The document contains exam questions for an AutoCAD course. It asks students to answer questions about coordinate systems, dimensioning techniques, and drawing various geometric shapes in AutoCAD like cones, cubes and pyramids in isometric views.
The document contains exam questions for an AutoCAD course. It asks students to answer questions about coordinate systems, dimensioning techniques, and drawing various geometric shapes in AutoCAD like cones, cubes and pyramids in isometric views.
The document contains exam questions for an AutoCAD course. It asks students to answer questions about coordinate systems, dimensioning techniques, and drawing various geometric shapes in AutoCAD like cones, cubes and pyramids in isometric views.
The document contains exam questions for an AutoCAD course. It asks students to answer questions about coordinate systems, dimensioning techniques, and drawing various geometric shapes in AutoCAD like cones, cubes and pyramids in isometric views.
Section: 23BIS119B Batch: 2023-2027 Marks Distribution: Viva (15) + Conduct (15) + Worksheet (10) = Total (40) SET-A Q1: Answer the followings (Handwritten in answer sheet):- (a) Mention various applications of Auto-CAD software in field of Electrical Engineering. (b) Write syntax for relative co-ordinate system and it is covered by which other co-ordinate system also. (c) What is the significance of hidden lines? (d) What are various principle planes and whether profile plane is a principal plane or not? (e) Explain uni-directional dimensioning system? (2*5=10) Q2: Draw using Auto-CAD
Examination: BE-CSE (Regular) External Practical
Course Name: CGCAD Course Code: 23MEH-102 Sem: 2nd Section: 23BIS119B Batch: 2023-2027 Marks Distribution: Viva (15) + Conduct (15) + Worksheet (10) = Total (40) SET-A Q1: Answer the followings (Handwritten in answer sheet):- (a) Differentiate between linear and chain type of dimensioning? (b) Why 2nd and 4th Quadrant is not followed in engineering drawing? (c) Mention various methods by which a circle can be drawn in Auto-CAD? (d) What are various principle planes and whether profile plane is a principal plane or not? (e) What is the syntax of relative co-ordinate system and syntax of which co-ordinate system covers the syntax of relative co-ordinate system? (2*5=10) Q2: Draw using Auto-CAD. Examination: BE-CSE (Regular) External Practical Course Name: CGCAD Course Code: 23MEH-102 Sem: 2nd Section: 23BIS119A Batch: 2023-2027 Marks Distribution: Viva (15) + Conduct (15) + Worksheet (10) = Total (40) SET-A Q1: Answer the followings (Handwritten in answer sheet):- (a) Mention various applications of Auto-CAD software in field of Electronics Engineering. (b) Write syntax for polar co-ordinate system and which other co-ordinate system it covers. (c) What is the significance of projection lines? (d) Explain profile plane? (e) Explain aligned system of dimensioning? (2*5=10) Q2: Draw using Auto-CAD A cone of diameter 40 mm and 60 mm long axis is centrally placed on the top of a cube of 60 mm long edges. Draw isometric view of the pair.
Examination: BE-CSE (Regular) External Practical
Course Name: CGCAD Course Code: 23MEH-102 Sem: 2nd Section: 23BIS119A Batch: 2023-2027 Marks Distribution: Viva (15) + Conduct (15) + Worksheet (10) = Total (40) SET-B Q1: Answer the followings (Handwritten in answer sheet):- (a) Mention various applications of Auto-CAD software in field of Mechanical Engineering. (b) Why only 1st and 2nd Quadrant is followed in engineering drawing? (c) What is the representation of projection lines? (d) Draw and represent aligned system of dimensioning? (e) What is the syntax of polar co-ordinate system and syntax of which co-ordinate system is covered by the syntax of polar co-ordinate system? (2*5=10) Q2: Draw using Auto-CAD. A square pyramid of 40 mm base sides and 60 mm long axis is centrally placed on the top of a cube of 60 mm long edges. Draw isometric view of the pair.