The Judiciary is the third organ of the government. It has the responsibility
to apply the laws to
specific cases and settle all disputes. The real ‘meaning of law’ is what the
judges decide during
the course of giving their judgments in various cases. From the citizen’s point
of view, Judiciary
of the constitution and the fundamental rights of the people makes it more
respectable than other
two organs.
There are various levels of judiciary in India – different types of courts, each
with varying
powers depending on the tier and jurisdiction bestowed upon them. They
form a strict hierarchy
of importance, in line with the order of the courts in which they sit, with the
Supreme Court of
India at the top, followed by High Courts of respective states with district
judges sitting
in District Courts and Magistrates of Second Class and Civil Judge (Junior
Division) at the
The Supreme Court of India is the highest judicial forum and final court of
appeal under
the Constitution of India, the highest constitutional court, with the power of
the high courts of various states of the Union and other courts and tribunals.
The law declared by the Supreme Court becomes binding on all courts within
India and also by
the union and state governments. Per Article 142, it is the duty of the
president to enforce the
The first and foremost function of the judiciary is to give justice to the
people, whenever they
may approach it. It awards punishment to those who after trial are found
guilty of violating the
The aggrieved (hurt or pained) citizens can go to the courts for seeking
redress (rectify &
correct) and compensation. They can do so either when they fear any harm
to their rights or after
they have suffered any loss. The judiciary fixes the quantity and quality of
punishment to be
specific cases. In the course of deciding the disputes that come before it, the
judges interpret and
apply laws. Every law needs a proper interpretation for getting applied to
every specific case.
This function is performed by the judges. The law means what the judges
interpret it to mean.
3. Role in Law-making:
The judiciary also plays a role in law-making. The decisions given by the
courts really determine
the meaning, nature and scope of the laws passed by the legislature. The
interpretation of laws by
Moreover, ‘the judgments delivered by the higher courts, which are the
Courts of Records, are
binding upon lower courts. The latter can decide the cases before them on
the basis of the
land, the judges depend upon their sense of justice, fairness, impartiality,
honesty and wisdom
5. Protection of Rights:
The judiciary has the supreme responsibility to safeguard the rights of the
people. A citizen has
the right to seek the protection of the judiciary in case his rights are violated
or threatened to be
becomes the responsibility of the judiciary to protect his rights of the people.
land and it is the responsibility of the judiciary to interpret and protect it. For
this purpose the
judiciary can conduct judicial review over any law for determining as to
whether or not it is in
accordance with the letter and spirit of the constitution. In case any law is
found ultra vires
The judiciary has the power not only to deliver judgments and decide
disputes, but also to get
these enforced. It can direct the executive to carry out its decisions. It can
summon any person
(iv)Of not appearing before the court in a case being heard by it, the Court
has the power to
the constitution and the arbiter of disputes between the centre and states. It
acts as an
independent and impartial umpire between the central government and state
governments as well
as among the states. All legal centre-state disputes are settled by the
has the power to decide the nature of judicial organization in the state. It
frames and enforces its
own rules.
These govern the recruitment and working of the magistrates and other
persons working in the
courts. It makes and enforces rules for the orderly and efficient conduct of
Very often the courts are given the responsibility to give advisory opinions to
the rulers on any
legal matter. For example, the President of India the power to refer to the
Supreme Court any
Judges are very often called upon to head Enquiry Commissions constituted
to enquire into some
serious incidents resulting from the alleged errors or omissions on the part of
government or
Besides the above major functions, the judiciary also performs several other
functions. Some
such functions are the appointment of certain local officials of the court,
choosing of clerical and
Through all these functions, the Judiciary plays an important role in each
state. It also plays a
common man depends upon judiciary for getting justice. Without a security
of rights and
freedom guaranteed by the judiciary, they cannot really hope to carry out
their jobs and enjoy
their living. They are more dependent upon judiciary than the legislature and
the executive.
Without judicial protection, their lives can become miserable. From citizens
point of view
indeed, legislative organs did not make their appearance in the state until
modern times, but a
Judiciary enjoys a big importance in the eyes of the people because it acts
The chief quality which helps the judiciary to faithfully administer justice and
to perform its
without any interference of the other two organs of the government that it
can carry out its high
government and upon it is built the structure of civil liberty.” Judiciary can
perform its functions
as can enable the judges to give their judgments without any fear or favour.
(2) The Judiciary must have prevented the executive and legislature from
committing excesses.
(3) The ability of the judiciary to maintain and independently run the judicial
(4) The Judiciary must be made the guardian protector of the Constitution,
(5) The Judiciary must ensure full, fair and less- expensive opportunities to
the people for
(7) Method of removal of judges should be difficult and no single should have
the power to
(8) Judges must be paid high salaries, necessary allowances, good service
conditions, and
Judicial Review refers to the power of judiciary to review and determine the
validity of a law or
an order. On the other hand, Judicial Activism refers to the use of judicial
power to articulate and
enforce what is beneficial for the society in general and people at large or
judicial activism
means the power of the Supreme Court and the high court but not the sub-
ordinate courts to
India has an independent judiciary with extensive jurisdiction over the acts of
legislature and
Judicial review of legislative actions means the power to ensure that the law
passed by
that it has been passed by legislature without authority or rights, it is for the
courts to decide
whether the law passed by legislature is valid or not. Also no legislature in
our country has the
finding whether the procedure in reaching the decision has been correctly
followed but not the
decision itself.
It is delegated to our superior courts only i.e. supreme court and high court
Cannot interfere in
policy matters and political questions unless absolutely necessary. Law once
passed may become
unconstitutional with passage of the same with changed situation, this may
create vacuum in
legal system. Hence it can be said that directions given by court would be
binding only till
legislation is enacted i.e. it is temporary in nature. Can interpret and
invalidate a law but it cannot
However, there are also cases in India when executive has ordered judiciary
to review policies.
Judicial Activism:
India are Golaknath case in which Supreme Court declared that fundamental
rights enshrined in
There is only a thin line of separation between review and activism. While
judicial review means
to decide if the law / act is consistent with the constitution. On the other
hand judicial activism is
With the power of judicial review, the courts act as a custodian of the
fundamental rights. Thus,
the power of judicial review is recognized as the part of the basic constitution
of India. The
activist role of the judiciary is implicit in the said power. With the growing
functions of the
democracy is in fact necessary to ensure that unheard voices are not buried
by more influential
The interpretational and observer role of the Judiciary over the Legislature is
called Judicial
Review (JR). The judiciary is the final authority for the interpretation of
constitution in India.
The Judiciary can prevent it by declaring the act or action ultra-virus, if the
While Judicial Activism (JA) is the concept how actively and quickly the
judiciary performs the
act of JR. the readiness that the courts have achieved in exercising its power
to uphold the values
of the constitution have been generally come to the extent that JR has
gradually acquired the
JA is the extent and the vigour and the readiness with which courts exercise
their power of JR.
So, there is a marked difference between both of them. Courts have actively
performed an
interventionist role and that we have witnessed the phenomenon of JA. The
courts have over
thrown or at least liberalized the concept of locust stand to allow any public
spirited person or
organisation to bring to the notice of the court any matter of injustice and
violation of
The court has expanded the scope and amplitude of Article 21 to cover many
basic rights under
it, so that giving them the status of fundamental rights, they can be enforced
against the state
also, even by PIL. Another factor which contributed to the JA was the
expansive judicial