Comparative Table Between BNA and Evidence Act
Comparative Table Between BNA and Evidence Act
Comparative Table Between BNA and Evidence Act
2 Repeal of enactments — —
Relevancy of certain
Relevancy of certain judgments
41 judgments in probate, etc., 35
in probate, etc., jurisdiction
Opinion of Examiner of
45A — —
Electronic Evidence
Opinion as to electronic
47A — —
signature when relevant
Opinion as to existence of
Opinion as to existence of right
48 42 general custom or right, when
or custom, when relevant
Facts of which Court must take Facts of which Court shall take
57 52
judicial notice judicial notice
Admissibility of electronic or
digital record
Admissibility of electronic
65B 61, 63
Admissibility of electronic
Proof of execution of
Proof of execution of document
68 document required by law to 67
required by law to be attested
be attested
Presumption as to documents
Presumption as to documents
80 79 produced as record of
produced as record of evidence
evidence, etc.
Presumption as to Gazettes,
Presumption as to Gazettes,
newspapers, private Acts of
81 80 newspapers, and other
Parliament and other
Presumption as to document
82 admissible in England without — —
proof of seal or signature
Presumption as to collections
Presumption as to collections
84 of laws and reports of 83
of laws and reports of decisions
Presumption as to telegraphic
88 — —
102 On whom burden of proof lies 105 On whom burden of proof lies