TTL 1module 5
TTL 1module 5
TTL 1module 5
Module 5:
Theories and Principles in the Use and Design of
Technology-Driven Lessons
This module aims to discuss how teachers integrate technology in the teaching
and learning process that depends very much on their beliefs on how people learn.
Specifically, they need to know who their learners are and how to approach instruction.
As future educator, your role is to provide learning experiences that will help achieve the
defined outcomes. In this module, you will be acquainted with the different theories and
learning principles such as Dale’s Cone of Experience, the TPACK Model, SAMR and the
In going through this module, you are expected to have the following:
1. Internet connection, if possible, and
2. Textbook/s and other materials in Technology for Teaching and Learning 1.
“The cone is a visual analogy, and like all analogies, it does not bear an exact
and detailed relationship to the complex elements it represents”- Edgar Dale
In preparing to become a teacher, there are elements that should be taken into
consideration. One way of putting it is the 8Ms of teaching and each element contributes
to ensuring effective instruction.
The version of Dale’s Cone of Experience with percentages as to which band will
hone higher order thinking skills and engage learners more may be confusing because it
may not necessarily mean that learning better takes place when materials or activities
belong to the upper level of the cone or that the nature of involvement is more active if it
is in the bottom. For all the descriptive categorization of learning experiences, other
elements such as students’ motivation to be engaged and learn have to be factored in as
Study trips- These are actual visits to certain locations to observe a situation or a
case which may not be available inside the classroom.
Exhibits- These are displays of models such as pictures, artifacts, posters, among
others that provide the message or information. These are basically viewed, however,
there are currently exhibits that allow the viewers to manipulate or interact with the display
and as a result, the exhibit becomes more engaging and fun.
Still pictures, recordings, Radio- Still are pictures or images. Together in this
category are the audio-recorded materials or information broadcast through the radio.
Visual symbols- These are more abstract representations of the concept or the
information. Examples of these are information presented through a graph or a chart. For
example, a process can be presented using a flow chart.
Verbal symbols- This category appears to be the most abstract because they may
not exactly look like the concept or object they represent but are symbols, words, codes
or formula.
With young learners, it is highly recommended that a learner proceed from the
ENACTIVE to ICONIC and lastly to the SYMBOLIC. A young learner would not be rushed
to move to immediate abstraction at the highest level without the benefit of a gradual
unfolding. However, when the learner is matured and capable to direct his own learning,
it may move fluidly across the cone of experience.
1. Where will the student’s experience with this instructional resource fit in the cone?
2. What kind of learning experience will you choose for your students?
3. How will you use the ideas in the cone to enrich your textbook?
4. What instructional materials (digital or non-digital) will you use to enrich your
students’ learning experiennces?
5. How many senses will yours students employ when you use an instructional
material taken from a band of the cone?
With these guide question to reflect on, there are pitfalls that you shuld avoid with regard
to the use of the Cone of Experiences:
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter corresponding to the
correct answer before the number.
a. The closer you are to the base, the more direct the learning experience
b. The further you are from the bottom, the direct the learning experience becomes.
c. The closer you are to the base, indirect the learning experience becomes.
d. The further you are from the base, direct the learning experience becomes.
a. Iconic
b. Enactive
c. Symbolic
d. Abstract
What is TPACK?
TPACK is a framework that combines the teacher’s three knowledge areas:
technological knowledge, content knowledge, and Pedagogical knowledge. This
framework shows the interconnectedness of content knowledge with the pedagogical
knowledge and the integration of technology in making teaching more engaging, relevant
and effective. It looks at how these knowledge areas intercept or work together to increase
student motivation and make the content more accessibly engaging to student.
The Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge known as TPACK is
theoretical model describing the capability of the 21st century teacher, to be relevant to
the learners of today, the teachers should be able to blend his knowledge and capability
in the content of the discipline.
CK is content knowledge. It is the ‘what’- understanding of the content such as
language arts, math, science, and history among others. This composed of facts,
concepts, theories or principle in a given discipline.
PK is pedagogical knowledge. It is the ‘How’- the expert knowledge in the science
of teaching from the educational and learning theories to individual differences to
strategies and techniques as well as assessment of learning. The teacher need to
possess the capability to handle learning through effective method and appropriate
The incorporation of technology knowledge and to PCK by Mishra and Koehler,
2006 is relevant to 21st century teaching. This Is the TK or the Technological Knowledge.
This is the teacher knowledge on how to select, use and integrate this tools in the teaching
and learning context this is not only about the tools but also about the quality of content
that students can access through appropriate application and sites.
The intersection of all knowledge areas is known as the TPACK. So, TPACK is
about what teachers know, how they teach and how technology is used in the delivery
of the lesson to make it more engaging and making learning more relevant in the 21st
a. Content c. Technological
b. Pedagogical d. Theoretical
3. Which statement does not provide the correct understanding of the theoretical
frameworks and models?
a. Revise c. Redefinition
b. Redesign d. Recognition
a. Puentedura: SAMR
b. A redesign on the basic: Modification
c. Bloom: Taxonomy
d. TPACK: Theoretical Framework
A well planned lesson is half of the bottle won; the other half is the delivery of the
lesson by the facilitator who has the pedagogical skills in implementing what has been
planned. This will ensure the achievement of learning outcomes. This will engage learners
to perform expected standards. That is why, it is important that before teaching, elements
needed to be incorporated when designing a plan have to be plotted well.
ASSURE model is a guide in crafting an instructional flow that can guide the
teacher in integrating appropriate technology and media into the instructional process. It
also refers to a systematic approach that the teacher can use when writing an instructional
With the learner as the center of the instructional process, the initial consideration
is to get a cler picture of the learners’ learning styles, age level, interests or preferences,
background, special needs and cutural diversity.
This is the main instruction guie that will direct the flow to reach the target known
as the learning outcome expected of the lesson, this statement describes what the learner
would be able to perform as a result of the instruction.
Selecting the appropriate way of delivering the lesson and using the applicable
media or technology can effectively make learners acquire understanding of the lesson
or gain the competence desired. The teacher has to decide which strategy, materials or
technology would be best considering the learners and the desired learning outcomes.
Having selected the strategy, media and materials is halfway of the task done.
Planning how to implement these entails a lot of consideration. Bearing in mind the
learning outcome of the lesson, the teacher decides which part of the instructional flow
will a particular material or technology be employed and the manner on how it will be
more effective to achieve the learning outcome.
When creating a digital story, it is important that you have the content written. The
substance is important to be clear. What is the message about? Then organize the flow
of event using the right language. Tell a good story.
Below are examples of storyboard templates.
B. Answer the test items below. Write the correct answer in your notebook.
1. Which sentence states the correct idea about ASSURE?
a) ASSURE is a guide indicating the specific steps to be followed when writing a
lesson plan.
b) ASSURE model ensures effective technology integration.
c) ASSURE clearly states the relevance of TPACK in instruction.
d) ASSURE is a framework containing the elements when planning a lesson.
a) The learner
b) The objective
c) The subject matter
d) The evaluation activity
3. Based on the ASSURE model, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a) Evaluating student performance can take place across phases of the lesson.
b) The teacher has to design the lesson based on the digital tools that work.
c) Once the learning outcomes or the objectives have been determined, the use of
the method, media and materials comes next.
d) Student engagement is an important element, and selecting appropriate way of
delivering the lesson will direct the instruction flow.
The conventional way of teaching in this century may outmode the preference of
present learneres. The teacher providing the informatio while taking the center stage may
not hold students’ attention for a longer time. this still works, however, but with the
approprite use of the right technology tool or application, a lesson becomes engaging.
The roles that learners play in ths millennium are no longer limited to being a
receiver of information. They desire to be actively involved in the retrieval of information,
repackaging them and using them to create something unconceivable before.
The learning place can also evolve especially when you consider the varied roles
that learners play. They can learn and perform the task in any physical or virtual location.
There is also the elemet of flexibility since learners can tackle assigned tasks at preferred
times or manner of doing them. However, certain agreed rules have to be established to
provide the right amount of guidance without curtailing their ingenuity.
A. 3-2-1 Prompt
Give three realizations that you have gained from integrating technology in instruction.
Name one thing that you have enjoyed in using technology in lesson.
In designing a lesson, always remember that it is not about the technology tool
upon which the lesson revolves. Rather, it has to be the objective of the lesson and the
knowledge and skills to be taught that will guide you in selecting the appropriate tool or
aid in order to achieve those objectives.
So the following steps may be a good guide:
Step 1: Identify learning objectives based on a topic or content.
1. Determine if the objectives are observable or can be manifested by the learner.
2. Consider the topic or subject matter that needs to be covered in the lesson.
Step 2: Determine knowledge and skills.
1. Analyze students’ knowledge and skills.
2. Determine how students will be able to learn the knowledge and skills.
3. Look for resources that can be useful in achieving the objectives.
Step 3: Select a tool or an instructional aide to use.
1. Be familiar with the tool you have selected and learn how to use it.
2. Consider the content that needs to be placed in the tool or the information that
goes with the use of the tool.
Step 4: Determine the method of assessment.
1. Use a criteria to evaluate the technology tool or instructional aid but always
considering the content as the most important criterion.
2. Consider the quality of information, the technological skills needed by the students
or how you can present the technology tool that would suit your objective.
5. All your learners are on Facebook. How can you ensure that they learn despite
constant use of this social networking site?
a) Prohibit them not to use Facebook again.
b) Create a Facebook page where you can post assignments and supplementary
c) Post your photosand thoughts so they can commit on it.
b) Create a prank account and stalk them to discover what they say and post on
Bilbao, Purita P., EdD et. al., Technology for Teaching and Learning 1: Lorimar
Publishing Inc.