Blockchain Technology An Overview
Blockchain Technology An Overview
Blockchain Technology An Overview
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All content following this page was uploaded by Shamima Nasrin Mukta on 01 March 2023.
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities
Chottogram, Bangladesh.
Blockchain Technology: An Overview
ways of doing work and disruptive change in the society. Steam, for example,
segments of the working populace as well as laying the foundations for seemingly
promises similarly startling disruption to business and society (Naughton, 2016).
each data transaction occurring in its network. Each transaction in the distributed
entered, information can never be erased. The blockchain contains a certain and
verifiable re¬cord of every single transaction ever made. In other words, blockchain
provides an immutable, trusted and secure platform for multiple entities (both
transactions (Allladi et al). This prevents fraud and ensures a digital form of
verification allowing for “tustless” peer to peer transactions. This technology has
“reverse the fortunes of the post-crisis financial sector” (Grewe & Bosch, 2016), and
is predicted to be the technology “most likely to change the next decade of business”
across all industries (Tapscott & Tapscott, 2016a). Blockchains are associated with
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Ripple. However, it should
institutional functions, business operations, education, and our daily lives in the 21st
could be divided into three stages; Blockchain 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. Blockchain 1.0 is the
2.0 is the extensive blockchain applications than simple cash transactions including
stocks, bonds, loans, smart property, and smart contacts. Blockchain 3.0 is
the areas of government, health, science, literacy, culture, and art. According to the
previously mentioned principle, the current application of blockchain is still in the 1.0
and 2.0 stages. Most people do not know about the term “blockchain,” not to
Specific Objectives:
review is conducted. The major aim of literature review is to assemble the basic
and barriers that have been identified until now. A substantial body of literature
exists on blockchain have been collected from various sources, such as blogs, wikis,
forum posts, codes, conference proceedings and journal papers. For selecting the
articles, the major databases such as IEEE explorer, Springer link, ACM digital library
and Google scholar were searched for related articles. In particular, the research
"blockchain benefits", "blockchain barriers", "blockchain challenges", "blockchain
its initial application and traces its subsequent evolution into other fields of studies
discussion of the blockchain application research landscape and the various fields
The paper presents an outline of blockchain technology and its main features along
with types first. And then it discusses existing or future use cases found in the
literature and the impact that blockchain could have on multiple industries.
Moreover, possible concerns that may arise from the expansion of blockchain
Blockchain has most often been associated with the cryptocurrency bitcoin, as its
underlying technology which was first introduced in 2008 in a white paper by Satoshi
stated blockchain as a chain that is constructed from many blocks that contain
typically contains transaction data, a timestamp, and a hash pointer to link to the
previous block. Thus a chain is formed by linking blocks with each block containing
the hash value of the previous block. Davidson et al. (2016) characterized blockchain
executable programs with records of all previous and current states. Carlozo (2017)
also asserted that blockchain would offer more dynamic approaches to business.
Blockchain operates via a generalized process. The process starts with a transaction
request from any user (node) in a peer to peer (P2P) network. Then the transaction is
broadcasted to all the users in the network. Following that, the verification process
takes place where all of the nodes in P2P network verify the transactions via the
hashes. Once the verification is completed, the transaction data are stored within a
new block. Finally, the new block is connected to blockchain using hashed value of
the information from the previous block, which makes it permanent and
unchangeable. In every blockchain, the first block is known as the Genesis block
which works as foundation of the chain. Every newly created block is then connected
with the preceding blocks in the chain; thus, every block is connected eventually to
cryptographic hash is also present. Every block of the chain includes its own hash
and the previous's one. The hash is as like as fingerprint that uniquely identifies each
block and its contents. Thus, any change in the block's content will result in a change
in the associated hash (Beck, 2018). Hashes play a vital role in the blockchain
operation since it works as a main guarantee for blockchain security. This technique
makes the blockchain technology one of the most secure options in the industry
nowadays (Karame & Capkun, 2018). In the case when information in a block is
changed, the hash of the block itself will change; however, the hash in the next block
will not. This results in indicating all the following blocks as an invalid block.
Therefore, a change in the single block in the blockchain results in invalidating all the
The use of hashes provides security in the blockchain. However, with the help of the
super-fast computers, hackers could change the information in a single block and
then all the hashes of the following blocks can be recalculated in the chain in a few
minutes. To overcome this issue, several algorithms have been created, what is
known as the consensus (Moubarak et al., 2018). The process of the consensus
includes the verification of the transactions before that are added to the blockchain.
This allows the blockchain to grow without the fear of the manipulating of the blocks
or the information within them. The consensus process takes place in predefined
discrete time intervals. These intervals represent the times from the initiation of the
transactions to the time of its addition to the blockchain. The confirmation time
depends on the block size, transaction volumes, and the consensus algorithms
utilized. Consensus algorithms with variable properties have been developed and
utilized in the industry nowadays. According to Luke et al., (2018), the four well-
Proof of Stake (PoS);
Blockchains are associated with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin
cryptocurrencies (Greenspan 2015). Gupta (2017) identified five core elements that
each other rather than through a central node and each node keeps and
Some special features make blockchain different from other similar technologies
transactions of the blockchain.
decentralization nature.
Reliability: This is more reliable due to the detailed and unchangeable history
Transparency: All the changes and the transactions are shared with all the
blockchain users.
Initially blockchain technology was introduced with the use of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.
The ways people use blockchain technology vary from case to case. Buterin (2015)
roughly categorised blockchain systems into three types: public blockchain, private
blockchain, known as hybrid blockchain. A brief description of all these types is given
and open to all of the users. Anybody who has access to internet can join in a
selected members have access to a blockchain network. The level of security,
organization. Private blockchain networks are used for voting, supply chain
only. The main difference between private blockchain and consortium is that
entity. More than one organization can act as a node in this type of blockchain
With such a hybrid network, users can control who gets access to which data
blockchain is usually verified within that network. But users can also release it
records from the blockchain can be allowed to go public keeping the rest as
Applications of Blockchain:
cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange like Taka but is digitally created and stored
using encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and to verify
form and its supply is not determined by central bank. With the innovation of Bitcoin
cryptocurrencies have been developed, after the release of bitcoin. For example,
Namecoin was released in In April 2011, Litecoin in October 2011. Here, main focus
block which is transmitted to every node/user of the P2P network. Then, the users
have to verify validity of the transaction. The users have to solve a puzzle in order to
be the first to validate the transaction. This puzzle requires the use of certain
computational power. The puzzle solving procedure is called “mining” and the first
miner who will find the solution gets a bitcoin reward, so miners are competing to be
the fastest to solve the puzzle. The miner needs to ensure two things before
registered in the ledger.
The transaction is completed when 51% of the users approve the provided solution.
Then, the block of the transaction is added to the blockchain. With the addition of
new block, the transaction is finished. The blockchain is a list of blocks that includes
every single transaction that has ever been made. The blocks are visible to all users,
while improving the overall quality and processing times of existing services.
money, stocks and properties rights) and decentralized exchange (peer to peer
transparent voting system and secure that nobody can manipulate an election
because everyone is capable to read and verify the votes. Hou (2017) analyzes a
blockchain system that verifies the origin and genuineness of data during
Digital ID management
and citizens
Land registration: Existing land registry system involves a lot of intermediaries which
increases risk of fraud, time delay, and excessive human intervention. Blockchain
technology can be applied in land registration to overcome these problems. The land
information such as the physical status and related rights can be registered and
publicised on blockchain where signers can sign the document and other users can
verify it when needed. Any changes made on the land, such as the transfer of land or
and buyer can be created which makes ownership transfer simple and quicker than
land registration system, great care must be taken to ensure that the information
being inputted on the blockchain is in fact true and accurate. Considering its benefits,
some developed countries e.g. United States, Netherlands, UK, Sweden have taken
Power industry: The power industry is facing major transformations over the past
several years because of utilities embracing newer technologies and newer sources
of power generation. The power grids are becoming very complex to handle due to
variability in demand & supply of power and different types of power grid. Blockchain
transaction costs and in operating the grid in a more efficient manner (Mengelkamp
summarised as follows:
(i)Power generation: Blockchain technology provides full knowledge about the overall
energy trading between the prosumers and the different energy storage systems as
consumers and prosumers (active consumers that both produce and consume
electricity) at local energy grids consisting of renewable energy resources. This also
helps to reduce the time and effort required by removing the intermediaries from the
Thus, in blockchain based Peer to Peer (P2P) trading systems, the blocks inside the
chain record the units of the generated electrical energy which allows the owners
and buyers to have the deals instantly and independently. This gives the users
(owners and buyer) the freedom of preferences, choices, and prices instead of
where peers anonymously negotiate energy prices and are able to securely perform
in the power sector are: Power Ledger in Australia, Greeneum in Israel, Grid+ in USA,
Education: Information about grade point, research experience, skills, online learning
academic project experience, and macro educational background, etc. are stored in a
block . The blockchain ledger can match all kinds of educational information with the
user’s unique ID. The data matched with users’ ID and stored in blockchain are
checked, validated, and maintained by the miners from all over the world. Blockchain
blocks cannot be changed, the reliability and authority both are ensured, which will
and implementation and keeps tracking of the whole learning processes. The
University of Nicosia is the first school which uses blockchain technology to manage
students’ certificates received from MOOC platforms (Sharples and Domingue 2016).
maintain the patient data. Clinical trials and the management of trial subject consent
are an area where blockchain has the potential to increase transparency, auditability
blockchain technology can be used for global sharing patient data globally in case of
Supply chain: Blockchain helps to reduce cost and risk across the supply chain.
the supply chain to same information. In supply chain, blockchain technology ensures
increase the transparency, reliability, and effciency of the entire supply chain industry
(Perboli et al. 2018). Blockchain is helpful to ensure food traceability, solve logistics
parts and ensure trustworthiness in whole supply chain. Everledger, an application of
goods market and ensures their ownership (Ølnes, 2016)). Walmart, Ford Motor
Company, De Beers, United Parcel Service, FedEx are successfully using blockchain
and networks.
increased efficiency. Goldman Sachs, J.P Morgan, Citi bank, Wells Fargo and other
banking giants, have all established their own blockchain laboratories collaborating
with blockchain platforms. Standard Chartered bank uses “Ripple”, an enterprise
level blockchain platform to operate its first cross-border transactions (Guo & Liang,
would take 2 days previously and thus increases the efficiency of clearing and
application could help banks facilitate foreign exchanges and real-time payments by
gathering nodes in a blockchain, rather than having a central bank to deal with
information is stored in blocks using a temper –proof format, it lets them improve
the mobility of data and decrease the time taken for KYC efforts. It also allows fully
single, publicly available ledger eliminates the disorder and complexity associated
with multiple ledgers. In 2016, hackers stole 100 million dollars from Bangladesh
Bank via its accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Such occurrence
can be prevented through implementation of blockchain. Prime bank Ltd. is the first
innovation that already has attracted many industries. Growth in adopting blockchain
challenges of blockchain technology:
and all transactions need to be stored for validating the transaction. Blockchain also
has restriction on block size and time interval between creation of new block. So it
fashion. Small transactions might be delayed since miners prefer those transactions
with a high transaction fee. The ability to handle a large number of users at a single
makes it difficult for a layperson to understand and realise its benefits. Before
adopting one need to study a lot and understand the principles of encryption and
payment gateways and other services at affordable prices compared to the costs
Privacy: Even though blockchain technology can provide transparency in the clinical
trial and precision medicine, this could lead to privacy concerns (Shae & Tsai, 2017).
Financial systems, such as the banking systems, must provide high privacy in
contrast to the current blockchain technology, which has a low privacy level (Tsai et
al. 2016). The ledger needs to be remodelled in such a way that allows restricted
access if necessary and will be accessed by people who are authorized to view it.
Though blockchain technology can bring revolution in different industries it is still in
the early stages of innovation making it tough to integrate into the legacy systems.
blockhain. Its usage domain is increasing rapidly (Kittell, 1967). Though research on
blockchain technology is increasing, still it is in infant stage. In this study, the author
knowledge about it, efforts should be made to improve the awareness of scholars
and business practitioners. With potential application ranging from wider banking
and business to voting and international trade, blockchain could redefine many
aspects of our life. Future research should examine the development and impact of
blockchain. The benefits and barriers to its adoption will require better
aspects of society. The legal and ethical ramifications of such developments need
adequate research before and during their implementation. Therefore, further critical
research is needed to exploit its capabilities and overcome the limitations when
applied in a large scale.
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