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Analysis of Mechanism of Dew Point Measurement Using A Colpitts Oscillation Circuit

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4th International Conference on Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering (ICCMCEE 2015)

Analysis of Mechanism of Dew Point Measurement Using a Colpitts

Oscillation Circuit

Qiang Wang1, a, Xiaofeng Meng1, b, Yi Yang1

Department of Measurement Control and Information Technology, School of Instrumentation
Science and Opto-electronics Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
wangq920125@163.com, bmengxf@buaa.edu.cn

Keywords: Colpitts circuit; Dew point; Quartz crystal model.

Abstract. In this paper, based on the phenomenon that Colpitts oscillation circuit is hard to work
when condensation occurs on the surface of the quartz crystal, a new dew point measurement device
is developed, and it is mainly composed of a quartz crystal and a Peltier module. This measurement
way is both rapid and reversible compared to the traditional methods. Wet sensitive characteristics of
the quartz crystal, which is regarded as the humidity sensing element in Colpitts oscillator, is
analyzed. The electrical parameters of the quartz crystal are changed due to proactive condensation,
then vibration of oscillator will stop if the magnitude of the reactance of the quartz crystal is lower
than the reactance threshold of the Colpitts circuit. Combining the theoretical analysis with
experiment data, it indicates that the Colpitts circuit is feasible to measure dew point.

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air and can be expressed in different ways such as
relative humidity, absolute humidity and dew point temperature. Humidity measurements are crucial
in many fields, such as industrial uses, textiles, agriculture, etc. And the dew point temperature
measurement is regarded as the most accurate method for measuring humidity[1, 2].
Recently many efforts have been paid on the investigation of humidity sensors with high
sensitivity, rapid response, fast recovery and small hysteresis. Humidity sensing mechanism and
material are always the research priorities of humidity sensors[3, 4]. In the dew point measurement,
the detection and recognition of dew point are viewed as the key technology. The typical recognition
way of dew point is making use of a Peltier module and an optical emitter-detector[5, 6]. However,
the detection system is easily affected by dust and pressure. Since a quantitative relationship between
the shift in frequency and mass deposition in quartz crystal was derived by Sauebrey, quartz crystal
microbalance (QCM) has been widely used as a gravimetric sensors. An EBVD model which is
appropriate to describe the quartz crystal in contact with Newtonian fluid was showed by Martin[7].
And it is convenient to use an equivalent circuit model to describe the electrical characteristics of the
quartz crystal resonant. However, to date few researches or related application have been conducted
on QCM dew point sensors.
Considering the accuracy, response time and sensitivity, a new measuring method of dew point
temperature is proposed. Since Colpitts circuit cannot drive quartz crystal oscillator when the
phenomenon of moisture condensation on the surface of quartz crystal occurs, the oscillation
characteristics of the Colpitts circuit is used in the experiments to identify the time of condensation.
Combined with theoretical analysis and experimental results, it is proved that the quartz crystal as a
sensing element in Colpitts circuit has great sensitivity and accuracy for dew point measurement.

Experimental System
The sensing device of dew point measurement is shown in Fig. 1, which consists of an AT-cut
quartz crystal resonator, a Peltier module, a Copper retainer and a water recycle radiator. In order to
make the sensing device more sensitive to the change of dew point, the device is placed in the sealing
environment. One side of quartz crystal is glued on the Copper retainer, two wires are led out
© 2015. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 884
respectively from the two electrodes of quartz crystal and connected to Colpitts circuit. Furthermore,
temperature is measured by three platinum thermal resistances, one platinum thermal resistance is
affixed to the Copper retainer to acquire the temperature of quartz crystal surface, another is stuck on
the cold surface of Peltier element to acquire the temperature of the cold surface of Peltier, then the
temperature difference between the cold surface of Peltier and quartz crystal surface can be obtained
and temperature compensation can be considered in the experiment. The third one is exposed in the
experimental environment to record the ambient temperature synchronously. A thermoelectric cooler
(TEC-12706) is stuck on the other side of the Copper retainer to set the temperature of the quartz
surface for inducing condensation, the heat surface of the thermoelectric cooler is attached to the
water recycle radiator in order to provide a better cooling effect.

Figure1. Schematic diagram of sensing device

Humidity Sensitive Characteristics of Quartz Crystal. The quartz crystal resonant commonly
consists of a thin disk of AT-cut quartz with metal film electrodes patterned on both sides. And it is
convenient to use an equivalent circuit model to describe the electrical characteristics of the quartz
crystal resonant. Electrical equivalent circuit parameters of the quartz crystal can be predicated from
the model and computed by using an impedance analyzer. As is shown in Fig.2a, the BVD
(Butterworth-Van-Dyke) equivalent circuit is always used to describe the unperturbed quartz crystal
resonant. The BVD equivalent circuit consists of a static capacitance C 0 in parallel with a motional
branch (L, C and R). During the measurement of the dew point, due to the change in viscosity and
density of the surrounding environment, the crystal is immersed from air into a liquid. Taking into
account the boundary conditions and the physical properties of the quartz, the resulting model is a
modified Butterworth-Van Dyke equivalent circuit as is shown in Fig. 2b. The circuit elements for the
modified BVD model are
ε A
C0 = 22 s (1)

8K 0 2C0
C1 = (2)
( Nπ )2

L1 = 1 (3)
ωS 2C1

ηqω 2
R1 = (4)
c66C1ωS 2
ω L 2ωρ lηl 1 2
∆R = S 1 ( ) (5)
N π c66 ρ q

2ω L ρ + 2 ρ lηl
∆L = S 1 q (6)
N π c66 ρ q

Where A is the effective electrode surface area, lq is the thickness of crystal, ε 22 is the permittivity
of the quartz, N (N=1, 3, 5…) is the harmonic resonance of quartz, K 0 is the effective
electromechanical coupling factor, e 26 is the piezoelectric stress constant, ωS = 2π f s , f s is the series
resonant angular frequency, c66 is the piezoelectric stiffened quartz elastic constant, ηq is the
effective quartz viscosity, ρ l and ηl are the surrounding media density and viscosity ,respectively, and
ρq is the quartz mass density.

Figure 2a. Equivalent circuit model of QCM Figure 2b. Equivalent circuit modified model of QCM
The condition for the circuit to be resonant is that the imaginary of the impedance should be equal
to zero. The impedance of the quartz crystal is given by:
1 1
[ R + j ( Lω − )]
Cω jωC0
Z= = R e + jX e (7)
1 1
+ R + j ( Lω − )
jωC0 Cω
The imaginary component X e of the impedance are as follows:
1 C
( Lω − )(1 + 0 − C0 Lω 2 ) − R 2C0ω
Xe= Cω C (8)
(1 + − C0 Lω 2 ) 2 + ( RC0ω ) 2
Analysis of Colpitts Oscillation Circuit. The Colpitts circuit is a typical oscillation circuit which
is often utilized as a driving circuit in quartz crystal resonant. As is shown in Fig. 3a, Colpitts
oscillation circuit is a positive feedback oscillation based on the transistor. In order to maintain
self-sustained oscillating the circuit should simultaneously fulfill the phase condition and the
amplitude condition. The basis expression are as follows:
(1) Amplitude condition : the total loop gain G = 1
(2) Phase condition: the total phase is ϕ = 2nπ (n=0, 1, 2, …)
Fig. 3b is the equivalent circuit of the Colpitts circuit. ub ' = − g fcub ,
Z1 + Z 2 + Z 3
1 1 1 1
Z1 = R1 (R e + jX e + ) (R1 + R e + jX e + ) =
, Z 2 R2 (R2 + )
jωC1 jωC1 jωC3 jωC3

1 1
=Z 3 Ri Ri + , β β 0 (1 + j f f β ) , β 0 is the amplification of common emitter
jωC2 jωC2
current, f β is the frequency of common emitter transistor cutoff, R i is amplifier input resistance.

Figure 3a. Colpitts circuit Figure 3b. Equivalent circuit of Colpitts circuit
From what have been discussed above, it is obvious to get that:
ub ' Z2Z3
G= =
− g fc G e jj
= (9)
ub Z1 + Z 2 + Z 3
In order to satisfy the resonant condition of the Colpitts circuit, the quartz crystal should be
equivalent to an electric resistance R e and series inductance impedance X e . So the external circuit
could be equivalent to a negative resistance R N and series capacitance impedance X CL . When the
circuit is in resonant state, it should satisfy the amplify and phase conditions : G = 1 , ϕ = 2nπ .

g fc Z 2 Z3 +Z1 +Z 2 +Z3 =0 (10)

Take Z 1 , Z 2 , and Z 3 into Eq. (10) to get that:

g fc Z 2 Z3 +Z1 +Z 2 +Z3

jR1ωC (R e + jX e ) + R1 R + Ri + jR2 Riω

(C2 + C3 ) + g fc Ri R2
+ 2 (11)
jωC1 ( R1 + R e + jX e ) + 1 ( jR2ωC3 + 1)[ jRiωC2 + 1]

=RN +R e +j ( X CL + X e )
R N is a negative resistance, X CL is active circuit equivalent capacitance reactance. Solving Eq. (11)
to get that:
1 1 1 1
XCL = − ( + + ) (12)
ω C3 C2 C1
We can define -X CL as the reactance threshold. It is to say that the Colpitts oscillation circuit will
stop oscillation when the reactance X e is lower than the threshold -X CL .

Results and discussion

In order to get the reason why the Colpitts circuit cannot work in the liquid environment, firstly the
change of electrical characteristics of the quartz crystal is analyzed. The shift of equivalent electrical
parameters varying with the environment humidity of the quartz crystal is measured. The special
parameters components of the Colpitts circuit are as follows: C 1 =30PF, C 2 =330PF, C 3 =270PF, and
resonant frequency of quartz crystal resonant is 4MHz. It is shown that the moment of circuit
stopping oscillation is exactly the moment that gas-liquid phase transform on the quartz surface.
Due to gas-liquid shift on the surface of the quartz crystal during the active condensation processes,
a change in the motional impedance is caused, represented by theΔL andΔR in Eq. (5, 6). By
combining the circuit model of the Colpitts oscillator (Fig.3b) with the equivalent circuit model of the
resonator (Fig.2b), total responses varying with the humidity during the condensation are simulated.
The variation of the imaginary of the impedance of the quartz crystal vs. the equivalent resistance is
represented in Figure.4a. The phenomenon that the value of the reactance R e will decrease with the
increasing of the equivalent resistance R is revealed. The Colpitts circuit stopped oscillating when the
value falls above the line of the reactance threshold. Considering the influence in the variation of the
equivalent induction, the variation in reactance X e is shown in Fig.4b. It illustrates the relationship
between the two electrical parameters (R, L) and the reactance of quartz crystal (X e ).

Figure 4a. The relationship between R and Xe Figure 4b.The relationship between R,L and Xe
The value of quartz crystal parameters is measured by an Impedance Analyzer (Agilent 4294A).
Electrical impedance or admittance is measured at a range of frequencies near resonance. Therefore, a
measurement of reactance of quartz crystal is recorded when the surface of quartz crystal changes
from the original dry condition to deep condensation. And the measured result is close to the value
calculated by the modified-BVD model. The reactance X CL is calculated by Eq. (12). It is
approximately 1586.3Ω. The shift of reactance of the quartz is determined by the measurement result
of impedance analyzer, which agrees well with the value calculated by Eq.(8). Five groups of X e
varying with the state of quartz surface are shown in Fig.5. A highly level of repeatability and
reproducibility in these experimental curves are observed. On the one hand it demonstrates that X e is
of the same value approximately 1366.8 Ω at the moment of the circuit stopping oscillation, and on
the other hand, X e under the original dry environment is also at the same magnitude approximately
1597.2Ω which is a little greater than the threshold. Furthermore, the X e will decrease with the
deepening of the extent of the condensation.

Fig 5. Trend of quartz crystal reactance

The condition of self-sustaining oscillation of Colpitts circuit and the humidity sensing properties
of quartz crystal are qualitatively analyzed in this paper. During the process of humidity measuring,
the quartz crystal surface experiences from original dry condition to moisture condensation.
Parametric impedance plane plots are introduced to analyze the effect of gas-liquid shift in the surface
of the quartz crystal. The response of the Colpitts oscillator varies in direct proportion to the extent of
vapor adsorption, which is typically both rapid and reversible. Quantitative comparisons of two
electrical parameters, reactance of the quartz crystal and threshold reactance of the Colpitts circuit,
demonstrate the accuracy and feasibility of the dew point detection.

This research is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant
No. 61473021.

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