Reading Techniques
Reading Techniques
Reading Techniques
Department: LBS
Reading Techniques
Skimming is a method of rapid reading which helps you understand the overall
theme or general meaning of the text.
How to Skim?
The first step of skimming is to identify the central idea. Every essay,
article, passage or textbook chapter deals with a theme or central idea:
All the other ideas, points, examples, illustrations in the text support
and expand this central. idea. This central idea is also called thesis.
The thesis answers the following three questions:
Skimming means allowing your eyes to move rapidly across the text, ignoring
minor details such as punctuation etc., but letting your eyes focus on larger words
and phrases which are related to the theme of the text. Skimming is a fast reading
technique that helps readers to identify the main ideas of a text quickly. People
skim when they have lots of material to read in a limited time. Skimming is done
at a fast speed with less than normal comprehension, you should not skim all the
time. There are many times, however, when skimming is very useful. When you
read the newspaper, you are probably not reading it word-by-word, you are
actually skimming. Skimming technique is used to obtain the gist or the overall
sense of a text. So skimming is a reading technique that can help you to:-
Read more quickly to obtain the gist or general idea of a text.
Decide if the text is interesting and whether you should read it in more
Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts.
This step is about preparing questions that you will find answers to in the material
as you read.
You can easily create questions from headings and subheadings. For example, if a
heading in a chapter is “Drinking alcohol before a workout,” you can ask yourself
a question like “does drinking alcohol before a workout have any adverse
Creating questions automatically gives you a purpose as you read. It’ll then make
you pay more attention to what you read.
Reading as the third step of the SQ3R model is more productive than reading the
material straight-up. This is because you’ll already have an idea of the material
and questions in mind that you seek answers to.
To help you in this step, make notes as you read. Also, after reading a section,
highlight the most important points.
This is where you answer the questions that you’d created before starting to read.
Reciting aids comprehension as you digest what you’d read, make sense of it, and
get answers to your questions.
This is simply making mental notes of what you’d read to see how much of it you
remember. Thus, this step is all about retention.
We now accept that grammar i not restricted to writing but is present in speech
This can lead to assumptions that there is one kind of grammar for writing and
once for speech.
Result show the same system is valid for both writing and speech.
To brainstorm, start with a word or phrase or the topic of your essay. While
brainstorming, write down all the ideas that come to mind about the topic.
For example, if you are asked to write an essay on cellular service providers your
ideas could be:
• Users switching
• Affordability
Now you can further develop these points according to the main idea of your
Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a tool for generating ideas and creating links between
them. To use this technique, write the topic in the middle of a paper.
Then draw a circle around it. Now draw lines from the circle and write
your ideas. 'When you have finished writing ideas and establishing
connections between them. look at the map once again to create new
links between ideas.
Making a List
Before starting to write your essay. develop an outline for your essay. A well
developed outline helps you 10 keep your writing focused and organized. It also
helps you to separate your main idea from the supporting details.
In an outline you do not write complete sentences. You only write phrases or
words to determine the structure of the essay.
Let us choose a point from the brainstorming example given above to develop
into an essay. We will first write our thesis statement:
Two key reasons for the popularity of mobile phones in Pakistan are easy access
and convenience
To build the above thesis statement, the following outline is developed
Thesis statement
a) Popularity of mobile phones across the country
1. Data from PTCL and cellular service providers
Supporting details
b) Reasons for popularity
1. Easy access
2. . Convenience
2. Easy access
A) What is meant by it?
B)Two examples to illustrate the point
3. Convenience "
a) What is meant by it?-
b) Two examples to illustrate the point
4. Conclusion
a) Popularity of cell phones throughout the country due to easy access and
b) Implications for other services and technologies