Manual 64001 SB Side Entry Mixer
Manual 64001 SB Side Entry Mixer
Manual 64001 SB Side Entry Mixer
Mixing Technologies
Dayton Facility
5870 Poe Ave.
Dayton, OH 45414
+1 937 454 3300
+1 800 643 0641
China Facility
Building 4, 1250 Sicheng Road
Jiading District, Shanghai 201801
People’s Republic of China
+86 21 6124
Page i
Table of Contents
1 Side Entry Mixer Product Nomenclature ......................................................................................................... 1
2 Initial Inspection ............................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Safety................................................................................................................................................................ 2
3.1 Safety Symbols .......................................................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Vessels and Tanks ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Fasteners................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 CE Marking (Where Applicable)................................................................................................................ 3
3.5 Safety Checklist ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.6 Disposal ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Storage ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Short-Term Indoor Storage ....................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Outdoor or Long-Term Storage ................................................................................................................ 5
4.3 Customer Responsibility ........................................................................................................................... 6
5 Mounting .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Floating Roofs on Tanks ............................................................................................................................ 7
5.2 Nozzles ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Nozzle Loads ............................................................................................................................................. 8
5.4 Reinforcing Pads & Gusseting for Nozzles ................................................................................................ 9
6 Installation Information ................................................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Installation of the Drive .......................................................................................................................... 12
6.2 Installation of the Motor ........................................................................................................................ 13
6.3 Installation of the Belt and Sheaves ....................................................................................................... 14
6.4 Installation of the Impeller ..................................................................................................................... 18
6.5 Seal Lubrication System Installation ....................................................................................................... 20
7 Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.1 Start-up Checklist .................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 Single Mechanical Seal Operation .......................................................................................................... 23
7.3 Double Mechanical Seal Operation ........................................................................................................ 24
7.4 Optional Mechanical Seal Plumbing ....................................................................................................... 25
7.5 Lubrication for Double Mechanical Seal Operation ............................................................................... 26
7.6 Troubleshooting...................................................................................................................................... 27
8 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................. 32
Page ii
8.1 Motor Lubrication ................................................................................................................................... 32
8.2 Drive Bearing Lubrication ....................................................................................................................... 32
8.3 Seal Replacement ................................................................................................................................... 33
8.4 Mechanical Seal Disassembly ................................................................................................................. 38
8.5 Mechanical Seal Assembly ...................................................................................................................... 39
8.6 Disassembling the Outboard Bearing Assembly..................................................................................... 40
8.7 Assembling the Outboard Bearing Assembly ......................................................................................... 41
8.8 Installing the Outboard Bearing Assembly ............................................................................................. 42
8.9 Mechanical Seal Installation ................................................................................................................... 42
8.10Belt Drive ................................................................................................................................................ 45
9 Item List for SB Mixer ..................................................................................................................................... 47
10 Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Tank Elevation View .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Tank Plan View ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Agitator Nozzle Loads ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4: Reinforcing Pad and Gussets ................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5: Fixed Agitator Lifting Points ................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 6: Fixed Mixer Assembly (Belt guard Removed) ..................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7: Impeller Rotational Installation .......................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 8: Sheave Installation and Motor Plate Preparation .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 9: Motor Bracket Fasteners ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10: Motor Sheave Alignment – Straight Edge ......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: Belt Installation/Adjustment............................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 12: Outer Guard Installation and Inspection Panel ................................................................................................ 18
Figure 13: Impeller Blade Assembly, HE-3S ........................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 14: Impeller Assembly, HE-3S .................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 15: Double Mechanical Seal Reservoir .................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 16: Mechanical Seal Assembly – Single ................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 17: Mechanical Seal Assembly – Double ................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 18: Mechanical Seal Assembly – Inlet & Outlet Plumbing ..................................................................................... 25
Figure 19: Tank Shut-off System ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 20: Tank Shut-off System ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 21: Shaft Coupling Assembly ................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 22: Outboard Bearing Assembly .............................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 23: Mixer Assembly with One Piece Impeller Shaft ............................................................................................... 44
Figure 24: Mixer Assembly with Shaft Coupling ................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 25: Hub Flange-In Dismounting ............................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 26: Hub Flange-Out Dismounting ............................................................................................................................ 46
Page iii
Table of Tables
Table 1: Reinforcing Pads and Gusset Design....................................................................................................................... 10
Table 2: Agitator Weights ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 3: Mixer Assembly....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 4: Motor Drive Assembly ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Table 5: Sheave Bushing Torque Values ............................................................................................................................... 15
Table 6: Belt Deflection ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Table 7: Impeller Assembly................................................................................................................................................... 19
Table 8: Single Mechanical Seal Assembly ........................................................................................................................... 23
Table 9: Double Mechanical Seal Assembly ......................................................................................................................... 24
Table 10: Residual Process Fluid Volume ............................................................................................................................ 25
Table 11: Mechanical Seal Lubricants.................................................................................................................................. 27
Table 12: Trouble-shooting Guide – Motors ....................................................................................................................... 27
Table 13: Trouble-shooting Guide – Belts ........................................................................................................................... 28
Table 14: Trouble-shooting Guide – Bearings ..................................................................................................................... 29
Table 15: Trouble-shooting Guide – Bearings (cont’d) ........................................................................................................ 30
Table 16: Trouble-shooting Guide – Bearings (cont’d) ........................................................................................................ 31
Table 17: Recommended Initial Grease Volumes................................................................................................................ 33
Table 18: Recommended Replenishment Grease Volumes ................................................................................................ 33
Table 19: Tank Shut-off System ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Table 20: Bolt Tightening Torque ........................................................................................................................................ 50
Table 21: Bolt Tightening Torque (Contd.) .......................................................................................................................... 51
Table 22: Bolt Grades and Mechanical Properties .............................................................................................................. 52
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1 Side Entry Mixer Product Nomenclature
c SB ss – pp
c = Case Size (3 -5) Motor Power:
SB = Side Entry Belt Drive (HP or kW depending on region)
ss = Seal Style
NS (Single Mechanical)
N (Double Mechanical)
Note: Rarely, other nomenclature may be used for custom designs as needed.
2 Initial Inspection
Step 1: Inspect crates. Upon receipt, inspect all crates and equipment for any damage during shipping. If you
observe any damage, please report it to your NOV contact. A claim should be filed immediately with the carrier
Step 2: Uncrate. Check the contents. Do not un-crate the unit until you have read all the Installation instructions
and viewed the assembly drawing shipped with the unit. Be careful in uncrating and handling. Before discarding
the crating, make sure that all agitator parts have been removed. Correct assembly of this unit requires referring
to both the unit assembly drawing and this manual.
Step 3: Questions? Call NOV. If the shipment is not complete or you do not understand what you have received,
please contact your NOV office immediately.
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3 Safety
Useful information
All work including transportation, storage, installation, electrical connection, commissioning, servicing,
maintenance and repair must be performed only by qualified specialist personnel.
Installation and maintenance work may only be performed when units are at a standstill.
The motor must be isolated and secured to prevent accidental start-up.
Eyebolts on motors are only intended for lifting the motors. Do not attempt to do any lifting of the agitator
using the motor eyebolts, even when in combination with other lifting slings or eye bolts.
Observe all safety information, including that provided in the individual sections of this Operating Manual. All
national and other regulations on safety and accident prevention must also be observed.
Serious physical and property damage may result from inappropriate installation, non-
designated use, incorrect operation, non-compliance with safety information,
unauthorised removal of housing components or safety covers, and structural
modifications to the unit.
All types of vessels or tanks either open or closed pose special safety challenges. It is essential that Installers,
Operators and Maintainers of the equipment understand these special hazards.
Particular safety hazards arise because the vessel is typically defined as a “Confined Space”. This creates a
number of special hazards, including the risk of having oxygen shortages. Never enter a confined space unless
you are fully trained on the procedures and have the correct safety equipment and procedures in place.
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One must not enter a confined space unless fully assured that it is safe. Typically, before entering a vessel you
should require proof of power and process fluid lock out. Always carry with you an oxygen sensor (in order to
verify a safe atmosphere), a suitable safety harness, and lifting equipment. Typically, a shoulder lift harness
and a man-lifting crane are required (a man on the end of a rope or a centre back lift offers no safety
protection). A suitable safety cover must be provided at all time.
In cases where a vessel has been in service, tests must be made to ensure that no hazardous products or
product residues are present.
The work site is often within a designated hazardous area. Where potentially explosive conditions exist, all
efforts must be made to make the area safe before proceeding with work. Where this is not possible, a
detailed, individual hazard assessment is vital. Special working procedures and tooling are required.
3.3 Fasteners
Important fasteners should not be re-used. When a fastener is disturbed, always replace it with a new one.
Dispose of used fasteners. Do not keep them for re-use.
Any CE Marking and associated documentation applies to the mixer only on the basis that it is an individual
product. After installation of the mixer into the mixing system, it becomes an integral part of a larger
installation. NOV is not responsible for the CE marking once the mixer has been installed into the mixing
system. As a standard, the mounting flange has been designed for the design conditions stated on the
arrangement drawing and a fibre flange gasket (supplied by others). Where other conditions apply, they will
be stated on the assembly drawing.
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3.5 Safety Checklist
This Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual, assembly drawings, and any
supplements must be reviewed and understood before commencing installation and
All site rules must be observed for the installation and operation of this mixer.
Ensure all external connections are made in accordance with applicable codes of practice.
The mixer must be earthed (connected to ground).
Correct rotation must be checked prior to operation.
Do not exceed the operating pressures, temperatures, and other conditions for which the
machine has been designed.
Do not operate the agitator unless all guards are securely fixed. Do not modify any guarding.
Do not touch rotating components.
During servicing of the mixer, the motor must be isolated from the power supply and the
supply locked out.
Do not operate the mixer for applications other than for its intended use.
Do not modify the mixer without reviewing the change with NOV. It is unsafe to use non-
standard parts without NOV approval. When in doubt, ask your local Mixing Technologies
3.6 Disposal
Observe the current local regulations. In particular, lubricants must be collected and disposed of correctly.
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4 Storage
Do not remove protective coatings until the agitator is to be put into service. If the shipment is to be stored,
do not stack crates. Store in a clean dry location, which is free from wide variations in temperature. The
storage area should be free from vibration and excessive heat.
At six-moth interval, inspect for external rust. Apply rust preventative as required. If the unit has been in
storage for more than six months or subjected to adverse moisture conditions, the motor windings may have
to be dried prior to operation.
4.1 Short-Term Indoor Storage
Agitators should be stored indoors in areas with no vibration and relatively constant temperatures and
humidity. The factory storage preparations are acceptable for up to nine months storage. If the storage period
will exceed nine months, see the Long-Term Indoor Storage section. The following precautions should be
Store the agitator in the running position and secure the unit against falling
Lightly grease bare metal housing surfaces and shafts to prevent against rust
Store in a dry room
Temperature must not fluctuate beyond the range of –5°C [23°F] to +40°C [104°F]
Relative humidity less than 60%
No direct exposure to sunlight or UV light
No aggressive, corrosive substances (contaminated air, ozone, gases, solvents, acids, alkalis, salts,
radioactivity etc.) in the immediate vicinity
No vibration or oscillation
4.2 Outdoor or Long-Term Storage
Storage of agitators and motors outdoors is not recommended. If a unit is stored for an extended period
indoors, stored outdoors or decommissioned, the following recommendations apply:
Rotate the motor and drive shafts 10 to 15 revolutions at least once per month to reduce the
possibility of damaging the bearings.
Motor space heaters, if installed, should be energized during the storage period.
Apply rust preventive to unpainted steel surfaces to prevent corrosion.
The unit should be covered to prevent damage by the elements, but still allow free air circulation.
The method employed for long-term storage is to prevent the humidity/temperature changes and airborne
chemicals from making contact with the internal components of the equipment.
The methods described below provide protection but cannot avoid some level of degradation of the
Store in the running position and secure unit against falling.
Transportation damage to the external paint must be repaired. Check that a suitable rust
inhibitor is applied to the bearing surfaces. If necessary, apply a suitable rust inhibitor to the
Store in a dry place.
In tropical regions, the agitator must be protected against damage by insects
Temperature must not fluctuate beyond the range of –5°C [23°F] to +40°C [104°F]
Relative humidity less than 60%
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If the relative humidity is <50% the unit can be stored for up to 3 years.
No direct exposure to sunlight or UV light
No aggressive, corrosive substances (contaminated air, ozone, gases, solvents, acids, alkalis, salts,
radioactivity etc.) in the immediate vicinity
No vibration or oscillation
Measure before commissioning the Agitator
If the storage or standstill period exceeds 2 years or the temperature during short-term storage
greatly deviates from the standard range, the grease must be replaced before commissioning.
Extreme temperatures can cause the grease volume to change. Lost grease may need to be replaced
during colder times to avoid corrosion.
4.2.2 To protect elastomers:
Elastomers will age, can stick or take set. In order to prevent the elastomers from sticking, regularly
rotate shafts in order to redistribute lubricants. Protect the equipment from direct sunlight and from
ozone to minimize the rate of aging of the elastomers.
4.2.3 To avoid false brinelling:
Rotate the motor and mixer shaft 10 to 15 revolutions at least once per month to reduce the possibility
of false brinelling of the bearings and to re-distribute bearing grease.
Other problems include vibration related damage. Do not store equipment in a manner that subjects it to
Motor space heaters, if installed, should be energized during the storage period
When the equipment is to be stored in a strong chemical environment or near salt-
water, protection procedures should be executed immediately upon receipt of the
To ensure the original quality of the NOV equipment prior to commissioning after storage, all components
must be inspected by an authorized NOV Service Engineer. Any sub-assemblies not manufactured by NOV
must be inspected by that part supplier/manufacturer’s authorized service personnel. NOV is not responsible
for the cost of such a service.
Because storage location and other unknown site factors are beyond NOV’s control, NOV will not accept any
liability for damage to the equipment during the storage period.
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5 Mounting
5.2 Nozzles
Unless otherwise specified, the agitator nozzle should be oriented as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The shaft
centerline (Hmin) should be located one (1) impeller diameter (ØD) from the tank bottom, meaning Hmin = D.
The agitator nozzle should be level to within ±1°.
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5.3 Nozzle Loads
A final check should be made of the mounting nozzle for orientation, strength and
rigidity. Inadequate strength and/or rigidity may allow excessive movement of the
agitator and vessel deflection.
The nozzle and vessel combination should be rechecked for strength and rigidity. The nozzle strength should
be such that the maximum operating stresses will not exceed the fatigue limit of the material used. The
nozzle rigidity should be designed so that the dynamic deflection is less than 1/64 inch per foot (1.3 mm per
meter) of nozzle extension. Note that some API tanks are not designed for the loads induced by agitators, so
extra reinforcement may be necessary to reduce issues from insufficient stiffness.
Side entering agitators impose four different types of loads on the supporting structure: torque, thrust,
bending moment, and vertical downward force (weight).
Figure 3 illustrates these loads pictorially. The bending moment will constantly change direction due to the
mixing forces, so it should be analyzed in the worst-case orientation for your nozzle. The other three loads
can be considered constant loads while the mixer is operating unless the motor is on a VF drive that will
change the speed at times. See the general arrangement drawing for the exact design loads for your mixer.
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5.4 Reinforcing Pads & Gusseting for Nozzles
Unless otherwise specified, use reinforcing pads and gussets to reduce the nozzle area stresses and provide
rigidity. Figure 4 illustrates a typical design recommendation. Refer to Table 1 for pad and gusset design
details for simple tank geometry. Trim the reinforcing plate near the tank floor as required. Gusset plate
thickness is t/2 minimum. For 10” or 12” flanges, four (4) gussets at 90° as shown is recommended. For larger
or custom flanges, more gussets equally spaced will be required. More complicated tanks will require custom
calculations for these values, and the table values may not be applicable. It is the responsibility of the
customer or tank designer to verify that the guidelines provided are adequate in terms of stress and stiffness
for each installation and each mixer. Use the loads provided on the agitator general arrangement drawing to
verify the nozzle design.
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Table 1: Reinforcing Pads and Gusset Design
Flange 10" 12"
Case Size: 3 4 5
Diameter t (in) dg (in) dp (in) t (in) dg (in) dp (in) t (in) dg (in) dp (in)
12 5/8 27 30 7/8 41 38 7/8 41 45
18 3/4 27 38 7/8 41 52 7/8 41 60
24 3/4 27 38 1 41 52 1 41 60
30 3/4 27 45 1 41 60 1-1/8 41 60
36 7/8 27 45 1-1/8 41 60 1-1/8 41 60
42 7/8 27 45 1-1/8 41 60 1-1/4 41 68
48 7/8 27 45 1-1/8 41 60 1-1/4 41 68
54 7/8 27 45 1-1/8 41 72 1-1/4 41 80
60+ 1 27 45 1-1/4 41 72 1-3/8 41 80
Flange 10" 12"
Case Size: 3 4 5
Diameter t (mm) dg (mm) dp (mm) t (mm) dg (mm) dp (mm) t (mm) dg (mm) dp (mm)
4 15 685 900 20 1,040 1,100 20 1,040 1,300
6 20 685 900 25 1,040 1,300 25 1,040 1,500
8 20 685 900 25 1,040 1,500 30 1,040 1,500
10 20 685 1,100 25 1,040 1,500 30 1,040 1,500
12 20 685 1,100 25 1,040 1,900 30 1,040 1,900
14 25 685 1,100 25 1,040 1,900 30 1,040 1,900
16 25 685 1,100 30 1,040 1,900 30 1,040 2,000
18 25 685 1,100 30 1,040 1,900 35 1,040 2,000
20+ 25 685 1,100 30 1,040 1,900 35 1,040 2,000
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6 Installation Information
To allow easier shipment, some agitators may require minor assembly during installation, such as installing the
motor, belt guard, and the impeller. Review the assembly drawings provided with each order for more details,
as well as any special instructions which may not be covered by this manual.
Exercise caution while handling the agitator to avoid damage to the shaft or mating components. Do not lift or
support the unit by the shaft or motor. Remove all shipping restraints from the agitator (crate, straps, etc.).
Remove the impeller from the shaft only if required for installation into the tank nozzle. Lift the agitator using
a hoist or crane system, approximate weights for the complete assembly are listed in Table 2.
Slings should be placed under the pedestal for lifting the agitator. There is also an extra lifting shackle
provided if using slings around the pedestal are not practical because of site conditions. For some motor sizes,
the center of gravity may make using the shackle on the mixer as the only lifting point impractical.
Shackle Lifting
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6.1 Installation of the Drive
Table 3: Mixer Assembly
Description QTY
1 Motor Sheave 1
2 Drive Belt 1
3 Impeller Sheave 1
4 Belt Guard 1
5 Shaft Coupling (optional) 1
6 Pedestal 1
7 Seal Assembly 1
8 Mounting Flange 1
9 Plug, Plumbing Access 4
Pedestal Guard (not
10 2
11 Motor Mount 1
12 Motor Fasteners 12
13 Motor 1
14 Impeller Shaft 1
15 Impeller 1
Figure 6: Fixed Mixer Assembly (Belt guard Removed)
1. Remove the outer belt guard, belt, and motor [30 (Figure 6), 2, 13] as necessary to ease installation.
Note that small flange openings may require removal of the impeller [15] prior to agitator
installation. For larger flange openings, the impeller can remain installed on the shaft by carefully
rotating the shaft as the impeller passes through the tank flange opening. Verify the torque value
on the set screw [29 (Figure 14)] and washer bolt [26 (Figure 14)] prior to installation if the hub
will not be removed. See Figure 7.
The impeller assembly may be removed and installed inside the tank for smaller flange
openings. In some cases, you can rotate the shaft to install the impeller without
removing it from the shaft as shown in Figure 7.
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Figure 7: Impeller Rotational Installation
2. Lift the agitator with the provided lifting points as shown in Figure 5. Stabilize the load as needed by
either removing the motor or belt guard, or by adjusting the lifting point or strap lengths to help
align the shaft horizontal with the ground during mounting.
Ensure that the agitator mounting flange and vessel nozzle are clean; free of nicks and
scratches, and the gasket (furnished by others) is properly located. Note: Unrestrained
cold flowing gasket materials must be used to seal the agitator to the vessel.
3. While fully supporting the agitator, place the gasket (normally customer supplied) between the tank
and pedestal flanges. The flange studs or bolts can help support the gasket. Insert the mixer shaft
into the nozzle opening and carefully position the flanges. Install all flange fasteners and torque
according to the instructions and torque values provided by the tank manufacturer.
4. Some agitators have provisions for a floor support or a set of tie rods to be field located and fitted.
The floor support should be bolted to a concrete pad and shimmed to insure proper fit. See the
assembly drawing for specific details. Do not raise or lower the mixer unit using the support. Shim
the base support as necessary for proper alignment and torque fasteners to the values
recommended in the Appendix, page 50.
In cases where the support structure is a concrete pedestal, fill the area between the
base plate and pedestal with grout. Allow enough time for the grout to harden before
proceeding with assembly work or operation.
1. Using the motor’s nameplate data, verify the motor voltage requirements match the available
power supply. The power supply should be of proper size to safely carry motor loads and include a
circuit interrupt device to protect against overloads. Ensure installation complies with suitable
electrical code(s) and local requirements (NEC, DIN VDE, IEC 60364, etc.).
3. If motor has been stored in a damp location, the windings may require drying.
4. Install motor [13 (Figure 6)] onto motor mount [11], and secure using supplied fasteners [12A, 12B,
12C]. Torque in an alternating pattern to the value specified in the Appendix, page 50.
5. Connect motor’s electrical connections ensuring compliance to local codes. Do not make
connections permanent until the motor rotation has been verified. Ensure adequate cable free
length and clearance for mixer with swivel feature.
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6. Identify motor auxiliary devices and space heaters or temperature sensors and connect them to the
proper circuits and insulate from power cables.
7. Jog the motor to verify proper motor rotation. Unless otherwise specified, the motor rotation is
counterclockwise when viewed from the motor’s fan end.
Do not jog motor with belt attached unless the mechanical seal chamber has been filled with
fluid and properly vented. Dry running of mechanical seal may significantly shorten seal life.
1. Ensure that the sheave (sprocket) bore, bushing mounting surfaces and motor shaft are clean and free
of any debris, burrs, grease, rust inhibitor, etc.
2. Install key into motor shaft keyway and install motor sheave bushing [1A] onto motor shaft/key.
Install the bushing’s flange, or the largest taper diameter, facing the motor in most cases. Some
motor shaft lengths may require the reverse configuration.
3. Slide the motor sheave [1B] onto the motor sheave bushing [1A] and align the drilled holes in the
motor sheave with the tapped holes in the sheave bushing.
4. Next, loosely install the bolts and lock washers [1C, 1D]. The motor sheave assembly should slide
along the motor shaft until tightened.
5. Do the same installation for the extension shaft sheave [3A], bushing [3B], and fasteners [3C, 3D].
Again, some will fit better with flange out, others with flange in depending on the motor shaft length.
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Do not apply never-seize or lubricant to the taper or bore faces of any of the sheaves
or bushings. This will allow the bushings to slip under the motor load.
Do not apply thread lubricant to the bushing fasteners.
6. Loosen the outer turnbuckles’ hex jam nuts [16]. Loosen the hex bolt and nut [18, 19] where the
bracket meets the pedestal. Rotate the turnbuckle bodies [17] to retract motor bracket down until
there is enough clearance for the drive belt installation.
7. Align the two sheaves [1B, 3B] using a straight edge placed across the outside surface of both
sheaves, located at the widest possible areas. The Straight edge should make contact at four
different points, two points on each sheave. In cases where one sheave is wider than the other, try
to center the belt on the wider sheave.
8. Tighten each screw [1D, 3D] in an alternating pattern. Apply torque as listed in Table 5 on page 15.
Ensure the threads on the bushing fasteners are not lubricated. The bushing type is etched on the
bushing by the manufacturer. If your mixer does not use the standard bushing types because of
customer preference, then consult the documentation that came with your bushings.
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9. Install belt [2] onto sheaves [1B, 3B], starting with the motor sheave first. The belt should slip onto
the lower sheave. If not, shorten the turnbuckle length as necessary.
10. After the belt is installed, extend the turnbuckles [17] until the belt feels snug or taut. Avoid over
tensioning the belt.
11. From Figure 11 determine the deflection required for the belt. The deflection height is 1/64” per
inch of span (15.6mm/m). For example, a 32” span length requires a deflection of 32/64” or ½”. To
measure the deflection height, place a straightedge from sprocket to sprocket on top of the belt or
wrap a string or steel tape around the sprockets on top of the belt.
13. Using a spring scale, apply a perpendicular force to the belt at the mid-point of the span as shown in
Figure 11. For belts wider than 2 inches (50 mm), it is suggested that a rigid piece of key-stock or
something similar be placed across the belt between the point of force and the belt to prevent
distortion. Compare this deflection force value to that found in Table 6 and adjust the tension
Actual belt installation tension required depends upon many factors (peak loads,
system rigidity, teeth in mesh, etc.). In some instances, it may be necessary to
gradually increase the belt tension to achieve proper drive operation.
14. Spin the mixer shaft by hand for several revolutions to ensure the belt is not slowly walking off the
sheave. If it does not stay centered, then adjust the turnbuckles as needed until the belt will stay
15. Tighten the turnbuckles’ hex jam nuts [16] to hold the turnbuckles in position. Remove all slack, and
secure using both lock nuts.
16. Re-tighten the hex head bolt and nut [18, 19] where the motor bracket meets the pedestal to the
values shown in the Appendix, page 50.
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Table 6: Belt Deflection
Motor Est.
Motor Motor Motor Estimated Maximum Minimum
Case Sheave Belt
Power Speed Frame Size Deflection Deflection Deflection
Size Pitch Dia. Span
(hp) (RPM) (4 pole) (in) Force (lbf) Force (lbf)
(in) (in)
10 1800 215T 4.81 23.3 0.34 7.8 6.4
15 1800 254T 4.81 23.3 0.34 11.1 9.1
3 20 1800 256T 4.81 23.3 0.34 15.1 12.3
25 1800 284T 4.81 23.3 0.34 18.4 15.1
30 1800 286T 4.81 23.3 0.34 21.7 17.8
25 1800 284T 6.32 28.8 0.42 16.0 12.9
4 30 1800 286T 6.32 28.8 0.42 18.5 15.0
40 1800 324T 6.32 28.8 0.42 23.5 19.2
50 1800 326T 8.42 25.9 0.35 22.6 18.6
5 60 1800 364T 8.42 25.9 0.35 27.8 22.8
75 1800 365T 8.42 25.9 0.35 33.5 27.5
Motor Est.
Motor Motor Motor Estimated Maximum Minimum
Case Sheave Belt
Power Speed Frame Size Deflection Deflection Deflection
Size Pitch Dia. Span
(kW) (RPM) (4 pole) (mm) Force (N) Force (N)
(mm) (mm)
7.5 1500 132M 142.5 578.1 8.6 35.5 28.9
11 1500 160M 142.5 578.1 8.6 50.8 41.6
3 15 1500 160L 142.5 578.1 8.6 65.8 54.1
18.5 1500 180M 142.5 578.1 8.6 83.7 68.6
22 1500 180L 142.5 578.1 8.6 98.8 81.2
18.5 1500 180M 151.6 692.2 10.4 85.1 69.2
4 22 1500 180L 151.6 692.2 10.4 99.5 81.1
30 1500 200L 151.6 692.2 10.4 133.1 108.5
37 1500 225S 285.2 686.6 9.1 94.0 77.3
5 45 1500 225M 285.2 686.6 9.1 109.1 89.8
55 1500 250M 196.1 706.9 10.4 185.5 152.5
Belt Service Factor = 1.8 minimum
Page 17 of 52
Figure 12: Outer Guard Installation and Inspection Panel
17. Reinstall the outer belt guard [4A] and secure using supplied hardware [4C, 4D].
18. Use access panel [4B] to visually inspect for adequate clearance for sheaves and belt.
19. Also use the access panel to check the new belt tension at least twice during the first day’s operation and
adjust as required. Normally, a rapid decrease in belt tension will occur until the belt(s) have run in.
1. Impeller installation begins by installing the impeller blades to the hub. Impeller blades are a matched set.
Arrange as marked so impeller is properly balanced. Fasten blades [24 (Figure 13)] to the hub [23] using
supplied hardware [21, 22, 25] and torque to the values in the Appendix, page 50.
2. Place the key [28 (Figure 14)] into shaft’s keyway and slide the impeller assembly onto shaft [14]. Orient
the blades so the concave side points away from vessel wall. Secure the impeller hub [23] using the
setscrew [29] and torque to the value shown in the Appendix, page 50.
3. Install secondary retention washer and hex bolt [26, 27] and torque to the value shown in the Appendix,
page 50.
Page 18 of 52
Table 7: Impeller Assembly
Description QTY
14 Shaft 1
21 Hex Nut 12
22 Lock Washer 12
23 Hub 1
24 Blade 3
25 Hex Bolt 12
26 Hex Bolt 1
27 Flat Washer 1
28 Key 1
29 Set Screw 1
Page 19 of 52
6.5 Seal Lubrication System Installation
If the bracket and lubrication reservoir are supplied by NOV, the lubrication bracket may ship separately
because of its height. If this is the case for your mixer, below are the instructions for how to install the NOV
supplied bracket. Refer to Figure 15. Additional operation information is available in section 7.5, “Lubrication
for Double Mechanical Seal Operation”, on page 26.
1. Assemble the supplied bracket to the mixer. The seal support bracket is designed to be mounted on
either side of the mixer. It should be installed at the most convenient spot that does not have
interference from wiring, tie rods, or any other site obstructions. The motor adjustments are on the right-
hand side of the mixer; therefore, the preferred mounting location is on the left-hand side for
2. Assemble the lubricator mounting bracket to the lubrication reservoir if not already done so. Install the
supplied U-bolts around the support pipe and tighten one set of nuts against the flat brackets. Do not
fully torque the nuts yet because you may need to adjust the angle or height of the reservoir to avoid
3. Install the lubricator reservoir to the ends of the U-bolts. Do not fully torque the nuts at this time but
secure them enough that the lubricator pot will not slide down. The outlet port on the seal lubrication
reservoir should be at least 24” (60cm) above the centerline of the mixer shaft.
4. Connect the supplied fittings to the mechanical seal, and then attach the flexible hoses to the mechanical
seal. There are two different length hoses supplied. The longer hose will go from the reservoir to the far
side of the mixer.
5. Trial fit the hoses to make sure they both reach the reservoir. Once you are sure that the lubrication
reservoir is at the correct height and orientation, fully torque the bolts for the lubrication bracket and
torque the nuts for the reservoir. Be sure to first torque the nuts that are behind the lubrication bracket
that clamp the U-bolt to the pipe, and only after they are fully torqued should you then torque the nuts
that clamp the reservoir to the U-bolt. Torque values can be found in the Appendix, page 50.
6. Connect the flexible hoses to the reservoir.
7. Fill the mechanical seal lubricator reservoir to the center of the sight glass. Check for leaks. The
approximate capacity of the reservoir is 3 gallons (U.S.) or 12 liters. You will need a little more fluid to also
fill the hoses and the seal cavity. Re-install the fill plug onto the reservoir.
8. Connect a pressure line to the mechanical seal lubricator pressure inlet port. Pressurize using a gas bottle,
or other means. The required pressure is 25-50 psi (172-344 kPa) above the maximum vessel pressure, but
not to exceed 145 psi (1 Mpa). The maximum vessel pressure is the process pressure plus the liquid head.
Check all fittings for leaks.
9. Replace guarding on pedestal.
Do not pressurize the vessel without having the mechanical seal lubrication system
fully pressurized.
Page 20 of 52
Lubrication System on Right Side Lubrication System on Left Side
Page 21 of 52
7 Operation
This SB Side Entry agitator has been designed with a modular construction with your specific application in mind.
Following proper operating procedures will allow maximum mixer performance, and aid in the safe operation of
your unit. Should problems arise, first review the manual’s installation and troubleshooting sections. Please
contact your local representative for any unresolved issues.
Do Not operate the agitator before reading and following the instruction on all tags,
decals, and nameplates attached to the equipment.
Do Not operate the agitator in an empty tank or in a fluid with a specific gravity or
viscosity higher than that for which it was designed.
Do Not modify the agitator (i.e., motor horsepower, impeller, speed, etc.) without
approval from NOV engineering.
Ensure that the agitator is correctly positioned (see certified location drawing) and that all fasteners are
tightened to the recommended torque values.
Check that the motor, starting and control device connections agree with wiring diagrams commonly
found in motor conduit boxes and all applicable local codes.
Ensure that the mechanical seal chamber has been vented for proper lubrication. For both single and
double mechanical seals, trapped air must be removed from the system.
Check that the lubrication and/or flushing supply to the double mechanical seal is operating correctly.
Ensure that the motor is wired for the correct direction of impeller rotation.
Ensure all guarding is in place and secured properly
Double mechanical seal reservoir is filled with lubricant (double mechanical seals only)
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7.2 Single Mechanical Seal Operation
The SB mixer is available with either a single or double mechanical seal cartridge assembly. In both cases this
seal cartridge also houses the inboard bearing for the shaft system. The seal has been properly set and
installed at the factory, and the bearing has been greased.
A single mechanical seal is lubricated by the process fluid. The seal must be vented prior to operation to
release air that gets trapped in the seal cavity while the vessel is filled. The design also features a threaded
leak detection port [54] for the mechanical seal. This leak port can be plumbed by the customer for a sight
glass, a containment reservoir such as API Plan 65A/B, or a plug that will be removed for periodic inspection.
The seal cartridge is supplied with a butterfly valve at the top of the seal gland. Use this valve on single
mechanical seals is to ensure that all trapped air is vented out of the mechanical seal chamber prior to starting
the mixer. By necessity, this valve must be at the top of the seal for this purpose. After the tank has been
filled past the height of the mixer, this valve should be opened until all air escapes from the seal cavity. Note
that some tank contents will leak out along with the air. Wear proper personal protective equipment and
have a containment method ready to collect product that comes out through this valve. If desired, additional
plumbing can be added to the valve to capture the process fluid. Additionally, later this valve can also be used
to check that the metal-to-metal shut-off has been correctly engaged, and the valve can be plumbed for
flushing the shut-off area should the need arise. Any added plumbing must be easily removable so the single
mechanical seal can be vented every time the liquid level drops below the mixer and then is raised up again.
Table 8: Single Mechanical Seal Assembly
Description Qty
41 Cover, Bearing 1
42 Hex Bolt 4
43 Lock Washer 4
44 Socket Head Cap Screw 2
45 Relief Fitting 1
46 Retaining Ring 1
47 Housing 1
48 Lip Seal 1 or 2
49 O-ring Seal 1
50 Single Mechanical Seal 1
51 Retaining Ring 1
52 Shaft Sleeve 1
53 O-ring Seal 2
54 Leak Detection Plug 1
55 Bearing 1
56 O-ring Seal 1
57 Grease Fitting 1
58 Lip Seal 1
Figure 16: Mechanical Seal Assembly – Single 59 Set Screw 3
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7.3 Double Mechanical Seal Operation
The SB mixer is available with either a single or double mechanical seal cartridge assembly. In all cases this
seal cartridge also houses the inboard bearing for the shaft system. The seal has been properly set and
installed at the factory, and the bearing has been greased.
The double mechanical seal requires use of an external pressurized lubrication reservoir such as an API plan
53A or 53B seal system. See more details about this system in Section 7.5, Lubrication for Double Mechanical
Seal Operation.
Page 24 of 52
Figure 18: Mechanical Seal Assembly – Inlet & Outlet Plumbing
7.4 Optional Mechanical Seal Plumbing
The mechanical seals are shipped with a valve plumbed to a port on top of the seal gland. This valve can serve
multiple purposes. On single mechanical seals, the valve is used to vent air trapped in the seal cavity prior to
start up. For this reason, the valve must be at the top of the seal gland. This air is trapped during tank filling
and must be vented prior to start up so the seal is fully lubricated by the process fluid. On both the single and
double mechanical seals this valve provides a way to test if the metal to metal shut-off has fully engaged prior
to seal maintenance.
On single mechanical seals, the seal cavity fills with process fluid because this fluid lubricates the mechanical
seal. On double mechanical seals, the process fluid does not lubricate the seal, but there is a necessary cavity
between the seal housing and the tank shut-off that will still fill with some process fluid. See Table 10 to see
the amount of residual process fluid that will be trapped in each seal cavity.
Page 25 of 52
In some cases, debris can settle in the shut-off area and this can prevent the shut-off from fully engaging. A
short flush is needed to push this debris out of the shut-off area. The provided valve on the top of the seal
gland can be temporarily plumbed by the customer to act as a flush port to flush out any debris that may have
settled in the shut-off area during operation. The flush should be between 10-15psi (69-103kpa) above the
total fluid pressure in the tank. This should be easily removable plumbing, such as a quick disconnect fitting,
so the valve can alternate between being used as a flush and then used again to verify the shut-off has
engaged, and later used to vent the seal again on single mechanical seals.
If desired, a drain system can be plumbed to the leakage detection port that is plugged by NOV [54] to allow
controlled draining of the trapped process fluid out of this cavity prior to removing the mechanical seal.
Again, this drain is optional since it will be a relatively small amount of process fluid. Alternately, the customer
could use this lower opening to plumb a more permanent flush system instead of using the upper valve as a
drain and a flush.
A double mechanical seal must have a lubrication reservoir to supply a barrier fluid to the mechanical seal
housing. See an example in Figure 15. The agitator must have either an NOV supplied mechanical seal
lubricator, or a mechanical seal lubricator system supplied by others. A customer supplied system may be
used provided it meets all the requirements of the application. For more details on the NOV supplied
lubricator reservoir, see the supplemental manual at the end of this booklet.
The customer must supply a pressure regulated gas source to the fluid reservoir. The gas supply must be
capable of maintaining a pressure of 25-50 psi (172-345 kpa) above the maximum pressure on the vessel side
of the seal cartridge. This pressure includes the maximum combination of vessel operating pressure and the
liquid head pressure.
Some leakage of the barrier fluid should be expected under normal operating conditions and is inherent with
the design of mechanical seals. Leakage should be relatively low, around 1 or 2 drips per minute. Barrier fluid
should always be chosen to be compatible with the process for this reason. Be sure to regularly inspect the
fluid levels within the reservoir and top off as needed. Excessive reduction in barrier fluid level indicates a
problem with the seal and/or lubrication system. Check all seal and reservoir connections and tighten or
replace as necessary. If fluid levels continue to drop at an above average rate, then your seal may need
replacing. Contact your NOV representative for further information. The condition of the barrier fluid should
be inspected periodically. Failure to do so will have a negative impact on the lifespan of the seal. When
maintaining or changing the seal, it is recommended to clean the lubrication system and replace the barrier
The seal lubricant can be any low viscosity fluid with reasonable lubricity that is compatible with the process
fluid, and that is stable over the full range of pressures and temperatures at which the mechanical seal will be
operated. Common liquid lubricants (barrier fluids) are shown in Table 11. Operating temperature limits for
the lubricants are listed below. Consult your NOV representative for other lubricants.
Page 26 of 52
Table 11: Mechanical Seal Lubricants
Temperature Limits
°F °C
Glycerin ≤ 150° ≤ 66°
Ethylene Glycol ≤ 250° ≤ 121°
Mineral Oil ≤ 400° ≤ 204°
Water ≤ 160° ≤ 71°
The specific gravity of any liquid lubricant should never be less than 0.63 at a reference temperature 50°F
(28°C) above the maximum vessel temperature. The boiling (flash) point of a lubricant should never be less
than 25°F (14°C) above maximum vessel operating temperature.
7.6 Troubleshooting
Page 27 of 52
Table 13: Trouble-shooting Guide – Belts
Observation Possible Cause Action
Worn sheave grooves Inspect sheave grooves. Replace if necessary.
Mismatched belts (for multiple
Replace with matched set.
belts designs only)
Belt slipping Apply correct tension (use tensiometer).
Rapid belt Improper installation Replace belt(s) - install properly.
Improper belt storage Replace belt(s).
Sheave misalignment Realign sheaves.
Shock loads from process Contact NOV.
Foreign object in drive Clean out drive. Provide drive shroud.
Broken cord in belt, due to
Replace belt(s); install properly.
improper installation
Impulse loads Apply correct tension (use tensiometer).
Belt Turned Misalignment of sheave and shaft Realign drive.
Over Worn sheave grooves Replace sheaves.
Loose belt(s) Tighten belt(s).
Check Alignment
Excessive belt vibration
Check equipment for solid mounting.
Insufficient tension Apply correct tension (use tensiometer).
Belt slipping
Worn sheave grooves Inspect sheave grooves. Replace if necessary.
Insufficient tension Apply correct tension (use tensiometer).
Page 28 of 52
Table 14: Trouble-shooting Guide – Bearings
Observation Possible Cause Action
Wrong type of grease or oil Consult reliable lubricant manufacturer for proper
causing break-down of lubricant type of lubricant.
Wrong type of grease or oil Consult reliable lubricant manufacturer for proper
causing break-down of lubricant. type of lubricant.
Excessive amount of lubricant Check and repack with correct amount of lubricant.
Check if foundation settled under pedestal support.
Excessive distortion of housing. Verify shims or studs were used to level mixer. Verify
Hard turning tie rod tension.
of shaft
Loosen split coupling bolts and re-align drive shaft in
Poor shaft alignment
outboard bearing with extension shaft in seal.
Page 29 of 52
Table 15: Trouble-shooting Guide – Bearings (cont’d)
Observation Possible Cause Action
Wrong type of grease or oil Consult reliable lubricant manufacturer for proper type of
causing break-down of lubricant lubricant.
Page 30 of 52
Table 16: Trouble-shooting Guide – Bearings (cont’d)
Observation Possible Cause Action
Foreign matter entering Clean out bearing housing. Replace worn-out seals to
housing obtain adequate protection of bearing.
Corrosive agents entering the Addition of a shroud or flinger to throw off foreign
bearing housing matter.
Check if foundation settled under pedestal support.
Excessive distortion of housing. Verify shims or studs were used to level mixer. Verify
tie rod tension.
Loosen split coupling bolts and re-align drive shaft in
Poor shaft alignment
outboard bearing with extension shaft in seal.
Flat on roller due to skidding Carefully examine rollers, looking for flat spots on the
(result of fast starting) surface. Replace bearing.
Incorrect method of mounting. Replace with new bearing. Never hammer any part of
Hammer blows on bearing. bearing when mounting.
Page 31 of 52
8 Maintenance
The following actions can be taken to correct or prevent motor over-greasing and related problems1:
1. Review motor lubrication procedures to ensure that they identify the type and quantity of grease to
use, the specific fill and drain nozzles to uncap, and the length of time motors should be run with drain
plugs off after greasing the bearings.
2. To prevent foreign materials from contaminating the grease, ensure that grease containers are covered
during periods of storage and that the nozzles and grease fittings are cleaned.
3. Determine the optimum quantity and correct type of grease required for each motor by examining the
manufacturer's recommendations and by monitoring the behavior of grease added to motors.
4. Consider using pre-lubricated sealed bearings in applications where re-lubrication is difficult, where
contaminants can adulterate the grease, or where over-greasing might damage safety systems.
1US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Information Notice No. 88-12
Both the outboard bearing and the inboard bearing are grease lubricated. These bearings are packed
with grease prior to shipment from the factory. At 6-month intervals under continuous use these
bearings should be re-greased. Adjust the time between re-greasing accordingly if the mixers are not
running at least 8 hours a day every day. Do not go more than 12 months regardless of the amount of
time the mixer has run without re-greasing. Use the amounts shown in Table 18 for re-greasing a
bearing that has previously been greased. Use Table 17 for a new bearing that has not been greased.
Page 32 of 52
Always rotate the bearings by hand while re-greasing to evenly distribute the grease throughout the
bearing. Grease can be injected into the outboard bearing housing and the mechanical seals housing
grease fittings by accessing them through the pedestal opening. There are 1/4-inch N.P.T. fittings on
both housings inside the pedestals or plumbed just outside of the hand hold covers. It is recommended
that the agitator be shut down when greasing to avoid accidental contact with the rotating shaft. The
mixer shaft can be rotated by hand to distribute the grease after the motor power is turned off.
Always use the same type of grease previously used in the bearing. Some greases lose lubricating
capability when mixed with another grease. Never mix greases with unlike bases without first checking
compatibility with the supplier. Any good quality general-purpose grease consisting of a refined base oil
stock and a lithium, calcium, or polyurea (preferred) complex-based soap, with an NLGI No. 2
classification, will work satisfactorily. Most major oil companies offer such products, usually with
extreme pressure (EP) additives for additional protection.
There will always be some residual process fluid trapped outside of the shut-off in the
seal cavity. See Table 10 for the volume of this trapped product.
Page 33 of 52
Table 19: Tank Shut-off System
Description Qty
61 Leak Detection Valve/Vent 1
62 Clamping Bolt 4
63 Seal Gland 1
64 Spacer 2
65 Seal Cavity Plug 1
66 Socket Head Shoulder Bolt 2
Page 34 of 52
8.3.2 Steps to Engage Tank Shut-off System for Double Shaft Mixers
1. Turn off the agitator. Lock out all electrical connections so the mixer cannot be energized.
2. Depressurize the vessel.
3. Remove the pedestal side guards to access the seal.
4. Double Mechanical Seal Only: Depressurize the seal lubrication system lines, disconnect the hoses and
plug the ports.
The seal lubricant may be hot. Allow the seal system to cool down prior to disconnecting the hoses.
5. Rotate the shaft by hand so that the split coupling bolts are easily accessible with a wrench. Once the
shut-off is engaged the shaft cannot be turned to give better tool access.
6. Loosen but do not remove the (4) split coupling bolts [80 (Figure 21)] closest to the mechanical seal to
loosen the grip on the mixer shaft just enough to allow the shaft to slide in the coupling in a later step.
7. Remove the four (4) large hex head bolts [62 (Figure 19)] from the seal gland [63] and thread them into
the threaded jacking holes directly next to where they were previously installed in the gland. DO NOT
loosen or remove the socket head shoulder bolts [66]. They will remain in place the entire time.
8. Using a hand wrench, slowly tighten the hex head bolts [62] that were just moved to the jacking holes one
at a time to push the seal away from the flange. Push the seal off evenly and slowly to avoid binding.
Only push the seal back enough to allow the two (2) seal spacers [64] to be removed; around 0.13” [3mm].
There is an M8 tapped hole in the middle of the spacers to aid in retrieving them if needed.
9. Once the spacers are removed, return the four (4) hex head bolts [62] to the thru holes in the gland [63]
and thread the bolts into the flange. Tighten the hex head bolts until they are difficult to tighten any
more. The shaft and seal should move approximately 0.25” [6mm] axially into the flange. Once the bolts
are tight this means the shut-off collar [83] has seated into the flange. Do not fully torque the hex head
bolts [62] yet.
10. Loosen the four (4) smaller hex head bolts [42 (Figure 16 or Figure 17)] on the bearing cover [41]
approximately 0.25” [6mm].
11. Further tighten the four (4) large hex head bolts [62] on the seal gland. The gland [63] should now move a
further 0.13” [3mm] to fully engage the shut-off [83] while the seal stays in place on the shaft. There
should be about a 0.13” [3mm] gap between the seal and the gland now.
12. Test to see if the shut-off has fully engaged by opening the valve [61]. There will be a small amount of
leakage from residual tank contents in the valve plumbing even when the shut-off is fully engaged. If
leakage continues, then the shut-off has not properly engaged. There may be debris that has settled in
the seal area that is preventing the metal to metal shut-off from fully closing, or perhaps the bolts [62]
were not tightened enough. More torque can be applied to the hex head bolts [62] to try to crush the
debris and to fully seal the shut-off. If that does not work, then a process compatible flushing fluid should
be pushed through the leakage indicator valve [61] to flush out the shut-off area. See Section 7.4 on page
25 for more information on the optional flush system. Back up the seal a small amount prior to activating
Page 35 of 52
the flush to allow room for trapped debris to leave, and to generate flow. To back the seal off, reverse the
steps 9 through 11. After running the flush for a short time, turn off the flush and disconnect it from the
valve. Follow steps 9 through 11 again and retest the shut-off. Do not proceed to the next step until the
shut-off has been verified.
13. Loosen the three set screws on the seal sleeve [59 (Figure 16 or Figure 17)].
14. Remove all eight (8) socket head bolts [80] on the split coupling [5] and remove the coupling [5] and keys
Page 36 of 52
8.3.3 Steps to Engage Tank Shut-off System for Single Shaft Mixers
The tank shut-off system for the single shaft mixers is identical in the seal area, but the seal removal process is
more involved due to the outboard bearing needing to be removed.
Some of the large sheaves are very heavy. The outboard bearing housing is also heavy. Extra lifting
equipment may be necessary to safely remove these components prior to removing the seal.
1. Turn off the agitator. Lock out all electrical connections so the mixer cannot be energized.
2. Depressurize the vessel.
3. Remove the pedestal side guards to access the seal.
4. Double Mechanical Seal Only: Depressurize the seal lubrication system lines, disconnect and plug the
The seal lubricant may be hot. Allow the seal system to cool down prior to disconnecting the hoses.
Page 37 of 52
8.4 Mechanical Seal Disassembly
When the mechanical seal cartridge is disassembled, the bearing [55], lip seals [48, 58] and O-rings [49, 53, 56,
73] should be replaced. Order replacement parts from NOV or obtain full manufacturer's data from NOV
before ordering. Prepare a clean work area prior to disassembly/assembly of the mechanical seal cartridge.
To service the seal, the seal sleeve and bearing will need to be pressed out of the seal housing with a hydraulic
press. No other special tooling is necessary. The instructions for disassembling the single and double
mechanical seals are nearly identical.
1. Turn the seal so that the outer cap [41] is facing down on the table and the seal side [50 or 74] is up in the
2. For the double mechanical seal only, loosen the two socket head cap screws [72] and remove the outer
seal housing [75]. Press the stationary seal component out of the outer seal housing your fingers or a soft
tool to press on the seal in the cutouts in the back of the housing.
3. For the single mechanical seal only, carefully remove the retaining ring [51] on the end of the seal sleeve
[52] to release the spring pressure on the seal. Be careful, the spring will expand rapidly once the snap
ring is removed. Remove the loose seal components.
4. For both types of seals, clean off the outside of the seal sleeve [52] above the remaining seal components
so they can slide up the sleeve as easily as possible. It will help to use a lubricant on the shaft such as
soapy water or a compatible lubricant to make it slide easier. If the seal will not come off because of
trapped debris or corrosion, it can be removed at the same time as the bearing is pressed out of the
housing, but this will likely damage the seal beyond reuse.
5. Remove the seal components by pulling them off the sleeve with your hands. Use of hard tools for this
may damaging the seal and sleeve. For the double mechanical seal only, remove the inboard seal, then
remove the loose spring and other seal piece, and again clean off the exposed seal sleeve [52] as much as
possible so the outboard seal pieces can slide up the sleeve.
6. Turn the seal over so the cap [41] is facing up. Remove the set screws [59] from the sleeve [52].
7. Remove the two socket head screws [44] and then remove the cap [41]. Remove the lip seal [58] from the
8. Remove the retention ring [46] from the seal sleeve [52] on top of the bearing [55].
9. With the seal housing [47] upside down such that the bearing [55] is facing down and the sleeve [52]
where the seals were installed is facing up, use a mechanical or hydraulic press to push down carefully on
the end of the sleeve [52] to push the bearing [55] out of the housing [47]. Have a safe means to catch
the sleeve and bearing so they are not damaged once they are pushed clear of the housing.
10. Remove the stationary portion of the seal that is retained in the bearing housing [47]. The housing has
two reliefs cut in the back of the seal to provide an area to push against the seal. Also remove the lip
seal(s) [48] in the bearing housing.
11. Press the seal sleeve [52] off the bearing [55], again being careful not to damage the seal sleeve as it
releases from the bearing.
12. Remove remaining O-rings [49, 53, 56, 73] from all components and inspect all items for damage.
Page 38 of 52
8.5 Mechanical Seal Assembly
Make sure that the seal assembly is done in a clean area. Completely clean all parts that will be reused and
inspect for damage. It is recommended to use all new fasteners. The instructions for assembling the single
and double mechanical seals are nearly identical.
1. Press the bearing sleeve [52] into the bearing [55], being careful to support both the inner and outer rings
of the bearing to avoid damaging the bearing. Insert the retaining ring [46] onto the sleeve [52] above the
bearing [55].
2. Press the lip seal(s) [48] into the bearing housing [47]. It is critical that the seals are installed in the correct
orientation as shown in the seal assembly drawing or the figures provided in this IOM. Grease the inside
diameter of the lip seals with the same grease you intend to use for the bearing.
3. Press the bearing and sleeve assembly into the bearing housing [47] being careful that the sleeve [52]
passes easily past the lip seal(s) [48].
4. Insert the lip seal [58] into the bearing cap [41]. Also install the O-ring [56] in the cap [41] using a small
amount of grease to keep the O-ring in place.
5. Install the cap [41] onto the bearing housing [47] being sure the O-ring [56] stayed in place. Insert and
torque the two socket head cap screws [44] to the values shown in the Appendix, page 50.
6. Reinstall the plastic plugs over the jacking screw holes in the cap.
7. Carefully insert the stationary seal seat into the bearing housing [47] by hand; use of tools to install the
seal could cause damage. Apply a small amount of soapy water if needed to ease the installation of the
seal into the housing. Be careful to keep the sealing face clean. If there was an anti-rotation pin present
originally in the housing, retain that pin and re-use it. If a new one is needed, use a short piece of 1/8”
[3mm] 316SS or C276 weld wire. When an anti-rotation pin is present, be sure to align the anti-rotation
slot machined in the bottom of the seal with the pin to avoid damaging the pin and seal. For the double
mechanical seal only, also install the stationary seal seat into the seal housing [75], along with the anti-
rotation pin if needed, following the same instructions above.
8. Carefully install the rotary seal elements over the shaft sleeve [52]. A small amount of lubricant such as
water mixed with a small amount of dish soap or a compatible light lubricant can be applied to make
assembly easier. Install the seal to the seal setting height recommended by the seal supplier as measured
from the top of the stationary seal face. After the seal is at the correct height, then install the spring and
other loose seal components.
9. For the double mechanical seal only, after installing the outboard seal closest the bearing, next install the
inboard rotary seal components onto the sleeve. To set the seal height on the inboard seal, measure from
the outboard seal already installed to the central “V” groove in the sleeve. Set the second seal to that
same distance on the other side of the central groove. Install the seal housing [75] over the seal and
install and torque the two socket head cap screws [72] to the values in the Appendix, page 50.
10. For the single mechanical seal only, carefully install the snap ring [51] onto the end of the seal sleeve [52]
to set the seal spring.
11. Install the two O-rings [53] into the inside of the seal sleeve [52].
Page 39 of 52
12. Retain the seal set screws [59], but they do not need to be installed into the sleeve until the seal has been
installed onto the mixer shaft to avoid accidental shaft damage. They will later be installed with blue
Loctite® 242 or similar liquid thread locker prior to fully torqueing the screws onto the shaft.
13. Add grease to bearing. Remove the grease relief fitting [45] from the cap if it is already installed. Fill with
grease slowly using the grease fitting [57] while occasionally spinning the bearing to evenly distribute the
grease throughout the bearing cavity. Refer to section 8.2 on page 32 for more information on grease
selection and volume. Once filled to the correct volume, install the relief fitting [45].
14. For the double mechanical seal only, to test the seal cartridge at 100 psi (690 kpa) or less, fill the seal
housing with a fluid that is compatible with the process. This is normally the seal lubricant. Pressurize the
mechanical seal housing to the lowest of either 50 psi (345 kpa) above the maximum vessel operating
pressure, or 100 psi (690 kpa). Do not test above 100 psi (690 kpa) without consulting NOV as special
flanges will be necessary. Check for leaks and correct as required. If the mechanical seal cartridge is to be
placed into inventory, the seal housing should be completely filled with a rust preventative or lubricant
which is compatible with the sealing fluid to be used in service. Plug the seal fluid ports. If testing the seal
with air, do not test above 25psi (173 kpa).
It is recommended to rebuild the outboard bearing at the same time you are also going to service the
mechanical seal since many of the same steps must be followed to engage the shut-off for the tank so the
shaft is supported while the outboard bearing is removed. You cannot remove the outboard bearing without
engaging the shut-off.
1. No matter if you have a single or a double shafted unit, to remove the outboard bearing assembly, follow
the instructions to engage the shut-off up through step 11 in Sections 8.3.2, starting on page 35. Once the
outboard bearing assembly is removed, move it to a clean work area for further disassembly.
2. Remove the three set screws [93] from the shaft sleeve [94].
3. Remove the four (4) hex head bolts [90], then remove the cap [91]. Remove the lip seal [95] from the cap
4. The bearing [98] should slide easily out of the housing [105] along with the shaft sleeve [94]. Remove the
lip seal [102] from the housing.
5. Remove the tapered snap ring [92] from the shaft sleeve [94], and then press the bearing [98] off the
sleeve [94] using a mechanical or hydraulic press. Be careful to remove the sleeve carefully to avoid
damaging the sleeve in the press or when it falls out of the bearing.
Page 40 of 52
Table 18: Outboard Bearing Assembly
Description Qty
6 Pedestal 1
82 Outboard Drive Shaft 1
90 Hex Bolt 4
91 Bearing Cap 1
92 Tapered Snap Ring 1
93 Set Screw 3
94 Shaft Sleeve 1
Bearing Split 95 Lip Seal 1
This Side
96 Key 1
97 O-ring 1
98 Bearing 1
99 Stud 8
100 Hex Nut 8
101 Grease Fitting 1
102 Lip Seal 1
103 Grease Relief Fitting 1
104 Spacer (2-piece shaft only) 1
105 Bearing Housing 1
Figure 22: Outboard Bearing Assembly
1. Install a new lip seal [95, 102] into the bearing housing [105] and into the bearing cap [91].
2. Slide the split bearing ring from the bearing [98] onto the sleeve [91], making sure that the side of the
bearing ring with the radius is all the way against the radius corner of the sleeve shoulder. Press the new
cylindrical bearing [98] onto the sleeve [94] until the split ring is firm against the shoulder. If the bearing
was installed correctly, a shim should not be fit between the bearing ring and the shoulder. Be careful not
to stress the bearing rollers when installing the bearing. Press only on the inner race of the bearing, not
the outer race.
3. Insert the tapered snap ring [92] onto the sleeve [94] with the chamfered side of the ring facing away
from the bearing.
4. Double shaft unit only, ensure the bearing spacer ring [104] is installed in the housing before inserting the
5. Grease the lip seal [102] installed in the housing [105], then insert the bearing/sleeve assembly into the
housing. The bearing [98] should slide into the housing [105] with only a slight tap of a soft mallet.
6. Install the O-ring [97] into the bearing cap [91] with a small amount of grease to keep it in the cap, then
install the cap [91] onto the housing [105]. Fully torque the four (4) hex head bolts [90] to the values in
the Appendix, page 50.
Page 41 of 52
7. Add grease to the assembly. Remove the grease relief fitting [103]. Fill the grease fitting [101] with grease
slowly while occasionally spinning the bearing to evenly distribute the grease throughout the bearing
cavity. Refer to section 8.2 on page 32 for more information on grease selection and volume. Once filled,
install the relief fitting [103].
8. Retain the three (3) set screws [93] for use later once the shaft is inserted into the sleeve [94]. At that
time the set screws [93] will be inserted with a small amount of blue Loctite® 242 or similar and torqued.
1. Ensure all the mounting studs [99] are installed into the pedestal [6] such that they are flush with the back
side of the pedestal casting. Check for damaged threads and replace as necessary.
2. For the single shaft unit only, ensure the key [96] for the bearing sleeve [94] has been installed in the shaft
keyway. Use some adhesive if needed to keep the key in the keyway for installation.
3. Carefully lift and install the bearing housing [105] onto the pedestal [6] being careful not to bend or
damage the studs [99] while installing. Ensure that the housing is oriented such that the grease relief
fitting [103] is at the top.
4. Install the nuts for the outboard bearing assembly [100] and fully torque to the values in the Appendix,
page 50.
5. Re-install the belt guard plate [4] onto the housing [105], fully torqueing the hex head bolts to the values
in the Appendix, page 50.
6. For the double shaft units only, install the drive shaft [82] with the bearing sleeve key [96] into the bearing
sleeve [94]. Install the three set screws [93] into the sleeve [94] using a small amount of blue Loctite® 242
or similar to help retain the screws. Torque the set screws to the values shown in the Appendix, page 50.
7. For the single shaft units only, do not install the bearing sleeve set screws [93] at this time. These should
not be installed until the seal shut-off has been fully disengaged.
Prior to installation of a new or rebuilt mechanical seal cartridge, inspect the drive shaft [82],
coupling halves [5], extension shaft [14] and keys [81] for fit and finish. All mating surfaces
must be clean and free from burrs and nicks.
1. Inspect the seal cartridge mounting area of the extension shaft [14] for wear and/or damage. Clean the
drive shaft and polish out any scratches. Pay special attention to the area where the set screws dug into
the shaft previously. Clean and inspect the seal gland [63] and mounting flange [8] prior to installation.
Again, clean up any scratches or damage.
2. Coat the drive shaft [14] with a lubricant which is compatible with the process and seal elastomers.
Page 42 of 52
3. Slide the new or rebuilt seal cartridge onto the shaft [14] and push the seal until the seal sleeve end [52]
contacts the back of the shut-off collar [83]. Watch that your fingers are not behind the seal while
pushing. If the seal will not slide on all the way, you may need to use the seal bolts [42] to draw the seal in
the last 0.50” [12mm]. Note that the seal will not sit all the way against the gland plate [63]. There should
be a 0.13” [3mm] gap between the seal and the gland once the seal contacts the shut-off collar [83]. This
gap will be closed later as we dis-engage the shut-off.
4. Install the three seal set screws [59] into the seal sleeve [52] with a small amount of blue Loctite® 242 or
similar. Torque the set screws to the values shown in the Appendix, page 50.
5. Align the seal with the seal gland [63] so that the long seal bolts [42] can be threaded into the seal gland
[63]. Tighten the four (4) bolts [42] to around 25% of the full torque, or “hand tight”. These will be fully
torqued later.
6. For the double shaft units only, install the split coupling on the shafts [14, 82], but do not fully torque the
socket head bolts [80] in the coupling. Match the groove turned on one half of the coupling to make sure
the set is in the correct orientation. Torque the bolts [80] to around 25% of the full torque value.
7. For the single shaft units only, install the outboard bearing assembly per Section 8.8, page 42. Do not
install the set screws [93] into the outboard bearing sleeve [94] at this time.
8. Ensure that the valve [61] on the mechanical seal is in the “off” position to avoid accidental leakage once
the shut-off is disengaged.
9. Remove the four large hex head bolts [62] in the seal gland [63]. Do not remove the two (2) socket head
shoulder bolts [66]. Move the large hex head bolts [62] to the jacking screw holes next to where the bolts
were previously installed in the gland.
10. Slowly push the seal gland [63] back just enough for the two gland spacers [64] to slide behind the seal
gland [63]. Move the gland back slowly and evenly by tightening each bolt [62] a little at a time using a
star pattern to ensure the gland moves back evenly on all sides. If you drive it in too fast with one bolt,
the gland may bind in the flange.
11. Once the spacers [64] can fit behind the seal, remove the large hex bolts [62] from the jacking holes and
replace them in the thru holes in the seal gland [63], making sure that the bolts go through the holes in
the seal spacers [64]. Using a star pattern again, tighten the large hex head bolts [62] in the gland [63]
until the gland is fully seated against the spacers. Torque the bolts to the values shown in the Appendix,
page 50.
12. Tighten the four smaller hex head bolts [42] on the seal cover [41] to completely seat the seal onto the
seal gland [63]. Fully torque the hex bolts [42] to the values shown in the Appendix, page 50. There
should no longer be any gap between the seal and the gland.
13. For single mechanical seals, if the tank liquid level is above the mixer seal, release the vent valve [61] to
vent out trapped air until only process fluid comes out of the valve. Close the valve [61] and continue.
14. For the double shaft mixers only, slide the split coupling [80] so it is approximately equally spaced on the
two shafts. Tighten the coupling bolts making sure the gaps on both sides of the coupling are the same.
Torque the socket head cap screws to the values shown in the Appendix, page 50.
15. For the single shaft mixers only, slide the outboard bearing sleeve [94] until it sits against the shoulder of
the shaft inside the pedestal. Now install the three (3) outboard bearing sleeve set screws [93] with a
Page 43 of 52
small amount of blue Loctite® 242 or similar. Torque the set screws to the values shown in the Appendix,
page 50.
16. For double mechanical seals only, replace the lubrication lines on the seal, fill the lubrication reservoir, and
bleed off extra air out of the system, per the instructions in Section 6.5 on page 20.
17. For the single shaft mixers only, reinstall and tension the belt and reinstall the belt guards per Section 6.3
on page 14.
18. Rotate the mixer shaft by hand a few rotations to feel for any binding or listen for any unusual noises. If
there is anything unusual stop and consult the Troubleshooting guide in Section 7.6 on page 27.
19. Replace the guards on the pedestal.
Page 44 of 52
8.10 Belt Drive
To Avoid Possible Injury, Turn Off the Agitator. Lock out and disconnect all power to the
drive motor and any optional devices. Turn off and disconnect the lubricant supply.
Do not apply belt dressing during the tensioning procedure as dressing will damage the belt(s)
and cause early failure.
Without exception, the most important factor in the successful operation of a belt drive is proper belt
tensioning. To achieve the long, trouble-free service associated with belt drives, the belt tension must be
sufficient to overcome slipping under maximum peak loads. The general method to increase the tension of the
belt drive is to increase the center distance between the two sheaves.
1. If excessive belt wear is evident and multiple belts are present (this is uncommon), replace all belts as a
complete set.
2. Check the tension of belt(s) by measuring the deflection force using a tensiometer or equivalent spring
scale. Apply a perpendicular force to the belt (or one of the belts) at the midpoint of the span length,
Figure 11, page 16.
3. Observe the force required to deflect any one belt 1/64 inch for every inch (16 mm/meter) of span length.
For example, the deflection for a 32-inch (820 mm) span would be 1/64-inch x 32 inch (16 mm/meter x
0.82 meter), which equals ½ inch (13 mm) of deflection.
4. Achieve correct belt deflection by increasing or decreasing the sheave center distance by adjusting the
turnbuckles [17] on the motor support base. See Section 6.3 for more details on adjusting the belt.
8.10.2 Replacing the Belt
To Avoid Possible Injury, Turn Off the Agitator. Lock out and disconnect all power to the
drive motor and any optional devices. Turn off and disconnect the lubricant supply.
If multiple belts are used, keep all new belts together as a set separate from other belts. Mixing
new and old belts during replacement may result in a loss of power transmitting capability.
1. Remove the belt guard cover [4A] from the supporting back panel [4].
2. Reduce the center distance between the sheaves. To do this, loosen the outer turnbuckles’ hex jam nuts
[16]. Loosen the hex bolt and nut [18, 19] where the bracket meets the pedestal. Rotate the turnbuckle
bodies [17] to retract until there is enough clearance for the drive belt to be removed.
Page 45 of 52
3. Make sure the motor shaft remains parallel with the agitator shaft and tightly secured to the mounting
base. Loosen the motor bolts and re-align the motor shaft with the mixer shaft as needed to correct any
motor shaft to agitator shaft parallel misalignment.
4. Follow the steps in Section 6.3, page 14 to complete the belt installation and alignment.
1. Remove the sheave(s) [1B,3B] from the bushings [1A, 3A] by removing the connecting fasteners [1C, 1D,
3C, 3D] and inserting the bolts into the threaded jacking screw holes (A) in the sheave hub.
2. Tighten the bolts equally against the bushing flange to break the grip of the split “QD” bushing on the
shaft and allow the sheave to slide off freely. No wheel puller or heavy tool is necessary to remove the
3. Loosen the setscrews in the bushing over the key. Remove the bushing from the shaft.
1. Remove the sheave [1B,3B] from the bushing [1A,3A] by removing the connecting fasteners [1C, 1D, 3C,
3D] and inserting the bolts into the threaded jacking screw holes (A) in the bushing flange.
2. Tighten the bolts equally up against the sheave hub to break the grip of the split “QD” bushing on the
shaft and allow the sheave to slide off freely. No wheel puller or heavy tool is necessary to remove the
3. Loosen the setscrews in the bushing over the key. Remove the bushing from the shaft.
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9 Item List for SB Mixer
Page 48 of 52
Item No. Description Qty
98 Bearing 1
99 Stud 8
100 Hex Nut 8
101 Grease Fitting 1
102 Lip Seal 1
103 Grease Relief Fitting 1
104 Spacer (2-piece shaft only) 1
105 Bearing Housing 1
Page 49 of 52
10 Appendix
Tighten all fasteners to values shown unless specifically instructed to do otherwise. Lubricate all fasteners at
assembly with thread lubricant or an anti-seize material. Bolt threads and contact surfaces of bolt heads and nuts
should be lubricated. Note that stainless steel and alloy fasteners can gall while being tightened. The risk of galling
or thread seizing is reduced by using lubrication, by tightening fasteners with low rpm’s and without interruptions,
and applying only light pressure. Dry fasteners, components with dirt or dust, bolting faces with rough finish, or
even some environmental factors such as heat or moisture can effect the torque readings, and require values
different than those listed in the table below.
Table 20: Bolt Tightening Torque
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Table 21: Bolt Tightening Torque (Contd.)
Page 51 of 52
Table 22: Bolt Grades and Mechanical Properties
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