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Ga Apt Cap - Fns Approved March 2024

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Corrective Action Plan Type: Intitial CAP
In identifying the root cause of each deficiency, please address the following per 7 CFR 275.16(c):
(1) Magnitude of the deficiency [(defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3)]: Based on the latest FNS Quality Control (QC) data covering January 2023 – June 2023, QC Timeliness is under 95%. Georgia
Application Processing Timeliness (APT) rate is under 95 percent. The Expedited rate is 64.41% and the Un-expedited rate is 74.94% for a total of 69.75% as of 12/31/23. Georgia is currently out
of compliance with Federal requirements related to Timeliness. Georgia is currently experiencing a staffing issue. Georgia currently has 892 Case Managers as of 1/9/24 completing case
processing functions which are divided between Applications and Renewals. Georgia is experiencing a Renewal Backlog issue and chose to move 196 case managers, who were only completing
applications, to assist in completing 26,000 SNAP Renewals. There are 255 Case Managers currently completing SNAP training. Once they have completed training, they will assist in completing
Renewals so that the 196 Applications case managers can be moved from Renewals back to Applications. Georgia also currently has a backlog of 43,555 SNAP Applications as of 1/9/24. When
the Renewal backlog is decreased by 5,000 cases, each district will move 5 case managers back to Applications. Additional staff will be released to complete Applications as the backlog
decreases and staff successfully complete training.

(2) Geographic extent of the deficiency (e.g., Statewide/project area or management unit): The deficiency is occurring statewide. No District currently has a 95% Application Processing Timeliness

(3) Anticipated results of corrective action(s): Georgia improving its’ 69.75% APT rate by 5% every 6 months from the CAP approval date. 75% in 6 months, 80% in 12 months, 85% in 18 months,
90% in 24 months and 95% in 30 months.

(4) High probability of errors occurring as identified through all management evaluation sources: The State Agency use all Applications submitted by customers in a months’ timeframe to calculate
the APT rate. Quality Control and Quality Assurance uses a sample of Applications to determine their Application Processing Timeliness Rate. The Standard of Promptness rate calculated by the
Quality Assurance Unit was 96% for FFY ‘23.

Deficiency / Completion
Identified Root Cause Corrective Action Strategies Metric(s)/Evaluation Measure(s) STATUS Date
Deficiency #1: Application Timeliness Rate – Expedited and Un-expedited Applications
Root Cause #1: Renewals vs. Applications. Case Strategy #1: Staff Movement. Short term Strategy - The OFI Field Leadership will monitor the Renewal Ongoing beginning 3/1/24 December
processing functions are divided between Applications SA will methodically move veteran staff who are backlog to determine when to move 5 staff per or when CAP is approved 2026
and Renewals. For the past months, the State Agency currently processing Renewals back to processing district from processing Renewals to
has been focused on completing a backlog of Renewals. Applications when the states’ Renewal backlog processing Applications
The SA has moved approximately 200 veteran staff from decreases by 5,000 cases. Long term strategy – All
completing Applications to completing Renewals. staff will eventually be moved back to their appropriate
Because of that move, Applications Processing roles when there is no Renewal backlog.
Timeliness has gone below 95%. Strategy #2: Approved Overtime. Short term strategy – District Leadership monitors the completion Ongoing Began 11/1/23 When overtime
Voluntary overtime has been approved for Case of overtime cases through reports received funds are
Managers to assist in reducing the backlog of Renewals from the case managers’ Supervisors. exhausted or
and Applications at a maximum of 12 hours per week. Supervisors use Dashboards and daily Data 6/30/24
Cases that have been progressed are submitted to reports to monitor completed cases.
District Leadership for review to determine if case
managers can continue to participate in Voluntary
overtime. The case managers are required to progress 2
cases per hour. Long term strategy – There is no long
term strategy as overtime is only offered when funds
are available.
Strategy #3: Stipend work. Short term strategy - Exempt Unit Management monitors completion of Ongoing Began 11/1/23 When stipend
FLSA employees have the opportunity to complete stipend cases by receiving reports from direct funds are
Renewals after regular business hours to receive Supervisors of employees completing Stipend exhausted or
additional compensation. These employees are cases. Unit Management then verifies the 6/30/24
required to complete 25 cases during the current pay completion of cases by reviewing a sample of
period. The SA has averaged 6,000 completed cases cases.
per month. This assists with reducing the Renewal
Backlog which would provide the opportunity to move
veteran case managers temporarily assigned to
Renewals to complete Applications which in turn will
increase the APT rate. Long term strategy - There is no
long term strategy as the stipend is only offered when
funds are available.
Root Cause #2: Training of new staff. The SA has hired Strategy #1: Training of new staff. Short term and long The Training and Professional Development Ongoing Beginning 3/1/24 December
1182 new staff since January 1, 2023. With the Public term strategy - Beginning 3/24, any new staff hired will unit will monitor the number of newly hired or after CAP is approved 2026
Health Emergency (PHE) unwinding, the SA focused on complete SNAP training first and be ready to process staff who successfully completed SNAP
completing Medicaid Re-determinations. Most of the Renewal cases immediately so that the veteran training. When these case managers are
new staff hired, completed Medicaid training first in application case managers can return to completing released to the Districts, they will complete
order to assist with completing those Medicaid re- applications, which will assist with raising the APT rate. SNAP renewals so that Applications case
determinations and were waiting to complete SNAP managers can return to complete Applications.
training. The SA agency will monitor the Renewal
backlog to determine when to move 5 staff per
district from processing Renewals to
processing Applications
Strategy #2: Select Status. Enter

Strategy #3: Enter the 3rd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that will Select Status. Enter
be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion
In identifying the root cause of each deficiency, address the following per 7 CFR 275.16(c):
(1) Magnitude of the deficiency [(defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3)]: Enter the magnitude of the deficiency, as defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3).

(2) Geographic extent of the deficiency (e.g., Statewide/project area or management unit): Enter the geographic extent of the deficiency.

(3) Anticipated results of corrective action(s): Enter the anticipated results of corrective action(s).

(4) High probability of errors occurring as identified through all management evaluation sources: Enter the high probability of errors occurring as identified through all ME sources.

Deficiency / Completion
Identified Root Cause Corrective Action Strategies Metric(s)/Evaluation Measure(s) STATUS Date
Deficiency #1: Application Timeliness Rate – Expedited and Un-expedited Applications
Root Cause #3: Inaccurate Data reports. The SA is Strategy #1: Short term and long term strategy – Since The PPR unit along with OFI Field Leadership Ongoing Began 2/1/17 Until the
receiving reports from its’ data source that are not the inception of Georgia’s IES System (GATEWAY),the and District Leadership will continue to when IES system was defects are
accurate. The Pending Application Progress report is Performance, Planning and Reporting (PPR) Unit works monitor these reports for their validity, provide implemented resolved –
published daily. The report is reviewed by State and in conjunction with our Data source to ensure that feedback and file defects until there are no targeted date
District Leadership to determine which Applications to progress is made to receive more accurate Data reports discrepancies. The PPR Director keeps a list of December
process as the Standard of Promptness approaches. The 5 Supervisors working with PPR. the current defects and removes them from the 2024
data is inconsistent as cases disappear and re-appear on list when they have been resolved.
the reports and these cases must be researched to Strategy #2: Enter the 2nd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
determine their validity. will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion

Strategy #3: Enter the 3rd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion
Root Cause #4: Interviews are not being scheduled Strategy #1: Staff Movement. Short term strategy - The OFI Field Leadership will monitor the Renewal Ongoing Beginning 3/1/24 December
timely in order for the customer to participate in program SA will methodically move veteran staff who are backlog to determine when to move 5 staff per or after CAP is approved 2026
by the 7th (Expedited) or 30th (Un-expedited) day. currently processing Renewals back to processing district from processing Renewals to
Because of there not being enough staff to complete Applications when the states’ Renewal backlog processing Applications which will create
Applications, Expedited Applications take precedence. decreases by 5,000 cases. Long term strategy - The SA additional Interviewing slots.
There are not enough interview slots in the day to will then be able to increase the number of Interviewing
schedule all of the Expedited applications, a small slots so that Interviews are scheduled timely and be
number have to be scheduled as the case approaches able to maintain the number of Interviewing slots.
the Standard of Promptness if the customer cannot be Strategy #2: Interview Scheduling BOT. Short term and The System Enhancement Team and OFI Field Ongoing Beginning 3/1/24 December
reached via cold calls. long term strategy – The System Enhancement Team Leadership will determine when the BOT will or after CAP is approved 2026
has developed a BOT to assist in scheduling be in effect. They will monitor the Interview
Application Interviews timely. When staff are moved Scheduling BOT to ensure Interviews are being
from Renewals to Applications, the BOT will run to scheduled in a timely manner and that they are
enough scheduling slots available.
ensure timely Interviews are scheduled in order for
customers to participate within 7 or 30 days.

Strategy #3: Enter



In identifying the root cause of each deficiency, address the following per 7 CFR 275.16(c)::
(1) Magnitude of the deficiency [(defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3)]: Enter the magnitude of the deficiency, as defined in 7 CFR 273.15(c)(3).

(2) Geographic extent of the deficiency (e.g., Statewide/project area or management unit): Enter the geographic extent of the deficiency.

(3) Anticipated results of corrective action(s): Enter the anticipated results of corrective action(s).

(4) High probability of errors occurring as identified through all management evaluation sources: Enter the high probability of errors occurring as identified through all ME sources.

Deficiency / Completion
Identified Root Cause Corrective Action Strategies Metric(s)/Evaluation Measure(s) STATUS Date
Deficiency #1: Application Timeliness Rate – Expedited and Un-expedited Applications
Root Cause #5: Re-assignment of Work. When Case Strategy #1: Work Plan. Short term and long term District Leadership will monitor the plan for Ongoing Implementation May 2024.
Managers were in program cross training or on leave, strategy – Beginning May 2024, OFI Field Leadership its’ effectiveness utilizing the Pending Plan to begin 5/1/24 Monitoring will
applications were not completed or reassigned timely to along with District Leadership will develop a plan to Application Progress report and Supervisors’ be ongoing
meet Standard of Promptness (SOP). ensure that all case approaching the Standard of dashboards to determine if adjustments need
Promptness are completed timely in the absence of the to be made
case worker that is assigned to the case
Strategy #2: Enter the 2nd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion

Strategy #3: Enter the 3rd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion
In identifying the root cause of each deficiency, address the following per 7 CFR 275.16(c):
(1) Magnitude of the deficiency [(defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3)]: Enter the magnitude of the deficiency, as defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3).

(2) Geographic extent of the deficiency (e.g., Statewide/project area or management unit): Enter the geographic extent of the deficiency.

(3) Anticipated results of corrective action(s): Enter the anticipated results of corrective action(s).

(4) High probability of errors occurring as identified through all management evaluation sources: Enter the high probability of errors occurring as identified through all ME sources.

Deficiency / Completion
Identified Root Cause Corrective Action Strategies Metric(s)/Evaluation Measure(s) STATUS Date
Deficiency #1: Application Timeliness Rate – Expedited and Un-expedited Applications
Root Cause #6: Hiring. The State continues to fill Strategy #1: . Shifting applicants. Short term and long . OFI Deputy Field Operation Directors monitor Ongoing Beginning 3/1/24 This will
vacancies and has developed several ways of recruiting term strategy - The SA attempts to shift applicants, who the Quarterly vacancy report to determine or after the CAP is continue until
new staff in some hard-to-reach areas of the state. apply in congested areas to cover those areas where where the vacancies are in the state. They approved such time as
not a lot of applicants apply, before they are hired. then conference with District Managers around all vacant
those vacancies to fill them. positions
exceed 90

Strategy #2: Enter the 2nd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion

Strategy #3: Enter the 3rd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion
Root Cause #7: Routing of work. Because of the lack of Strategy #1: . Short term strategy - Moving 30 Intake OFI Field Leadership use the Daily Pending Ongoing Beginning 3/1/24 Planned
staff, work has to be routed manually to ensure that both workers to complete backlog of Applications. OFI Field Application Progress report to determine if the or after the CAP is completion
Renewals and Applications are completed timely and to Leadership are manually distributing backlog Intake workers are completing these cases approved. date December
ensure the backlog is completed. Applications to newly moved Intake workers. They will timely. They also use the report to determine 2024
complete these applications until there is no longer a when these Intake workers will be pulled to
backlog and then be moved to complete current work. complete current applications
Strategy #2: . .
Strategy #3: Enter


In identifying the root cause of each deficiency, address the following per 7 CFR 275.16(c):
(1) Magnitude of the deficiency [(defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3)]: Enter the magnitude of the deficiency, as defined in 7 CFR 275.15(c)(3).

(2) Geographic extent of the deficiency (e.g., Statewide/project area or management unit): Enter the geographic extent of the deficiency.

(3) Anticipated results of corrective action(s): Enter the anticipated results of corrective action(s).

(4) High probability of errors occurring as identified through all management evaluation sources: Enter the high probability of errors occurring as identified through all ME sources.

Deficiency / Completion
Identified Root Cause Corrective Action Strategies Metric(s)/Evaluation Measure(s) STATUS Date
Deficiency #1: Application Timeliness Rate – Expedited and Un-expedited Applications
Root Cause #8: Case Manager Capacity. The SA will Strategy #1: Short term and long term strategy - Review OFI Field Leadership along with District Ongoing Beginning 3/1/24 December
ensure staff are reaching the capacity of cases . case and task completion. Ensure staff are meeting Leadership monitor the ESS Weekly report to or after CAP is approved 2026
capacity when completing Applications in a timely determine how many cases and tasks were
manner completed by case managers. Coaching calls
are conducted through TEAMS with case
managers who are below the state average
Strategy #2: Enter the 2nd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion

Strategy #3: Enter the 3rd corrective action strategy. Enter the metrics or evaluation measures that Select Status. Enter
will be used to evaluate the effect of the strategy. Completion

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