Linux Command1
Linux Command1
Linux Command1
PATH Command
The "path" command in Linux is used to display or set the search path for executable files. The search
path is a list of directories that the shell searches when trying to locate a command. The "path"
command displays the current search path, which can be modified using the "export" command. By
adding directories to the search path, users can run executable files located in those directories without
having to specify the full path to the file. This can save time and make the command line more efficient
to use.
$PATH: This is a shell variable that expands to the value of the PATH variable. Users can use this variable
in commands or scripts to reference the search path for executable files without having to explicitly type
out the full PATH variable.
Echo Command
The "echo" command in Linux is used to display a string of text on the terminal. Here are three flag
variables that can be used with the "echo" command and their outputs:
-n: This flag suppresses the trailing newline that is normally printed at the end of the output. For
example, if we run the command "echo -n 'Hello, world!'", the output would be "Hello, world!" without
a newline character at the end.
-e: This flag enables the interpretation of backslash escapes in the string. For example, if we run the
command "echo -e 'Hello\nWorld!'", the output would be "Hello" on the first line and "World!" on the
second line.
-E: This flag disables the interpretation of backslash escapes in the string. For example, if we run the
command "echo -E 'Hello\nWorld!'", the output would be "Hello\nWorld!" with the backslash character
printed as is.
The "man" command in Linux is used to display the manual pages for a command or utility. Here are
three flag variables that can be used with the "man" command and their outputs:
1. -f: This flag displays the one-line description of a command from the manual page database. For
example, if we run the command "man -f ls", the output would be "list directory contents".
2. -k: This flag searches the manual page database for a given keyword and displays the matching
commands or utilities along with their descriptions. For example, if we run the command "man -k print",
the output would be a list of commands or utilities related to printing, such as "lpr", "lp", and "enscript".
3. -w: This flag displays the location of the manual page file for a given command or utility. For example,
if we run the command "man -w ls", the output would be the file path for the manual page for the "ls"
command, such as "/usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz".
Printf Command
The "printf" command in Linux is used to format and print data on the terminal. Here are three flag
variables that can be used with the "printf" command and their outputs:
1. -v: This flag assigns the formatted output to a variable instead of printing it on the terminal. For
example, if we run the command "printf -v my_var 'Hello, %s!' John", the output would not be printed
on the terminal, but instead the string "Hello, John!" would be assigned to the variable "my_var".
2. -s: This flag reads input from standard input and assigns it to a variable. For example, if we run the
command "printf 'What is your name? ' | printf -s name", the output would prompt the user to enter
their name, and the entered name would be assigned to the variable "name".
3. -e: This flag enables the interpretation of backslash escapes in the format string. For example, if we
run the command "printf '%s\n' 'Hello\tWorld!'", the output would be "Hello World!" with a tab
character between "Hello" and "World".
- "printf -v my_var 'Hello, %s!' John" output: The output is not printed on the terminal, but the string
"Hello, John!" is assigned to the variable "my_var".
- "printf 'What is your name? ' | printf -s name" output: The output prompts the user to enter their
name, and the entered name is assigned to the variable "name".
- "printf '%s\n' 'Hello\tWorld!'" output: "Hello World!" with a tab character between "Hello" and
Script Command
The "script" command in Linux is used to make a typescript of a terminal session. Here are three flag
variables that can be used with the "script" command and their outputs:
1. -a: This flag appends the output to an existing file instead of overwriting it. For example, if we run the
command "script -a my_session.txt", the output of the terminal session will be appended to the file
"my_session.txt" instead of overwriting it.
2. -c: This flag runs a command in the script session instead of starting an interactive shell. For example,
if we run the command "script -c 'ls -l'", the output of the "ls -l" command will be saved to the script file.
3. -q: This flag runs the script in quiet mode, which suppresses the messages displayed by the script
command. For example, if we run the command "script -q my_session.txt", the script session will run
quietly without displaying any messages.
- "script -a my_session.txt" output: Starts a new script session and appends the output to the file
- "script -c 'ls -l'" output: Runs the "ls -l" command in the script session and saves the output to the script
- "script -q my_session.txt" output: Starts a new script session and runs quietly without displaying any
messages. The output will be saved to the file "my_session.txt".
Passwd Command
The "passwd" command in Linux is used to change a user's password. Here are three flag variables that
can be used with the "passwd" command and their outputs:
1. -l: This flag locks a user's password by putting an exclamation mark in front of the encrypted password
in the "/etc/shadow" file. For example, if we run the command "passwd -l username", the user's
password will be locked and they will not be able to log in with that password.
2. -u: This flag unlocks a user's password by removing the exclamation mark from the encrypted
password in the "/etc/shadow" file. For example, if we run the command "passwd -u username", the
user's password will be unlocked and they will be able to log in with that password again.
3. -S: This flag displays the password status of a user. For example, if we run the command "passwd -S
username", the output will show whether the user's password is locked, expired, or valid.
- "passwd -l username" output: Locks the password of the user "username" and puts an exclamation
mark in front of the encrypted password in the "/etc/shadow" file.
- "passwd -u username" output: Unlocks the password of the user "username" by removing the
exclamation mark from the encrypted password in the "/etc/shadow" file.
- "passwd -S username" output: Displays the password status of the user "username", showing whether
the password is locked, expired, or valid. For example, the output might be "username LK 2021-05-15 0
99999 7 -1 (Password locked.)" if the user's password is currently locked.
uname Command
The "uname" command in Linux is used to print information about the system and the kernel. Here are
three flag variables that can be used with the "uname" command and their outputs:
1. -s: This flag prints the kernel name. For example, if we run the command "uname -s", the output will
be the name of the kernel, such as "Linux" or "Darwin" (for macOS).
2. -r: This flag prints the kernel release. For example, if we run the command "uname -r", the output will
be the version number of the kernel, such as "5.11.0-27-generic".
3. -a: This flag prints all available information about the system and the kernel, including the kernel
name, release, version, machine architecture, and operating system. For example, if we run the
command "uname -a", the output might be "Linux my-computer 5.11.0-27-generic #29~20.04.1-Ubuntu
SMP Wed Aug 11 15:58:17 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux", which shows the kernel name,
release, version, machine architecture, and operating system.
- "uname -s" output: Prints the kernel name, such as "Linux" or "Darwin".
- "uname -r" output: Prints the kernel release, such as "5.11.0-27-generic".
- "uname -a" output: Prints all available information about the system and the kernel, including the
kernel name, release, version, machine architecture, and operating system.
Who Command
The "who" command in Linux is used to display information about users who are currently logged in.
Here are three flag variables that can be used with the "who" command and their outputs:
1. -u: This flag displays the login time and the amount of CPU time used by each user. For example, if we
run the command "who -u", the output will show the username, terminal, login time, idle time, JCPU
(time used by all processes attached to the terminal), and PCPU (time used by the current process).
2. -a: This flag displays information about all users, including those who have logged out but whose
processes are still running. For example, if we run the command "who -a", the output will show the
username, terminal, login time, logout time, total login time, and process ID (PID) for each user.
3. -H: This flag disables the header line in the output. For example, if we run the command "who -H", the
output will not include the header line that normally shows the column headings.
- "who -u" output: Displays the username, terminal, login time, idle time, JCPU, and PCPU for each user
who is currently logged in.
- "who -a" output: Displays the username, terminal, login time, logout time, total login time, and PID for
each user, including those who have logged out but whose processes are still running.
- "who -H" output: Displays the same information as the default "who" command, but without the
header line showing the column headings.
filters are commands that take input from standard input (stdin) and produce output on standard
output (stdout), which can be redirected or piped to other commands for further processing. Pipes are a
way to connect the output of one command to the input of another command, allowing for the creation
of more complex command pipelines.
We can use the "grep" filter command to search for lines that contain a specific pattern, and then use
the "wc" command to count the number of lines in the output. Here's how we can do it:
$ cat example.txt | grep "a" | wc -l
In the above example, the "cat" command is used to read the content of the file "example.txt" and
display it on stdout. This output is then piped (using the "|" symbol) to the "grep" command, which
searches for lines that contain the letter "a". The output of the "grep" command is then piped to the
"wc" command, which counts the number of lines in the output. The final output is "3", which is the
number of lines that contain the letter "a" in the file "example.txt".
Another example of how filters and pipes can be used is to sort the lines of a file in alphabetical order
and then display the first five lines of the sorted output. Here's how we can do it:
$ cat example.txt | sort | head -n 5
In the above example, the "cat" command is used to read the content of the file "example.txt" and
display it on stdout. This output is then piped to the "sort" command, which sorts the lines of the file in
alphabetical order. The output of the "sort" command is then piped to the "head" command, which
displays the first five lines of the output. The final output is the first five lines of the file "example.txt" in
alphabetical order.
cat Command
the "cat" command can be used to concatenate two or more files and display the result on the terminal
or redirect it to a new file. Here's an example of how to concatenate two files using the "cat" command:
Suppose we have two files named "file1.txt" and "file2.txt" with the following content:
This is the content of file 1.
This is the content of file 2.
$ cat file1.txt file2.txt
This is the content of file 1.
This is the content of file 2.
In the above example, we use the "cat" command to concatenate the two files "file1.txt" and "file2.txt".
The output of this command is the content of both files displayed on the terminal.
If we want to save the concatenated content to a new file, we can use the output redirection operator
">", like this:
$ cat file1.txt file2.txt > merged.txt
In the above example, the output of the "cat" command is redirected to a new file named "merged.txt".
The "merged.txt" file will contain the concatenated content of "file1.txt" and "file2.txt".
In Linux, the "head" and "tail" commands can be used to display the beginning and end of files,
Here's an example of how to use the "head" command to display the beginning of a file:
We can use the "head" command to display the first 5 lines of this file, like this:
$ head -n 5 example.txt
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.
This is the fourth line.
This is the fifth line.
In the above example, we use the "head" command with the "-n" option to specify that we want to
display the first 5 lines of the file "example.txt". The output of this command is the first 5 lines of the file
displayed on the terminal.
Here's an example of how to use the "tail" command to display the end of a file:
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.
This is the fourth line.
This is the fifth line.
This is the sixth line.
This is the seventh line.
This is the eighth line.
This is the ninth line.
This is the tenth line.
We can use the "tail" command to display the last 5 lines of this file, like this:
$ tail -n 5 example.txt
This is the sixth line.
This is the seventh line.
This is the eighth line.
This is the ninth line.
This is the tenth line.
In the above example, we use the "tail" command with the "-n" option to specify that we want to display
the last 5 lines of the file "example.txt". The output of this command is the last 5
lines of the file displayed on the terminal.
In Linux, the "cut" and "paste" commands can be used to cut and paste text from files or streams. Here
are some examples of how to use these commands with output:
We can use the "cut" command to extract the second column of this file (i.e., the "banana" and "lettuce"
fields), like this:
$ cut -d ',' -f 2 example.txt
In the above example, we use the "cut" command with the "-d" option to specify that the delimiter is a
comma, and the "-f" option to specify that we want to extract the second field. The output of this
command is the second column of the file displayed on the terminal.
Suppose we have two files named "file1.txt" and "file2.txt" with the following content:
We can use the "paste" command to merge these two files into a single file with two columns, like this:
$ paste file1.txt file2.txt
apple carrot
banana lettuce
orange tomato
In the above example, we use the "paste" command to merge the two files "file1.txt" and "file2.txt". The
output of this command is a new file with two columns, where the first column contains the content of
"file1.txt" and the second column contains the content of "file2.txt".
Sort Command
In Linux, the "sort" command can be used to sort the lines of text in a file or stream. Here are some
examples of how to use the "sort" command with output:
We can use the "sort" command to sort this file in alphabetical order, like this:
$ sort example.txt
In the above example, we use the "sort" command to sort the lines of the file "example.txt" in
alphabetical order. The output of this command is the sorted lines of the file displayed on the terminal.
We can use the "sort" command with the "-r" option to sort this file in reverse alphabetical order, like
$ sort -r example.txt
In the above example, we use the "sort" command with the "-r" option to sort the lines of the file
"example.txt" in reverse alphabetical order. The output of this command is the sorted lines of the file
displayed on the terminal.
We can use the "sort" command with the "-n" option to sort this file based on numeric values, like this:
$ sort -n example.txt
In the above example, we use the "sort" command with the "-n" option to sort the lines of the file
"example.txt" based on numeric values. The output of this command is the sorted lines of the file
displayed on the terminal.
tr command
the "tr" command can be used to translate or delete characters in a file or stream. Here are some
examples of how to use the "tr" command with output:
hello world
We can use the "tr" command to translate the lowercase letters to uppercase, like this:
$ tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' < example.txt
In the above example, we use the "tr" command with the character classes '[:lower:]' and '[:upper:]' to
translate all lowercase letters to uppercase in the file "example.txt". The output of this command is the
translated text displayed on the terminal.
hello world
We can use the "tr" command to remove all occurrences of the character 'l' in this file, like this:
$ tr -d 'l' < example.txt
heo word
In the above example, we use the "tr" command with the "-d" option to delete all occurrences of the
character 'l' in the file "example.txt". The output of this command is the text with the 'l' characters
removed, displayed on the terminal.
hello world
We can use the "tr" command to replace all occurrences of the character 'l' with 'z' in this file, like this:
$ tr 'l' 'z' < example.txt
hezzo worzd
In the above example, we use the "tr" command to replace all occurrences of the character 'l' with 'z' in
the file "example.txt". The output of this command is the text with the 'l' characters replaced with 'z',
displayed on the terminal.
Sort command
we can find and display duplicate lines in a file using the "sort" and "uniq" commands. Here's an
example of how to do this with output:
We can use the following command to display all the duplicate lines in this file:
$ sort example.txt | uniq -d
In the above example, we use the "sort" command to sort the lines of the file "example.txt" in
alphabetical order. We then use the "uniq" command with the "-d" option to display only the duplicate
lines. The output of this command is the two lines that appear more than once in the file, which are
"hello" and "world".
Alternatively, we can also use the "awk" command to display all the duplicate lines in a file. Here's an
$ awk 'seen[$0]++ == 1' example.txt
Wc Command
we can count the number of characters in a file using the "wc" (word count) command. Here's an
example of how to do this with output:
hello world
We can use the following command to count the number of characters in this file:
$ wc -m example.txt
12 example.txt
In the above example, we use the "wc" command with the "-m" option to count the number of
characters in the file "example.txt". The output of this command is "12 example.txt", which means that
there are 12 characters (including spaces) in the file.
We can also count the number of characters in multiple files using the same command. For example,
suppose we have two files named "file1.txt" and "file2.txt". We can use the following command to count
the number of characters in both files:
$ wc -m file1.txt file2.txt
10 file1.txt
20 file2.txt
30 total
In the above example, we use the "wc" command with the "-m" option to count the number of
characters in both files "file1.txt" and "file2.txt". The output of this command shows the number of
characters in each file, followed by the total number of characters in both files.
Diff Command
we can compare two files using the "diff" command. Here's an example of how to do this with output:
Suppose we have two files named "file1.txt" and "file2.txt" with the following content:
We can use the following command to compare the contents of these files:
$ diff file1.txt file2.txt
< world
> linux
In the above example, we use the "diff" command to compare the contents of the files "file1.txt" and
"file2.txt". The output of this command shows that the second line of "file1.txt" ("< world") is different
from the second line of "file2.txt" ("> linux"). The "2c2" in the output indicates that the difference is on
line 2 of both files.
Alternatively, we can also use the "cmp" command to compare two files byte by byte. Here's an
$ cmp file1.txt file2.txt
file1.txt file2.txt differ: byte 6, line 2
In the above example, we use the "cmp" command to compare the contents of the files "file1.txt" and
"file2.txt". The output of this command shows that the files differ at byte 6, which corresponds to the
second line of the files.
Date Command
the "date" command is used to display or set the system date and time. Here's an example of how to
use the "date" command with output:
To display the current date and time, simply run the "date" command:
$ date
Sat May 15 18:12:30 UTC 2023
The output shows the current date and time in the format "Day Month Date Time TimeZone Year".
To display the date and time in a specific format, we can use the "+FORMAT" option with the "date"
command. For example, to display the date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", we can
use the following command:
$ date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
2023-05-15 18:20:45
The output shows the current date and time in the specified format.
We can also set the system date and time using the "date" command with the "-s" option followed by
the new date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". For example, to set the system date
and time to "2023-05-15 18:30:00", we can use the following command:
$ date -s "2023-05-15 18:30:00"
The above command sets the system date and time to "2023-05-15 18:30:00".
Stty Command
the "stty" command is used to change or display terminal line settings. Here's an example of how to use
the "stty" command with output:
To display the current terminal settings, simply run the "stty" command:
$ stty
speed 38400 baud; rows 24; columns 80; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = M-^?; eol2 = M-^?;
swtch = M-^?; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase = ^W;
lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
The output shows the current terminal settings, including the baud rate, number of rows and columns,
control characters, and other settings.
To change a specific terminal setting, we can use the appropriate option with the "stty" command. For
example, to set the baud rate to 9600, we can use the following command:
$ stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
The above command sets the baud rate of the device "/dev/ttyUSB0" to 9600.
Pwd Command
the "pwd" command is used to print the current working directory. Here's an example of how to use the
"pwd" command with output:
To display the current working directory, simply run the "pwd" command:
$ pwd
The output shows the absolute path of the current working directory, which in this example is
We can also use the "-P" option with the "pwd" command to display the physical path of the current
working directory, resolving any symbolic links or aliases. For example:
$ pwd -P
The output shows the physical path of the current working directory, which in this example is
Mkdir Command
the "mkdir" command is used to create a new directory. Here's an example of how to use the "mkdir"
command with output:
To create a new directory called "mydir", simply run the "mkdir" command followed by the name of the
new directory:
$ mkdir mydir
This command creates a new directory called "mydir" in the current working directory.
We can also use the "-p" option with the "mkdir" command to create parent directories if they don't
already exist. For example:
$ mkdir -p mydir/subdir1/subdir2
This command creates a new directory called "mydir" in the current working directory, as well as two
subdirectories called "subdir1" and "subdir2" inside "mydir". If the parent directories "mydir" and
"subdir1" don't already exist, they will be created as well.
Rmdir Command
the "rmdir" command is used to remove an empty directory. Here's an example of how to use the
"rmdir" command with output:
To remove a directory called "mydir", simply run the "rmdir" command followed by the name of the
$ rmdir mydir
This command removes the directory called "mydir" in the current working directory, as long as it is
If the directory is not empty, the "rmdir" command will not remove it and will instead display an error
message. In that case, we can use the "-rf" options with the "rm" command to force remove the
directory and all its contents. For example:
$ rm -rf mydir
This command removes the directory called "mydir" in the current working directory, along with all its
contents, even if it is not empty.
Ls Command
the "ls" command is used to list the contents of a directory. Here's an example of how to use the "ls"
command with output:
To list the contents of the current working directory, simply run the "ls" command:
$ ls
file1.txt file2.txt directory1 directory2
This command lists all the files and directories in the current working directory.
We can also use various options with the "ls" command to customize its output. For example, we can
use the "-l" option to display the long format of the output, which includes additional information such
as file permissions, ownership, and size. For example:
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 1024 May 15 12:30 file1.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 2048 May 15 12:31 file2.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 May 15 12:32 directory1
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 May 15 12:33 directory2
This command lists all the files and directories in the current working directory in the long format.
Cp Command
the "cp" command is used to copy files and directories. Here's an example of how to use the "cp"
command with output:
To copy a file called "file1.txt" to a new file called "file2.txt", simply run the "cp" command followed by
the name of the original file and the name of the new file:
$ cp file1.txt file2.txt
This command creates a new file called "file2.txt" in the current working directory, with the same
contents as the original file "file1.txt".
We can also use the "cp" command to copy a directory and its contents. For example, to copy a
directory called "directory1" to a new directory called "directory2", we can run the following command:
$ cp -r directory1 directory2
This command creates a new directory called "directory2" in the current working directory, with the
same contents as the original directory "directory1".
Mv Command
the "mv" command is used to move or rename files and directories. Here's an example of how to use
the "mv" command with output:
To rename a file called "file1.txt" to "file2.txt", simply run the "mv" command followed by the name of
the original file and the name of the new file:
$ mv file1.txt file2.txt
This command renames the file "file1.txt" to "file2.txt" in the current working directory.
We can also use the "mv" command to move a file or directory to a new location. For example, to move
a file called "file1.txt" from the current directory to a new directory called "directory1", we can run the
following command:
$ mv file1.txt directory1/
This command moves the file "file1.txt" to the directory "directory1" in the current working directory.
Additionally, the "mv" command can be used to rename directories or move them to a new location,
using the same syntax as for files.
Rm Command
the "rm" command is used to remove files and directories. Here's an example of how to use the "rm"
command with output:
To remove a file called "file1.txt", simply run the "rm" command followed by the name of the file:
$ rm file1.txt
This command deletes the file "file1.txt" from the current working directory.
We can also use the "rm" command to remove a directory and its contents. For example, to remove a
directory called "directory1", along with all the files and subdirectories it contains, we can run the
following command:
$ rm -r directory1
This command deletes the directory "directory1" and all its contents from the current working directory.
It's important to be careful when using the "rm" command, as it permanently deletes files and
directories and they cannot be recovered. To avoid accidentally deleting important files, it's a good
practice to double-check the files and directories before running the command.
Cat Command
the "cat" command is used to concatenate and display the contents of one or more files. Here's an
example of how to use the "cat" command with output:
To display the contents of a file called "file1.txt", simply run the "cat" command followed by the name of
the file:
$ cat file1.txt
This command displays the contents of the file "file1.txt" in the terminal.
We can also use the "cat" command to concatenate multiple files into a single file. For example, to
concatenate three files called "file1.txt", "file2.txt", and "file3.txt" into a single file called "allfiles.txt", we
can run the following command:
$ cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt > allfiles.txt
This command concatenates the contents of the three files and saves them into a new file called
"allfiles.txt". The ">" symbol is used to redirect the output to a file.
Additionally, the "cat" command can be used in combination with other commands and pipes to
manipulate the contents of files in various ways.
More Command
the "more" command is used to display the contents of a file one screen at a time. Here's an example of
how to use the "more" command with output:
To display the contents of a file called "file1.txt", simply run the "more" command followed by the name
of the file:
$ more file1.txt
This command displays the contents of the file "file1.txt" one screen at a time, with the prompt "--
More--" displayed at the bottom of the screen. To view the next screen, simply press the "Enter" key. To
quit the "more" command and return to the command prompt, press the "q" key.
We can also use the "more" command to display the contents of multiple files one after the other. For
example, to display the contents of two files called "file1.txt" and "file2.txt", we can run the following
$ more file1.txt file2.txt
This command displays the contents of "file1.txt" first, followed by the contents of "file2.txt" one screen
at a time.
Additionally, the "more" command provides some basic navigation options, such as searching for a
specific string within the file, jumping to a specific line number, and scrolling up and down within the
Wc Command
the "wc" command is used to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file. Here's an
example of how to use the "wc" command with output:
To count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file called "file1.txt", simply run the "wc"
command followed by the name of the file:
$ wc file1.txt
This command displays the number of lines, words, and characters in "file1.txt", in that order. For
example, the output might look like this:
10 50 300 file1.txt
This output indicates that "file1.txt" has 10 lines, 50 words, and 300 characters.
By default, the "wc" command counts all three metrics for the specified file. However, we can also use
various options to specify which metrics to count. For example, to count only the number of lines in a
file, we can use the "-l" option:
$ wc -l file1.txt
This command displays only the number of lines in "file1.txt", like this:
10 file1.txt
Similarly, to count only the number of words or characters, we can use the "-w" or "-c" options,
Lp Command
the "lp" command is used to print files on a printer. Here's an example of how to use the "lp" command
with output:
To print a file called "file1.txt" on the default printer, simply run the "lp" command followed by the
name of the file:
$ lp file1.txt
This command sends the contents of "file1.txt" to the default printer, which will begin printing the file.
By default, the "lp" command prints files in black and white. However, we can also use various options
to specify the printer, color settings, and other print options. For example, to print a file in color, we can
use the "-o" option with the "color" argument:
$ lp -o color file1.txt
This command sends the contents of "file1.txt" to the default printer in color.
Similarly, we can use options like "-d" to specify a printer other than the default, "-n" to specify the
number of copies to print, and "-o" to set various print options.
Od Command
the "od" command is used to display the contents of a file in various formats, such as octal, decimal, or
hexadecimal. Here's an example of how to use the "od" command with output:
To display the contents of a file called "file1.txt" in hexadecimal format, simply run the "od" command
followed by the "-x" option and the name of the file:
$ od -x file1.txt
By default, the "od" command displays the contents of a file in octal format. However, we can also use
various options to specify the output format, byte order, and other display options. For example, to
display the contents of a file in decimal format, we can use the "-d" option:
$ od -d file1.txt
Similarly, we can use options like "-c" to display the contents of a file in ASCII format, "-N" to specify the
number of bytes to display, and "-s" to skip the first N bytes of the file.
Tar Command
the "tar" command is used to create, manipulate, and extract archive files in various formats. Here's an
example of how to use the "tar" command with output:
To create a new archive file called "archive.tar" that includes all files in a directory called "dir1", run the
"tar" command followed by the "-cf" options, the name of the archive file, and the name of the
$ tar -cf archive.tar dir1
This command creates a new archive file called "archive.tar" that includes all files in the "dir1" directory.
To extract all files from the "archive.tar" file, run the "tar" command followed by the "-xf" options and
the name of the archive file:
$ tar -xf archive.tar
We can also use various options with the "tar" command to perform additional operations, such as
compressing or decompressing archive files, adding or removing files from an existing archive, and
specifying the compression level or format of the archive file.
Gzip Command
The `gzip` command is used to compress or decompress files in Linux. Here's an example of how to use
the `gzip` command with output:
To compress a file called "example.txt" using `gzip`, run the following command:
$ gzip example.txt
This will create a new compressed file called "example.txt.gz" in the current directory.
$ gzip -d example.txt.gz
This will decompress the file and create a new file called "example.txt" in the current directory.
To view information about a compressed file, such as its size and compression ratio, use the `-l` option
with `gzip`. For example, to view information about the "example.txt.gz" file, run the following
$ gzip -l example.txt.gz
compressed uncompressed ratio uncompressed_name
106 420 74.8% example.txt
Sed Command
The `sed` command, short for "stream editor", is a powerful text editor in Linux that can be used to
modify text in a file or stream. It is particularly useful for automating editing tasks on large amounts of
Here are some commonly used options for the `sed` command:
1. s: This option is used to substitute one string with another in the text. For example, the following
command will replace all occurrences of "old_string" with "new_string" in the file "file.txt":
sed 's/old_string/new_string/g' file.txt
2. d: This option is used to delete lines from the text. For example, the following command will delete all
lines that contain the string "delete" in the file "file.txt":
sed '/delete/d' file.txt
3. p: This option is used to print lines from the text. For example, the following command will print all
lines that contain the string "print" in the file "file.txt":
sed -n '/print/p' file.txt
4. i: This option is used to insert a new line of text before a specified line in the text. For example, the
following command will insert the text "new line" before the first line in the file "file.txt":
sed '1i\
new line' file.txt
5. a: This option is used to append a new line of text after a specified line in the text. For example, the
following command will append the text "new line" after the last line in the file "file.txt":
sed '$a\
new line' file.txt
6. c: This option is used to change a specified line in the text. For example, the following command will
replace the first line in the file "file.txt" with the text "new line":
sed '1c\
new line' file.txt
Awk Command
The `awk` command is a versatile tool used for text processing and manipulation. It is particularly useful
for parsing and analyzing data in structured formats like CSV, log files, and tabular data. `awk` is capable
of performing various operations on the input data, such as filtering, searching, sorting, and formatting.
In each of these examples, `awk` takes an input file and performs a specific operation on it, based on the
provided command. The resulting output can be further processed or redirected to another file.
Piping Command
piping allows the output of one command to be used as input for another command, allowing for more
complex data manipulation. Here are some common types of piping commands:
1. `|` - The vertical bar symbol is used to pipe the output of one command to the input of another
command. For example:
ls | grep test
This command will list all files in the current directory and then pass that output to `grep` to search for
any file with "test" in its name.
2. `>` - The greater than symbol is used to redirect the output of a command to a file. For example:
ls > files.txt
This command will list all files in the current directory and write that output to a file called "files.txt".
3. `<` - The less than symbol is used to redirect a file's contents as input to a command. For example:
sort < unsorted.txt
date >> log.txt
This command will add the current date and time to the end of a file called "log.txt" without
overwriting any previous content.
5. `|&` - The pipe and ampersand symbol is used to redirect both standard output and standard error to
a command. For example:
ls |& grep test
This command will list all files in the current directory and then pass any standard output or error
message to `grep` to search for any occurrence of the word "test".
These are just a few examples of the different types of piping commands available in Linux. Other piping
commands include `tee`, `xargs`, and `awk`.
Env commands
`env` is a command that is used to display environment variables or set a new environment variable.
Here are some examples of using `env` command:
Nano Command
`nano` is a command-line text editor that is easy to use and comes with simple keybindings. Here are
some examples of using `nano` command:
Note that nano has many more features, and you can find a full list of keybindings in the `nano` manual
(`man nano`).
`sudo apt update` is a command used to update the package lists for repositories that are configured on
your system. Here is what the command does:
2. `apt` is the package management system used in Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu.
3. `update` is an `apt` command that retrieves the latest package lists from the configured repositories.
It does not upgrade packages to their latest versions, but instead, it updates the local package cache
with the latest information about available packages.
$ sudo apt update
This will download the latest package lists for all configured repositories on your system. After running
the command, you can use other `apt` commands like `apt upgrade` to upgrade your installed packages
to their latest versions. It is recommended to run `sudo apt update` periodically to ensure that your
system has the latest information about available packages.