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summation date 10/04/2016 E.C
23. How does membership of a country in international organizations affect its behavior in
international marketing?
24. The legal environment of international marketing has three dimensions. Outline them.
25. Explain how WTO creates an environment more favorable to international marketing.
26. The differences among legal systems are important to the international marketer. Explain.
27. Explain how foreign laws influence the four P’s of marketing in the international
28. Define strategic planning. How does strategic planning for international marketing differ
from domestic marketing?
29. In Phases 1 and 2 of the international planning process, countries may be dropped from
further consideration as potential markets. Discuss some of the conditions in each phase
that may exist in a country that would lead a marketer to exclude a country.
30. Compare joint ventures versus licensing
31. Outline the factors encouraging standardization
32. Outline the factors encouraging adaptation
33. Differentiate between brands and trademarks.
34. Explain the benefit of good branding.
35. Explain brand extension.
36. How does private branding benefit or create problems to an international firm?
37. What does selling a standardized product in global markets imply?
38. In what ways might a product be adapted for global markets?
39. What factors encourage global standardization of a product?
40. What factors encourage firms to adapt their product for foreign markets?
41. Why are trademark and brand piracy important? How can a firm protect itself against
such action?
42. What are the pros and cons of private branding in international markets?
43. What is the importance of “country of origin” in international product marketing?
44. Distinguish between cost-plus method and marginal cost method in export pricing.
45. Explain market- differentiated pricing.
46. Briefly explain the impact of price escalation in international marketing.
47. Explain duty drawbacks.
48. If you were an exporter would you favor “cash in advance” or “letter of credit” terms of
payment? Justify.
49. Outline the three classifications of letters of credit.
50. Why is “consignment” most favorable term of payment to the importer?
51. How does bill of exchange differ from letter of credit?
52. Explain how you would select distributors in foreign markets.
53. Explain the roles of export management companies to the international marketing firm.
54. Distinguish between a foreign distributor and a manufacturer’s representative.
Part II: Write if the statement is correct and false if the statement is in correct
55. The level of development in a country is a general indication of the types of products that
are likely to be in demand.
56. _________Since the less developed countries are not attractive markets for most
consumer goods or for highly technical products the marketing manager of an
international firm can ignore such markets.
57. __________Countries with large GDP per capita always create a great market potential
for an international firm.
58. __________4. Nationalism and patriotism can be sources of concern to an international
firm’s marketing manager.
59. __________ Generally, the more localized the firm’s operation the less acceptable it is to
the host country.
60. __________ Memberships of a country in international organizations makes its behavior
on international marketing more predictable.
61. ___________Labeling is subject to more legal requirements than the package in
international marketing.
62. ___________ Price controls are nonexistent in the free market world economy.
63. ___________All kinds of products can be advertised through mass media in the
international market.
64. __________Doing business in foreign markets involves cross- cultural communication.
65. Advertising is different from publicity in that the advertiser does not have to pay for the
message advertised.
66. _________The medium through which advertising message is disseminated to the public
is known as advertising agency.
67. _________‘Objective-and–task approach’ in setting international advertising budget tries
to match competitors’ advertising outlays.
68. _________ Sales result can be used as the measure of advertising effectiveness.
69. _________ Personal selling is the most expensive promotional tool.
70. _________ Sales promotion activities need long-run duration.
71. A firm’s success in export markets has little or nothing to do with the performance of
distributors it uses there.
72. _________. A firm should give lower margin to foreign distributors if it wants to break
into the market.
73. _________ Homecountry middlemen are advantageous to firms with small
international sales volume.
74. _________ The use of export management companies by a firm lead to the need for high
investment on the part of the firm to get into international markets.
75. _________The manufacturer’s export agent serves as the producer’s export department in
the same way export Management Company does.
a. In the implementation and control stage of the international marketing planning process
countries are analyzed and screened to eliminate those that do not offer sufficient potential
for further consideration.
b. Phase 2 (adapting the marketing mix to target markets) in the international marketing
planning process permits the marketer to determine possibilities of standardization.
c. The international marketing planning process is basically different for a firm intending to
enter a single country from a firm intending to enter multiple countries.
d. International marketing planning is more important to a big firm than a small one.
82. An international marketing organization structure that works best when a close
relationship with national and regional governments is important is:
a. export department
b. international division
c. geographical division
d. product structure
83. A foreign market entry strategy that has minimum risk to the international firm is
a. exporting
b. joint venture
c. foreign assembly
d. wholly owned foreign production
84. ____________ is an arrangement whereby the foreign firm and local firm have share in
this new firm.
a. Management contracting
b. Contract manufacturing
c. Foreign assembly
d. Wholly owned foreign production
e. None of the above
85. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of licensing?
d) None of the above
87. Which one of the following in not a factor that encourages standardization?
a) High cost of adaptation
b) Marketing to predominantly similar countries
c) Economies of scale in production
d) Differences in technical standards
88. Which one of the following statements is true?
a) The benefit of good branding to the firm is brand loyalty and repeat purchases.
b) Brand extension to a new product leads to higher advertising expenditure than using a
new brand to the new product.
c) To protect their brands in international markets smaller firms have to use blanket
registration in all countries.
d) Product piracy and counterfeiting can be protected through labeling.
89. An arrangement in which the manufacturer supplies goods but the retailer sells these
goods under its own brand names is
a) Counterfeiting
b) Private branding
c) Country – of – origin effect
d) Brand extension
90. A good reason for labeling in international marketing is
a) The existence of lengthy and difficult transportation and logistics networks.
b) Differences in climate across countries.
c) Foreign country regulations
d) Environmental consciousness on the part of the consumer