APHighCourt DV
APHighCourt DV
APHighCourt DV
granted by the Family Court. As both the Revisions arise out of order passed
125 of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (for short, ‘Cr.P.C’) seeking to grant a
concluding the hearing, the Family Court has partly allowed the petition in
5. During the hearing, it is brought to the notice of the Court that both
parties have not complied with the directions of the Hon’ble Apex Court
enunciated in the judgment of Rajnesh V. Neha & Anr.,1 concerning the filing
made, I have gone through the observations in Rajnesh V. Neha (cited supra)
case. The said judgment has brought revolutionary change in the procedure to
be followed by the Courts in dealing with the applications filed under Chapter
person can seek leave of the Court to serve interrogatories on the opposite
6. The exposition of law in Rajnesh case cited supra, was to remove the
stumbling blocks in the procedure and the inordinate delay being caused in
7. The aforesaid Judgment in the case of Rajnesh (cited supra) has been
recently reiterated by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Aditi alias
(2021) 2 SCC 324
Mithi V. Jitesh Sharma and expressing anguish over non-
disclosing their assets and liabilities. Learned counsel for the Petitioner has
for the reason that it has not followed the procedure prescribed by the Hon’ble
Apex Court.
9. By following the principles laid down in the Aditi alias Mithi’s case cited
supra, the High Court of Madras in Balram Dixit V. Smt. Kiran Dixit and
aside the maintenance awarded by the learned Principal Judge, Family Court,
Gwalior and further directed the both parties to submit fresh affidavits of
the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court laid down in the case of
10. Learned counsels representing both sides submit that because of lack
of proper instructions, both parties could not comply with the directions of the
2023 SCC OnLine SC 1451
Criminal Revision No.736 of 2018, dated 02.12.2023
Hon’ble Apex Court and at present, they are ready to comply with the
maintenance amount during the pendency of FCOPs and after its restoration.
11. In view of the same, this Court refrains from delving into the merits of
2018 is liable to be set aside for the reason that it has not followed the
set aside and the matter is remitted back to the learned Judge, Family Court –
and by following the procedures which are laid down in the judgment of the
13. This Court further directs the both parties to submit affidavits disclosing
their assets and liabilities, giving complete particulars, in accordance with the
directives of the Hon’ble Apex Court as laid down in the case of Rajnesh
(supra) before the Family Court. The Family Court must ensure strict
in necessary particulars, the learned Judge shall direct to produce the relevant
14. The Family Court shall dispose of the F.C.O.P.No.183 of 2018 afresh
disposal of the FCOP. Both parties are directed to bear their own costs.
15. With the directions provided above, the Criminal Revision Cases are
disposed of accordingly.
Date: 25.04.2023
Date: 25.04.2023