Form 17
Form 17
Form 17
be furnished in triplicate) To The secretary ____________ Cooperative House Building Society Ltd. ____________Cooperative Group House Society Ltd ___________________ ___________________ Pin _______________
Sub: Sir,
Application for Nomination for transfer of Share and interest after death.
I, Shri/Smt/Ms________________ S/o,W/o,D/o______________________________________ resident of __________________________________________________________________ Pin______.membership No.__ am a member of the ______________Cooperative House Building Society Ltd./_______________ Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd. 2. I hold Share Certificate No. ____ dated___ fully paid up share numbering___ of the value of Rupees____ each, bearing numbers from __ to __ (both inclusive) issued by the said cooperative housing society. 3. I also hold the Plot No.____/Flat No.___ measuring an area of __sq meter/covered area of ____ sq meter/ in the Society's complex popularly known as_______ at_____ and numbered___ in block/pocket/street_____ at____________ Pin_________. 4. As provided in section 78 read with rule 91 of the Delhi Cooperative Societies Rules, 2007, I hereby, nominate the person(s) within the blood relation as per provisions of the Perpetual Lease of land whose particulars are as shown below to whom my share or interest in the capital of the______________Cooperative House Building Society Ltd./_____________ Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd shall be transferred in the event of my death.
Permanent Relationship with Share of each address of the the nominee nominee(s) nominee(s) with (percentage) Pin Code along with PAN No. if any
1. 2. 3. 4.
I hereby, state that Sh/Smt/Ms_______________________ S/o,D/o,Ms___________________ aged___ years, the first named nominee shall apply for claim of share and interest in respect of the said plot/flat in the cooperative housing society and other nominee(s) shall be joined as a joint member(s). All the nominees shall have to give an indemnity bond with application for claim indemnifying the cooperative housing society against any claims made in respect of my said share(s) and interest in the plot/flat by the nominee(s). As the nominee Sh____________________at serial No_______ is minor, I, hereby appoint Sh/Smt/Ms______________________S/o./W/o./D/o___________________________________ resident of_________________________________ Pin_________ as guardian/legal representative of the minor to represent the minor nominee in matter connected with the nomination. This may be deemed my last Will in respect of above property only. In witness whereof, my hand, this day of____________ two thousand___________ Yours faithfully,
Witnesses . We hereby confirm and state that the above nomination has been made by the Nominator / Member Sh. / Smt. / Ms. __________________ in our presence in full sense and good health. Name and address of witness 1) 2) S/o./R/o-.Pin S/o.. R/o.-.Pin
The nomination was placed in the meeting of the committee of the cooperative housing society held on ____ for being recorded in its minutes at page No. The nomination has been recorded in the Nomination Register at Sr. No.______
Secretary/Authorised Person ___________ Cooperative House Building/Group Housing Society Ltd. Received the duplicate copy of Nomination.
Nominator Member