Course Book of Medical Microbiology Dr. Honer O. Ismail
Course Book of Medical Microbiology Dr. Honer O. Ismail
Course Book of Medical Microbiology Dr. Honer O. Ismail
Kurdistan Region-Iraq
Paitaxt Private Technical Institute
Department of Pathological Analytics
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
13. Working in many humanitarian and civil organizations such as
Awat society, Nature of Iraq, CPP, etc……
14. Hobbies and Talents: Reading, Mountain Climbing, إلravelling.
Class attendance regularly 85-90% of lectures each week 5 minutes before meantime of lecture is must.
The students should also submit homework and assignments, accomplish extra classroom requirements
such as preparing scientific reports, presentation and seminars and also be ready for performing quizzes,
mid-term and final exams, participate in the laboratory works (practical labs) in order to pass successfully.
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
1. Forbes, A., Sahm, F., and et al (2007) Baily & Scotts Diagnostic Microbiology (12th edition) International
edition Mosby Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia, USA.
2. Jawetz, Melink and Adelbergs. Medical Microbiology, Appleton & Lange A Simon Co. (Last edition)
3. Nester, E.W., Anderson, D.G., et al (2001) Microbiology a human perspective, 3rd ed.,the McGraw-Hill
companies, Inc. ; Chicago, USA.
4. Madigan, M. T and Martinko, J.M (2006). Biology of Microorganisms 11th ed. (International Eid.) Pearson
Education, Inc., London.
5. Warinner, P. Q (1998). Clinical Microbiology Preview, 2nd ed., Wysteria, USA.
6. For further information, students can be searching from websites of internet using key words given in the
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research
7 Antimicrobial Agents- mode of Antimicrobial Sensitivity Test 2+2
actions- Chemotherapy and (Kirby Bauer Test)
Antibiotic Resistance
-Vaccines &Toxoids
8 -Gram Positive cocci 2+2
-Staphylococci- Streptococci Laboratory Diagnosis &
Identification of Staph and Strep
9 Enteric Gram Negative rods API Test 2+2
10 Pseudomonads and MIC 2+2
11 Vibrios and Helicobacter Lab Diagnosis Methods of Vibrios 2+2
and Helicobacter
12 Brucella and Mycobacteria Brucella and Mycobacterium 2+2
laboratory diagnosis Tests
13 Medically Important Viruses HIV, Hepatitis, CMV ELISA tests 2+2
19- Examinations:
To make sure that the students highly benefit from the study course, the Instructor should emphasize
the following:
-Using whiteboard, PowerPoint Presentations, scientific visits and video shows.
-Review the lecture information about the subject and prepare notes prior to class entering.
-Up-to-date the given lectures information periodically.
-Listening for any ideas, questions and opinions offered by students.
-Group and panel discussing inside lecturing hall and solving exercises.
21-Peer Review
This Coursebook of Clinical Microbiology prepared by myself, its contents seen by Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdul-
Wahab A. Al-Khayat and Assistant. Prof. Dr. Naufal Al –Dabbagh and we are agreeing with the above syllabus
and a whole coursebook to be thought for 2st stage Pathological Analytics students.