Mathematics V 2
Mathematics V 2
Mathematics V 2
Mathematics curriculum...............................................................................................................................
Level 1........................................................................................................................................................
Level 2........................................................................................................................................................
Level 3........................................................................................................................................................
Level 4........................................................................................................................................................
Level 5........................................................................................................................................................
Level 6........................................................................................................................................................
Level 7........................................................................................................................................................
Level 8........................................................................................................................................................
Level 9......................................................................................................................................................
Level 10....................................................................................................................................................
Level 10A..................................................................................................................................................
Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Mathematics introduction
The VCAA is developing the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0, starting with the
publication of the Mathematics Version 2.0 curriculum in Term 3 2023.
Go to the VCAA website to find information about timelines for Mathematics Version 2.0
and the rest of the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0, to register for professional
learning webinars and to find more supporting resources.
The study of mathematics is central to the learning, development and prospects of all young
Victorians. Mathematics provides students with essential mathematical knowledge, skills,
procedures and processes in number, measurement, space, statistics and probability. Equally
important are the essential roles that algebra, functions and relations, logic, mathematical structure
and working mathematically play in people’s understanding of the natural and human worlds, and
the interaction between them. The Mathematics curriculum provides the foundation for all students
to develop the numeracy capabilities that they need in their personal, work and civic lives, as well
as the fundamentals on which mathematical specialties and professional applications of
mathematics are built.
Mathematics has its own value and aesthetic, and the Mathematics curriculum aims to build
students’ appreciation of the power of mathematical reasoning as they develop mastery of the
content in mathematics. It provides students with learning opportunities to develop mathematical
proficiency, including a sound understanding of and fluency with the concepts, skills, procedures
and processes needed to interpret contexts, choose ways to approach situations using
mathematics, and reason and solve problems arising from these situations.
Mathematics is composed of multiple but interrelated and interdependent concepts and structures
that students apply beyond the mathematics classroom, and the curriculum clarifies the links
between the various aspects of mathematics as well as the relationship between mathematics and
other disciplines. For example, in Science, understanding sources of error and their impact on the
confidence of conclusions is vital; in Geography, interpretation of data underpins the study of
human populations and their physical environments; in History, students need to be able to imagine
timelines and time frames to reconcile related events; and in English, deriving quantitative, logical
and spatial information is an important aspect of making meaning of texts.
Mathematical ideas have evolved across cultures over thousands of years and are continually
developing. The modern world is influenced by ever-expanding computational power, digital
systems, automation, artificial intelligence, economics and data-driven societies. This leads to the
need for a capable science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce.
Mathematics is integral to quantifying, thinking critically and making sense of the world. It is central
to building students’ pattern recognition, visualisation, spatial reasoning and logical thinking.
Interdisciplinary STEM learning can enhance students’ scientific and mathematical literacy, design
and computational thinking, problem-solving and collaboration skills. Developing these
competencies supports students in pursuing a variety of careers and occupations within STEM and
other fields.
Mathematics provides opportunities for students to apply their mathematical knowledge creatively
and efficiently, sharpen their sense of discovery and develop an appreciation of structure. It
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enables teachers to help students to become self-motivated, confident learners through practice,
inquiry and active participation in relevant and challenging experiences.
Mathematics aims to ensure that students:
develop useful mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life and work, as active and
critical citizens in a technological world
become confident, proficient, effective and adaptive users of mathematics
become effective communicators of mathematics who can investigate, represent and interpret
situations in their personal and work lives, think critically, and make choices as active,
engaged, numerate citizens
develop proficiency with mathematical concepts, skills, procedures and processes, and use
them to demonstrate mastery in mathematics as they pose and solve problems, and reason
with number, algebra, measurement, space, statistics and probability
make connections between areas of mathematics and apply mathematics to model situations
in various fields and disciplines
develop a positive disposition towards mathematics, recognising it as an accessible and useful
discipline to study
appreciate mathematics as a discipline – its history, ideas, problems and applications,
aesthetics and philosophy.
Mathematics is presented in 11 levels, from Foundation to Level 10.
Level 10 also includes Level 10A, which provides opportunities for students to extend their
exploration of mathematical notions and further their mathematical studies.
The curriculum is organised into 6 interrelated strands. The strands group the content descriptions,
to provide both a focus and a clear sequence for the development of related concepts and skills
across levels.
Probability (commencing at Level 3).
An expectation of mathematical proficiency has been embedded into curriculum content across all
strands to ensure that students develop mastery in mathematics through the development and
application of increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical understanding and fluency,
reasoning and problem-solving skills. The concepts, skills, procedures and processes essential to
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the learning of mathematics are organised under the 6 interrelated strands, in a sequence of
development that increases in depth and breadth across the years of schooling.
Natural connections exist between the content of these strands; for example, Number and Algebra
build on an understanding of number systems and the properties of operations to describe
relationships and formulate generalisations. Statistics and Probability have strong connections that
rely on and build on the important links between them. Measurement relates not only to Space but
is also foundational to all strands, enhancing their practical relevance. Combined with Number, it
provides a means to quantify, compare, communicate and make sense of situations where metrics
may provide insight. It is important that students develop the capability to identify and use the many
connections that exist within and across the strands of Mathematics.
The 6 strands also specify content aimed at progressively developing students’ knowledge and use
of mathematical, statistical and computational thinking through the processes of mathematical
modelling, computational thinking, statistical investigation, probability experiments and simulations.
When students are actively engaged in learning experiences involving the mathematical processes,
they draw on and further develop their mathematical understanding, fluency, reasoning and
problem-solving skills in an integrated way.
The Number strand develops ways of working with mental constructs that deal with
correspondence, magnitude and order, for which operations and their properties can be defined.
Numbers have wide-ranging application and specific uses in counting, measuring and other means
of quantifying situations and objects. Number systems are constructed to deal with different
contexts and problems involving finite and infinite, and discrete and continuous sets. Students
apply number sense and strategies for counting and representing numbers as they explore the
magnitude and properties of numbers, apply a range of strategies for computation and understand
the connections between operations. Developing number sense and the ability to work effectively
with numbers is critical to being an active and productive citizen who is successful at work and in
future learning, who is financially literate, and who engages with the world and other individuals.
The Algebra strand develops ways of using symbols and symbolic representations to think and
reason about relationships in both mathematical and real-world contexts. It provides a means for
manipulating mathematical objects, recognising patterns and structures, making connections,
understanding properties of operations and the concept of equivalence, abstracting information,
working with variables, solving equations and generalising number and operation facts and
relationships. Algebra connects symbolic, graphic and numeric representations. Students
recognise patterns and understand the concepts of variable and function as they build on their
understanding of the number system to describe relationships, formulate generalisations, recognise
equivalence, and solve equations and inequalities. Algebra deals with situations of generality,
communicating abstract ideas applied in areas such as science, health, finance, sport, engineering,
and building and construction.
The Measurement strand develops ways of quantifying aspects of the human and physical world.
Measures and units are defined and selected to be relevant and appropriate to the context.
Measurement is used to answer questions, show results, demonstrate value, justify allocation of
resources, evaluate performance, identify opportunities for improvement and manage results.
Students develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of size, shape, relative position and
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movement of two-dimensional figures in the plane and three-dimensional objects in space. They
make meaningful measurements of quantities, choosing appropriate metric units of measurement.
They build an understanding of the connections between units and calculate derived measures
such as area, speed and density. Measurement underpins understanding, comparison and
decision-making in many personal, societal, environmental, agricultural, industrial, spatial, health
and economic contexts.
The Space strand develops ways of visualising, representing and working with the location,
direction, shape, placement, proximity and transformation of objects at macro, local and micro
scales in natural and constructed worlds. It underpins students’ capacity to make pictures,
diagrams, maps, projections, networks, models and graphics that enable the manipulation and
analysis of shapes and objects through actions and the senses. This includes notions such as
surface, region, boundary, curve, object, dimension, connectedness, symmetry, direction,
congruence and similarity. Students investigate properties and apply their understanding of them to
define, compare and construct figures and objects as they learn to develop geometric arguments.
These notions apply to art, design, architecture, planning, transportation, construction and
manufacturing, physics, engineering, chemistry, biology and medicine.
The Statistics strand develops ways of collecting, understanding and describing data and its
distribution. Statistics provides a story, or a means to support or question an argument, and
enables exploratory data analysis that underpins decision-making and informed judgement.
Statistical literacy requires an understanding of statistical information and processes, including an
awareness of data and the ability to estimate, interpret, evaluate and communicate with respect to
variation in the real world. Statistical literacy provides a basis for critical scrutiny of an argument,
the accuracy of representations, and the validity and reliability of inferences and claims. The
effective use of data requires acknowledging and expecting variation in the collection, analysis and
interpretation of data arising for categorical and numerical variables. Students recognise and
analyse data and draw inferences. They represent, summarise and interpret data and undertake
purposeful investigations involving the collection and interpretation of data, as well as building skills
to critically evaluate statistical information and develop intuitions about data. Statistics is used in
business, government, research, sport, health care and media for critical and informed evaluation
of issues, arguments and decision-making.
The Probability strand develops ways of dealing with uncertainty and expectation, making
predictions, and characterising the chance of events, or how likely events are to occur from both
empirical and theoretical bases. It provides a means of considering, analysing and utilising the
chance of events, and recognising random phenomena for which it is impossible to exactly
determine the next observed outcome before it occurs. In contexts where chance plays a role,
probability provides experimental and theoretical ways to quantify how likely it is that a particular
event will occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is the case. This enables students to
understand contexts involving chance and to build mathematical models surrounding risk and
decision-making in a range of areas of human endeavour. These include finance, science,
business management, epidemiology, games of chance, computer science and artificial
intelligence. Students recognise variation, assess likelihood and assign probabilities using
experimental and theoretical approaches.
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Achievement standards
Achievement standards describe what students are typically able to understand and do, and they
are the basis for reporting student achievement.
Students’ mastery of concepts under the 6 strands is indicated by their ability to demonstrate
proficiency against the achievement standards. Each achievement standard in Mathematics has
been organised into paragraphs that reflect each of the strands.
In Mathematics, students progress along a curriculum continuum that provides the first
achievement standard at Foundation and then at Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Content descriptions
In Mathematics, content descriptions sequence and describe the mathematical knowledge and
skills that teachers need to teach and students are expected to learn.
Elaborations are examples that provide guidance on how the curriculum may be transformed into a
classroom activity or learning opportunity. They are provided as advisory material only and are not
Note: The Mathematics elaborations will be subject to further refinement in late 2023, once the
Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0 cross-curriculum priorities and capabilities are finalised.
Proficiency in Mathematics
The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Reasoning and Problem-solving are embedded in all
6 strands and further the development of increasingly sophisticated knowledge and understanding
of mathematical concepts, fluency in representations and procedures, and sound mathematical
reasoning and problem-solving skills. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to
familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical processes to solve problems
efficiently and to make informed decisions. Proficiency in mathematics also enables students to
reflect on and evaluate approaches, and verify that answers and results are reasonable in the
Mathematics provides opportunities for students to build and refine a robust knowledge of
adaptable and transferable mathematical concepts, structures and procedures. Students make
connections between related ideas, progressively draw on their reasoning skills to adapt and
transfer understanding of familiar applications to unfamiliar contexts, and cultivate new ideas. They
develop an understanding of the relationship between the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of mathematics.
Students build conceptual understanding and procedural fluency when they connect related ideas,
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represent concepts in different ways, identify commonalities and differences between aspects of
content, describe their thinking mathematically and interpret mathematical information.
Mathematics provides opportunities for students to develop, practise and consolidate skills; choose
appropriate procedures; carry out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately; and
apply their recall of factual knowledge and understanding of concepts readily. Students are fluent
when they connect their conceptual understanding to learned strategies and procedures, make
reasonable estimates and calculate answers efficiently, and choose and use computational
strategies efficiently; when they recognise robust or multiple ways of answering questions; when
they choose appropriate representations and approximations; when they understand and regularly
apply definitions, facts and theorems; and when they can manipulate mathematical objects,
expressions, relations and equations to find solutions to problems.
Mathematics emphasises mathematical reasoning as central to thinking and working
mathematically and as a critical component of proficiency in mathematics. Mathematical reasoning
guides students in developing an increasingly sophisticated capacity for logical thought and
actions, such as conjecturing, hypothesising, analysing, proving, experimenting, modelling,
evaluating, explaining, inferring, justifying, refuting, abstracting and generalising. Students are
reasoning mathematically when they explain their thinking, deduce and justify strategies used and
conclusions reached, adapt the known to the unknown, transfer learning from one context to
another, make inferences about data or the likelihood of events, and prove that something is true or
false. They are reasoning when they compare and contrast related ideas, and reflect on and
explain their choices.
Mathematics recognises the importance of providing students with meaningful opportunities to use
mathematics to solve problems from both abstract mathematical and real-world contexts. Students
engage in mathematical problem-solving when they are presented with a problem situation for
which they do not immediately know the answer, and they work through a process of planning,
choosing and applying strategies and heuristics to find a solution to the problem, reviewing and
analysing their solution. Problems can be simple, where there is only one possible solution, or
complicated, where the problem may have many valid approaches to develop solutions. Problem-
solving is the ability of students to make choices, interpret, formulate, model and investigate
problem situations mathematically, select and use technological functions and communicate
solutions effectively. Students pose and solve problems when they use mathematics to represent
unfamiliar or meaningful situations, design investigations and plan their approaches, make
mathematical decisions as they draw on previously learnt concepts, skills, procedures and
processes to solve problems, verify that their answers are reasonable, communicate solutions
clearly and justify the reasonableness of their approaches.
Mathematical processes
Mathematical processes refer to the thinking, reasoning, communicating, problem-solving and
investigation skills involved in working mathematically. Opportunities to learn process skills have
been embedded across the strands, building in sophistication across the levels. Mathematical
problem-solving and investigation draws on the processes of mathematical modelling,
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Mathematical modelling
Mathematical models are used to gain insight into and make predictions about real-world
phenomena, to inform judgements and make decisions in personal, civic and work life. In the
modelling process students formulate a real-world problem mathematically by making assumptions;
recognise, connect and apply mathematical structures; analyse and solve the mathematical model;
and interpret, generalise and communicate their results in response to the real-world situation.
Mathematical modelling is an essential dimension of the contemporary discipline of mathematics
and is key to informed and participatory citizenship.
Statistical investigation
Students develop the ability to conduct statistical investigations through informal exploration in the
early levels. Later they use guided processes, which progressively lead them to conduct and
review their own statistical investigations and to critique others’ processes and conclusions.
Statistical investigation deals with uncertainty and variability in categorical (nominal or ordinal) or
numerical (discrete or continuous) data arising from observations, surveys or experiments and can
be initiated by a specific question, a situation or an issue.
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(arithmetic four operation, scientific, graphics, financial, CAS) and measurement tools (digital
scales and other digital measuring devices), software on a computer or tablet (spreadsheet,
dynamic geometry, statistical, financial, graphing, computer-algebra), an application on a personal
device, virtual and augmented reality technologies or tools accessed from the internet or cloud.
Different digital tools or platforms can carry out computations and implement algorithms using
numerical, textual, statistical, probabilistic, financial, measurement, geometrical, graphical, logical
and symbolic functionalities.
The objects of computations may be sets of numbers, text, data, points, shapes and objects in
space, images, diagrams, networks, or symbolic and logical expressions, including equations.
Some computations may be dynamic; that is, they enable parameters, conditions and constraints to
be varied and the corresponding results to be progressively shown. Examples include the effect of
varying an outlier on the mean of a data set, the behaviour of an algorithm under a different set of
inputs, sorting or ordering the elements of a set, observing the relative frequency of an event as the
number of experiments increases, manipulating a shape in 2 dimensions or an object in 3
dimensions and observing any symmetries, or transforming the graph of a function by varying
defining parameters, such as changing the gradient of a linear function.
An algorithm is a precise description of efficient steps and decisions needed to carry out a
computation, or a set of rules to follow in order to accomplish a task. Algorithms often involve
iterative (repetitive) and recursive (repeatedly applied) processes and can be represented as text,
in diagrams or symbolically as flow charts or pseudocode. As students develop a conceptual
understanding of how an algorithm works and fluency with using algorithms appropriately, they can
reason and solve problems using algorithms as part of a computational thinking process.
exposure to mathematical tasks to engage the intellectual curiosity and interest of students
classroom discourse that promotes the investigation and growth of mathematical ideas
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technology and other tools to access and pursue mathematical investigations and other
problem-solving tasks
experience with mathematical concepts using multisensory methods to stimulate thinking skills
access to familiar objects to represent and solve mathematical problems; coins, blocks,
counters, buttons or other small objects can be used to demonstrate concepts such as greater
than, less than, equal to, counting, adding, subtracting, sharing, grouping and fractions
scaffolding procedures and processes using step-by-step instruction, demonstrating how to
solve mathematical problems.
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Mathematics curriculum
Level description
In Foundation, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences, including the learning opportunities acquired through the
implementation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF). Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, skills, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning,
problem-solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical
strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
explore situations, sparked by curiosity, using physical and virtual materials to represent, sort, quantify, compare and solve everyday problems
look for and make connections between number names, numerals and quantities
compare quantities and shapes using elementary mathematical reasoning in active learning experiences
bring mathematical meaning to their use of familiar terms and language when they pose and respond to questions, and explain their thinking and
build confidence and autonomy in being able to make and justify mathematical decisions based on quantification and direct comparisons
learn to recognise repetition in pattern sequences and apply this to creatively build repeating patterns in a range of contexts
develop a sense of sameness, difference and change when they engage in play-based activities.
Achievement standard
By the end of Foundation, students make connections between number names, numerals and position in the sequence of numbers from zero to at least 20.
They use subitising and counting strategies to quantify collections. Students compare the size of collections to at least 20. They partition and combine
collections up to 10 in different ways, representing these with numbers. Students represent practical situations, including simple financial situations involving
money, that involve quantifying, equal sharing, adding to and taking away from collections to at least 10.
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Students identify the attributes of mass, capacity, length and duration, and use direct comparison strategies to compare objects and events. They sequence
and connect familiar events to the time of day.
Students name, create and sort familiar shapes and give their reasoning. They describe the position and the location of themselves and objects in relation to
other objects and people within a familiar space.
Students collect, sort and compare data in response to questions in familiar contexts.
recognise and name the number of recognising how many objects are in a collection or in images on a card with a quick look and saying the associated number without counting
objects within a collection up to 5 using playing instructive card games that rely on the recognition of numbers represented in different ways (for example, playing memory games, or matching
subitising pairs of quantities on dot cards or similar where the arrangement on each is different) or using subitising to compare and order collections and to say
VC2MFN02 who has more when sharing items in a game
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partition and combine collections up to 10 recognising numbers represented in physical or virtual ten-frames, and describing their reasoning: ‘It’s 7 because there is 5 there and 2 more’
using part-part-whole relationships and partitioning collections of up to 10 objects in different ways and saying the part-part-whole relationship; for example, partitioning a collection of 6 counters
subitising to recognise and name the into 4 counters and 2 counters and saying, ‘6 is 4 and 2 more, it’s 2 and 4’, then partitioning the same collection into 5 and 1 or 3 and 3
parts representing part-part-whole relationships in numbers up to 10 using physical or virtual materials; for example, identifying numbers represented by dots
VC2MFN04 in standard number configurations such as on dominoes and dice by recognising parts that form the whole
exploring number groupings in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ counting systems and the different ways of representing these groupings
to form and partition numbers, applying this to quantify collections of objects in the environment on Country/Place up to 10
represent practical situations, including using role-play and materials to represent mathematical relationships in stories; for example, role-playing ‘Eight kangaroos were drinking at the river and
simple financial situations, involving 3 hopped away’, drawing a picture and using materials to represent the situation, discussing, and recording the result of the action with a numeral
addition, subtraction and quantification role-playing or actively engaging in situations that involve quantifying or comparing collections of items or simple money transactions; for example,
with physical and virtual materials and engaging with the question ‘Do we have enough scissors for our group so that each person has their own pair?’, or role-playing using $1 coins to pay for
use counting or subitising strategies items in a shop where items are priced in whole dollars
VC2MFN05 representing situations expressed in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander stories, such as ‘Tiddalick, the greedy frog’, that describe additive situations
and their connections to Country/Place
representing addition and subtraction situations found in leaf games involving sets of objects used to tell stories, such as games from the Warlpiri
Peoples of Yuendumu in the Northern Territory
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
follow a short sequence of instructions; carrying out a specified sequence of actions to move an object from one location to another
recognise, copy, continue and create playing a simple rule-based game, moving a specified number of places according to the result on a dice in a chance-based game
repeating patterns represented in recognising, copying and describing different repeating patterns using materials, shapes, sounds and movements during activities and play; for example,
different ways making a bead necklace and describing the pattern they have created, such as ‘red, blue, green, red, blue, green, red, blue, green’, or copying repeating
VC2MFA01 patterns of drumbeats or dance moves during music activities
recognising repeating patterns used at home and in daily activities to help make tasks easier or to solve problems; for example, setting the table to eat
recognising and describing repeating patterns that can be observed on Country/Place and in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork, cultural
performances and material cultures, for example, shell and seed necklaces, dances and songs
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Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
identify and compare attributes of objects using language to describe the measurement attributes of length, mass, capacity and duration, and connecting the words with the appropriate attribute;
and events, including length, capacity, for example, using words like ‘tall’, ‘short’, ‘wide’, ‘long’ and ‘high’ to describe the attribute of length
mass and duration, use direct directly comparing pairs of objects to say which is longer/shorter, and explaining or demonstrating how they know; for example, standing back-to-back to
comparisons and communicate reasoning determine who is taller or choosing to line up the bases of a spoon and fork to decide which is longer and explaining why
VC2MFM01 starting 2 events at the same time to decide which takes longer; for example, putting on a pair of sandals with buckles or Velcro, describing the duration
using familiar terms and reasoning, ‘I took a longer time because I’m still learning to do up my buckles’
directly comparing pairs of everyday objects from the kitchen pantry to say which is heavier/lighter; for example, hefting a tin of baked beans and a
packet of marshmallows or comparing the same pair of objects to say which is longer/shorter and discussing comparisons
sequence days of the week and times of ordering images of daily events on a string line across the room, and justifying the placement by referring to morning, lunchtime, afternoon and night-time
the day, including morning, lunchtime, distinguishing between the days of the school week and weekends, and recognising that the days of the week form a sequence that repeats, with
afternoon and night-time, and connect Monday always following on from Sunday
them to familiar events and actions sequencing the events from a story in the order in which they occurred, using language like ‘this happened first’ then ‘this happened next’
VC2MFM02 creating, interpreting and discussing classroom rosters, for example, a roster for watering the classroom garden, and asking, ‘Who watered the garden
yesterday?’ or ‘Whose turn is it today?’
creating a pictorial diary to show the important events that happen on the various days of the week
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
sort, name and create familiar shapes; sorting a collection of shapes into groups based on different features, such as the number of sides, colour or size, and describing how they have been
recognise and describe familiar shapes sorted
within objects in the environment, giving creating a picture using a variety of shapes and a range of materials, including objects to trace around, describing the shapes they have created or used
reasons and sharing why they chose each shape in their picture
VC2MFSP01 creating familiar shapes using groups of people; for example, holding hands and creating a circle
recognising and naming shapes that are (close to) rectangles, squares, triangles and circles in component parts of everyday items, for example, on
bicycles, toy vehicles or kitchen pantry items
describing and naming shapes within objects that can be observed on Country/Place, recreating and sorting into groups based on their shape
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Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
collect, sort and compare data using data displays to answer simple questions such as ‘How many students answered “yes” to having pets?’
represented by objects and images in collecting and deciding how to organise data to answer yes/no questions; for example, in relation to the question ‘Do more people in our class today
response to given investigative questions have shoes with laces than without?’, explaining that lining up and matching shoes with and without laces one-to-one will answer the question
that have only 2 outcomes and relate to collecting data through everyday activities or events and sorting the collected data; for example, sorting toys into categories such as ‘toys that move’ and
familiar situations ‘toys that don’t move’
VC2MFST01 creating classroom charts and rosters using stickers to represent data; and comparing and interpreting the representations
investigating statistical contexts after reading a story; for example, after reading The Waterhole by Graeme Base, asking and responding to questions
like ‘What different animals did you see?’, ‘How many different types of animals were there?’ or ‘Were there more tigers or kangaroos?’
exploring what and how information from the environment is collected and used by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples to predict weather
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Level 1
Level description
In Level 1, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences, including the learning opportunities acquired through the
implementation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF). Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
use their curiosity and imagination to explore situations, recognise patterns in their environment and choose ways of representing their thinking when
communicating with others
demonstrate that numbers can be represented, partitioned and composed in various ways; recognise patterns in numbers; and extend their knowledge of
numbers beyond 2 digits
use physical or virtual materials and diagrams when modelling practical problems through active learning experiences, recognise existing patterns,
employ different strategies and discuss the reasonableness of answers
explain ways of making direct and indirect comparisons and begin to use uniform, informal units to measure some attributes
reason spatially and use spatial features to classify shapes and objects; recognise these shapes and objects in their environment; and use simple
transformations, directions and pathways to move the positions of shapes and objects within a space
use simple surveys to collect and sort data, based on a question of interest; recognise that data can be represented in different ways; and explain
patterns that they see in the results
develop a sense of equivalence, fairness, repetition and variability when they engage in play-based and practical activities.
Achievement standard
By the end of Level 1, students connect number names, numerals and quantities, and order numbers to at least 120. They demonstrate how one- and two-
digit numbers can be partitioned in different ways and that two-digit numbers can be partitioned into tens and ones. Students partition collections into equal
groups and skip count in twos, fives or tens to quantify collections to at least 120. They solve problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers to 20
and use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving addition, subtraction, equal sharing and grouping, using calculation strategies.
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Students use numbers, symbols and objects, including Australian coins, to create skip counting and repeating patterns, identifying the repeating unit.
Students compare and order objects and events based on the attributes of length, mass, capacity and duration, communicating their reasoning. They
measure the length of shapes and objects using uniform informal units.
Students make, compare and classify shapes and objects using identifiable features. They give and follow directions to move people and objects within a
Students collect and record categorical data, create one-to-one displays, and compare and discuss the data using frequencies.
partition one- and two-digit numbers in building knowledge and understanding of the part-part-whole facts to 10, using physical and virtual materials; for example, using virtual ten-frames
different ways using physical and virtual through a digital app or website to identify pairs of numbers that combine to make 10
materials, including partitioning two-digit using physical and virtual materials to partition numbers into counts of tens and ones; for example, recognising 35 as 3 tens and 5 ones or as 2 tens and
numbers into tens and ones 15 ones
VC2M1N02 using part-part-whole reasoning and physical or virtual materials to represent 24, then partitioning 24 in different ways and recording the partitions using
numbers; for example, 10, 10 and 4 combine to make 24 or 10 and 14 combine to make 24
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add and subtract numbers within 20, using drawings, physical and virtual materials, and number combinations within 10 to add and subtract collections to 20
using physical and virtual materials, part- adding and subtracting numbers within 20, using a variety of representations and strategies, such as counting on, counting back, partitioning and part-
part-whole knowledge to 10 and a variety part-whole knowledge of numbers to 10; for example, using partitioning and combining 7+5=7+3+ 2=10+2=12
of calculation strategies developing and using strategies for one-digit addition and subtraction based on part-part-whole relationships for each of the numbers to 10 and subitising
VC2M1N04 with physical and virtual materials; for example, 8 and 6 is the same as 8 and 2 and 4
representing story problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers within 20 using a Think Board; recognising and using + and − symbols and the
equal sign (=) to represent the operations of addition and subtraction; and showing and explaining the connections between any materials used using
the language of plus and minus, and the numbers within the story problem
creating and performing addition and subtraction stories told through Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander dances
use mathematical modelling to solve modelling problems involving addition and subtraction presented in stories, using a Think Board to represent the problem, solving the problem using
practical problems involving additive physical materials and explaining the connections between any materials used, the Think Board diagram and the numbers within the story
situations, including simple money modelling simple money problems involving addition and subtraction using whole dollar amounts; for example, setting up a shop and role-playing
transactions; represent the situations with practical problems of buying and selling goods, using addition and subtraction with play money and prices in whole dollar amounts; or solving the
diagrams, physical and virtual materials; problem ‘I had $14 and was given $15 for my birthday’ using addition to answer the problem
use calculation strategies to solve the modelling a variety of different additive situations to solve practical problems; for example, keeping track of the number of people on a bus as it stops to
problem pick up and drop off passengers or the number of people entering a lift
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Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise, continue and create pattern using number charts, songs, rhymes and stories to establish skip counting sequences of twos, fives and tens
sequences, with numbers, symbols, using shapes and objects to represent a growing pattern formed by skip counting; for example, using blocks or beads to represent the growing patterns
shapes and objects including Australian 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 … and 5, 10, 15, 20 …
coins, formed by skip counting, initially by recognising the patterns in sequences formed by skip counting; for example, recognising that skip counting in fives starting from zero always results in
twos, fives and tens either a 5 or zero as the final digit
VC2M1A01 counting by twos, fives or tens to determine how much money is in a collection of coins or notes of the same denomination, for example, 5-cent, 10-cent
and $2 coins or $5 and $10 notes
using different variations of the popular Korean counting game Sam-yuk-gu for generating skip counting pattern sequences
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Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
compare directly and indirectly and order using a piece of string to indirectly compare the length of several objects, deciding which will fit within a space, and using comparative language to
objects and events using attributes of describe the order (shortest, short, longer, longest)
length, mass, capacity and duration, ordering the mass of 3 or more objects, such as rocks, using hefting and balance scales, and using comparative language to explain the order (lightest,
communicating reasoning light, heavier, heaviest) and how they decided on the order
VC2M1M01 pouring sand, rice or water from one container to another to compare and order the capacity of 3 or more containers, and describing the order of the
results in terms of which holds the most/least and those in between
creating sand timers from everyday items or recycled materials and comparing them to order the duration of time required for the sand to run through
investigating situations where Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples estimate, compare and communicate measurements, for example,
situations involving the duration of seasons, understanding animal behaviour using the length of animal tracks, or investigating capacity through
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander water management techniques, such as traditional water-carrying vessels and rock holes
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describe the duration and sequence of naming, listing and using familiar units of time, such as hours, days, weeks and years
events using years, months, weeks, days comparing the number of days in the months of the year and explaining how the months cycle from one year to the next
and hours sequencing familiar events, including representing time, on pictorial timelines
VC2M1M03 discussing events and activities and deciding whether they would take closer to an hour, a day, a week, a month or a year; for example, it takes a day for
the sun to rise and fall and rise again, but it takes less than an hour for me to walk to school
investigating durations of time represented in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander seasonal calendars
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
make, compare and classify familiar classifying a collection of shapes including different circles, ovals, regular and irregular shapes, triangles and quadrilaterals, saying what is the same
shapes; recognise familiar shapes and about the shapes in a group and what is different between the shapes in a group
objects in the environment, identifying the selecting a shape from a small collection of shapes inside a bag and describing the shape by feel, so that others can name the shape and give reasons
similarities and differences between them for their choice
VC2M1SP01 comparing the different objects that can be built out of the same number of blocks or centi-cubes and discussing the differences between them
exploring string games used in storytelling by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples (for example, in Karda from the Yandruwandha Peoples of
north-eastern South Australia), recognising, comparing, describing and classifying the shapes made by the string and these shapes’ relationship to
shapes and objects on Country/Place
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Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
acquire and record data for categorical discussing methods of collecting data to answer a question such as ‘What types of rubbish are found in the playground?’, sharing ideas and trying out
variables in various ways including using some of the suggested methods, reviewing the data collected and explaining how they might change the way they collect data next time
digital tools, objects, images, drawings, collecting and recording information on a topic of interest using lists (for example, ‘How many people follow a particular football team’ or ‘What colour
lists, tally marks and symbols eyes each person has’), examining the data to generate some questions that it could answer, and then rearranging the data or collecting different data to
VC2M1ST01 answer the question
creating a tally to record data while observing events such as the year level of students using the bike shed, deciding on the possible categories before
the observations are taken, and then reviewing the data afterwards to notice whether the tally was effective
using star charts with stickers or emojis to represent class data; for example, using emojis on a personal feeling chart to represent how they are feeling
each day or using emojis to represent activities on the class calendar
exploring ways of representing, sharing and communicating data through stories and symbols used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
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Level 2
Level description
In Level 2, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences, including the learning opportunities acquired through the
implementation of the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF). Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
recognise that mathematics can be used to investigate things they are curious about, to solve practical problems and to model everyday situations,
describing their thinking and reasoning using familiar mathematical language
partition and combine numbers flexibly, recognising and describing the relationship between addition and subtraction and employing part-part-whole
reasoning and relational thinking to solve additive problems
use number sentences to formulate additive situations and represent simple multiplicative situations using equal groups and arrays
use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving authentic situations by representing problems with physical and virtual materials, and
diagrams, and using different calculation strategies to find solutions
compare and contrast related operations and use known addition and subtraction facts to develop strategies for unfamiliar calculations
recognise types of patterns in different contexts
partition collections, shapes and objects into equal parts and build a sense of fractions as a measure, connecting this to measures of turn and
representations of time
use uniform units to measure, compare and discuss the attributes of shapes and objects, and the duration of events
describe spatial relationships such as the relative position of objects represented within a two-dimensional space
build the foundations for statistical inquiry by choosing questions based on their interests as they collect, represent and interpret data, and recognise
features of different representations
develop a sense of equivalence, chance and variability when they engage in play-based and practical activities.
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Achievement standard
By the end of Level 2, students order and represent numbers to at least 1000; apply knowledge of place value to partition, rearrange and rename two- and
three-digit numbers in terms of their parts; and regroup partitioned numbers to assist in calculations. They use mathematical modelling to solve practical
additive and multiplicative problems, including money transactions, representing the situation and choosing calculation strategies. Students identify and
represent part-whole relationships of halves, quarters and eighths in measurement contexts.
Students describe and continue patterns that increase and decrease additively by a constant amount and identify missing elements in the pattern. They recall
and demonstrate proficiency with addition and subtraction facts within 20 and multiplication facts for twos.
Students use uniform informal units to measure and compare shapes and objects. They determine the number of days between events using a calendar and
read time on an analog clock to the hour, half-hour and quarter hour. Students use quarter, half, three-quarter and full measures of turn in everyday situations.
Students compare and classify shapes, describing features using formal spatial terms. They locate and identify positions of features in two-dimensional
representations and move position by following directions and pathways.
Students use a range of methods to collect, record, represent and interpret categorical data in response to questions.
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recognise and describe one-half as one creating halves of a range of collections sets by sharing collections into 2 equal groups; for example, comparing half of a set of 12 washers with half of a
of 2 equal parts of a whole and connect set of 8 bolts to identify how they both represent one-half of their respective set
halves, quarters and eighths through creating halves using measurement attributes – for example, explaining that ‘a half is one part out of 2 equal parts of a whole’; equally folding a strip of
repeated halving paper, dividing a lump of playdough or separating a cup of water into 2 equal parts, and then selecting one of the parts and naming it ‘one-half’; or
VC2M2N03 comparing half of a collection of 10 counters with half of a shape or object and explaining how each shows one-half of the respective whole
using repeated halving to subdivide shapes and objects in different ways to make corresponding halves, quarters and eighths; naming the parts and
comparing the size of them to notice that they are all the same size; and demonstrating that a quarter is a half of a half and that an eighth is a half of a
dividing a shape into equal parts and relating the number of parts to the unit fraction; for example, if there are 4 equal parts then each part is one-quarter
and if there are 8 equal parts then each is one-eighth
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multiply and divide by one-digit numbers making and naming arrays and using bar models to solve simple multiplication or sharing problems; for example, making different arrays to represent 12
using repeated addition, equal grouping, and naming them as ‘3 fours’, ‘2 sixes’, ‘4 threes’ and ‘6 twos’, using physical or virtual materials to make arrays or using bar models to demonstrate that
arrays and partitioning to support a ‘3 fours’ is equal to ‘4 threes’
variety of calculation strategies finding the total number represented in an array by partitioning the array using subitising and number facts; for example, describing how they determined
VC2M2N05 the total number of dots arranged in a ‘3 fives’ array by saying, ‘I saw 2 fives, which is 10, and then 5 more, which makes 15’
recognising problems that can be solved using division and identifying the difference between dividing a set of objects into 3 equal groups and dividing
the same set of objects into groups of 3
using a Think Board to solve partition and quotition division problems; for example, sharing a prize of $36 between 4 people, using materials, a diagram
and skip counting to find the answer, and explaining whether the answer ‘9’ refers to people or dollars
using materials or diagrams, and skip counting, to solve repeated equal-quantity multiplication problems; for example, writing a repeated addition number
sentence and using skip counting to solve the problem ‘Four trays of biscuits with 6 on each tray – how many biscuits are there?’
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Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise, describe and create additive creating a pattern sequence with materials, writing the associated number sequence, and then describing the sequence so someone else can replicate it
patterns that increase or decrease by a with different materials; for example, using matchsticks or toothpicks to create a growing pattern of triangles – using 3 for one triangle, 5 for 2 triangles, 7
constant amount, using numbers, shapes for 3 triangles – and describing the pattern as ‘Start with 3 and add 2 each time’
and objects, and identify missing recognising patterns in the built environment to locate additive pattern sequences (for example, responding to ‘How many windows in one train carriage,
elements in the pattern 2 train carriages, 3 train carriages …?’ or ‘How many wheels on one car, 2 cars, 3 cars …?’) and recording the results in a diagram or table
VC2M2A01 recognising the constant term being added or subtracted in an additive pattern and using it to identify missing elements in the sequence
recognising additive patterns in the environment on Country/Place and in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander material culture; and representing these
patterns using drawings, coloured counters and numbers
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recall and demonstrate proficiency with recognising and relating terms such as ‘double’, ‘twice’ and ‘multiply by 2’, and ‘halve’ and ‘divide by 2’ using physical and virtual materials; for example,
multiplication facts for twos; extend and colouring numbers on a hundreds chart to represent doubles and using it to recognise halves or recognising the doubling pattern and applying the
apply facts to develop the related division pattern to find related facts such as ‘For 8 twos, think 2 eights’
facts using doubling and halving doubling and halving collections to practise and develop fluency with multiplication and division facts for twos, leading to recall of these facts
VC2M2A03 establishing an understanding of doubles and near doubles using physical or virtual manipulatives; for example, using manipulatives to establish that
doubling 5 gives you 10, then extending this doubling fact to respond to the question ‘How can you use this fact to double 6 or double 4?’
developing fluency with doubling and halving numbers within 20 using physical or virtual materials and playing doubling and halving games; for example,
using a physical or virtual dice and choosing whether to double or halve to reach a target number
apply repetition in arithmetic operations, using technology to construct a sequence of numbers based on constant addition or subtraction from a given starting value
including multiplication as repeated sharing a set of objects equally between a small number of groups
addition and division as repeated
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Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
measure and compare objects based on choosing suitable informal units to measure the length of a range of objects, and justifying their choice of a longer unit to measure things that are long
length, capacity and mass using (such as the width of a room) and a shorter unit to measure shorter things or when more accuracy is needed
appropriate uniform informal units and comparing the capacity of several containers using sand and units such as a spoon or cup, to say which container will hold the most and how much more
smaller units for accuracy when it will hold; recording the results; writing an explanation of their measurement process, including using smaller units to be more accurate; and justifying
necessary the result
VC2M2M01 using balance scales to compare the mass of several objects, selecting an appropriate informal unit; counting the number of informal units to determine
which object is heavier and how much heavier; and explaining why the informal units chosen need to be the same mass
recognising that the same informal unit needs to be used when measuring (for example, demonstrating and discussing why using different shoe lengths
to measure the same distance could result in the measures being different) and discussing why a smaller-sized informal unit may result in a larger
number of units compared to a larger-sized informal unit
investigating Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ use of body parts, such as hands, as uniform informal units of measurement used to
measure and compare objects, for example, in the manufacturing of nets for a particular purpose
investigating and comparing measurable attributes that are interpreted by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples to understand animal
behaviour, such as the length, width and depth of animal tracks
identify common uses and represent demonstrating how food items can be cut in halves, quarters or eighths; for example, cutting pizzas, slices, cakes or sandwiches into equal parts by
halves, quarters and eighths in relation to halving, then halving again to form quarters and eighths, ensuring that the parts are equal
shapes, objects and events investigating cup and spoon measures used in cooking and discussing what half or quarter of a cup or tablespoon measure means, and using sand or
VC2M2M02 water to compare these to the full cup and tablespoon measures
demonstrating and using halves and quarters in folding activities; for example, folding paper in half and quarters and ensuring that the pieces are the
same size
recognising that halves and quarters can be used to describe lengths, positions and distances; for example, describing the halfway point in a race or
instructing someone to stand halfway between 2 chairs
discussing that halves and quarters are used to describe durations of time, including durations of time in sporting events, and what this means; for
example, discussing how the sirens used during an Australian Rules football game represent quarter time, half-time and three-quarter time during the
game, or recognising and using half an hour or quarter of an hour to describe a duration of time
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recognise and read the time represented creating an analog clock from a paper plate, showing the placement of the numbers and the 2 hands, and explaining how long it takes for the 2 hands to
on an analog clock to the hour, half-hour move around the clock face and what time unit each is showing
and quarter hour recognising and describing the relationship between the movement of the hands on an analog clock and the duration of time it represents; for example,
VC2M2M04 connecting the language of ‘half past’ to mean when the ‘big hand’ will be at half past the hour and recognising this position as being halfway around its
full cycle
dividing a clock face into halves and quarters, and connecting the subdivisions with telling the time to the half-hour and quarter hour; and explaining the
meaning of ‘quarter past’ and ‘quarter to’ referring to the hour
identify, describe and demonstrate identifying things that turn in the school environment, for example, the handle on a tap or a door, or the dial or switch on a piece of equipment; and
quarter, half, three-quarter and full identifying a half turn and a full turn, drawing a diagram and labelling it with arrows to show the direction and amount of turn
measures of turn in everyday situations giving and following instructions to move during an activity; for example, demonstrating and describing half, quarter and full turns in a choreographed
VC2M2M05 dance
investigating hands turning on a clock and relating quarter, half and full hours to angles and the language of clockwise or anticlockwise
giving or following directions to locate an object in the room or to provide a pathway through a grid, such as programming a robot, referring to quarter,
half, three-quarter and full turns
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Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise, compare and classify shapes, sorting a collection of shapes in different ways based on their features, such as number of sides, whether all sides are equal and whether pairs of
referencing the number of sides and opposite sides are parallel; for example, sorting collections of triangles and other polygons
using spatial terms such as ‘opposite’, manipulating shapes and recognising that different orientations do not change the shape; for example, cutting out pictures of various shapes and
‘parallel’, ‘curved’ and ‘straight’ recognising that they are still classified as the same shape even if they are upside down or on their side
VC2M2SP01 investigating the shapes of different sporting fields, describing and labelling their features, including sidelines, centre circles and goal squares; for
example, labelling the lines on a basketball court and using spatial terms to describe them
creating regular shapes using digital tools, describing and observing what happens when you manipulate them; for example, dragging or pushing
vertices to produce irregular shapes, or moving or rotating a shape
locate positions in two-dimensional interpreting maps of familiar places and identifying the position of key features
representations of a familiar space; move understanding that we use maps to receive and give directions and to describe place and spatial relationships between places
positions by following directions and using a classroom seating plan to locate a new seating position and giving directions to other classmates to find their seats
pathways following and creating movement instructions that need to be carried out to move through a 4 × 4 grid mat on the classroom floor or on a computer
VC2M2SP02 screen, for example, one forward, 2 to the right and one backwards and so on to reach a target square; or using a robotic toy to follow a path on a street
scene on a floor mat, adjusting their instructions to the robot toy as they consider the order of their instructions, the direction and how far they want the
toy to travel
moving around a two-dimensional maze using directional language to describe turns and changes in direction, including saying, for example, ‘clockwise’,
‘anticlockwise’, ‘quarter turn to the left’ and ‘take the path to the right’
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Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
acquire data for categorical variables posing a question of interest about favourite things (for example, asking classmates ‘What are your favourite types of fruit/football teams/days of the
through surveys, observation, experiment week?’), recording responses using a table, and using counting strategies to determine the number of different responses and the most popular and least
and using digital tools; sort data into popular responses
relevant categories and display data investigating questions such as ‘How much rubbish is really rubbish?’ by gathering data about objects in categories (for example, ‘throw away’, ‘recycle’
using lists and tables and ‘re-use’), deciding whether the data answers the question
VC2M2ST01 using familiar software to construct a survey to collect class data; sorting and interpreting responses; and considering the questions asked and whether
they need to be modified to re-use the survey
observing events and using the observations to design a table or list to record data; for example, observing students arriving at school prior to deciding
the appropriate data categories for investigating the different ways students get to school
exploring the ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples observe, collect, sort and record data
create different graphical representations collecting data from a limited list of choices, creating 2 different graphical representations of the data, and discussing and comparing the different
of data using software where appropriate; representations; for example, asking the class to choose their favourite colour from a given set, then co-creating a picture graph with colours on the
compare the different representations, horizontal axis and comparing it to a column graph with colours on the horizontal axis and numbers on the vertical axis
and identify and describe common and creating different data displays (for example, lists, tally charts, jointly created column graphs and picture graphs) to represent a data set, describing the
distinctive features in response to information that each display represents and discussing how easy or hard they are to interpret and why
questions using digital tools to create picture graphs to represent data using one-to-one correspondence, deciding on an appropriate title for the graph and
VC2M2ST02 considering whether the categories of data are appropriate for the context
comparing picture graphs with one-to-one column graphs of the same data, interpreting the data in each and saying how they are the same and how
they are different; for example, collecting data on the country of birth of each student and creating different pictographs to represent classroom data
using dot plots, sticker charts, picture graphs, bar charts and column graphs to represent data
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Level 3
Level description
In Level 3, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
become increasingly aware of the usefulness of mathematics to model situations and solve practical problems
recognise that mathematics has conventions and language enabling the unambiguous communication of ideas and results
experience the power of being able to manipulate numbers using a range of strategies that are based on proficiency with single-digit addition facts and
their understanding of place value in the base-10 number system, partitioning and regrouping
begin to apply their understanding of algorithms and technology to experiment with numbers and recognise patterns
develop, extend and apply their addition and multiplication facts and related facts for subtraction and division through recognising connections between
operations, and develop automaticity for 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication facts through games and meaningful practice
learn to formulate, choose and use calculation strategies, communicating their solutions within a modelling context
use metric units to measure and compare objects and events
recognise the relationship between dollars and cents and learn to represent money values in different ways, including virtual money
determine key features of objects and spaces, and use these when they build models and spatial representations
undertake, with guidance, statistical investigations that are meaningful to them, making decisions about their use and representation of categorical and
discrete numerical data, and reporting findings
develop a qualitative understanding of chance and use the language of chance to describe and compare the outcomes of familiar chance events
become increasingly able to understand that different outcomes can be the results of random processes.
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Achievement standard
By the end of Level 3, students order and represent natural numbers beyond 10 000, classify numbers as either odd or even, and use the properties of odd
and even numbers. They partition, rearrange and regroup two- and three-digit numbers in different ways to assist in calculations. Students extend and use
single-digit addition and related subtraction facts and apply additive strategies to model and solve problems involving two- and three-digit numbers. They use
a range of strategies to apply mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving single-digit multiplication and division, recalling multiplication facts
for twos, threes, fours, fives and tens. Students represent unit fractions and their multiples in different ways. They make estimates and determine the
reasonableness of financial and other calculations.
Students find unknown values in number sentences involving addition and subtraction. They create algorithms to investigate numbers and explore simple
Students use familiar metric units when estimating, comparing and measuring the attributes of objects and events. They identify angles as measures of turn
and compare them to right angles. Students estimate and compare measures of duration using formal units of time. They represent money values in different
Students make, compare and classify objects using key features. They interpret and create two-dimensional representations of familiar environments.
Students conduct guided statistical investigations involving categorical and discrete numerical data and interpret their results in terms of the context. They
record, represent and compare data they have collected.
Students use practical activities, observation or experiment to identify and describe outcomes and the likelihood of everyday events explaining reasoning.
Students conduct repeated chance experiments and discuss variation in results.
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recognise, represent and order natural moving materials from one place to another on a place value model to show renaming of numbers (for example, 1574 can be shown as one thousand, 5
numbers using naming and writing hundreds, 7 tens and 4 ones, or as 15 hundreds, 7 tens and 4 ones)
conventions for numerals beyond 10 000 using the repeating pattern of place value names and spaces within sets of 3 digits to name and write larger numbers: ones, tens, hundreds, ones of
VC2M3N02 thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, ones of millions, tens of millions; for example, writing four hundred and twenty-five thousand as
425 000
predicting and naming the number that is one more than 99, 109, 199, 1009, 1099, 1999, 10 009 … 99 999 and discussing what will change when one,
one ten and one hundred is added to each
comparing the Hindu-Arabic numeral system to other numeral systems; for example, investigating the Japanese numeral system, 一、十、百、千、
comparing, reading and writing the numbers involved in more than 60 000 years of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ presence on the
Australian continent through timescales relating to pre-colonisation and post-colonisation
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add and subtract two- and three-digit using partitioning and part-part-whole models and the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to solve addition or subtraction problems,
numbers using place value to partition, making informal written ‘jottings’ to keep track of the numbers if necessary
rearrange and regroup numbers to assist using physical or virtual grouped materials or diagrams to make proportional models of numbers to assist in calculations, for example, to calculate 214 +
in calculations without a calculator 325, representing 214 as 2 groups of 100, one group of 10 and 4 ones and 325 as 3 groups of 100, 2 groups of 10 and 5 ones, resulting in 5 groups of
VC2M3N04 100, 3 groups of 10 and 9 ones, which is 539
choosing between standard and non-standard place value partitions to assist with calculations, for example, to solve 485 + 365, thinking of 365 as 350 +
15, then adding the parts, 485 + 15 = 500, 500 + 350 = 850
solving subtraction problems efficiently by adding or subtracting a constant amount to both numbers to create an easier calculation; for example, 534 −
395, adding 5 to both numbers to make 539 − 400 = 139
justifying choices about partitioning and regrouping numbers in terms of their usefulness for particular calculations when solving problems
applying knowledge of place value to assist in calculations when solving problems involving larger numbers; for example, calculating the total crowd
numbers for an agricultural show that lasts a week
multiply and divide one- and two-digit applying knowledge of numbers and the properties of operations using a variety of ways to represent multiplication or division number sentences; for
numbers, representing problems using example, using a Think Board to show different ways of visualising 8 × 4, such as an array, a diagram and a worded problem
number sentences, diagrams and arrays, using part-part-whole and comparative models to visually represent multiplicative relationships and choosing whether to use multiplication or division to
and using a variety of calculation solve problems
strategies matching or creating a problem scenario or story that can be represented by a given number sentence involving multiplication and division; for example,
VC2M3N05 using given number sentences to create worded problems for others to solve
formulating connected multiplication and division expressions by representing situations from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ cultural
stories and dances about how they care for Country/Place, such as turtle egg gathering, using number sentences
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
recognise the relationships between investigating the relationship between dollars and cents, using physical or virtual materials to make different combinations of the same amount of money
dollars and cents and represent money representing money amounts in different ways using knowledge of part-part-whole relationships; for example, knowing that $1 is equal to 100 cents,
values in different ways representing $1.85 as $1 + 50c + 20c + 10c + 5c or 50c + 50c + 50c + 10c + 10c + 10c + 5c; or when calculating change from buying an item for $1.30
VC2M3N07 from $2, starting from $1.30 and adding 20c and 50c, which gives $2
use mathematical modelling to solve modelling practical additive situations, choosing whether to use an addition, subtraction or both when representing the problem as a number sentence,
practical problems involving additive and and explaining how each number in their number sentence is connected to the situation
multiplicative situations, including modelling additive problems using a bar model to represent the problem; for example, modelling the problem ‘I had 75 tomatoes and then picked some
financial contexts; formulate problems more. Now I have 138. How many did I pick?’
using number sentences and choose modelling practical multiplicative situations using materials or a diagram to represent the problem; for example, if 4 tomato plants each have 6 tomatoes,
calculation strategies, using digital tools deciding whether to use an addition or multiplication number sentence, explaining how each number in their number sentence is connected to the
where appropriate; interpret and situation
communicate solutions in terms of the modelling and solving practical division problems involving unknown numbers of groups or finding how much is in each group by representing the
situation problem with both division and multiplication number sentences, and explaining how the 2 number sentences are connected to the problem
VC2M3N08 modelling the problem of deciding how to share an amount equally (for example, 48 horses into 2, 4, 6 or 8 paddocks), representing the shares with a
division and a multiplication number sentence, and counting the number in each share to check the solutions
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise and explain the connection partitioning numbers using materials, part-part-whole diagrams or bar models, and recording addition and subtraction facts for each representation,
between addition and subtraction as explaining how each fact is connected to the materials, diagrams or models (for example, 16 + 8 = 24, 24 − 8 = 16, 8 = 24 − 16)
inverse operations, apply to partition using the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to find unknown values with a calculator or by counting on; for example, representing the
numbers and find unknown values in problem ‘Peter had some money and then spent $375. Now he has $158 left. How much did Peter have to start with?’ as □ − $375 = $158 and solving
number sentences the problem using $375 + $158 = $533; or solving 27 + □ = 63 using subtraction, □ = 63 – 27, or by counting on 27, 37, 47, 57, 60, 63, so add 3 tens and
VC2M3A01 6 ones, so □ = 36
exploring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ stories and dances that show the connection between addition and subtraction, representing
this as a number sentence and discussing how this conveys important information about balance in processes on Country/Place
extend and apply knowledge of addition partitioning using materials and part-part-whole diagrams to develop subtraction facts related to addition facts, such as 8 + 7 = 15 therefore 15 − 7 = 8
and subtraction facts to 20 to develop and 15 − 8 = 7
efficient mental strategies for computation using partitioning to develop and record facts systematically (for example, ‘How many ways can 12 monkeys be spread among 2 trees?’, 12 = 12 + 0, 12
with larger numbers without a calculator = 11 + 1, 12 = 10 + 2, 12 = 9 + 3, …), explaining how they know they have found all possible partitions
VC2M3A02 understanding basic addition and related subtraction facts and using extensions to these facts; for example, 6 + 6 = 12, 16 + 6 = 22, 6 + 7 = 13, 16 + 7 =
23, and 60 + 60 = 120, 600 + 600 = 1200
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
identify which metric units are used to examining the packaging on supermarket items to determine the metric unit used to describe the mass or volume of the contents
measure everyday items; use identifying items that have a mass of one kilogram or 500 grams, or a capacity of one litre or 500 millilitres, and using these benchmarks to estimate the
measurements of familiar items and mass or capacity of other things, explaining their reasoning
known units to make estimates estimating the height of a tree by comparing it to the height of their friend and quoting the result as ‘The tree is about 3 times as tall’; and estimating the
VC2M3M01 capacity of a fish tank by using a litre milk carton as a benchmark
choosing and using metres to estimate the dimensions of the classroom
measure and compare objects using making a measuring tape using metric units of length and using it to measure and compare things, for example, the girth of a tree; and explaining that the
familiar metric units of length, mass and lines on a ruler show the beginning and end of each unit
capacity, and instruments with labelled using a strip of one-centimetre grid paper to measure and compare the length of objects, connecting this with centimetre units on a ruler and using
markings fractions of a graduation to give a more accurate measure
VC2M3M02 discussing how the capacity of a container or object usually refers to the amount of liquid it can hold, measured in millilitres and litres, and comparing the
capacity of different sizes of familiar drinks (for example, 600-millilitre, one-litre, 2-litre and 3-litre milk containers)
measuring and comparing the mass of objects and capacity of containers, using measuring jugs and kitchen or other scales and standard metric units of
millilitres, litres, grams and kilograms; and interpreting and explaining what the lines on the measuring jug or scales mean
comparing the capacity of different beakers used in science lessons and using the numbered graduations to measure out different capacities of liquid
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
describe the relationship between the representing and reading the time on an analog clock using the markings and the positions of the hands, to the nearest minute mark or 5-minute interval
hours and minutes on analog and digital reading and connecting analog and digital time, interpreting times, and recognising and using the language of time, for example, 12:15 as a quarter past
clocks, and read the time to the nearest 12, or 15 minutes past 12; 12:45 as a quarter to one or 15 minutes before one o’clock; and 10:05 as 5 minutes past 10
minute reading analog clocks throughout the day, and noticing and connecting the position of the hour hand and the distance the minute hand has travelled
VC2M3M04 during the current hour
identify angles as measures of turn and using quarter, half and three-quarter turns and comparing them to a right angle, for example, a quarter turn is the same as a right angle; a half a turn is
use right angles as a reference to greater than a right angle and is the same as 2 right angles; a three-quarter turn is greater than a right angle and is the same as 3 right angles
compare angles in everyday situations recognising that right angles occur at the corners of many everyday objects, for example, books, windows, tabletops and whiteboards
VC2M3M05 identifying angles that are bigger than, smaller than and the same as a right angle in the environment; for example, opening doors partially and fully and
comparing the angles created to a right angle
exploring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games to investigate angles as measures of turn, for example, in the game
Waayin from the Datiwuy People in the northern part of the Northern Territory
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
make, compare and classify objects, classifying a collection of geometric objects, including cylinders, spheres, prisms and pyramids, according to key features such as the shape and number
identifying key features and explaining of faces and/or surfaces, edges and vertices
why these features make them suited to making and comparing objects built out of cubic blocks and discussing key features; for example, comparing the amount of space that objects occupy by
their uses counting how many blocks it takes to build different rectangular prisms that have the same height but different bases
VC2M3SP01 making geometric objects in solid form out of connecting cubes and in skeleton form with straws, and constructing objects using dynamic geometry
software, recognising, comparing and discussing the features of the objects using the different representations
using familiar shapes and objects to build or construct models and compare the suitability of different shapes and objects for aspects of the model; for
example, building rectangular towers out of connecting cubes and recognising that the taller the tower, the less stable it becomes unless the base is
increased; or building bridges out of straws bent into different shapes and comparing the strength of different designs
identifying, classifying and comparing common objects found on Country/Place as cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres
investigating and explaining how Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ dwellings are oriented in the environment to accommodate climatic
interpret and create two-dimensional designing the layout of a space; for example, designing a proposed games room or a classroom using a blank sheet of paper as the boundary and cut-
representations of familiar environments, outs of shapes to represent furniture from a top-view perspective
locating key landmarks and objects locating themselves within a space, such as a basketball court, oval, stage or assembly hall, guided by a simple hand-held plan indicating the different
relative to each other positions of the participants in the activity
VC2M3SP02 sketching a map indicating where they have hidden an object within the classroom, swapping maps with partners and then providing feedback about
what was helpful and what was confusing on the map
identifying differences in the representation of a place on a map, in an aerial photograph, in a street view and in a satellite image, and discussing the
different information the representations can give
exploring land maps or cultural maps used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to locate, identify and position important landmarks such as
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
acquire data for categorical and discrete using efficient ways to collect and record data (for example, written surveys, online surveys, polling the class using interactive digital mediums) and
numerical variables to address a question representing and reporting the results of investigations
of interest or purpose by observing, developing questions of interest and using surveys, observations or experiments to collect categorical, discrete numerical or qualitative data sets and
collecting and accessing data sets; discussing what kind of data can be used to help inform or answer the question in a statistical investigation
record the data using appropriate using lists, tallies, symbols and digital data tables to record and display data collected during a chance experiment, for interpretation
methods, including frequency tables and using different online sources to access data; for example, using online query interfaces to select and retrieve data from an online database such as
spreadsheets weather records, data frequency mapping software such as Google Trends, or the World Health Organization
VC2M3ST01 using software to sort and calculate data when solving problems; for example, sorting discrete numerical and categorical data in ascending or
descending order and automating simple arithmetic calculations using nearby cells and the summation (‘sum’) function in spreadsheets to calculate total
frequencies of collected data
create and compare different graphical comparing various student-generated data representations and describing their similarities and differences
representations of data sets, including using digital tools and graphing software to construct graphs of data acquired through experiments or observation and interpreting the data and making
using software where appropriate; inferences; for example, graphing data from a science experiment and interpreting the results
interpret the data in terms of the context selecting appropriate formats or layout styles to present data as information, depending on the type of data and the audience; for example, lists, tables,
VC2M3ST02 graphs and infographics
using newspapers or magazines to find examples of different displays of data, interpreting and describing the information they present
conduct guided statistical investigations creating a poster, flow chart or infographic that describes the process of statistical investigation, and the components, tools and types of data that can be
involving the collection, representation collected, represented and interpreted for a purpose
and interpretation of data for categorical collaboratively working through a whole-class investigation by choosing a question of interest, using an efficient collection method and recording
and discrete numerical variables with collected data, and then interpreting the data in terms of the question
respect to questions of interest planning and carrying out investigations that involve collecting data; for example, narrowing the focus of a question such as ‘Which is the most popular
VC2M3ST03 breakfast cereal?’ to ‘Which is the most popular breakfast cereal among Year 3 students in our class?’
conducting a whole-class statistical investigation into the best day to hold an open day for parents by creating a simple survey, collecting the data by
asking the parents, representing and interpreting the results, and deciding as a class which day would be best
investigating seasonal calendars of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples by collecting data and creating frequency tables and spreadsheets
based on environmental indicators, and creating one-to-one data displays about frequency of environmental indicators for the current season
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
identify practical activities and everyday predicting what could happen next in practical activities that involve an element of chance, considering possible outcomes and using terms such as
events that involve chance, and describe ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ to explain their predictions
possible outcomes and events as ‘likely’ classifying a list of everyday events or sorting a set of event cards according to how likely they are to happen, using the language of chance and giving
or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as reasons for classifications; and discussing how impossible outcomes cannot ever happen, and uncertain outcomes are affected by chance as they may
‘certain’ or ‘impossible’, explaining or may not happen, whereas certain events must always happen so they are not affected by chance
reasoning making predictions and testing what would happen, for example, if 10 names were put in a box and names were then drawn out one at a time and
VC2M3P01 replaced after each selection, discussing how likely it would be after 10 selections that all 10 names were drawn from the box or that one name was
drawn multiple times
conduct repeated chance experiments; identifying the possible outcomes of a chance experiment, creating a tally chart to record results, carrying out a few trials and tallying the results for each
identify and describe possible outcomes, trial, and then responding to the questions ‘How did your results vary for each trial?’ and ‘How do the results vary across the class?’
record the results, and recognise and conducting repeated trials of chance experiments such as tossing a coin, throwing a dice, drawing a coloured or numbered ball from a bag, or using a
discuss the variation coloured spinner with equal partitions, and identifying the variation in the number of heads/fives/reds between trials
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Level 4
Level description
In Level 4, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
consolidate their knowledge and facility with arithmetic operations, and draw on their proficiency with number facts, fractions and decimals, to deepen
their appreciation of how numbers work
develop and use strategies for multiplication that are based on their understanding of multiplication as an operation and their knowledge of laws for
arithmetic operations
choose and use efficient mental and written strategies when modelling problems, communicating their solutions within the context of the situation
use algorithms to generate sets of numbers, recognising and describing any patterns that emerge
become aware of the importance of context and purpose when they make judgements and reflect on the reasonableness of measurements and the
results of calculations, and how they choose to represent mathematics and mathematical information
measure and estimate common attributes of objects using conventional instruments and appropriate metric units
develop and use surveys to obtain data that is directly relevant to their statistical investigations
draw on their reasoning skills to analyse, categorise and order chance events and identify independent and dependent events
investigate variability by conducting repeated chance experiments and observing results.
Achievement standard
By the end of Level 4, students use their understanding of place value to represent tenths and hundredths in decimal form and to multiply natural numbers by
multiples of 10. Students use mathematical modelling to solve financial and other practical problems, formulating the problem using number sentences,
solving the problem choosing efficient strategies and interpreting the results in terms of the situation. They use their proficiency with addition, subtraction,
multiplication facts for tens (× 10) and related division facts to perform arithmetic operations to add and subtract, and multiply and divide numbers efficiently.
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They choose rounding and estimation strategies to determine whether results of calculations are reasonable. They recognise common equivalent fractions in
familiar contexts and make connections between fraction and decimal notations. Students count and represent familiar fractions on a number line.
Students find unknown values in numerical equations involving addition and subtraction. They follow and create algorithms that generate sets of numbers and
identify emerging patterns.
Students use appropriate scaled instruments and appropriate units to measure length, mass, capacity and temperature. They measure and approximate
perimeters and areas for regular and irregular shapes. They convert between units of time when solving problems involving duration. Students compare
angles relative to a right angle using angle names.
Students represent and approximate shapes and objects from their environment. Students create and interpret grid references. They identify line and
rotational symmetry in plane shapes and create symmetrical patterns.
Students create many-to-one data displays, assess the suitability of displays for representing data and informally discuss the shape of distributions and
variation in data. They use surveys and digital tools to generate categorical or discrete numerical data in statistical investigations and communicate their
findings in context.
Students order events or the outcomes of chance experiments in terms of likelihood and identify whether events are independent or dependent. They conduct
repeated chance experiments and describe the variation in results.
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investigate number sequences involving recognising that number sequences can be extended indefinitely, and determining any patterns in the sequences
multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9
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solve problems involving multiplying or using physical or virtual materials to demonstrate the multiplicative relationship between the places
dividing natural numbers by multiples and using materials such as place value charts, numeral expanders or sliders to recognise and explain why multiplying by 10 moves the digits one place to
powers of 10 without a calculator, using the left and dividing by 10 moves digits one place to the right
the multiplicative relationship between the using a calculator or other digital tools to recognise and develop an understanding of the effect of multiplying or dividing numbers by tens, hundreds and
place value of digits thousands, recording sequences in a place value chart, in a table or spreadsheet, generalising the patterns noticed and applying them to solve
VC2M4N05 multiplicative problems without a calculator
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
choose and use estimation and rounding using proficiency with basic facts to estimate the result of a calculation and say what amounts the answer will be between; for example, 5 packets of
to check and explain the reasonableness biscuits at $2.60 each will cost between $10 and $15 as 5 × $2 = $10 and 5 × $3 = $15
of calculations, including the results of using rounded amounts to complete an estimated budget for a shopping trip or an excursion, explaining why overestimating the amounts is appropriate
financial transactions recognising the effect of rounding in addition and multiplication calculations; rounding both numbers up, both numbers down, and one number up and
VC2M4N07 one number down, and explaining which is the best approximation and why
solve problems involving purchases and recognising that not all countries use dollars and cents; for example, India uses rupees
the calculation of change to the nearest carrying out calculations in another currency as well as in dollars and cents, and identifying both as decimal systems
5 cents with and without digital tools
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follow and create algorithms involving a creating an algorithm that will generate number sequences involving multiples of one to 10 using digital tools to assist, identifying and explaining
sequence of steps and decisions that use emerging patterns, and recognising that number sequences can be extended indefinitely
addition or multiplication to generate sets creating a basic flow chart that represents an algorithm that will generate a sequence of numbers using multiplication by a constant term; using a
of numbers; identify and describe any calculator to model and follow the algorithm, and recording the sequence of numbers generated; and checking results and describing any emerging
emerging patterns patterns
VC2M4N10 using a multiplication formula in a spreadsheet and the ‘fill down’ function to generate a sequence of numbers (for example, entering the number ‘1’ in
the cell A1, using ‘fill down’ to cell A100, entering the formula ‘=A1*4’ in the cell B1 and using the ‘fill down’ function to generate a sequence of 100
numbers) and describing emerging patterns
creating an algorithm that will generate number sequences involving multiples of one to 10, using digital tools to assist, identifying and explaining
emerging patterns, and recognising that number sequences can be extended indefinitely
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
find unknown values in numerical demonstrating the commutative properties of addition using materials, diagrams and number lines; for example, using number lines to demonstrate that
equations involving addition and 5 + 2 = 2 + 5, and demonstrating that 2 + 2 + 3 = 7 and 2 + 3 + 2 = 7 and 3 + 2 + 2 = 7
subtraction, using the properties of using balance scales and informal uniform units to create addition or subtraction number sentences showing equivalence, such as 7 + 8 = 6 + 9, and to
numbers and operations find unknowns in equivalent number sentences, such as 6 + 8 = □ + 10
VC2M4A01 using relational thinking and knowledge of equivalent number sentences to explain whether equations involving addition or subtraction are true; for
example, explaining that 27 − 14 = 17 − 4 is true and using a number line to show the common difference is 13
recall and demonstrate proficiency with using arrays on grid paper or created with blocks or counters to develop, represent and explain patterns in multiplication facts up to 10 × 10; and using
multiplication facts up to 10 × 10 and the arrays to explain the related division facts
related division facts, and explain the using materials or diagrams to develop and record multiplication strategies such as doubling, halving, commutativity and adding one more or subtracting
patterns in these; extend and apply facts from a group to reach a known fact; for example, creating multiples of 3 on grid paper and doubling to find multiples of 6, and recording and explaining
to develop efficient mental and written the connections to the × 3 and × 6 multiplication facts: 3, 6, 9, … doubled is 6, 12, 18, …
strategies for computation with larger using known multiplication facts for 2, 3, 5 and 10 to establish multiplication facts for 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in different ways; for example, using multiples of 10
numbers without a calculator to establish the multiples of 9 as ‘to multiply a number by 9 you multiply by 10 then take the number away’: 9 × 4 = 10 × 4 − 4, so 9 × 4 is 40 − 4 = 36; or
VC2M4A02 using multiples of 3 as ‘to multiply a number by 9 you multiply by 3, and then multiply the result by 3 again’
using arrays and known multiplication facts for twos and fives to develop the multiplication facts for sevens, applying the distributive property of
multiplication; for example, when finding 6 × 7, knowing that 7 is made up of 2 and 5, and using an array to show that 6 × 7 is the same as 6 × 2 + 6 × 5
= 12 + 30, which is 42
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
use scaled and digital instruments to reading the mass of objects measured with digital and analog kitchen scales and explaining what unit of mass the lines on the analog scales refer to
interpret unmarked and partial units to deciding on which attribute, unit and measuring instrument to use to compare the length and mass of various things, such as the distance travelled by an
measure and compare lengths, masses, object in a science investigation; and explaining the use of units such as grams or millimetres to give accurate measures when needed
capacities, durations and temperatures, using scaled instruments such as tape measures, measuring jugs, kitchen scales and thermometers to record measures using whole units (for example,
using appropriate units 560 millimetres) or whole and part units (for example, 5.25 metres, 1.75 litres, 2.5 kilograms, 28.5° Celsius)
VC2M4M01 reading and interpreting the scale of an analog clock without marked minutes to estimate the time to the nearest minute and to determine the duration of
time between events
using the timer or alarm function of a clock to alert when a specified duration has elapsed from a given starting time, for example, for the different
activities of an exercise routine
making a scaled measuring instrument such as a tape measure, ruler, sand timer, sundial or measuring cup using scaled instruments and direct
exploring the different types of scaled instruments used by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ranger groups and other groups to make decisions
about caring for Country/Place, and modelling these in local contexts
recognise ways of measuring and recognising that perimeter is the sum of the lengths that form the boundary of a shape or enclosed space; choosing suitable units from a range of objects
approximating the perimeter and area of to measure around the boundary of a shape such as a garden bed; comparing the results to say which unit was an appropriate choice for the context;
shapes and enclosed spaces, using and using a piece of string or rope to measure the perimeter of irregular shapes and enclosed spaces, including those that have curved sections
appropriate formal and informal units creating a range of rectangles representing ‘paddocks’ on grid paper and establishing different methods of working out the length of the boundary fences;
VC2M4M02 and explaining that the more efficient methods involve adding the side lengths rather than counting squares
recognising that area is the space enclosed by the boundary of a shape or the surface of an object; measuring and comparing the area of shapes using
an array of paper tiles or mosaic squares, including part units to fill gaps at the edge of the shapes; and comparing the total areas by combining the
fractional parts to make whole units
demonstrating how to use one unit repeatedly to measure the area of a shape (for example, using one paper square to measure and compare the area
of a rectangle and a triangle) and recording and explaining how they used part units to give a more accurate measure, and why they needed to ensure
there were no gaps or overlaps
investigating the ways Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ranger groups and other groups measure areas of land to make decisions about fire burns
to care for Country/Place
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estimate and compare angles using angle classifying the interior angles of a range of shapes, using examples of angles to identify acute, obtuse, right and reflex angles
names including acute, obtuse, straight identifying angles within the environment and estimating whether they are acute, obtuse, right or reflex
angle, reflex and revolution, and creating a right-angle template using cardboard or a double-folded piece of paper and using it to compare angles in the environment, commenting on
recognise their relationship to a right whether they are smaller than or greater than a right angle
angle using different measuring tools such as a spirit level or set squares to determine whether lines or objects are straight, square or perpendicular (at right
VC2M4M04 angles)
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
explain and compare the geometric describing the similarities and differences between two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects
properties of two-dimensional shapes and recognising two-dimensional shapes that are the faces for three-dimensional objects such as prisms, pyramids and platonic solids (including
three-dimensional objects tetrahedrons, cubes and dodecahedrons)
represent and approximate composite identifying common shapes that form part of a composite shape by re-creating these shapes using physical or virtual materials
shapes and objects in the environment, physically or virtually using cubes to make three-dimensional models that approximate real objects; for example, building a virtual environment by using a
using combinations of familiar shapes computer software program to construct objects out of cubes
and objects approximating complex shapes and objects in the environment with familiar shapes and objects; for example, drawing cartoon animals by combining
VC2M4SP02 familiar shapes
recognising how familiar shapes and objects are used in logos and other graphics to represent more complex shapes, and creating logos using graphic
design software
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recognise line and rotational symmetry of identifying rotational symmetry of shapes by tracing around various shapes and objects to create an image, and using the image to test and record which
shapes and create symmetrical patterns different rotations result in the same image
and pictures, using dynamic geometry using dynamic geometry software to manipulate shapes and create symmetrical patterns; for example, creating tessellation patterns that are symmetrical
software where appropriate using stimulus materials such as the motifs in Central Asian textiles, Tibetan artefacts, Indian lotus designs and Islamic artwork to investigate and
VC2M4SP04 discuss line and rotational symmetry
exploring the natural environment on Country/Place to investigate and discuss patterns and symmetry of shapes and objects such as in flowers, plants
and landscapes
Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
acquire data for categorical and discrete investigating many-to-one data displays using digital tools and graphical software, interpreting and discussing key features
numerical variables to address a question understanding that data can be represented with one symbol representing more than one piece of data, and that it is important to read all information
of interest or purpose using digital tools; about a representation before making judgements
represent data using many-to-one constructing graphs of data collected through observation during science experiments, recording, interpreting and discussing the results in terms of the
pictographs, column graphs and other scientific study
displays or visualisations; interpret and acquiring samples of data using practical activities, observations or repeated chance experiments; recording data using tally charts, digital tables or
discuss the information that has been spreadsheets; and graphing, discussing and comparing the results using a column graph
created using secondary data of fire burns to construct data displays that assist Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ranger groups and other groups to care
VC2M4ST01 for Country/Place
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conduct statistical investigations, creating a survey to collect class responses to a preferred movie choice, and recording data responses using spreadsheets; graphing data using a
collecting data through survey responses column graph or other appropriate representations; and interpreting the results of the survey and reporting findings back to the class
and other methods; record and display conducting a statistical investigation and acquiring data from different online sources; for example, using online query interfaces to select and retrieve
data using digital tools; interpret the data data from an online database such as weather records, data frequency mapping software such as Google Trends, or the World Health Organization
and communicate the results investigating different contexts in which statistical investigations can take place and the types of questions to ask to collect data relevant to the context;
VC2M4ST03 for example, investigating supermarket customer complaints that breakfast cereals with the most sugar are positioned at children’s eye level, discussing
what questions they would need to ask and answer
Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
describe possible everyday events and using lists of events familiar to students and ordering them from ‘least likely’ to ‘most likely’ to occur; and considering and discussing why the order of
the possible outcomes of chance some events might be different for different students
experiments and order outcomes or predicting the outcome of a coin toss after 5 heads have been tossed in a row, discussing the assertion that because so many heads came up, it is more
events based on their likelihood of likely that a tail rather than a head will come up next; and discussing with reasons why this assertion is correct or incorrect
occurring; identify independent or predicting how likely it is – from least likely to most likely – that they would select a red ball from a bag containing 10 red balls and 5 white balls, from a
dependent events bag containing 20 of each, or from a bag that has 25 red balls and 20 white balls, justifying their decision
VC2M4P01 identifying school activities where the chance of them taking place is affected by the chance of other events occurring; for example, given that there is a
high chance of a storm on Friday, there is only a small chance that the coastal dune planting project will go ahead
listing the outcomes of everyday chance situations and identifying where one cannot happen if the other happens; for example, discussing that it cannot
be hot and cold at the same time, or selecting a card from a deck and discussing if it is red it cannot be a spade or a club
identifying different dependent events where the chance of one outcome occurring will be affected by the occurrence of other outcomes and different
independent events where the chance of one outcome occurring will not be affected by the occurrence of other outcome(s)
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Level 5
Level description
In Level 5, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
apply their understanding of relationships to convert between forms of numbers, units and spatial representations
use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems with guidance, using natural numbers and operations, and report on insights and conclusions
they reach about the context
use common percentages to make proportional comparisons of quantities
use appropriate instruments and digital tools to construct and measure angles in degrees
use appropriate metric units to directly measure the area and perimeter of regular and irregular spaces
locate and move positions within a grid coordinate system
recognise what stays the same and what changes when shapes undergo transformations
experiment with factors and multiples using algorithms and digital tools
plan, conduct and report findings from statistical investigations that involve an increasing range of types of data and means for representing data
develop their reasoning skills when they consider relationships between events and connect long-term frequency over many trials to the likelihood of an
event occurring.
Achievement standard
By the end of Level 5, students use place value to write and order decimals including decimals greater than one. They express natural numbers as products
of factors and identify multiples and divisors. Students order and represent, add and subtract fractions with the same or related denominators. They represent
common percentages and connect them to their fraction and decimal equivalents. Students use their proficiency with multiplication facts and efficient mental
and written calculation strategies to multiply large numbers by one- and two-digit numbers and divide by one-digit numbers. They check the reasonableness
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of their calculations using estimation. Students use mathematical modelling to solve financial and other practical problems, formulating and solving problems,
choosing arithmetic operations and interpreting results in terms of the situation.
Students apply properties of numbers and operations to find unknown values in numerical equations involving multiplication and division. They design and use
algorithms to identify and explain patterns in the factors and multiples of numbers.
Students choose and use appropriate metric units to measure the attributes of length, mass and capacity, and to solve problems involving perimeter and area.
Students convert between 12- and 24-hour time. They estimate, construct and measure angles in degrees. Students use grid coordinates to locate and move
Students connect objects to their two-dimensional nets. They perform and describe the results of transformations and identify any symmetries.
Students plan and conduct statistical investigations that collect nominal and ordinal categorical and discrete numerical data with and without digital tools.
Students identify the mode and interpret the shape of distributions of data in context. They interpret and compare data represented in line graphs.
Students conduct repeated chance experiments, list the possible outcomes, estimate likelihoods and make comparisons between those with and without
equally likely outcomes.
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compare and order common unit fractions using pattern blocks to represent equivalent fractions; selecting one block or a combination of blocks to represent one whole, and making a design with
with the same and related denominators, shapes; and recording the fractions to justify the total
including mixed numerals, applying creating a fraction wall from paper tape to model and compare a range of different fractions with related denominators, and using the model to play
knowledge of factors and multiples; fraction wall games
represent these fractions on a number connecting a fraction wall model and a number line model of fractions to say how they are the same and how they are different; for example, explaining
line 1 1
on a fraction wall represents the area of one-quarter of the whole, while on the number line is identified as a point that is one-quarter of the
4 4
distance between zero and one
using an understanding of factors and multiples as well as equivalence to recognise efficient methods for the location of fractions with related
denominators on parallel number lines; for example, explaining on parallel number lines that is located at the same position on a parallel number
1 1 2
line as because is equivalent to
5 5 10
converting between mixed numerals and improper fractions to assist with locating them on a number line
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solve problems involving addition and using different ways to add and subtract fractional amounts by subdividing different models of measurement attributes; for example, adding half an hour
subtraction of fractions with the same or 3 1 3 1
and three-quarters of an hour using a clock face, adding a cup of flour and a cup of flour, subtracting of a metre from 2 metres
related denominators, using different 4 4 4 4
strategies representing and solving addition and subtraction problems involving fractions by using jumps on a number line, or bar models, or making diagrams of
fractions as parts of shapes
using materials, diagrams, number lines or arrays to show and explain that fraction number sentences can be rewritten in equivalent forms without
1 1 2 1
changing the quantity, for example, + is the same as +
2 4 4 4
solve problems involving multiplication of solving multiplication problems such as 253 × 4 using a doubling strategy, for example, 2 × 253 = 506 and 2 × 506 = 1012
larger numbers by one- or two-digit solving multiplication problems like 15 × 16 by thinking of factors of both numbers, 15 = 3 × 5, 16 = 2 × 8, and rearranging the factors to make the
numbers, choosing efficient mental and calculation easier, 5 × 2 = 10, 3 × 8 = 24 and 10 × 24 = 240
written calculation strategies and using using an array to show place value partitioning to solve multiplication, such as 324 × 8, thinking 300 × 8 = 2400, 20 × 8 = 160, 4 × 8 = 32 then adding the
digital tools where appropriate; check the parts, 2400 + 160 + 32 = 2592; and connecting the parts of the array to a standard written algorithm
reasonableness of answers using different strategies used to multiply numbers, and explaining how they work and if they have any limitations; for example, discussing how the
VC2M5N06 Japanese visual method for multiplication is not effective for multiplying larger numbers
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check and explain the reasonableness of interpreting a series of contextual problems to decide whether an exact answer or an approximate calculation is appropriate, and explaining their
solutions to problems, including financial reasoning in relation to the context and the numbers involved
contexts using estimation strategies recognising the effect of rounding addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations, and rounding both numbers up, both numbers down, and
appropriate to the context one number up and one number down; and explaining which estimation is the best approximation and why
VC2M5N08 considering the type of rounding that is appropriate when estimating the amount of money required; for example, rounding up or rounding down when
buying one item from a store using cash, compared to rounding up the cost of every item when buying groceries to estimate the total cost and not
rounding when the financial transactions are digital
use mathematical modelling to solve modelling an everyday situation and determining which operations can be used to solve it using materials, diagrams, arrays and/or bar models to
practical problems involving additive and represent the problem; formulating the situation as a number sentence; and justifying their choice of operations in relation to the situation
multiplicative situations, including simple modelling a series of contextual problems, deciding whether an exact answer or an approximate calculation is appropriate, and explaining their reasoning
financial planning contexts; formulate the in relation to the context and the numbers involved
problems, choosing operations and modelling financial situations such as creating financial plans; for example, creating a budget for a class fundraising event, using a spreadsheet to
efficient mental and written calculation tabulate data and perform calculations
strategies, and using digital tools where investigating how mathematical models involving combinations of operations can be used to represent songs, stories and/or dances of Aboriginal and
appropriate; interpret and communicate Torres Strait Islander Peoples
solutions in terms of the situation
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Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise and explain the connection using materials or diagrams to develop and explain division strategies, such as halving, using the inverse relationship to turn division into a multiplication
between multiplication and division as using arrays, multiplication tables, and physical and virtual materials to develop families of facts, for example, 3 × 4 = 12, 4 × 3 = 12, 12 ÷ 3 = 4 and 12 ÷
inverse operations and use this to 4=3
develop families of number facts demonstrating multiplicative partitioning using materials, diagrams or arrays and recording 2 multiplication and 2 division facts for each grouping (for
VC2M5A01 example, 4 × 6 = 24, 6 × 4 = 24, 24 ÷ 4 = 6 and 24 ÷ 6 = 4), explaining how each grouping is different from and connected to other groupings in the
materials, diagrams or arrays
using materials, diagrams or arrays to recognise and explain the inverse relationship between multiplication and division (for example, solving 240 ÷ 20 =
□ by thinking 20 × □ = 240) and using the inverse to make calculations easier (for example, solving 17 × □ = 221 using division, □ = 221 ÷ 17)
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Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
choose appropriate metric units when ordering metric units from the largest unit to the smallest, for example, kilometre, metre, centimetre, millimetre
measuring the length, mass and capacity recognising that some units of measurement are better suited to some tasks than others; for example, kilometres are more appropriate than metres to
of objects; use smaller units or a measure the distance between 2 towns
combination of units to obtain a more deciding on the unit required to estimate the amount of paint or carpet for a room or a whole building, and justifying the choice of unit in relation to the
accurate measure context and the degree of accuracy required
VC2M5M01 measuring and comparing distances (for example, measuring and comparing jumps or throws using a metre length of string and then measuring the part
metre with centimetres and/or millimetres) and explaining which unit of measure is most accurate
researching how the base units are derived for the International System of Units (SI), commonly known as the metric system of units, recognising that
the metric unit names for the attributes of length and mass are international standards for measurement
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compare 12- and 24-hour time systems using timetables written in 24-hour time, such as flight schedules, to plan an overseas or interstate trip, converting between 24- and 12-hour time
and solve practical problems involving the converting between the digital and analog representation of 24-hour time, matching the same times represented in both systems; for example, setting the
conversion between them time on an analog watch from a digital alarm clock
estimate, construct and measure angles using a protractor to measure angles in degrees and classifying these angles using angle names; for example, an acute angle is less than 90°, an
in degrees, using appropriate tools, obtuse angle is more than 90° and less than 180°, a right angle is equal to 90° and a reflex angle is more than 180° and less than 360°
including a protractor, and relate these estimating the size of angles in the environment using a clinometer and describing the angles using angle names
measures to angle names using a ruler and protractor to construct triangles, given the angle measures and side lengths
VC2M5M04 using a protractor to measure angles when creating a pattern or string design within a circle
recognising the size of angles within shapes that do and do not tessellate, measuring the angles and using the sum of angles to explain why some
shapes will tessellate and other shapes do not
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Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
connect objects to their nets and build designing and constructing exact nets for packaging particular-shaped items or collections of interest, taking into consideration how the faces will be
objects from their nets using spatial and joined and how the package will be opened
geometric reasoning visualising folding some possible nets for a range of prisms and pyramids, predicting which will work and which cannot work, and justifying their choices,
VC2M5SP01 based on the number, size and position of particular shapes in each diagram
sketching nets for a range of prisms and pyramids considering the number, shape and placement of the faces, and testing by cutting and folding
investigating objects designed and developed by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples, such as those used in fish traps and instructive toys,
identifying the shape and relative position of each face to determine the net of the object
construct a grid coordinate system that understanding how the numbers on the axes on a grid coordinate system are numbers on a number line and are used to pinpoint locations
uses coordinates to locate positions discussing the conventions of indicating a point in a grid coordinate system; for example, writing the horizontal axis number first and the vertical axis
within a space; use coordinates and number second, and using brackets and commas
directional language to describe position comparing a grid reference system to a grid coordinate system (first quadrant only) by using both to play strategy games involving location; for example,
and movement in playing the game Quadrant Commander, deducing that in a grid coordinate system the lines are numbered (starting from zero), not the spaces
VC2M5SP02 placing a coordinate grid over a contour line, drawing and listing the coordinates of each point in the picture, asking a peer to re-create the drawing using
only the list of coordinates, and discussing the reasons for the potential similarities and differences between the 2 drawings
describe and perform translations, understanding and explaining that translations, rotations and reflections can change the position and orientation of a shape but not its shape or size
reflections and rotations of shapes, using using pattern blocks and paper, tracing around a shape and then conducting a series of one-step transformations and tracing each resulting image, and
dynamic geometry software where then finally copying the original position and end position on a new sheet of paper
appropriate; recognise what changes and demonstrating how different combinations of transformations can produce the same resulting image
what remains the same, and identify any challenging classmates to select a combination of transformations to move from an original image to the final image, noting the different combinations by
symmetries using different colours to trace images
VC2M5SP03 investigating how animal tracks can be interpreted by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples using the transformation of their shapes, to help
determine and understand animal behaviour
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Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
acquire, validate and represent data for recognising that ordinal data is a form of categorical data even though the data being collected might be numbers, for example, a rating scale using
nominal and ordinal categorical and numbers 1–5 to represent the categories people can choose from when asked, ‘What rating would you give this film out of 5?’
discrete numerical variables to address a determining the mode for a set of data and discussing that there may be more than one mode
question of interest or purpose using identifying the best methods of presenting data to illustrate the results of investigations and justifying the choice of representations
software including spreadsheets; discuss acquiring data through chance experiments, discussing and reporting on the distribution of outcomes and how this relates to equal and unequal
and report on data distributions in terms outcomes
of highest frequency (mode) and shape, using digital systems to validate data; for example, recognising the difference between numerical, text and date formats in spreadsheets, and setting
in the context of the data data types in a spreadsheet to make sure a date is input correctly
VC2M5ST01 investigating data relating to the reconciliation process between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians, posing
questions, discussing and reporting on findings
interpret line graphs representing change reading and interpreting different line graphs, discussing how the horizontal axis represents measures of time such as days of the week or times of the
over time; discuss the relationships that day, and the vertical axis represents numerical quantities or ordinal categorical variables such as percentages, money, measurements or ratings such as
are represented and conclusions that can fire hazard ratings
be made interpreting real-life data represented as a line graph showing how measurements change over a period of time, and make simple inferences
VC2M5ST02 matching unlabelled line graphs to the context they represent based on the stories of the different contexts
interpreting the data represented in a line graph, making inferences; for example, reading line graphs that show the varying temperatures or ultraviolet
(UV) rates over a period of a day and discussing when would be the best time to hold an outdoor assembly
plan and conduct statistical investigations posing questions about insect diversity in the playground, and collecting data by taping a one-metre-square piece of paper to the playground and
by posing questions or identifying a observing the type and number of insects on it over time
problem and collecting relevant data; posing a question or identifying a problem of interest; collecting, interpreting and analysing the data; and discussing if the data generated provides the
choose appropriate displays and interpret information necessary to answer the question
the data; communicate findings within the developing survey questions that are objective, without opinion, and have a balanced set of answer choices without bias
context of the investigation exploring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ranger groups’ and other groups’ biodiversity detection techniques to care for Country/Place, posing
VC2M5ST03 investigative questions, and collecting and interpreting related data to represent and communicate findings
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Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
list the possible outcomes of chance discussing what it means for outcomes to be equally likely and comparing the number of possible and equally likely outcomes of chance events; for
experiments involving equally likely example, when drawing a card from a standard deck of cards there are 4 possible outcomes if you are interested in the suit, 2 possible outcomes if you
outcomes and compare to those that are are interested in the colour or 52 outcomes if you are interested in the exact card
not equally likely discussing how chance experiments that have equally likely outcomes can be referred to as random chance events; for example, if all the names of
VC2M5P01 students in a class are placed in a hat and one is drawn at random, each person has an equally likely chance of being drawn
commenting on the chance of winning games by considering the number of possible outcomes and the consequent chance of winning
investigating why some games are fair and others are not; for example, drawing a track game to resemble a running race and taking it in turns to roll 2
dice, where the first runner moves a square if the difference between the 2 dice is zero, one or 2 and the second runner moves a square if the difference
is 3, 4 or 5, and responding to the questions ‘Is this game fair?’, ‘Are some differences more likely to come up than others?’ and ‘How can you work that
comparing the chance of a head or a tail when a coin is tossed, whether some numbers on a dice are more likely to be facing up when the dice is rolled,
or the chance of getting a 1, 2 or 3 on a spinner with uneven regions for the numbers
discussing supermarket promotions such as collecting stickers or objects and whether there is an equal chance of getting each of them
conduct repeated chance experiments, discussing and listing all the possible outcomes of an activity and conducting experiments to estimate the probabilities (for example, using coloured cards
including those with and without equally in a card game and experimenting with shuffling the deck and turning over one card at a time) and recording and discussing the results
likely outcomes, and observe and record conducting experiments, recording the outcomes and the number of times the outcomes occur, and describing the relative frequency of each outcome;
the results; use frequency to compare for example, using ‘I threw the coin 10 times, and the results were 3 times for a head, so that is 3 out of 10, and 7 times for a tail, so that is 7 out of 10’
outcomes and estimate their likelihoods experimenting with and comparing the outcomes of spinners with equal coloured regions compared to unequal coloured regions; and responding to
VC2M5P02 questions such as ‘How does this spinner differ to one where each of the colours has an equal chance of occurring?’, giving reasons
comparing the results of experiments using a fair dice and one that has numbers represented on faces more than once, explaining how this affects the
likelihood of outcomes
using spreadsheets to record the outcomes of an activity and calculate the total frequencies of different outcomes, representing these as a fraction; for
example, using coloured balls in a bag, drawing one out at a time and recording the colour, and replacing them in the bag after each draw
investigating Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games (for example, Diyari koolchee from the Diyari Peoples near Lake Eyre in
South Australia), to conduct repeated trials and explore predictable patterns, using digital tools where appropriate
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Level 6
Level description
In Level 6, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
expand the repertoire of numbers they work with to include rational numbers and the use of integers in practical contexts, such as locating points in the 4
quadrants of a Cartesian plane
extend their knowledge of factors and multiples to understand the properties of prime, composite, triangular and square numbers
solve arithmetic problems involving all 4 operations with natural numbers of any size
use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems, choosing models, representations and calculation strategies, and justify solutions
apply computational thinking approaches to develop algorithms that use rules to generate numbers
develop a range of written and digital means for representing objects and three-dimensional spaces in 2 dimensions
apply their understanding of area and use multiplicative thinking to establish the formula for the area of a rectangle
begin to formally use deductive reasoning in spatial contexts involving lines and angles
describe and compare probabilities numerically
determine the mode and range and discuss the shape of distributions in their reports of findings from their statistical investigations
observe and compare long-run frequencies in repeated chance experiments and simulations.
Achievement standard
By the end of Level 6, students use integers to represent points on a number line and on the Cartesian plane. They solve problems using the properties of
prime, composite, square and triangular numbers. Students order common fractions, giving reasons, and add and subtract fractions with related
denominators. They use all 4 operations with decimals and connect decimal representations of measurements to the metric system. Students solve problems
involving finding a fraction, decimal or percentage of a quantity and use estimation to find approximate solutions to problems involving rational numbers and
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percentages. They use mathematical modelling to solve financial and other practical problems involving percentages and rational numbers, formulating and
solving the problem, and justifying choices.
Students find unknown values in numerical equations involving combinations of arithmetic operations. They identify and explain rules used to create growing
patterns. They design and use algorithms to generate sets of numbers, using a rule.
Students interpret and use timetables, and measure, calculate and compare elapsed time. They convert between common units of length, mass and capacity.
They use the formula for the area of a rectangle and angle properties to solve problems.
Students identify the parallel cross-section for right prisms. They create tessellating patterns using combinations of transformations. They locate an ordered
pair in any one of the 4 quadrants on the Cartesian plane.
Students compare distributions of discrete and continuous numerical and ordinal categorical data sets as part of their statistical investigations, using digital
tools. They critique arguments presented in the media based on statistics.
Students assign probabilities using common fractions, decimals and percentages. They conduct simulations using digital tools, to generate and record the
outcomes from many trials of a chance experiment. They compare observed frequencies to the expected frequencies of the outcomes of chance experiments.
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apply knowledge of equivalence to applying factors and multiples to fraction denominators (such as halves with quarters, eighths and twelfths, and thirds with sixths, ninths and twelfths) to
compare, order and represent common determine equivalent representations of fractions in order to make comparisons
fractions, including halves, thirds and representing fractions on the same number line, paying attention to relative position, and using this to explain relationships between denominators
quarters, on the same number line and explaining equivalence and order between fractions using number lines, drawings and models
justify their order comparing and ordering fractions by placing cards on a string line across the room and referring to benchmark fractions to justify their position; for
5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1
VC2M6N03 example, is greater than can be written as > , because half of 8 is 4; is less than , because 6 > 4 and can be written as <
8 2 8 2 6 4 6 4
apply knowledge of place value to add applying estimation strategies to addition and subtraction of decimals to at least thousandths before calculating answers or when a situation requires just
and subtract decimals, using digital tools an estimation
where appropriate; use estimation and applying whole-number strategies; for example, using basic facts, place value, partitioning and the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction,
rounding to check the reasonableness of and properties of operations to develop meaningful mental strategies for addition and subtraction of decimal numbers to at least hundredths
answers working additively with linear measurements expressed as decimals up to 2 and 3 decimal places; for example, calculating how far off the world record
VC2M6N04 the athletes were at the last Olympic Games in the women’s long jump or shot-put and comparing school records to the Olympic records
deciding to use a calculator as a calculation strategy for solving additive problems involving decimals that vary in their number of decimal places beyond
hundredths; for example, 1.0 − 0.0035 or 2.345 + 1.4999
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multiply and divide decimals by multiples applying place value knowledge, including that the value of the digit is 10 times smaller each time a place is moved to the right, and known multiplication
of powers of 10 without a calculator, facts, to multiply and divide a decimal by powers of 10
applying knowledge of place value and applying and explaining estimation strategies in multiplicative situations involving a decimal greater than one that is multiplied by a two- or three-digit
proficiency with multiplication facts, using number, using a multiple of 10 or 100 when the situation requires just an estimation
estimation and rounding to check the explaining the effect of multiplying or dividing a decimal by 10, 100, 1000 … in terms of place value and not the decimal point shifting
reasonableness of answers
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Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise and use rules that generate investigating patterns such as the number of tiles in a geometric pattern, or the number of dots or other shapes in successive repeats of a strip or border
visually growing patterns and number pattern, looking for patterns in the way the numbers increase or decrease
patterns involving rational numbers using a calculator or spreadsheet to experiment with number patterns that result from multiplying or dividing; for example, 1 ÷ 9, 2 ÷ 9, 3 ÷ 9 …,
VC2M6A01 210 × 11, 211 × 11, 212 × 11 …, 111 × 11, 222 × 11, 333 × 11 …, or 100 ÷ 99, 101 ÷ 99, 102 ÷ 99 …
creating an extended number sequence that represents an additive pattern using decimals; for example, representing the additive pattern formed as
students pay their $2.50 for an incursion as 2.50, 5.00, 7.50, 10.00, 12.50, 15.00, 17.50 …
investigating the number of regions created by successive folds of a sheet of paper (one fold, 2 regions; 2 folds, 4 regions; 3 folds, 8 regions) and
describing the pattern using everyday language
creating a pattern sequence with materials, writing the associated number sequence and then describing the sequence with a rule so someone else can
replicate it with different materials; for example, using matchsticks or toothpicks to create a growing pattern of triangles using 3 for one triangle, 5 for 2
triangles and 7 for 3 triangles and describing the pattern as ‘Multiply the number of triangles by 2 and then add one for the extra toothpick in the first
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design and use algorithms involving a using an algorithm to create extended number sequences involving rational numbers, using a rule and digital tools, and explaining any emerging patterns
sequence of steps and decisions that use designing an algorithm to model operations, using the concept of input and output, describing and explaining relationships and any emerging patterns;
rules to generate sets of numbers; for example, using function machines to model operations and recognising and comparing additive and multiplicative relationships
identify, interpret and explain emerging designing an algorithm or writing a simple program to generate a sequence of numbers based on the user’s input and a chosen operation, discussing
patterns any emerging patterns; for example, generating a sequence of numbers and comparing how quickly the sequences are growing in comparison to each
VC2M6A03 other using the rule ‘add 2 to the input number’ compared to multiplying the input number by 2
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
convert between common metric units of recognising the significance of the prefixes in units of measurement
length, mass and capacity; choose and identifying and using the correct operations when converting between units including millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres, milligrams, grams,
use decimal representations of metric kilograms, tonnes, millilitres, litres, kilolitres and megalitres
measurements relevant to the context of recognising the equivalence of measurements, such as 1.25 metres is the same as 125 centimetres
a problem
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measure, calculate and compare elapsed planning a trip involving one or more modes of public transport
time; interpret and use timetables and developing a timetable of daily activities for a planned event, for example, a sports carnival
itineraries to plan activities and determine investigating different ways duration is represented in timetables and using different timetables to plan a journey
the duration of events and journeys
identify the relationships between angles using protractors or dynamic geometry software to measure and generalise about the size of angles formed when lines are crossed, and combinations of
on a straight line, angles at a point and angles that meet at a point, including combinations that form right or straight angles
vertically opposite angles; use these to demonstrating the meaning of language associated with properties of angles, including right, complementary, complement, straight, supplement,
determine unknown angles, vertically opposite, and angles at a point
communicating reasoning using the properties of supplementary and complementary angles to represent spatial situations with number sentences and solving to find the size of
VC2M6M04 unknown angles
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Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
compare the parallel cross-sections of using objects made of foam or polystyrene, slicing along different cross-sections, and recording the different shapes of faces that result; and comparing
objects and recognise their relationships cross-sections of different objects
to right prisms using different pieces of fruit, slicing across different cross-sections, and drawing the cross-section; and reporting back to the class the results of the
VC2M6SP01 investigation
observing and drawing the shapes resulting from different ways of slicing through familiar objects; for example, slicing carrots at different angles or
cutting through playdough models of objects; or using playdough models, fruit or similar to establish which objects can be cut in such a way that the
cross-section will always be the same shape
understanding that right prisms are objects where parallel cross-sections perpendicular to the base of the prism are the same shape and size
connecting different right prisms to the shape of their parallel cross-sections, such as a triangular prism, which can be described as a stack of the same-
sized triangles, and a cube or square prism, which can be described as a stack of the same-sized squares
investigating the design of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ dwellings, exploring the relationship between the cross-sections and the
dwellings’ construction
locate points in the 4 quadrants of the understanding that the Cartesian plane provides a graphical or visual way of describing location with respect to a fixed origin
Cartesian plane; describe changes to the understanding that the axes are number lines that can have different scales, including fractions and decimals, depending on purpose
coordinates when a point is moved to a understanding that the horizontal coordinate is written first and is changed if there is a move to the left or right, whereas a move up or down will change
different position in the plane the vertical coordinate
VC2M6SP02 using the Cartesian plane to draw lines and polygons, listing coordinates in the correct order to complete a polygon
investigating and connecting land or star maps used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples with the Cartesian plane through a graphical or
visual way of describing location
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Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
interpret and compare data sets for determining the range for a numerical data set by finding the difference between the highest and the lowest value in the set and comparing the range for
ordinal and nominal categorical, discrete different data sets
and continuous numerical variables using representing acquired numerical data sets using side-by-side column graphs, comparing the spread of each data set using the range, the highest
comparative displays or visualisations frequency for each data set using the mode, and discussing the shape
and digital tools; compare distributions in representing ordinal data collected through surveys, using visualisation tools including dot plots and bar charts, and discussing the distribution of data in
terms of mode, range and shape terms of shape
VC2M6ST01 using technology to access data sets and graphing software to construct side-by-side column graphs or stacked line graphs; and comparing data sets
that are grouped by gender, year level, age group or other variables, and discussing findings
identify statistically informed arguments investigating data representations in the media and discussing what they illustrate and the messages the people who created them might want to convey
presented in traditional and digital media; evaluating reports and secondary data relating to the distribution and use of non-renewable resources around the world
discuss and critique methods, data identifying potentially misleading data representations in the media; for example, graphs with broken axes or non-linear scales, graphics not drawn to
representations and conclusions scale, data not related to the population about which the claims are made and pie charts in which the whole pie does not represent the entire population
VC2M6ST02 about which the claims are made
investigating both traditional and digital media relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, identifying and critiquing statistically informed
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Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
describe probabilities using fractions, recognising that the probability of an event occurring can be represented numerically as either a number ranging from zero to one or a percentage from
decimals and percentages; recognise that 0% to 100% where zero or 0% means it will not happen and one or 100% means it is certain to happen
probabilities lie on numerical scales of 0– using a scale of zero to one or 0% to 100% to estimate chances of events
1 or 0%–100%; use estimation to assign listing the different possible outcomes for rolling a dice and using a scale to locate the relative probability by considering the chance of more than or less
probabilities that events occur in a given than for each possible event, for example, the probability of getting a number greater than 4
context, using common fractions, recognising the language used to describe situations involving uncertainty, such as what it means to be ‘lucky’, a ‘75% chance’ of rain or a ‘1-in-100
percentages and decimals years’ flood
VC2M6P01 exploring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games, such as Weme from the Warlpiri Peoples of Central Australia, to
investigate and assign probabilities that events will occur, indicating their estimated likelihood
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Level 7
Level description
In Level 7, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
extend their understanding of the integer and rational number systems; strengthen their fluency with mental calculation, written algorithms and digital
tools; and routinely consider the reasonableness of results in context
use exponents and exponent notation to consolidate and formalise their understanding of representations of natural numbers, and use these to make
conjectures involving natural numbers by experiment, with the assistance of digital tools
recognise, develop and use algebraic expressions and formulas using conventions, notations, symbols and pronumerals; and interpret algebraic
expressions and formulas, use substitution to evaluate and determine unknown terms where other values are given, and solve simple equations using a
variety of methods
use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving rational numbers, ratios and percentages, formulating and making choices about
representations, calculation strategies and communicating solutions within the context
use variables, constants, relations and functions to express relationships in real-life data and interpret key features of their representation in rules, tables
and graphs
extend their knowledge of angles to establish further relationships and apply these when solving measurement and spatial problems
create and use algorithms to classify shapes in the plane and use tools to construct shapes, including two-dimensional representations of prisms and
other objects
use coordinates in the Cartesian plane to describe transformations
apply the statistical investigation process to obtain numerical data relating to questions of interest, choose displays for the distributions of data and
interpret summary statistics for determining the centre and spread of the data in context
conduct probability simulations and experiments involving chance events, and construct corresponding sample spaces and observe related frequencies,
comparing expected, simulated and experimental results.
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Achievement standard
By the end of Level 7, students represent natural numbers in expanded form and as products of prime factors, using exponent notation. They solve problems
involving squares of numbers and square roots of perfect square numbers. Students solve problems involving addition and subtraction of integers. They use
all 4 operations in calculations involving positive fractions and decimals, choosing efficient mental and written calculation strategies. Students choose between
equivalent representations of rational numbers and percentages to assist in calculations and make simple estimates to judge the reasonableness of results.
They use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving rational numbers, percentages and ratios in spatial, financial and other applied
contexts, justifying choices of representation.
Students use algebraic expressions to represent situations, describe the relationships between variables from authentic data and substitute values into
formulas to determine unknown values. They solve linear equations with natural number solutions and verify their solutions through substitution. Students
create tables of values relating to algebraic expressions and formulas, and describe how the values change.
Students apply knowledge of angle relationships and the sum of angles in a triangle to solve problems, giving reasons. They establish and use formulas for
the areas of triangles and parallelograms and the volumes of rectangular and triangular prisms to solve problems. They describe the relationships between
the radius, diameter and circumference of a circle.
Students classify polygons according to their features and design an algorithm to sort and classify shapes. They represent objects two-dimensionally in
different ways, describing the usefulness of these representations. They use coordinates to describe transformations of points in the plane.
Students plan and conduct statistical investigations involving discrete and continuous numerical data, using appropriate displays. They interpret data in terms
of the shape of distribution and summary statistics, identifying possible outliers. They decide which measure of central tendency is most suitable and explain
their reasoning.
Students list sample spaces for single-step experiments, assign probabilities to outcomes of events and predict relative frequencies for related events. They
conduct repeated single-step chance experiments and run simulations using digital tools, giving reasons for differences between predicted and observed
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represent natural numbers in expanded relating the sequences 10, 100, 1000, 10 000 … and 101, 102, 103, 104 …
notation using powers of 10, and as applying and explaining the connections between place value and expanded notations, for example, 7000=7 ×103 and
3 2 1
products of powers of prime numbers 3750=3× 10 +7 ×10 +5 ×10
using exponent notation applying knowledge of factors to strategies for expressing natural numbers as products of powers of prime factors, such as repeated division by prime
VC2M7N02 factors or creating factor trees, for example, 48=6 × 8=2 ×3 ×2 × 2× 2=31 ×24 =3 ×24
developing familiarity with the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and powers of 2; the sequence 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729 and powers of 3;
and the sequence 1, 5, 25, 125, 625 and powers of 5
solving problems involving lowest common multiples and greatest common divisors (highest common factors) for pairs of natural numbers by comparing
their prime factorisation
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round decimals to a given accuracy identifying the interval between a pair of consecutive integers that includes a given rational number
appropriate to the context and use choosing and applying conventions for rounding correct to a specified number of decimal places based upon the context
appropriate rounding and estimation to checking that the accuracy of rounding is suitable for context and purpose; for example, for the amount of paint required or the cost estimate for
check the reasonableness of renovating a house, purchasing 2 litres of paint to paint the bedroom even though 1.89 litres is the exact answer or estimating a renovation budget to the
computations nearest $100
multiply and divide fractions and decimals investigating multiplication of fractions and decimals, using strategies including patterning and multiplication as repeated addition, with both concrete
using efficient mental and written materials and digital tools, and identifying the processes for division as the inverse of multiplication
strategies, and digital tools
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find percentages of quantities and using authentic problems to express quantities as percentages of other amounts
express one quantity as a percentage of
another, with and without digital tools
compare, order and solve problems using less-than and greater-than notation in expressions when comparing and ordering integers; for example, negative 5 is less than positive 2 and can
involving addition and subtraction of be represented as (−5 ) < ( +2 ); (−3 ) > (−6 )
integers discussing language such as ‘addition’, ‘subtraction’, ‘magnitude’, ‘difference’ and ‘sign’ and synonyms of these terms
VC2M7N08 ordering, adding and subtracting integers using a number line
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Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise and use variables to represent linking variables to attributes and measures being modelled when using formulas, such as the area of a rectangle is equal to the length × width as
everyday formulas algebraically and A=l× w ; or using p=6 g+ b to describe a total of points expressed as goals (worth 6 points) and behinds (worth one point)
substitute values into formulas to interpreting and using formulas obtained from other sources, for example, maximum heart rates and target heart rates for moderate exercise
determine an unknown substituting numerical values for variables when using formulas and calculating the value of an unknown in practical situations; for example, calculating
weekly wage W given base wage b and overtime hours h at 1.5 times rate r , W =b+1.5 × h× r , using values for mass m and volume v to
determine density d of a substance where d=
using everyday formulas and their application to contexts on Country/Place, investigating the relationships between variables
solve one-variable linear equations of recognising that solving an equation is a process of determining a value that makes the equation true; and using substitution to determine whether a
increasing complexity with natural given number is a solution to an equation or not
number solutions; verify equation solving equations using concrete materials, the balance model and backtracking, explaining the process
solutions by substitution solving linear equations such as 3 x+ 7=19 algebraically, and verifying the solution by substitution
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generate tables of values from visually plotting points from a table of values generated using simple linear functions and recognising patterns, such as the points lie on a straight line
changing patterns or the rule of a discussing and using variables to create a general rule and using the rule to determine the value of the dependent variable for any given value of the
function; describe and plot these independent variable; for example, plotting the value of the circumference of a circle for varying values of radius
relationships on the Cartesian plane using function machines to generate a table of ordered pairs using input and output values, plotting the relationships on a Cartesian plane and describing
VC2M7A05 the graph in terms of shape
using diagrams and manipulatives to form linear growth patterns, representing these patterns in tables and describing the relationship in terms of the way
the pattern is growing and in the context of the situation
manipulate formulas involving several experimenting with different sets of tables of values from formulas; for example, using volume of a rectangular prism = length × width × height, and
variables using digital tools, and describe specifying a fixed width and equal length and varying the height
the effect of systematic variation in the using spreadsheets and the formula function to recognise the effect of changing parameters on the entries in cells
values of the variables analysing distance travelled for different combinations of average speed and time of travel using a table of values and the distance formula
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
establish the formulas for areas of building on the understanding of the area of rectangles to develop formulas for the area of triangles
rectangles, triangles and parallelograms establishing that the area of a triangle is half the area of an appropriate rectangle
and use these in problem-solving using area formulas for rectangles and triangles to solve problems involving areas of surfaces
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describe the relationship between π and recognising the features of circles and their relationships to one another; for example, labelling the parts of a circle including centre, radius, diameter and
the circumference, radius and diameter of circumference and using one of radius, diameter or circumference to determine the measure of the other 2; and understanding that the diameter of a
a circle circle is twice the radius, or that the radius is the circumference divided by 2 π
VC2M7M03 comparing the circumference of circles in relation to their radius and diameter with materials and measuring, to establish measurement formulas; for
example, using a compass to draw several circles, then using string to approximate the circumference, comparing the length of string to the diameter of
the circle
investigating π as the constant in the proportional relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter, and historical approximations from
different civilisations, including Egypt, Babylon, Greece, India and China
investigating the applications and significance of circles in everyday life of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, such as in basketry, symbols
and architecture, recognising the relationships between the centre, radius, diameter and circumference
identify corresponding, alternate and co- constructing a pair of parallel lines and a pair of perpendicular lines using their properties, a pair of compasses and a ruler and set squares, or using
interior relationships between angles dynamic geometry software
formed when parallel lines are crossed by using dynamic geometry software to identify relationships between alternate, corresponding and co-interior angles for a pair of parallel lines cut by a
a transversal; use them to solve problems transversal
and explain reasons using dynamic geometry software to demonstrate how angles and their properties are involved in the design and construction of scissor lifts, folding
VC2M7M04 umbrellas, toolboxes and cherry pickers
using geometric reasoning of angle properties to generalise the angle relationships of parallel lines and transversals, and related properties, such as the
size of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the sizes of opposite and non-adjacent interior angles, and the sum of the sizes of interior
angles in a triangle in the plane is equal to the size of 2 right angles or 180°
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use mathematical modelling to solve using fractions to model and solve ratio problems involving comparison of quantities, and considering part-part and part-whole relations
practical problems involving ratios of modelling and solving practical problems involving ratios of length, capacity or mass, such as in construction, design, or food or textile production; for
lengths, areas and volumes; formulate example, mixing concrete, the golden ratio in design, mixing a salad dressing
problems, interpret and communicate modelling the situation using manipulatives, diagrams and/or mathematical discussion; for example, mixing primary colours in a variety of ratios to
solutions in terms of the situation, investigate how new colours are created and the strength of those colours
justifying choices made about the investigating commercialised substances founded on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ knowledges of substances, including
representation pharmaceuticals and toxins, understanding how ratios are used in their development
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
represent three-dimensional objects in 2 deconstructing packaging to identify shapes and nets
dimensions; discuss and reason about using different nets to construct prisms and determining which nets will make a cube, rectangular prism, triangular prism or pyramid
the advantages and disadvantages of using aerial views of buildings and other three-dimensional structures to visualise the footprint made by the building or structure, identifying prisms that
different representations could approximate the structure
VC2M7SP01 building objects by interpreting isometric and perspective drawings
using isometric and square grid paper to draw views of front, back, side, top and bottom of objects
exploring different two-dimensional representations of objects in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artworks or cultural maps of Country/Place
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describe the effect of transformations of a using digital tools to transform shapes in the Cartesian plane, describing and recording the transformations
set of points using coordinates in the describing patterns and investigating different ways to produce the same transformation, such as using 2 successive reflections to provide the same
Cartesian plane, including translations, result as a translation
reflections in an axis, and rotations about experimenting with, creating and re-creating patterns using combinations of translations, reflections and rotations, using digital tools
the origin
design algorithms involving a sequence creating a classification scheme for triangles based on sides and angles, using a flow chart that uses sequences and decisions
of steps and decisions that will sort and creating a flow chart or hierarchy for quadrilaterals that shows the relationships between trapeziums, parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, squares
classify sets of shapes according to their and kites
attributes, and describe how the creating a classification scheme for regular, irregular, concave or convex polygons that are sorted according to the number of sides
algorithms work
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Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
acquire data sets for discrete and understanding that summarising data by calculating measures of centre can help make sense of the data, commenting on skewness or symmetry of data
continuous numerical variables and and the use of mean and median as representative measures
calculate the range, median, mean and comparing the mean, median, mode and range of displays of data from a given context, and explaining how outliers may affect summary statistics
mode; make and justify decisions about recognising how different data sets can have the same measures of central tendency and experimenting with how varying data affects these measures
which measures of central tendency acquiring continuous numerical data by taking measurement samples during a science experiment, observation or field study, comparing measures of
provide useful insights into the nature of central tendency and identifying any anomalies in the distribution of data
the distribution of data
create different types of displays of using ordered stem-and-leaf plots to record and display numerical data collected in a class investigation, such as constructing a class plot of height in
numerical data, including dot plots and centimetres on a shared stem-and-leaf plot for which the stems 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 have been produced
stem-and-leaf plots, using software where comparing variation in attributes by category using split stem-and-leaf plots or dot plots; interpreting the shape of the distribution using qualitative terms
appropriate; describe and compare the to describe ‘symmetry’, ‘skewness’ and ‘average’ in terms of the mean, median and mode, and the amount of variation based on qualitative descriptions
distribution of data, commenting on the of the spread of the data
shape, centre and spread including connecting features of the data display (for example, highest frequency, clusters, gaps, symmetry or skewness) to the mode, range and median, and the
outliers and determining the range, question in context; describing the shape of distributions using terms such as ‘positive skew’, ‘negative skew’, ‘symmetric’ and ‘bi-modal’ and discussing
median, mean and mode the location of the median and mean on these distributions
VC2M7ST02 using mean and median to compare data sets, identifying possible outliers and explaining how these may affect the comparison; recognising how
different displays make specific information about data more evident, including proportions, and measures of mean, mode or median, spread and
extreme values; understanding that the median and the mean will be the same or similar for symmetric distributions but different for distributions that are
comparing the mean and median of data with and without extremes; for example, estimation of standard measures for length or mass, informally
considering for a given set of data what might constitute an unexpected, unusual or extreme data value
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Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
identify the sample space for single-stage discussing the meaning of probability terminology, for example, ‘probability’, ‘sample space’, ‘favourable outcome’, ‘trial’, ‘experiment’ and ‘event’
experiments; assign probabilities to the listing sample spaces for games involving throwing a coin or a dice, spinners, or lucky dip
possible outcomes and predict relative assigning the probability for throwing a 6 on a dice and using this to predict the number of times a 6 will occur when a dice is thrown multiple times
frequencies for related experiments.
conduct repeated chance experiments developing an understanding of the law of large numbers through using experiments and simulations to conduct large numbers of trials for seemingly
and run simulations with a large number random events and discussing findings
of trials using digital tools; compare conducting simulations using online simulation tools and comparing the combined results of a large number of trials to predicted results
predicted with observed results, exploring and observing Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games – for example, Koara from the Jawi and Bardi Peoples of
explaining the differences and the effect Sunday Island in Western Australia – to investigate probability, predicting outcomes for an event and comparing with increasingly larger numbers of
of sample size on the outcomes trials, and comparing observed and expected results
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Level 8
Level description
In Level 8, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
extend computation with combinations of the 4 operations with integers and positive rational numbers; recognise the relationship between fractions and
their terminating or recurring decimal representations; convert between fraction and decimal forms of rational numbers and locate them on the real
number line
extend the exponent laws to numerical calculations involving positive and zero exponents, and solve a broad range of practical problems, using mental
methods, written algorithms and digital tools
use mathematical modelling to solve problems in a broad range of contexts that involve ratios with 2 or more terms, percentage increase and decrease,
proportions with decimal values, and rates in measurement contexts, and apply proportional reasoning
manipulate linear and other algebraic expressions, recognise and model situations using linear relations and solve related equations using tables, graphs
and algebra
interpret and explain demonstrations and proofs of Pythagoras’ theorem and investigate irrational numbers, their infinite non-recurring decimal
representation and their approximate location on the real number line
select metric measurement units fit for purpose and convert between units, recognising the effects of different levels of measurement accuracy on the
results of computations, and relate these to interval estimates for measurements in various contexts
apply knowledge of the relationships between π and the features of circles to solve problems involving circumference and area, establish sets of
congruency and similarity conditions for common shapes in the plane and create algorithms to test for these conditions, and discuss examples and
construct and locate objects with reference to three-dimensional coordinates using digital tools
consider a variety of situations involving complementary and mutually exclusive events, and combinations of 2 events; and represent these using tables
and diagrams, conducting simulations and calculating corresponding probabilities
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examine experimental and observational data and identify populations and samples with respect to context; investigate variation in summary statistics
across samples of varying size; and discuss their findings.
Achievement standard
By the end of Level 8, students recognise irrational numbers as numbers that cannot develop from the division of integer values by natural numbers and
terminating or recurring decimals. They apply the exponent laws to calculations with numbers involving positive integer exponents. Students solve problems
involving the 4 operations with integers and positive rational numbers. They use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving ratios,
percentages and rates in measurement and financial contexts.
Students apply algebraic properties to simplify, rearrange, expand and factorise linear expressions. They graph linear relations and solve linear equations with
rational solutions and one-variable inequalities, graphically and algebraically. Students plot linear and non-linear relations on the Cartesian plane, with and
without the use of digital tools. Students use mathematical modelling to solve problems using linear relations, interpreting and reviewing the model in context.
They make and test conjectures involving linear relations by developing algorithms and using digital tools.
Students use appropriate metric units when solving measurement problems involving the perimeter and area of composite shapes, and volume of right
prisms. They use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve measurement problems involving unknown lengths of right-angled triangles. Students use formulas to solve
problems involving the area and circumference of circles. They solve problems of duration involving 12- and 24-hour cycles across multiple time zones.
Students use 3 dimensions to locate and describe position. They identify conditions for congruency and similarity in triangles and other common shapes, and
design and test algorithms to test for congruency and similarity. Students apply the properties of quadrilaterals to solve problems.
Students conduct statistical investigations and explain the implications of obtaining data through sampling. Students analyse and describe the distribution of
data. They compare the variation in distributions of random samples of the same and different size from a given population with respect to shape, measures of
central tendency and range.
Students represent the possible combinations of 2 events with tables and diagrams, and determine related probabilities to solve practical problems. They
conduct experiments or simulations using digital tools to determine related probabilities of compound events.
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establish and apply the exponent laws recognising the connection between exponent form and expanded form with the exponent laws of product of powers rule, quotient of powers rule, and
with positive integer exponents and the power of a power rule, for example, 23 ×22 can be represented as ( 2 ×2 ×2 ) × ( 2 ×2 ) =2 , and connecting the result to the addition of exponents
zero exponent, using exponent notation applying the exponent laws of the product of powers rule, quotient of powers rule, power of a power rule and zero exponent individually and in
with numbers combination; for example, using exponents to determine the effect on the volume of a 2 centimetre cube when the cube is enlarged to a 6 centimetre
3 3 3
6 2 ×3 3
VC2M8N02 cube, 3
= 3 =3 , so the volume is increased by a factor of 27
2 2
using digital tools to systematically
4 explore the application of the exponent laws; observing that the bases need to be the same
3 4−4 0
using examples such as 4 =1 , and 3 =3 to illustrate the necessity that for any non-zero natural number n , n0 =1
convert between fractions and 7
identifying when a fraction has a terminating decimal expansion from the prime factorisation of its denominator; for example, =0.291 6 does not
terminating or recurring decimals, using 24
digital tools as appropriate 7
have a terminating decimal expansion, while =0.28does
VC2M8N03 25
identifying terminating, recurring and non-terminating decimals and choosing their appropriate representations such as is represented as 0. 3
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solve problems involving the use of using percentages to solve problems, including those involving mark-ups, discounts and Goods and Services Tax (GST)
percentages, including percentage using percentages to calculate population increases and decreases
increases and decreases and percentage using percentage error to compare the relative size of error in calculations involving a given or actual value, and an estimated or measured value
error, with and without digital tools
use mathematical modelling to solve modelling situations involving weather and environmental contexts, including temperature or sea depths, by applying operations to positive and negative
practical problems involving rational rational numbers, for example, contexts involving average temperature increases and decreases
numbers and percentages, including modelling situations that involve percentage increases or decreases and explaining why it is an increase or decrease, such as mark-ups, discounts,
financial contexts involving profit and Goods and Services Tax (GST), changes in populations or recycling rates
loss; formulate problems, choosing modelling situations involving personal income tax, and interpreting tax tables to determine income tax at various levels of income, including overall
efficient mental and written calculation percentage of income allocated to tax
strategies and using digital tools where modelling situations involving percentage increase or decrease such as market trends, effects on population, or effects on the environment over
appropriate; interpret and communicate extended time periods
solutions in terms of the context,
reviewing the appropriateness of the
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Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
create, expand, factorise, rearrange and rearranging and simplifying linear expressions involving variables with integer coefficients and constants; and using manipulatives such as algebra tiles
simplify linear expressions, applying the to support calculations, for example, using manipulatives to demonstrate that 2 x+ 4=2 ( x+2 ), 3 ( a−b ) =3 a−3 b , or
associative, commutative, identity, 5 ( m+2 n ) +3 m−4 n=5 m+10 n+3 m−4 n=8 m+ 6 n
distributive and inverse properties demonstrating the relationship between factorising and expanding linear expressions using manipulatives, such as algebra tiles or area models, and
VC2M8A01 describing with mathematical language
using the distributive, associative, commutative, identity and inverse properties to expand and factorise algebraic expressions using strategies such as
the area model
graph linear relations on the Cartesian recognising that in a table of values, if the first difference between consecutive values of the dependent variable is constant, then it is a linear relation
plane using digital tools where graphing linear functions and relations of the form x=a , y=a , x ≤ a , x >a , y ≤ a , y >a on the Cartesian plane for known values of a
appropriate; solve linear equations and completing a table of values, plotting the resulting points on the Cartesian plane and determining whether the relationship is linear
one-variable inequalities using graphical graphing the linear relationship ax +b=c for given values of a , b and c and identifying from the graph where ax +b <c or where ax +b >c
and algebraic techniques; verify solutions solving linear equations of the form a x +b=c and one-variable inequalities of the form ax +b <c or ax +b >c where a > 0 using inverse
by substitution operations and digital tools, and checking solutions by substitution
VC2M8A02 solving linear equations such as 3 x+ 7=6 x−9 ,representing these graphically, and verifying solutions by substitution
use mathematical modelling to solve modelling situations involving linear functions, including practical contexts such as taxi fares involving flag fall fees, motion in a straight line at a constant
applied problems involving linear speed, trade quotes involving call-out fees, cooking that includes resting or cooling times, or water leakage from water tanks, interpreting the constant
relations, including financial contexts rate of change and initial value in context, and identifying when values of a model lie within a given range
involving profit and loss; formulate modelling problems in practical situations and interpreting solutions within the context of the problem, including giving attention to all units of measure
problems with linear functions, and and whether results are suitable; for example, once a water tank is empty no more water can flow from it
choose a representation; interpret and modelling financial problems involving pay rates, using a table of values to represent the pay amounts and hours worked using an hourly rate of pay, and
communicate solutions in terms of the graphing the relationship to make inferences
context, and review the appropriateness modelling patterns on Country/Place and exploring their connections and meaning to linear equations, using the model as a predictive tool and critiquing
of the model results by connecting back to Country/Place
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experiment with linear functions and using graphing software to investigate the effect of systematically varying parameters of linear functions on the corresponding graphs, making and
relations using digital tools, making and testing conjectures; for example, making a conjecture that if the coefficient of x is negative, then the line will slope down from left to right
testing conjectures and generalising using graphing software to systematically contrast the graphs of y=2 x ,− y =2 x , y=−2 x and − y=−2 x with those of
emerging patterns y <2 x ,− y <2 x , y ←2 x and − y ←2 x and those of y >2 x ,− y >2 x , y >−2 x and − y >−2 x , making and testing conjectures about
VC2M8A05 sign and direction of the inequality
using digital tools to investigate integer solutions to equations such as 2 x+3 y =48
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
solve problems involving the area and determining the area of composite shapes by composing or decomposing shapes
perimeter of irregular and composite using arrays and rectangles to approximate the area of irregular shapes in situations such as a council needing to work out how much mosquito spray to
shapes using appropriate units use for a swamp area or a farmer needing to work out how much seed, fertiliser and herbicide are required to cover a paddock
VC2M8M01 determining the perimeter and area of irregular shapes by sums of increasingly accurate covering measurements, such as line segments and grids; for
example, using millimetres or square millimetres as opposed to centimetres or square centimetres
solve problems involving the volume and using models to demonstrate the number of cubic centimetres in a cubic metre and relating this to capacities of millilitres and litres, recognising that one
capacity of right prisms using appropriate millilitre is equivalent to one cm3
units solving practical problems involving volume and capacity, for example, optimal packaging and production
VC2M8M02 choosing which measurements are useful to consider when solving practical problems in context; for example, when purchasing a new washing
machine, the dimensions are useful when determining whether it will fit in the available space in the laundry and its capacity is useful when considering
the maximum washing load it can carry
investigating, reasoning and finding solutions to measurement problems involving dimensions, rates, volume and capacity of objects; for example, given
the dimensions of a pool and the rate of flow from a tap, determining how long it will take to fill the pool to its normal capacity
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solve problems involving time and using digital tools to investigate time zones around the world and convert from one zone to another, such as time in Perth, Western Australia, compared
duration, including using 12- and 24-hour to Suva in Fiji or Toronto in Canada
time across multiple time zones recognising the challenges of planning regular virtual meeting times for a company that has both international staff and staff within different states and
VC2M8M04 territories, and the impact daylight savings has due to multiple time zones, explaining the mathematical language used to communicate current time such
as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)+8, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) and Australian Western
Standard Time (AWST)
planning an international travel itinerary that covers destinations in different time zones across Asia
recognise and use rates to solve identifying examples of rates in the real world, including constant rates, rate of pay, cost per kilogram, recipes, simple interest and average rates
problems involving the comparison of 2 applying rates to solve problems involving the conversion between different units of measure; for example, using a conversion rate to convert distances
related quantities of different units of from miles to kilometres, or using currency exchange rates to determine the price of items
measure applying rates to calculate solutions to problems in different contexts, for example, required run rates in cricket, dilution of concentrated chemicals and
VC2M8M05 comparing the petrol consumption rates of different vehicles
using taxation tables to calculate an individual's annual income tax
investigating the application of rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ land management practices, including the rate of fire spread under
different environmental conditions such as fuel types, wind speed, temperature and relative humidity; the conservation of water by Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander Peoples by estimating rates of water evaporation based on surface area and climatic conditions
use Pythagoras’ theorem to solve discussing and comparing different applications, demonstrations and proofs of Pythagoras’ theorem, from Egypt and Mesopotamia, Greece, India and
problems involving the side lengths of China, with other historical and contemporary applications and proofs
right-angled triangles using Pythagoras’ theorem to determine unknown lengths of sides in right-angled triangles and finding lengths of sides of right-angled triangles in
VC2M8M06 practical applications
recognising the relationship between the squares of lengths of sides for different types of triangles: right-angled, acute or obtuse
identifying Pythagorean triples, such as (3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (7, 24, 25) and (8,15, 17)
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Mathematics – Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
identify the conditions for congruence and developing an understanding of what it means for shapes to be congruent or similar
similarity of triangles and explain the using the enlargement transformation and digital tools to develop sets of similar shapes
conditions for other sets of common investigating sufficient conditions to establish that 2 triangles are congruent
shapes to be congruent or similar, applying logical reasoning and tests for congruence and similarity, to problems and proofs involving plane shapes
including those formed by comparing angle and side measurements of shapes under transformation to answer questions such as ‘What changes?’ and ‘What stays the same?’
transformations establishing that 2 shapes are congruent if one lies exactly on top of the other after one or more transformations, including translations, reflections and
VC2M8SP01 rotations, and recognising that the matching sides and the matching angles are equal
establish properties of quadrilaterals establishing the properties of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, rhombuses, trapeziums and kites using geometric properties and proof, such as the
using congruent triangles and angle sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is equal to a complete turn or 360°
properties, and solve related problems identifying properties of quadrilaterals related to side lengths, parallel sides, angles, diagonals and symmetry
explaining reasoning applying the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to construction designs such as car jacks, scissor lifts, folding umbrellas, toolboxes and cherry
VC2M8SP02 pickers
design and test algorithms involving a listing the properties or criteria necessary to determine if shapes are similar or congruent
sequence of steps and decisions that using the conditions for congruence of triangles and similarity of triangles to develop a sorting algorithm; for example, creating a flow chart
identify congruency or similarity of evaluating algorithms for accuracy in classifying and distinguishing between similar and congruent triangles
shapes, and describe how the algorithm
Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
distinguish between a population and a identifying situations where data can be collected by census and those where a sample is appropriate
sample, and investigate techniques for investigating the practicalities and implications of obtaining data through sampling, using a variety of investigative processes; for example, investigating
data collection including census, situations when random sampling or non-random sampling is used to collect data and the implication of each sampling method
sampling, experiment and observation, discussing how observations, experiments and sampling methods can be impacted by bias; for example, recognising that a sampling bias occurs when
and explain the practicalities and certain members of a population are more likely to be selected in a sample than others, such as a survey conducted at a shopping centre, and
implications of obtaining data through recognising that environmental conditions may bias the results of scientific investigations if experiments are conducted at different times or under
these techniques different conditions
VC2M8ST01 using digital tools such as simulations and digital measuring devices to observe, measure and record qualitative and quantitative data, discussing
precision and the implications of error
compare variations in distributions and comparing the proportion of students in favour of a proposal for a change in school uniform between different random samples of 50 students from the
proportions obtained from random school population
samples of the same size drawn from a using digital tools to simulate repeated sampling of the same population, such as heights or arm spans of students, recording and comparing means,
population and recognise the effect of median and range of data between samples
sample size on this variation using relative frequencies from historical data to predict proportions and the likely number of outcomes in situations such as weather forecasting or the
VC2M8ST03 countries of origin of visitors to tourist attractions
investigating the effect that adding or removing data from a data set has on measures of central tendency and spread
investigating Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ranger groups and other groups’ use of sampling techniques to track biodiversity of species
plan and conduct statistical investigations using data such as electricity consumption to draw conclusions about the impacts of events, such as pandemics, on households or business
involving samples of a population; use identifying situations where the collection of data from a sample is necessary due to efficiency, cost or restricted time for collection of data, and is
ethical and fair methods to make sufficiently reliable for making inferences about a population
inferences about the population and exploring progress in reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians, investigating and evaluating
report findings, acknowledging sampling techniques and methods to gather relevant data to measure progress
Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise that complementary events understanding that knowing the probability of an event allows the probability of its complement to be found, including for those events that are not equally
have a combined probability of one; use likely, such as getting a specific novelty toy in a supermarket promotion
this relationship to calculate probabilities using the relationship that for a single event A, Pr(A) + Pr(not A) = 1; for example, if the probability that it rains on a particular day is 80%, the probability
in applied contexts 1 5
that it does not rain on that day is 20%, or the probability of not getting a 6 on a single roll of a fair dice is 1− =
6 6
using the sum of probabilities to solve problems, such as the probability of starting a game by throwing a 5 or 6 on a dice is and probability of not
throwing a 5 or 6 is
determine all possible outcome describing events using language of ‘at least’, exclusive ‘or’ (A or B but not both), inclusive ‘or’ (A or B or both) and ‘and’
combinations for 2 events, using two-way using the relation Pr(A and B) + Pr(A and not B) + Pr(not A and B) + Pr(not A and not B) = 1 to calculate probabilities, including the special case of
tables, tree diagrams and Venn mutually exclusive events where Pr(A and B) = 0
diagrams, and use these to determine using Venn diagrams or two-way tables to demonstrate the difference between events that are mutually exclusive, such as whether a coin toss will land
probabilities of specific events in practical on a head or a tail, and those that are not mutually exclusive, such as people who have blonde hair and people who have blue eyes
situations exploring Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games, for example, Battendi from the Ngarrindjeri Peoples of Lake Murray and
VC2M8P02 Lake Albert in southern Australia, applying possible combinations and relationships and calculating probabilities using two-way tables and Venn
conduct repeated chance experiments using digital tools to conduct probability simulations involving compound events
and simulations, using digital tools to using a random number generator and digital tools to simulate rolling 2 dice and calculating the difference between them, investigating what difference is
determine probabilities for compound likely to occur more often
events, and describe results using online simulation software to conduct probability simulations to determine in the long run if events are complementary
Level 9
Level description
In Level 9, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and
doing of mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-
solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to
make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
apply scientific notation in measurement contexts, routinely consider accuracy in measurement and work with absolute, relative and percentage errors in
a range of different measurement contexts
work with the real number line as a geometric model for real numbers that provides a continuous measurement scale; locate different fractions exactly on
the common scale of the real number line using scale; and develop some irrational square roots of natural numbers using Pythagoras’ theorem
use linear and quadratic functions to model a broad range of phenomena and contexts, make predictions, and represent these using tables, graphs and
algebra, including with the use of digital tools
manipulate algebraic expressions involving variables, exponents, and the expansion and factorisation of simple quadratic expressions using a variety of
techniques including tables, diagrams, algorithms and digital tools
formulate and solve related linear and non-linear equations exactly or approximately using numerical, graphical and algebraic approaches
solve measurement problems about the surface area and volume of objects and apply formulas to solve problems, calculating these and related
dimensions of objects as required
use similarity, scale, trigonometry, enlargement transformations, the triangle inequality and Pythagoras’ theorem to solve practical problems
investigate probabilities of compound events from two-step experiments and solve related problems; use a variety of representations such as Venn
diagrams, tree diagrams, two-way tables and grids to assist in determining the probabilities for these events; and design experiments to gather empirical
data about relative frequencies and use these to check their reasoning
compare multiple numerical data subsets in context and analyse their distributions with consideration of symmetry and skew; justify their choice of data
representation with respect to data types and context; and critically review the statistical presentation of data and related arguments of others.
Achievement standard
By the end of Level 9, students recognise and use rational and irrational numbers to solve problems.
Students extend and apply the exponent laws with positive integers and the zero exponent to variables. They expand binomial products and factorise monic
quadratic expressions. They find the distance between 2 points on the Cartesian plane, sketch linear graphs and find the gradient and midpoint of a line
segment. Students use mathematical modelling to solve problems involving change, including simple interest in financial contexts and change in other applied
contexts, choosing to use linear and quadratic functions. They graph quadratic functions and use null factor law to solve monic quadratic equations with
integer roots algebraically. Students investigate and describe the effects of variation of parameters on functions and relations, using digital tools where
appropriate, and make connections between their graphical and algebraic representations.
Students apply formulas to solve problems involving the surface area and volume of right prisms, cylinders and composite shapes. They solve problems
involving ratio, similarity and scale in two-dimensional situations. They determine percentage errors in measurements. Students apply Pythagoras’ theorem
and use trigonometric ratios to solve problems involving right-angled triangles. They use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving direct
and indirect proportion, ratio and scale, evaluating the model and communicating their methods and findings. Students express small and large numbers in
scientific notation.
Students apply the enlargement transformation to images of shapes and objects, and interpret results. They design, use and test algorithms based on
geometric constructions or theorems.
Students compare and analyse the distributions of multiple numerical data sets, choose representations, describe features of these data sets using summary
statistics and the shape of distributions, and consider the effect of outliers. They explain how sampling techniques and representation can be used to support
or question conclusions or to promote a point of view.
Students determine sets of outcomes for two-step chance experiments and represent these in various ways. They assign probabilities to the outcomes of two-
step chance experiments. They design and conduct experiments or simulations for combined events using digital tools.
Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
apply the exponent laws to numerical representing decimals in exponential form; for example, 0.475 can be represented as
expressions with integer exponents and 4 7 5 −1 −2 −3
0.475= + + =4 ×10 +7 × 10 +5 ×10 and 0.00023 as 23 × 10−5
the zero exponent, and extend to 10 100 1000
variables −3 1
simplifying and evaluating numerical expressions, involving both positive and negative integer exponents, explaining why; for example, 5 = 3
VC2M9A01 5
1 1 1
and connecting terms of the sequence 125 , 25 ,5 , 1 , , , … to terms of the sequence 53 , 52 , 51 ,5 0 ,5−1 , 5−2 , 5−3...
5 25 125
relating the computation of numerical expressions involving exponents to the exponent laws and the definition of an exponent; for example,
3 5 −2 1 1
2 ÷2 =2 = = and (3 ×5)2=32 ×52 =9 ×25=225
2 4
recognising exponents in algebraic expressions and applying the relevant exponent laws and conventions; for example, for any non-zero natural number
1 1 1 −2
a , a 0=1, x 1=x ,r 2 =r × r , h3=h × h ×h , y 4= y × y × y × y , and × = =w
w w w2
relating simplification of expressions from first principles and counting to the use of exponent laws; for example,
4 2
2 3 y y× y× y× y y
5 2
b × b =( b × b ) × ( b × b ×b )=b × b ×b × b ×b=b ; 2
= = = y and
y y × y 1
2 2 2
(5 a) =( 5 × a ) × ( 5 ×a )=5 ×5 × a× a=25 ×a =25 a
applying the exponent laws to simplifying expressions involving products, quotients, and powers of constants and variables; for example,
(2 xy) 8 x 3 y 3
= 4
=8 x 2 y −1
xy xy
relating the prefixes for SI units from pico- (trillionth) to tera- (trillion) to the corresponding powers of 10; for example, one pico-gram = 10-12 grams and
one terabyte = 1012 bytes
sketch linear graphs of equations in determining linear rules from suitable diagrams, tables of values and graphs, and describing them using both words and algebra
various algebraic forms, using the
coordinates of 2 points, and solve linear
find the gradient of a line segment, the recognising that the gradient of a line is calculated using the gradient of a line segment on that line and is independent of which 2 distinct points on the
midpoint of the line interval and the line are used for this calculation
distance between 2 distinct points on the using digital tools and transformations to illustrate that parallel lines in the Cartesian plane have the same gradient and that the relationship between the
Cartesian plane gradients of pairs of perpendicular lines is that their product is (−1)
VC2M9A04 using Pythagoras’ theorem to establish the distance between 2 points in the Cartesian plane and applying this using horizontal and vertical distances and
investigating graphical and algebraic techniques for finding the midpoint and gradient of the line segment between 2 points
using dynamic graphing software and superimposed images (for example, playground equipment, ramps and escalators) to investigate gradients in
context and their relationship to rule of a linear function, and interpret gradient as a constant rate of change in linear modelling contexts
use mathematical modelling to solve modelling practical contexts using linear functions such as cooking times that include resting or cooling times, or water leakage from water tanks, using
applied problems involving change, tables and graphs or digital tools and algebraically
including financial contexts involving modelling measurement situations and determining the perimeter and areas of rectangles where the length, l , of the rectangle is a linear function of its
simple interest; formulate problems, width, w ; for example, l=w ,l=w+ 5 ,l=3 w ,l=2 w+7
choosing to use either linear or quadratic modelling practical contexts (for example, area, paths of projectiles, parabolic mirrors, satellite dishes) using simple quadratic functions, tables and
functions or other simple variations; graphs (hand drawn or using digital tools) and, algebraically, interpreting features of the graphs such as the turning point and intercepts in context; for
interpret solutions in terms of the context; example, area, paths of projectiles, parabolic mirrors, satellite dishes
evaluate the model and report methods modelling and solving problems involving financial contexts using linear functions, for example, combinations of purchases of different items when they
and findings have a set amount of money to spend, profit/loss situations and trade quotes involving call-out fees
VC2M9A06 modelling situations involving change, for example, change in daily temperature during the ski season, fluctuation of speed above and below the speed
limit, and acceleration and deceleration of a car coming to and moving off from a set of traffic lights
modelling the hunting techniques of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples using quadratic functions and exploring the effect of increasing the
number of hunters to catch more prey
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
solve problems involving the volume and analysing nets of objects to generate short cuts and establish formulas for surface area
surface area of right prisms, cylinders determining the amount of material needed to make can-coolers for a class fundraising project and working out the most cost-efficient way to cut out the
and composite objects using appropriate pieces
units finding different prisms that have the same volume but different surface areas, making conjectures as to what type of prism would have the smallest or
VC2M9M01 largest surface area
investigating objects and technologies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, analysing and connecting surface area and
volume, and exploring their relationship to their capacity
solve spatial problems, applying angle investigating the applications of Pythagoras’ theorem in authentic problems, including applying Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry to problems in
properties, scale, similarity, ratio, surveying and design
Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry in applying the formula for calculation of distances between points on the Cartesian plane from their coordinates, emphasising the connection to vertical
right-angled triangles and horizontal displacements between the points
VC2M9M03 understanding the relationship between the corresponding sides of similar right-angled triangles and establishing the relationship between areas of
similar figures and the ratio of corresponding sides, the scale factor
using images of proportional relationships to estimate actual measurements (for example, taking a photograph of a person standing in front of a tree and
using the image and scale to estimate the height of the tree), discussing the findings and ways to improve the estimates
investigating theorems and conjectures involving triangles, for example, the triangle inequality and generalising links between the Pythagorean rule for
right-angled triangles, and related inequalities for acute and obtuse triangles, determining the minimal sets of information for a triangle from which other
measures can all be determined
using knowledge of similar triangles, Pythagoras’ theorem, rates and algebra to design and construct a Biltmore stick, used to measure the diameter and
height of a tree, and calculating the density and dry mass to predict how much paper could be manufactured from the tree
calculate and interpret absolute, relative investigating error as a percentage of the exact value; for example, comparing an estimation of the number of people expected to come to an event by
and percentage errors in measurements subtracting the actual number that turned up to give an error, then converting this into a percentage error
VC2M9M04 using absolute value in a percentage error formula; considering when they would use the absolute value and when they would not, depending upon the
calculating the percentage errors in expected budgets to actual expenditure
estimating the accuracy of measurements in practical contexts and giving suitable lower and upper bounds for measurement values
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
recognise the constancy of the sine, understanding the terms ‘base’, ‘altitude’, ‘hypotenuse’, and ‘adjacent’ and ‘opposite’ sides to an angle, in a right-angled triangle, and identifying these for
cosine and tangent ratios for a given a given right-angled triangle
angle in right-angled triangles using investigating patterns to reason about nested similar triangles that are aligned on a coordinate plane, connecting ideas of parallel sides and identifying
properties of similarity the constancy of ratios of corresponding sides for a given angle
VC2M9SP01 establishing an understanding that the sine of an angle can be considered as the length of the altitude of a right-angled triangle with a hypotenuse of
length one unit and similarly the cosine as the length of the base of the same triangle, and relating this to enlargement and similar triangles
relating the tangent of an angle to the altitude and base of nested similar right-angled triangles, and connecting the tangent of the angle at which the
graph of a straight line meets the positive direction of the horizontal coordinate axis to the gradient of the straight line
apply the enlargement transformation to comparing the ratio of lengths of corresponding sides of similar triangles and angles
shapes and objects using dynamic using the properties of similarity to solve problems involving enlargement
geometry software as appropriate; investigating and generalising patterns in length, angle, area and volume when side lengths of shapes and objects are enlarged or dilated by whole and
identify and explain, using language of rational numbers; for example, comparing an enlargement of a square and a cube of side length 2 units by a factor of 3 increases the area of the square,
2 2 3 3
similarity, ratio and scale, aspects that (3 ×2) =9 × 2 =9 times the original area and the volume of the cube, 23, to (3 ×2) =27 × 2 =27 times the volume
remain the same and those that change
Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
analyse reports of surveys in digital investigating and evaluating statistical reports in the media and other places by linking claims to displays, statistics and representative data
media and elsewhere for information on investigating the use of statistics in reports regarding the growth of Australia’s trade with other countries of the Asia region
how data was obtained around everyday investigating a range of data and its sources, for example, the age of residents in Australia, Cambodia and Tonga, or the number of subjects studied at
questions and issues involving at least school in a year by 14-year-old students in Australia, Singapore, Japan, South Korea and Timor-Leste
one numerical and at least one analysing reports of public opinion surveys on environmental issues, such as land clearing, wind farms or single-use plastics, discussing methods of data
categorical variable, to estimate collection and the reasonableness of any inferences made
population means and medians comparing the annual rainfall in various parts of Australia, Pakistan, New Guinea and Malaysia
analyse how different sampling methods, investigating and analysing different visualisations of data such as infographics found in the media and commenting on the strengths, weaknesses and
and different samples using the same possible biases of particular examples
method, can affect the results of surveys discussing the impact of decreased landline usage or an increased aversion to answering calls from unknown numbers on survey data
and how choice of representation can be exploring potential cultural bias relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples by critically analysing sampling techniques in statistical reports
used to support a particular point of view
choose appropriate forms of display or comparing data displays using mean, median and range to describe and interpret numerical data sets in terms of centre and spread using histograms,
visualisation for a given type of data; dot plots or stem-and-leaf plots
justify selections and interpret displays for choosing the type of representations based on the data type: categorical (nominal or ordinal) or numerical (discrete or continuous)
a given context using different visualisations of data, including non-standard representations such as infographics, and discussing their purpose and intended audience,
VC2M9ST04 and evaluating how well they communicate responses to statistical questions of interest
comparing and interpreting stacked bar charts, area charts and line graphs, discussing how they represent larger categories that can be subdivided into
smaller categories and how information that can be obtained from these displays can be used for comparison
plan and conduct statistical investigations planning and conducting an investigation using questions together with analysis of a secondary data set collected from online databases such as the
involving the collection and analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics
different kinds of data; report findings and planning and conducting an investigation relating to consumer spending habits; and modelling market research on what teenagers are prepared to spend
discuss the strength of evidence to on technology compared to clothing, with consideration of sample techniques and potential sources of bias
support any conclusions investigating where would be the best location for a tropical fruit plantation, by conducting a statistical investigation comparing different variables such as
VC2M9ST05 the annual rainfall in various parts of Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea and Malaysia, land prices and associated farming costs
posing statistical questions; collecting, representing and interpreting data from different sources in relation to reconciliation between Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians; and considering the relationships between variables
Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
list all outcomes for two-step chance discussing two-step chance experiments, such as the game of heads and tails, describing the different outcomes and their related probabilities
experiments both with and without using systematic methods such as lists or arrays to record outcomes and assign probabilities, such as drawing the names of students from a bag to
replacement, using lists, tree diagrams, appoint 2 team leaders
tables or arrays; assign probabilities to using a tree diagram to represent a three-stage event and assigning probabilities to these events; for example, selecting 3 cards from a deck, assigning
outcomes and events the probability of drawing an ace, then a king, then a queen of the same suit, with and without replacing the cards after every draw
VC2M9P01 assigning probabilities to compound events involving the random selection of people from a given population; for example, selecting 2 names at random
from all of the students at a high school and assigning the probability that they are both in Year 9
calculate relative frequencies from given understanding that relative frequencies from large data sets or long-run experiments can provide reliable measures of probability and can be used to
or collected data to estimate probabilities make predictions of decisions
of events involving ‘and’, inclusive ‘or’ using Venn diagrams or two-way tables to estimate frequencies of events involving ‘and’ and ‘or’ questions
and exclusive ‘or’
design and conduct repeated chance using digital tools to conduct probability simulations that demonstrate the relationship between the probability of compound events and the individual
experiments and simulations using digital probabilities
tools to estimate probabilities that cannot comparing experiments that differ only by being undertaken with replacement or without replacement
be determined exactly conducting two-step chance experiments using systematic methods to list outcomes of experiments and to list outcomes favourable to an event
VC2M9P03 using repeated trials of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games, for example, Gorri from all parts of Australia, to calculate the
probabilities of winning and not winning
Level 10
Level description
In Level 10, learning in Mathematics builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences and provides the basis for a sound background in number,
algebra, function, geometry and statistics. Students engage in a range of approaches to the learning and doing of mathematics that develop their
understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-solving and practice. Proficiency in
mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve
problems efficiently.
Students further develop proficiency and positive dispositions towards mathematics and its use as they:
investigate the accuracy of decimal approximations to irrational real numbers; and consider the accuracy of computation with real numbers in context and
the use of logarithmic scales to deal with phenomena involving small and large quantities and change
apply numerical, graphical and algebraic approaches to analyse the behaviour of linear equations, pairs of linear equations and linear inequalities in
2 variables
expand, factorise, simplify and substitute into a wide range of algebraic expressions, including linear, quadratic, and exponential terms and relations, as
well as simple algebraic fractions with numerical denominators
solve related equations, linear inequalities and simultaneous linear equations, with and without the use of digital tools
explore the connection between tabular, graphical and algebraic representations of non-linear relations, including circles with centres at any location in
the Cartesian plane
use mathematical modelling to solve problems in applied situations exhibiting growth or decay using linear, quadratic and exponential functions; and
solve related equations, numerically, graphically and algebraically, with the use of digital tools as applicable
solve measurement problems involving the surface area and volume of common objects, composite objects and irregular objects; use Pythagoras’
theorem and trigonometry of right-angled triangles to solve spatial problems in two- and three-dimensions; and manipulate images of their
representations using digital tools
apply geometric theorems to deduce results and solve problems involving plane shapes, and interpret networks and network diagrams in authentic
investigate conditional probability and its relation to dependent and independent events, including sampling with and without replacement; and devise
and use simulations to test intuitions involving chance events that may or may not be independent
compare different ways of representing the distribution of continuous data and interpret key features of the distribution; explore association between pairs
of variables, decide the form of representation, interpret the data with respect to the context and discuss possible conclusions; use scatterplots to
informally discuss and consider association between 2 numerical variables; and informally consider lines of good fit by eye, interpolation,
extrapolation and limitations.
Achievement standard
By the end of Level 10, students recognise the effect of approximations of real numbers in repeated calculations.
Students use mathematical modelling to solve problems involving growth and decay in financial and other applied situations, applying linear, quadratic and
exponential functions as appropriate, and solve related equations, numerically and graphically. They make and test conjectures involving functions and
relations using digital tools. Students substitute into formulas, find unknown values, manipulate linear and quadratic algebraic expressions, expand binomial
expressions and factorise monic and simple non-monic quadratic expressions, with and without the use of digital tools. They solve problems involving linear
equations and inequalities, quadratic equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations and related graphs, algebraically and graphically, with and without
the use of digital tools, and justify solutions. They represent linear, quadratic and exponential functions numerically, graphically and algebraically, and use
them to model situations and solve practical problems. Students can design and implement simple algorithms using pseudocode or other general purpose
programming language.
Students solve measurement problems involving surface area and volume of composite objects. They interpret and use logarithmic scales representing small
or large quantities or change in applied contexts. Students apply Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry to solve practical problems involving right-angled
triangles. They identify the impact of measurement errors on the accuracy of results. Students use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems
involving direct and inverse proportion and scaling, evaluating and modifying models, and reporting assumptions, methods and findings.
Students use deductive reasoning, theorems and algorithms to solve spatial problems. They interpret networks used to represent practical situations and
describe connectedness.
Students compare univariate data sets by referring to summary statistics and the shape of their displays. They plan and conduct statistical investigations
involving bivariate data, including where the independent variable is time. They represent the distribution of data involving 2 variables, using tables and
scatterplots, and comment on possible association. They analyse inferences and conclusions in the media, noting potential sources of bias. Students
compare the distribution of continuous numerical data, using various displays, and discuss distributions in terms of centre, spread, shape and outliers.
Students apply conditional probability to solve problems involving compound events. They design and conduct simulations involving conditional probability,
using digital tools.
Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
factorise algebraic expressions by taking using the distributive law and the exponent laws to factorise algebraic expressions
out a common algebraic factor understanding the relationship between factorisation and expansion
simplify algebraic products and quotients applying knowledge of exponent laws to algebraic terms, and simplifying algebraic expressions using both positive and negative integral indices
using exponent laws
apply the 4 operations to simple algebraic expressing the sum and difference of algebraic fractions with a common denominator
fractions with numerical or single variable using the exponent laws to simplify products and quotients of algebraic fractions
expand binomial products and factorise exploring the method of completing the square to factorise quadratic expressions and solve quadratic equations
monic quadratic expressions using a identifying and using common factors, including binomial expressions, to factorise algebraic expressions using the technique of grouping in pairs
variety of strategies using the identities for perfect squares and the difference of squares to factorise quadratic expressions
implement algorithms that use data using two-dimensional arrays such as matrices to represent and implement sequences of transformations of sets of points in the plane
structures using pseudocode or a general using pointers in algorithms
purpose programming language
solve problems involving linear equations, representing word problems with simple linear equations and solving them to answer questions
including those derived from formulas
solve linear inequalities and graph their representing word problems with simple linear inequalities and solving them to answer questions
solutions on a number line graphing regions corresponding to inequalities in the Cartesian plane (for example, graphing 2 x+3 y <24 ¿and verifying using a test point such as (0,
VC2M10A08 0)
solve simultaneous linear equations, investigating situations involving simultaneous linear equations in context (such as multiple quotes for a job, or profit and loss) and solving the equations
using algebraic and graphical techniques graphically, giving solutions in everyday language (such as ‘break-even point’ or ‘point to change providers’ for the job)
including using digital tools describing the solution of simultaneous equations within the context of the situation
VC2M10A09 using the algebraic methods of substitution and elimination, with and without the use of digital tools, and identifying which technique is the most efficient
for a given pair of equations
associating the solution of simultaneous equations with the coordinates of the intersection of their corresponding graphs
investigating the strategies inherent in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children’s instructive games, for example, Weme from the Warlpiri Peoples
of central Australia, and their connection to strategies to solve simultaneous linear equations in 2 variables
solve problems involving gradients of solving problems using the fact that parallel lines have the same gradient and conversely that if 2 lines have the same gradient then they are parallel
parallel and perpendicular lines solving problems using the fact that the product of the gradients of perpendicular lines is −1 and conversely that if the product of the gradients of 2 lines
VC2M10A10 is −1 then they are perpendicular
solve linear equations involving simple solving a wide range of linear equations, including those involving one or 2 simple algebraic fractions, and checking solutions by substitution
algebraic fractions representing word problems, including those involving fractions, as equations and solving them to answer the question
solve simple quadratic equations using a using techniques to solve quadratic equations, including grouping like terms, completing the square, the quadratic formula and null factor law, and
range of strategies, including null factor choosing 2 integers with the required product and sum
law using digital tools to explore the conditions for solutions to exist
VC2M10A13 using digital tools to explore both graphically and algebraically the link between the value of the discriminant and the number of real solutions to a
quadratic equation
solve simple exponential equations investigating exponential equations derived from authentic mathematical models based on population growth
VC2M10A14 recognising that in a table of values, if the ratio between consecutive values of the dependent variable is constant, then it is an exponential relation
investigating the links between algebraic and graphical representations of exponential functions using graphing software
using digital tools with symbolic manipulation functionality to systematically explore exponential relations
investigating Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ranger groups’ and other groups’ programs that attempt to eradicate feral animals for survival of
native animals on Country/Place, exploring the competition between feral and native animals and their impact on natural resources by formulating
exponential equations for population growth for each animal species
solve equations graphically or using refining intervals on graphs and/or in tables of values to determine with increasing accuracy when the values of 2 functions are approximately equal
systematic numerical guess-check-and- applying the graphing zoom functionality of digital tools and systematically refining intervals to identify approximate location of points of intersection of
refine with digital tools, with consideration the graphs of 2 functions, such as x 2=2 x
of whether all solutions have been found
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
solve problems involving the surface area determining the volumes and surface areas of composite solids, formed from a range of right prisms and cylinders, by considering the individual solids
and volume of composite objects using from which they are constructed
appropriate units estimating the surface area and volume of composite objects in practical contexts
VC2M10M01 using mathematical modelling to provide solutions to problems involving surface area and volume; for example, ascertaining the rainfall that can be
saved from a rooftop and the optimal shape and dimensions for rainwater storage based on where it will be located on a property, or determining
whether to hire extra freezer space for the amount of ice cream required at a fundraising event for the school or community
solve practical problems by applying applying right-angled trigonometry to solve navigation problems involving bearings; for example, determining the bearing and estimating the distance of
Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry to the final leg of an orienteering course
right-angled triangles, including problems applying Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry to problems in surveying and design, where three-dimensional problems are decomposed into two-
involving direction and angles of elevation dimensional problems; for example, investigating the dimensions of the smallest box needed to package an object of a particular length
and depression using a clinometer to measure angles of inclination, and applying trigonometry and proportional reasoning to determine the height of buildings in practical
VC2M10M03 contexts
applying Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry and using dynamic geometry software to design three-dimensional models of practical situations
involving angles of elevation and depression; for example, modelling a crime scene
exploring navigation, design of technologies or surveying by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, investigating geometric and
spatial reasoning and how these connect to trigonometry
use mathematical modelling to solve exploring contexts where measurement errors may impact research results and how measurement data impacted by error can result in biased findings
practical problems involving direct and using plans and elevation drawings to investigate making changes to building designs, employing appropriate scales and converting to actual
inverse proportion and scaling of objects; measurements within the context to make decisions about changes
formulate problems and interpret analysing and applying scale and ratios in situations such as production prototypes and 3D printing; for example, using a 3D printer to produce scaled
solutions in terms of the situation, versions of actual objects
including the impact of measurement estimating the scale of an object by measuring a linear dimension and using typical life-size dimensions to determine the scale factor; for example,
errors on the accuracy of results; measuring the dimensions of a toy car to determine a scale that can be used to estimate the dimensions of a life-size car
evaluate and modify models as investigating compliance with building codes and standards in design and construction, such as for escalators in shopping centres
necessary, and report assumptions,
methods and findings
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
apply deductive reasoning to formulate distinguishing between a practical demonstration and a proof; for example, demonstrating that triangles are congruent by placing them on top of each
proofs involving shapes in the plane and other, as compared to using congruence tests to establish that triangles are congruent
use theorems to solve spatial problems developing proofs involving congruent triangles and angle properties, communicating the proof using a sequence of logically connected statements
VC2M10SP01 applying an understanding of relationships to deduce properties of geometric figures; for example, the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal
investigating proofs of geometric theorems and using them to solve spatial problems, for example, applying logical reasoning and similarity to proofs and
numerical exercises involving plane shapes, and using visual proofs to justify solutions
using dynamic geometry software to find the quadrilateral that has a vertex on each side of a rectangle and has the shortest possible path, and proving
that the path forms a parallelogram
interpret networks and network diagrams investigating how networks and network diagrams can be used to model authentic situations, recognising what real-world quantity is represented by the
used to represent relationships in nodes (vertices), and what real-world quantity is represented by the links between them (edges)
practical situations and describe investigating the use of graphs to represent a network, for example, investigating the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem
connectedness investigating how polyhedrons may be represented as a network using edges, vertices, and interior and exterior faces; and representing the number of
VC2M10SP02 edges, vertices and faces in a table, exploring and demonstrating how Euler’s formula F + V = E + 2 applies
investigating how a social network, intranet, local area network (LAN), electrical wiring or wireless network of a home can be represented as a network
diagram to specify relationships; for example, using network diagrams to investigate practical problems involving connections, power overload or the
need for routers
investigating the use of networks to represent authentic situations, for example, rail or air travel between or within London, Paris and Hong Kong; a food
web representing a simple ecosystem; metabolic networks and other chemical or biological structures
representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ kinship systems using network diagrams and exploring the significance of relationships to
Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
compare data distributions for continuous finding the five-number summary (minimum and maximum values, median and upper and lower quartiles) and using its graphical representation, the
numerical variables using quartiles and boxplot, as tools for both numerically and visually comparing the centre and spread of data sets
interquartile range and appropriate data exploring the effect of varying data values, including outliers, on the interquartile range for different sets of data
displays including boxplots, histograms constructing and interpreting boxplots and using them to compare data sets, understanding that boxplots are an efficient and common way of
and dot plots; discuss the shapes of representing and summarising data and can facilitate comparisons between data sets
these distributions in terms of centre, comparing shapes of distributions using boxplots, histograms, cumulative frequency graphs and dot plots, discussing symmetry, skew and modality
spread, shape and outliers in the context using digital tools to compare boxplots and histograms as displays of the same data in the light of the statistical questions being addressed and the
of the data effectiveness of the display in helping to answer the question
VC2M10ST01 comparing the information that can be extracted and the stories that can be told about continuous and discrete numerical data sets that have been
displayed in different ways, including histograms, dot plots, boxplots and cumulative frequency graphs
construct scatterplots and consider a line discussing the difference between association and cause and effect, and relating this to situations such as health, diversity of species and climate
of good fit; comment on the association using statistical evidence to make, justify and critique claims about association between variables, such as in contexts of climate
between the 2 numerical variables in change, migration, online shopping and social media
terms of strength, direction and linearity informally using a line of good fit by eye and using digital tools to compare and discuss the reliability of any predictions
VC2M10ST02 investigating the relationship between 2 variables of spearthrowers used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples by using data to construct
scatterplots, make comparisons and draw conclusions
construct two-way tables and discuss using two-way tables to investigate and comparing the survey responses to questions involving five-point Likert scale against 2 different categories of
possible relationship between categorical respondents, for example, junior students’ responses compared to senior students’ responses to a survey question
variables recording data in two-way tables and using percentages and proportions to identify patterns and associations in the data
VC2M10ST03 conducting a litter survey around the school, considering the relationship between different categorical variables such as the day of the week (as canteen
specials might lead to different types of litter) or the weather (due to hot days leading to more icy poles and cold drinks being sold)
plan and conduct statistical investigations designing statistical investigations that collect bivariate data over time through observation, experiment or measurement; graphing, interpreting and
of situations that involve bivariate data, analysing data; and reporting within the context of the statistical investigation question
including where the independent variable investigating and comparing anecdotal claims with data collected from well-constructed surveys, including those concerning climate, housing affordability
is time; evaluate and report findings with and natural resources, with consideration of data validity and limitations of interpolation or extrapolation
consideration of limitations of any using a statistical investigation to address the question ‘Is there a relationship between vaccines and immunity from a virus?’
inferences investigating biodiversity changes in Australia before and after colonisation by comparing related bivariate numerical data, discussing and reporting on
VC2M10ST05 associations
Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
use the language of ‘if … then …’, ‘given’, using two-way tables and Venn diagrams to understand conditional statements using the language of ‘if … then …’, ‘given’, ‘of’ and ‘knowing that’ and
‘of’ and ‘knowing that’ to investigate identifying common mistakes in interpreting such language
conditional statements and identify using arrays and tree diagrams to represent, interpret and compare probabilities of dependent and independent events
common mistakes in interpreting such using samples of different sizes with and without replacement from a population to identify when the difference in methods becomes negligible
language, and describe and interpret using simulations to gather data on frequencies for situations involving chance that appear to be counterintuitive, such as the three-door problem or the
situations involving conditional birthday problem
probability; design and conduct identifying situations in real life where probability simulations are used for decision-making, such as supply and demand of product, insurance risk and
simulations using digital tools to model queueing
conditional probability and interpret using simulation to predict the number of people likely to be infected with a strain of flu or virus
describe the results of two- and three- recognising that a subsequent event can be dependent, and that this will affect the way its probability is calculated, for example, cards chosen from a
step chance experiments, both with and standard deck without replacement, conditional selection problems from a fixed sample size, or the Bertrand’s box paradox
without replacements, assign probabilities
to outcomes and determine probabilities
of events; investigate the concept of
Level 10A
Level description
Level 10A provides optional, additional content to extend students in their mathematical studies in number, algebra, function, geometry, probability and
Level 10A does not include an achievement standard and does not require reporting.
Students may extend their studies in the Number and Algebra strands to investigate the structure and properties of number systems, with further algebraic
and graphical analysis of higher-order polynomials, and relations such as circles, hyperbolas and other inequalities. They could extend the study of
trigonometry to include an introduction to simple equations and graphs of circular functions, and extend the study of exponents and exponential functions to
logarithm laws, including an introduction to logarithmic functions. Students could extend their study of graphing to explore the limiting value of rates of change.
Students could extend their studies in Measurement and Space to proving a broader range of geometric propositions solving trigonometric problems in non-
right-angled triangles, or solving three-dimensional problems involving surface area and volume of cones, spheres and composite shapes.
Students could extend their studies in Statistics and Probability to explore the concepts of conditionality, dependence and independence in depth, or consider
how various measures of location and spread can be used to describe the distribution of a data set, and investigate how robust these are with respect to
variation in the data, in particular with respect to measurement error. They could explore factorials and how these may facilitate efficient counting in
multiplicative and probabilistic contexts.
( )
m 1 m 1
perform operations on numbers involving
√ 3 2 2 √
exploring the notion that a n = a n =( n 2a )m= n a m=( am ) n , where
m is a non-zero integer and n is a natural number, and evaluating
fractional exponents and surds corresponding expressions; for example, 8 3 = ( √ 8 ) =2 =4∧8 3 = 82=√3
√ 3
use the definition of a logarithm to investigating the relationship between exponential and logarithmic expressions
establish and apply the laws of logarithms simplifying expressions using the logarithm laws
and investigate logarithmic scales in investigating the use of logarithmic scales to represent very small and very large quantities
Strand: Algebra
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
investigate the concept of a polynomial investigating the relationship between algebraic long division and the factor and remainder theorems
and apply the factor and remainder
theorems to solve problems
devise and use algorithms and applying a systematic guess-check-and-refine algorithm to identify an approximate value for the root of an equation in an interval
simulations to solve mathematical developing simulations for counterintuitive problems in probability such as the Monty Hall problem or derangements
describe, interpret, and sketch parabolas, applying transformations, including translations, reflections in the axes and stretches to help graph parabolas, rectangular hyperbolas, circles and
hyperbolas, circles and exponential exponential functions
functions and their transformations
apply understanding of polynomials to investigating the features of graphs of polynomials including axes intercepts and the effect of repeated factors
sketch a range of curves and describe
the features of these curves from their
factorise monic and non-monic quadratic writing quadratic equations that represent practical problems
expressions and solve a wide range of
quadratic equations derived from a
variety of contexts
use function notation to describe the identifying independent and dependent variables in modelling contexts and represent the relation between them using tables, graphs and rules
relationship between dependent and using technology to draw graphs of functions defined using function notation with consideration of domain and range
independent variables in modelling
experiment with functions and relations applying a bisection algorithm to determine the approximate location of the horizontal axis intercepts of the graph of a quadratic function such as
using digital tools, making and testing f ( x )=2 x −3 x−7
conjectures and generalising emerging applying transformations to the graph of x 2+ y 2=1
patterns identifying the coordinates of any points of intersection of the graph of a linear function with the graph of a quadratic function or a circle
VC2M10AA10 identifying intervals on the real number line over which a given quadratic function is positive or negative
using a table of values to determine when an exponential growth or decay function exceeds or falls below a given value, such as monitoring the trend in
value of a share price in a context of exponential growth or decay
Strand: Measurement
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
solve problems involving surface area using formulas to solve problems
and volume of right pyramids, right using authentic situations to apply knowledge and understanding of surface area and volume
cones, spheres and related composite
explore the effect of increasingly small using the gradient of the line segment between 2 distinct points as a measure of rate of change to obtain numerical approximations to instantaneous
changes in the value of variables on the speed and interpreting ‘tell me a story’ piecewise linear position-time graphs
average rate of change and in relation to
limiting values
Strand: Space
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
prove and apply relationships between identifying and proving relationships, for example, angles between tangents and chords, angles subtended by a chord with respect to the centre of a
angles and various lines associated with circle and angles subtended by a chord with respect to a point on the circumference of a circle, including using dynamic geometry software
circles (radii, diameters, chords, exploring how deductive reasoning and diagrams are used in proving geometric theorems related to circles
establish the sine, cosine and area rules applying knowledge of sine, cosine and area rules to authentic problems such as those involving surveying and design
for any triangle and solve related
use the unit circle to define the simple establishing the symmetrical properties of trigonometric functions
trigonometric functions of y=sin(x) , investigating angles of any magnitude
y=cos ( x ) and y=tan(x ) as understanding that trigonometric functions are periodic and that this can be used to describe motion
functions of a real variable, and graph identifying points on the unit circle via arc lengths in radians, which correspond to specified values of the circular functions sine, cosine and tangent
them with and without the use of digital
solve simple trigonometric equations using periodicity and symmetry to solve equations
apply Pythagoras’ theorem and investigating the applications of Pythagoras’ theorem in authentic problems
trigonometry to solving three-dimensional
problems in right-angled triangles
Strand: Statistics
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
calculate and interpret the mean and using the standard deviation to describe the spread of a set of data
standard deviation of data and use these using the mean and standard deviation to compare numerical data sets
to compare data sets; investigate the constructing distributions for the mean and standard deviation of simple random samples from a population
effect of individual data values, including
outliers, on the standard deviation
identify measures of spread, and comparing the use of quantiles, percentiles, and cumulative frequency to analyse the distribution of data
understand their interpretation and comparing measures of spread for different data distributions, such as mean or median absolute deviations with standard deviations, and exploring the
usefulness with respect to different data effect of outliers
Strand: Probability
Content descriptions Elaborations
Students learn to: This may involve students:
explore counting principles, and factorial applying the multiplication principle to problems involving combinations including probabilities relating to sampling with and without replacement, and
notation as a representation that provides representing these using tree diagrams
efficient counting in multiplicative understanding that a set with n elements has 2n different subsets formed by considering each element for inclusion or not in combination, and that these
contexts, including calculations of can be systematically listed using a tree diagram or a table; for example, the set {a , b , c } has 23=8subsets which are {
probabilities ∅ , { a } , { b } , { c } , {a ,b } , {a ,c } , { b , c } , {a ,b ,c } }.
VC2M10AP01 using the definition of n ! to represent and calculate in contexts that involve choices from a set; for example, how many different combinations of 3
playing cards from a pack? How many if the suits are ignored? How many with and without replacement?
performing calculations on numbers expressed in factorial form, such as to evaluate the number of possible arrangements of n objects in a row, r of
which are identical; for example, 5 objects, 3 of which are identical, can be arranged in a row in
5! 5 × 4 × 3× 2× 1
= =¿20 different ways
3! 3 ×2 ×1
investigate reports of studies in digital evaluating the appropriateness of sampling methods in reports where statements about a population are based on a sample
media and elsewhere for information on evaluating whether graphs in a report could mislead, and whether graphs and numerical information support the claims made
their planning and implementation