Di100s Series
Di100s Series
Di100s Series
Recongnized File #E111753
FEATURES 0.335(8.51)
• Low leakage
• Surge overload rating--30 amperes peak
• Ideal for printed circuit board
• Exceeds environmental standards of MIL-S-19500/228 0.035(0.89)
• Case: Reliable low cost construction utilizing molded plastic technique
results in inexpensive product
• Terminals: Lead solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026
• Polarity: Polarity symbols molded or marking on body
• Weight: 0.01058 ounce, 0.3 gram
Pe a k Fo r w a r d S ur g e Cur r e nt : 8 . 3 ms s i ng l e ha l f s i ne - w a ve
I FSM 30 A
s upe r i mp o s e d o n r a t e d lo a d
M a xi mum Fo r w a r d Vo lt a g e Dr o p p e r Br i dg e El e me nt a t 1 A VF 1.1 V
M a xi mum DC Re ve r s e Cur r e nt at Ra t e d DC Bl o c k i ng T A= 2 5 O C 5
Vo lt ag e T A = 1 25 O C 500
Ty p i c a l J unc t io n Ca p a c it a nc e ( No t e 1 ) CJ 25 pF
R θJ A 55 O
Ty p i c a l T he r ma l Res i s t a nc e Pe r L e g ( Not e 2 ) C / W
R θJ L 30
O p e r a t ing J uns t io n a nd St o r a ge Te mpe r a t ur e Range T J , T ST G -55 t o +150 C
1. Measured at 1.0 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0 Volts
2. Mounted on a FR4 PCB, single-sided copper, with 100cm 2 copper pad area
TJ = 75°C
TJ = 25°C
per diode
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
VF, Forward Voltage (V)
TJ = 150°C
IR, Reverse Current (μA)
TJ = 125°C
0.1 TJ = 75°C
TJ = 25°C
per diode
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of Rated Peak Reverse Voltage (%)
• Packing information
T/R - 1.5K per 13" plastic Reel
For example :
Serial number
Part No. Version code means HF
Packing size code means 13"
Packing type means T/R
Packing type 1st Code Packing size code 2nd Code HF or RoHS 1st Code 2nd~5th Code
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• Panjit International Inc. disclaims any and all liability arising out of the application or use of
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• Panjit International Inc. does not assume any and all implied warranties, including warranties
of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.
• Applications shown on the herein document are examples of standard use and operation.
Customers are responsible in comprehending the suitable use in particular applications.
Panjit International Inc. makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be
suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.
• The products shown herein are not designed and authorized for equipments requiring high
level of reliability or relating to human life and for any applications concerning life-saving
or life-sustaining, such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace
machinery et cetera. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications
do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Panjit International Inc. for any damages
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• Since Panjit uses lot number as the tracking base, please provide the lot number for tracking
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