Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
The most standard example of a info model is:- relational model, which uses a table-
based format.
Data models outline however data is connected to every alternative and
how they're processed and stored inside the system.
Anything regarding that information are collected/stored.
An entity is associate degree object that exists and is distinguishable
from different objects.
Example: specific person, company, event, plant
An entity set could be a set of entities of the same type that share the
same properties.
Example: set of all persons, companies, trees, holidays
Data Model Basic Building Blocks
Characteristic of an entity
Describes an association among entities
One-to-one (1:1) relationship (1 student enroll for one course)
One-to-many (1:M) relationship (1 company many departments)
Many-to-one (M:1) relationship (Many seller 1 product)
Many-to-many (M:N or M:M) relationship (many books many authors)
A restriction placed on the data
Importance of Data Models
◼ Data models
When a one instance of an entity is associated with more than one instances of
another entity then it is called one to many relationship. For eg:- a customer can
place many orders but a order cannot be placed by many customers.
• A hierarchical database model is a data model in that the data are organized
into a tree-like structure. ... The hierarchical database model mandates that
each child record has only 1 parent, whereas every parent record can have
one or a lot of child records.
•Data anomalies.
•People need training if they want to use
the system effectively and efficiently.