Comparative Study of Light Weight Concrete
Comparative Study of Light Weight Concrete
Comparative Study of Light Weight Concrete
Abstract:- light weight concrete as become more popular in recent years owing to the tremendous advantages over the conventional
concrete. The properties of light weight concrete can vary widely and it can be used in wide variety of applications. Light weight
blocks can be used as an alternative to the conventional cement blocks that uses aerating agents like aluminum powder. concrete
which is aerated using aerating or by using some expanding agents is known as light weight concrete, it is produced by initially
making a slurry of cement + fly ash + water, which is further mixed with addition of aerators in an ordinary concrete mixer under
ambient conditions. Application of light weight concrete is civil engineering works is broad as it can be used in almost every parts
of building from superstructure right down to the substructure, including wall panels and roofing. In highway construction light
weight concrete can be applied as a soil filling for sub base, bridge abutments and embankments. It is worth nothing that the use of
light weight concrete in other countries such as Europe, Japan, and united kingdom etc.
Keywords:-- Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks, Conventional concrete, Foaming Agent, Light weight concrete.
4) Mix calculation:
a) Volume of concrete = 1 m³
5) Mix proportioning:
Cement = 440 Kg/m3 Figure 3.1 shows the 2D single bay frame of 5 storey
Water = 220 Kg/m3 After creating a 2Dframe of building, beam
(450x150mm) and column (300x150mm) sizes are assigned
FA = 1097 Kg/m3 to a frame, later a uniformly distributed load is defined for a
frame, for conventional blocks UDL of 8.04kN/m is
CA = 1117 Kg/m3 assigned and UDL (parapet wall of 1m height) of 2.68kN/m
is assigned., for AAC blocks UDL of 3.19kN/m is assigned
W/c ratio = 0.5 and UDL (Parapet wall of 1m height) of 1.06kN/m is
6) Mix ratio = 1: 2.49: 2.54
Casting, Curing And Testing Of Test Cubes WALL LOAD CALCULATIONS FOR A FRAME:
Mixing the materials according to the mix design and
pouring into the mould size of 600x200x150mm.For For Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Blocks:
Density = 7.11 kN/m3
conventional concrete blocks, cubes are casted and cured for
Wall load = width of beam x height of the wall x density of
28days and tested its compressive Strength. For AAC
block = 0.15 x 3 x 7.11
blocks, the readymade blocks taken from Ultra-tech building
= 3.19 kN/m.
products company, and its compressive strength as been
Wall load for = width of beam x height of parapet wall x
tested for 28days.
density of block
Parapet wall
= 0.15 x 1 x 7.11
Using SAP 2000 software wall load analysis has been done
= 1.06 kN/m
in 2D frame model for both conventional and AAC blocks.
Taking single bay of 5m width of 5storey building each
Comparative Study Of Compressive Strength Between
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (Aac) Blocks And The initial findings have shown that the lightweight
Conventional Block concrete has a desirable strength to be an alternative
construction material for the industrialized building
Compressive strength is the primary physical system. Lightweight concrete will be about 25 % lighter
property of concrete (others are generally derived from it). than conventional concretes. Aerated lightweight
Compressive strength is one of the most basic properties concrete is unlike conventional concrete in some mix
used for quality control for lightweight concrete. materials and properties. Aerated lightweight concrete
Compressive strength may be defined as the measured does not contain coarse aggregate, and it is possess
maximum resistance of a concrete specimen to axial many beneficial such as low density with higher
loading. It is originate by computing the uppermost strength compared with conventional concrete, reduced
compression stress that a test cylinder or cube will support. dead load in the could result several advantages in
There are three types of test that can be used to determine decrease structural elements and reduce the transferred
compressive strength; cube, cylinder, or prism test. The load to the foundations and bearing capacity. Foamed
„concrete cube test' is the most familiar test and is used as concrete is different in agent of forming air-voids as
the standard method of measuring compressive strength for compared with autoclaved aerated concrete. The air-
quality control purposes. The test voids in foamed concrete formed by foam agent, this
operation is physical processing. Against the air-voids
For determining the compressive strength is going in autoclaved aerated concrete formed by addition
to be done and is calculated by the formula-Table 4 that aluminum powder to the other materials and reaction