AltUni's I-Banking Career Guide 2024
AltUni's I-Banking Career Guide 2024
AltUni's I-Banking Career Guide 2024
So You Wanna
Be An
The Ultimate Investment
Banking Career Guide For
Investment Banking
Ya ya, we know- this was too easy of an explanation
for what investment bankers do on a day-to-day
basis, but hey, we just wanted to warm you up for
what's to come. Looking to discover what’s beyond the
glamour & larger-than-life tales cited in money
sections of your favorite financial publications? We
have got you covered!
On the Buy Side: Investment banks also step into the advisory
realm, guiding substantial investors with an interest in
acquiring financial instruments. In their role on the buy side,
these banks offer counsel to major institutional investors like
mutual funds, pension plans, or endowments, suggesting
suitable securities to meet their return objectives.
At the core of Goldman Sachs' operational framework are four
fundamental pillars: Investment Banking, Global Markets, Asset
Management, and Consumer & Wealth Management.
Boutique banks, subdivided into elite, regional, industry-specific,
and up-and-coming, differ by focusing more on strategic
transactions like M&A and restructuring rather than major
financing deals. Elite boutiques, compete with BB in deal size and
compensation. Regional boutiques, have a narrower geographical
focus. Industry-specific boutiques, specialize in a particular
sector. Up-and-coming boutiques are founded by talent
departing elite and BB banks to establish smaller, highly
specialized shops.
Careers In Investment
Why A Career In Investment Banking?
Let’s be real- most of the folks out there are attracted to investment
banking because of the cash – even in the middle ranks, you'll be
among the top 1% earners in most places.
Some dig the thrill of big deals and mingling with CEOs; others find
the mechanics of deals fascinating. And then there's a crew lured by
the exit opportunities, especially the tantalizing prospects awaiting
junior bankers like Analysts and Associates. It's the career path with
perks that go beyond the paycheck!
Well, the first & most opted route to land a Junior investment banker role
in India is an undergraduate degree & then an MBA in finance from top
B-schools (renowned firms also hire folks from IITs- because the tag,
If we are being real, the truth is that IB is one of the most challenging
sectors to get in for freshers due to limited positions and high demands
for technical skills from hiring firms. If you haven't graduated from top-
tier institutions like IITs and IIMs, your chances of securing a rewarding
role narrow down even further.
So, how do people still make it? Well, if you ask us, there are 3 ways you
can boost your hiring chances as a fresher-
- First, strengthen your technical skills (this is a must & you really can’t
expect to successfully compete with your peers from top colleges if you
slack off on this front).
So, if you decided to become an investment banker right out of the gate of
your undergrad........well have some time to figure out your
next move & you can start making specific career decisions that will drive
you closer to IB roles.
Well if we are being real, let us tell you that transitioning to IB is much
more challenging than any other domain. But it’s not something unheard
Here's the scoop on alternative pathways for those who didn't decide on it
right out of the gate:
2. MBA Magic:
Late to the game? Reset with an MBA from a top-notch B-School to
make that IB leap.
3. Field-to-Finance Feat:
Navigate the shift by downplaying your past, emphasizing
transferable skills, and swearing allegiance to finance.
Research on doing it in non-core regions; less competition, more
1. Analyst:
Excel and PowerPoint tasks
Administrative duties like tracking buyers and sellers, managing data
rooms, and handling deal documents
Responding to client and potential client requests
Age Range: Within the 22-27 age range, individuals who have recently
completed undergrads/ Master’s, or any other full-time roles.
Exit Opportunities: Large bank Analysts enjoy diverse exit options: private
equity, hedge funds, asset management, corporate finance, corporate
development, venture capital, and more. Smaller banks may limit
opportunities to other banks, corporate finance, and corporate
development roles.
2. Associate:
Associate assigns & checks Analyst’s work; occasionally dives into
complex tasks
Attend more meetings and interact with clients
3. VP:
Work Hours: Averaging around 55-70 hours per week. Shift towards project
management results in more predictable hours.
Age Range: Minimum age likely in the 30s. Estimated range: 32-45.
5. MD:
Work Hours: Weekly hours fall in the 50-60 range, with increased travel
demands compared to Directors.
Getting a good entry into the world of Investment Banking shows smarts,
but pulling off a great exit? That's pure brilliance!