Test No.26
Test No.26
Test No.26
Superb in Education
1. A vehicle is moving with a uniform velocity on a smoothhorizontal road, then
power delivered by its engine must be_______
(a) uniform (b) increasing (c) decreasing (d) zero
2. In the phenomenon of work done by variable forces, the forces
(a) Increasing (b) decreasing
(C) remains constant (d) do not remain constant
3. Under the action of variable force, at any instant the displacement is
(a) Assumed to be infinitesimally small so that force is assumed to be constant
(b) Constant whatever the magnitude of force
(c) Half the mgintude of force
(d) Assumed to be infinitesimally small so that the force is assumed to be perpendicular
to the displacement
4. A 600N car has a constant power of 12000W is moving up on a ramp which is 6m
long and 3m high. If force of friction is 200N find the maximum speed of car on
ramp __
(a) 30 m/s (b) 20 m/s (c) 15 m/s (d) 10 m/s
5. The engine of a vehicle delivers constant power. If the vehicleis moving up the
inclined plane then, its velocity.
(a) must remain constant (b) must increase
(c) must decrease (d) may increase, decrease or remain same.
6. If two persons A and B take 2 seconds and 4 secondsrespectively to lift an object
to the same height h, then theratio of their powers is
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 2 : 1 (d) l : 3
7. If a machine gun fires n bullets per second each with kineticenergy K, then the
power of the machine gun is
(a) nK2 (b)K/n (c) n2K (d) nK
8. Johnny and his sister Jane race up a hill. Johnny weighstwice as much as jane
and takes twice as long as jane toreach the top . Compared to Jane
(a) Johnny did more work and delivered more power.
(b) Johnny did more work and delivered the same amountof power.
(c) Johnny did more work and delivered less power
(d) Johnny did less work and johnny delivered less power.
9. A body initially at rest undergoes one dimensional motion with
constantacceleration. The power delivered to it at time t is proportional to
(A) t1/2 (B) t (C) t3/2 (D) t2
10. An electric motor develops 5kW of power. How much time will it take to lifta water
of mass 100 kg to a height of 20 m ? ( g = 10 m/s2 )
(A) 4 sec (B) 5 sec (C) 8 sec (D) 10 sec
11. 1 kg apple gives 25 KJ energy to a monkey. How much height he can climb
byusing this energy if his efficiency is 40%. (mass of monkey = 25 kg and g =
(A) 20m (B) 4m (C) 30m (D) 40m
12. A body of mas m is accelerated uniformly from rest to a speed v in a time T. the
instantaneous power delivered to the body as a function time is given by [NUMS]
2 2 2 2
mv mv 2 mv mv 2
A. 2 t B. 2 t C. 2 t D 2 .t
T T 2T 2T
13. A body is moved along a straight line by a machine delivering a constant power.
The distance moved by the body in time t is proportional to [NUMS]
A. 𝑡3/ 2 B. t3/2 C. 𝑡1 /4 D. 𝑡1 /2
14. How much water a pump of 2kw can raise in one minute to a height of 10 m, (Take
g =10m/s2) [NUMS]
a. 1000 liters b. 1200 liters c. 100 liters d. 2000 liters