Hierarchical Mesh Decomposition Using Fuzzy Clustering and Cuts
Hierarchical Mesh Decomposition Using Fuzzy Clustering and Cuts
Hierarchical Mesh Decomposition Using Fuzzy Clustering and Cuts
Cutting up a complex object into simpler sub-objects is a funda-
mental problem in various disciplines. In image processing, images
are segmented while in computational geometry, solid polyhedra
are decomposed. In recent years, in computer graphics, polygonal
meshes are decomposed into sub-meshes. In this paper we propose
a novel hierarchical mesh decomposition algorithm. Our algorithm
computes a decomposition into the meaningful components of a
given mesh, which generally refers to segmentation at regions of
deep concavities. The algorithm also avoids over-segmentation and
jaggy boundaries between the components. Finally, we demonstrate
the utility of the algorithm in control-skeleton extraction.
Keywords: Mesh decomposition, mesh segmentation, control-
skeleton extraction
Figure 1: Decomposition of a dino-pet
1 Introduction Several approaches have been discussed in the past for decom-
posing meshes. In [Chazelle and Palios 1992; Chazelle et al. 1997]
A hard problem might become easier if only the objects at hand convex decomposition schemes are proposed, where a patch is
could be cut up into smaller and easier to handle sub-objects. In called convex if it lies entirely on the boundary of its convex hull.
computational geometry, solid convex decomposition has been ex- Convex decompositions are important for applications such as col-
haustively investigated [Chazelle and Palios 1994]. Similarly, in lision detection. However, small concavities in the objects result
image processing, image segmentation has been considered a fun- in over-segmentation, which might pose a problem for other ap-
damental problem, which is a necessary pre-processing step for plications. In [Mangan and Whitaker 1999] a watershed decom-
many higher-level computer vision algorithms [Sharon et al. 2000; position is described. In this case, a post-processing step resolves
Shi and Malik 2000]. The last few years have witnessed a growing over-segmentation. One problem with the algorithm is the depen-
interest in mesh decomposition for computer graphics applications dency on the exact triangulation of the model. Furthermore, the
[Chazelle et al. 1997; Gregory et al. 1999; Mangan and Whitaker meaningful components, even planar ones, might get undesirably
1999; Li et al. 2001; Shlafman et al. 2002]. partitioned. In [Garland et al. 2001], face clustering is proposed so
Mesh decomposition benefits many applications. In metamor- that the clusters may be well approximated with planar elements.
phosis [Gregory et al. 1999; Zockler et al. 2000; Shlafman et al. This algorithm is useful for simplification and radiosity, and less
2002], mesh decomposition is used for establishing a correspon- for applications seeking the meaningful components. In [Li et al.
dence. Compression [Karni and Gotsman 2000] and simplifica- 2001], skeletonization and space sweep are used. Nice-looking re-
tion [Garland et al. 2001; Zuckerberger et al. 2002] use decom- sults are achieved with this algorithm. However, smoothing effects
position for improving their compression rate. In 3D shape re- might cause the disappearance of features for which it is impossi-
trieval, a decomposition graph serves as a non-rigid invariant signa- ble to get a decomposition. In [Shlafman et al. 2002] a -means
ture [Zuckerberger et al. 2002]. In collision detection, decomposi- based clustering algorithm is proposed. The meaningful compo-
tion facilitates the computation of bounding-volume hierarchies [Li nents of the objects are found. However, the boundaries between
et al. 2001]. In texture mapping, parameterization is applied to each the patches are often jagged and not always correct.
component [Levy et al. 2002]. Other potential applications include In this paper we propose a new algorithm for decomposing
modification and modeling by parts. meshes. Our work improves upon previous techniques in several
aspects: our algorithm is hierarchical, it handles orientable meshes
regardless of their connectivity, and avoids over-segmentation and
jaggy boundaries. We elaborate below.
Previous algorithms produce “flat” decompositions. As a con-
sequence, should the number of components be refined, the whole
decomposition has to be calculated from scratch. Moreover, com-
Permission to make digital/hard copy of part of all of this work for personal or ponents which belong to a refined decomposition need not neces-
classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or sarily be contained in components of a coarser decomposition. A
distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copyright notice, the title of the main deviation of our algorithm from previous ones is being hier-
publication, and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission
of ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute
to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Another deviation of the current algorithm is the way the bound-
© 2003 ACM 0730-0301/03/0700-0954 $5.00 aries between components are handled. Previously, the focus has
(a) object (b) skeleton (c) deformed skeleton (d) deformed object
been on generating either meaningful components or components The algorithm proceeds from coarse to fine. Each node in the
which comply with certain geometric properties. The boundaries hierarchy tree is associated with a mesh of a particular patch and
between the components, however, were a by-product of the pro- the root is associated with the whole input object. At each node, the
cess. As a result, the boundaries were often too jagged [Chazelle algorithm determines a suitable number of patches , and computes
et al. 1997; Mangan and Whitaker 1999; Shlafman et al. 2002] or a -way decomposition of this node. If the input object consists of
too straight [Li et al. 2001] in a way that did not always fit the multiple connected components, the algorithm is applied to each
model. The current algorithm aims at avoiding jagginess, by specif- component separately. The examples in this paper contain a single
ically handling the boundaries. connected component, which is the more challenging case.
Finally, the algorithm avoids over-segmentation and decomposes A key idea of our algorithm is to first find the meaningful compo-
the objects into meaningful components. A meaningful component nents, while keeping the boundaries between the components fuzzy.
refers to a component which can be perceptually distinguished from Then, the algorithm focuses on the small fuzzy areas and finds the
the remaining object. The boundaries between the meaningful com- exact boundaries which go along the features of the object.
ponents pass at regions of deep concavities [Biederman 1987], as To find fuzzy components, we relax the condition that every face
illustrated in Figure 1, where the dino-pet is decomposed into its should belong to exactly one patch, and allow fuzzy membership.
organs. (Each component is colored differently.) In essence, this is equivalent to assigning each face a probability of
To demonstrate the usefulness of the algorithm, we show that belonging to each patch. The algorithm consists of four stages:
decomposition gives rise to an automatic, general (i.e., meshes need
neither be closed nor -manifolds), fast, and simple algorithm for 1. Assigning distances to all pairs of faces in the mesh.
extracting control-skeletons [Gagvani et al. 1998; Teichmann and 2. After computing an initial decomposition, assigning each face
Teller 1998; Bloomenthal and Lim 1999; Wade and Parent 2002]. a probability of belonging to each patch.
Since skeleton extraction is done automatically, skeletal animations
can be created by novice users (Figure 2). 3. Computing a fuzzy decomposition by refining the probability
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 describes values using an iterative clustering scheme.
the problem and outlines our hierarchical decomposition algorithm. 4. Constructing the exact boundaries between the components,
Section 3 discusses the details of the algorithm for the binary case, thus transforming the fuzzy decomposition into the final one.
whereas Section 4 describes the extension to the -way case. Sec-
tion 5 shows some results. Section 6 presents the control-skeleton For instance, we wish to partition the objects in Figure 3 into two
extraction application. Finally, Section 7 concludes and discusses components. After computing distances, each polygon is assigned
future directions. a probability of belonging to the patches. In Figure 3(a), a green
polygon has a high probability of belonging to the back (or upper)
patch. Conversely, a blue polygon has a high probability of belong-
2 Overview ing to the front (or lower) patch. The fuzzy decomposition is shown
in Figure 3(b), where the fuzzy region is drawn in red. Figure 3(c)
This section begins with a few notations and then provides an out- illustrates the final binary decomposition, after the exact boundaries
line of our algorithm. Let be an orientable mesh. It need neither are found.
be triangulated nor closed or a -manifold. (Non-manifold meshes
might yield less expected results.)
3 Algorithm – the binary case
Definition 2.1 k-way Decomposition: is a k-way
decomposition of (i) , , (ii) , This section describes each stage of the algorithm for the binary
is connected, (iii) "#% ! $ &' $ % , and )( are face-wise case (i.e., each node in the hierarchy is decomposed into two sub-
disjoint and (iv) * ,+ # . meshes). An extension to the 0- way case is presented in the next
Definition 2.2 Binary Decomposition: is a binary decom-
position of if it is a - way decomposition with # . 3.1 Computing distances
Definition 2.3 Patch: Given ./ , a k-way decomposi- The probability that a face belongs to a certain patch depends on its
tion of , each is called a patch of . distance from other faces in this patch. The underlying assumption
89 :K1XX`Macb em= . We define b e :K1 = (and equivalently b d :K = ) as
ben:K = # G)g@i #
G)g@i \ l g@i
# 7 89 :K X`M7 acb<d =
89 :K `[ajbkd = \ 89 :K `[ajb<e =
It can be easily verified that if a face
3 is closer to patch than
to f , the probability of belonging to is larger than the probabil-
ity of belonging to f 3 , and vice-versa. Moreover, a face which is
equally distant from and from f is as likely to belong to one as
to the other. Finally, beA:K = # c-?bkdo:K = , be5:p`[ajb<e = # ,
beA:p`Macb<d = #rq and for all other faces qts buen:K = s .
(a) probabilities (b) fuzzy decomposition (c) decomposition
3.3 Generating a fuzzy decomposition
Figure 3: Binary decomposition
One way to obtain a decomposition is to apply a -means cluster-
ing scheme [Duda and Hart 1973] as done in [Shlafman et al. 2002].
Our goal, however, is to construct a fuzzy decomposition, thus we
is that distant faces, both in terms of their geodesic distance and of
use fuzzy clustering.
their angular distance, are less likely to belong to the same patch
Let v be a face representing a patch and let be a face. The goal
than faces which are close together.
of our algorithm is to cluster the faces into patches by minimizing
Given 1 and ( , two adjacent faces and 2 ( , the angle between
the following function
their normals, we define their angular distance to be
w #yxUzx R 7
3546 7
89 :;2< (/= #?> :@A-CB DFE2< (/= v{ N lGIlKV,;9@|0:K&}tvGU9@~ : v =X= Z 8 9:Kh;v = (3)
When ># , convex and concave dihedral angles are treated During an initialization phase, a subset of representatives ,
equally. Since a concave feature makes a better candidate for a
is chosen, as described above. Then, the algorithm iterates on the
boundary, we check for convexity prior to computing distances. A
small positive > is used for convex angles and ># is used for
following steps.
concave angles.
6 1. Compute the probabilities of faces to belong to each patch, as
Let GIH :KJMLN/O = be the average geodesic distance between the described in Equation 2.
6 3P4of6 7 mass of all the adjacent faces in the object, and
GIH : 89 = be the average angular distance between these 2. Re-compute the set of representatives , minimizing the
faces. Consider the dual graph of the mesh, where every face of function in Equation 3.
the mesh is a vertex in this graph and two vertices are joined by an
arc if and only if their corresponding faces are adjacent. The weight 3. If is different from , set M and go back to 1.
of the arc connecting the dual vertices of and ( is then defined Choosing the set of new representatives (i.e., Step 2) is done by
as follows: using the following formulas:
L 9 :;OUTGSVW:K = @OUTGSVW:K ( X= = # (1) `Macb<d #? g x
:@A-be5:K =X= Z 8 9:Kh =
3 406 7
#?Y[Z JML N 6 O:K ( = \ :@A- Y = Z 6 3P46 89 7 :;2 ( = gi
GIH :KJML1N O = GIH : 8 9 = 7
`Macbe #? g x ben:K = Z 8 9:Kh =
The first term is affected by the geodesic distance whereas the sec- g@i
ond term is affected by the angular distance. Note that the latter is
zero when the faces are coplanar. The denominator reduces effects Next, if the probability of a face of belonging to a patch exceeds a
that may appear for similar objects having different sampling rates. certain value, it is assigned to the patch. There are, however, faces
7 Given any pair of faces on the mesh ] and ^ , their distance which are almost as likely to belong to one patch as to the other.
89 :K1]W ^ = is defined to be the shortest path between their dual In this case, the faces are considered fuzzy. 3 In the binary case,
vertices on the dual graph. The distances between all pairs of the mesh is decomposed into three patches , f and , where 3
faces are calculated once, in a pre-processing step, using an all-pair contains all the faces which are (almost) as likely to belong to
shortest paths algorithm [Cormen et al. 2001], where the distance as to f . This is done by partitioning the faces as follows and is
between faces which belong to different connected components is illustrated in Figure 3(b) where is the red region.
defined to be _ . 3 #y
b e :K1 = sq M -C
3.2 Initialization and assigning probabilities f y
# 1 b e :K =o \
During an initialization phase, faces which are considered the rep-
#y 1 q M - Ab e :K1 = q \
resentatives of the initial patches, are chosen. In the binary case, A practical problem which arises in this step is the dependence
3 pair of representatives `Macbd and `Macbe (representing
the initial of the probability values on the specific representative of the patch.
Ghg@i and l g@i using
patches and f , respectively) is chosen such that the distance be- One way to overcome this problem6 is to re-define 7
tween them is the largest possible. the average distances: G)g@i # GIH gW d : 89 :K ( =X= and lg@i #
6 7
Our goal is to assign each face 7 its probability beA:K = of GIH gW e : W89:K ( =X= . Empirically, this definition improves the
belonging to patch f . Let Ghg@i # 89 :K `[ajbkd = and lg@i # results and expedites convergence.
(a) first level (b) second level (c) third level
3.4 Generating the final decomposition to produce good results. For two vertices H and H ( , let 2 ( be
the angle between the normals of their dual faces. The capacity
In the previous stage the meaningful components were found but [G1v<:;X $ = is defined as follows (where the average factor handles
not the exact boundary between them. The goal of the current stage precision problems):
is to construct this boundary within region . Once the boundary
3 is
determined, the faces of are assigned to either patch or patch £)³/´ µ i·¶¸®¹º if X $ # ! <@¬
f . [G1v<:;X $ = ±
# ° ² ¼½ ´ ¹ £S³F´ µ i·i¶¸ »» (5)
We formulate our problem as a graph partitioning problem. Con- _ else
sider the dual graph 3 of the mesh J # :Ka = and the set of the dual
vertices of patches and f , d and e respectively. Our goal A boundary between the components can now be found by ap-
is to partition into two subsets of vertices d and e , such plying a maximum flow (minimum cut) algorithm from to ¬
that the disassociation between d and e is minimized. We are (e.g., [Cormen et al. 2001] [Goldberg and Tarjan 1988]). By the
essentially looking for a constrained minimum cut in J , requiring definition of [G1v<:;X $ = , the cut tends to pass through edges having
that: highly concave dihedral angles.
(a) object (b) function J (c) first derivative of J
Figure 6: Determining the number of patches
all the major parts of an object, adding one more representative will
cause a large decrease of J . This observation aids in determining
the number of components . We choose to be the value that
maximizes the first derivative of J . See Figure 6.
The second issue is the assignment of probabilities. For a repre-
sentative, the probability of belonging to its ownz patch is defined to
be . Otherwise, for a face , the probability b :K = of belonging
to patch vI( is defined as:
z Ã Ä g@i ¤ Æ0 Ç.È É®zÉ Ë
b :K = # Ê Ã ¾ Å Å
] Ä ¾Å g i ¤ Æ0Ç.È Å ®É É
It can be easily verifiedz that this function is an extension of the
binary case. Moreover, b :K = complies with the following con-
straints: (1) q yb":K1X®v (/= % , (2) the sum of the probabilities is
(a) first level (b) second level
, and (3) as the distance of a face from a representative increases,
the probability to belong to this patch decreases.
The third issue is the extraction of the fuzzy areas once the com-
ponents have been found. We consider each pair of neighboring
components and proceed similarly to the binary case.
Figures 7–8 demonstrate several hierarchical k-way decomposi-
Ì TheÍ overall\ÐÏcomputational complexity of the algorithms isÏ
:K DFÎo = where is the number of vertices and
is the number of iterations in the - means algorithm. The first
phase, distances computation, is done
step, using Dijkstra’s algorithm in :K
Ì 0Íonce, in a pre-processing
DFÎo = . The next phases
involve an iterative algorithm where faces are assigned to patches (c)third level (d) fourth level
and are performed in : = . (In the actual implementation is
bounded by a constant.) Finally, the minimum cut can be found in Figure 7: Hierarchical k-way decomposition of a dino-pet
:K Í DFÎo = [Goldberg and Tarjan 1988]. In our case, the mini-
mum cuts are computed within the fuzzy regions. Thus, this step
(a) first level (b) second level (c) third level
Figure 8: Hierarchical k-way decompositions of a cheetah and an inner part of a human ear
costs :K where is the size of the fuzzy region.
5 Results
In order to handle large models, we utilize the consistency in the
way similar objects are decomposed. The procedure for decompos-
ing large models consists of four stages. First, the model is sim-
plified [Garland and Heckbert 1997]. Second, a decomposition is
computed for the simplified model using our algorithm. Third, the
boundaries found for the simplified model are used to define the
fuzzy regions in the original model, by “projecting” the faces ad-
jacent to the boundaries to the original model. This projection is (a) alien – 3999 faces (b) camel – 2674 faces
performed by assigning each face in the original model to the patch 6 patches 14 patches
containing the closest face in the simplified model, where voxeliza-
tion is used to further accelerate this step. Fourth, the minimum cuts
are computed on these fuzzy regions (in the original model), which
are very small. In order to avoid erroneous projections, this pro-
cess is performed progressively, using simplified models at various
simplification levels.
Figure 9 shows several objects at different levels of hierarchy as
decomposed by our algorithm, where for Figures 9(e)-(f), a sim-
plification was applied, as described above. The running times for
the objects described in this paper, on a bM , 1 qFq MHz, I Mb
RAM PC, vary between second for the mechanical part and FÑ
seconds for the dino-pet (FÒFÒ/Ò faces, levels of hierarchy). The (c) mechanical part – 1270 faces (d) heart – 1619 faces
running times of decomposing Venus and the skeleton hand (Fig- 7 patches 4 patches
ure 9(e)-(f)), using simplification as described above, are / sec-
onds and ÓF seconds respectively (including loading, simplifica-
tion and storing).
Figure 10 demonstrates results of three algorithms: [Li et al.
2001], [Shlafman et al. 2002] and the algorithm described here.
First, notice the boundaries between the back legs and the body.
Only in Figure 10(c), the “natural” ones were extracted. Second,
the boundaries in Figure 10(a) tend to be very straight due to space
sweeping utilized in the algorithm, whereas in Figure 10(b) the
boundaries are jaggy. In Figure 10(c), the boundaries pass along
the object’s features. Finally, since our algorithm is hierarchical,
only the major organs were found, but not the smaller ones such
as the fingers and the toes. The latter would be extracted at a finer (e) Venus – 67,170 faces (f) skeleton hand – 654,666 faces
level of the hierarchy, as shown in Figure 7. 3 patches 6 patches
An alternative approach to ours is to use graph partitioning meth-
ods on the whole model, rather than on constrained regions. Possi- Figure 9: Decompositions of various objects
ble cuts are minimal cuts. Their drawback is that they tend to favor
of mass of the boundary between the patches. Each node in the tree
of joints is associated with a list of faces. Initially, the root node
is associated with the whole model. As the tree is traversed from
coarse to fine, the relevant faces are transfered from a parent node
to its children.
In order to animate articulated objects, it is necessary to bind
the joints and pose of the object. Each vertex H of the mesh is as-
signed a weight ( indicating the extent to which it belongs to joint
$ . The simplest approach is to let ( be the percentage of faces
that belong to joint $ and adjacent to vertex H . This guarantees
that an internal vertex is bound only to the patch it resides Ê on, that
each vertex corresponds to at least one joint and that ( ( # .
(a) [Li et al] (b) [Shlafman et al] (c) Our algorithm More advanced methods take also the cut’s angles into account. Fi-
nally, to pose the object, a skeleton-subspace deformation method
Figure 10: Comparison to [Li et al] and [Shlafman et al] is used [Lewis et al. 2000].
Objects are deformed by adjusting the joints’ angles of their
skeletons. To compute the modified vertex position we use the fol-
small sets of isolated nodes since the weight of the cut increases lowing equation [Weber 2000]: |U # ( + × : ( Ø ( Ù( = where Ú
with the number of edges [Wu and Leahy 1993]. is the number of joints, Ø ( is the original vector position of H rel-
Another option is to use normalized cuts [Shi and Malik 2000], ative to the coordinate system of joint $ , and Ù¯( is the transforma-
which is an NP-complete problem. We implemented an extension tion matrix of joint $ . Thus, a vertex which belongs to a single joint
of [Shi and Malik 2000] to meshes, where the weight is defined to has a constant position relative to this joint, while a vertex which
take into account both the geodesic distance and the angular dis- belongs to more than one joint is positioned between the locations
tance. The results varied. For some objects, good decompositions it would have, had it belonged entirely to each of the joints.
were produced while for other objects, the meaningful components
were not found or the boundaries between them were jagged or
step-wise. This can be explained by the fact that the cut approx- 7 Conclusion
imation might cause artifacts. In addition, balancing the size of the
We have presented an algorithm for hierarchically decomposing
parts need not always fit the model.
meshes. The algorithm avoids jaggy boundaries as well as over-
segmentation. The key idea of the algorithm is to first find the
6 Control Skeleton Extraction meaningful components of the mesh and only then focus on gen-
erating the exact boundaries between the components. To find the
Control skeletons are beneficial for various applications, includ- components, both geodesic distances and convexity are considered.
ing matching, retrieval, metamorphosis and computer animation. Computing the boundaries is done by formulating the problem as a
Previous algorithms are based on medial surface extraction [Gag- constrained network flow problem. We demonstrated the applica-
vani et al. 1998; Teichmann and Teller 1998; Bloomenthal and Lim bility of the algorithm for control skeleton extraction.
1999; Wade and Parent 2002], level set diagrams [Lazarus and Ver- Several enhancements can be added to our algorithm. For in-
roust 1999] or Reeb Graphs [Shinagawa et al. 1991]. Mesh decom- stance, different distance functions and different capacity functions
position gives rise to a novel control-skeleton extraction algorithm, can be experimented with. Furthermore, non-geometric features,
where the joints are calculated directly from the hierarchical struc- such as color and texture, can be embedded in the algorithm. We
ture of the decomposition. The algorithm is general (i.e., the models believe that the spectrum of applications which will benefit from
need not be closed or 2-manifolds), fully automatic, simple and fast. mesh decomposition will further grow in the future. We are cur-
It is thus beneficial for applications requiring automation as well as rently looking at compression and texture mapping.
for novice users of applications where user-intervention is accept-
able or desirable. Figure 11 demonstrates the use of skeletons for Acknowledgments
animating otherwise static objects.
The algorithm starts by decomposing the given model. It is es- This research was supported in part by the Israeli Ministry of Sci-
sential that features which depend on the position of another feature ence, Culture & Sports, Grant 01-01-01509. We are grateful to
become its descendants in the hierarchy. For instance, the elbow Daniel Aliaga, Tom Funkhouser, Idan Hadari, Itai David and the
joint of a humanoid object should be a descendant of the shoulder anonymous referees for their help. We thank Huang Zhiyong,
joint, so that a shoulder motion will cause an elbow motion. A sim- Marcelo Kallmann and Ronen Basri for letting us use their images.
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every node in the hierarchy consists of a central patch connected to References
all other patches.
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