Sugar Cookery
Sugar Cookery
Sugar Cookery
Also identified with term SUAGR/SWEETNESS .
It occurs naturally as a component of carbohydrate of every F&V.
It is a product of photosynthesis and occurs in great quantities in SUGARCANE & SUGAR BEETS from which it is harvested for
commercial use.
Natural sugar .
commonly called as DEXTROSE in confectionary industry.
HONEY & FRUITS also contain glucose.
Source of glucose for commercial manufacture is - STARCH.
It is a hexose monosaccharide.
It is a natural sugar.
Sweeter than sucrose.
Used in confectionary to provide sweetness, flavour and color.
Manufacture of dextrose from starch is a multi-enzyme process.
It's often used as a sugar substitute and is ideal for applications that require high sweetness and fermentability.
It contains 75% Carbohydrate and 25% Water.
Corn syrup is a food syrup which is made from the starch of corn/maize and contains varying amounts of sugars: glucose, maltose
and higher oligosaccharides, depending on the grade.
It inhibits crystallisation in foods.
Useful in baked products.
It enhances citrus flavour in fruit products used in cola beverages.
It is also available as dried corn syrup used in dry beverage mix, cereal bars, sauce mix, chikki.
Derived from BEET SUGAR.
Similar to sugar in sweetness, taste, technological properties.
Gives body & texture to foods like aspartame and saccharin.
Less hygroscopic , better shelf life.
Prepared from CORN STARCH by controlled enzymatic hydrolysis.
Low hygroscopicity, bland flavour, Extremely low sweetness, Inhibits crystal formation in ice-creams.
Useful in flavour encapsulation and prevention of oxidation of unstable compounds.
It is the residue that remains after sucrose crystals have been removed from the concentrated juices of sugarcane or beet.
Contains <25% water & <5% mineral ash.
Molasses is used in food as a sweetener, to add moisture, and to create consistency and crust.
It's commonly used in baked goods like cookies, gingerbread, pies, and dark breads.
Molasses can also add thickness to baked beans, sauces, and marinades.
Jaggery is obtained from SUGARCANE, though it can be prepared from palm, date palm and coconut.
Jaggery is usually golden yellow in color and has a sweet, winy fragrance and a taste similar to brown sugar or molasses.
Jaggery is a type of unrefined sugar made from concentrated sugarcane juice that's boiled until it solidifies.
USED as a substitute for white sugar.
It adds a sweet taste to curries like sambhar or gujarati curries, and is used in several traditional sweet dishes like chikki, laddus,
and puranpoli.
Jaggery powder can also be used to add brown color and moisture to pancakes.
Sugars are soluble in water.
Crystallisation of sugar occurs in a sufficiently concentrated sugar solution and use of this is made in commercial production of
sugar from sugarcane and beets.
Most soluble sugar is FRUCTOSE followed by sucrose & lactose.
Fructose is much soluble hence difficult to crystallise.
Sugars are hygroscopic.
Fructose is more hygroscopic than other sugars.
Cakes made with honey, molasses remain moist for a long time.
Most sugars except lactose, may be fermented by yeasts to produce CO2 gas and alcohol.
It is an important reaction in making bread and other baked products.
The CO2 leavens the product and the alcohol volatilises during baking.
Sucrose is easily hydrolysed by acid but Maltose and lactose are slowly acted on.
End product of sucrose hydrolysis are mixture of GLUCOSE & FRUCTOSE commonly called INVERT SUGAR
Heat accelerates action of acid.
The enzyme also called INVERTASE is used in candy industry to hydrolyse some of the sucrose in cream fondant to fructose and
This is done to produce soft, semifluid centres in chocolates.
The enzyme is commonly added to fondant layer around the fruit in chocolate-coated cherries.
With the application of sufficient dry heat, sugar melts or changes to liquid state.
Heating beyond the M.P. brings about number of decompositional changes.
As sucrose melts around 160 degree celsius , a clear liquid Forms that gradually changes to brown colour with continued heating .
At about 170 degrees Celsius caramelization occurs with the. development of a characteristic caramel paper along with the brown
Carmel has a pungent taste is often better, is much less vital than the original sugar from which it is produced. And is non-
It is soluble in water.
Doctors carbonization at 110 degrees Celsius. And maltose caramelises at about 180 degree Celsius. galactose at 170 degree
Monosaccharides are markedly decomposed by alkalis and flavour may become strong and bitter.
Sucrose is least affected by alkalis.
Of all the sugars, lactose is the least sweet, followed by maltose, galactose , glucose and sucrose with fructose being the most
Maximum sweetness from fructose is most likely to be achieved when it is used slightly with acids, cold foods and in beverages.
Non enzymatic browning is a chemical process that produces a brown color in foods.
Caramelization is also known as pyrolysis of sugar, is the heating of carbohydrate.
The final product contains a complex mixture of polymeric compounds.
Severe heating caused the dehydration of sugar molecule with introduction of double bonds and development of anhydro ring.
The process is temperature-dependent.
Certain acids (Food grade Sulfuric, Phosphoric, Acetic and Citric acid), bases (Ammonium, Sodium, Potassium and calcium
Hydroxide) and salts (Ammonium, Sodium and Potassium Carbonates, Bicarbonates, Sulfates and Bisulfites) used as catalyst to
enhance and production of different classes of caramels.
The commonly used sugar is sucrose but D-fructose, D-Glucose(Dextrose), Glucose syrup and molasses may also be used.
This process consists of heating sugar slowly to around 170°C.
As the carbohydrates are heated, the molecules break down and reform into compounds with a characteristic brown colour and
It is a chemical decomposition of non-protein substances that occurs spontaneously at high temperatures and the reaction is
known as pyrolysis.
Caramelization is a complex, poorly understood process that produces hundreds of chemical products.
Caramelization by heat during baking contributes to flavour and colour. However, it occurs to limited extent in milk and milk
products and hence has limited significance.
Caramelization is the removal of water from a sugar, by heating.
This process results in is omerization and polymerization of the sugars into various high molecular weight compounds.
Compounds such as difructose anhydride may be created from the monosaccharides after water loss.
The fragmentation reaction of sugars during heating would result in low molecular weight compounds that may be volatile and
may contribute to flavour.
Polymerization reactions lead to large molecular weight compounds that contribute to the dark brown colour.
Caramelization type of browning may be defined as the heat decomposition of sugars as a function of pH and buffers in the
absence of amino compounds. It requires high order of activational energy.
Caramelization is the oxidation of sugar by heating resulting in the production of nutty flavour and changing to brown colour.
During the process, volatile chemicals are released, producing the characteristic caramel flavour.
The types of reactions that occur during the process of caramelization are
1. Sucrose inversion to fructose and glucose
2. Condensation reactions
3. Intramolecular bonding
4. Isomerization of aldoses to ketoses
5. Dehydration reactions
6. Fragmentation reactions
7. Unsaturated polymer formation.
Pyrolysis is the chemical decomposition of condensed substances that occurs spontaneously at high temperatures.
Caramel colouring is a dark, rather bitter-tasting liquid.
It is the highly concentrated product of near total caramelization, which can be used as food colouring and apart from its addition
in beverages such as cola.
Three main components of caramel called CARAMELAN, and CARAMELIN were isolated by using dialysis.
Caramelan was described as a brown brittle, deliquescent solid having a bitter taste.
Caramelan melts between 136°C to 144°C and it is readily water soluble.
Caramelen is a brown substance much darker than caramelan and not deliquescent it melts at 153.5°C-154°C.
Caramelin exists in three modifications’ namely, soluble in cold water, soluble only in boiling water and insoluble in all ordinary
They are infusible materials that are much darker than caramelan and carmelen.
Three high molecular weight components have been separated from caramel prepared from sucrose.
They are MELANOIDIN found in ammonia processed caramels .
The pH values of caramel constitute an important property of caramels. A high pH may indicate an incomplete burn or alkali present.
Above pH 6.0 - caramel is susceptible to the attack by molds and
Below pH 2.5 - it quite readily resinifies.
A good caramel should contain colloidal particles which do not precipitate during storage or to the products to which caramel is
The rate of dehydration is one of the most important parameter to influence the properties of caramel in general.
The time of mutual contact of reagents and manipulation of the temperature may lead to caramel of desired viscosity.
A crystal is composed of closely packed molecules arranged in a pattern.
Crystallisation occurs only if the solution is supersaturated.
The size of the crystals produced will depend on the rate of the formation of nuclei about which the crystals grow and the rate of
growth of crystals around the nuclei.
If only one or two nuclei form, the crystal will be large, but if the nucleation rate is very fast, many small crystals will form.
Both the rate of crystallisation and the rate of nuclei formation are modified by many factors.
3. Agitation or stirring
Agitation Make crystals better than self-generated ones.
Stirring brings the supersaturated solution in contact with each crystal.
It is important to stir crystalline candy not only until crystallisation starts, but until it is complete.
4. Impurities
Impurities that may be deposited on the crystals reduce the growth of the crystals.
The presence of glucose interferes with the crystallisation of sucrose.
Another way an impurity may interfere with crystallisation is by coating the crystals.
The use of fat, flour, milk, coconut, nuts, interfere with the crystal formation.
5. Addition of acid
An acid ingredient like cream of tartar, lemon juice or vinegar may be added to hasten the inversion of sucrose to glucose and
fructose. For example, addition of citric acid to jams and jellies prevent crystallisation.
In sweet pickles when mango is used crystallisation is prevented.
Boiled sugar solutions may be treated to produce either crystalline or non-crystalline candies.
Crystalline candies are generally soft. If properly made, they are so smooth and creamy
The principal crystalline candies are fondant, mysore pak and coconut burfi.
Non-crystalline candies are sometimes called amorphous which means “without form”. Non-crystalline candies may be chewy, such
as caramels or hard such as butter scotch, toffees and brittles.
In their preparation, by use of various techniques, crystallisation of sugar is prevented.
Fondant is the soft smooth candy that results from the cooking of a sucrose solution to a certain temperature, after which the
solution is cooled and beaten until crystallisation occurs.
Additions of acid accelerate inversion and use of milk or cream as the liquid, increases the creamy character of fondant.
Method of making fondant
1. 200g sugar + 120ml water , boil till 113-114 degree Celsius
2. Allow to cool to 40 degree Celsius.
3. Beat continously until becomes a creamy mass.
As the hot syrup cools to 40 degree C ,it becomes saturated and then super-saturated because it is holding in solution more solute
(sugar) than is normally soluble at the lower temperatures.
An important aim in making crystalline candies is to produce a very smooth texture.
For this, many fine crystals, rather than few large crystals must be formed. For this many nuclei are required.
These act as centres around which crystal formation may begin.
As crystalline candy stands after crystallisation is complete, it becomes somewhat more moist, smooth and kneads more easily,
Changes that occur during the initial period of storage are called ripening.
Fondants are used in making mints.
Fondants are used in confectioneries for numerous purposes.
Softened fondant is used in coating fruit and nut mixtures that are moulded and sliced.
The principles of making fudge do not differ from those of making fondant.
Usually, the butter or margarine, the fat of chocolate and the milk furnish the substances that interfere with crystallisation.
1. Melt chocolate and butter.
2. Add milk and heat till sugar dissolves completely.
3. Cook the syrup to soft ball stage -112 degree Celsius.
4. Allow it to cool to about 70 Degree Celsius and transfer to a greased pan and cut into pieces.
The presence of substances that interfere with crystallisation of sucrose in fondant and other candies is desirable, but at an optimum
Glucose, corn syrup or invert sugar either added directly or formed by acid hydrolysis affect crystallisation because they make the
sugar solution more soluble and therefore, decrease the ease of crystal formation.
Other substances including fats from milk, cream, butter, margarine and chocolate and proteins from milk and egg white do not
themselves crystallise. They physically interfere with the process of crystallisation, retarding the growth of crystals.
All these interfering substances aid in fine crystal formation and smooth texture in crystalline candies.
The temperature at which crystallisation occurs affect the size of crystals, primarily because it affects the rate of crystallisation.
In general, the higher the temperature at which crystallisation occurs, the faster the rate of crystallisation and the more difficult is to
keep the crystals separated, resulting in larger crystals.
Cooling the mixture to about 40 degree C before starting at lower temperatures.
High viscosity is a further aid in the production of fine crystals because it retards crystallisation.
Too low a temperature may also hinder the formation of many nuclei
Sugar allows the dough to rise at an optimal rate during leavening.
Sugars encourages the growth of yeast. Under appropriate conditions, the yeast cells break down the sugar crystals,
releasing CO2 that causes the dough the rise.
Addition of shorteners (fats/oils) to dough allows the air to set trapped in naturally irregular sugar crystals.
Sugars naturally interact with proteins from beaten eggs to stabilise the foam structure.
Sugars also act to tenderize bakery products by slowing rate at which starch molecules become interlinked and
proteins bread down.
Glucose, fructose, sucrose and maltose are used in bread-making to increase the yield of dough and prevent excessive
Acts as sweetening agents in ice-creams and beverages like coffee, tea, cocoa, milk shake etc