Admision Lettermypdf - Compressed
Admision Lettermypdf - Compressed
Admision Lettermypdf - Compressed
Following your application for undergraduate studies, I am pleased to inform you that you have been offered admission to Laikipia
University as a Government Sponsored Student for a Regular Degree Course in Bachelor of Education (Science) in the School of
The programme is designed to take four academic years consisting of two semesters each and one session on Field
Attachment/Teaching Practice. This programme will be offered at Laikipia University Main Campus. You will be required to report to
the University for registration and commencement of first year semester studies of 2021/2022 academic year on 18th October, 2021.
Your registration as a student of Laikipia University shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Abide by the rules and regulations of Laikipia University as stipulated in the student Handbook.
2. Payment of all the fees and charges as per the fees structure given overleaf. Fees for subsequent semesters must always be
paid on time.
3. Verification of your qualifications by the University. You must present the ORIGINALS and COPIES of the following docu-
ments on the day of reporting:
a. KCSE Results Slip or Certificate,
b. School Leaving Certificate,
c. National ID or Birth Certificate.
i. Any incorrect or forged document(s) shall result in disqualification for registration.
ii. The names that will be captured during registration shall remain valid and will be the same names on your gradua-
tion and academic documents.
4. Submission of duly completed Forms will be as follows:
a. Personal Details (LU/RAA/F06)
b. Acceptance of Offer (LU/RAA/F07-1A)
c. Deferment of Study (LU/RAA/F07-1B)
d. Decline of Offer (LU/RAA/F07-2)
e. Medical Biodata Examination (LU/RAA/F08)
f. Insurance/Medical Consent (LU/RAA/F09)
g. Student’s Bond of Good Conduct (LU/RAA/F20)
5. If for any reason;
a. You wish to defer this offer to the next Academic year, kindly complete Form LU/RAA/F07-1B and return it to the Registrar
(Academic Affairs) Laikipia University, P.O. Box 1100-20300, NYAHURURU.
b. If you are unable to accept this offer for any reason, kindly complete Form LU/RAA/F07-2 and return it to the Registrar (Ac-
ademic Affairs) Laikipia University, P.O. Box 1100-20300, NYAHURURU.
6. For financial support and assistance, apply to the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) at . You will also be
required to make your own arrangements during the year to meet the cost of food, books/stationery and other personal expenses.
Please note that the University accommodates some students in its hostels at a cost. However, for those who are unable to secure ac-
commodation on Campus, there are several university approved hostels available within neighborhood.
7. On behalf of the Vice Chancellor, I look forward to welcoming you to Laikipia University and wish you the best in your studies.
Yours sincerely,
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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and consultancy
Laikipia University is Certified to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013
P.O. Box 1100-20300, TEL:+254-(0 )20-2671779, 20-2671771,
0729285902, 0729281902
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Vision: A University for Valued Transformation of Society
Mission: To serve students and society through research, education, scholarship, training, innovation, outreach and consultancy
Laikipia University is Certified to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013