Rizal Mapping
Rizal Mapping
Rizal Mapping
Central De Manila
France 1883
Japan 1888
February 28, 1888 - Arrival of Rizal in Japan
June 10, 1883 - Rizal observed how medicine was
March 4. 1888 - He wrote about how honest,
being practice in Lariboisiere Hospital. courteous and industrious Japanese people are.
After his three-month sojourn in France, Rizal March 15, 1888 - When Rizal experience his First
returned to Madrid and thought about publishing O-Sei-san walking past the gate of the Spanish
a book that exposed the colonial relationship of
France 1891
• October 3, 1891 -From Paris, Rizal sent a letter with 600
copies of the El Filibusterismo, to Jose Ma. Basa in
Philippines 1892-1896