Delhi S
Delhi S
Delhi S
The period from 1206 A.D. to 1526 A.D. came to be known as the Delhi Sultanate
period. This period witnessed many dynasties and various rulers.
Some of the major dynasties and rulers this period witnessed are listed below.
2 Khilji Dynasty
3 Tughluq dynasty
4 Sayyid Dynasty
5 Lodi dynasty
Qutb-ud-din Aibak Founder of Mamluk Dynast and Slave of Muhammad Ghori
Aram Shah Eldest son of Qutb-ud-din Aibak
Shams-ud-din (1211–
Son-in-law of Qutb-ud-din Aibak
Iltutmish 1236)
Ruknuddin Feruz
(1236) Son of Iltutmish
Razia Sultana Daughter of Iltutmish and Grand Daughter of Qutb-ud-din Aibak.
Tughluq Dynasty (c. 1320 – 1414 CE)
Rulers Period Events
This dynasty is also called Qaraunah Turks, as the father of Ghazi Malik was a
Qaraunah Turk in origin.
• After the death of Muhammad bin Tughlaq in c.1351 CE, Firoz Shah Tughlaq was chosen
as the Sultan by the nobles.
• He appointed Khan-i-Jahan Maqbal, a Telugu Brahmin convert as wazir (Prime Minister).
He helped the Sultan in his administration and maintained the prestige of the Sultanate
during this period.
Military Campaigns
• After ascending the throne, he focussed on strengthening his position over north India
instead of claiming his authority over south India and Deccan. He led two expeditions to
Bengal which were unsuccessful and as a result, Bengal became free from the control of
the Delhi Sultanate.
• Firoz Shah Tughlaq also attacked Jajnagar (modern Orissa) and collected large booty from
the temples (such as the Puri Jagannath temple). He also marched against Nagarkot and
made its ruler pay tributes. During this campaign, Firoz Shah collected 1300 Sanskrit
manuscripts from the Jwalamukhi temple library and Arizuddin Khan translated these into
the Persian language. Firoz Shah then marched against Thatta (Sindh region) and crushed
a rebellion there.
Administrative Reforms
• He ran his administration in accordance with the advice of the ulemas. He pleased the
nobles and assured hereditary succession to their properties. Thus, the iqta system was
revived and was also made hereditary.
• He levied taxes as per the teachings of Islam. Jiziya was imposed on non-Muslims. The
special tax on 28 items was discarded by him since they were against the laws of Islam.
He showed intolerance towards Shia Muslims and Sufis. He regarded Hindus as second-
grade citizens and in this respect, he was the precursor of Sikander Lodi and Aurangzeb.
• He was the first sultan to impose an irrigation tax. But at the same time, he also built a
number of irrigation canals and wells. The longest canal was about 200 km in length from
Sutlej to Hansi. Another canal was between Yamuna and Hissar.
• During his reign, there were around 1200 fruit gardens in and around Delhi generating
more revenue.
• He developed royal factories called karkhanas in which thousands of slaves were
employed. He also increased the number of slaves by capturing the defeated soldiers and
young persons. There were around one lakh eighty thousand slaves during his reign.
• New towns (around 300) were built during his reign. The famous one being Firozabad near
Red Fort (now called Firoz Shah Kotla). Monuments like Qutb Minar and Jama Masjid were
repaired and Ashokan pillars from Meerut and Topara were brought to Delhi during his
• Diwan-i-Khairat, a new department was established to support orphans and widows. Free
hospitals like Dar-ul-Shifa and marriage bureaus for poor Muslims were also established.
• Firoz patronised scholars like Barani who wrote Tarikh-i-Firoz Shah, and Fatawa-i-
Jahandari and Khwaja Abdul Malik Islami who wrote Futah-us- Sulatin. He himself
authored the book, Futuhat-e-Firozshahi.
• Firoz Shah Tughlaq died in c. 1388 CE and after that, the struggle for power between the
Sultan and nobles started again. His successors (like Muhammad Khan, Ghiyasuddin
Tughlaq Shah Ⅱ, Abu Bakr Shah, Nasiruddin Muhammad) had to face the rebellions of
the slaves created by Firoz.
In the following years, the Delhi Sultanate disintegrated and many provinces like
Gujarat and Malwa declared independence. The invasion of Timur in c. 1398 CE,
further aggravated the situation. Timur was a Mongol leader of Central Asia, head of
Chagatai Turks. His kingdom stretched from lower Volga to river Indus, included
modern Turkey, Afghanistan, Transoxiana, Iran, and portions of Punjab. When Timur
entered Delhi there was barely any opposition. He sacked Delhi for three days killing
thousands of people and gathering huge wealth. He withdrew from India in c. 1399 CE
and his invasion gave a death blow to the Tughlaq dynasty.
• Before Timur left India, he appointed Khizr Khan as governor of Multan. He captured Delhi
and founded the Sayyid dynasty in c. 1414 CE. He did not adopt the title of Sultan and was
content with Rayat-i-Ala.
• He is considered to be an important ruler of the Sayyid dynasty. He tried to consolidate the
Delhi Sultanate but in vain. He died in c. 1421 CE.
• Muhammad Shah who succeeded Mubarak Shah was always busy acting against
conspirators and gradually lost control over his nobles.
• Muhammad Shah died in c. 1445 CE and was succeeded by his son Alam Shah.
• He was the weakest amongst all Sayyid princes and proved to be incompetent.
• His wazir, Hamid Khan invited Bahlul Lodhi to take charge of the army. Alam Shah realised
that it would be difficult to continue as a ruler, so he retired to Badaun.
Lodi Dynasty (c. 1451 – 1526 CE)
Rulers Period Important points
Bahlul/Bahlol 1451–
Founder of the Lodi Dynasty
Lodi 1489
Sikander Lodi The most prominent ruler of the Lodi Dynasty, founded Agra city
1517– Defeated by Babur in the First Battle of Panipat (in 1526) and thus ended
Ibrahim Lodi
1526 the Delhi Sultanate
The Lodhis/Lodis were the last ruling dynasty of the Sultanate period and the first to
be headed by the Afghans, who ruled over Sirhind when the Sayyids ruled in India.
• He was the greatest of the three Lodhi sovereigns. He brought the whole of Bihar under
his control and many Rajput chiefs were defeated. He attacked Bengal and forced its ruler
to conclude a treaty with him and extended his kingdom from Punjab to Bihar.
• He was a good administrator, he built roads and many irrigation facilities were provided for
the benefit of the peasantry.
• He introduced the Gazz-i-Sikandari, a new measurement yardstick and a system of
auditing of accounts.
• Despite having applaudable qualities, he was a bigot and was intolerant towards non-
Muslims. Many temples were destroyed and he re-imposed Jiziya on non-Muslims.
• In c. 1504 CE, he founded Agra and wrote Persian verses under the name Gulrakhi.
• Sikander Lodhi was succeeded by his eldest son, Ibrahim Lodhi who was an arrogant and
repressive ruler. He insulted his nobles in the court and the ones who revolted were put to
death. Daulat Khan Lodhi, the governor of Punjab was humiliated and disaffection between
king and courtier became very common during his reign. Greatly displeased by the attitude
of Ibrahim Lodhi, Daulat Khan Lodhi invited Babur to invade India. Babur marched against
Delhi, defeated and killed Ibrahim Lodhi in the First Battle of Panipat in c. 1526 CE. The
Afghan kingdom thus lasted for only seventy-five years.
Thus, the Sultanate of Delhi which had its birth on the battlefield of Tarain (c. 1192
CE), ended just a few miles away on the battlefield of Panipat (c. 1526 CE).