History 2
History 2
History 2
Chapter 1: Azerbaijan in XVI-XVIII centuries
1. Chaldiran battle, Safavid-Ottoman war
2. Centralization of all Azerbaijan areas under Safavid rule
3. Social-economic life in Azerbaijan ( XVI-XVIII centuries)
4. The Shah Abbas reforms
5. The last Safavid-Ottoman wars
6. State Administration
7. Economy and culture
Chapter 2: Azerbaijan in the first half of the XVIII century
1. The political situation in the Safavids in the early XVIII
2. Russia prepares attack to Caspian shores
3. Azerbaijani lands invaded by two empires
4. Azerbaijan under the invasion of Russia and Ottoman
5. Nadir Khan Afshar returns Safavids areas
6. Nadir’s empire
7. Rebellions against Afsharids
Safavid army
The Qizilbash soldiers had provided the backbone of the Safavid army from the
very beginning of Safavid rule, and they also occupied the most significant posts
of the government. To counterbalance their power, Abbas turned to another
element in society, the group of Qulams ( a word meaning "slave"). These were
Georgians, Armenians, and Circassians who had converted to Islam and taken up
service in the army or the administration. Abbas promoted such Qulams to the
highest offices of the state. Abbas removed provincial governorships from some
Qizilbash leaders and transferred the Qizilbash tribal unity. Financial problems
were resolved by storing the Shah's control of the provinces formerly governed by
the Qizilbash chiefs.
Abbas needed to reform the army before confronting the Ottoman and Uzbek
invaders. He created a standing army of 40000 Qulams and the Persians to fight
alongside the traditional, feudal force provided by the Qizilbash. The new army
regiments had no loyalty but to the Shah. They consisted of 10.000-15.000 cavalry
(riflemen) armed with muskets and other weapons, a corps of musketeers, and
one of the artillery (also 12.000 strong). Besides, Abbas had a personal bodyguard
of 3.000 Qulams.
Abbas moved the capital from Qazvin to the more central and more Persian city
Isfahan in 1598. Isfahan was a beautiful city with a magnificent series of new
mosques, baths, colleges.
Shah Abbas II restored relations with the Ottomans and Russia. Safavid paid
attention to trade through Volqa-Khazar sea road. Shah Abbas II also prevented
Russians' strengthening in North Caucasus. Safavids exported to Russia mainly
silk, wool and carpets and imported copper, fur leather, paper and crafting
In 1667 Russia and Safavid empires signed a treaty about custom free tariff for
both sides. Shah Suleiman (1667-1694) passed an ordinance on particular
esteem for Russian traders, besides Russia got right to sell Azerbaijan silk
through Volqa-Khazar to Europe.
Azerbaijan also was trading with India, Indians had trade settlements in
Azerbaijan. They were exchanging silk, saffron and black and white oil with
various Indian spices.
State Administration
One of the main directions of Shah Ismail's domestic policy was the idea of a
centralizing state. In the historical sources, this state is known as the Qizilbash
State or Safavid State. The head of the state was the "Shah" with absolute
authority. Shah was at the same time the religious leader of all Shiites. Shiism was
the official religious creed.
To govern the state rightly, Shah summoned a Supreme Assembly consisting of all
state officials and powerful amirs. Shah had a deputy called "Vakil" who was the
second responsible person in the state. The first Vakil in the Safavid state was
Husein-bey Shamli. The commander-in-chief was called "amir-ul-umera". The
small military groups that formed the army were called "charik" and consisted of
all Azeri tribes. Qorchubashi controlled these groups. Besides them, the Shah had
a permanent army.
The Vizier dealt with all the administrative work, and he controlled the financial
system, imports, and exports. All courts were under the control of religious
institutions. The "Qazi" was the judge.
The state territory was divided into administrative units named "beylerbeyliks'.
Beylerbeyliks were divided into "mahals". The governors of beylerbeyliks
collected taxes and kept a permanent army. When the Shah ordered, they would
have to participate in military campaigns. However, in their internal affairs, they
were very independent.
In the XVI century, Azerbaijan was divided into three beylerbeyliks: Shirvan with
the capital of Shamakhi, Karabakh with the capital of Ganja, South Azerbaijan with
the capital of Tabriz.
Naibs controlled mahals. The villagers had rulers named "kendkhuda" and the
cities were administered by "kelenter". "Dargha" was the city police.
Land and tax policies
1. State lands- Divan
2. The lands that belonged to Shah and his family- Khasse
3. Conditional feudal lands- Teeyoul
4. Private lands– Mulk
5. Religious lands- Vakf
These were significant properties that belonged to famous people in the state.
However, the owners had to pay taxes. There were also small properties that
belonged to peasants. Peasants rented those lands. Peasants could also use the
lands named "Jamaat". These were common lands where they could graze
There were 35 different types of taxes and duties. When Tahmasp came to
power, he had to conduct reforms and decrease the burden of people.
Economy and culture
During the early years of Safavid state, a new fertile ground was created for the
development of agriculture, craftsmanship, and trade. The irrigation systems
were recovered. People's main activity was agriculture, cattle-breeding,
gardening. According to Ovliya Chalabi, seven types of cotton were grown in
Nakhchivan. Karabakh, Shaki, Ganja, Qabala, and Arash produced silk, and it was
exported to foreign countries.
The society was consist of the following groups:
1. Shah and dynasty members
2. Semi-nomadic Qizilbash tribes
3. Supreme Shiite Clergy
4. Civil bureaucracy
5. Nobility
The craftsman lived in cities. The Sheikh Safi carpet that was prepared in 1536 in
Tabriz is now being exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Tabriz was considered the biggest city in the country. Its population was about
300.000 according to the travellers of the time. Tabriz was considered the "Gates
of East". Baku was the port city, Arash and Julfa were silk centres, Ardabil was the
spiritual centre of Safavid state.
There was an extensive network of maktab and madrasa in Azerbaijan in the XVI-
XVII centuries. Islamic studies, math, logic, philosophy, and different sciences
were taught at schools.
Shah Ismail I restored the Maragha observatory. Mohammad Fuzuli was not only
a poet but also a philosopher. He lived and worked in Baghdad. "Shikayetname",
"The origins of faith", "Leyli and Mejnun" were his best-known works.
European travellers such as Pietro Della Velle, Adam Olearius, Jean Chardin
mentioned that Azerbaijan language was the official language in Safavid palace.
1. Fill the table with information on Shah Ismail Khatai.
Birth and death Poetry Reign
9. When was the treaty of Amasya signed, and how did it solve the conflict?
10. When did Shah Abbas rule the Safavid empire?
11.Write True/False for all statements
1. Shah Abbas replaced Qizilbash troops with Qulams
2. Shah Abbas reformed only Military system
3. Safavids took back Azerbaijan, Luristan, Kurdistan and other areas
4. Qulams were about 40.000 soldiers
12. Which post was considered the 2nd most important person in the
13. Match beylerbeylik with central cities
1. Shirvan a) Shamakhi
2. Karabakh b) Tabriz
3. South Azerbaijan c) Ganja
14. Match the terms for meaning
1. Teeyol a) Religious lands
2. Vakf b) lands that belong to Shah and his family
3. Khasse c) conditional feudal lands
15. Who was Murshidqulu khan?
16. Who was the most famous public figure in the XVI century?
17. Which city was the biggest at that time?
18. Do little research about Shaikh Safi carpet and write information on your
19. What was the difference in the third Safavid-Ottoman war?
20. Give information about “ scorched land” technique that Safavid used
against Ottomans.
21. How did Shah Abbas I reform the empire?
22. Which European states were significant for Safavids' foreign policy?
23. Fill the diagram with years and peace treaties for each stage of war
between Safavid and Ottoman empires:
24. Which cities had the utmost importance in the society of Azerbaijan in the
XVI century?
The political situation in the Safavids in the early XVIII
The economy of the country was in decline in the late XVII-early XVIII centuries.
There were internal and external reasons for this regression. The inflation rate was
rising gradually; some crafts and traders were leaving cities for villages, so fraud
and bribery increased. One of the apparent reason was the discovery of a new
road to India, the Silk Road passing Azerbaijan lost previous importance.
Shah Sultan Husein (1694-1722) renewed tax policy to compensate for an empty
budget. In 1699 he made a census of people over the age of 15 (not only people
but also their properties, wealth). The economic and political crisis led to several
riots against landowners, government officials.
The 1st riot was in Char- Balakan in 1707, and it began in a small area but spread
quickly neighbouring villages. Governmental forces burnt this place. In 1709
Shirvan people encountered government with a militant uprising. In 1711 Char-
Balakan people began a new attack but failed again to take any control.
Afghan attacks on Azerbaijan began in 1709. These attacks prevented the Safavid
state from suppressing local riots.
Haji Davud, who was a famous religious feudal, led this uprising. Daghestan
feudals supported him during the revolt, but it ended in failure, and Haji Davud
was imprisoned in 1719. This period overlapped with the weakest authority of the
Safavids. The Shah was taken captive by Afghans in 1722. Afghans captured the
capital Isfahan and the control of the Safavids in this area ended.
Haji Davud escaped from prison in 1721 and gathered rebels again under his
leadership. Daghestan supported him. Haji Davud purposed an independent state
in Shirvan. He appealed to Russia for military help but was not successful. Rebels
captured Shamakhi in 1721. However, his next attempts to capture Baku,
Derbend, and Ganja failed. Then Haji Davud addressed to Ottomans for help.
Ottoman empire agreed with him, recognized him as a Shirvan governor.
Haji Davud's contact with the Ottomans much worried Peter the Great. Ottoman
troops in Shirvan were a threat to Russia. Russia sped up its plans because of this
It also offered help to Safavid Shah against rebels and to stabilize peaceful
relations with local feudal. A crucial point of this declaration was made
confidential: to send Armenians from Ottoman-controlled areas to Azerbaijani
Peter the Great organized a new plan for the Azerbaijan invasion after returning to
Russia. He knew that the Afghans were present in the region and they could
invade Gilan and Rasht areas, so he redirected his fleet reached to Rasht in
December 1722.
The Ottomans also were active and noticed the Russian threat for weak Safavids.
European countries, especially England, encouraged the Ottomans to invade the
Southern Caucasus.
The Russian fleet reached Baku in 1723 with the local rulers’ resistance failing.
Russia took complete control of Baku replacing the governors with Russian rulers
and commandants.
Russia offered a treaty to recognize the lands (from Derbend to Gilan) as Russian
territories in exchange to protect the Safavids from other threats. In 1723, the St
Peterburg treaty was signed by local rulers, but the Shah did not recognize it.
Azerbaijan under the invasion of Russia and Ottoman
After the invasion of Baku Russia established the "commandant" regime after the
The Ottomans and Russia signed a treaty over the division of Azerbaijan. The
Ottomans recognized the invaded areas as Russian territories in exchange Russia
had to agree with the invasion of Southern Azerbaijan by Ottomans through the
treaty of Istanbul in 1724. Shirvan was recognized as a semi-independent area
under the Ottomans' control, but the treaty did not permit them to keep their
troops in Shirvan.
After the Istanbul treaty, Ottomans attacked Irevan, Khoy, Marand in 1724 and
occupied them. They reached Tabriz but faced resistance and diverted forces to
Nakhchivan, so Ordubad was captured instead. In 1725 they attacked Tabriz again
with success this time. When the last city Ardabil was occupied, they celebrated
with fireworks.
The particular document about oil wells passed by the Russian army. This
document permitted to transport and all kind of use of oil wells for Russians.
Russia was interested in silk, cotton, wool, natural colours, construction materials
of Azerbaijan, too.
The Russian government paid attention mainly to affluent areas with oil reserves.
They created a unique document to highlight these areas. Azerbaijan was famous
for its industrial plants, silk, and fishing industry. Baku was governed by
commandant Baryatinski, who exploited oil wells for financial gain.
Peter the Great legalized settlement of Armenians in coasts of Khazar,
particularly, Derbend and Baku by passing Ordinance in 1724. In Ordinance:
"Armenians asked protection, and we took responsibility, therefore, wherever
Armenians want to live, help them to settle".
After Peter the Great's death, the situation changed. Russian nobles demanded
the withdrawal of troops from the invaded areas; however, there was concern
that the Ottomans might occupy them instead.
Russia and the Ottoman Empire signed another treaty in Nabur in 1727. According
to the treaty, Niyazabad, Javad, Astara, Salyan, Lankaran, Talish, Quba were
controlled by Russia. The general ruling regime was established in invaded areas
from 1726.
In Ottoman-controlled areas, a new regime was founded. These territories were
divided into villages, sanjaks, mahals. Surkhay Khan began ruling Shirvan from
1728 after Haji Davud’s death.
The Ottomans took a census and did not change the tax policy that left by
Safavids. They created a lending system for collecting taxes. Those who served
the Ottomans could get "beylik" and "aghalig” lands for their military service.
Azerbaijani people resisted the invaders by refusing taxes, leaving homes. In 1724
Salyan and 1727 Karabakh people revolted against the new regimes, but both
In 1734 Shamakhi and Ganja were freed from the Russians. In 1735,
The Ganja peace treaty was signed, and Russians left all Safavid areas.
Nadir won his last battles against the Ottomans in 1735 at Uchkilse; all areas were
freed from foreign control.
Nadir’s empire (1736-1747)
Congress was held in Sugovushan around Mughan in 1736. The participants
declared Nadir as Shah after the destruction of the Safavid Empire. It was the end
of Safavids' reign and the beginning of the Afhsarids empire.
Some tribes did not support Nadir, so they were exiled to Khorasan. Nadir took
back Bochali, Qazakh from Ganja and gave the rule of Kartli to punish the Ganja
governor for not supporting him. Small principalities (melikdoms) were given
under the control of Karabakh.
Nadir abolished some relevant posts (grand Vizier, sedr-ezem, and others). His
empire was a secular, unlike the Safavid empire.
The empire was divided into four parts: Azerbaijan, some parts of Iraq, Khorasan,
and Persia. The centre of Azerbaijan was Tabriz, his brother Ibrahim Khan was
appointed ruler.
Nadir made some reforms: he centralized the empire, reformed tax policy,
formalized a strong army. He planned to formalize a naval fleet to secure safety;
however, the beginning of a new war with the Ottomans prevented this.
Heavy taxes, obligations, a hard military service system, and sending artisans,
traders to Khorasan slowed down the development of the empire. In the 1730s-
40s, the empire witnessed agricultural recession and revolts due to financial
Rebellions against Afsharids
People were dissatisfied with Nadir’s settlement and tax policy. The 1 st rebellion
took place in Astara in 1734 but was put down by the government.
Nadir planned to launch military operations to improve the social-economic
situation. He planned to launch a military invasion and give the wealth seized
from the campaign to the people.
Nadir Shah organized military campaigns into Central Asia and India in 1737.
While he was far away, people of the north-west area rebelled. The most
significant rebellion broke out in Char in 1738, Nadir's brother Ibrahim was sent
to crush it but was wounded.
Nadir decided to lead the Southern Caucasus campaign himself and returned
from Central Asia in 1741.
Local people believed that if the Safavids returned, their situation would be
better. Some leaders posed as Safavid heirs to legitimize their protests. In 1743
the first imposter, Sam Mirza (Shah Tahmasib's son) emerged in Shirvan. He was
able to gather supporters and even received support from the rulers of
Daghestan. They attacked Agsu and captured it, but Nadir was able to defeat
them ultimately.
The rebels lead by the 2nd Sam Mirza, abolished all taxes and immediately gained
people's support. Nadir came to Shirvan, but Sam Mirza defeated him.
The 3rd Sam Mirza appeared in Ardabil and Tabriz in 1747 although he was
1. How was the situation in the Safavids in the early XVII?
2. What did Shah Huseyn do to solve the economic crisis?
3. Which riots did happen against the Safavid administration?
4. Who was Haji Davud?
5. Why did Peter the Great have to wait for the Azerbaijan invasion?
6. Research Peter the Great and his historical importance. Prepare a
presentation about what you learned.
7. Who threatened the existence of the Safavid Empire in the 1 st term?
8. Write about A.Volinski and his purposes.
9. When was the declaration passed by Russia and what was it about?
10. Why were not Russians able to capture Baku in their first attempt?
11. How did the Ottoman empire decide to attack Azerbaijan?
12. Fill the table with invaded areas of Azerbaijan by Russia and the Ottoman
empire in the 1st term of the XVIII century.
Russia Ottoman
Rasht Baghdad
19. How did Nadir end Safavid’s reign and become a founder of a new empire?
20. Talk about Nadir's changes in his administration.
21. Why were people dissatisfied with his reign?
22. Which rebellions did happen against him? How were their results?
The first independent khanate
One of the rebellions against Nadir took place in Shaki in 1741. Local people were
dissatisfied with Malik Najaf's tax policy and cruelty. People replaced him with
Haji Chalabi, who was a respected feudal.
Haji Chalabi declared himself an independent governor in 1743. He knew that
Nadir would attack in revenge. The shah attacked Shaki in 1744 but failed. Haji
Chalabi had moved people to the castle named "Galarsan-Gorersan" there he had
gathered weapons and food supply. Nadir attacked for the 2nd time in 1745 but
failed again. With few options left, Nadir torched Shaki. Haji Chalabi had to make
a deal with Nadir due to a shortage of food in 1746. In return for his surrender,
Nadir recognized him as Shaki governor.
Haji Chalabi applied policy to centralize Azerbaijan lands. Neighbouring Qabala,
Arash and Qutqashin areas were his first target.
Haji Chalabi Khan made initial efforts to unite Azerbaijan around Shaki. He
attacked Tabriz, but this was unsuccessful. The united forces of Shamakhi and
Shaki attacked Karabakh in 1748 – at the Battle of Bayat, however, the allies were
Georgian Irakli II invaded the western territories. Irakli used a deceived his
enemies to take Shaki in an event known as the “Qizilqaya betrayal”. He created
an alliance against Shaki, which Karabakh, Ganja, Karadagh, Irevan, and
Nakhchivan joined. In 1752 all allies were invited to a meeting around Qizilqaya,
Irakli took those present as captives. Haji Khan arrived to free the captive Khans.
He was able to regain control of the Qazakh and Borchali areas.
Haji Chalabi attacked Shirvan in 1755 but failed. He established a tax system and
built religious schools.
During Haji Chalabikhanaten Shaki was the strongest khanate. He prevented
Georgian threat to invade north-west part of Azerbaijan. He also was one of the
first political figures had diplomatic relations with the Ottomans.
After Haji Chalabi, his son Aghakishi bey succeeded him but was killed soon after.
Husein Khan became khan and signed an alliance with Fatali Khan. These allies
divided Shamakhi between them in 1767. Muhammedhesen khan’s and Selim
Khan’s reigns were a weak time for the Shaki Khanate.
After the demolition of the Afsharid reign in Azerbaijan, a new period began for
Azerbaijan. Weak economic relations and a dispute over the throne led to the
division of Azerbaijan.
Fatali Khan Afshar established Urmia Khanate. He captured Tabriz, Khoy,
Karadagh, Maragha. In 1759 he attacked Karabakh, eventually taking control after
stiff resistance. Later Irevan and Shaki came under the control of Urmia.
Fatali Khan's next target was Iran and his chief rival Karim Khan Zand. Karim Khan
Zand benefited greatly from confrontation among the khanates. Karim Khan Zand
created an alliance with Karabakh and Khoy. These allies captured Urmia in 1763
after nine months of siege. İt is known as the “Shiraz qonaglighi” in Azerbaijan
history. All areas controlled by Urmia were liberated
The founder of the Tabriz Khanate was Amiraslan Khan. Urmia briefly took control
of Tabriz; however, it was liberated 1763.
Shahbaz Khan founded Khoy; however, weak rule led to the invasion by Qajars.
Badir Khan founded the Ardabil Khanate. This area was invaded in 1784 by Quba.
In the late XVIII century, Ardabil lost its independence and became part of Qajars’
Karadakh was founded by Kazim Khan, with the capital at Eher. In 1782 it was
divided between Karabakh and Koy. Maku, Serab, Maragha also were other
southern khanates. All these khanates were attacked and conquered by the
Panahali Khan controlled the Christian Alban melikdoms, too. There were five
principalities: Dizak, Chilebord, Gulustan (Talish), Khachen, Varanda.
After Panahali khan, his son Ibrahimkhalil (1763-1806) succeeded him. In 1780-
1781, Fatali khan (Quba) attempted an unsuccessful attack on Karabakh.
Irevan Khanate occurred in the middle of the XVIII century. Its founder was Mir
Mehdi Khan Afshar.
All written sources prove that local people were Azerbaijani Turks. The minority of
the population was Christian.
Georgian Tsar Irakli II attacked Irevakhanate79, and some parts of the Khanate
were invaded. Georgia accepted the Russian Tsar's protection in 1783. Irevan had
close ties to the Ottoman Empire against Russia. Aga Muhammed Khan Qajar
invaded Irevan in 1795.
A minority of the population was Christians, and their first arrival was in 1441 by
moving Armenian Catholicism from Kilikiya to Irevan. After settlement Armenians
confiscated some more areas of Azerbaijan and enhanced their territory.
Fatali Khan's ultimate goal was to make Shaki.... as the centre of his khanate
suggested dividing this khanate with Shaki. Their united forces captured it in
1767, but a year after Quba took control completely. The next target, Javad, was
added in 1768.
Quba united almost all of the northern-east regions under its control. It was the
most successful attempt at union policy. However, these achievements were not
welcomed by other khanates and foreign countries.
Karabakh, Shaki, Shamakhi, and Dagestan allied against Quba. These allies
defeated Quba at the Battle of Gavdushan in 1774. The allies besieged Derbend
for nine months. Fatali Khan asked for help from Russia. Russia obliged and sent
military aid forcing the allies to surrender.
Fatali Khan sought to unite Karabakh with diplomacy. He attacked several times
between 1780-1781 but failed to take control. His next plan was to restore
Safavids' territorial borders under his leadership; therefore, he began an attack on
the southern khanates.
Ardabil and Meshkin were taken in 1784, but after the objection of Russia, he had
to leave southern areas. After Fatali's death, Quba lost strength, and all
dependent areas were gradually liberated.
Shamakhi khanate
Shamakhi khanate was located in Shirvan. It was one of the biggest khanates, but
internal conflicts and fight against other khanates weakened it. In the middle of
the XVIII century, independent khanates formalized in old and new Shamakhi.
Muhammad said khan and Agahasi khan founded their rule in Old Shamakhi, Haji
Mahammadali khan declared his reign in new Shamakhi. Muhammad said khan
united Shamakhi defeating Haji Mahammadali khan in 1763, so diarchy ended in
The mighty Fatali khan (Quba khan) captured Shamakhi and made it dependent on
Quba khanate till Fatali khan’s death. After independence fight over throne began since
1789 and ended by Mustafa khan's victory in 1792. Shamakhi khanate became much
more potent since that time.
Ganja khanate
Ganja khanate was founded by a glorious member of Ziyadoghlu dynasty- Shahverdi
khan. This khanate was one of the international trade centres besides locating in a
strategically important area. In the 50s of XVIII century Ganja became dependent on
Karabakh khanate.
Ganja was divided between Karabakh and Georgian kingdom in 1780. Their
representatives had to rule Ganja at the same time anymore. Diarchy emerged in Ganja,
and this situation lasted till 1783. Local people resisted this ruling system and ended
diarchy with a riot. One of the national heroes Javad khan Ziyadoghlu came to power
and ruled between 1786-1804. During his reign, Ganja strengthened its power.
Baku khanate was founded by one of the local feudals Mirza Mohammad khan. The
territory of the khanate covered Absheron peninsular and Baku city. Mirza Mohammad
khan made some efforts to improve agriculture, strengthen Baku castle. Baku was
known as port city and centre of crafting and trade. Oil, salt, saffron were a primary
source of income.
In 1767 Baku became dependent on Quba khanate. After Fatali khan's death, it restored
its independence and fight over the throne began. Huseinqulu khan accepted protection
from Russia, but a change in the Russian throne ended this situation. Russian troops had
to leave Azerbaijan.
Lankaran khanate existed since Nadir shah's period. Qara khan (Jamaluddin Mirza bey)
was a founder. He attempted to improve khanate economically and politically.
In 1785 Qara khan accepted dependence on Quba to prevent foreign invasion. Mir
Mustafa khan succeeded Qara khan in 1786.
Karabakh, Lankaran allied against Qajar and Kartli- Kakheti with Irevan joining,
too. Ganja and Shaki sent representatives to declare their loyalty. It was then that
Qajar decided to begin his attack. Some khanates asked for help from Russia.
Qajar began the attack from 3 directions. In 1795 he attacked from Dagestan
(through Mugan), Karabakh, and Irevan. Aliqulu Khan led the Irevan attack, and
Irevan was captured. The main target was Karabakh, and the shah led this assault.
Shusha was besieged for 33 days however Qajar was unable to capture it. Qajar
then changed his objective and left for Tbilisi, where he successfully captured the
While Aga Mohammad Qajar’s army was in Ganja, he suggested another alliance
again by sending a representative to Shusha; however, it was rejected. Qajar
invaded Shamakhi, benefiting from disputes among the khanates.
In November 1795, news of the Russian arrival to the South Caucasus spread.
Agha Mohammad Qajar was forced to leave Azerbaijan.
The Russian army came to Azerbaijan under Zubov's leadership in 1796. Russia
quickly captured the Southern Caucasus. Catherine the Great died in 1796, and
Russian troops were called back.
Agha Mohammad Shah Qajar tried to capture Azerbaijan again. He sent troops to
Tabriz, and he left for Ardabil. Nakhchivan, Lankaran became dependent on him.
His main target was Karabakh, so he went to Shusha.
Ibrahim Khalil Khan destroyed the Khudaferin bridge to prevent Qajar’s army
crossing the Aras river in 1795 (Qajar’s first attack). This time Qajar could not
cross the Aras and stopped here. Qajar lost food supplies and weapons because
of the resistance in Karabakh.
Qajar approached Shusha after gathering forces. In 1797, the first attack was not
successful; Shusha was well defended. Shah Qajar used artillery forcing the khan
to flee with his family. The elders of Shusha sent a representative to the Shah.
They expressed fear of letting Qajar enter the city. According to the written
sources, Qajar swore on the Koran to not touch the people, but in exchange,
money demanded. Eventually, Qajar was permitted to enter the city.
Agha Mohammad Qajar was assassinated in Shusha in July 1797. After his death,
all troops left.
1. Which reasons led to the emergence of khanates in Azerbaijan?
2. Write the names of the most powerful khanates.
The Russians marched towards Irevan. They attacked Serderabad Castle, but it
was vigorously defended. The attack on Irevan completed with invasion in
October 1827. I. Paskevich was awarded the title “Erivanski” for the invasion of
After these areas, Russia shifted its forces to southern Azerbaijan. Tabriz was
invaded in 1827.
1. Why was the war between Iran and Russia inevitable?
2. How did the war begin?
3. Which areas were invaded by Russia firstly?
4. Who was Javad khan, and what did he do?
5. What was about “treaty of Kurakchay”?
6. How did Sisianov die?
7. When was the battle of Aslanduz?
8. Which area was the last invaded area by Russia during the war?
9. How and when was the treaty of Gulustan signed?
10. Describe the main points of the treaty of Gulustan
11. Write areas for invasion years by Russia during the first war:
1801 1803
1804 1805
1806 1812
12. How was the situation in invaded areas after the first war?
13. What did Russia do to avoid the next war with Iran?
14. Why was Iran so willing to begin a new war?
15. How and when did the 2nd war begin?
16. Except which cities did Qajars free from Russian invasion?
17. What was the Qajars’ mistake during the 2nd war?
18. When did the battle of Javanbulaq take place?
19. Which areas were invaded by Russia in 1827?
20. Which areas were invaded in 1828?
21. How and when was the treaty of Turkmanchay signed?
22. Which point was about the settlement of Armenians?
23. What was the most crucial difference in the Turkmanchay treaty?
24. Write the years for each war between Russia and Iran:
The 1st revolt took place in Char –Balakan in 1830 under Hamzat Bey's and Sheikh
Shaban's leadership. This area had home rule since 1803, and local rulers were
paying the Russian government a certain amount of money. Russia demanded
payment, but local rulers refused to pay. Therefore, the Russian government sent
troops to Char-Balakan, making the area controlled by Russia completely. Rebels
groups organized and established the "Temporary Council" to control the revolt.
However, the fighting forces were not equal, so rebels were forced to surrender,
and the majority of them were exiled.
The Lankaran Khanate was replaced with the Russian Tsarist regime in 1826. The
previous Khan, Mirhasan, fled to Iran. Local people were burdened with a
threefold rise in taxes. People invited the previous Khan to come back and fight
against Russia. He returned to his motherland in 1831 and became the leader of
the movement although this uprising failed.
The most potent rebellion took place in Quba in 1837 for almost the same
reasons. Russian rulers placed taxes on mosques and other religious institutions,
much angering the local population. The excuse for the rebellion was a meeting of
militants in Quba. Under Haji Muhammed's leadership, the Military Council was
founded to control the uprising. They had the more significant military force with
12 000 soldiers. However, after several battles they were forced to surrender, the
leaders were exiled to Siberia, and the majority of participants were punished.
Mashadi Muhammed led another rebellion in 1838 in Shaki with the support of
Daghestan rebels. It also ended with failure.
Russian colonization policy
After the uprisings, the Russian government decided to change the unsuccessful
ruling system. Tsar Nicolai signed the "Administrative- trial reform in the Caucasus.
Act" on the 10 of April 1840. The commandant regime was replaced with a new
regime. According to this regime gubernia (governorate), qeza (district) and sahe
(field) were new structural divisions. The South Caucasus was split into two parts:
Khazar province and Georgian- Imereti gubernia.
The trial system was renewed: all local officers were fired and replaced with
Russians. Furthermore, the trial system was wholly controlled by the Russian
court. These courts controlled all aspects of life and were conducted in the
Russian language. Only wedding and heritage issues were left to a sharia court.
This new regime also failed. Therefore, Russia established yet another new
governing regime. The administrative power was given to janishins, who also had
military and executive power. During this time, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Shamakhi, and
Derbent gubernias were founded. On the 6th of December 1846, the Russian
government gave back local owners' rights over their heritable lands which were
taken away before. The Russian government intended to gain local landowners'
support with this law.
The next step was to pass a law that regulated relations between peasants and
landowners. "Villagers' rights regulations "(kendli esasnameleri) was passed in
1847. Every man above 15 was provided with a small land, in exchange, a
peasant had to pay 1/10 of the product to the state.
Bourgeoisie reforms
The reforms of 40s in XIX century failed to make significant changes. Since
capitalist relations already began to influence society.
In 1861 peasant reform was passed in Russia that legalized reinforcement. Though
the Russian government was delaying this process in Azerbaijan excusing
dependency on feudal being not that radical and not having favourable conditions
for reform.
Eventually, the Russian government confirmed regulation about feudal peasants on
the 14th of May 1870 in Azerbaijan. Three main points had been highlighted on
this: freeing peasants from feudal dependency, land share, tax policy.
This regulation did not make feudal peasant completely free, and it became
"temporarily dependent" for a long time. Peasant had to pay "maljahat"(1/10% of
product) for using lands of feudals. Compulsory work abolished, for each land
share, the peasant would get money.
Trial reform was implemented later in Azerbaijan than central Russia. It passed in
1866 in Azerbaijan. According to reform, classed court system replaced with a
standard court system for all people. The trial process should be open to everyone
in the Russian language. Judicial body members could only be from Russian or
City reform was in Russia in 1870, in Baku 1878, in Ganja in 1892.
1. 2. 3. 4.
11.Which uprising was the most organized?
12.When was the first oil well released with the drilling method in Baku?
13.Who was a pioneer in the national oil industry?
The movement spread so much that the Russian government set up a new
military post to control the order in 1905. The General governor had increased
authority. In 1905, in Baku, martial law was declared.
Russia and England colonized almost all of Iran. The Shah was weak, and in order
not to lose his power, accepted demands to pass a new constitution in 1906.
Elective bodies were founded in all Persian villages.
One elective body had been founded in Tabriz, but the new Shah refused it. It led
to an uprising in Tabriz in 1907.
The Shah had to sign another new constitution. Russian troops supported the
Shah’s regime and destroyed demonstrations. Tabriz was under the control of
Sattar Khan and was defended by rebels. The rebel force numbered about 20.000.
They founded the military council and defeated the government forces several
times. Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev and other nationalists supported them financially.
England and Russia joined this struggle against them in 1909. Sattar Khan
understood the situation was turning against him and was ready for compromise
in 1910. In 1910 Sattar Khan died, and by 1911 the rebellion was ended
The main demands of this movement were for an authoritative republic structure.
A. Topchubashov, J. Mammadquluzade, M.A.Sabir, A. Aghayev, U. Hajibeyli played
a vital role in the struggle for an independent Azerbaijan. They wanted self-
government in a constitutional monarchy.
The initial demand was the foundation of unique Muslim self-government as part
of the Russian constitutional empire. In August 1906, the 3rd meeting was held.
The Central Committee had been decided to open in Baku as a headquarter of
The February revolution ended the empire regime in Russia and affected
Azerbaijan too. The Caucasus government that ruled Azerbaijan was replaced
with The Special Transcaucasian Committee. The Social Democrats formed a party
and established the Baku Workers Deputies Soviet in March 1917.
The Azerbaijan National Independence movement took action, and the 1 st
meeting of Musavat party was held in October 1917.
In October 1917 Bolshevik revolution broke out and after this change, the new
socialist rule was founded in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Armenians were
represented in this government.
This government ended the war with Ottomans with the Erzinjan treaty on the
5th of December 1917. Russian troops left the area but surrendered all military
supplies to Georgians and Armenians. During their retreat, they attacked nearly
200 Azerbaijani villages. Azerbaijani representatives demanded the disarmament
of remaining troops and the surrender of all arms. The Russians disarmed after
clashes in Shamkir.
Small conflicts led to the foundation of the Transcaucasian Council ("Sejm") in
February 1918 in which Azerbaijan had 44 representatives. This Sejm failed in
solving problems with the Ottomans after WWI. After the solution of the
territorial problems, the Sejm declared the foundation of the Transcaucasian
Democratic Republic in April 1922.
The 1st girls' school was opened in 1901 with H.Z Taghiyev’s investment. Jalil
Memmedguluzadeh published the "Molla Nasreddin” journal in 1906. The 1 st
national film was produced in 1916, and the 1st national opera was played in 1908.
Transcaucasian Council--
Transcaucasian Democratic
Foreign Policy
Soviet invasion
The socialist regime in Russia was planning a military invasion from the beginning
of 1920. This regime founded the Azerbaijan Communist Party, which played a
vital role in the Soviet invasion.
In April 1920 nearly 130.000 soldiers gathered in the northern regions of
Azerbaijan. The majority of national troops were in Karabakh to prevent an
Armenian uprising. Russia took advantage of this situation and sent an ultimatum
to the national government. They demanded the hand over of the rule of
Azerbaijan on the 26th of April 1920. Russia promised to keep the independence
of Azerbaijan and not to send Soviet troops to Azerbaijan.
On the 27th of April 1920, the Red Army entered Azerbaijan, and the next day the
foundation of Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed. The head of
the new communist government was Nariman Narimanov.
The new regime did some socialist changes. All lands were confiscated to share
with local peasants. The government nationalized the Khazar trade fleet, banks,
factories. All titles and national ranks were cancelled. Azerbaijani oil wells were
nationalized, and the Azerbaijan Oil Committee (Azneft) was founded. The first
constitution was passed in 1921.
1. When was the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic established?
2. Talk about the national governments struggle to survive and fight
against Bolsheviks.
3. Write the public figures for each post:
1. Head of parliament:
2. Head of the first three government:
3. Head of state:
4. Write extra information researching Nuru Pasha and his role for ADR.
5. Why did the government change its flag after several months?
6. How much was territory and population of ADR?
7. When was the act of Language passed?
8. When was held the first assembly of the National parliament?
9. Who was the Military minister?
10.What was done to manage the economic situation well?
11. Do exciting research about Mammad Amin Rasulzadeh's and other
founding fathers' personal lives.
12.Which actions were taken to improve education in ADR?
13.How was the tale of Irevan city?
14.Where was founded general gubernatorial regime?
15.Which areas were Armenians’ target at that time?
16.How were relations of ADR with neighbouring countries?
17. Where was the Aras-Turk republic established?
18. Talk about what was done to be recognized around the globe.
19. Write down about foreign policy and disputable areas in ADR to your
20. How did the Red Army invade Azerbaijan?
21. What changed after being part of a socialist regime?
22. Who was appointed as head of the communist government in
23. Who was Khiyabani?
24. What led to the national movement in South Azerbaijan?
25. When was the Tabriz uprising?
26. Who suggested help for the National Independence movement in the
27. What did the Khiyabani’s National government reform in South
28. How was this government collapse?
Partition of Azerbaijan
After the invasion of Azerbaijan, the Soviet regime signed an agreement to give
Sherur- Derelyez area to Armenia in August 1920. Additionally, Zangazur,
Nakhchivan & Karabakh were declared “ disputable areas”.
Russia passed an act in Soviet Armenia in December 1920. This act declared
“there is no border between Soviet Azerbaijan and Soviet Armenia. Zangazur and
Nakhchivan are part of Armenia. Nagorno Karabakh can decide its destiny “. The
people of Nakhchivan were dissatisfied with it.
Borchali was given to Georgia by order of Russia in 1921. Qarayazi was divided
into two parts and shared between Georgia and Armenia. Georgia took the upper
Armenia had claims on Karabakh and did everything to take it. In June 1921 the
Russian Communist Party passed an act on giving Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia:
Nagorno Karabakh would remain under Azerbaijan authority, but with regional
Azerbaijan resisted this proposal for two years. Eventually, on 7th July 1923, the
Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous province was formalized. The centre of the
province was Khankendi which had its name changed to Stepanakert.
Turkey and Russia signed a treaty in Moscow over Nakhchivan. On 16 th March
1921 Nakhchivan remained under the control of Azerbaijan, but as an
autonomous territory.
On 9th February 1924 Azerbaijan SSR passed an act on the foundation of the
Nakhchivan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic under Russian pressure. In
1929-1930 years Mehri province was created on account of some villages of
Ordubad and Zangilan territories. Mehri was given to Armenia.
The Russian government began a new economic policy in 1921, and it was
implemented in Azerbaijan, too. The new food tax was accepted in 1922. This tax-
improved people's living conditions. Peasants could take the rest of their products
Moscow let the Azerbaijan Oil Committee make relations with foreign countries.
Thereby, the socialist government could buy new pieces of equipment.
This new economic policy revived welfare, and peasants became richer.
Therefore, the Soviet government rejected this policy during the 2 nd term of the
The USSR accepted the "industrialization" policy in 1925. The main goal was to
increase the oil production of Baku. As a result, oil production rose eightfold in
the 1920-1930s. Ganja became the 2nd industrial city of Azerbaijan.
The Baku- Sabunchu electric railway began to work. Regular air flights began
between Baku & Moscow from 1937.
The USSR declared a "collectivization "policy in the late 1920s. The government
took all private lands. The government wanted to destroy the more luxurious
peasant class (qolchamaq), which was dangerous for a socialist regime. More than
200.000 qolchomaqs' properties were confiscated.
Between the 1920-1930s many theatres began to work. Azerbaijan radio and
film studio were ready in 1926.
The communist regime was propagating atheism and banned Islamic traditions
such as Novruz.
1. Which public figures were killed right after the Soviet invasion?
2. Where was the first uprising against the Soviet regime?
3. Who was declared a new governor during the Karabakh uprising?
4. What was the significance of the Moscow treaty which was signed on 30th
September 1920?
5. When was Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Republic established?
6. Which countries were parts of the USSR when it was founded?
7. Which areas were declared “disputable areas”?
8. How was decided the tales of these areas?
military communism
new economic policy
14. Where did the uprisings against collective industrialization take place?
15. Do extra research about Mirjafar Baghirov and his role in Azerbaijan history
16. When was M.J.Baghirov appointed secretary of ACP?
17. What is repression?
18. How many intellectuals died as a result of Massive repressions?
19. Cite the victims of repression
20. Which changes did happen as a result of “fighting against ignorance” policy?
21. What was the difference between the Constitution of 1937?
22. Which alphabets were used in Azerbaijan?
Azerbaijan in WWII
Germany had a particular plan codenamed: "Barbarossa" for the attack on the
Soviet Union. Germany attacked Russia on 22nd June 1941. Hitler intended to
seize the oil-rich country of Azerbaijan. Rosenberg made a plan of management
for the Caucasus, and this plan presupposed the creation of the Caucasus
commissariat with its in central Tbilisi. All captured Turkish nations had to be
united in the "Great Turkustan" state.
Germany created a plan codenamed: "Edelweiss" for the Caucasus. According to
this plan, Baku was to be captured in 1942. The USA and Great Britain passed the
plan codenamed: “Velvet" for the Caucasus. According to this plan, after the
withdrawal of German troops, Allied military forces would be sent to defend the
region from the Soviet Union. USA and British military forces would stay to defend
the Caucasus. Stalin rejected this plan and proposed sending Azerbaijani and
other Turkish Muslims to Central Asia; however, Mir Jafar Bagirov prevented it.
Azerbaijani people participated actively in WWII. 700.000 men joined the military
service. Special divisions "402", "416", "223", "271" were created. Israfil
Mammadov was the first Azerbaijani who was awarded the title "Hero of Soviet
Union". Hazi Aslanov was awarded this title twice. Pilot Huseynbala Aliyev was
also awarded for the defence of Leningrad. Mehdi Huseynzade, who killed more
than a thousand fascists, died in 1944. In total, 121 men from Azerbaijan were
awarded the title "Hero of Soviet Union" during WWII.
Azerbaijan produced 75million tons of oil and 22 million tons of petrol for the
Soviet Union. It represented was 75% of oil, 90 % of the petrol supply of the
Soviet Union during the war. Working hours increased to 11 hours a day, and new
railways began to function.
1. Give extra information about WWII
2. What was the plan of Barbarossa?
3. What was the plan of Edelweiss?
4. What was the plan of Velvet?
5. Write the states according to each plan:
stage Years: stage Years:
Activity: Activity:
Gorbachev's policies failed. Heydar Aliyev was forced to resign in 1987. One
month later, the Armenians demanded Nagorno Karabakh. Armenian leaders
demanded the control of Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous province to Armenia in
February 1988. They desired to separate this region from Azerbaijan SSR and to
make it an authoritative part of Armenia SSR. Some Azerbaijanis marched to
Khankendi to protest it, and two were killed. However, the Azerbaijan
government did not take serious action.
1. What was Heydar Aliyev’s immediate work after the appointment of the
secretary post?
2. What was the difference in the third Constitution passed in 1978?
3. How was the developed national transport system?
4. Describe Heydar Aliyev’s period and his role in developments
5. Do extra research about M.Gorbachev and write down to your copybook all
6. How was M.Gorbachev’s economic policy called?
7. How was the political situation in Azerbaijan in the late 1980s?
8. What were the Sumgayit events?
9. How did the last deportation wave begin?
10. When was the “Meydan movement”?
11. How did Soviet Russia react to this movement?
12. Which day is the National Solidarity day of Azerbaijanis?
13. How did Nakhchivan exclude itself from USSR?
14. What was the excuse for sending Soviet troops to Baku?
15. Write an essay about "Bloody January."
16. Who was the first president of AZSSR?
17. How did Armenia intensify its claims over Nagorno Karabakh?
18. When was the Khojaly genocide?
19. Talk about the consequences of this massacre
20. Write the dates of each invaded region and learn them by heart
21. When did Azerbaijan pass the "Independence of Azerbaijan Republic" Act?
22. How did Azerbaijan famous Party take over control of the state?
23. When did the government call Heydar Aliyev?
24. When was signed ceasefire protocol in Bishkek?