Pratik Group Psa-Kyc
Pratik Group Psa-Kyc
Pratik Group Psa-Kyc
Know your customer ('KYC') is the process of a business identifying and verifying
the identity of its clients. Know your customer processes are employed by
companies of all sizes for the purpose of ensuring their proposed agents,
consultants, or distributors are compliant.
KYC is an acronym for “Know your Customer”, a term used for customer
identification process. It involves making reasonable efforts to determine true
identity and beneficial ownership of accounts, source of funds, the nature of
customer’s business, reasonableness of operations in the account in relation to
the customer’s business, etc which in turn helps the Business Unit to manage their
risks prudently. The objective of the KYC guidelines is to prevent Business Units
not be associated, intentionally or unintentionally with bad business partners.
Verification :
Customer identification means identifying the customer and verifying his/her
identity by using reliable, independent source documents, data or information.
As required and mandated by Indian customs vide CBEC Circulars 09/2010 and 33/2010 for SIZE PHOTOGRAPH OF
identification/verification of importers/exporters for customs clearance performed on their PARTNER/DIRECTOR/
behalf by ISHWARI G MANDALVIZAR acting as an Authorised Custom brokers directly Please PROPRIETOR
attach additional sheets if required.
Fax number
4. Principal Business addresses from which
business is transacted of the
Fax number,
E-mail address
5. Name of Authorized signatories for signing RECENT
import/export documents including manual Air PASSPORT SIZE
Waybills. Please provide recent passport size PHOTO OF
self attested photographs of each signatory AUTHORIZED
6. IEC No.
7. PAN No.
I/We hereby declare that the particulars given herein above are true, correct and complete to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief, the documents submitted in support of this Form KYC are genuine and obtained legally from
the respective issuing authority. In case of any change in any of the aforementioned particulars, I/we undertake to
notify you in writing failing which the above particulars may be relied upon including all shipments/documents
executed and tendered by the individual so authorized and mentioned in 6 above. I/we hereby authorize you to
submit the above particulars to the customs and other regulatory authorities on my/our behalf as may be required
in order to transport and customs clear my/our shipments.
Date Name
The following documents are mandatory documents required each to be self certified with company seal
and should be sign.
Check List
I/We hereby declare that the particulars and documents attached as per the checklist above are true, correct and complete
to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, the documents submitted in support of this Form KYC are genuine and
obtained legally from the respective issuing authority. In case of any change in any of the aforementioned particulars, I/we
undertake to notify you in writing failing which the above particulars may be relied upon including all shipments/documents
executed and tendered by the individual so authorized and mentioned above. I/we hereby authorize you to submit the
above particulars to the customs and other regulatory authorities on my/our behalf as may be required in order to transport
and customs clear my/our shipments.