ARIS Web Client Components (see chapter or 6. You can import the demo database into your database system. a) Run ARIS Site Administrator. b) Right-click on the name of the server and select Restore. c) Select the ADB file of the demo database in the Databases and Filter\Databases directory on the ARIS Platform CD 2 and click on Open. Once the database is registered with ARIS, you will receive a corresponding message.
Automatic Backup
When you perform an update, make changes to a program, add languages or uninstall a component, the following files and directories are backed up: With a client installation in the <ARIS installation directory>\backup<date>: <ARIS installation directory>\LocalServer\data\aris.db (user databases) file <ARIS installation directory>\LocalServer\sysconfig directory <ARIS installation directory>\html directory <ARIS installation directory>\script directory With a server installation in the <ARIS installation directory>\server\backup directory: <ARIS installation directory>\server\data\aris.db (user databases) file <ARIS installation directory>\server\sysconfig directory <ARIS installation directory>\server\templates directory
Special Features - ARIS Client and ARIS Business Server on the Same Computer
ARIS Client and ARIS Business Server use shared components that can only be installed once on each computer. Therefore, please bear these special features in mind when ARIS Client and ARIS Business Server are installed on the same computer. If you make any changes to ARIS Client or ARIS Business Server, you must ensure they both have the same version after these changes and that they are installed with the same languages: When you update a version, you must consequently ensure that it applies to both ARIS Business Server and ARIS Client. When you install additional languages, they must be installed for both ARIS Business Server and ARIS Client.
ARIS Client is already installed on the computer. If you subsequently install ARIS Business Server, its installation directory will automatically be integrated into the ARIS Toolset directory structure (<ARIS installation directory>\server). This means that in this case you do not need to enter the installation directory for ARIS Business Server a second time. When installing ARIS Business Server you must select the same languages as you did when installing ARIS Client. To find out which languages have been installed for ARIS Platform, run ARIS Platform Setup again and select the Modify option. The languages you installed are those enabled on the Select Language page of ARIS Setup. Once you have determined which languages are installed, click on Cancel. ARIS Business Server is already installed on the computer If you subsequently install an ARIS Client, its files and directories will automatically be integrated into the ARIS Business Server directory structure. In this case you no longer need to enter the ARIS Client installation directory.
Additional Installation Information and Principles During the ARIS Client installation you must select the same languages as you did when installing ARIS Business Server. To find out which languages have been installed for ARIS Business Server, run ARIS Business Server Setup again and select the Modify option. The languages you installed are those enabled on the Select Language page of ARIS Business Server Setup. Once you have determined which languages are installed, click on Cancel.
You can uninstall both ARIS Business Server and ARIS Clients individually without affecting the operability of the remaining component. The order in which they were installed is unimportant.
Installation Acrobat Reader 38 ARIS installation CD 5 ARIS installations CD 9 ARIS Process Generator 40 ARIS Web Client Components 31 Business Publisher Server 36 Client with local standard database system 46 Server 5, 9 Installation options 2 Installation scenario 44 Java Runtime Environment 39 Parallel installation 43 Separate database server 47 Server ARIS Business Server 27 Single-user installation 5 Software distribution 44 Standard database system 5, 46 Subsequent installation 14 System architecture 43 Update Installation 16
Acrobat Reader 38 ARIS 7 Parallel installation 43 ARIS 7 - ARIS Platform 43 ARIS API 37 ARIS Business Architect Demo version 8 ARIS Business Server 27 ARIS for INTERSHOP enfinity 42 ARIS Process Generator 40 ARIS Toolset Demo version 8 ARIS Web Client Components 31, 44 Automatic software distribution 44 Backup User data 50 CD ARIS installations 5 ARIS installations 9 Client with local standard database system 46 Demo version ARIS Business Architect 8 ARIS Toolset 8