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Moments of Inertia

Suppose a body is moving on a circular path and reminds us of the analogous equation for
with constant speed. Let’s consider two quan- linear momentum
tities: the body’s angular momentum L about the
p = mv ,
center of the circle, and its kinetic energy T. How
are these quantities related to its angular velocity which is of the form
ω? linear momentum = mass H linear velocity .
L P The kinetic energy of the body is
vP T= mv2 ,
and is of the form
kinetic energy = (1/2) mass H linear velocity2 .
The angular momentum about the center of the
circle has magnitude Substituting in for the velocity, we find
L = mvr ,
1 2 2
and the velocity has magnitude T= mr ω
2 ,
v =rω .
which is of the form
The first relation we seek is therefore
kinetic energy = (1/2) constant H angular velocity2 .
L = mr 2 ω The “constant” in these equations is the rotational
analog of mass. It is called the moment of inertia
This is of the form of the body about the point at the center of the
circle, and is symbolized by I:
angular momentum = constant H angular velocity ,
1 2 I = 3 m ir i2
L = Iω and T= Iω . .
2 . i

In this particular case, the value of the moment of In the case of a continuous body, the sum
inertia is becomes an integral. We will see some cases of
this below.
I = mr 2 .
Example: moment of inertia of a ring about its
Now let’s suppose that we have a system center
consisting of several bodies held rigidly together
in a single plane, and that this composite body is Suppose that instead of a single body moving in a
rotating about a point in the plane of the body: circular path, we have a thin ring spinning around
on its axis like this:

Pr1 Pv1
Pr 2
Pv 2
The mass of the ring is m and its radius is R.
Then each piece of the whole thing goes around
in a circle, and they all have the same angular What is the moment of inertia of the ring about
velocity. The angular momentum of the system its center?
is just the sum of the angular momenta of the We imagine the ring split up into tiny pieces. All
parts: are at the same distance R from the center of the
circle. The expression for the moment of inertia
L = äåå 3 m ir i2 ëìì ω ,
ãi í
simplifies, becoming

so the moment of inertia of the system is the sum I = äåå 3 m i ëìì R 2 .

of the individual moments of inertia: ãi í
The sum of the masses of the pieces is just m, so ring, of radius r and (infinitesimal) thickness dr:
we get the result
I = mR 2 .
This is the same as the moment of inertia of a
single body at distance R from the center. r

Example: moment of inertia of a disc about its dr

Now let’s soup up our example even more. R
Suppose we have a circular disc spinning around
on its axis:
(The thickness has been exaggerated in the
Pω figure.) What’s the mass of this ring? Well, the
mass will be the mass of the whole disc, times
the ratio of the area of the ring to the area of the
disc. The area of the ring is just its length times
its thickness, or 2πr dr . So the mass is
2πr dr 2m
2 m =
Let’s let the mass of the disc be m, and its radius r dr .
πR R2
be R. We’ll also suppose that the mass is
uniformly distributed over the disc. What is the The moment of inertia of the ring is its mass
moment of inertia of the disc about its center? times the square of its radius r, and we want to
Well, we can think of the disc as being made up add these up for all radii from 0 to R. This means
of a bunch of thin rings. We can “add up” the we have to do an integral
moments of inertia of all the rings using calculus, R
åäåå 2m ëìì 2m
2m 1
and the result will be the moment of inertia of the I = I r å 2 r dr ìì = 2 I r 3 dr = 2 R4 .

0 ãR í R 0 R 4
Let’s see how this works. Consider a typical The result is
multiply their mass times the square of their
I = m R2 distance from the point of rotation. We then add
2 . these up over the whole ring.
Warning! This is the kind of calculation that
This is an interesting result. If all the mass were looks very easy when done by someone else, but
concentrated at the edge (that is, if the plate were can appear nearly impossible when you try it
actually a ring), then the moment of inertia would yourself! Don’t be fooled! Practice on bodies of
be mR2 . The moment of inertia of the disc is other shapes yourself.
actually only half as big as this, because the rings
nearer to the center contribute less than they One of the biggest challenges when doing a
would if they were right at the edge. calculation of this kind is the very first step: the
choice of suitable coordinates. Here is a good
Example illustrating dependence of moment of choice for the present case:
inertia on the point of rotation
R dθ
Suppose we return to our thin ring of mass m and
radius R, and we constrain it to rotate about a
point on the ring. Here is a top view:
r θ/2 R dθ
moment of θ/2 θ
inertia about
this point

rotates about
this point The mass of the arc subtended by the angle dθ,
shown in blue, is the mass of the ring times the
What’s the moment of inertia now? ratio of the length of the arc to the circumference
Well, the principle is no different from before. of the ring, or
Only the details of its application change. We Rdθ m
just take all the little pieces of the ring and m= dθ .
2πR 2π
The distance of the little arc to the point about has mass m, again uniformly distributed.
which we are calculating the moment of inertia is
r = 2R cos .
2 a
Multiplying the mass times the square of the
distance, and integrating over the whole ring, b
gives for the moment of inertia
2π 2π
2 θ ìëì äå m
åäåå 2 ëì 2m R 1
I = I å 4R cos ìì åå dθ ì = ì I (1 + cos θ)dθ
0 ã 2 í ã 2π í π 02
Show that the moment of inertia of the wheel
The value of the integral is π, so the result is about its axle is
1 4
I = 2 mR2 I= M(a 2 + b 2 ) + m b 2 .
. 2 3
Notice that this is the same body for which we Hint: this exercise is designed to be rather
earlier calculated the moment of inertia to be half complicated. You have to break up the wheel
as large! That’s because the two moments of into separate parts, calculate their moments of
inertia are taken about different points. The inertia individually, and add them up in the end.
moment of inertia is not an intrinsic property of Example of use of energy of rotation: body
the body, but rather depends on the choice of the rolling down slope
point around which the body rotates.
Here is a famous example. Consider a circular
Exercise: moment of inertia of a wagon wheel body which rolls without slipping down an
about its center
inclined plane. Let’s not make any assumptions
Consider a wagon wheel made up of a thick rim about the nature of the body, except that its mass
and four thin spokes. The rim’s outer radius is a is m and its moment of inertia about its central
and inner radius is b, and its mass M is uniformly axis is I. What is the acceleration along the
distributed. The spokes have length b and each slope?
ω= .
ω R
x Substituting, we find
v R x sin θ
θ 1 ååä I ëìì 2
E= m å1 + ì v − mgx sin θ .
2 ã mR2 í
We know that this is constant in time, so we may
You could tackle this by trying to figure out all set its time derivative to zero:
the forces involved, but by far the easiest way is ä
to use the method of energy. 0 = mv ååå 1 +
I ìëìì a − mgv sin θ .
ã mR2 í
Let the distance travelled along the slope be x.
Then the vertical distance travelled in the Solving for the acceleration, we find
downward direction is x sin θ.
g sin θ
The total energy is a=
I .
1 1
E = mv 2 + Iω2 − mgx sin θ . mR2
2 2
Notice that this is less than the acceleration of a
The first term is the kinetic energy due to the
motion of the center of mass and the second is body sliding down a frictionless plane at the
the kinetic energy due to rotation about the center same angle. Why is this? Well, in the present
of mass. (We used a result of an earlier section case the force of friction pushes uphill along the
to split up the kinetic energy in this way.) The slope, causing the body to rotate as it moves.
third term is the gravitational potential energy. This extra frictional force slows down the body,
compared with a body sliding down a frictionless
A little reflection will convince you that if no plane.
slipping occurs, then the angular frequency of
rotation is related to the speed along the plane by Exercise - practice with forces
Derive the above result by considering the forces
Exercise - how to measure the moment of inertia L = 3 Pr i H m ivPi = 3 m iPr i H(ω
P P H Pr i) .
i i
Think of a way in which you could use the above
result to measure the moment of inertia of a body We then make use of the standard relation for the
with circular cross-section. triple cross product
P H (B P ) = (A
The inertia tensor
We find the result
Up until now, we have been considering only the PL = 3 m är 2 ω
P − (Pr i A ω
P )Pr i ëí .
iã i
rotation of two-dimensional planar bodies about i
axes perpendicular to the body. But you can
This is a nice compact form of the result, but
easily see that this is only a very small subset of
there’s another form that gives more physical
all possible rotations of a rigid body. So now
insight into the relation between the angular
let’s move on to the more general case of the
momentum and the angular velocity. This other
rotation of a three-dimensional rigid body about
form is what we get when we re-write the above
an arbitrary axis. We will assume only that the
equation in matrix notation.
direction of the axis of rotation does not change.
Let’s begin by looking at the components of the
Let’s let the angular velocity vector of the body
last equation. We write the position vector as
be ω
P . This is the same for every piece of the
body. As we learned in our section on rotational Pr i = xˆ x i + yˆ y i + zˆ z i ,
motion, the velocity of any particular piece is
and obtain for the x-component of the angular
vPi = ω
P H Pr i . momentum
Let’s ask the question: what is the relation Lx = 3 m i ãär 2i ωx − (x iωx + y iωy + z iωz )x i ëí ,
between the total angular momentum of the body i
and the angular velocity vector? We begin by with similar equations for the other components.
writing down the expression for the angular
momentum and substituting for the velocity: We can re-write this as a linear combination of
the three components of the angular velocity:
Lx = äåå 3 m i(r 2i − x 2i ) ëìì ωx − äåå 3 m ix iy i ëìì ωy − äåå 3 m ix iz i ëìì ωz
ãi í ãi í ãi í
We recognize the right-hand side as the top
component of the product of a matrix and the
angular velocity vector:

åäå 3 m i(r i − x i ) ìëì åäå − 3 m ix iy i ìëì åäå − 3 m ix iz i ìëì ω x

2 2
ãi í ã i í ã i í
í = ωy
í í í
í í í í ωz

(For clarity, the other components have been

temporarily suppressed.) This matrix is called the
inertia tensor. We will symbolize it by ¯.
Written out in full, it is
åäå 3 m i(r i − x i ) ìëì åäå − 3 m ix iy i ìëì åäå − 3 m ix iz i ìëì
2 2

ãi í ã i í ã i í

¯ = åå − 3 m iy ix i ìì åäå 3 m i(r i − y i ) ìëì åäå − 3 m iy iz i ìëì

ä ë 2 2

ã i í ãi í ã i í

åäå − 3 m iz ix i ìëì åäå − 3 m iz iy i ìëì åäå 3 m i(r i − z i ) ìëì

2 2

ã i í ã i í ãi í
and the relation between the angular momentum
and the angular velocity is written compactly as

L = ¯ω

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