Balance: Financial Accounting
Balance: Financial Accounting
Balance: Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
4. Whenall the diferences are adjusted, the balance must be the
per the other book. If cash book balance was the starting balance h balance as
final balance must be the balance as per the pass book and vice versa
Proforma ofa bank reconciliation statement
The following statements indicate the effect of each difference' on cask
book balance or pass book balance.
L Ifwe take cash book balance or overdraft as per pass book as the starting
Bank Reconciliation Statement as on ....
Rs. Rs.
Balance as per cash book
or overdraft as per pass book
Add: ) Cheques issued / drawn but not presented XX
() Direct deposit made by customers into bank X0X
not recorded in cash book
(üi) Dividend or other incomes collected by the bank
not recorded in cash book
(iv) Interest credited by the bank but not debited in
cash book
Balance as per cash book or
as per pass
BankReconciliation Statement 6.7
L. Reconciliation from
favourable cash book balance
llustration l
From the under-mentioned particulars of Mr. M. Mohan prepare a Bank
Reconciliation Statement as on 31 st July 1994.
(6) Cheques paid into Bank on the 28th July 1994 but credited to
Mohan's account in the first week of August 1994.
K. Kalyan Rs. 1,000; J. Joy Rs. 800; R. Raghul Rs. 1,200.
() The following cheques were issued by Mohan on 30th July 1994
but presented to bank for payment after the close of the year.
D. David Rs. 1,200; H. Hari Rs. 1,000; L. Lal Rs. 800.
(iü) Acheque for Rs. 300 was credited direct to the account and was
not passed through the cash book.
(iv) The bank balance as per cash book on 31st July 1994 amounted
to Rs. 30,000.
[C.U. B.Com]
Bank Reconciliation Statement of M. Mohan as on 31st July 1994
Rs. Rs.
Bank Balance as per cash book 30,000
Add: i) Cheques issued but not presented for payment
D. David Rs. 1,200
H. Hari Rs. 1,000
L. Lal Rs. 800 3,000
(ii) Cheque credited direct to the account
but not passed through the cash book 300 3,300
Less: Cheques paid into bank but not credited
in the pass book
K. Kalyan Rs. 1,000
J. Joy Rs. 800
R. Raghul Rs. 1,200 3,000 3,000
Bank balance as per pass book 30,300
II. Reconciliation from favourable pass book
Illustration 2 balance
From the following particulars,
31st December 1992 to find out theDrepare
a bank reconciliation statement as at
balance as per cash book of Ms. Akila.
0) The following cheques were paid into bank in December 1992
but were credited by the bank in January
Maninder-Rs. 1,400; Kalyani-Rs. 1,600: Rajesh- Rs. 1,200.
) ) The following cheques were issued in December 1992 but
presented for payment in January 1993. were
Financial Accounting
Shalini -Rs. 1,000; Bhagat Rs. 900
(iü) The following charges were made by the bank which were not
recorded in the cash book.
Incidental charges for the half year ended 31-12-1992 Rs. 40
Collection charges for outstanding cheques Rs. 30
(iv) The following payments made by the bank direct as per standing
instructions were not entered in the cash book.
Insurance premium - Rs. 700; Subscription for commerce - Rs. I50
A cheque for Rs. 1,000 which was received from a customer was
entered in the bank column of cash book in December 1992 but
was omitted to be banked in December 1992.
(vi) A bill for Rs.2,000 was retired by the bank under rebate of Rs. 40
but the full amount of the bill was credited in bank column of the
cash book.
The bank balance as per pass book was Rs. 31,600 on 3 1st December 1992.
Books of Ms. Akila