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AÑO LECTIVO 2024 - 2025


Area: Foreign Language Subject: English
Teacher(s): Luis Cabrera Mero
Grade: 3BGU 3ro BGU
Number of working Total of
Weekly course load: Learning assessment and unexpected occurrences: Total of periods:
weeks: Class weeks:
Weekly workload x total
Sample: (40
Sample: (4 hours) Sample: (4 weeks). Sample: (36 weeks). of class weeks.
Sample: (180).
Grade Objectives
OG.EFL1. Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely and openly experiencing
other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
OG.EFL2. Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an
intercultural and multinational society.
OG.EFL3. Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic
differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for communication and learning.
OG.EFL5. Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for
professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
OG.EFL7. Interact quite clearly, confidently and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social situations with a limited but effective command
of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level)

They constitute great themes that must be addressed throughout the curricular projection, with
concrete integrated activities to the development of skills with performance criteria: interculturality,
formation of a democratic citizenship, environmental protection, health care and recreational
habits, sexual education in young people
Specific Unit Methodological Evaluation criteria Length In
N.º Unit Title Contents
Objectives Orientation and indicators Weeks
1. What do you do O.EFL 5.5 Directly I LEARN -Demonstrating appropriate CE.EFL.5.1. Display an
all day? access the main points EFL 5.2.13 Deal with language use during class, understanding of the
and important details of practical, everyday group and pair discussions. integrity of different
up-to date English communication (Example: correct cultures by
language texts, such as demands within familiar intonation, natural pace, sharing experiences and
those published on the contexts, effectively and using modals to show by participating in class
web, for professional or without undue effort. politeness, etc.) activities and
general investigation, (Example: meeting -Writing a weekly journal discussions in a
through the efficient use people, extending and entry about a cross-cultural way that shows
of ICT and reference accepting invitations, experience. empathy and respect
tools where required. exchanging information, -Practicing the use of for others.
Interact quite clearly, giving reasons, asking expressions of politeness CE.EFL.5.3. Interpret
confidently, and and answering questions during collaborative pair and cultural and language
appropriately in a range about routines and small group work. patterns in English,
of formal and informal preferences, etc.) -Reflecting on differences including nonverbal
social situations with a between people from other communication, and
limited but effective I LEARN countries and regions. apply them in
command of the spoken EFL 5.2.6 Use new -Researching schooling from appropriate contexts.
language (CEFR B1 words and expressions other cultures and CE.EFL.5.7.
level). which occur in presenting them on a class Production – Accuracy
conversations in the blog. and
personal and -Responding sensitively to a Intelligibility: Use
educational domains peer’s opinion about a text appropriate
and make use of such read in class. vocabulary and
terms and expressions -Using social media to language in a variety
wherever appropriate network with teens across of oral interactions for
and necessary. the globe. a range of audiences
-Having learners make a and level-appropriate
My World, Our world selfie video to say what they purposes..
EFL 5.2.13 Deal with know about a topic before
practical, everyday coming to class. Observing I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners
communication that they can say what they can demonstrate an
demands within familiar want without too many long understanding of the
contexts, effectively and pauses. integrity of different
without undue effort. -Singing songs that practice cultures by sharing
(Example: meeting helpful language. experiences and by
people, extending and -Listening to spoken or participating in class
accepting invitations, recorded descriptions of a activities and
exchanging information, familiar academic subject, discussions in a way
giving reasons, asking and that shows empathy and
and answering questions marking the words you hear. respect for others. (I.3,
about routines and (Example: Learners hear a S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3)
preferences, etc.) dialogue between two I.EFL.5.3.1. Learners
experts talking about can
I listen & Analyze recycling. They circle the interpret cultural and
EFL 5.2.6 Use new verbs they hear, etc.) language patterns in
words and expressions - Listening to three teens English, including
which occur in talk about their vacation, nonverbal
conversations in the then putting a checkmark communication, and
personal and next to the person who did apply them in
educational domains, each appropriate contexts.
and make use of such activity. (I.3, I.4, S.1,
terms and expressions - Watching a short video and S.2)
wherever appropriate writing three new things I.EFL.5.7.1. Learners
and necessary. they learned. (Example: E. can
Reading is fun/ coli lives in the intestines of communicate
Biography humans. Some types can clearly and effectively
EFL 5.3.2 Identify and make you very sick. You can by using appropriate
use reading strategies to get E.coli from eating vocabulary and
make informative and contaminated food, even language in a
narrative texts cookies, etc.) variety of oral
comprehensible and -Giving learners language interactions for a range
meaningful. (Example: prompts to use during of audiences and level-
skimming, scanning, pair/group work. (Example: appropriate purposes.
previewing, reading for What do you think? I (I.2, I.3, J.2)
main ideas and details, agree/disagree. I think we
using structural and need to…, It’s your turn,
context clues, cognates, etc.)
format, sequence, etc.) -Playing games that practice
classroom language, turn-
Writing is fun / taking, being polite, etc.
EFL 5.2.8 Influence an
audience effectively
through persuasion,
argument or negotiation
using conventions and
features of English.
(Example: precise
intonation, presentation
strategies, etc.)

I Learn/Art
EFL 5.3.3 Determine
the main conclusion in
texts which clearly
argue a point of view in
order to make informed
decisions about one’s
own opinion and
reaction to the text.

I enjoy
EFL 5.5.9 Engage in
collaborative activities
through a variety of
student groupings to
share, reflect on,
express and interpret
and evaluations of a
range of literary texts.
(Example: small
groups, cooperative
learning groups,
literature circles,
writing groups, etc.)
Living in harmony
EFL 5.2.11 Express
opinions on abstract
topics, such as film and
music, and concrete
topics, such as personal
experiences, while
describing one’s
reactions to them and
others’ opinions.

2. Could you tell O.EFL 5.7 Interact I LEARN Using context clues CE.EFL.5.3.
me? quite clearly, EFL 5.3.9 Skim and to deduce the Interpret
confidently, and scan reference meaning of an cultural and
appropriately in a range materials, in print or expression in a language
of formal and informal online, in order to conversation between patterns in English,
social situations with a identify information that a waiter and a customer. including nonverbal
limited but effective might be of practical - Listening to a radio communication, and
command of the spoken use for one’s own ad and identifying the apply them in
appropriate contexts.
language (CEFR B1 research and academic product being sold. • CE.EFL.5.5.
level). needs. Using pictures and Listening
My world, our world other visuals to for Meaning:
EFL 5.3.1 Find specific predict the main idea Identify
predictable information of a short the main idea in a
in short, simple texts in conversation. variety of audio
a range of age- and - Listening to a recordings (e.g.,
level-appropriate topics. straightforward interviews, radio
(Example: biographies, article and correcting ads,
news articles, false statements. news reports, etc.)
narratives, memoirs and (Example: and
personal accounts, Anacondas have deduce the meanings
formal letters and eaten pigs. – True, of
emails, etc.) Jaguars are the most unfamiliar phrases
I listen & Analyze dangerous animal in
words in familiar
EFL 5.2.5 Understand the Amazon rain
contexts, provided
the main idea of radio forest – False, speech is clear and
and audio recordings on mosquitoes are the visuals help support
subjects of personal most dangerous, etc.) meaning.
interest, provided - Demonstrating I.EFL.5.3.1.
speech is clear. appropriate language Learners
Reading is fun/ use during class, can interpret cultural
Programme Letter group and pair and language
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the discussions. patterns in
main idea and some (Example: correct English, including
details of recorded news intonation, natural
communication, and
reports, documentaries pace, using modals to
apply them in
and interviews reporting show politeness, etc.) appropriate contexts.
on seasonal festivities, - Practicing the use of (I.3, I.4, S.1, S.2)
environmental issues, expressions of I.EFL.5.5.1.
food and international politeness during Learners can
customs, climate, collaborative pair and identify the main
weather, etc., where the small group work. idea
visuals support the - Writing a short in a variety of audio
commentary. conversation and recordings (e.g.,
Writing is fun/ including an interviews, radio
Programme Letter appropriate idiom. ads,
EFL 5.5.5 Create - Finding the meaning news reports, etc.)
original, imaginative of an idiom in an and
stories using appropriate authentic audio deduce the meanings
vocabulary and segment, such as a of
unfamiliar phrases
elements of the short TV show clip.
and words in
literature learners have - Conducting a class familiar
read or heard. survey where contexts where
learners ask each speech
other about a is clear and visuals
familiar topic and help support
record each other’s meaning. (I.3,
answers. (Example: I.4)
What’s your favorite
sport? Do you have a
favorite team? What
sports do you play?
Have you ever gotten
hurt?, etc.) Sharing
a few things about
their classmates’
answers. (Example:
Marco loves soccer.
He’s a Barcelona fan. He
plays soccer every
day in recess, but last
week he sprained his
ankle and he can’t
play right now, etc.)
- Playing a
conversation game,
where learners move
their tokens around
the board
- after choosing a card
and answering the
question. (Example
questions: What
foods have you tried
from another
country? How often
do you eat them?,
How long have O.EFL 5.7 Interact I learn Researching through CE.EFL.5.2.
you been living quite clearly, EFL 5.1.3 Find parallels the Internet about other Demonstrate an ability
here? confidently, and between Ecuadorian cultures and to discuss culture by
appropriately in a range cultural and political ways of life and analyzing cultural
of formal and informal referents and those of presenting them to products and referents
3. social situations with a other countries by the class using digital from Ecuador and other
limited but effective talking about holidays, tools. countries while making
command of the spoken symbols, customs and - Working in small informed choices about
language (CEFR B1 schooling. groups to complete a and taking action on
level). cultural project. issues of prejudice and
I learn (Example: different discrimination.
EFL 5.1.5 Identify, musical genres in CE.EFL.5.11. Identify
discuss and analyze Ecuador, traditional and apply a range of
cultural products from food in Latin reading strategies in
Ecuador and beyond America, etc.) order to make texts
and use them to explore - Reading a list of meaningful and to
the perspectives of the actions people take select information
culture. and evaluating and within a text that might
My world, our world discussing the be of practical use for
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the consequences on one’s own academic
main idea and some others (including on needs.
details of recorded news the environment) I.EFL.5.2.1. Learners
reports, documentaries - Asking learners can exhibit an ability to
and interviews reporting simple questions discuss culture by
on seasonal festivities, about themselves, analyzing cultural
environmental issues, their family or their products and referents
food and international possessions and from Ecuador and other
customs, climate, noting that their countries while making
weather, etc., where the response time is informed choices about
visuals support the relatively quick and and taking action on
commentary. there are minimal issues of prejudice and
basic errors. discrimination. (I.1, I.2,
I Listen & Analyze - Completing a KWL S.2, J.1, J.3)
EFL 5.2.5 Understand chart about a text. I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners
the main idea of radio Underlining can Identify and apply a
and audio recordings on interesting facts in a range of reading
subjects of personal text and then doing a strategies in order to
interest, provided little research on the make texts meaningful
speech is clear. topic. and to select
- Using an interesting information within a
Reading is fun/ the idea from a text to text that might be of
article inspire extra research practical use for one’s
EFL 5.3.1 Find specific on a topic. own academic needs.
predictable information - Using new words or (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
in short, simple texts in information from a
a range of age- and class lesson and
level-appropriate topics. creating an online
(Example: biographies, game to practice
news articles, them, then sharing
narratives, memoirs and and playing the game
personal accounts, with the rest of the
formal letters and class.
emails, etc.)

Writing is fun/ The

EFL 5.5.5 Create
original, imaginative
stories using appropriate
vocabulary and
elements of the
literature learners have
read or heard.
I Learn/ Science
EFL 5.4.8 Create an
effective voice, using a
variety of writing styles
appropriate to different
audiences, purposes and
settings, and adjust
these styles as

I enjoy
EFL 5.3.9 Skim and
scan reference
materials, in print or
online, in order to
identify information that
might be of practical
use for one’s own
research and academic

Living in harmony
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the
main idea and some
details of recorded news
reports, documentaries
and interviews reporting
on seasonal festivities,
environmental issues,
food and international
customs, climate,
weather, etc., where the
visuals support the
4. If you weren’t a O.EFL 5.2 Draw on I Learn . -Demonstrating appropriate CE.EFL.5.3. Interpret
sports journalist this established EFL 5.1.4 Identify and language use during class, cultural and language
propensity for curiosity interpret how group and pair discussions. patterns in English,
and tolerance towards cultural and language (Example: correct including nonverbal
different cultures to patterns in English are intonation, natural pace, communication, and
comprehend the role of used when exchanging using modals to show apply
diversity in building an ideas on familiar topics politeness, etc.) them in appropriate
intercultural and according to a B1.2 -Practicing the use of contexts.
multinational society. level. (Example: slang, expressions of politeness CE.EFL.5.7. Production
idioms, humor, levels of during collaborative pair and –
formality, etc.) small group work. Accuracy and
- Having learners make a Intelligibility: Use
My World, our world selfie video to say what they appropriate vocabulary
EFL 5.2.9 Build on know about a topic before and language in a
others’ ideas when coming to class. Observing variety of oral
engaged in pair, group that they can say what they interactions for a range
or whole class want without too many long of audiences and level-
discussions on personal, pauses. appropriate purposes.
social, community and Playing games that practice I.EFL.5.3.1. Learners
academic topics. classroom language, turn- can
taking, being polite, etc. interpret cultural and
I Listen & Analyze - Using the new unit language patterns in
EFL 5.3.6 Display an vocabulary in a short English, including
appreciation of the dialogue. nonverbal
language by interacting communication, and
and engaging with a apply them in
variety of digital and appropriate contexts.
print texts and resources (I.3, I.4, S.1,
and by selecting and S.2)
evaluating these I.EFL.5.7.1. Learners
materials as a means to can
promote and strengthen communicate clearly
literacy skills and and effectively by using
language acquisition. appropriate vocabulary
Reading is Fun/ and language in a
Interview Article variety of oral
EFL 5.3.2 Identify and interactions for a range
use reading strategies to of audiences and level-
make informative and appropriate purposes.
narrative texts (I.2, I.3, J.2)
comprehensible and
meaningful. (Example:
skimming, scanning,
previewing, reading for
main ideas and details,
using structural and
context clues, cognates,
format, sequence, etc.)
Writing is Fun/
Interview article
EFL 5.2.3 Follow main
ideas in topics covered
in other curricular
subjects with the help of
visual support, using
concepts and
vocabulary that have
been studied in advance.
I Learn /Music
EFL 5.1.4 Identify and
interpret how cultural
and language patterns in
English are used when
exchanging ideas on
familiar topics
according to a B1.2
level. (Example: slang,
idioms, humor, levels of
formality, etc.)

I Enjoy
EFL 5.4.1 Critically
evaluate information
from references,
including those found
on the web, and
recommend print and
digital sources to other
Living in Harmony
EFL 5.2.3 Follow main
ideas in topics covered
in other curricular
subjects with the help of
visual support, using
concepts and
vocabulary that have
been studied in
5. Had the O.EFL 5.1 Encounter I learn - Sharing learners’ CE.EFL.5.9. Production
legendary curse socio-cultural aspects of EFL 5.5.4 Read aloud stories in pairs or –
ended? their own and other with confidence, small groups and Fluency: Present
countries in a thoughtful accuracy, fluency and choosing to information clearly and
and inquisitive manner, expression to represent some influence an audience
maturely, and openly demonstrate through a role play. effectively through
experiencing other understanding and to - Searching the well-developed
cultures and languages convey an interpretation Internet for arguments in prepared
from the secure of meaning. illustrations and presentations and other
standpoint of their own My world, our world examples of effective forms of oral
national and cultural EFL 5.2.8 Influence an group collaborations communication.
identity. audience effectively and then sharing why CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and
through persuasion, they are effective. produce well-
argument or negotiation (Example: In this constructed
using conventions and picture, they are informational texts by
features of English. sitting in a circle. One applying the writing
(Example: precise person is talking and process and while
vocabulary, everyone else is demonstrating an
pronunciation, listening, etc.) ability to justify one’s
intonation, presentation - Using an app such as position on an
strategies, etc.) Popplet to complete argument through
an outline for a carefully selected
I Listen & Analyze writing topic. • information and
EFL 5.1.4 Identify and Reading a text and appropriate language,
interpret how cultural using a checklist to tone and evidence.
and language patterns in talk about how it is CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in
English are used when organized. (Example: collaborative activities
exchanging ideas on Is there a title? Does through a variety of
familiar topics it have an opening student groupings in
according to a B1.2 sentence?, etc.) order to solve problems
level. (Example: slang, - Recording synonyms and reflect on literary
idioms, and antonyms of texts, and produce
humor, levels of words in the margins criteria for evaluating
formality, etc.) of reading texts. the effectiveness of the
Reading is fun/ Writing new words and group.
Magazine article phrases in a vocabulary I.EFL.5.9.1. Learners
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the notebook and then writing a can
main idea and some text using three words from present information
details of recorded news your vocabulary notebook clearly and influence an
reports, documentaries audience effectively
and interviews through well-developed
reporting on seasonal arguments in prepared
festivities, presentations and other
environmental issues, forms of oral
food and international communication. (I.2,
customs, climate, I.3, J.2)
weather, etc., where the I.EFL.5.15.1. Learners
visuals support the can plan and produce
commentary. well-constructed
informational texts by
applying the writing
Writing is fun/ process and while
Magazine Article demonstrating an ability
EFL 5.4.3 Apply new to justify one’s position
and prior knowledge in on an argument through
order to plan and create carefully selected
texts and determine if information and
the new knowledge add appropriate language,
value to or contradicts tone and evidence. (I.2,
prior information. I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)
I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners
can engage in
collaborative activities
through a variety of
student groupings in
order to solve problems
and reflect on literary
texts, and produce
criteria for evaluating
the effectiveness of the
group. (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3,
S.4, J.3, J.4)
6. In the Front OG.EFL7. Interact quite I LEARN - Sharing learners’ CE.EFL.5.9. Production
Page! clearly, confidently and EFL 5.2.3 Follow main stories in pairs or –
appropriately in a range ideas in topics covered small groups and Fluency: Present
of formal and informal in other curricular choosing to information clearly and
social situations with a subjects represent some influence an audience
limited but effective with the help of visual through a role play. effectively through
command of the spoken support, using concepts - Searching the well-developed
language (CEFR B1 and vocabulary Internet for arguments in prepared
level). that have been studied illustrations and presentations and other
in advance. examples of effective forms of oral
I learn group collaborations communication.
EFL 5.3.8 Identify and and then sharing why CE.EFL.5.15. Plan and
understand the main they are effective. produce well-
points in (Example: In this constructed
straightforward texts picture, they are informational texts by
on subjects of personal sitting in a circle. One applying the writing
interest or familiar person is talking and process and while
academic topics. everyone else is demonstrating an
My world, our world listening, etc.) ability to justify one’s
EFL 5.2.5 Understand - Using an app such as position on an
the main idea of radio Popplet to complete argument through
and audio recordings on an outline for a carefully selected
subjects of personal writing topic. • information and
interest, provided Reading a text and appropriate language,
speech is clear. using a checklist to tone and evidence.
I Listen & Analyze talk about how it is CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in
EFL 5.2.13 Deal with organized. (Example: collaborative activities
practical, everyday Is there a title? Does through a variety of
communication it have an opening student groupings in
demands within familiar sentence?, etc.) order to solve problems
contexts, effectively - Recording synonyms and reflect on literary
and without undue and antonyms of texts, and produce
effort. (Example: words in the margins criteria for evaluating
meeting people, of reading texts. the effectiveness of the
extending and accepting Writing new words and group.
invitations, exchanging phrases in a vocabulary I.EFL.5.9.1. Learners
information, giving notebook and then writing a can
reasons, asking and text using three words from present information
answering questions your vocabulary notebook clearly and influence an
about routines and audience effectively
preferences, etc.) through well-developed
arguments in prepared
presentations and other
Reading is fun/Front forms of oral
page news story communication. (I.2,
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the I.3, J.2)
main idea and some I.EFL.5.15.1. Learners
details of recorded can plan and produce
news reports, well-constructed
documentaries and informational texts by
interviews reporting on applying the writing
seasonal festivities, process and while
environmental issues, demonstrating an ability
food and international to justify one’s position
customs, climate, on an argument through
weather, etc., where the carefully selected
visuals support the information and
commentary. appropriate language,
Writing is fun/ Front tone and evidence. (I.2,
page news story I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)
EFL 5.4.3 Apply new I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners
and prior knowledge can engage in
in order to plan and collaborative activities
create texts and through a variety of
determine if the new student groupings in
knowledge adds value order to solve problems
to or contradicts prior and reflect on literary
information. texts, and produce
I learn/ Literature criteria for evaluating
EFL 5.2.3 Follow main the effectiveness of the
ideas in topics covered group. (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3,
in other curricular S.4, J.3, J.4)
subjects with the help of
visual support, using
concepts and
vocabulary that has
been studied in advance.
I enjoy
EFL 5.2.2 Identify the
main idea and some
details of recorded
news reports,
documentaries and
interviews reporting on
seasonal festivities,
environmental issues,
food and international
customs, climate,
weather, etc., where the
visuals support the
Living in harmony
EFL 5.1.4 Identify and
interpret how cultural
and language patterns in
English are used when
exchanging ideas on
familiar topics
according to a B1.2
level. (Example: slang,
idioms, humor, levels of
formality, etc.)


There will be a record of any new issue that may
appear in our way to the fulfilling of this
Resources that will be used for the development of the planning unit, especially that bibliography used for
planning. Also, some fittings may be suggested,
the design of each planning unit, as well as the selected texts to use with students, in order to do this work.
for the better achievement of the goal of what is
planned in the instrument.
Teacher(S): Area Director: Vice- Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:

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