2008 09 Plant Security
2008 09 Plant Security
2008 09 Plant Security
Plant Security
On this anniversary of terrorist attacks on the United States in September 2001, we remember that such attacks have occurred in many other places throughout the world, before and after the New York and Washington attacks (for example, the Tokyo subway; London; Madrid; Bali, Indonesia; Ahmedabad, India; several attacks in Russia, many incidents in various countries in the Middle East). There are few countries which have not had experience with sabotage or terrorist attack. The hazardous nature of the materials handled in the process industries requires everyones vigilance to ensure that our plants are secure, to protect ourselves, our fellow employees, and our neighbors. If you work in a chemical storage or processing facility, you are in the best position to observe and address potential security vulnerabilities in your plant. As you go about your work, look for potential security problems, and report them to management so they can be corrected.
Cars parked near a fence can help intruders climb the fence