Math-Third Grading
Math-Third Grading
Math-Third Grading
The teacher will ask the The learners will answer the
following: given question.
*What are the four basic shapes? *The four basic shapes are
Triangle, Square, Circle, &
*What is the color of the triangle? *The color of the triangle is Red.
* What is the color of the Square? *The color of the square is
*What is the color of the Circle? *The color of the circle is yellow.
* What is the color of the **The color of the rectangle is
Rectangle? brown.
*Subject Integration: Music and Art
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of The teacher will show a clock, The learners will name the shown
new lesson tile, phone, and hanger and place objects.
it on the board while the learners
name them.
The teacher will let learners The learners will identify the
identify the shapes it represents shape of the object and will place
and place the appropriate name of its appropriate name.
The teacher will let the learners The learners will spell the names
spell the name of the shapes of the shapes orally.
orally after the activity.
*Values Integration: Taking care of
things around us.
*Subject Integration: English
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will let learners pick The learners will pick the object,
practicing new skills # 1 (Modelling) one object inside the box and name it and say the shape it
identify the shape. represents.
*Values Integration: Taking care of
things around us & following directions.
*Subject Integration: Art
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will group the class The learners will listen to their
practicing new skills #2 (Guided into three. Then present the assigned respective group.
Practice) Rubric for Rating the They will listen on how they will
performance of each group and be rated and will do the activity
will let the learners do the assigned to their group.
Group Work:
A. Write the shape seen in the
B. Read and draw an example
for the shape.
F. Developing Mastery (Independent Group 1
Practice) A. B.
1. 1. Circle
2. 2. Rectangle
3. 3. Square
4. 4. Triangle
Group 2
A. B.
1. 1. Square
2. 2. Triangle
3. 3. Circle
4. 4. Rectangle
Group 3
A. B.
1. 1. Rectangle
2. 2. Circle
3. 3. Triangle
4. 4. Square
*Values Integration: Following directions.
*Subject Integration: Health, Araling Panlipunan
G. Finding practical applications of The teacher will let learners give The learners will give their own
concepts and skills (Application/ objects that are Triangle, example of objects for the four
Valuing) Rectangle, Square, and Circle. basic shapes.
H. Making generalizations & The teacher will ask what are the The learners will answer that the
abstractions about the lesson four basic shapes? four basic shapes are Triangle,
(Generalization) Rectangle, Square, and Circle.
I. Evaluating Performance The teacher will give the activity.
J. Additional activities for application or The teacher will distribute the assignment.
remediation (Assignment)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
Prepared by:
Class Adviser
Head Teacher III
Direction: Encircle the name of the following shapes
2. circle
3. rectangle
4. triangle
1. square
2. circle
3. rectangle
4. triangle