Critical Thinking2
Critical Thinking2
Critical Thinking2
11. Ann: I hear that our troops in Iraq have been torturing prisoners by kicking and beating them.
Steve: Don't be silly. That's not torture, it's just rough treatment. The following dispute can be
classified as:
A. Verbal vagueness.
B. Political dispute.
C. Verbal ambiguity.
D. Factual dispute.
12. Jane: Professor Barker said he spent the entire day teaching. He must be exhausted.
Ken: That's impossible. Professor Barker's students are incapable of learning, and if there's no
learning, then there's no teaching. The following dispute can be classified as:
A. Verbal ambiguity.
B. Contentious dispute.
C. Factual dispute.
D. Verbal vagueness
13. Tina: Megan said just a minute ago that her new apartment is on Pine Street.
Carl: You must be going deaf. She said that her apartment is on Palm Street. The following
dispute can be classified as:
A. Verbal vagueness.
B. Moral dispute.
C. Verbal ambiguity.
D. Factual dispute.
14. Every man is a mortal. Translate the following sentences into standard categorical form.
A) All mortals are men.
B) Not all mortals are men.
C) All men are mortals.
D) No man is a non- mortal.
15. Only law makers are members of parliament. Translate the following sentences into standard
categorical form.
A) Some members of parliament are law makers.
B) No law makers are members of parliament.
C) All law makers are members of parliament.
D) All members of parliament are Law makers.
16. Most Ghanaians are not Christians. Translate the following sentences into standard
categorical form.
A) Not all Ghanaians are Christians.
B) Some Ghanaians are not Christians.
C) All non- Christians are Ghanaians.
D) Some Ghanaians are Christians.
17. Almost all of the patients in the hospital will not be home within 48 hours. Translate the
following sentences into standard categorical form.
A. Some of the patients in the hospital are not people who will be home within 48 hours.
B. All people who will be home within 48 hours are patients in the hospital.
C. No people who will not be home within 48 hours are patients in the hospital.
D. Some patients in the hospital are people who will be home within 48 hours.
18. Persons with a fake ticket are not allowed on the plane. Translate the following sentences
into standard categorical form.
A. Some persons with fake tickets are persons who will be allowed on the plane.
B. No persons with a fake tickets are allowed on the plane.
C. All persons with fake tickets are persons who will be allowed on the plane.
D. All persons allowed on the plane are persons with fake tickets.
19. The proposition: “No minor is an eligible voter”. - is an example of __________ proposition.
A. Universal affirmative
B. Universal negative
C. Particular affirmative
D. Particular negative
20. The proposition: “some students are workers.”- is an example of____________ proposition.
A. Universal affirmative
B. Universal negative
C. Particular affirmative
D. Particular negative
1. August in Argentina is winter, but only in the gentle way that winter manifests itself in the
sunny latitudes of South America. One can enjoy a meal at an outdoor table of a restaurant.
A. A list of illustration, explanations, direction, proverbial advice.
B. An argument containing premises logically supporting the conclusion.
C. An expression of strong feeling or opinion or rhetorical polemic.
D. A narrative reporting a time ordered sequence of past events
2. The prices of petroleum products have been increased because the government want to
generate financial resources to provide social and economic infrastructure.
A. A list of instructions, illustrations, explanations or proverbial advice.
B. An argument containing premises logically supporting the conclusion.
C. An expression of strong feelings or opinion or Polemical Rhetoric.
D. A narrative reporting a time ordered sequence of past events.
3. We would like to decrease the amount of litter on the streets of Ghana. In Singapore, those
citizens convicted of littering must serve jail time. Hence, if Ghana passed such a policy, the
streets of Ghana would be as clear as those of Singapore.
A. A list of illustration, explanations, direction, proverbial advice.
B. An argument containing premises logically supporting the conclusion.
C. An expression of strong feeling or opinion or rhetorical polemic.
D. A narrative reporting a time ordered sequence of past events
4. A crystal is a form of mineral that has grown in an orderly and symmetrical manner. When
broken, it naturally divides into a common shape based on its structure. Crystals are the result of
the atomic arrangement of atoms as they grow in a shape that can be duplicated many times.
Crystals are made up of molecules that fit neatly together in an orderly way. All crystals of the
same material have the same shape..
A. A list of instructions, illustrations, explanations or proverbial advice.
B. An argument containing premises logically supporting the conclusion.
C. An expression of strong feelings or opinion or Polemical Rhetoric.
D. A narrative reporting a time ordered sequence of past events.
5. I know it must be Friday because every Friday John has been waiting for the bus and today He
is not waiting for the bus.
A. A list of instructions, illustrations, explanations or proverbial advice.
B. An argument containing premises logically supporting the conclusion.
C. An expression of strong feelings or opinion or Polemical Rhetoric.
D. A narrative reporting a time ordered sequence of past events.
6. The annual snowfall in Buffalo, New York, has been over 40 inches every year for the past 20
years. Therefore, probably the snowfall in Buffalo will be over 40 inches next year.
A. Argument from analogy.
B. Argument from authority.
C. Predictive argument.
D. Argument based on generalization.
7. A religious prophet who now lives in the country side, claims that a particular King living in
that country is an Antichrist. Therefore, we must conclude that the particular King is up to no
A. Argument from analogy.
B. Argument from authority.
C. Predictive argument.
D. Argument based on generalization.
8. Either Leonardo da Vinci or Andrew Wyeth painted the Mona Lisa. But it clearly wasn't da
Vinci. Therefore, Andrew Wyeth painted the Mona Lisa.
9. All aerobic exercises are calorie burners and all calorie burners are weight reducers. Thus, all
aerobic exercises are weight reducers.
10. If you are married, then you will have children. You don’t have children. So, you are not
A. An argument from definition.
B. Argument base on mathematics.
C. Categorical syllogism.
D. Hypothetical syllogism
11. All Christians are fundamentalist. Presbyterians are not Christians. It implies Presbyterians
are not fundamentalist.
A. valid but unsound
B. valid and sound
C. invalid and unsound
D. enthymeme
12. All men are intelligent beings. You are an intelligent being. Hence you are a man.
A. valid but unsound
B. valid and sound
C. invalid and unsound
D. enthymeme
13. There is no way you will get the job. The job advert says you need a high school diploma to
apply and you don’t have a high school diploma.
A. valid but unsound
B. valid and sound
C. invalid and unsound
D. enthymeme
14. All doctors are health workers. Michael is not a doctor. Therefore, Michael is not a health
A. valid but unsound
B. valid and sound
C. invalid and unsound
D. enthymeme
15. You cannot borrow books from the library without an identification card. Thus, George
cannot borrow books from the library.
A. valid but unsound
B. valid and sound
C. invalid and unsound
D. enthymeme
16. If stun guns are safe, then police officers will use them. Stun guns are not safe. Therefore, police
officers will not use them.
A. Deductive, invalid.
B. Deductive, valid.
C. Inductive, strong.
D. Inductive, weak.
17. Of the more than 40 red wines imported from Australia, Green Valley, and Fireside Vineyards are
excellent. Thus, it must be the case that all red wines imported from Australia are excellent.
A. Deductive, invalid.
B. Deductive, valid.
C. Inductive, strong.
D. Inductive, weak.
18. Either Bill Clinton or George W. Bush was president when the World Trade Center towers were
destroyed. But Bush was not president at that time. Therefore, Bill Clinton was president when those
buildings were destroyed.
A. Deductive, invalid.
B. Deductive, valid.
C. Inductive, strong.
D. Inductive, weak
19. The pop-up message on your computer screen says "Earn $10,000 per week. Call 306-981-
4872."Therefore, if you call that number you can earn $10,000 per week.
A. Deductive, invalid.
B. Deductive, valid.
C. Inductive, strong.
D. Inductive, weak.
20. If malaria becomes drug resistant, then countless victims will perish. If malaria becomes
drug resistant, then a major health crisis will erupt. Therefore, if a major health crisis erupts, then
countless victims will perish
A. Deductive, invalid.
B. Deductive, valid.
C. Inductive, strong.
D. Inductive, weak.