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Applications of lasers: A promising route toward low-cost fabrication of high-

efficiency full-color micro-LED displays

Shouqiang Lai, Shibiao Liu, Zilu Li, Zhening Zhang, Zhong Chen, Rong Zhang, Hao-Chung Kuo and Tingzhu

Citation: Lai SQ, Liu SB, Li ZL, Zhang ZN, Chen Z et al. Applications of lasers: A promising route toward low-cost
fabrication of high-efficiency full-color micro-LED displays. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023).


Received: 16 August 2023; Accepted: 24 October 2023; Published online: 6 December 2023

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Opto-Electronic Review
Science October 2023, Vol. 2, No. 10

DOI: 10.29026/oes.2023.230028

Applications of lasers: A promising route toward

low-cost fabrication of high-efficiency full-color
micro-LED displays
Shouqiang Lai1†, Shibiao Liu1†, Zilu Li1, Zhening Zhang1, Zhong Chen1,2,
Rong Zhang1,2*, Hao-Chung Kuo3,4* and Tingzhu Wu1,2*
Micro-light-emitting diodes (micro-LEDs) with outstanding performance are promising candidates for next-generation dis-
plays. To achieve the application of high-resolution displays such as meta-displays, virtual reality, and wearable electron-
ics, the size of LEDs must be reduced to the micro-scale. Thus, traditional technology cannot meet the demand during
the processing of micro-LEDs. Recently, lasers with short-duration pulses have attracted attention because of their
unique advantages during micro-LED processing such as noncontact processing, adjustable energy and speed of the
laser beam, no cutting force acting on the devices, high efficiency, and low cost. Herein, we review the techniques and
principles of laser-based technologies for micro-LED displays, including chip dicing, geometry shaping, annealing, laser-
assisted bonding, laser lift-off, defect detection, laser repair, mass transfer, and optimization of quantum dot color conver-
sion films. Moreover, the future prospects and challenges of laser-based techniques for micro-LED displays are dis-

Keywords: laser; micro-LED; nano-processing; defective detection; laser repair; mass transfer; quantum dot

Lai SQ, Liu SB, Li ZL, Zhang ZN, Chen Z et al. Applications of lasers: A promising route toward low-cost fabrication of high-efficiency
full-color micro-LED displays. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023).

Introduction ic LED technology, the self-luminous display technology

Recently, micro-light-emitting diode (micro-LED) dis- of micro-LEDs has many advantages, such as low power
plays that reduce the size of traditional GaN-based LEDs consumption, fast responses, long lifetimes, and high ef-
to the micro-scale (smaller than 50 × 50 μm2), remove ficiency; another feature of micro-LEDs is their applica-
the sapphire substrate, and array the chips into drive- tion in high-resolution display panels. Micro-LEDs
controlled pixels have been regarded as next-generation present great potential in many photoelectric fields, such
display technology and have attracted significant atten- as virtual reality (VR)/augmented reality (AR) light en-
tion1−3. Compared with liquid crystal displays and organ- gines, smart watches, and high-resolution televisions. In

1National Integrated Circuit Industry and Education Integration Innovation Platform, Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen
361005, China; 2Innovation Laboratory for Sciences and Technologies of Energy Materials of Fujian Province (IKKEM), Xiamen 361005, China;
3College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan, China; 4Semiconductor Research
Center, Hon Hai Research Institute, Taipei 11492, Taiwan, China.
†These authors contributed equally to this work.
*Correspondence: R Zhang, E-mail: rzhangxmu@xmu.edu.cn; HC Kuo, E-mail: hckuo@faculty.nctu.edu.tw;
TZ Wu, E-mail: wutingzhu@xmu.edu.cn
Received: 16 August 2023; Accepted: 24 October 2023; Published online: 6 December 2023

Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

the field of communication, micro-LEDs are also suit- emission at ~470 nm25. In 2016, B. Liu et al. developed a
able for the application of visible light communication new type of hybrid nanohole periodic array/II-VI group
(VLC) and underwater optical communication4−11. The white light LED, which used dipole coupling to enhance
significant potential of micro-LEDs in the consumer the nonradiative-energy transfer mechanism to achieve
electronics market has evoked enthusiasm among re- white light emission, exhibited high color conversion ef-
searchers. However, although micro-LEDs have exhib- ficiency and effective quantum yield, and obtained an ul-
ited excellent performance in various fields, there re- tra-high color rendering index26. In 2019, F. Y. Jiang and
main multiple challenges to their commercialization. For N. Chi et al. proposed micro-LEDs fabricated on Si for
example, traditional technology cannot meet the de- applications in the field of underwater VLC27. In 2020, J.
mand for processing micrometer-sized devices, as the Han et al. fabricated semi-polar green micro-LEDs,
manufacturing process of inductively coupled plasma re- which improved the efficiency and bandwidth of micro-
active ion etching (ICP-RIE), which is used to define and LEDs in display and VLC applications28. In 2021, H. C.
form the pixel, introduces sidewall defects; thus, it deteri- Kuo and T. Z. Wu et al. proposed a flexible white-light
orates the production yield and luminous efficiency of system for high-speed VLC applications, which con-
micro-LED displays12,13. In addition, traditional detec- sisted of a semi-polar blue InGaN/GaN single quantum
tion and mass-transfer techniques result in prohibitive well micro-LEDs on a flexible substrate of green CsPbBr3
manufacturing costs, and the industrialization techno- perovskite quantum dot (PQD) and red CdSe quantum
logy of full-color displays based on micro-LEDs is not dot (QD) papers29. In 2022, M. D. Dawson et al. pro-
yet fully mature14−17. These challenges have hindered the posed an ultrahigh frame rate digital light projector us-
commercialization of full-color micro-LED displays. ing chip-scale micro-LEDs on a complementary
Since Bell Labs in the United States proposed microd- metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS), in which a self-
isk laser technology in 1992, micro-scale photoelectronic emissive chip-scale projector system based on micro-
devices have attracted great attention18. H. X. Jiang et al. LEDs was directly bonded to a smart pixel CMOS drive
first prepared GaN-based micro-LEDs in 2000 and suc- chip. Therefore, the micro-LED arrays could project bin-
cessfully fabricated a 10 × 10 blue micro-LED array with ary patterns at up to 0.5 Mfps and toggle between two
a diameter of about 12 μm in 200119,20. In 2004, M. D. stored frames at megahertz speeds. This technology can
Dawson et al. reported the fabrication process and per- be used in conjunction with high-speed spatial pattern
formance of a 64 × 64 array of ultraviolet (UV) micro- projection30. Research into micro-LEDs for applications
LEDs with a diameter of about 20 μm21. K. M. Lau and Z. in displays and communication since 2000 is summar-
J. Liu et al. reported on UV and red, green, and blue ized in Table 1.
(RGB) micro-LEDs with a diameter of 50 μm and 360 Decreasing chip size leads to greater stress, defect
pixels per inch (PPI) resolution in 201322, and then on density, wavelength, and brightness uniformity require-
blue micro-LEDs with 1700 and 2500 PPI resolution dis- ments for the epitaxial growth of wafers for micro-LEDs.
plays23,24. In 2014, P. F. Tian et al. fabricated 10 × 10 mi- When these requirements are not met, defective pixels
cro-LED arrays with pixel diameters of 45 μm and peak must be detected and repaired effectively to yield pixels

Table 1 | Progress of micro-LEDs and their applications.

Year Substrate Pixel size (μm) Array Wavelength Application Group Reference
2000 Sapphire 12 / Blue Display H. X. Jiang et al. ref.19
2004 Sapphire 20 64 × 64 UV / M. D. Dawson et al. ref.21
2013 Sapphire 50 / UV and RGB Display K. M. Liu et al. ref.22
2014 Sapphire 80 / Blue VLC P. F. Tian et al. ref.25
2016 PSS / / Blue Full-color display B. Liu et al. ref.26
2019 Si / / RGB Underwater VLC F. Y. Jiang et al. ref.27
2020 PSS / / Green VLC J. Han et al. ref.28
2021 Sapphire 50 / Blue VLC H. C. Kuo et al. ref.29
2022 Sapphire 30 128 × 128 Blue Projector M. D. Dawson et al. ref.30
PSS: Patterned sapphire substrate

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

that achieve 99.999% in full-color micro-LED versity built the world’s first 23.5-inch laser-based mass-
displays31,32. In addition, because the size of the light- transfer production line of micro-LEDs39. In addition,
emitting surface of micro-LEDs is smaller in relation to “Touch Taiwan Smart Display” reported that 2023 is the
their thickness, efficient and nondestructive techniques first year of micro-LED mass production40… Unlike tra-
for substrate lift-off and annealing technology with high ditional processes, laser-based processes have the advant-
precision, high efficiency for temperature and area con- ages of no contact, adjustable energy, high speed, and
trol are needed33,34. Moreover, millions of micro-LEDs high material selectivity in the multi-material system and
are available for display applications. Thus, a bottleneck no cutting force acting on the device. The application of
of mass-transfer techniques hinders the practical applica- lasers during micro-LED processing is shown in Fig. 1.
tion of micro-LEDs, necessitating the optimization of Lasers can be used in chip dicing, geometric shaping, an-
traditional mass-transfer technology35,36. In addition, the nealing, bonding, and lift off. For example, Gu et al. used
preparation of color-conversion layers for full-color mi- a repetitively pulsed UV copper vapor laser (255 nm) to
cro-LED displays faces many challenges, such as the pat- manufacture and dice micro-LEDs in 200441, Guo et al.
terning and morphology modification of the quantum- used picosecond laser multiple scribing to shape the sub-
dot color conversion films (QD-CCF)37. In conclusion, strate sidewalls of LEDs42, and Zheng et al. used laser an-
the processing, detection, repair, mass transfer, and full- nealing to optimize the contact resistance of Mg-doped
color technology of full-color micro-LED displays with GaN43. In addition, lasers with short wavelengths can be
the advantages of low cost, high precision, and high pro- used for the photoluminescence (PL) detection of micro-
duction efficiency are essential. LEDs, which can distinguish sub-standard devices, thus
Recently, laser-based technology has attracted atten- improving the yield during mass transfer and effectively
tion for its advantages in the preparation of full-color reducing the cost of laser repair. For example, Park et al.
micro-LED displays. For example, in 2023, ASMPT used a 375-nm micropulse laser to detect the properties
launched a new type of laser-based device for the mass of micro-LED arrays44. Owing to their high precision,
transfer of micro-LEDs38. Simultaneously, Xiamen Uni- high efficiency, and low cost, lasers can be used in the re-

Substrate b Defective detection

a Nano-processing

Waveplate Good chip
Defective chip
PL intensity (a.u.)

Detected defective chips

90 mJ/cm2 210 mJ/cm2 340 mJ/cm2 440 mJ/cm2 300 nm

350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550
Wavelength (nm)

Patterning and morphology

c Laser repair and mass transfer d modification for QD-CCF
Galvanometer Motorized Z-stage
Laser writting
f-theta lens Laser for micro-LED
Laser: 350 fs, 520 nm,
200 kHz Scan direction 1
Intensity (a.u.)

Sapphire Scan direction 2 z

500 Solvent evaporation Solvent evaporation
0 Marangonl fow
Motorized XY n-GaN Capillary flow Capillary flow
stage InGaN/GaN GaN buffer
MQWs p-GaN Coffee ring Coffee ring-free

Fig. 1 | The corresponding developments of laser applications in the fabrication processes of micro-LED full-color displays: (a) Nano-processing,
(b) Defective detection, (c) Laser repair and mass transfer, (d) Patterning and morphology modification for QD-CCF. Figure reproduced with per-
mission from: (a) ref.51, Optical Society of America, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (b) ref.44,52, Springer Nature, under a Creative
Commons Attribution License; (c, d) ref.53, John Wiley and Sons, under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

pair and mass-transfer procedures of micro-LEDs. For ficiency and reliability of the devices. Therefore, optimiz-
example, the laser repair and laser-enabled advanced ing techniques for sidewall passivation, improving the
placement (LEAP) mass-transfer strategies, which use current-crowded effect, and reducing optical crosstalk
the beam-addressed release (BAR) method, selectively between pixels are necessary in fabricating micro-LED
release perfect micro-LEDs with the advantages of large devices58−60. In addition, for the yield of micro-LED dis-
size, no contact, and high efficiency45. Moreover, super- plays to exceed 99.999%, defective pixels generated dur-
inkjet printing technology for QDs patterning can pro- ing fabrication and mass transfer should be accurately
duce 1732 PPI full-color displays46. With the widespread detected, removed, and repaired. Mass transfer is also a
application of lasers, the commercialization of full-color challenge for full-color micro-LED displays. The ul-
micro-LED displays has been vigorously promoted. trahigh yield requirement for RGB micro-LEDs and fab-
In recent years, several problems associated with the rication bottleneck for red micro-LEDs result in high
application of micro-LED displays have been identified. cost, which hinders the development and application of
In 2020, P. F. Tian and H. C. Kuo et al. reviewed micro- full-color micro-LED displays61,62. An alternate method
LED mass transfer technology47. In 2021, B. Shen et al. to achieve full-color displays is using QD-CCF techno-
summarized the problems with and possible solutions to logy; the patterning and morphology modification of
the epitaxial growth and chip technology of micro-LED QD-CCF help reduce optical crosstalk and improve the
displays48. In 2022, M. J. Cheng et al. categorized the efficiency, resolution, and reliability of full-color micro-
mass transfer, detection, and repair technologies for mi- LED displays63,64. In this case, the fabrication of micro-
cro-LED displays31. In 2022, H. C. Kuo et al. summar- LEDs includes the epitaxial growth of wafers, device pre-
ized the application progress and future development of paration, defect detection, defect repair, mass transfer,
QD-based full-color micro-LED displays49. These sum- and full-color displays, which should be improved to
maries considerably improve the understanding on mi- achieve the commercialization of micro-LED
cro-LED display technologies. However, few studies have displays65−71.
focused on laser-based technologies for micro-LED dis-
plays. This review comprehensively analyzes the chal- Advantages of lasers for fabricating micro-LEDs
lenges surrounding micro-LED displays, including fab- Lasers have been employed as an effective tool for mi-
rication problems such as processing, detection, repair, cromachining and afford versatile methods for cutting,
mass transfer, and QD-based full-color displays. In addi- drilling, and modification of various engineering materi-
tion, the applications of laser-based technologies and fu- als owing to their directionality, uniform wavelength co-
ture development trends in the fabrication of micro- herence, and high energy density72. During the fabrica-
LEDs are discussed50−53. tion of micro-LEDs, parameters such as laser intensity,
wavelength, and pulse duration can be changed; thus,
Overview of micro-LED-based full-color
laser processing technology differs from traditional pro-
cessing technologies. The unique advantages of laser-
Challenges in full-color micro-LED displays based technologies for fabrication of micro-LEDs are
The reduced size of micro-LEDs optimizes their junc- noncontact processing, adjustable laser beam energy,
tion temperature and current density distribution. high efficiency, and low cost73.
However, as the size of micro-LEDs decreases, their large
volume-to-surface ratio results in the generation of side- Laser-based processing technology for
wall defects and surface damage caused by dry etching micro-LEDs
via ICP-RIE. The problems of conductivity control and The increasing demand for micro-LEDs has driven the
electrode structure design in the device would lead to the development of related processing technologies. Ad-
longitudinal expansion of current, which in turn results vanced technologies such as laser-based wafer dicing,
in current crowding effect in micro-LEDs. In addition, geometry shaping, laser-assisted bonding, and laser lift-
the uneven luminescence distribution and excessively off (LLO) have been proposed and developed to optim-
large light angle of micro-LEDs would cause light ize the production yield, efficiency, and cost during the
crosstalk in displays54−57. These factors deteriorate the ef- manufacturing of micro-LEDs.
Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

Wafer dicing structures using a laser drilling process in which the light
As regards the manufacturing of micro-LEDs, ultrahigh output power was 16% higher than that of a convention-
hardness of sapphire can cause issues such as low yield, al LED structure with a laser-scribed sidewall82. To over-
low output, and high cost74. Traditional diamond dicing come the problems of debris and contaminants gener-
technology only achieves row widths of 50 μm, which is ated during geometry shaping, picosecond lasers have
comparable to the size of micro-LEDs. Similarly, the been used instead of nanosecond lasers. For example, Lin
low-cost and high-speed plasma dicing technology faces et al. performed laser decomposition, laser scribing, and
the challenges of low dicing accuracy and excessively lateral crystallographic wet etching at the GaN/Al2O3 in-
large dicing grooves in addition to generating harmful terface to form LEDs with a rough-patterned back on the
gases and arcs during the dicing processes. Unlike tradi- N-face GaN surface83. Guo et al. proposed a ps-laser di-
tional diamond dicing and plasma dicing methods, the cing method to form LEDs with oblique substrate side-
accuracy of UV lasers achieves a row width of 2.5–20 μm, walls. During processing, the applied multiple scribing
which would allow for significant increase in the produc- lines in the sapphire were intentionally aligned to guide
tion yield of micro-LEDs75. In addition, the LEDs exhibit the wafer to be diced along the oblique sidewalls with de-
no significant brightness loss, and the increased absorp- signed angles42. Li et al. proposed parallel laser pro-
tion rate of GaN and sapphire to short-wavelength light cessing technologies that can fabricate functional devices
from UV lasers helps reduce the radiant power required such as LEDs, photovoltaic devices, light sensors, and
for dicing. Moreover, the processing efficiency is also im- optical components or windows as micro/nanostruc-
proved significantly. In this case, UV lasers are con- tures of gratings, pyramids, porous structures, rods, and
sidered ideal tools for wafer dicing76,77. These techniques cones over a large area with high efficiency84.
are discussed in the following sections.
Laser lift-off
Geometry shaping The lattice mismatch between Group III nitrides and
To enhance the light extraction efficiency (LEE) of LEDs, sapphire causes strong compressive stress, which leads to
wet etching, plasma etching, and laser-based geometry a large defect density and a strong quantum-confined
shaping techniques have been employed. While wet etch- Stark effect in micro-LEDs85. Moreover, the poor thermal
ing has the advantage of being low cost and highly effi- and electrical conductivity of sapphire lead to poor heat
cient, the use of strong acids and alkalis for etching GaN dissipation and high resistance in micro-LED displays,
is associated with a high health hazard risk. Further, the which hinders the development of applications; thus, it is
accuracy of the etching process is insufficient. Plasma necessary to develop techniques that are used for the lift-
etching technology has similar advantages of low cost, off of micro-LEDs from sapphire86. Currently, three pop-
low pollution, and high etching rate. However, the poor ular lift-off methods have attracted attention87: LLO,
anisotropy of plasma etching causes serious drilling chemical and mechanical lift-off (CLO), and spalling.
erosion, and the accompanied glow discharge during the However, CLO technology faces many challenges, such
processing procedures hinders its application in micro- as chemical pollution and high cost, and spalling techno-
LED geometry shaping. Therefore, wet etching and logy has many drawbacks and limitations owing to the
plasma etching are only suitable for processing the geo- hardness of the sapphire substrate and its wurtzite crys-
metry shape of the entire micro-LED. In contrast, laser- tal lattice88,89. LLO technology, which environmentally
based geometry shaping technology has the advantages heats the crystal and causes damage to achieve high
of high controllability, high accuracy and high efficiency; throughput and yield without sacrificing the wafer area,
therefore, the electrical characteristics of the devices has overcome many problems associated with standard
would not deteriorate, and this technology is applicable separation techniques and is therefore the most prom-
in the nanostructure processing of micro-LEDs78−80. Fu et ising technology for micro-LEDs90.
al. reported a single-step dicing and shaping method for Currently, the excimer nanosecond pulse lasers and
InGaN-based LED chips using a laser micromachine; ultrafast pulse lasers have been proposed for LLO. Com-
chips shaped into inverted pyramids presented an 85.2% pared with excimer nanosecond pulse lasers, ultrafast
increase in LEE81. Lin et al. fabricated InGaN-based lasers with a pulse within 10−11 s and appropriate lift-off
LEDs with cone- and sawtooth-shaped sapphire sidewall single pulse energy could reduce the thermal damage
Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

during LLO processes. Thus, these lasers are expected to second laser LLO technology for the production of free-
become a key breakthrough point in the bottleneck of standing GaN light-emitting diode chips has been de-
micro-LED mass transfer91,92. The chemical equation of veloped. The laser machining setup is illustrated in Fig.
laser-induced thermal decomposition of GaN is as fol- 3(a). As shown in Fig. 3(b), by using the high-energy
lows93: pulsed laser beam to penetrate the sapphire substrate and
2GaN(s)→2Ga(l) + N2 (g)↑ . (1) to evenly scan the interface between the sapphire sub-
strate and the epitaxial GaN material, the separation of
The schematic and physical mechanism of the LLO
the substrate and chips could be achieved. In addition,
processes is depicted in Fig. 2(a–d), for bandgap ener-
microscopic images of the wafer and chip surface after
gies of 9.2 and 3.3 eV of sapphire and GaN, respectively;
applying the two-step LLO process with increasing laser
therefore, lasers with a wavelength lower than the ab-
sorption edge of GaN (such as the 248-nm (5.0 eV) KrF power are shown in Fig. 3(c)66.
excimer nanosecond pulse laser) could be used to de-
Laser-based defect detection technology
compose the material of GaN. The LLO process is as fol-
lows. A short-wavelength pulse laser is used to decom- The application of micro-scale chips in consumer elec-
pose the micro-GaN into N2 and Ga. This significantly tronics, connected hardware, electronic medical equip-
weakens the interface adhesion between the sapphire ment, and other fields faces the challenges of high-effi-
substrate micro-LED, allowing for the sapphire to be re- ciency detection, location, and removal of defects.
leased by remelting or etching the metal94,95. However, technologies such as spectral detection, spec-
Many methods for improving the efficiency and valid- tral correction, automatic detection, and deep learning
ity of LLO have been proposed. An example is the step- have emerged to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of
and-repeat method, which refers to the process of spot defective chips. In the display field, micro-LEDs are re-
scanning line by line until the entire area is scanned. garded as next-generation display technology that re-
During scanning, adjusting the size and step of light quires a yield exceeding 99.999%. Therefore, defective
spots is necessary to make good connections between pixels caused by fabrication and mass transfer processes
them and avoid damage caused by repeated scanning should be accurately detected and removed96−98.
and overlapping light spots. With regard to the lift-off of The luminous intensity and uniformity of micro-LEDs
micro-LEDs using diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) are essential for performance, such as that of the color
lasers (DPSS), the line-by-line scanning method results gamut and brightness; thus, defect detection technolo-
in an uneven stress release during LLO, which leads to an gies have practical significance in industrialization. Tra-
excessive curvature of the wafer and possible dark cracks ditional cathodoluminescence defect detection techno-
or fragments. The spiral scanning method, which moves logy damages the characteristics of micro-LEDs, and the
from the periphery to the center of the wafer, was pro- efficiency of electroluminescence (EL) defect detection
posed to achieve a uniform stress release and reduce the technology is not applicable to industrialization. There-
warpage of the wafer after LLO. Moreover, the femto- fore, the PL defect detection technique using lasers with

a b
Sapphire LLO

n-Pad Sapphire

ACF film ACF film
Backplane Backplane

c d ES > hv > EGaN

Peeling Sapphire GaN

Sapphire EC
GaN → Ga + N2↑
hv ES
ACF film
Fig. 2 | (a–c) Schematic of LLO process. (d) Physical diagram of the LLO process.

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

a b c Microscopic surface images

Motorized Z-stage
Scan direction 1 (a) Intact GaN (b) Sapphire (c)
Single laser shot Scan direction 2 Wafer condition
after LLO
f-theta lens
Sapphire process
Free lying
Laser: 350 fs, 520 nm, sapphire Sapphire
200 kHz

Chip condition
n-GaN n-GaN 15 after LLO No lift-off Fragmented
InGaN/GaN process
GaN buffer
MQWs r
Sapphire p-GaN ffe Pulse energy
bu Ep 1.0 μJ 1.6 μJ 2.3 μJ
Motorized XY Peak flence Φ0 0.20 J/cm2 0.34 J/cm2 0.48 J/cm2

Fig. 3 | (a) Schematic of the femtosecond laser LLO technology machining setup. (b) The femtosecond laser LLO technology process, with single
shots directed to the GaN surface for analysis of the beam characteristics shown on the left and the scanning pattern of the beam across the sap-
phire side in a uniform cross-pattern for lift-off experiments shown to the right. (c) Microscopic images of the wafer and chip surface after apply-
ing the two-step LLO process with increasing laser power. Figures reproduced with permission from: (a–c) ref.66, John Wiley and Sons, under a
Creative Commons Attribution License.

the advantage of no contact and ultrahigh detection effi- nologies for micro-devices demand considerable human
ciencies has attracted attention. This technology applies a and material resources, and the low efficiency and un-
specific laser irradiation wavelength onto micro-LEDs; avoidable artificial errors during this process result in a
the characteristics of the micro-LEDs obtained from this low product yield. Thus, laser repair technology, which
PL spectrum can be used for screening. Figure 4(a) has the advantages of adjustable light output power, spot
shows the high-efficiency micro-PL scan obtained with size, and penetration depth, has attracted great attention
the pulsed laser beam on the wafer containing the micro- in the manufacturing of full-color micro-LED displays.
LED. As shown in Fig. 4(b, c), the defective chip could be Additional challenges include the fracture of metal elec-
quickly located using the laser inspection system by trodes, poor contact, and damage to chips during manu-
measuring the PL intensity of micro-LEDs. The PL in- facturing. Therefore, laser-based metal melting or clad-
tensity of the good chip and the PL intensity of the de- ding and the replacement of damaged micro-LED pixels
fective chip are shown in Fig. 4(a)44. are in demand.
Using lasers with a high power density, metal surfaces
Laser repair technology and mass transfer
can be heated and melted. Subsequently, through the
rapid heat conduction and heat flow modes of the mater-
Laser repair technology ial matrix, the melting metals can be quickly solidified to
The yield requirement for full-color micro-LED displays repair cracked electrodes. For example, Gui et al.99 used
should exceed 99.999%. However, traditional repair tech- the laser direct writing technology to fabricate nanoscale

a b c
Good chip
Defective chip
PL intensity (a.u.)

Defective chips detected

Detected defective chips through PL measurements

350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 On micro-LED wafer
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 4 | (a) PL intensity of good and defective chips detected by a micropulse laser. Inset: schematic illustrating adhesion is measured: after a 1.5
× 1.5 cm2 GaN piece on sapphire and a functional layer on a polyimide substrate are attached, the force generated by detaching these samples
is measured. (b) Mapping image of the detected PL intensity after micropulse laser irradiation. (c) Optical microscopy image of defective chips on
a real micro-LED wafer found using a PL intensity map. Figures reproduced with permission from: (a–c) ref.44, Springer Nature, under a Creative
Commons Attribution License.

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

Ni/Au wire grids as transparent conductive electrodes in Taha et al. proposed a defect detection method based on
LEDs. Kuntoglu et al.100 proposed developing an ad- the spatial dependence of the defect pattern104. The
vanced and efficient method for the surface treatment of method clusters patterns of defective chips according to
coatings; this method would adjust the process paramet- their spatial dependence across all wafer diagrams and
ers of coatings, improve the absorption coefficient of the identifies the most dominant defect patterns on the
material matrix, increase the cooling rate of molten met- wafer. Bai et al. proposed an advanced vision repair al-
al, improve the hardening effect, and reduce the residual gorithm with adjustable detection speed and accuracy
stress in materials. To avoid burning loss (component se- function on the XY-axis105. With noncontact micropulse
gregation caused by the uneven distribution of laser scanning technology, micro-LEDs can be excited
elements), Zhang et al.101 used the laser-melting techno- with a high-energy focusing laser beam, and the differ-
logy to investigate the effects of aging temperature and ences in PL signals can be obtained and analyzed; thus,
aging time on the microstructure, mechanical properties, the position of defective micro-LEDs can be detected.
and corrosion resistance of the metal alloys. Laser-clad- Once the defective micro-LEDs are identified and loc-
ding can achieve an improved material strength, greater ated, it is essential to remove and replace the defective
beam area, lower cost, and better thermal fatigue resist- chips. Cok et al. proposed a redundant pixel design
ance owing to the combination of the matrix and method that places parallel-connected redundant pixels;
powder. For example, Gnanamuthu et al.102 first pro- the redundant pixels replace the function of damaged
posed the laser cladding technique on a metal matrix, pixels106. Park et al. proposed a stamp transfer technique
which could be used to repair chips, Imam proposed a with significant advantages, such as high efficiency, high
spatial damage positioning method in laser repair pro- accuracy, and no damage to the micro-LED44. However,
cesses using an autonomous robot103. Therefore, laser laser trimming and re-bonding technologies have been
melting or cladding technologies are suitable for the re- regarded as the most promising methods. Laser trim-
pair of micro-LED displays, owing to their advantages of ming technology melts and evaporates the focused sur-
low cost, high stability, and excellent electrode repair face area of materials in which defective micro-LEDs are
effects. located; the defective micro-LEDs are trimmed using
In addition to electrode breakage and the poor con- lasers and glued at the corresponding position using the
tact of defective micro-LEDs, as well as the accuracy of re-gluing method. In addition, the laser-assisted bond-
fabrication processes, such as lithography and ICP-RIE, ing with compression process proposed by Choi et al.
can also reduce the performance. However, it is difficult completes the adhesion of the micro-LED array, thus
and expensive to improve the performance of damaged proving the feasibility of repair107. Moreover, Choi et al.
micro-LEDs; thus replacing damaged pixels with quali- also verified the feasibility of laser-assisted bonding,
fied devices in the display module is a superior alternat- which has attracted considerable attention owing to its
ive. To prevent the micro-LEDs in the undamaged area low-carbon and environmental protection characterist-
from being affected, the location of the damaged or miss- ics107−109. Figure 5 shows the scanning electron micro-
ing micro-LEDs should be accurately detected during the scope (SEM) and electroluminescent images of defective
laser repairing process. Laser parameters, such as power chips and the sketch of the laser-based micro-LED re-
density and laser spot size should therefore be controlled. pair method52,88. Figure 5(b) shows an array with both
In addition, a high-precision visual detection system active and inactive pixels. The initial process depicted in
must be employed to determine the coordinates of the
Fig. 5(c) seeks to locate the position of defective pixels
defective micro-LEDs so as to satisfy the ultrahigh re-
and remove all defective pixels through the laser trim-
quirements of the detection algorithm in an advanced re-
ming process. Then, according to the location of the
pair machine. The PL based laser detection system could
damaged bare chip, a separate process is used to as-
capture the emitted photoluminescence and create im-
semble the micro-LED onto a temporary carrier.
ages or maps of the material under inspection. Con-
sequently, the damaged or missing micro-LEDs could be
identified and located by using the signal processing al- Mass transfer
gorithms or image enhancement methods to improve the Mass transfer typically refers to the diffusion and con-
visibility of defect regions. To address these challenges, vection of a large number of molecules or particles from
Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

a c

Fixed μ-LED Defect detection

Trimmed μ-LED μ-LED to be filled Laser trimming

Fig. 5 | (a) SEM images of pixel damaged by dry etching. (b) Electroluminescent images of the micro-LED array fabricated with 50 × 50 μm2
pixels and (c) sketch of the laser-based micro-LED repair method. Figures reproduced with permission from: (a, b) ref.52, (c) ref.88, John Wiley
and Sons, under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

one region to another. In the field of micro-LEDs, mass requires high transfer efficiency; thus, traditional meth-
transfer technology, which requires the transfer of mil- ods with low transfer efficiency, low accuracy, and high
lions of micro-LEDs from sapphire to another substrate cost cannot meet the requirements of micro-LEDs111. Re-
or a drive circuit board using high-precision equipment, searchers have proposed many strategies to achieve a
has promoted the development of many technologies, high-yield and low-cost fabrication of micro-LED-based
such as pick-and-place, fluid self-assembly (FSA), and displays. The development of mass transfer technology
laser-based mass transfer, etc. However, these technolo- for micro-LEDs is shown in Fig. 750,85,106,112−115.
gies involve two processes, as shown in Fig. 6: substrate The principles of mass transfer technologies, includ-
separation and chip take-up. The specific transfer pro- ing stamp transfer printing, Roll-to-roll transfer, FSA
cess is as follows: (a) substrate separation, in which the mass transfer, and laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT)
chip is separated from the source substrate by force; and technologies, are illustrated in Fig. 8116−119. The pick-and-
(b) substrate transfer, in which the separated micro-LED place technology operates under the mechanical prin-
chips are transferred from the source substrate to a spe- ciple of van der Waals, as well as electrostatic and elec-
cific position on the target substrate with high precision tromagnetic forces. The micro-LEDs can be picked up
using the transfer equipment. and placed using the transfer head. The pick-and-place
technology can be classified into electrostatic stamp,
Comparison of mass transfer strategies magnetic stamp, elastomer stamp, and roll-to-roll based
Two bottlenecks hinder the development of micro-LED on the applied force during the process. In addition,
mass transfer. First, the thickness of the epitaxial layer of mass transfer efficiency is related to the size of the trans-
micro-LEDs is only 3% that of traditional LEDs; for fer head. However, there are many requirements for mi-
smaller micro-LEDs, ultrahigh precision transfer is re- cro-LEDs during the pick-and-place process. For ex-
quired. Second, the transfer of millions of micro-LEDs ample, micro-LEDs should be incorporated with iron or

a b
Intermediate substrate Intermediate substrate

Source substrate Source substrate Target substrate Target substrate

Substrate separation Substrate transfer
Fig. 6 | Process of mass transfer for micro-LEDs.

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

Laser-induced breakdown at
beam focus:GaN→Ga+ N2 Laser
λ=1030nm <50
Τp=350 fs p-GaN μm
N2 0.24 μJ
Ga 1999 μ
GaN Objective
Laser lift-off The proposition of micro-LED < 50

6 μm
GaN subtrate 308 300
Dynamic 600
release layer Thermo-mechanical selective 2002 Fluid self-assmebly 602 2 204
laser-assisted die transfer 302
306 200
2006 208 310
“Double adhesive” tape Transfer printing
Laser direct writing

Metal/polymer layer
Laser Laser-induced forward transfer
beam path
Spacing Flyer direction 2016
Laser-induced backward transfer Selective laser lift-off
2017 GaN
LEDSITRAB paste Metal pad Substrate
Laser Laser-based simultaneous
transfer and bonding 2018
Pad1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Roll-to-roll 3) 3nd Aligned Roll transfer: LED
Region 1: Region 3: Region 2: 1) 1st Roll transfer: Si-TFT 5) 3rd Roll transfer: AMLED
unit pixel laser overlapped unit pixel 2021 Suspen
ded AM
with laser unit pixel without laser Suspen
ded TF Suspe
Microscope Laser heating T nded
alignm LED
4) Integration
LEO chip ent
SMP stamp Laser beam
stamp transfer 1st Roll
Glass 2nd Roll
3rd Roll
Rubber transfer
Receiver Microitructured POMS

2) Backplane process
6) Stretchable
AMLED display

Fig. 7 | Schematic of a brief chronology of the development of micro-LED displays and mass transfer techniques. Figures reproduced
with permission from: ref.50,85,106,112, John Wiley and Sons, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; ref.85, Elsevier, under a Creative Com-
mons Attribution License; ref.113, Optical Society of America, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; ref.114, IOP publishing, under a Cre-
ative Commons Attribution License.

a Initiate contact b 1) 1st Roll transfer: Si-TFT 3) 3nd Aligned Roll transfer: LED 5) 3rd Roll transfer: AMLED
Stamp Retract rapidly Susp
with high preload d AM
Ink Suspe Sus
nded T pen 4) Integration
FT Alig ed LED Process
Donor nme
Allow elastomer to relax; nt
1 Roll
move to tatget Glasstransfer 2nd Roll
Initiate contact 3rd Roll

Retract slowly with low preload Rubber transfer

2) Backplane process
Receiver 6) Stretchable
AMLED Display

c d Laser beam path

Absorbing layer


Packging material Flyer

chip Transfer direction

Through hole Receiver

Fig. 8 | The principles of mass transfer technologies for micro-LEDs. (a) Schematic illustration of a pick-and-place procedure via a stamp.
(b) Schematic of the Roll-to-roll contact micro transfer printing (μTP) process. (c) An example of the specially designed micro-LED in a fluid self-
assembly process. The navigation keel structure of LED chips ensures that the chips fall into the wells with the correct orientation aligned by
torque forces. (d) Schematic of the laser-induced forward transfer process. Figures reproduced with permission from: (a) ref.119, Royal Society of
Chemistry, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (b) ref.31, Springer Nature, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (c) ref.50,
John Wiley and Sons, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (d) ref.113, Elsevier, under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

nickel during the magnetic stamping, and bridges should small as compared to other mass transfer technologies.
be fabricated between micro-LEDs and the substrate Therefore, 2DLT and laser-driven transfer are con-
during electrostatic, magnetic and elastomer stamping, sidered as the most promising micro-LED mass transfer
which affect the electroluminescence properties of mi- technologies. A comparison of mass transfer strategies is
cro-LEDs118,119. For representative FSA mass transfer summarized in Table 2.
technologies, such as magnetic and FSA, the process is as
follows: while placing a large number of micro-LEDs in Laser-assisted mass transfer
the system, the magnetic or fluid forces move the micro- With the development of new technologies, lasers have
LEDs at a specified speed and then counter-assemble become an indispensable industrial tool for “tool-free ”
them with the substrate120. FSA mass transfer technolo- high-precision manufacturing. In 1972, Kontrowitz et al.
gies have the advantages of high efficiency and low proposed a laser propulsion technology that uses UV
cost121. However, it is difficult to control the fluid force, photons to excite electrons, resulting in the ablative de-
and the yield of micro-LEDs using FSA technology is composition of materials, and infrared photons to real-
low, which increases the complexity and cost of defect ize electron vibrational and rotational excitation, leading
repair122. Owing to their distinct advantages of high effi- to thermal decomposition. Traditional stamping meth-
ciency, good selectivity, and high yield, two-dimensional ods are affected by differences in the modulus of elasti-
materials-based layer transfer (2DLT) and laser-driven city, heat conduction, and thermal expansion of materi-
transfer technologies are prospects for industrialization. als. Therefore, the noncontact advantages of laser-as-
The 2DLT technology, which could achieve a top-down sisted mass transfer remarkably broaden its application
fabrication to yield vertical RGB micro-LEDs, allows for range125−129. Laser-based mass transfer involves picking
epitaxy of ultrathin RGB LEDs onto 2D material-coated up micro-LEDs using a transfer head and selectively
substrates via either remote or van der Waals epitaxy. transferring micro-LEDs using laser irradiation. Insert-
The process is followed by the mechanical release of LED ing a sacrificial layer of photothermal material between
layers from 2D materials, subsequent reuse of the sub- the chip and the transparent substrate is necessary for
strate and stacking of these micro-LEDs via the use of the protection of the micro-LEDs. Laser-based mass
adhesive polymer layers123. As for the laser-based mass transfer technologies can be divided into laser ablation
transfer, there are chemical and physical interactions and direct laser thermal release. During the laser abla-
between the laser beam and films, which generate force tion mass transfer process, the sacrificed layer is ablated
to transfer the micro-LEDs because of ablation or heat under the laser irradiations, and the generated gas im-
release. Selective transfer can be achieved through the pacts the chip, thus releasing and transferring micro-
mask or focusing spot arrays, which have great advant- LEDs. Direct laser thermal release refers to the thermal
ages for defect repair. Uniqarta, Coherent and QMAT decomposition of the intermediate material under the
LTD. has proposed a laser-based LIFT technology, which laser irradiation, which detaches and transfers the micro-
can achieve an ultrahigh transfer efficiency of 100 mil- LEDs. Figure 9 shows the principle of LIFT, laser direct
lion units per hour124. The micro-LEDs can be trans- writing (LDW), thermomechanical selective laser-as-
ferred to non-flat substrates without affecting their oper- sisted die transfer (tmSLADT), and selective laser lift-off
ational characteristics and the distance between each (SLLO) mass-transfer technologies; detailed comparis-
chip (chip spacing) has the potential to be extremely ons are listed in Table 3.

Table 2 | Comparison of mass transfer technologies.

Placement rate Transfer precision
Technology Force Chip size (μm) Chip spacing Extendibility
(units h1) (μm)
Van der Waals, Electrostatic and
Pick-and-place >1 M >10 1.5 Large Low
FSA Gravity and capillary 50 M >5 1–1.5 Small Low
Roll-to-roll Roll stamp >30 M <100 3 Medium Low
2DLT Van der Waals / >4 / Small High
LEAP Laser 100 M–500 M >10 1 Small High

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

1) Laser ablation bonding simultaneously, is shown in Fig. 10. During the

Laser ablation of GaN leads to Ga deposition and gas laser-based SITRAB processes, the adhesive is developed
generation. The deposition of Ga can be cleaned with in the form of a paste and a film; the appropriate type of
water or diluted hydrochloric acid, and the generation of adhesive can be applied depending on the application
gas, which could impact the micro-LEDs, results in the (such as SnAg and In solders). Laser-based SITRAB mass
separation of chips and the substrate, thus realizing mass transfer technology could achieve high-yield and cost-ef-
transfer. Based on the above principles, significant pro- fective transfer. Thus, LEDs with different colors and
gress has been made in the research on laser-assisted sizes could be transferred to make full-color displays
mass transfer. LIFT was first proposed in 2002130; sub- with the epoxy-based solvent-free pastes133−136.
sequently, after the continuous testing and modification To solve the problems which occur during the mass
of process parameters, Mathews et al.131 developed LDW transfer process in digital printing under certain condi-
technology on the basis of LIFT by using a 355-nm laser tions, the LIFT technique is used as shown in Fig. 11(a).
(three times the frequency of an Nd:YAG excimer laser) In principle, almost any material that can be deposited
to irradiate a polymer called “double adhesive” tape (Mi- on a transparent substrate can be printed using LIFT. As
croposit). InGaN LEDs were successfully released and the effectiveness of the process depends on the light ab-
transferred using this method without affecting their sorption and mechanical properties of the transferred
performance. Matt et al.132 proposed the thermomechan- material, the transfer of organic or biological materials is
ical selective laser-assisted die transfer (tmSLADT), in often impractical because of deterioration. One solution
which the dynamic release layer (DRL) was a single layer to this problem is to insert an active intermediate layer
of in-house developed material that would create a between the printed material and the donor substrate.
blister while being adequately soft as to release the com- Figure 11(b, c) shows a schematic of the tmSLADT and
ponent. Kim et al.124 developed the selective LLO (SLLO) fluid LIFT process, which was originally developed for
process, which uses 266-nm DPSS laser irradiation; this depositing metal patterns but was soon thereafter exten-
method successfully achieved the selective transfer of mi- ded to a variety of inorganic materials.
cro-LEDs from the sapphire substrate. However, laser In the laser-induced backward (LIBT) process, the dir-
ablation generates a shock wave on the chip, which may ection of propagation of the sediment is usually at an
be reflected off the receiver and cause deflection of the angle of 180° from the direction of the incident laser
micro-LEDs. pulse (hence the term “backward”). As shown in Fig. 12,
The laser-based simultaneous transfer and bonding a small volume from the donor is transferred to the re-
(SITRAB) technology, which performs transfer and ceiving substrate by absorbing a laser pulse that has been

Metal/polymer layer “Double adhesive" tape Dynamic release layer GaN

Put forward the
concept of laser drive


Laser athermal
Laser ablation releasing

Fig. 9 | Schematic of the principles of LIFT, LDW, tmSLADT and SLLO mass-transfer technologies.

Table 3 | Comparison of laser-based mass transfer technology.

Technology Laser type Temporary substrate Principle Target
LIFT Excimer laser (193 nm) Fused quartz Laser thermal releasing Metal/polymer layer
LDW Excimer laser (248 nm) Fused quartz Laser ablative “Double adhesive” tape
tmSLADT UV laser pulse Fused quartz Laser ablative dynamic release layer Dynamic release layer
SLLO Laser (266 nm) / GaN decomposition GaN

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

a b
LED SITRAB Paste Metal pad Substrate
SITRAB adhensive Quartz
Glass interposer
Display panel substrate PDMS

SiTRAB film SnAg or In solder Mini-LED Electrode

Display panel substrate Display panel substrate

Pad1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Quartz Laser Stage

Pressure Pressure
Glass interposer Quartz
Glass interposer
PDMS Region 1: Region 3: Region 2:
unit pixel laser overlapped unit pixel
with laser unit pixel without laser
Display panel substrate Display panel substrate

Fig. 10 | (a) Process flow of laser-based SITRAB and (b) tiling SITRAB process. Figures reproduced with permission from ref.135, John Wiley and
Sons, under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Transparent substrate Focused laser beam


Transferred material Gap Flyer


Dynamic release layer (DRL) Residual vapor and

particle of DRL


Liquid material Laser induced gas droplet


Receiver Receiver Receiver

Fig. 11 | Sketch of the laser ablation-based LEAP mass transfer processes. (a) The LIFT process with the “donor” consists of a transparent
substrate coated with a thin metal layer to be printed. A focused laser pulse is absorbed in the metal layer leading to local heating, and the result-
ing pressure at the interface provides the conditions for the transfer of the “flyer” part of the layer material. Finally, the transferred pixel land on
the receiver. (b) tmSLADT with a DRL: the explosion of the DRL provides the driving force of the material transfer. (c) Schematic of LIFT of fluids:
the laser pulse evaporates the solvent, which forms a gas bubble whose radius increases until its pressure equals the ambient pressure. Finally,
the bubble collapses and a droplet separates from the jet filament.

Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

absorbed by the transparent receiver and the donor at a transfer rate of one billion units per hour, under a
the interface between the donor and the absorption speed pulse of 100 kHz to 1 MHz.
2) Direct laser release Other laser-based mass transfer technologies
Laser-assisted thermal release also affects the perform- Lasers also assist in the stamp transfer process.
ance of micro-LED displays. To relieve this impact, Saeidpourazar et al.137 introduced a laser-driven micro-
blister-based laser-induced forward transfer (BB-LIFT) transfer placement technology based on automatic mi-
technology was developed which consists of a DRL and cro-transfer printing; the laser beam strikes the contact
an adhesive layer to bond the chip. The structure is surface between the device and the seal, and the “ink ”
shown in Fig. 13115; the DRL generates gas under irradi- (commonly Si or GaAs) on the device absorbs the en-
ation from a 532-nm Nd:YAG laser. The irradiation ergy and causes a rise in local temperature. Owing to the
forms a blister, thus reducing the impact on the chip, de- different thermal–mechanical responses of the seal and
forming the remaining DRL, and gently pushing the chip ink, their contact surface generates local stress and de-
to the receiving substrate. The DRL cannot be restored formation. The driving force generated by the deforma-
after laser ablation, which is disposable and expensive. tion is greater than the adhesive force between the seal
To solve this problem, reusable BB-LIFT technology has and device, causing the device to disengage from the seal.
been developed to replace the DRL with a microcavity The specific process of this technology is shown in
containing a metal layer, thus increasing the elasticity of Fig. 1436,114.
the adhesive. With the irradiation of an 808-nm laser However, because polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) can-
beam, the metal layer and air in the cavity are heated and not maintain its shape for a long time or adapt to device
expanded, which plays a role similar to that of the blister. transfer with different morphologies, shape-memory
When the laser irradiation stops, the temperature and polymers (SMPs) have been used to replace PDMS138−140.
volume of the metal cavity are restored to their original SMPs respond to stimuli such as light and temperature
state. Moreover, the thermomechanical selective laser-as- changes, and their shape change is controllable. Laser-
sisted mold transfer process was also developed using driven SMP transfer technology uses a laser to heat the
double DRL technology, and problems during the laser SMP and controls its temperature by adjusting the laser
ablation and thermal release processes were consider- parameters. First, the SMP is uniformly heated and
ably improved115. pressed onto the microdevice, keeping it picked and
Laser-assisted thermal release can be classified into waiting for cooling to fix a temporary shape. Then, the
direct and indirect types. Karlitskaya et al.136 proposed an SMP with the picked device is transferred to the top of
indirect method to achieve thermal release using a 1064- the target substrate, and the deformed part is restored to
nm frequency-doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG laser to ir- its original state by laser heating to release the device. Se-
radiate silicon on a substrate. The heat generated in the lective release can be achieved using local laser
silicon transfers to the sacrificial layer, and the photo- irradiation.
thermal material decomposes and produces N2 gas,
which causes shock waves that impact the chip, separat- Laser patterning and morphology
ing the micro-LEDs and substrate. In contrast to the in- modification for QD-CCF
direct thermal release method, laser irradiation directly Full-color technologies such as VR/AR, heads-up dis-
acting on GaN causes the photothermal material to de- play, and Metaverse are key challenges in the develop-
compose, thus producing gas or adhesive failure which ment of high-quality displays. Currently, RGB micro-
has been well applied in mass transfer technology. Based LED mass transfer, monolithic integration, and QD-CCF
on the thermal effect of materials, BAR technology was technologies are promising methods for achieving full-
developed by QMAT LTD. This technology detects bad color micro-LED displays. However, the issues of high
points before transfer and records the results on a com- cost, low accuracy, low efficiency, and bottlenecks in the
puter. In the subsequent transfer process, the bad points fabrication of red micro-LEDs have hindered the devel-
are not transferred because of their location information opment and application of RGB micro-LED mass trans-
file reading and only the LEDs are selectively transferred, fer technology. As regards monolithic integration, sever-
thereby improving the yield. This technology can realize al limitations depend on the growth or fabrication
Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

a b

Carrier Pre-structured carrier

Donor Donor

Spacing Deposit/Voxel


Fig. 12 | Schematic of laser-induced backward transfer with (a) unstructured carrier during LIBT and (b) structured carrier after transfer. Figures
reproduced with permission from: (a-b) Ref.110, , Elsevier, under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

a b
UV laser beam UV laser beam
Glass substrate Fused silica substrate

Absorbing/avtuating layer
Dynamic release layer

Adhensive layer
Die UV laser beam
Pads Fused silica substrate

Absorbing/avtuating layer

Receive substrate Adhensive layer


Fig. 13 | (a) Schematic diagram of laser thermal releasing. (b) Double-layer dynamic release layer structure. Figures reproduced with permission
from: (a) Ref.115, John Wiley and Sons, under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

a b

1 2 i Microscope ii iii
PDMS stamp Silicon chip
Ink sMP stamp Laser beam

laser spot
Donor subtrate Steel ball
Receiver Glass
3 Pulsed 4
laser iv v LED chip vi

Microstructured PDMS
Receiver substrate SMP stamp

Fig. 14 | (a) Schematic of laser driven micro transfer placement technology. (b) Schematic of i) programmable transfer printing platform; ii) micro-
scopic photography of the steel ball selectively heated by the laser beam; iii–v) programmable transfer printing of silicon chips to a microstruc-
tured PDMS substrate; vi) the printed LED chip is lighted by a multimeter. Figure reproduced with permission from ref.114, John Wiley and Sons,
under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

process, including the stability and efficiency of QDs easy preparation, and high performance; thus, QD-CCF
QD-CCF140−142. Nevertheless, as one of the most compet- technology has been regarded as the future of full-color
itive semiconductor materials, QDs still attracted wide- micro-LED displays. In addition, PQDs have a high ab-
spread attention owing to their advantages of low cost, sorption coefficient and can be prepared in situ, unlike
Lai SQ et al. Opto-Electron Sci 2, 230028 (2023) https://doi.org/10.29026/oes.2023.230028

traditional CdSe and InP QDs, making them an import- the decreased defect density after laser exposure146. Wei
ant material for the QD-CCF of micro-LEDs143. et al. and Tan et al. used the fs-LDW technique to in-
To facilitate the anion exchange reaction of mixed- duce the localized crystallization of perovskite in glass,
halogen PQDs and reduce their instability during long which produced a complex three-dimensional pattern of
working hours, modification, design, and performance PQDs supported by highly stable oxide glass147,148. Wang
improvement methods are very important. Lin et al. pre- et al. used a 100-mJ·cm−2 pulsed excimer laser to form a
pared CsPbI3 nanocrystals sealed in solid SiO2/AlOx sub- CsPbBr3 perovskite film with the advantages of a
micro particles using atomic layer deposition144; Wu et smooth, uniform morphology with no obvious pores;
al. proposed all-inorganic encapsulation methods to im- thus, the stability of this film is higher than that pre-
prove the stability of perovskite nanocrystals29; and Lin et pared by using the spin coating method149. In summary,
al. compared liquid, solid, and hybrid types of PQDs, lasers can be used to regulate PQD film morphology, the
which presented performance improvements for realist- performance of micro-LED devices, the patterning of
ic applications145. Unlike conventional light irradiation, QD-CCF, etc., as shown in Fig. 15150−156.
many experimental parameters of laser irradiation can be
accurately adjusted; thus, laser-based techniques have Conclusions
great significance for the application of PQDs. Zhang et In this study, we reviewed the development of full-color
al. found that UV-to-near-infrared fs-laser pulse treat- micro-LED displays and the laser-based technologies
ments increase the PL quantum yield of CsPbBr3 per- used during their fabrication, including processing, de-
ovskite QDs from 71% to 95%, which was attributed to tection, repair, mass transfer, and QD-based full-color
(a) a0a0a0
c a f
[100] (a) (b)

Pm3 m
Phase transition

(b) a0a0c + (c) a0a0c -

B (c) (d)
P4/mbm 14/mcm
(d) a- b+ a-

Cs Pb Br Spin coating Laser writting washing

300 QDs Solvent g

d Film RMS
250 –3nm Glass

Direct writing
150 Laser
Film control

100 Scanning washing


50 Glass
t = 16sec Film RMS
Current density (mA cm–2)

150 IR Laser
0 250 5550 5750
Time (sec) 8 h
Passivate defect

Size control

sk ite 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Voltage (V)

Fig. 15 | (a) Structure of ABX3 lead halide perovskite. (b) Laser equipment of lead halide perovskite. (c) Laser causes perovskite phase trans-
ition. (d) Laser irradiation controls the film. (e) Laser irradiation changes the grain size of perovskite. (f) Laser annealing. (g) Laser direct writing
process and patterning example. (h) Laser irradiation passivate perovskite defects. Figure reproduced with permission from: (b) ref.150, American
Chemical Society, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (c) ref.151, AIP Publishing, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (d)
ref.152, AIP Publishing, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (e) ref.153, , American Chemical Society, under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution License; (f) ref.154, MDPI Publishing, under a Creative Commons Attribution License; (g) ref.155, John Wiley and Sons, under a Creative
Commons Attribution License; (h) ref.156, American Chemical Society, under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

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