Class1 - ES1201 - Earth Sytem Processes
Class1 - ES1201 - Earth Sytem Processes
Class1 - ES1201 - Earth Sytem Processes
Once the sun started to shine, the heat vaporised most of the
Dust and ices and the vapour was transported further away
From the Sun by the early intense solar wind.
The heat released was enough to melt the newly combined mass
Creating a molten mantle of silicate material known as magma
Ocean. Metallic material sank through the
magma ocean and formed A dense
metallic core, producing a differentiated
planetary embryo.
Completion of a terrestrial planet formation
Giants impacts would have continued to take place and it
Might have taken 10 Ma for the terrestrial planet to reach
Half of the size and about 100 Ma to reach and build an
Earth sized planet.