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13 Day Manifestation - Journal 222

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The 13-Day

What is Manifestation?
Manifestation is a powerful concept rooted in the idea that our thoughts, emotions and
intentions have the ability to shape our reality. At its core, manifestation is about
aligning with your higher self and tapping into focused energy to bring your desires
into fruition. It is a process that encourages mindfulness, and empowers individuals to
take control of their lives by fostering a strong sense of self-awareness.

While Manifestation can and should be part of a much larger spiritual journey, it is
entirely feasible to concentrate on bringing a specific desire to life. The 13-Day
Manifestation Journal serves as a valuable tool in this regard, offering a structured
approach to clarify your thoughts and intentions towards a particular desire.

How does the 13-Day Manifestation Journal work?

This 13-Day Manifestation Journal was conceptualised by Seeds of Manifestation Co. as
a user-friendly and structured approach to the manifestation process, which can be
repeated as often as you desire. Designed to span 13 days, we recommend adhering
closely to the journal's structure. Some days may involve completing multiple pages,
while others may encourage you to linger on a single page, practicing a specific
affirmation or behaviour over the course of a few days.

The terms ‘manifestation’ and ‘desire’ may be used interchangeably, but this is simply
to imprint on you that your desire will ultimately become your manifestation. An
important thing to remember is that we can only manifest desires into our own lives,
and not into the lives of others. We are all responsible for our own realities.

This journal serves as a compass, directing your energy towards your manifestation
goals throughout the 13-day journey. At the end, it will gently lead you to release your
manifestation, and develop trust in any greater power you may believe in, to deliver the
manifestation to you, in the right way and in the right time.

A final thought to bear in mind as we begin…

A crucial element of manifestation lies in cultivating trust in the process.
It is essential to recognise and address any lingering doubts that may
arise along the journey.

By conscientiously working through and releasing doubt, you

pave the way for a more profound manifestation of your
desires. And as you navigate this journey, always remember
that the manifestation process is meant to be an enjoyable and
delightful experience!
Day 1: Gaining Clarity

Day 1 marks the initiation of your manifestation

journey. Today is all about gaining clarity on the
specific desire you wish to manifest. It is important to
note that the 13-Day Journal is tailored to guide you
through the manifestation of one specific desire at a
time. While we often harbour multiple desires
simultaneously, this journal intentionally fosters a
deeper focus, accelerating the manifestation process.

How to gain clarity on your desire:

1. Start with a few minutes of meditative self-reflection. Breathwork is

highly recommended for this. A few deep breaths in a quiet space will
calm your mind enough to begin your introspection.
2. Contemplate the various facets of your life: this might include
relationships, health, career, personal development, finances, etc.
3. Determine the area in which you seek the most immediate change.
4. Refine this further to a single specific desire within that area.
5. Once you have gained clarity on this desire, you may then begin to
articulate it in writing.

Guidelines for writing out your desire:

Express your desire positively, rather than negatively.

Be detailed about 'what' you want without delving into
'how' it will happen.
Incorporate a timeline without imposing a strict deadline.
An example for this can be found on the next page.
Day 1: Gaining Clarity
If your desired area of change pertains to health, you
might have originally written this specific desire:

“I would like to lose weight by my next birthday, Write out your

by going to the gym everyday”.
desire below
Following the guidelines on the previous page, a
better written desire would be:

“I would like to reach my ideal weight within the

next six months, gain confidence, and feel
comfortable and beautiful in my own skin”

An extra note

Take a few moments throughout Day 1 to reflect on the phrasing of

your desire. Feel free to refine it as more comfortable or empowering
language comes to mind. It is acceptable at this stage to use
expressions like 'I want,' 'I would like to be,' or 'I would like to have’.

It's worth noting that the desire you've articulated will undergo
rephrasing in the coming days as we progress through the 13-day
schedule. This iterative process allows for a dynamic and evolving
connection with your ultimate manifestation.
Day 2: Understanding your Why
Understanding your WHY:

When manifesting, it is important to understand what

your motivations are. These can be both intrinsic or
extrinsic, and are the driving forces behind why
individuals seek to manifest certain desires or goals.
These motivational factors play a significant role in
shaping the intentions and outcomes of the
manifestation process, which is why understanding
them early in the process is a crucial step.

Intrinsic Motivation stems Extrinsic Motivation is driven

from internal factors and by external factors such as
personal satisfaction. rewards, recognition, or
avoidance of negative
It involves pursuing activities consequences.
or goals for the inherent
enjoyment, interest, or Goals are pursued to gain
fulfilment derived from the external validation,
process itself. recognition, or tangible
When manifesting, the joy rewards.
and satisfaction derived from When manifesting, the focus
the journey and the is on the external results
accomplishment of the goal rather than the internal
itself are the primary driving satisfaction derived from the
forces. process.

Manifestation makes use of both types of motivation, and one type of

motivation is not better than the other. Extrinsic motivation can offer
a great sense of satisfaction when achieved, which in turn helps to
put us in a more positive mindset.

However, it does stand to reason that intrinsic motivations can have

more in-depth and long-term effects, as they are tied to who we are
and how we see ourselves, rather than what we have or how other
people see us. Therefore it is important to be able to articulate both
types of motivations and recognise how they drive us.

The next page will offer you some examples of this, and a chance to
write out some of your own intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.
Day 2: Understanding your Why
If this was your written desire: “I wish to manifest $1,000,000”
The following could be your possible motivations;

Intrinsic Motivations:
I would like to be financially independent and be able to purchase things or
experiences without constraint.
I would like to be able to live a life of my design – work when I want to, vacation
when I want to, and be able to give my loved ones the life they deserve.
I would like to feel like I am a success in my own right.

Extrinsic Motivations:
I would like to pay off my student loans.
I would like to go on that vacation I have always dreamed about.
I would like to buy my parents their dream car.
I would like to be wealthy and show all the people that didn’t believe in me that
they were wrong about me.

Intrinsic Now you can try writing Extrinsic

Motivations out what you believe your Motivations
motivations are for your
specific manifestation!
Day 3: Shifting Your Mindset

Scarcity Mindset vs Abundance Mindset

A scarcity mindset revolves around the belief that resources are limited,
leading to a fear of insufficiency and a competitive view of success where
one person's gain is seen as another's loss. In contrast, an abundance
mindset is characterised by the belief that resources are plentiful, fostering
a positive outlook and collaborative approach to success.

Those with an abundance mindset focus on the plenty available, appreciate

current blessings, and believe in the abundance of opportunities,
contributing to a more optimistic and fulfilling life perspective.

It’s important to understand that scarcity and abundance are not different
states of being, but the same state, existing at opposite ends of the same
pole. Thus when it comes to the topic of manifestation, your job is to shift
your mindset from one end of the pole to the other by degrees, by focusing
on the ‘abundant’ end of the pole.

Whether you think you can, or Believe you can, and you’re
you think you can’t, you’re right. halfway there.
~ Henry Ford ~ Theodore Roosevelt

These quotes are a reminder that our

attitudes and mindset, more than
circumstances or events, determine our
future. An abundance mindset can help
you see opportunities you might have
missed before, or just help you
recognise the positive aspects of your
life, already in existence around you.
Day 3: Shifting Your Mindset

Shifting up the Pole:

From Scarcity to Abundance

Step 1: Awareness of your current state - when it comes to the

topic of your current manifestation, what are the emotions attached to
it? If the answer tends to be anxiety, stress, fear, envy, or a feeling of
‘stuck-ness’, you are likely in a scarcity mindset.

Step 2: Challenge your scarcity mindset - Are these emotions you

feel rooted in reality? Or are they the result of fears from the past, or
worries about the future? If they are rooted in reality, then ask yourself
if this reality is permanent. After all, if your circumstances have
changed over the course of your lifetime, they most certainly have the
ability to change again.

Step 3: Focus on the Good - We almost always have some semblance

of our manifestation already in existence in our lives. These are often
the seeds from which larger desires grow. If you wish to manifest more
money, focus on the monetary abundance already in existence in your
life, no matter how small. If you wish for romantic love, focus on all the
ways in which love already exists in your life, including by showering
yourself with love and care.

Step 4: Practice an Abundance Mindset - Scarcity Mindsets don’t

come about by accident, they are created by years of consistent
thought patterns and reinforced emotion. In order to break the cycle, it
is important to pull your focus by degrees up the pole, by consistently
practicing and developing an abundance mindset. Spend your days in a
state of awareness: make a conscious effort to recognise when you are
no longer in a state of abundance, and practice pulling yourself up the
pole, by focusing on the good.
Day 4: Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs

What are Limiting Beliefs?

Limiting beliefs refer to ingrained and often subconscious

convictions that constrain our ability to achieve our
desires. These beliefs are typically negative and can stem
from past experiences, societal conditioning, or self-
perceptions. Essentially, they are mental barriers, shaping
our worldview and influencing behaviour in a way that
hinder manifestations from coming true.

Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs

This exercise will help you identify your limiting beliefs around the topic of your

The Interview

Settle into a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for a while. In this
exercise, you will be asking yourself specific questions and jotting down the
answers in the next couple of pages.

Begin by taking a few minutes to calm your mind. Do this by taking in some deep
breaths, and do your best to clear your mind of most floating thoughts before you

(Try this:) When you notice a stray thought, imagine it as being captured in a
bubble, and then watch that bubble gently float away till it is no longer in your line
of vision. Do this until you feel your mind has mostly calmed from the usual buzz of

When you are ready, move to the questions on the next couple of pages. Respond to
each of the questions with deliberate thought and attention.

Answer them one by one, being careful not to jump ahead. You can write this in any
way you wish, in paragraphs, point form, and be as brief or detailed as you like.

This is an interview with yourself, and the most important aspect of this exercise is
to be as honest with yourself as possible.
Day 4: Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs

The Interview Questions

Question 1: What specific beliefs do I have about the topic of my

manifestation? - Remember that this question asks what beliefs you have about the
topic and not about your specific manifestation. Beliefs about a topic are often a mix
of positive and negative. i.e. Money will solve all my problems, but money is also
really hard to get. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Question 2: Can I identify the sources of some of these beliefs? - These beliefs
will likely have come from a variety of sources; including your parents, family
members, friends, media, books, personal experiences, or observations of people you
knew and grew up with.
Day 4: Identifying Your Limiting Beliefs

The Interview Questions

Question 3: Are these sources truly reliable? - While we may love and respect
the people from whom we have gained these beliefs, it is important to recognise that
we are all shaped by our experiences. For example - if we grew up surrounded by
scarcity and lack, that is what we would expect, and we would naturally teach the
people we loved about hardship and struggle, because that would be all we know.

Question 4: How have I acted when it came to this topic in the past? - Did I
stop myself from approaching that cute barista because I believed they would never
be interested in me? Did I buy lottery ticket after lottery ticket with the belief that
this was the only way I would ever get rich? Did I close myself off from forming new
friendships or relationships because I believed people would eventually leave me?

If knowledge is power, knowledge about

yourself is self-empowerment
~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
Day 5: Developing a New Belief System

Fun colouring activity if

things are getting a little
heavy right about now

The Power of a New Belief System

When we identify limiting beliefs, and recognise their impact on our lives,
we often make the drastic decision to break down those limiting beliefs in
some way. The truth is, a belief system can be extremely difficult to break
down on its own. A belief system on any given topic would have informed
our perceptions and decision-making for many years.

The challenge here lies in the near impossibility of functioning without

any belief system whatsoever. Therefore, instead of attempting to
eradicate your limiting beliefs, it is far more effective to create a brand
new belief system, which will then replace the old belief system entirely.
This can be down in a variety of ways, but one of the most common (and
powerful), is through affirmations.
Day 5: Developing a New Belief System
Affirmations are repetitive statements that reprogram our thought
patterns by focusing on the positives and possibilities. Repeated
affirmations encourage the human brain to form new neural
pathways that connect the topic of your manifestation to a positive
feeling and outcome. Over time, the meaning behind these
repeated affirmations sink into our psyche, becoming an automated
way of thinking that then give birth to a new belief system.

How to Write an Affirmation


1. Frame your affirmations in positive, and present-tense terms

2. Use affirmations to encourage consistent action where possible (even if you’re not
consistent yet, the more you say it, the more motivated you’ll be to do it - funny how
the brain works!)
3. Tap into the emotions of how you want to feel when this manifestation comes true
4. Personalise your affirmations to your specific lifestyle and desires

For example, if your manifestation was on the topic of getting fit and healthy, the
following are some affirmations that might work:

I choose to fill my body with healthy and nutritious food all the time.
I love exercising, and really enjoy the boost of energy and adrenaline it gives me.
I love that I am getting stronger and more flexible every single day.
I am worthy of the fit, healthy, and attractive body I have always wanted.
Now you can try writing
affirmations to suit your
specific manifestation!
Day 6: Developing a New Belief System
Practicing your Affirmations:

Step 1: Focus on the affirmations that feel the most impactful -

You will likely have written a few tailored affirmations on the previous
page. Say each of these affirmations aloud and choose 4 to 5 affirmations
that ‘feel’ right. It may take a few tries to figure out which of these work
for you, since you are likely challenging decades of mental conditioning
simply by saying these statements aloud.

Step 2: Write these affirmations down on a separate piece of

paper that you can carry with you - The purpose of this is to
encourage you to take this paper out and read the affirmations to
yourself whenever you feel yourself slipping into old mindsets, or catch
yourself repeating limiting beliefs or statements throughout the day.

Step 3: Develop a routine that encourages you to say your

affirmations regularly - It is important to develop a routine that works
for you. But there is plenty of research to support the idea that saying
your affirmations in the morning (just as you wake up), or at night (right
before you go to bed), are often the most effective. This is because the
brain's alpha and theta brainwave states - which occur when we’re close
to sleep - are associated with relaxation and increased receptivity to
suggestions. Affirmations spoken during this time may be more readily
accepted by the subconscious mind.

Step 4: Focus on the emotion behind the affirmation as much as

the affirmation itself - When we begin saying our affirmations, it is
completely normal to feel a sense of resistance to these statements.
Tapping into the emotion behind the affirmations is a big part of helping
your subconscious mind accept the affirmations as true. If your
affirmation is about building confidence for example, try, even for just a
few seconds, to feel that confidence filling up every cell in your body.
And try to repeat each affirmation at least 3x.

Days 5 & 6...

Are purely about your affirmations. Write out your
affirmations in Day 5, and you can begin testing out
your affirmations that night. Spend Day 6 repeating
your affirmations as often as you can (tweaking them
if you need to) and developing a routine to say them
everyday. This practice will continue, ideally, until
your manifestations come true. Re-wiring the human
brain isn’t easy, but consistency will get you thinking
and feeling like a brand new person.
Day 7: Adapting your Behaviour

Adapting your Behaviour

This practice is not about taking big and drastic actions that you believe
will get you closer to your manifestation. This is something we’re all guilty
of; we sign up for expensive gym memberships, throw ourselves back into
online dating, or begin creating business plan after business plan, and then
find ourselves unable to follow through. This is because our emotional and
psychological states have not yet caught up with our physical reality.

As you continue to work on developing a new internal belief system, we can

gently begin to work on adapting your behaviour as well. These are small,
gentle tweaks in behaviour that work by tapping into the ‘feel-good’
feelings that arise from performing behaviours that make you feel as if your
manifestation has come true.

How to Tweak a Behaviour

1. Start by choosing ONE simple everyday behaviour that is tied to your manifestation
2. Ask yourself what about that behaviour might change after your desire manifests
3. Gently tweak this behaviour to get you just a little bit closer to that ideal
4. Please remember that this behaviour tweak is meant to be small and more importantly,
sustainable - big changes are not encouraged
5. When this behaviour tweak has been implemented, remember to congratulate yourself
for being that much closer to your manifestation coming true, and enjoy how that feels

Some examples of behaviour tweaks:

I don’t usually drink enough water during the day -> I will drink a cup of water before
breakfast and dinner
I get very stressed out every time I spend money -> At least once a day, I will practice
saying ‘thank you’ for my ability to spend money on something that mattered to me
I don’t really exercise -> Every morning when I wake up, I will stretch and move my
body for a few minutes

Now you can choose and write

out a behaviour that you can
tweak. This behaviour tweak
should be implemented as soon
as possible, and will, ideally,
become a permanent part of
your lifestyle.
Day 8: Developing Gratitude Practices

Why Gratitude is Important

Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting perspective and
getting you that much closer to alignment. Gratitude
practices will help you actively develop a positive mindset,
which will enable you to recognise opportunities, be more
adaptable to challenges, as well as learn how to truly believe
in your ability to make your manifestation come true. As an
emotion - gratitude also allows us to resonate at one of the
highest frequencies possible, thus putting you in the perfect
state for greater powers to deliver your manifestation to you.

Gratitude Exercises
These are just a couple of exercise which will help you identify your limiting beliefs
around the topic of your manifestation.

The Observer Within

The perfect time to do this activity is whenever you feel yourself stuck in a particular
place for an extended period of time (for example; being struck in traffic, on the bus,
sitting at a cafe or even if you’re just bored at home). When this happens, most of us
allow our minds to wander to the past, future, or even to fictional or fantasy
scenarios. In this case however, you will tap into the ‘Observer Within’.

As you remain ‘stuck’ in this place, take the chance to observe yourself; your
breathing patterns, where you have been resting your gaze, as well as the areas of
your body that might feel tense - try your best to relax these where you can.

As you begin to get in touch with the observer within, think of all the aspects of your
body and mind that you are grateful for. This can be as simple as being grateful for
having breath in your body, the ability to walk, or even the ability to hug or kiss. The
very fact that you are able to read a language, and then understand and synthesise
new information, is an extraordinary gift!

The important thing here is to be grateful to something or somebody. If you are

spiritual, you can show gratitude to God, or the Universe. If not, you could offer
gratitude to your parents or even your entire line of ancestors. Stay in this feeling of
gratitude for a few minutes, and bask in the feeling of simply being happy to exist,
right here and right now.
Day 8: Developing Gratitude Practices
Gratitude Exercises

The Gratitude List

This exercise is one of the more common gratitude exercises, but is no less

At the end of each day, list 10 things you are grateful for. It would be ideal if at
least 3 things out of the 10 were items related to your manifestation. This list can
range from the very big to the very small, the only caveat being that you have to
feel the gratitude of each thing you have listed down.

As time goes on, you will begin to notice things to be grateful for everyday that you
can then put on your list before you go to sleep. This encourages you to end your
day in a state of deep gratitude, which raises your frequency when your brain is at
its most suggestible. Doing the gratitude list right before your affirmations puts
your brain in that perfect vibrational sweet spot as you end your day.

Examples for your Gratitude List:

I managed to catch the sunrise on my way to work today and it was beautiful!
I am grateful that my sister bought my favourite ice-cream for me today.
I am grateful that I got to the bus stop just in time to catch my bus today.

Try out your first

Gratitude List
right here!
Day 9: Stepping into Alignment

Stepping into Alignment

This day is about bringing together all

you’ve learned and created for yourself in
the last few days. It is ultimately, a day of
practice. Your affirmations, behaviour
adaptations, and gratitude practices are all
designed to help you step into alignment
with your manifestation.

Alignment is essentially the practice of

thinking, feeling, and existing as if your
manifestation has already come true. Like
different instruments in an orchestra
playing the same melody, the idea is to
have everything work in harmony to attract
your manifestation.

Alignment can take some time, and it is

common to sometimes ‘slip back’ into old
habits of thinking, feeling or doing - after
all, these habits have often been years in
the making. As such, it is essential to take
today to actively integrate these aligning
practices into your life. Like a tuning fork,
when you do them often enough and for
long enough (even after these 13 days), you
will soon find yourself ‘tuned’ to the exact
vibration of your manifestation, and be able
to draw it into your physical reality.
Day 10: Bringing your Manifestation
into the Present
Re-writing your Manifestation
These last 9 days would have revealed to you an important aspect of manifestation;
that it is not enough to be able to articulate your desire, you must exist as if your
desire has already manifested. This doesn’t mean spending money you don’t have or
forcing yourself into situations that make you uncomfortable, it is about doing the
inner work: re-wiring your brain, re-writing beliefs, and finally, re-writing your
manifestation so that it turns from desire, to manifested reality.

Using the example from Day 1:

“I would like to reach my ideal weight within the next six months, gain
confidence, and feel comfortable and beautiful in my own skin”

We can now re-write this to reflect the manifestation in our present reality.

“I am at my ideal weight, and I have never felt more confident, comfortable

and beautiful in my own skin.”

Now, it is time for you to re-

write your manifestation.
Remember, the key is to
anchor your manifestation in
the current reality. You are
already exactly the person
you wish to be, with exactly
the thing you desire.
Day 11: Visualising your Manifestation

The Power of Visualisation

Fascinating discoveries in neuroscience have brought to light the fact

that the human brain has difficulty distinguishing between real and
imagined experiences. While we may be cognitively aware of the
difference between physical reality and imagination, the subconscious
brain reacts similarly to both. For example, when reliving a stressful
past experience in our minds, the body may respond with an elevated
heartbeat, sweaty palms, and narrowed awareness, mimicking a real
stress response. On the contrary, envisioning a moment of relaxation
and joy can lead to a drop in blood pressure and heart rate, muscle
tension release, deeper breaths for improved oxygenation, and
calmer brain activity, leading to enhanced decision-making. This is
confirmation of the idea that visualising an imagined future can
actually convince the brain and body that your manifestation is real.

This is exactly what makes

Visualization so powerful. By tricking
your brain and body into thinking you
are already living your manifestation,
visualization activates the
subconscious mind and aligns your
energy and vibration, putting you in
the perfect frequency to attract your
manifestation to you.

Imagination is everything. It is the

preview of life’s coming attractions.
~ Albert Einstein
Day 11: Visualising your Manifestation
Visualisation Technique:
Bringing your Manifestation to Life

Step 1: Creating the Perfect Setting to Visualise - Visualisation is

a very deliberate mental exercise that requires a good bit of focus and
attention, which is why it is essential to pick a quiet spot where you can
make yourself comfortable and relaxed (but not sleepy). Visualisations
can be as long or as short as you like, but between 10 to 30 minutes is
a fairly good range. This also offers you some time for ‘play’ within your
visualisation, where you can experiment with changing different
aspects of the visualisation so that it offers you the greatest emotional
impact and enjoyment of watching your manifestation come to life.

Step 2: Set a Positive Intention - Visualisations can be great fun

because they allow us to play in our imaginations, but that also means
we can end up veering off-course, and visualising something entirely
different than what we planned. Set a positive intention before you
begin, that you will focus the visualisation on your manifestation alone.

Step 3: Step Through the Door - When you are ready, take deep
breaths, relax your body, and allow your thoughts to float away from
you, as you aim to begin with a clear mind. Imagine a large number
‘10’ floating in front of you. As you watch, it begins counting down from
‘10’ to ‘1'. The number disappears, and a large door appears in its
place. This is a door you can design in your mind beforehand. It is the
door to your chosen future. You can choose the colour, any details on
the door, even what the handle or knob looks like. When you turn the
handle and step through it, you will be in your manifested future.

Step 4: The Visualisation - The visualisation of your manifested

future can take place in any setting you like. It may be easier to choose
a setting you have used or been in many times before, with the key
difference being how it would play out after your manifestation has
come true. It is also important to focus your energy on playing out a
single scene - this could be a conversation, an experience, the moment
you realise your manifestation has come true etc. Make use of all your
senses to make the manifestation come alive - what sights, smells,
tastes and feelings characterise this moment? Stay in your
visualisation, and allow it to play out.

Don’t be discouraged if your first visualisation

doesn’t go smoothly. It often takes a few tries
to get this right - and you can keep shifting
and changing elements to create the perfect
‘scene’ that will place you in vibrational
alignment with your manifestation.
Day 12: Writing the Letter

A Letter to God, The Universe, Your Ancestors, Energy,

Shared Human Consciousness, Your Higher Self...
(or whatever else you may believe in)
This might be one of the more unusual exercises in the 13-Day Manifestation Journal,
but it also happens to be one of the most impactful. This is the exercise that
convinces your mind, body and soul that your manifestation is already here. This is
where we write a letter to a greater power that you wholeheartedly believe in. In this
letter, you will thank this greater power for their never-ending love and support. You
will, with great excitement and joy, describe in detail how your life has changed now
that your manifestation has come true (without going into specifics about how the
manifestation came about, only that it has). You will offer your deepest gratitude to
this greater power, and explicitly talk about how much you trust and believe this
greater power will always have your best interests at heart. This is a love letter... and
like all great love letters, it will change everything.

A Short Sample Letter

Dear Universe,

I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. I believe that I was
given this desire for a reason, and I have wanted and believed I was deserving of
it with my whole being, but nothing could have prepared me for the sheer joy of
my manifestation appearing in my physical reality.

I cannot believe how my life has changed now that this manifestation has come
true. It is not even just the manifestation in itself...I now wholeheartedly trust
and believe in you. And I believe I am deserving of a life of abundance, joy, and
everything good. I am grateful for the love you have always had for me and
continue to have for me.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Day 12: Writing the Letter

Try to pour your heart and soul into this. Take the time to sink into this
imagined future, using visualisation to help you - and write a letter that comes
from the core of your very being. Believe it is true, and it will happen.
Day 12: Writing the Letter
Day 13: Letting Go with Love

To let go with love is the final step of this journey,

and is quite often the hardest. After spending so long
desiring the manifestation of something into your life,
it can seem counter-intuitive to let go. But the act of
letting go is the greatest act of trust and love possible.
When we let go with love, it reduces resistance,
and allows space for your manifestation to unfold
in the best way possible. It signals to any and all
greater powers that your trust
in them is absolute.

What it means to ‘Let Go with Love’

The Difference: Understand that there is a difference between ‘believing’ and

‘knowing’. We discussed beliefs a fair bit these last few days, but trust that
nothing will shift in your life if you do not ‘know’, beyond a shadow of a doubt,
that your manifestation is, and always has been, meant for you.

Divine Timing: There are forces in this world that shift energies and move
mountains to help you become the person you are meant to be. If your
manifestation has not come through yet, trust that there is a reason for it. Trust in
divine timing, that you are here in this time and place for a reason, and that
everything happens exactly when it is meant to.

Letting Go: Manifestation is the greatest act of trust and love there is. It is a
fundamental belief in the idea that greater powers truly want what is best for
you, that your desires matter, and that you deserve to live a truly abundant life.
So this is your final instruction: Take a deep breath, say thank you, and let go.
A wonderful way to end off this 13-Day Journal would be with
meditation, or a candle ritual. Light a candle, and as you stare at the
flickering flame, sink into the feeling of having your manifestation come
into physical reality for as long as you like.
When you are done, say aloud ‘I trust my manifestation is already here,
and will appear in my physical reality when the time is right.’ Thank
whichever greater power you believe in, and blow out the candle.
Your manifestation is now complete.

A Final Note
Thank you so much for choosing to come with us on this extraordinary 13-Day
Journey. We dearly hope that it has been fruitful and moving, in the best ways
possible. If you have a moment more, we would like to explain why and how
this 13-Day concept was developed.

The founder of Seeds of Manifestation Co. is a teacher who has, for many years,
taught on topics such as positive thinking, emotional awareness, scarcity and
abundance mindsets, self-talk and the power of the mind. Her belief is that
Manifestation is a middle point between science and spirituality, and is a
beautiful reflection of the power we truly hold over our realities.

In the midst of her teaching, she realised that what was most important was
that people understand enough of these concepts to be able to consistently
apply them on their manifestation journeys, without getting bogged down with
explanations that might derail the actual practice. As such, 13 days was
estimated as the perfect amount of time for one to truly commit to learning and
applying the concepts of manifestation. That being said, manifestation and
developing a positive and abundant mindset is a constant work-in-progress, and
those who apply these practices consistently, (long past these 13 days) often
reap the most benefits. We dearly hope that this journal is a starting point for
you to create the life you have always dreamed of for yourself!
If you have enjoyed this journey, and wish to share this journal with others,
we would deeply appreciate if you could direct them to our page so that they
may purchase a journal for themselves. We hope to create more resources
over time, and can only do this with your support of our creative works.
Thank you!

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