Python Full Stack
Python Full Stack
Python Full Stack
1) Install Python
2) Install Git (Django)
3) Install PyCharm (Django)
4) Create GitHub repository (Django)
5) Virtual Environment Setup
Module 4: Statement
1) Conditional Statement
2) Looping Statement
3) Nested Loop
4) Control Looping
5) Break and Continue, pass(**)
1) String in Python***
2) List in Python***
3) Tuple in Python***
4) Set in Python***
5) FrozenSet in Python***
6) Dictionary in Python***
1) Time module(***)
2) Calendar module(***)
3) Datetime module(***)
1) User-defined Modules(***)
2) User-defined Packages(***)
1) Iterator
2) Generator
3) Nested Function
4) Decorator
1) What is OOPs
2) OOPs implemented in Python
3) Inheritance and Polymorphism
4) Operator and Method overriding
1) Write to a File
2) Read from a File
3) Check File and Copy File
4) Pickle Module
5) Working with Directories
1) What is threading
2) What is Multithreading?
3) Different ways of Creating Threads
4) Thread Synchronization
5) Locks and Semaphores
6) Thread Communication
1) Create a database
2) Working with MySQL Database or Oracle Database
3) Python Database connection
4) PDBC Steps
5) PDBC Modules & its Methods
6) Create a tables
7) CRUD operations – Create, Read, Update, Delete
1) What is Framework?
2) Full stack Framework
3) Django Overview
4) MVT Architecture of Django
13) Class Based Views and CRUD Operations by using both CBVs and FBVs
1) Introduction to HTML
2) HTML Tags
3) HTML Lists
4) Divs and Span
5) Attributes
1) Introduction to CSS
2) CSS Colors
3) CSS Backgrounds and Borders
4) CSS Selectors
5) CSS Specificity
6) CSS Fonts
7) CSS Box Model
8) Exercises
1) Introduction to Bootstrap
2) Buttons
3) Forms
4) Navbars
5) Grids
1) Introduction to Numpy
2) Numpy Arrays
3) Numpy Array Indexing
1) Introduction to Pandas
2) Series
3) DataFrames
4) Missing data and Groupby
5) Merginig Joining and Concatenation
6) Operations
7) Data Input and Output
8) Pandas Exercises