615499fb78247e1b8079d951 LPR Electrodes and Coupons
615499fb78247e1b8079d951 LPR Electrodes and Coupons
615499fb78247e1b8079d951 LPR Electrodes and Coupons
• Certified Materials
• High Quality Surface Finish
• Wide Alloy Selection
Cosasco corrosion coupons are manufactured from quality 8-16 RMS surface finish and machined profile
certified materials in a wide range of metals and alloys. ensures uniform current density over the entire
The surfaces of the coupons are free from scratches, tool electrode surface. Electrodes are packaged in pairs with
marks, pits and other imperfections that would create VCI (Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor) to prevent corrosive
measurement errors. The coupons are stamped with a attack prior to use. New viton O-ring seals are provided
unique serial number with a low stress stamp. Each with each electrode.
coupon is packaged in an envelope treated with VCI
(Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor) which prevents corrosive Electrodes can also be manufactured from special or
attack during shipment and storage. customer supplied materials.
LPR-Electrodes-Coupons rev-
Rev. Date: 05/17/2016