4it1 02 Que 20231118
4it1 02 Que 20231118
4it1 02 Que 20231118
Technology (ICT)
PAPER 2: Practical Paper
•• Answer all questions.
You must not use the internet during the examination.
• Save your work into your examination folder.
•• There are two sections in this paper, with a total of 100 marks.
The marks for each task are shown in brackets
– use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each task.
•• Read through the instructions on page 2.
Attempt ALL tasks.
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©2023 Pearson Education Ltd.
Instructions to candidates
This paper consists of two sections. Each section contains several tasks.
Work through the tasks in order.
This table shows the major software used, the marks available and the data files needed
for each section.
For each task, you may also need to use other software.
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Clara owns Evolving with Fitness. The company offers online fitness classes and personal
training opportunities.
These are the company’s contact details.
Upper Avenue
Lower Town
EF19 6PT
Telephone: 07700 901999
Email: clara@ewf.service
Website: www.ewf.service
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Task A1
Clara needs a logo to be used on some of the company documents.
Task A1a
Create the logo.
The logo must be a simple drawing that is fit for purpose and:
• combines lines and coloured shapes
• represents fitness
• includes EWF on the logo.
Task A1b
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Task A2
Clara has collected information about the company’s fitness classes.
She has saved the information in the database FITNESS
The database has three tables.
The CLASSES table includes information about the classes available.
The CLIENTS table includes information about the clients who have booked the classes.
The BOOKING table includes information about the classes and the clients who have
booked the classes.
The structure of the CLASSES table is:
PAYMENT METHOD Text How the client pays for the classes
YEAR STARTED Number The year the client attended their first class
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The structure of the BOOKING table is:
Task A2a
Create a form for the BOOKING table.
The form must:
• include the logo you created in Task A1a in the top left of the header
• include the title ‘Class Booking Form’ that has a:
• serif font
• dark background and white text
• be customised so the width of the field headings is 3cm
• include an instruction on the form ‘Please check data before saving’.
TAKE a screenshot of your form in design view that shows you have set the width
of the field headings to 3cm.
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Task A2b
Another booking has been made.
Use the BOOKING_FORM you created in Task A2a to add a new booking on the
BOOKING table:
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Task A2c
Clara wants a list of clients who:
• are not located in the UK or Europe
• pay monthly for classes
• started classes in 2022 or 2023
Create a query on the CLIENTS table to produce the list.
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Task A2d
Clara wants a list of classes.
The list must:
• include the classes where she is the instructor and that cost £6.00
• show only these fields in this order CLASS ID, DAY, TITLE and TYPE
• sort the results into ascending order of CLASS ID
Create a query on the CLASSES table to find the information.
Clara wants a database report based on the results from the CLASSES_QUERY
Create a database report to display the results.
The database report must:
• have a suitable title
• group the report based on the field DAY
• include an automated date in short date format in the header
• show only the required fields
• show the records sorted as required
• be formatted so the DAY field name and the DAY field values stand out
• include the page number in the report header.
TAKE a screenshot in design view showing you have included an automated date
in short date format in the header.
TAKE a screenshot of the report in print view making sure you show the
page number.
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Task A2e
Create the relationships between the three tables.
Task A2f
Answer these questions in the document EVIDENCE
(i) State one field that is used as a primary key in the FITNESS database.
(ii) Give one reason why a primary key is used in a database.
(iii) Explain one reason why a lookup list has been used on the INSTRUCTOR field in
the CLASSES table.
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Task A3
Clara wants you to create two web pages to promote the company.
Content for the web pages is stored in the file WEB PAGES
She wants you to create these linked pages:
Both web pages must be saved as .html
Task A3a
(i) Create the HOME page based on this design:
Link to Link to
Home page Classes page
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(ii) Create the CLASSES page based on this design:
Link to Link to
Home page Classes page
Task A3b
Answer these questions in the document EVIDENCE
(i) Explain one benefit of using a template to create the web pages.
(ii) Explain one improvement you would make to the web pages.
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Task B1
Evolving with Fitness offers online fitness classes.
The spreadsheet PAYMENTS contains information on payments made by one client
for January.
It has two worksheets called INVOICE and INFORMATION. Some functions require you
to use more than one worksheet.
Task B1a
(i) Format the INVOICE worksheet to:
• merge and centre cells A1 to E1 and merge and centre cells B2 to E2
• use dark shading for the heading with white text
• right align cells B4, B6 and B8
• include an automated date in the header.
(ii) Format the INFORMATION worksheet to include a named range for cells A1 to
E28 named ‘ClassInformation’.
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Task B1b
Clara wants you to use spreadsheet tools to analyse the data for the information
included for P Bellamy.
(i) Use spreadsheet functions to display the:
• Duration (mins) of the Sunday Bootcamp class
• Cost of class for the Sunday Bootcamp class.
(ii) Replicate the functions for Duration (mins) and Cost of class for the other classes.
(iii) Use spreadsheet formulae to calculate the:
• Total cost for the week
• Total cost for the month
(iv) Use one spreadsheet function, to display the Discount message ‘5% discount next
month’ if the Total cost for the month is £100.00 or more. If the message is not
displayed, the cell must remain blank.
(v) On the INFORMATION worksheet, enter a formula to display the Total number
of classes
Task B1c
Format the INVOICE worksheet so that:
• currency values show £ with two decimal places
• row headings Duration (mins) and Cost of class use text wrap
• row and column headings are displayed when the spreadsheet is printed
• all cells that contain a heading have a border displayed.
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Task B2
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Task B3
Answer these questions in the document EVIDENCE
(i) Give one reason why it is useful to have linked worksheets in a spreadsheet.
(ii) Explain one benefit of replicating formulas in a spreadsheet.
(iii) Give one benefit of using a header in a spreadsheet.
(iv) The INFORMATION worksheet has the text Muscle Factory in the cell B3
Give the name of the function you would use to determine the number of
characters in the cell B3
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Task B4
Clara wants to send a leaflet to potential clients to promote the fitness classes.
She wants you to create the leaflet using the:
• column structure
• instructions
• content from the LEAFLET CONTENT document.
Column structure:
Side 1
1 2 3
Side 2
4 5 6
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The leaflet must:
• be set to landscape orientation
• be two sides of A4 with 3 columns on each side of A4
• use the colour scheme purple, black and white
• include Evolving with Fitness as a footer.
Add a suitable heading to column 1 and format it with an appropriate font size and style.
Add an appropriate image to column 1 and include appropriate alt text.
Add some text and images to column 3 and make appropriate use of grouping and
layering to make sure the text is in front of the images.
Add a table to column 5 that includes the table information. Format the table by making
appropriate use of borders and shading.
Add the 4 icons and relevant text to column 4.
Add appropriate text and images to columns 2 and 6.
Make appropriate use of bullet points.
Ensure the leaflet includes appropriate use of white space.
Use formatting features to ensure the leaflet is fit for purpose and could be sent to
potential clients.
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Create the leaflet.
Answer these questions in the document EVIDENCE
(i) Give one reason why it is important to save work regularly.
(ii) Explain one reason why colour choice is important when designing a leaflet.
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