TAX-Income From House Property AY 23-24
TAX-Income From House Property AY 23-24
TAX-Income From House Property AY 23-24
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
Standard rent under the Rent Control Act (SR) NA 88 88 135 135
Period during which the property remains vacant Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Find out the gross annual value for the assessment year 2023-24.
Solution : In this case gross annual value shall be determined as follows—
(Rs. in thousand)
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
7 Income From House Property P.P
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rent but before adjusting loss due to vacancy 102 110 85 112 96
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 107 110 88 112 107
Step V – Gross annual value is Step III minus Step IV 107 110 88 112 107
68.1-3E1 Find out the gross annual value in the following cases for the assessment year 2023-24—
(Rs. in thousand)
The entire rent is realised. Properties are let out throughout the previous year. Find out the gross annual value for
the assessment year 2023-24.
68.1-3P2 X owns a house property (municipal valuation: Rs. 1,45,000, fair rent: Rs. 1,36,000, standard rent:
Rs. 1,24,000). It is let out throughout the previous year (rent being Rs. 8,000 per month up to November 15,
2021 and Rs. 14,000 per month thereafter). X transfers the property to Y on January 31, 2023. Find out the
gross annual value of the property in the hands of X for the assessment year 2023-24.
Solution : Computation of gross annual value
Municipal value from April 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023 (Rs. 1,45,000 ÷ 12 × 10) (MV) 1,20,833
Fair rent from April 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023 (Rs. 1,36,000 ÷ 12 × 10) (FR) 1,13,333
Standard rent from April 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023 (Rs. 1,24,000 ÷ 12 × 10) (SR) 1,03,333
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but subject to
of SR] 1,03,333
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting loss due to
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 1,03,333
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
8 Income From House Property P.P
jk jkj
Step IV – Loss due to vacancy Nil
68.1-3P3 Find out the gross annual value in the case of the following properties let out throughout the previous
year for the assessment year 2023-24—
(Rs. in thousand)
Standard rent under the Rent Control Act (SR) 62 62 70 115 115
Unrealised rent of the previous year 2021-22 which could not be realised
Solution :
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 65 62 68 115 115
Step V – Gross annual value is Step III minus Step IV 64 61 67 114 115
The following points should be noted—
1. Unrealised rent shall be deducted from rent received/receivable only if conditions of rule 4 are
satisfied [seepara 68.1-2a]. Conversely, if these conditions are not satisfied, then unrealised rent shall not be
deducted from rent received or receivable.
2. If the conditions of rule 4 are satisfied, unrealised rent of the current previous year is deductible.
In other words, unrealised rent of the earlier year(s) is not deductible.
68.1-3P4 Find out the gross annual value in the case of the following properties for the assessment year 2023-24
(there is no unrealised rent)—(Rs. in thousand)
Property remains vacant (in number of month) (1) (1½) (5) (3) (12) (10) (10)
Solution :
realized rent but before adjusting loss due to vacancy 72 57 72 72 Nil 96 144
Step V – Gross annual value is Step III minus Step IV 66 51.875 42 62 Nil 40 24
68.1-3P5 Find out the gross annual value in the following cases for the assessment year 2022-23 (there is no
unrealised rent)—
Rs. Rs.
Standard rent under the Rent Control Act (per annum) (SR) 60,000 60,000
Rate of rent
– old tenant (from April 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021) (per month) 5,000 2,000
– new tenant (from July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021) (per month) 9,000 2,500
January 1, 2022
Period when the property remains unoccupied because suitable tenant January 1, 2022 to
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 96,000 60,000
Step V – Gross annual value is Step III minus Step IV 69,000 52,500
68.1-3P6 Find out the gross annual value in respect of the following properties for the assessment year 2022-
(Rs. in thousand)
Actual rent if property is let out throughout the previous year 2021-22 168 168 168 168 252
Period when the property remains vacant (in number of months) (½) (1) (1) (3) (5)
Solution :
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 154 175 175 142 241
Step V – Gross annual value is Step III minus Step IV 147 161 161 100 136
68.3-2P1 X takes a loan of Rs. 40,000 @ 15 per cent per annum for constructing a house on June 10, 2016.
Construction of the house is completed on January 20, 2022.
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
11 Income From House Property P.P
Date of repayment of loan is (a) January 16, 2027, or (b) June 30, 2023, or (c) October 31, 2019. jk jkj
Solution : If date of repayment of loan is January 16, 2027 or June 30, 2023, then pre-construction period
ends on March 31, 2021 (being March 31 immediately prior to the date of completion of
construction/acquisition). Interest on Rs. 40,000 @ 15 per cent per annum from June 10, 2016 to March 31,
2021 is Rs. 28,849. Amount of instalment deductible in first 5 years is Rs. 5,770 (i.e., Rs. 28,849/5).
If date of repayment of loan is October 31, 2019, then pre-construction period ends on October 31, 2019 (being
March 31, immediately prior to completion of construction or date of repayment of loan, whichever is earlier).
Interest on Rs. 40,000 @ 15 per cent per annum from June 10, 2016 to October 31, 2019 comes to Rs. 20,341
(instalment deductible in first 5 previous years being Rs. 4,068). The table given below highlights the interest
deductible in different previous years :
Previous years
Ending 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
on March
31, 2022
Current year’s interest 6,000* 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 4,767 Nil
Pre-construction period’s
5,770 5,770 5,770 5,770 5,770 Nil Nil
Current year’s interest 6,000* 6,000 1,479 Nil Nil Nil Nil
Pre-construction period’s
5,770 5,770 5,770 5,770 5,770 Nil Nil
Current year’s interest Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Pre-construction period’s
4,068 4,068 4,068 4,068 4,068 Nil Nil
Municipal value from April 1, 2021 to January 31, 2023 (Rs. 1,45,000 ÷ 12 × 10) (MV) 1,20,833
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
12 Income From House Property P.P
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Fair rent from April 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023 (Rs. 1,36,000 ÷ 12 × 10) (FR) 1,13,333
Standard rent from April 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023 (Rs. 1,24,000 ÷ 12 × 10) (SR) 1,03,333
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but
subject to maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting loss
due to vacancy
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 1,03,333
Prob 5) Find out the gross annual value in the case of the following properties let out throughout the previous
year for the assessment year 2023-24—
H1-X H2-Y H3-Z H4-A H5-B
Municipal value (MV) 60 60 60 112 112
Fair rent (FR) 68 68 68 117 117
Standard rent under the Rent Control Act (SR) 62 62 70 115 115
Actual rent 67 67 73 121 110
Unrealized rent (conditions are satisfied] 2 6 5 50 40
Loss due to vacancy 1 1 1 1 Nil
Prob 6) Find out the gross annual value in the case of the following properties let out throughout the previous
year for the assessment year 2023-2024—
H1-X H2-Y H3-Z H4-A H5-B
Municipal value (MV) 140 180 180 140 231
Fair rent (FR) 145 185 185 145 262
Standard rent under the Rent Control Act (SR) 142 175 175 142 241
Actual rent if let-out through out the PY 2021-22 168 168 168 168 252
Unrealized rent (conditions are satisfied] 14 42 1 70 42
PY 22-23
Unrealized rent (conditions are satisfied] 3 4 5 6 7
PY 2019-20
Loss due to vacancy 7 14 14 42 105
II. INCOME FROM SALE OCCUPIED PROPERTY :- Where an assessee and his family uses one or two
property for own residential purpose for the full year, if no income or benefit are raised from that house, if part
of the year is used for own residence and remaining part of the year remain vacant for business or profession
or service, if part of the year is used for own residence and remaining part of the year is used for own business
then according to section 23(2)(a) that house is self occupied house.
Net Annual Value u/s 23(2)(a) Nil
Less Deduction for interest on loan u/s 24(b)
Here interest on loan is to be deducted in the following way :-
(i) Maximum amount of interest on loan on one or two self occupied house will be Rs. 30,000 in all the
(ii) If the loan is taken on or after 1.4.1999 for purchase or construction of property, the house should be
completed within 5 years from the end of previous year in which the loan was taken and certificate of
interest is attached in Return Form, then maximum amount of interest one or two self occupied house will
be Rs. 2,00,000.
Here negative income of house property remain as negative amount.
III. If assessee has more than one or two self occupied house then one house (where net income of
assessee is minimum) is treated as self occupied house and remaining self occupied house should be treated
as let out house property.
IV. If one part of house is let out and another part is self occupied then we consider it is two separate houses.
Let out portion will be treated as let out property and self occupied portion will be treated as self -occupied
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
13 Income From House Property P.P
V. If the house remains let out for some portion of time of the previous year and remaining time is used forjkself
occupied purpose then total house will be treated as let out property and self occupied portion is to be
considered as vacant property. i.e., ER shall be taken for the full year but actual rent receivable shall be
taken only for let out period. All deduction u/s 24 will be available.
VI) What is pre-construction period and interest thereof ?
Ans.) Pre-construction period depends upon the situation whether the loan for house is repaid before
completion of construction or not. a) If the loan for house is repaid before completion of construction, then–
Pre-construction period means the period starting from the day of starting of construction or the day of loan
taken which ever is later and ending on day of loan repayment. b) If the loan for house is repaid after
completion of construction, then–Pre-construction period means the period starting from the day of starting of
construction or the day of loan taken which ever is later and ending on 31-3 immediately prior to the year of
construction complete .
Total interest of Pre-construction period will be deducted in 5 equal installments from annual value, starting
from the year of completion of house.
69.1-1P1 X owns a house property. It is used by him throughout the previous year 2021-22 for his (and his
family members) residence. Municipal value of the property is Rs. 1,66,000, whereas fair rent is Rs. 1,76,000
and standard rent is Rs. 1,50,000. The following expenses are incurred by X: repairs: Rs. 20,000, municipal tax
: Rs. 16,000, insurance: Rs. 2,000; interest on capital borrowed to construct the property: Rs. 1,66,000; interest
on capital borrowed by mortgaging the property for daughter’s marriage: Rs. 20,000 (in either case capital is
borrowed before April 1, 1999). Income of X from business is Rs. 7,10,000. Find out the net income of X for the
assessment year 2022-23.
Solution : Rs.
Less: Interest on borrowed capital (maximum: Rs. 30,000)
69.1-1P2 X owns two residential houses – one at Mumbai and another at Bengaluru. These properties are
used by X and his family for own residential purposes throughout the previous year (not let out, not put to any
other use). Acquisition of these properties was partly financed by taking housing loan from banks. Find out
income from these properties for the assessment year 2022-23 under the following different situations
(construction in all cases completed within 3-4 years of taking loan) –
Mumbai property Bengaluru property
Prob 7) X takes a loan of Rs. 40,000 @ 15 per cent per annum for constructing a house on June 1, 2016.
Construction of the house is completed on January 20, 2023.
Date of repayment of loan (a) January 31, 2028, or (b) June 30, 2024
Ans) a) If date of repayment of loan is January 31, 2028 , then pre-construction period ends on March 31,
2022 (being March 31 immediately prior to the date of completion of construction/acquisition).
Interest on Rs. 40,000 @15 percent per annum from June 1, 2017 to March 31, 2022 is Rs. 28,997. Amount of
instalment deductible in first 5 years is Rs. 5,799 (i.e., Rs. 28,997 5).
Previous years
Ending on 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29
March 31, (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.)
If date of repayment of loan
is January 31, 2028
Current year’s interest 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 Nil
Pre-construction period’s 5,799 5,799 5,799 5,799 5,799 Nil Nil
Total deduction 11,799 11,799 11,799 11,799 11,799 5,000 Nil
VII. Unrealised rent Realised and Arrear Rent Received U/S 25 A : If assessee is the owner of house
property which has been let out to a tenant, if assessee has received amount of arrear rent/ Unrealised rent
Realised that was not taxable in earlier year then that received amount will be taxable in the previous year in
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
15 Income From House Property P.P
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which it is received, even if the assessee is not the owner at present. Taxable = 70% of [arrear rent realised
or unrealised rent realised].
Problem 13) X has 3 houses
Kolkata House Delhi House ( Burdwan House ( let-out
( let-out for let-out for for commercial purpose)
residential business
purpose) purpose)
Municipal valuation 40,000 80,000( Net)
Sewerage tax 400 4% 4%
Water tax 1% 2% 2%
Fair rent (FR)/Notional rent 35,000 98,000 46,000
Standard rent (SR) 37,000 1,10,000 46000
Municipal tax paid by X 10% 10% Rs 3000(10%)
Paid for earlier year 1000 – –
Paid for next year 2000 –
Municipal tax refund 120
Insurance premium 1,000 2,000(due) 1,700
Collection charge 700 – 800
Rent received 48000 74,000 30,000
Municipal tax, repair paid by tenant 2000 2000 1000
Lift maintenance exp paid by tenant 5000 5000 –
Water charge & electric bill paid by X 3000 3000 500
Outstanding rent 6000 2000
Vacant 2 months 1 months
Unrealised rent 3000
Q1. Mr. X owns five houses at Cochin. Compute the Gross Annual Value of each house from the
information given below:
Particulars House I House II House III House IV House V
Actual rent
1,80,000 2,10,000 1,20,000 1,08,000 72,000
House II House III House IV House V
(c) Higher of (a) and (b) 1,50,000 2,40,000 1,14,000 90,000 80,000
Q2. Mr. A owns a commercial building let out @ ` 40,000 per month. During the financial year 2021-22,
he wants to claim expenses made towards insurance, water, etc. from the rent received. Comment in
the light of section 24(a).
Ans: The section 24(a) allows deduction to an extent of 30% of Net Annual Value (NAV) as a standard
deduction from the house property used as a let out property or deemed let out property. In the given case, Mr.
A is entitled to standard deduction but no other expenditure shall be allowed as deduction towards insurance,
repair, ground rent, collection charges, water charges, etc.
Q3. Ms. Jyoti purchased a house property costing ` 49 Lakhs on 1st May, 2021. The property is used
exclusively for her residential purpose. For this purpose she obtained loan from DHFL of ` 35 lakhs
bearing interest @ 14% p.a. on 1st April, 2021. She does not own any other house.
State with brief reasons the deductions that can be claimed by Ms. Jyoti in respect of interest on loan
for Assessment Year 2022-23. What would be the change in your answer if the loan has been taken
over for repairs.
Interest paid on housing loan = 14% of ` 35,00,000 = ` 4,90,000
Status of house property = Self-occupied
(a) Loan taken for construction or acquisition: If the capital is borrowed on or after April 1, 1999 for
acquiring or constructing a property which is self-occupied, the interest on such borrowed capital is
deductible up to ` 2,00,000.
(b) Loan taken for reconstruction, repairs or renewal: In this case, the maximum amount of deduction on
account of interest is ` 30,000.
Q4. Mrs. Vimala commenced construction of house meant for residential purpose on 01.11.2019. She
raised a loan of ` 10 lakhs @ 11% per annum from a bank. Finding that there was over run in the cost of
construction, she raised a further loan of ` 5 lakhs from her friend at 15% rate of interest per annum on
1.10.2021. The construction was completed by February, 2022.
Compute the amount of interest allowable under section 24 of the income-tax Act, 1961 in the following
(i) The house was meant for self-occupation from 01.03.2022
(ii) The house was to be let out from 01.03.2022.
Is there any deduction available u/s 80C towards principal repayment in respect of above loans?
(i) When the house was meant for self-occupation:
Computation of the amount of interest
allowable under section 24
(a) Interest for current previous year
Q5. Sanjay commenced construction of a residential house intended exclusively for his residence, on
1-12-2020. He raised a loan of ` 8,00,000 @ 15% interest for the purpose of construction on 1-11-2020.
Finding that there was an over run in the cost of construction he raised a further loan of ` 9,00,000 at
14% p.a. on 1-9-2021. What is the interest allowable under section 24 in Assessment year 2022-23,
assuming that the construction was completed on 31-3-2022?
Computation of the amount of interest
allowable exemption under section 24
(a) Interest for current previous year
Q6. Mr. X owns a house property which is let out. During the previous year ending 31-3-2021, he
receives the following:
(i) Arrears of Rent ` 30,000
(ii) Unrealized Rent ` 20,000
You are requested to
(a) State, how they should be dealt with as per the provisions of the Act.
(b) Compute the income chargeable under the head “Income from House Property”.
[May 2002, 4 Marks]
(a) State, how they should be dealt with as per the provisions of the Act.
As per section 25A, the arrears of rent received are taxable in the year in which arrears have been received.
However, deduction shall be allowed @ 30% of such arrears and only the balance amount is taxable. The
taxability exists irrespective of the fact whether assessee remains the owner of the property in the year of
receipt or not.
(b) Computation of Income from House Property
(Assessment Year 2021-22)
Amount (`)
Q8. Mr. Lal is the owner of a commercial property let out at ` 60,000 per month. The Corporation tax on
the property is ` 30,000 annually, 60% of which is payable by the tenant. This tax was actually paid on
15.04.2021. He had borrowed a sum of ` 40 lakhs from his cousin, resident in Singapore (in dollars) for
the construction of the property on which interest at 8% is payable. He has also received arrears of
rent of ` 80,000 during the year, which was not charged to tax in the earlier years. What is the property
income of Mr. Lal for the assessment year 2021-22?
Ans.: Computation of Income from House Property
(Assessment Year 2021-22)
Amount (`)
Q9. Tarun, employed in a private company, commenced construction of a commercial complex in July,
2020. He borrowed ` 50 lakhs from a bank @ 9% per annum. Interest up to 31.03.2021 was ` 2,20,000
and for the period from 01.04.2021 to 31.12.2021 ` 2,30,000; ` 1,40,000 towards interest for the balance
three months remained unpaid.
The construction of the building was completed on 31st December, 2021. The building was let out
w.e.f. 01.01.2022 for a monthly rent ` 90,000. Municipal tax of ` 1,20,000 was paid by cash on 10.01.2022.
He repaid ` 1,90,000 towards principal during the previous year 2021-22, of which he paid ` 1,20,000 up
to 31.12.2021. The municipal value of the property is ` 9,00,000.
Compute the income from house property of Tarun for the assessment year 2022-23.
Ans: Computation of Income from House Property
(Assessment Year 2022-23)
Amount (`)
(e) PCP Interest deductible in current Pr. Yr. : ` 1,50,000 × 1/5 = ` 30,000
Q11. Mr. Ashok owns two buildings which are let out during the financial year 2021-22. The relevant
details are as under:
House 1 House 2
Residential (`) Commercial (` )
You are requested to compute income of Mr. Ashok under the head income from house property for
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
21 Income From House Property P.P
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the assessment year 2022-23.
Ans: Computation of Income from House Property
(Assessment Year 2022-23)
House 1 House 2
Residential Commercial
(g) Gross Annual value Higher of (e) and (f) : ` 2,40,000 ` 6,00,000
Q12. Mr. Chaturvedi, Delhi has 3 house properties in various parts of India. The details are given below:
Location of Property Delhi Chandigarh Kolkata
(n) Gross Annual value Higher of (a) and (b) : ` 3,60,000 ` 1,80,000
Q13. X (44 years) owns a residential property in Ranchi. Municipal valuation of the property is Rs.
8,00,000. Rent of similar property in the same locality of Ranchi is Rs. 12,00,000. Standard rent of the
property under the relevant Rent Control Act is Rs. 10,00,000. It is let out to A Inc. (a foreign company)
on monthly rent of US $ 3,100 (amount is deposited in New York branch of Citibank, with prior
permission of RBI). There is no unrealized rent. However, property remains vacant for one month
commencing from March 16, 2022 when A Inc. has vacated the property. With effect from April 15,
2022, the same property is let out to B Ltd., an Indian company.
The following expenses are incurred by X during the previous year 2021-22 –
Municipal tax : Rs. 1,70,000 (actually paid).
Collection charges : Rs. 10,000
Interest on borrowed capital : Rs. 3,00,000 (actual amount paid is Rs. 2,30,000).
Fire insurance premium : Rs. 30,000.
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
23 Income From House Property P.P
Income of X from other sources is Rs. 12,45,000. Amount deposited in New York branch of Citibank is
jk jkj
yet to be remitted to India. X has repaid Rs. 90,000 to the bank from whom loan was taken for
purchasing the aforesaid property. Besides, he deposits Rs. 40,000 in the provident fund account of
Mrs. X.
Find out the net income and tax liability of X for the assessment year 2022-23. Ignore section 115BAC
pertaining to alternative tax regime‡. For conversion of rent into Indian currency, the following
telegraphic transfer buying/selling rates of US $ adopted by SBI are given –
Buying (1 US $) Selling (1 US $)
Rs. Rs.
On April 1, 2021 47 49
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but
subject to maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting loss
due to vacancy
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 16,74,000
Income 7,03,975
Less: Deduction under section 80C (Rs. 90,000 + Rs. 40,000, subject to a maximum of Rs.
Income-tax† 3,58,194
Unrealized rent (unrealized rent is not deductible, as there is a possibility of recovering the
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but
subject to maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting loss 8,40,000
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
25 Income From House Property P.P
jk jkj
due to vacancy
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 10,00,000
Income 3,56,500
Less: Deductions
Under section 80C (repayment of loan taken for acquiring a commercial property is not
eligible for deduction under section 80C)
Income-tax† 1,38,450
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of Unit 2 [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but subject to
maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting loss
due to vacancy (Rs. 8,90,000 – Rs. 10,000)
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 8,80,000
Income 33,10,000
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
27 Income From House Property P.P
jk jkj
Less: Depreciation 32,000
Less: Municipal tax [(Rs. 28,000 + Rs. 17,000) ÷ 4, municipal tax paid up to due date of
submission of return of income is deductible for the previous year 2021-22 under section 11,250
Income from house property [Unit 1 : Nil, as it is occupied for own business/profession +
Unit 2 : Rs. 4,99,100 + Units 3 and 4 : (–) Rs. 30,000]
Less: Deductions under section 80C (deposit of Rs. 1,20,000 in public provident fund,
insurance premium on mother’s life is not eligible, repayment of loan is deductible only 1,20,000
when it is taken for acquiring or purchasing a property)
Income-tax† 8,97,255
Rs. Rs.
Municipal tax paid in May 2021 by landlords for 2021-22 80,000 80,000
Rs. Rs.
Step V – Gross annual value is Step III minus Step IV 9,30,000 9,00,000
Rs. Rs.
building different
(25% of total)
Annual rent if there is no vacancy and no unrealized rent 40,00,000 30,00,000 10,00,000
Less: Unrealised rent (Rs. 1,20,000 + Rs. 2,00,000) 3,20,000 2,40,000 80,000
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but
subject to maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting
loss due to vacancy
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 32,00,000
Less: Municipal tax [(90% of Rs. 4,70,000) + (Rs. 1,20,000 – Rs. 15,000) 5,28,000
Income 18,28,400
Note – Interest payable outside India is not deductible if proper tax has not been deducted by the taxpayer.
Interest of last year (in respect of which tax is deducted during the current year) is not deductible during the
current year.
Computation of income from other sources –
Amount collected for different amenities (after excluding vacancy and unrealized amount,
as calculated above) (Rs. 9,20,000 – Rs. 20,000)
Electricity 2,40,000
Air-conditioner maintenance (Rs. 80,000 – excess payment to B Ltd., i.e., Rs. 22,000) 58,000
Salary of staff for collecting rent and other charges (25% of Rs. 90,000) 22,500
Depreciation 5,07,500
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
32 Income From House Property P.P
jk jkj
Income from other sources (–) 4,91,750
Income-tax† 4,68,495
Municipal tax (levied by Pune Municipal Corporation @ 17.5 per cent) 1,70,000
Unrealized rent due from the new tenant (the defaulting new tenant has still
occupied the property and no action has been taken to compel him to vacate the 1,00,000
Loss due to vacancy (the old tenant has vacated the property on February 1, 2021
and the current tenant has occupied it with effect from April 11, 2021) –
Municipal taxes paid during 2021-22 (including Rs. 70,000 paid by the tenant and
Rs. 20,000 paid by X as penalty for giving incorrect information pertaining to 1,90,000
municipal tax to municipal authorities)
Interest on loan taken for the construction of the house. Interest is paid to B Ltd., an
Indian company, without deducting tax at source
Unrealized rent (not to be considered as the tenant has not been asked to vacate the
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but
subject to maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting loss
due to vacancy
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 11,50,000
Less: Municipal tax (Rs. 1,90,000 – Rs. 70,000 – Rs. 20,000) 1,00,000
Income 3,12,945
Income-tax† 3,43,985
Rs. Rs.
Step V – Gross annual value is Step III minus Step IV 5,64,000 3,67,500
Municipal tax paid by employer (being an obligation of employee met by employer) 82,000
Salary 12,74,500
Income-tax† 3,78,495
– Tax deducted by DEF Ltd., tenant, under section 194-I (10% of Rs. 47,000 × 12) 56,400
Number of properties 6 9
Rs. Rs.
Less: Deductions –
Income-tax† 14,29,011
Insurance 80,000
The above property is let out on monthly rent of Rs. 5,70,000 up to June 30, 2021. Tenant has vacated
the property on June 30, 2021 without paying one month rent. The property is lying vacant during July
and August 2021 as no suitable tenant is available. X occupies the property for his own residence from
September 1, 2021. Till September 1, 2021, he resides in a rented accommodation for which he pays
rent of Rs. 80,000 per month. Construction of the property was completed in April 2020. A loan of Rs.
90,00,000 was taken to finance construction of the property. This loan was taken from an Indian private
limited company.
Interest liability pertaining to the period ending March 31, 2020 is Rs. 24,80,000. Interest liability for the
previous year 2021-22 is Rs. 11,50,000. Every year interest is paid on due dates. However, tax is not
deducted under section 194A.
X is a businessman (turnover : above Rs. 5 crore). His business income for the previous year 2021-22
is Rs. 77,90,000 (an interest liability of Rs. 2,00,000 is paid to A Ltd. without deducting tax at source
under section 194A). X deposits Rs. 2,00,000 in a fixed deposit account with SBI, Nariman Point,
Mumbai for the purpose of claiming deduction under section 80C. After litigation with the tenant, X
recovers on March 20, 2022, one month’s unrecovered rent from the tenant with interest of Rs. 24,000
(total amount recovered is Rs. 5,94,000). Litigation expenditure is Rs. 12,500.
Find out the net income and tax liability of X for the assessment year 2022-23. Ignore section 115BAC
pertaining to alternative tax regime‡.
Solution : Computation of income of X –
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
39 Income From House Property P.P
jk jkj
Rent of the property from April 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021 (i.e., the period for which the
property is available for letting out during the previous year 2021-22) (Rs. 5,70,000 × 5)
Unrealized rent (rent is ultimately recovered during the previous year) Nil
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but
subject to maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting
loss due to vacancy
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 57,00,000
Less: Municipal tax (Rs. 3,92,000 + Rs. 3,00,000 + Rs. 18,00,000) 24,92,000
Income (–)1,98,400
Business income [Rs. 77,90,000 + disallowance of 30% of Rs. 2,00,000 under section
40(a)(ia) on account of non-deduction of tax under section 194A]
– Less: Proportionate legal expenditure : Rs. 505 (i.e., Rs. 12,500 × Rs. 24,000 ÷ Rs.
Income-tax† 20,70,030
Rs. Rs.
for business
Salary 9,16,000
Step I – Reasonable expected rent of the property [MV or FR, whichever is higher, but
subject to maximum of SR]
Step II – Rent received/receivable after deducting unrealized rent but before adjusting loss
due to vacancy
Step III – Amount computed in Step I or Step II, whichever is higher 4,12,000
Q23. Raja is the owner of a residential house property having two independent floors of equal size in
Chennai. The ground floor of the property has been let out to a tenant at rent of ` 16,000 per month
from 1st June, 2021. The first floor of the property is occupied by Raja for his residential purpose.
Other particulars relating to the property are as follows:
Fair Rental Value 3,70,000
Interest on loan taken for construction of property for the year 2020-21 30,000
Taxable Income from House property (after intra head adjustment-Note 2) (96,025)
Working Notes:
1. The NAV of self-occupied property is always taken as nil.
2. As per section 70, the loss from one house property can be set-off against income from another
3. The GAV of both the houses are determined as under:
Whole Property Ground Floor
(e) Expected Rent Lower of (c) and (d) : Rs. 3,20,000 Rs. 1,60,000
(g) Gross Annual value Higher of (e) and (f) : Rs. 1,60,000
Gross Annual value: The Actual rent received and Expected rent both are equal. Thus, Rs. 1,60,000 shall be
4. Section 23 of the Income-tax Act, the annual value of the any property shall be deemed to be—
(a) the sum for which the property might reasonably be expected to let from year to year; or
(b) where the property or any part of the property is let and the actual rent received or receivable by the
owner in respect thereof is in excess of the sum referred to in clause (a), the amount so received or receivable;
(c) where the property or any part of the property is let and was vacant during the whole or any part of
the previous year and owing to such vacancy the actual rent received or receivable by the owner in respect
thereof is less than the sum referred to in clause (a), the amount so received or receivable.
an institution
Golapbag More, Burdwan.
Dumdum, Mobile : 9932926701
43 Income From House Property P.P
Explanation— For the purposes of clause (b) or clause (c) of this sub-section, the amount of actual jk rent
received or receivable by the owner shall not include, subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, the
amount of rent which the owner cannot realize.
Q24. Mr. Raphael constructed a shopping complex. He had taken a loan of ` 25 Lakhs for construction
of the said property on 01-08-2019 from SBI @ 10% for 5 years. The construction was completed on 30-
06-2020. Rental income received from shopping complex ` 30,000 per month being let out for the whole
year. Municipal Taxes paid for shopping complex ` 8,000. Arrears of rent received from shopping
complex ` 1,20,000.
Interest paid on loan taken from SBI for purchase of house for use as own residence for the period
2021-22 is ` 3 lakhs.
You are required to compute Income from House property of Mr. Raphael for A.Y. 2022-23 as per
Income Tax Act, 1961.
[Nov. 2015, 8 Marks]
Ans: Computation of Income from House Property
(Assessment Year 2022-23)
Amount (`)