Roll no: 09929801722 Batch No. (BBA II SEM E Section)
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies AU Block (Outer Ring Road) Pitampura Delhi -
Table of Contents
Company Profile……………………………………………………………………………….
This is to certify that I have completed the Project titled “Character Ethics of ITC Ltd.”
under the guidance of “Ms. Swati Verma” in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at Vivekananda Institute of
Professional Studies, Vivekananda School of Business Studies, New Delhi. This is an
original piece of work and has not been submitted elsewhere.
This is to certify that the project titled “Character Ethics of ITC Ltd.” is an academic work
done by “Daksh Singhal” submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from Vivekananda Institute of
Professional Studies, Vivekananda School of Business Studies, New Delhi., under my
guidance & direction. To the best of my knowledge and belief the data & information
presented by him in the project has not been submitted earlier.
With profound sense of gratitude and regard, I convey my sincere thanks to my guide
and mentor, for their valuable guidance and the confidence they instilled in that
helped me in the successful completion of the project report.
This topic has been chosen to study the Character Ethics of ITC Ltd. There
are certain prospective on Which a company sells their products in to the
market and diversifies their business. This project has been a great learning
experience for me; at the same time, it gave me enough scope to implement
my analytical ability. Full project gives an insight about the strategies and its
various aspects. It is purely based on whatever the researcher learned at
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies. All the topics have been
covered in a very systematic way. The project describes the analysis of
various products of ITC and its various aspects.
ITC’s businesses and brands are focused almost entirely on the Indian
markets. and despite being most well-known for its tobacco brands such as
Gold Flake, the business is now diversifying into new FMCG (Fast Moving
Consumer Goods) brands in a number of market sectors Including cigarettes,
hotels, paper, agriculture, packaged foods and confectionary, branded apparel,
personal care, greetings cards, Information Technology, safety matches, incense
sticks and stationery. Examples of its successful new FMCG products include:
Aashirvaad - India's most popular atta brand with over 50% market share. It is
also present in spices and instant mixes.
► Minto - Mint-0 Fresh is the largest cough lozenge brand in India
► Bingol - a new introduction of finger snacks.
► Kitchens of India - pre-prepared foods designed by ITC's master chefs.
► Sunfeast - is ITC's biscuit brand (and the sub-brand is also used on
some pasta products).
1.1 Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to search through the multifaceted dimensions of ITC Limited
and explore its significance as a case study. ITC is an Indian conglomerate (Mixture of
firms) with a diverse business portfolio encompassing sectors such as fast-moving
consumer goods (FMCG), hospitality, paperboards, paper & packaging, agribusiness, and
information technology, among others. By examining ITC, we aim to understand the
company's purpose, its impact on society, and its contributions to sustainable development.
Company Overview:
Provide a comprehensive overview of ITC, including its history, founding principles, and
core values. Highlight its growth trajectory, financial performance, and market presence
both in India and globally. Emphasize the company's commitment to sustainability and
corporate social responsibility.
Business Divisions:
Explore the various business divisions of ITC, such as FMCG, hotels, paperboards,
packaging, agri-business, and information technology. Describe the key products and
services offered in each division. Discuss how ITC has diversified its operations to mitigate
risk and capitalize on emerging market opportunities.
• To find the product's design specification are based on the requirements of
the target market and the manufacturing facilities available are up to it.
• The producers target market & what are their needs.
• The product's performance; i.e., how suitable it is for its end use and what
are its aftercare requirements.
• The quality of the fibers, and manufacture: e.g., how adequate are lye,
fastenings and seam allowance.
• The product's aesthetic appeal or stylistic qualities.
• The producers price. To know whether il gives value for money,
• Any safety or moral issues. Whether the product conform to safety
regulations. And Its impact on the environment.
PRIMARY DATA: • Primary Data is data that has not been previously published,
i.e., the data is derived from a new or original research study and collected al the
e.g., in marketing. it is information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources
by means or surveys. observation or experimentation.
SECONDARY DATA: • Secondary data, is data collected by someone other than the
user. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses.
organizational records and data collected through qualitative methodologies or
qualitative research.
international competitiveness but by also consciously contributing to
enhancing the competitiveness of the larger value chain of which It is a part."
This over-arching vision or the company is expressively captured in Its
corporate positioning statement "Enduring Value. For the Nation. For the
ITC was Incorporated on August 24, 1910 under the name Imperial Tobacco
Company or India Limited. As the Company's ownership progressively
Indian ltd, the name or the Company was changed from Imperial Tobacco
Company to India Tobacco Company Limited in 1970 and then to I.T.C.
Limited in 1974.
ITC's foray into the marketing of Agarbattis (incense sticks) in 2003 marked
the manifestation of its partnership with the cottage sector. Mangaldeep is a
highly established national brand and is available across a range of
fragrances like Rose, Jasmine, Bouquet, Sandalwood, Madhur, Sambrani etc.
ITC firmly believes that quality is not a specifically assignable task. needs to
be firmly rooted and institutionalized. In the culture and value system of the
Company. ITC nurtures a culture of striving for continuous improvement in
quality, be it in products, services, systems or performance. The Company is
committed to the establishment of systems and processes to promote
organizational creativity and innovation.
All ITC manufacturing units have ISO quality certification. Almost all
contract manufacturing units in the Foods Business and all large hotels have
food safety and quality systems certified by accredited 'third party' in
accordance with 'Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points' (HACCP)
standards. Additionally, the quality of all FMCG products of the Company is
regularly monitored through 'Product Quality Rating System' (PQRS). The
Leaf Tobacco and Printing & Packaging businesses have achieved work-
class ratings in the 'International Quality Rating System' (IQRS) for business
excellence in which key processes are rated against international bench
marks and certified by accredited 'third party' independent assurance
ITC leverage its traditional businesses to develop new brands for new
segments. For example, ITC used its experience of transporting and
distributing tobacco products to remote and distant parts of India to the
advantage of ITC FMCG products. ITC master chefs from its hotel chain are
often asked to develop new food concepts for its FMCG business. ITC is a
diversified company trading in a number or business sectors including
cigarettes, hotels, paper, agriculture, packaged foods and confectionary,
branded apparel, personal care, greetings cards, Information Technology,
The company's original business was traded in tobacco. ITC stands for
Imperial Tobacco Company of India Limited. It Is interesting that a business
that is now so involved in branding continues to use its original name,
despite the negative connection or tobacco with poor health and premature
To fund its cash guzzling FMCG start-up, the company is still dependent
upon its tobacco revenues. Cigarettes account for 47 per cent of the
company's turnover. and that in itself is responsible for 80% of its profits. So,
there is an argument that ITC's move Into FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer
Goods) is being subsidized by its tobacco operations. Its Gold Flake tobacco
brand is the largest FMCG brand in India - and this single brand alone holds
70% of the tobacco market.
Core brands such as Aashirvaad, Mint-o, Bingo! And Sun Feast (and others)
can be developed using strategies of market development, product
development and marketing penetration.
ITC is moving into new and emerging sectors including '1formation
Technology, supporting business solutions.
E-Choupal is a community of practice that links rural Indian farmers using
the Internet. This is an original and well thought of initiative that could be
used in other sectors in many other parts of the world. It is also an ambitious
project that has a goal of reaching 10million farmers in 100,000 villages.
ITC leverages e-Choupal In a novel way. The company researched the tastes
of consumers in the North, West and East of India of atta (a popular type of
wheat Hour), then used the network to source and create the raw materials
from farmers and then blend them for consumers under purposeful brand
names such as Aashirvaad Select in the Northern market, Aashirvaad MP
Chakki in the Western market and Aashirvaad in the Eastern Market. This
concept is tremendously difficult for competitors to emulate.
Chairman Yogi Deveshwar’s strategic vision is to tum his Indian
conglomerate into the country's premier FMCG business.
Per capita consumption of personal care products in India is the lowest in the
world offering an opportunity for ITC's soaps, shampoos and fragrances
under their Wills brand.
The obvious threat is from competition, both domestic and international. The
laws of economics dictate that if competitors see that there is a solid profit to
be made in an emerging consumer society that ultimately new products and
services will be made available. Western companies will see India as an
exciting opportunity for themselves to find new market segments for their
own offerings.
ITC's opportunities are likely to be opportunities for other companies as
well. Therefore, the dynamic of competition will alter in the medium-term.
Then ITC will need to decide whether being a diversified conglomerate is
the most competitive strategic formation for a secure future.
► Cigarettes & Cigars
► Lifestyle Retailing
► Personal Care
► Education and Stationery
► Agarbattis & Safety Matches
2. Hotels
Figure 1.1 ITC products
4. Agri- Business
► Agri Commodities & Rural
► Services
► E-croupal
► Lear Tobacco, Spices & Agri Inputs
5. Information Technology
It is ITC’s strategic intent to secure long-term growth by synergizing and
blending the diverse pool of competencies residing in its various businesses
to exploit emerging opportunities In the FMCG sector.
The Company's institutional strengths- deep understanding of the Indian
consumer, strong trademarks, deep and wide distribution network, Agri
sourcing skills, packaging know-how and cuisine expertise continue to be
effectively leveraged lo rapidly grow the new FMCG businesses. Over the
last few years, ITC has rapidly scaled up presence in its newer FMCG
businesses comprising Branded Packaged Foods, Lifestyle Retailing,
Education and Stationery products, Personal Care products, Safely Matches
and Incense Sticks (Agarbatti) with Segment Reve s growing at an
impressive compound annual growth rate of 38% during the last 5 years.
The Company's unwavering focus on quality, innovation and differentiation
backed by deep consumer insights, world-class R&D and an efficient and
responsive supply chain will further strengthen is leader stop position in the
Indian FMCG Industry.
ITC made its entry into the branded & packaged Foods business in August
2001 with the launch of the Kitchens or India brand. A more broad-based
entity has been made since June 2002 with brand launches in the
Confectionery, Staples and Snack Foods segments.
The packaged foods business is an ideal avenue to leverage ITC's proven
strengths in the areas of hospitality and branded cuisine, contemporary
packaging and sourcing of agricultural commodities. ITC's world-famous
restaurants like the Bukhara and the Dum Pukht, nurtured by the Company's
Hotels business, demonstrate that ITC has a deep understanding of the Indian
palate and the expertise required to translate this knowledge into delightful
dining experiences for the consumer. ITC has stood for quality products for
over 100 years to the Indian consumer and several of its brands are today
internationally benchmarked for quality.
The Foods business carries forward this proud tradition to deliver quality
rood products to the consumer. All products of ITC's Foods business
available in the market today have been crafted based on consumer insights
developed through extensive market research.
Leadership in the Foods business requires a keen understanding of the supply
chain for agricultural produce. ITC has over the last 100 years established a
very close business relationship with the farming community in India and is
currently in the process or enhancing the Indian farmer’s ability to link to
global markets, through the e-Choupal initiative, and produce the quality
demanded by its customers.
The Foods business is represented in 4 categories:
• The Ready to Eat Foods
• Staples
• Confectionary
• Snack Foods
In order to assure consumers of the highest standards of food safety and
hygiene, ITC is engaged in assisting outsourced manufacturers in
implementing world-class hygiene standards through HACCP certification.
The unwavering commitment to internationally benchmarked quality
standards enabled ITC to rapidly gain market standing in all its 7 brands:
ITC's Lifestyle Retailing Business Division has established a nationwide
retailing presence through its Wills Lifestyle chain of exclusive specialty
stores. Wills Lifestyle, the fashion destination, offers a tempting choice of
Wills Classic work wear, Wills Sport relaxed wear, Wills Clublife evening
wear, fashion accessories and Essenza Di Wills - an exclusive range of fine
fragrances and bath & body care products and Fiama Di Wills - a range of
premium shampoos and shower gels. Wills lifestyle has also introduced Wills
Signature designer wear, designed by the leading designers of the country.
With a distinctive presence across segments at the premium end, ITC has
also established John Players as a brand that offers a complete fashion
wardrobe to the male youth of today.
ITC made its entry to the education and stationery business with its
Paperkraft brand in the premium segment in 2002; and later expanded into
the popular segment with its Classmate brand in 2003. By 2007, Classmate
became the largest Notebook brand in the country. Together, Classmate and
Paperkraft offer a range of products in the Education & Stationery space to
the discerning consumer, providing unrivalled value in terms of product &
ITC is the manufacturer of India's first Ozone treated environment friendly
Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) pulp, paper and paperboard. It blends its
knowledge or image processing, printing and conversion garnered from
Packaging & Printing Business with its brand building and trade marketing
& distribution strengths resident in its FMCG business to offer superior
value products to consumers.
ITC Hotels, India's premier chain of luxury hotels was launched on October
18, 1975, with the opening of its first hotel Chola Sheraton (now
rechristened as My Fortune) in Chennai. Since then, the ITC Hotels brand
has become synonymous with Indian hospitality. With over 100 hotels in
more than 90 destinations, ITC Hotels has set new standards of excellence in
the hotel industry in Accommodation, Cuisine, Environment and Guest
A leader in the premium hospitality segment, ITC Hotels have had the
privilege of hosting world leaders. Heads of State and discerning guests from
across the world and within. As one of India's most dynamic hospitality
chains, ITC Hotels has set standards for excellence in the hotel industry by
pioneering the concept of branded accommodation. The chain has developed
three brands of accommodation ITC One', ‘Tower’ and the 'Executive Club'
to differentiate between the needs of various travelers and provide high
levels of service.
First to introduce branded cuisine, its restaurants Bukhara, Dakshin and Dum
Pukht are renowned for their delicious and authentic Indian cuisines from the
different regions of India. ITC Hotels also showcases international cuisine in
its specially restaurants West View and Pan Asian.
Figure 1.5 Green Centre
ITC Hotels has established that if provided with an opportunity to work and
become self-sufficient, people who are differently abled can significantly
contribute to the workplace, families and the community. ITC Hotels has taken a
positive step in this direction by employing people who are differently abled
across its hotels. ITC Hotels believes that everyone should be treated with
sensitivity and empathy. The models it has created have been effective and have
succeeded in sensitizing other employees to the needs of those differently-abled.
Keeping in mind their specific skills, over 100 differently abled have been
employed in diverse functions like housekeeping, teleworking, bakery and as
musicians. Special badges for the visually impaired, whistles for hearing impaired
employees to use in an emergency and sign language classes for the staff to
communicate with them are just a few examples of how ITC Hotels has created an
atmosphere of sensitivity and caring.
ITC Hotels has also published a booklet aimed at sharing experiences with the rest
of the corporate world and laying down a step-by-step guide to demystify the
perceived complexities around employing persons with disabilities.
ITC's Packaging & Printing Business is the largest value-added converter of
paperboard packaging in South Asia. ft converts over 70,000 tons of paper,
paperboard and laminates per annum into a variety of value-added packaging
solutions for the food & beverage, personal products, cigarette.
liquor and consumer goods industries.
With three packaging factories at Tiruvottiyur near Chennai (in the South),
Munger in Bihar (in the East), and Haridwar (in the North of India), the
Company offers a comprehensive product range in packaging backed by its
packaging expertise over the decades and cutting-edge technology making It
truly a "One stop shop for Packaging".
ITC’s Packaging business has 3 major product lines:
• Carton Board Packaging
• Flexible packaging
• Tobacco Packaging
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Tobacco packaging: ITC offers a range of products line including flip top
boxes (Square, Round, Beveled and Pillow Pack Hinge lids etc,), Outers,
Soft Cup labels, Pack inserts, Printed cork tipping, printed overwraps, inner
frames. ITC makes value added shoulder boxes for cigars and cigarettes. ITC
supplies packaging for over 80 billion cigarettes a year domestically, and
supplies packaging for 15 billion cigarette sticks a year for the export market
to leading tobacco majors.
Figure 1.8 Tobacco packaging
ITC has enhanced the value of some of the most favored brands with
superior look-and-reel packaging, using the best raw materials and process
combinations, and an in-house pre-press Design Centre,
Green Packaging
Formed in 2000, ITC InfoTech has today carved a niche for itself in the
arena or global IT services and solutions. The company has established
technology Centers of Excellence (CoE) to deepen capabilities and incubate
cutting-edge technical competencies. A robust outsourcing model,
comprehensive suite of differentiated solutions & services and focus on
excellence in execution has provided the company a leadership position in
chosen domains.
ITC InfoTech conforms to the highest standards in international process
quality, with ISO 27001, ISO 9001, CMMi Level 3 and BS 7799
accreditations. These reflect the company's ongoing enterprise-wide focus to
ensure that every engagement, program and project delivers international
quality consistently.
The company became the first Indian IT company to receive the prestigious
Social Accountability (SA) 8000:2008 certification. SA8000 is widely
accepted as the most viable and comprehensive international workplace
management system.
ITC Food division. They are trying to capitalize the market by associating the
products with the ITC brand.
1. ITC Pricing strategy
The pricing of the ITC food division depends upon the Customers' demand
schedule, the cost function and the competitors' price. The pricing of the
company is such that it caters to the need of all income groups of people but
special provision has been kept for Low- a nd mi ddle-i ncome group, and
their pricing are competitive with respect to other players like Britannia,
Parle and Brisk farm. The company follows the Going rate pricing that is the
price of the product depends upon the competitor’s price. The firm chooses
pricing more or less the same as Markel leader.
(17.6%). Price was third criterion with a percentage of 11.7% of the people
surveyed gave importance during buying.
The above graph shows the experience of the customer alter using the
product I.e., whether they were satisfied with the product as a whole. The
higher the satisfaction level higher will be the chances that the customer will
buy the same brand again and again that leads to the building of the Brand
The Availability of the Product determines the effectiveness and the penetration of the
distribution channel or that
particular brand among the
Figure 3.4
Market capitalization of over US $ 33 billion. Turnover of US $ 7 billion. Its
Agri-Business is one of India’s largest exporters of agricultural products. One
of the country’s biggest foreign exchange earners (US $ 3.2 billion),
Indian Foods market is a monopolistic market There are many competitors in
all the categories and although they all have similar products available at
similar prices, they are trying to prove themselves different through their
marketing strategies. However, entry to this business is easy and ITC has
utilized this fact very efficiently to their benefit as they entered into the
several categories among this Foods business.
Ready To Eat
ITC entered the branded spices market in 2005 and the Instant Mix segment
in 2006, both under the Aashirvaad Brand. As on April 2006, the total
turnover In the Indian ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook segments was only
around Rs.700 million. But it continued to post an annual growth of 20%. By
early 2006, though ITC had captured a 35% market share in the ready-to-eat
segment. MTR was the clear market leader with close to 60% in market
share. ITC exported 40-50% of Kol brand products (in tons of volumes) to
the US, Canada, UK. Switzerland, and Australia.
In May 2006, ITC planned to introduce ten more varieties under the Kol
brand within a price range of Rs.35 to Rs.98. In 2007. Some new products
have been launched under Ready to Eat category like chutneys, curries,
conserves, biryanis (Noor Mahal, Bhori Biryani and some new range of
products under Gharana (Paneer Malai, Keema Mutter). After launching all
these products ITC FOODS is looking to share SO to 60% or market by
2008- 2009, Following are the major competitors ITC is competing with in
Ready to Eat category:
Gits Gits produces the selected range of popular ready to
cook and instant foods that cover a range of ethnic
Indian cuisine-and where the recipes have “Global
pallet acceptance·.
Figure 3.6 Market Share- Ready to Eat
2. Toffies
3. Eclairs
4. Chewing gum
5. Bubble gum
6. Mints
7. lozenges
ITC has currently in market with its two brands “Mlnt-0” and ·Candyman·.
ITC’s Mint-O fresh secured a 17% share or Indian cough lozenges market
ahead of former leader Perfetti which only achieved 14.3% with chloramine
The Indian giant marked the confectionary sector in 2002 and has only two
brands “mint-0 fresh” and “Candyman.
Figure 3.7 Market Share- Confectionery
Indian biscuit market is estimated to be around 5000 crores. Biscuit industry
in India in the organized sector produces around 60% of the total production,
the balance 40% being contributed by the unorganized bakeries. ITC with its
premium product SUNFEAST, is acquiring a big share of market. Within
few years, they are able 10 get 12% share of the market.
Ltd. (Sunfeast)
Tiger Marie Parle-g Butter Bite
Nutrichoice Dream cream Krack-Jack Classic Cream
Junior Good Milky Magic Monaco Butter Lite
Day, Fit kit Kreams Big Boss
50 50, Choco Nut Hide and seek Marie lite
Treat Butter Nut Milk Shakti Magic Gold
Pure Magic,
Milk Bikis
Good Morning.
Table 3.3 Share of ITC Ltd. Biscuit industry of India
Corporate Strategies
• Sustain multiple dri11ers of growth.
• Pursue world class competitiveness in all businesses.
• Best-in-class.
• Organization & governance.
• Blend core competencies & leverage ITC umbrella strengths.
Marketing Strategies
1. Pricing Strategy:
Market follower
2. Promotional Strategy:
Figure 3.11Product Mix or ITC Ltd.
Figure 3.12
Responses 10 91 15 6 114
Figure 3.13
Gender Male Female Others Total
Responses 65 47 2 114
Figure 3.14
Response 70 44 114
The pie chart indicates that 61.9% of people responded "Yes" and
38.1% responded "No."
The pie chart suggests that a majority of the respondents (61.9%) are
aware of ITC Ltd.'s sustainability initiatives and responsible business
practices, while a significant proportion (38.1%) is not aware
Figure 3.15
The bar graph represents the factors that influenced people's decision
to purchase or use products/services offered by ITC Ltd. The graph
shows the percentage of people who chose each factor as their
influencing factor.
The bar graph represents the ratings given by respondents for the
quality of ITC Ltd.'s products/services on a scale of 1 to 5. The graph
shows the number of people who selected each rating option.
Figure 3.17
Figure 3.18
Responses 78 17 19 114
Figure 3.19
Responses 65 49 114
The "less likely" category accounts for 42.5% of the pie chart,
suggesting that a significant portion of respondents are hesitant to
switch to a competitor's offering even if it offers similar quality at a
lower price.
Figure 3.20
Responses 53 35 8 17 113
Figure 3.21
Responses 62 18 33 113
The "no" category accounts for 15.9% of the pie chart, indicating a
smaller proportion of people are dissatisfied with the information and
Figure 3.22
Responses 10 34 39 30 113
Figure 3.23
Figure 3.24
Responses 68 15 30 113
Figure 3.25
Response 52 47 15 114
The largest slice in the pie chart corresponds to the category with the
highest percentage. In this case, the familiar category has the largest
slice, accounting for 45.6% of the population.
In this project report, while finalizing and for analyzing quality problem in
details the following books magazines/ journals and websites have been
referred. All the material detailed below provides effective help and a
guiding layout while designing this text report.
Economic times
Age Group
a) Below 15
b) 15 to 25
c) 25 to 40
d) Above 40
a) Male
b) Female
c) Other
How familiar are you with ITC Ltd.?
a) Familiar
b) Somewhat Familiar
c) Not Familiar
Have you ever purchased or used any products/services offered by ITC Ltd.?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
If yes, please specify the ITC Ltd. products/services you have purchased/used.
a) FMCG Products
b) Education and Stationary Items
c) Personal Care Products
d) Agribusinesses
e) Hotels
How would you rate the quality of ITC Ltd.'s products/services on a scale of 1 to
5? a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
a) Quality Of Products
b) Availability
c) Brand Loyalty
d) Attractive Packaging
e) Goodwill
Are you aware of ITC Ltd.'s sustainability initiatives and responsible business practices?
a) Yes
b) No
Which aspects of ITC Ltd.’s sustainability initiatives do you find most impressive?
a) Environmental conservation
b) Social Welfare Programs
c) Education and Healthcare Initiatives
d) Community Development
e) Employee Welfare
Would you recommend ITC Ltd.’s products or services to others?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
How would you rate ITC Ltd.'s customer service and support?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
How frequently do you interact with ITC Ltd. through their online platforms (website,
social media, etc.)?
a) Regularly
b) Often
c) Sometimes
d) Never
Are you satisfied with the information and communication provided by ITC Ltd. through
their online platforms?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe
How do you perceive ITC Ltd.’s brand reputation compared to its competitors?
a) Better
b) Similar
c) Worse
d) Not Sure
How likely are you to switch to a competitor's product/service if it offers a similar quality at
a lower price?
a) Likely
b) Less Likely